Spring Registration Limited

Spring Outdoor Rec Registration

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Board Minutes/Notes Archive - MY2019

June 2020


PRESENT: Elaine Markley, Luke Cotton, Mary Cotton, Duston Denver, John Williams, Brad Whitcomb, Nicole Chapman, Juan Fernandez, John Sweet, Toby Westberry, Leanne Henriques, Andy Ungerer, Chris Jordan, Catalina Segura

MINUTES FROM MAY 21, 2020 MEETING: Thank you to Mary Cotton who graciously took minutes for Elaine again while her hands were still recovering from Shingles. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Toby that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously,

ACCOUNT SIGNERS: Due to the change in Area Director roles, Robert (Gibby) Reynolds name should be removed from the Willamette Valley Bank and replaced by Duston Denver, the new Area Director effective immediately. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Mary that this action happen. Motion carried unanimously. Duston will need to stop by Willamette Valley Bank in Albany and sign any necessary signature cards.

AYSO STANDARD POLICIES AND PROTOCOLS: There were very few changes from last membership year to MY2020-21. We have now included the Area in the language for playing found on Addendum B #6: 13U-19U teams can play against other teams in Area 2/S Core.
Addendum B #5 was also edited to reflect the division change at the highest level: 16/19U includes 15U, 16U, 17U, 18U, & 19U.
All birth years were updated in each division guideline to match the membership year. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Mary that the Region 149 Standard Policies and Protocols be approved for submission to National AYSO. Motion carried unanimously.

Volunteer online trainings in the works to match with various legal requirements. The new program is SafeSport and will not overlap with information found in Safe Haven. More information to follow as the programs are further developed.

TEAM FORMATION: At the time of the meeting there are only 372 registered players for the fall. This is about 1/3 of what we would normally have registered by this time. Many parents are in the "wait and see what is going to happen" mode and have not signed up. We expect a large number to register in August which will impact the team formation. The focus in formation of teams will be around the zones and schools. If the numbers are low at a particular location, we can combine teams. Team formation volunteers will look for volunteers first to see how many teams can be filled. The chart indicates how many players are currently registered as a member. The remainder of the player fee will be determined in August. We are definitely going to use pinnies in the fall and order team uniforms for the spring portion of the season because of the lack of information of how many players we will actually have.

Fall Registration Numbers
05UC Core 2016 Coed 11
06UB Core 2015 Boys 16
06UG Core 2015 Girls 7
07UB Core 2014 Boys 25
07UG Core 2014 Girls 15
09UB Core 2013-2012 Boys 56
09UG Core 2013-2012 Girls 27
11UB Core 2011-2010 Boys 43
11UG Core 2011-2010 Girls 33
13UB Core 2009-2008 Boys 45
13UG Core 2009-2008 Girls 33
15UB Core 2007-2006 Boys 31
15UG Core 2007-2006 Girls 19
2020-Fall - Core High School Program 6
2021-Spring - Core High School Program 5
Grand Total 372

SUMMER CAMPS: The Corvallis School District has closed all sports fields until July 1 and will evaluate the opening of the fields at that time. The June 22-26 camp which will limit enrollment to 30 players, will be held at Ashbrook. Thanks to Nicole for doing investigation of possible locations for the June camp. The cost of the rental for the fields at Ashbrook is $600 for the five day camp. In addition, we will have to order a port-a-pot for $138 for the week. The ratio of player/coach will be 9:1. The groups will not gather as a large group and keep their distance throughout the camp. There is still a need to find housing for some of the camp coaches. Luke is working on trying to find enough housing. People are reluctant to open their homes due to the pandemic. Two Town Cider is donating the spray to clean the port-a-pots, hand sanitizer for camp and the core season and Bruce Cotton along with Luke have created a handwashing station for the camps that taps into running water source. The camp coaches will be responsible for spraying down the port-a-pot throughout the day and also disinfect the soccer balls throughout the camp. UK will provide masks for any player who comes to camp without one. All UK coaches will be wearing a mask.

PORT-A POTS: Luke is wondering if Best Pots sells units and if we could buy one (or more depending on the price) and have them delivered to the field and then pay for the cleaning service each week during the season. If this is a cost savings, we will consider this option. Elaine will contact Teal at Best Pots and see what they say.

Nicole is planning to run mini camps if there are fields available. She is planning to start signups in July, will look to have training sessions each week, no firm format decided yet, will look to signups for the format chosen. Players NOT in AYSO can attend these mini camps and hopefully that will create an interest in signing up for the fall season. Luke requested that Duston sent him the link for forms used by AYSO United for the waiver form for the non-members. At this time, there is no COVID-19 waiver that must be signed by players and/or volunteers. More information is found on these links:

John Williams has been getting a lot of questions about EXTRA and any summer workouts but does not have the answers. If we were to run mini camps at Philomath fields, they have closed the restrooms so we would have to rent port-a-pots. Perhaps this will change July 1st.

EQUIPMENT INVENTORY UPDATE: Luke sorted and counted what we have for equipment. Thanks Nicole for helping wash the pinnies that were turned in by coaches. Since we are going to issue a pinnie for the fall uniform, Luke has found a reversible pinnie that is marked with AYSO logo that comes in a black/red reversible. They are $10 per pinnie. He would like to order about 100 to help fill in what we currently have. The pinnies would be returned so this is a long term investment. Players would be charged for the pinnie if it is not returned to their coach. The equipment summary is as follows:
Cones: 4,245
Size 3: 368 | Size 4: 487 | Size 5: 333
New Ball Bags: 107 | Used Ball Bags: 38
Adult Pinnies | Orange: 81 | Green: 86 | Red: 92 | Blue: 111
Youth Pinnies | Orange: 23 | Green: 3 | Red: 99 | Blue: 33
(we have additional reds (~40) but they are a variety of types)

SUMMER ROOF PROJECT: Mary is going to lead the project to see if we can replace the roof on the referee equipment shed. Toby will contact two AYSO parents who are in the construction or roofing business to ask for advice and perhaps have a source to get donated materials. Toby, Brad and Elaine will help when the time comes to do the work. If the volunteers in the business can provide a truck to haul the old roof supplies away, great! If not, Elaine will contact the school district for permission to use the big brown dumpster and we will haul old materials to the dumpster.

USE OF FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the First Christian Church is willing to open their sanctuary for meetings and trainings for better social distancing than the meeting room we have been given permission to use. We will see where we are going with the State guidelines to determine the needs for meeting areas. We are likely to continue our Board meetings online for a little longer.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be July 16 at 7:15pm with a GoToMeeting format.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

May 2020


PRESENT: Luke Cotton, Brad Whitcomb, Chris Jordan, Duston Denver (Area Mgmt), Elaine Markley Hannah Stevens, John Williams, John Sweet, Mary Cotton, Nicole Chapman, Andy Ungerer, Dan Herford, Leanne Henriques(Area), Sarah Child, Vince Waterhaus,

Next Board meeting June 18, 2020 using this same online method. Watch for a new link.

1. Fall Advertising
2. Fall Uniform
3. Fall Team Formation - Tabled
4. Soccer Equipment 2 Schools – Tabled – see email included below.
5. 2020-2021 Budget
6. Adult League Update
7. Summer Camp Update
8. Summer Skill Sessions Idea
9. Summer Kickball Tournament Idea

Minutes for April 16 were approved unanimously. Moved by Elaine and 2nd by Brad.

Fall Advertising:
Elaine is sending a flyer in English & Spanish to the schools. It was slightly changed for Fall Registration. They were submitted to the school district. Andy is the contact name and has not received any communication. They did confirm they are including it. Should be sent out tomorrow in the Friday email sending people to the website for community flyers. Elaine will also send it to the radio and the paper's Sports Editor.

Yard Signs – All please put those out! They will be in the brown shed. Please pick them up. Be sure to check with the location before you place them.

Our numbers for registration are down, but we're not sure how to increase that. With no physical location and a deadline the end of June, the numbers might be impacted. Luke will send some targeted emails. A mass email to open registration was sent last Saturday. He will put together an email each weekend to let them know what is going on and to remind about registration for the next 2-3 weeks.

What about flyers? Could we put them at the lunch drop-off site? Because people are not getting out of the cars, it will probably not work. There might not be any place to really leave flyers there or other places since people are not gathering.

Fall Uniform:
Survey Results were displayed in a spreadsheet.
95 Answered. Responses available were 1-4. 3 being "somewhat like"
"What do you think of the reversible shirts?" 2.9 average answer. Not a strong direction either way on any of the responses.

Choices Discussed were:
1) reversible jersey kit;
2) two jerseys blue & red kit;
3) permanent jerseys kit as we do now, many colors;
4) two pinnies and socks;
5) combination of the above.

Concern that some people are very strong about not using 2nd hand clothes. Based on experience, the used jerseys get beat up. Not a lot of support for re-using them with different families the next year. They would stay within the same family.

The main goals were discussed. See pros and cons in Supporting Documents section below copied from email sent out before the meeting. There are issues every year to get enough colors. We almost always end up with color conflicts, especially in 9U where there are 14+ teams.

What is AYSO National pushing?
Soccer.com and AYSO National is pushing that the parents order the uniform kits themselves. When they do registration, they get a link to a standard uniform. They all get a red and a blue, shorts and socks. Not reversible. Must bring both colors to each game.

Removes incentive of getting uniforms in exchange for team volunteer completion. Kids won't be excited about the two colors and might not wear the plain colors as much around town. They have a feeling of belonging with the team as they see others around town with the same jersey and connect. They are excited to be a part of something.

Another option from Score and soccer.com is that we order a ton of the uniform sets ourselves and then we sell them directly. Eliminate the shipping, and late parents that don't/can't get it done on time. We are under contract with Score to use them until the end of 2020. We can't actually do the Soccer.com kit for Fall. Not sure about shipping costs. Duston thinks it might be free if you have the lowest level shipping choice.

Other issues:
There are environmental issues and costs. If we go with these two colors, it adds value for the parents the 2nd year when they don't have to pay again. It won't help some and for others it will be a big cost savings.

What were we doing with the unused jerseys? We were giving the unused uniforms to other countries. Boys Scouts would gather up some. We resell at the Shoe Swap. There are pros and cons to the Environmental issues. Job security for some, but also additional pollution for manufacture. We try hard to get jerseys re-used or donated as well. Younger kids wear them a lot and get a lot of use out of them.

We could make an argument for doing pinnies this Fall ONLY just because this school year we aren't sure what will happen in the Fall. We might not even get to have a season proper. Maybe that will help some of the kids knowing it is temporary. Promise to get the uniforms in the Spring which presents its own set of unique problems.

Pinnies will always get used up eventually and not wasted. This will be a one-time cost reduction. They don't have numbers which would cost $3.50 per pinnie. But we could do a central system where they only come in sequence. Cost is not the main motivator because it will only be about $3-$5 savings per player the first year. But, the 2nd year, parents might save $20 per child (see details in Supporting Documents). Other factors are the ease of distribution or team changes.

We could end up with duplicate numbers on the reversible idea. Chris (Referee Admin) pointed out that Referees are okay without numbers. It was previously thought this would make their job a lot harder. He said not. He suggested we not try to solve both practice and playing issues with only the reversible jerseys.

Reversible for Older Kids Only Idea:
Reversible jerseys have been used for high school for a while now. It's going really well. Parents indicate during registration if they need a jersey and the system changes the fee.

One concern is that for the younger ages, this might not work. Those kids are changing sizes. Also, a concern is that this might be the best year to give the kids something that is exciting. There has been so much loss. Soccer is different, school is different.

The 11U and under are generally more excited about the jersey and number. Many wear it a lot to school and this might be a chance to have something the same as always. Other adults connect with these kids when they wear their AYSO jerseys. Generally, it was thought that they might not wear the reversible as much. The kids may get much use out of the uniform during the year. Middle (especially 7th & 8th grade) and high school pretty much stop wearing their jerseys to school and won't care so much if it is the same all the time.

Perhaps keep uniforms the same at least for the elementary. We have four 15U teams. 13U players are 12 and they would still wear their jerseys around outside of AYSO. If we also keep the same uniform strategy for 13U and below, we are only adding four 15U teams to the reversible plan. We do have funds to purchase the uniforms without all the registration money that we usually get.

Will we keep the price the same even though we have different prices for the uniforms depending on the age? We have the structure to do it for high school on Sports Connect and can add that to 15U. We have the ability in Sports Connect to have different fees for different divisions as well.

Regarding our concern to reduce the costs for families this coming year, Duston pointed out that our $90 is the most reasonable in the area. B&G club is $75 for only one season and they only get a t-shirt. This is something special with the shorts and socks and jersey that makes AYSO stand out and for less money.

Concern that we'll have low turnout in the Fall and a huge increase in Spring. Then we are put in a position of buying a lot of uniforms for nothing or having a lot of excess that may or may not be usable the next year.

Pinnie idea:
Use the pinnies in the Fall and then tell people we will do the uniforms in the Spring. Or maybe when we do team formation, fill teams up to their fullest. Then just keep adding people. We might still have to rearrange based on social distancing requirements. Then use the Pinnies for Fall. No numbers. If this doesn't work well for some reason, there were ideas of using masking tape or iron-on for numbers.

Rebalance teams in the springs. We are anticipating that we'll have a LOT more registrations in the spring. We'll have the flexibility to rebalance the teams more than we usually do if we don't already have all the different colored team uniforms.

Do we know what other Oregon Regions are doing? Springfield is doing the normal uniform. They have a blue uniform and they have a big stock of them. Albany 870, they order the uniforms for the players that are on that team. They buy them as they add kids having multiple purchases. Stevenson has little t-shirts. They only charge $50/player with a very tight budget. In Hermiston they get a uniform similar to 870 Albany. Just do multiple orders for kids that add. Have about 800 players.

Decision: Go with the pinnies and let them know this is temporary and they get uniforms next Spring. Two pinnies each of different colors. We would have pinnies for ALL divisions in the Fall promising uniforms in the Spring. This doesn't seem right. We would at least keep the same reversible plan for the high school I would think.

Fall Team Formation Tabled

Soccer Equipment 2 Schools: Tabled (see supporting documents sent in email earlier)

2020-2021 Budget: (see supporting documents sent in email earlier)
1. Now that the uniform decision is made, Luke will adjust the budget for the Pinnies that was decided.
2. Supposedly they will have Golden Gate, but the numbers attending may vary from the norm.
a. Registrations will use a Google sheet with no fees at this time.
b. They will work closely with the college. Go-NoGo date is July 1st with the college. If NoGo, they will look for something online.
3. Expo in February might do more online.
4. General trend is to have the bulk of the volunteer training entirely online.
a. Daily new training is coming online.
b. Biggest concern is getting volunteers trained for the fall and make sure the online versions are up and working.
5. Budget changes drastically based on our registration numbers. We have to have a budget and vote on it today in order to send it up the chain, but it is much more of a guess than usual.

Voting members
Dan, Sarah, Luke, Elaine, Hannah, Chris, Andy
Sarah left before the vote.

Duston needs it by June. – But National really wants a fall season to happen. There will be some leniency and understanding that it will change. It is important for regions to have a plan and guidance. It's a planning tool for us. It is something for Duston to review and make sure it makes sense as a whole. He checks for things such as making sure that we are not eating into a reserve that will be needed. Our Region is not on the financial radar, so we just need to get one in that is close enough considering the times we're in.

Chris Moved to accept the budget as is understanding it will change more than normal based on how uncertain things develop locally. Dan 2nd. None opposed. However, we do not have a quorum of voting members.
Luke to send out the budget and notes to the remaining voting Board members and ask them all to return a YES or NO according to the State rules for non-profit organization governance.

Voting Board Members not at the meeting, please reply to Luke either way with a YES in favor or a NO against the budget.

Adult League Update:
Luke and Nicole will chat. June or July registrations so there is time to make further plans and details in committee.

Summer Camp Update: (see supporting documents sent in email earlier)
We will have to continue to check in with County and City, but their plan will follow the State rules. A piece we are still working out is how porta potties will be placed. We probably need them spread out. It was noted that hand washing stations are all used and in place elsewhere.

There were concerns that the school district will still have to give permission to use the fields. What Luke is hearing now with the School district is that they are going to allow Parks & Recreation to use them. Seems that would include us. A meeting happened this week with some decision. Luke will check on the results.

Plan is for this next weekly email to include the summer camp information including an advertising header.

Summer Skill Sessions Idea
There are a handful of coaches that want to do this. John Williams and Nicole Chapman for example and a couple other coaches spoke up at the coach equipment drop off. Still waiting for the State guidance on summer day camps. It is slightly vague. We can wait. AYSO national says to follow your state rules.

Summer Kickball Tournament Idea
This is a random backup plan to modify other sports. Then we can organize them and keep people from getting close.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted By
Mary Cotton, Acting Secretary

April 2020


PRESENT: Andy Ungerer, Toby Westberry, Vince Waterhaus, Luke Cotton, John Williams, Mary Cotton, Hannah Stevens, Nicole Chapman, Dan Herford, Sarah Child, John Sweet, Elaine Markley

Next Board meeting May 21 using this same online method. Watch for a new link.

Spring Cancelations, Refunds & Donations
Spring Education & Skills Sessions
Summer Activities
Fall Registration
Volunteer Recognition Scholarship for High School Seniors

Approval of March 7 retreat minutes:
Vince moved we approve the minutes as distributed by Elaine Markley. Hannah seconded. Unanimously approved.
Approval of March 19 board meeting minutes:
Elaine moved we approve the minutes as distributed by Mary Cotton. Toby seconded. Unanimously approved.


All outstanding player registrations and all wait list players have been cancelled. No matter what, our spring season would be nothing like what we advertised to these families. Spring CORE and Spring EXTRA are not going to happen. We could ask people to convert to a summer session, if we decided to do that. The fields are closed through the middle of June, when school officially closes.

There are 81 people that signed up just for Spring and paid. The majority are High school since their season is split this year and they pay separately now for Fall and Spring.

No School, No OSAA, & No OYSA = No AYSO Spring Soccer Games
No School, No OSAA, & No OYSA = No AYSO Spring Core Teams
No School, No OSAA, & No OYSA = No AYSO Spring EXTRA Teams

Since we are canceling our spring season, there is a need for help with reaching out the ≈81 families to see if they want a mailed refund (the name & address), if they want to donate the paid amount. It was decided not to offer the ability to apply it to some other program. Luke understands the national office is working on a way to do mass refunds but proposes that we proceed with mailing checks as there have been no details on national's process.

Spring Refunds

AYSO Spring Season Refunds:
{ [donation] or ( [full amount] or [full but remove costs, 2.8% credit card & $1 mailing fee] ) }.
Expected Spring CORE Refunds (some amounts include donations; those would not be refunded)
Total is about $5,250
We expect to get back $1,620 from national for the player member fees. The background check money is expended, so that is about $550 lost if we do a full refund

John W is proposing that we just do all the refunds for the 81. Luke and Hannah would agree. We could just do the full amounts. There was general agreement.

John W - Provide names for EXTRA and contact the EXTRA girls. EXTRA paid for a full year and that's a completely different topic. We already paid the Boys EXTRA mid valley soccer league fees. We're not sure what the refund will be. Luke told the league we prefer not to apply the money to next season. It is easier bookkeeping to do refunds for all even if it cost a little to make the refund happen. Girls EXTRA side did not send any money to the league.

Three or four people volunteered to call and ask new Spring families if they want to donate to the scholarship. Mary, Nicole, Elaine, Andy, Laura Schell
Andy – Independence Group
Mary – 5U at least
John W – EXTRA girls (he'll delegate to John Sweet if needed)
Luke will send out a script and spreadsheet with names assigned. Includes contact info, $$ paid and whether they have already filled out a form.
Would be nice to have a set script we can all use. People will likely ask us questions about summer, Fall, EXTRA, etc.

Spring Skills Education Camps
Nicole presented some ideas she had sent in a letter to Luke recently.

We could consider doing a skills academy in the summer. Something weekly. She used to do personal 1:1 training. You could be 6 ft or more away and do many skills. Pass the ball back and forth. Use the district side of the fields. Paint the fields with a spot or square for each kid. Dribbling, fitness. No contact. Age group can be approx. 8 and older, even adults. We'll need to do appropriate messaging to the parents of course. No scrimmaging. Pretty much all individual skills. Late Spring. Kids younger than 7 or 8 would have difficulty adhering to the distancing requirements.

Liability: parents choosing to be there and help. The coach as a parent volunteer would be covered. 5U allows a parent participant. Spectators are covered. We can ask parents to sign a National release form. Luke is already working on an electronic release signature.

Pricing: Luke doesn't think we need to charge. Ask for donations and hopefully cover the port-a-potty and hand washing station. Maybe it will be a loss, but keeping the activities going would be valuable. Giving kids and parents ideas for things they can do at home.

Outstanding Questions:
Will the fields be open?
Will we charge?
Liability for Parent participants?

Generally, we are in favor of doing this idea over having a full CORE league in the summer. Luke would work with the school district at that time to ensure that we follow all school district and Oregon laws at the time. Luke is considering Philomath, or Western View area and not near Adams. We don't want kids migrating to the playground.

Nicole: Send out her email of ideas to the Board.

Summer CORE League
Region 870 is considering doing a shorter version of spring.

Some opinions are not to try anything with contact during the summer. We don't want to appear careless. Elaine has asked the school district if the fields would be open on June 20 for AYSO summer camps, baseball, and his answer was that they don't know. They can't answer at this time.

UK Summer camps:
They can and may do the same things that Nicole mentioned. Stewart from UK Int'l is saying they are already working on changes. Housing coaches in homes may be an issue and not lined up yet. They are not trying to cancel at this moment. All this would have to be discussed with the school district. Luke will keep in touch with Stewart and with the school district. Stewart lives in Portland, OR so is aware of what is happening in our state.

Fall Registration
We are all very concerned about the cost of full registration for many that may have been financially affected by the Stay-At-Home order (see Supporting Information). However, we do want to have registration in May.

Asking for a base or bare minimum amount. It would be like a scholarship for everyone so we can purchase the uniforms. Closer to the Fall, ask for the remainder of the $$ from people.

The benefit is that families don't have to give money now. This would encourage them to sign up so we can have an idea of team formation and uniforms in advance as is usually needed. Actual scholarship recipients will not pay anything additional. Most of the other costs tend to be in the first 3 weeks before the season and then after the season starts.

Our training would shift to be more virtual with volunteer registration in August as we did last year. We wouldn't pay for those background checks until August after we have confirmed that we are having a Fall season. Other costs are water, seed fertilizer and paint. Water is paid usually in winter. Seed & fertilizer is August although Philomath usually asks for it a little earlier. Practices could start on Monday Aug. 31.

Number of scholarship requests will go up regardless. We're not sure how we're going to cover the cost. Maybe we should just buy pinnies or just t-shirts and pinnies. Kids will just be happy to play.

We could not have the pinny travel between people. Parents would just keep the pinny and wash it like it was a uniform. They shouldn't be in a communal pot. Tons of people are in dire straights or possibly will be worse. We would want enough pinnies for players to bring to all games. They could all have two pinnies each a different color. Similar to what we were going to do with reversible uniforms. If the money is an issue, then we can have one pinny and make sure kids always wear white and one team will wear pinnies. They are about $4 each. That might be $8000.00 if we have 1000 kids. Pinnies will always have a value. We can go ahead and buy them and they will get used eventually. We lose them and they get damaged easily.

Put people in the Wait List on Sports Connect the minute they register. Only 1 person pays, and then all others are on the Wait List. We must have at least one player in a division in order to have a Wait List.

There would not be a cut-off for registration. Incentivize early registration to say the earlier you register, the better we can handle special requests.

Decided to do Straight to Wait List. We need volunteers to pay the initial team member so we have 1. It helps to get as many kids as possible in the queue as soon as possible.

Andy - Start building the program with the Wait list with a max team member of 1 each.
Whoever is first will pay. They pay the amount of the program at that time. We'd put the full amount.
Open to Board members first. Then it might be $0 for the program fee and the membership fee would be $22.50.

Andy? Luke? - Change the Wait List email to say something about everyone going to Wait List and to let people know that they will be on a team.

Coach Equipment:
We are not sure how we are asking coaches for their equipment back. Some of them didn't turn in the equipment in the Fall. We can get all that back in a drop box perhaps. We don't want our volunteers exposed to that many households.

Volunteer Recognition Scholarship for High School Seniors
It has been $500 and we will keep it at that level. Elaine will send the information to the career centers with a copy of the application form as we always do. Switch the deadline to May 15.

Member for at least 4 years as player and/or volunteer. Had to have volunteered Spring 2019 & Fall 2019. We want an unofficial transcript. They can email their registrar since they are supposed to be working. It wouldn't be an official sealed transcript. We require a board member or other member they volunteered with to write a letter of recommendation.

Elaine - Send the scholarship application to Luke and to the Board.

Luke – Put the scholarship application on the website.

Vince - Please contact anyone that you know who might be qualify for the scholarship.

Chris, Walt and Joe – please advertise scholarship to youth volunteers they know.


> Rule 1: All activities must ensure a distance of 6ft with non-family members is honored, at all times. In other words, must follow current Oregon law at the time of the activity (current law listed at end of this email).
> Rule 2: Total number of participants needs to be low, to help ensure rule 1 is honored (parking, bathroom, and other logistics need to be considered).
> Rule 3: Parents must know all the rules, and if the participants are incapable of following rules, parents must be present to enforce the rules.
> Rule 4: Equipment is non-transferable and not touched by others without gloves or shoes. In other words, you would bring, buy, or be issued your ball for the entire activity time and no one should touch your ball without gloves or shoes. Cones, gloves, pinnies (seems unlikely), and other items should not be handled by more than one person.
> Rule 5: Rules 1-4 will be independently reviewed, and if any rules cannot be followed, we would not proceed. All activities must be outside with a large open space available, ideally on a sunny day.

I would expect the focus would be on helping families with home physical education and providing families with tools for home play. It is my opinion that a guided activity session is possible, but we would need to remove any notion that we would include a soccer game or scrimmage.

In the past, the School District was open to us hosting activities on the fields as long as we could ensure the Executive Order below was followed...

Executive Order 20-12

"Stay Home, Save Lives
1. It is essential to the health, safety, and welfare of the State of Oregon during the ongoing state of emergency that, to the maximum extent possible, individuals stay at home or at their place of residence, consistent with the directives set forth in my Executive Orders and guidance issued by the Oregon Health Authority. To that end, pursuant to ORS 433.441(3), ORS 401.168(1), ORS 401.175(3), and ORS 401.188(2) to (3), I am ordering the following:
a. Non-essential social and recreational gatherings of individuals outside of a home or place of residence (e.g., parties, celebrations, or other similar gatherings and events) are prohibited immediately, regardless of size, if a distance of at least six feet between individuals cannot be maintained.
b. Individuals are prohibited from patronizing businesses that are closed pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Executive Order, and from engaging in conduct prohibited by prior Executive Orders or inconsistent with guidance provided by the Oregon Health Authority.
c. When individuals need to leave their homes or residences, they should at all times maintain social distancing of at least six feet from any person who is not a member of their immediate household, to the greatest extent possible, and comply with the other Social Distancing Requirements guidance issued by the Oregon Health Authority.
d. Individuals may go outside for outside recreational activities (walking, hiking, etc.), but must limit those activities to non-contact, and are prohibited from engaging in outdoor activities where it is not possible to maintain appropriate social distancing (six feet or more between individuals).
e. Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this Executive Order constitutes an imminent threat and creates an immediate danger to public health. Any person found to be in violation of this Executive Order is subject to the penalties described in ORS 401.990."
"Outdoor Recreation and Travel"
"21. For public recreational areas that are permitted to remain open subject to this Executive Order, signs requiring social distancing must be posted at all entrances, exits, and in prominent areas. On-site restrooms must have trash cans, and soap and water or hand sanitizer available. Users of open public recreational areas must strictly adhere to social distancing guidelines."
"This Executive Order is effective immediately, and remains in effect until terminated by the Governor."
Full Text: https://www.oregon.gov/gov/admin/Pages/eo_20-12.aspx

March 2020


Online Board Meeting using GoToMeeting tool

Next Board meeting April 16 using this same online method. Watch for a new link.

Team Formation Discussion & Ongoing Registration.
Calendar Proposal: Assumes School restart on April 28, 2020
Changes reflect executive orders 20-07 & 20-08

Luke will try to send an email tomorrow morning with a heads up about the proposed scheduled and how we'll approach the rest of the season. This is a proposed scheduled based on the current guidelines. The Board advice was to make it clear that we are currently following and keeping up with the various authorities. The State is our guiding light and what they are requiring or recommending. We will also review advice from AYSO National, specific school rules, CDC and the Oregon Health Authority.

Refunds for Spring are expected to be honored. The Treasurer Sarah Child will be handling this function no differently than we usually do when someone has paid, but not played. Details will be in the email. Anyone that has joined in the Spring for the first time may request a refund now and not participate. After that, then we can do more on team formation.

If the player paid in the fall, then they are not eligible for a refund as per our normal policy. The money is all pretty much spent in the Fall with start-up costs including things such as uniforms, training and equipment. We tend to make up costs with the spring registrations.

National office indicates that all the activities be postponed. It was noted there is concern from parents that we should not be having our spring season at all. Some of our volunteers are on the "front lines" and may need to decline volunteering.

The proposed calendar took every date and moved them down the calendar based on the current last day of school closures. Even practices cannot happen before school opens. If the school district is not open, we can't be on the group fields. Teams are greater than 10. The Governor's order says no greater than 25, but individual schools and CDC are saying no greater than 10 at this moment. One suggestion is to not start anything in the month of April. Discussion on options of various start dates ensued.

If we shift games to start May 9, then we might have 5 a side after school is closed. We could choose to skip that.
May 2nd for first game allows us to do 7 weeks before school is out.
Decision was to keep the calendar as proposed since it is very, very likely it will be changing and we'll seek additional information on the preparation of the fields in April. It is possible that a restart of school might change quickly and the set-up work will be wasted if we start too soon.

Those activities in the calendar for field preparation are putting up goals, marking fields, GPS to mark edges, etc. These are not group activities. However, Fields Specialists (or Luke?) would need to ask the school district before we work on the fields prior to April 28. This will help clarify when any practices can start as well.

CSD & PSD sent emails to the parents: See CSD email attached as forwarded by Leanne. Schools have discouraged parents even from using the playgrounds. CSD email is saying that June 19 is the last day using all the make-up days. Final game day would be June 13 in that case which is seven Saturdays including Memorial Day.

To avoid potential injuries once we start, assuming we start, please include in the email, age appropriate activities to keep soccer skills up. See National Office in the Hey Coach material. Luke will add that to the email.

Summer Camp: Many come from int'l locations that are currently restricted. Leanne as representative of the Area team and will be checking with Stuart on Area camps and pass the information on for our Region.

We might make changes in how we operate our games. Hand washing stations, how we station the spectators, handshakes, etc.

Elaine will contact Best Pots and dates. Make sure we are in their list. Please check on reserving some hand washing stations as well. The city has a lot of hand washing stations and has been putting them out and supply may be diminished. We might be able to do something with hoses at the water spigots.

There was concern mentioned for the Raleigh family. They have a child in 5U & 6U. Leanne knows the family well, and will reach out to let them know we are here to help and pass that back to Mary regarding the 5U boy. Since a parent is required in attendance, the coaches want to help him be able to attend.

Next Board meeting April 16 using this same online method.

Respectfully submitted,
Acting Secretary,
Mary Cotton

March 2020


PRESENT: Luke Cotton, Brian Dolan, Sarah Child, Arianne Custer, Aaron Falotico, Duston Denver, John Williams, Vince Waterhous, John Sweet, Nichole Chapman, Andy Ungerer, Brad Whitcomb, Mary Cotton, Dan Herford, Chris Jordan

SCHEDULE UPDATE: There are still a lot of unknowns at this time. 6UG and 9UB are still up in the air. Deadline for decisions will be March 16. John will need information from team formation as soon as possible to build the schedule.

VOLUNTEER UPDATE: Various emails will be sent out by Luke about signing up for the spring season. Nicole Belyeu will be following up with the team managers about getting their team volunteers to sign up.

EXPO SUMMARY: There will be an automatic $2.75 credit card fee factored into each online registration. Families can register more than one child for the fee, but if they log out and register another child, a new fee will apply. John moved that we adjust the online payment fee proposal as written by Luke. Chris seconded the motion. The motion carried. Safe Haven will be required beginning August 1. The goalkeeper model will be on line. Coaches will try to add that to the coach training. Board members felt the information they received at EXPO was valuable and a good chance to network with other regions throughout the area. Hannah, Nicole, Brad and Luke attended.

PROPOSALS FOR 2020-21: Luke is suggesting we move to a Score Helper volunteer for each team. The volunteer would fill out the game card (could be a coaching staff volunteer for the team, or team manager). Names could be pre-printed on each game card in advance. Perhaps this could be assigned to the team manager. John moved that Luke create game cards for this concept for 13U teams as a trial for Spring 2020 to introduce the concept. Andy seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

TWO JERSEY CONCEPT: Luke is proposing that the uniform option be reduced to a two color set of red and blue with one pair of black shorts and a pair of red and blue socks. Numbers would be added to the jersey by size. Smallest size would have numbers 1, 2 and 3. Next size up would have 4, 5 and 6, etc. It was felt that it would be fine if more than one player per team had the same number on their jersey. If we did the Score Helper concept, it would be somewhat easier to track time in and out of games and goals scored. Players would pick up their own set based on the size they needed. If they lost a jersey, they could purchase a new one of that color at the field. Extra supplies would be on hand as we had late additions to teams or if players needed to switch teams. There would be a savings to the region for the uniforms if we did this concept. 19U would keep their reversible jerseys. It was moved by John and seconded by Chris that we move forward on the two jersey uniform package for the 2020-21 season. Motion carried unanimously. When ordering, it was mentioned we need some sort of guarantee the uniform style would be available for several years, rather than changing the style each year. Players who have a good set, would not need to buy a new one each year to help with the cost to the family. That would be part of their registration fee. It was also mentioned to have a lighter blue so any colorblind folks can tell the light and darker color contrast even if they don't see it as a blue and red. Red would be considered the dark color, blue the light. Arianne will need to look at options of colors.

9U CHANGE: The two-touch concept will be eliminated. A keeper or a defender is allowed to move the ball forward.

MINUTES FROM JANUARY 25, 2020: It was moved by Vince and seconded by Brad the minutes be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

EXTRA 2020: Brian will take over the boys Extra program. Thank you Bob Vingelen for your years of dedication to AYSO and the EXTRA program on the boys' side. John will step down after the 2020 season. There are no anticipated changes in the girls or boys program at this time. The anticipated number who would tryout are the same as last year. Tryouts will be scheduled in late May.

BUDGET: The budget will be discussed again at the next meeting. There were a few changes being made. The final approval must be made by June 1, 2020.

FALL MY SEASON 2020-21: Practice will begin before Labor Day since it is late this year. Practice may begin September 1, 2020. Games will begin Saturday, September 12 which is the first Saturday after Labor Day.

DIVISION COORDINATORS MEETING: The division coordinators are scheduled to meet on March 19 in the basement of the First Christian Church next to Central Park at 7:15, unless otherwise noted. There will not be a formal Board meeting on that evening.

NEXT MEETING: The next scheduled Board meeting will be on Thursday, April 16 at 7:15pm at the Frist Christian Church.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

February 2020

No meeting, just AYSO EXPO.


January 2020


PRESENT: Elaine Markley, Andy Ungerer, John Williams, Luke Cotton, Chris Jordan, Toby Westberry, Nicole Chapman, Duston Denver, Aaron Falotico, Hannah Stevens, Juan Fernandez, Dan Herford, Sarah Child, Vince Waterhous, John Sweet, Elise LeBoldus

INDOOR REVIEW: Luke reported that we had a good turnout for the Indoor program this fall. There were 301 players in the first session and 169 signed up for the second session. As always, obtaining the necessary number of referees was a problem. Continued communication with volunteers is necessary.

AREA TOURNAMENT REVIEW: Duston Denver, the Area Commissioner summarized the first ever Area Tourney. Representatives from all age division other than U14G were represented at the Section tourney in California the second Saturday in December. There was one team from Springfield and two teams from Region 870. Three teams that qualified declined the opportunity. The Western State Championships will be held in March, 2020. Plans are being made for the MY20-21 Area Tournament which will be held in Corvallis again. The date will always be the Saturday after the conclusion of the fall season. Duston felt the tournament was a success.

OPEN BOARD POSITIONS: Luke wanted each Board member present to indicate their desire to continue on the Board for the next membership year. All in attendance are able to continue in their current position other than Juan. Due to work obligations, he will no longer be able to serve as the Boys Team Formation Coordinator after this membership year. Other Board members that were not in attendance need to contact Luke about their intentions for the next membership year. Luke's three year term as Regional Commissioner is coming to an end. He expressed a desire to continue in this role. No other candidates have expressed interest. It was moved by Chris and seconded by Andy that Luke Cotton be the Region 149 Regional Commissioner for the next three years. The motion carried unanimously. Thank you Luke for your continued dedication, leadership and love for AYSO Our Region is so appreciative of all you do for so many.

CHECK SIGNERS: Currently the Secretary (Elaine Markley), Treasurer (Sarah Child) and Regional Commissioner (Luke Cotton) are the authorized signers for any checks. The Safety Director (Toby Westberry) and Area Commissioner (Duston Denver) were approved to be added to the list of those who can sign checks. Toby and Duston need to go to the Citizens Bank at Circle Blvd. and fill out the forms to be added to this list of authorized signers.

RETURNING PLAYERS FOR SPRING: Luke will draft an email to be sent to all Team Managers to gather information about who will be returning for the Spring 19-20 season. Included in the information will be the practice location so when new players are added, division coordinators will know where to place a new player.

REGISTRATION FOR SPRING: The official window for new players to register for Spring 2020 will be February 1-February 29. Elaine will make flyers to be approved by the school district in both English and Spanish, contact the newspaper and local radio station. Andy will open the registration website on February 1.

AREA DIRECTOR REPORT: Duston shared ideas of how to make our area stronger. We have closed two regions recently, primarily due to the lack of volunteers, but still have 6 operating. On February 1, all Regional Commissioners will come together for a meeting to generate ideas on how to strengthen the Area. His goal is to have Regions do more to support each other and come together for a common cause. Program numbers are a concern nationwide. He said there used to be 600,000 players and the numbers have dwindled to approximately 350,000. This summer he would like to host UK camps in Dallas and Junction City to draw interest in soccer in those areas. Discussion about AYSO United programs and Alliance programs were discussed. There were mixed feelings about these programs and how they differ from our current EXTRA programs. Cost of the continuation to compete was the biggest concern expressed.

CALENDAR REVIEW: Luke scrolled down the dates in place for the rest of the MY19-20. We will have Team Manager Appreciation on April 11, Referee Appreciation on April 25 (coupled with Kid Spirit Saturday…formally called Silent Saturday), Coach Appreciation on May 15. The shoe/equipment sale will continue on the first Saturday of the spring season. 5-A-Side will be Saturday, May 30. Each participant will be asked to pay $5 for the day. Medals will be given out to all participants. Online registration will be the way to register. It was suggested the Team Manager collect all the fees and turn them into the Safety Station the day of the 5-A-Side to speed up the check in procedure.

LENGTH OF GAME CHANGE: Region 870 is going to 40 minute halves in U14-15 so we will move to that for the spring. The game cards need to be changed to reflect the difference.

ADULT PLAY: Luke reported there is enough interest to have adult pick-up type recreational soccer for the spring and summer. Each person wanting to be a part of this opportunity will pay $30. No uniforms or set teams will be needed. Just come and play. No bank account is needed either, Luke reports. Advertising will be done prior to the spring session.

FOCUS GROUPS: Two volunteer Focus Groups were asked to gather and brainstorm a list of ideas on the agenda. One group dealt with team formation and registration and the other group focused on volunteers and how to improve the current system. Notes will be sent to Luke for a summary and they will be emailed at a later date.

EXPO: Hannah, Nicole, Brad Whitcomb and Luke will attend EXPO this year.

NEXT MEETING: We will have our second part of the "Retreat" on March 7. The location is at the Consumer Power Bldg. from 8:30am-12:30pm. More information will follow.

Respectfully submitted
Elaine Markley
AYSO Region 149 Secretary

October 2019


PRESENT: Luke Cotton, John Sweet, Dan Herford, Mary Cotton, Brian Dolan, Joan Reukauf, Vince Waterhous, Nicole Chapman, Brad Whitcomb, Elaine Markley, Hannah Stevens, Andy Ungerer

LOAN REQUEST FROM REGION 870: Luke reported that Region 870 is asking for a loan from Region 149 to pay for field improvements in Albany. The exact details of amount of the loan requested is not known but it would be a 5 year loan with interest. The amount needed for completion of the project was between $50,00-$60,00. Joan provided input about the risks of doing this from her professional banking knowledge. She strongly recommended that National be contacted about this and see if they are willing to be a backer for the loan. Luke will follow up with that request reaching out to National for information. We just voted to move $65,000 into a CD to secure a better interest rate so that money is not available. Other thoughts by Board members stemmed from the fact that it has taken Region 149 years to build up resources for our field projects and they were not confident that Region 870 would be able to pay back any loan in a short window of time. What other avenues has Region 870 tried to gain funds? Have they applied for grants? Have they reached out to the Timbers or MLS for support? The reaction from the Board was skeptical about doing something like this with our funds. More information must be presented before making any final decisions.

FIELDS REPORT: Luke presented the proposal from Pacific Sports Turf for renovation of the fields at the end of the fall season. The total bid came in at $7,756. The rotation of field preparation is a three year cycle so this amount is not an annual fee. Mary will check to see if she can get more grass seed donated like she has done in the past. That would reduce the cost.

MEETING SITE: Luke and Mary have been working with the First Christian Church to come up with a proposal for AYSO to use a meeting room in the church basement for and 8 year contract. The Memorandum of Understanding that has been drawn up clearly states that AYSO will purchase 20 folding chairs and 4 folding tables that will be stored in the assigned room. New floor covering will be added, but this will be a donation from The Cotton family. Room blinds will also be donated by The Cottons. All fixed, mounted items will remain at the church in the event of termination of the agreement, but the chairs and tables and other portable equipment will remain with AYSO Region 149. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Andy that we accept the "proposed eight year memorandum of understanding" with the stipulation that the cost of the chairs should be researched to find the best chair with the most reasonable price. The motion carried unanimously. Due to the nature of the room, Joan will reserve the Grand Oaks Club House for the retreat location.

RETREAT DATES: The fall retreat will be held at the Grand Oaks Club House on Saturday, January 25, 2020. The spring retreat is scheduled at the same location on March 7, 2020. Both retreats will be from 8:00am-12:30pm. Elaine will provide food and beverages to include gluten free options. A specific agenda will come out later but if anyone has a specific topic you want to discuss, let Luke know.

EXPO DATES AND LOCATION: Region 149 encourages any new Board member to attend EXPO. This year the meetings are going to be held in Tucson, AZ. February 28-March 4, 2020. The agenda has not been published yet, but if anyone is interested in attending, contact Luke. All expenses are paid for by the region other than snacks and alcoholic beverages.

INDOOR SOCCER UPDATE: There are 119 members currently signed up to play at the time of the meeting. The deadline for sign up is October 27. Andy will be at the Safety/Information Station all day October 20 helping anyone who needs assistance with the login and signup.

NAME TAGS: Elaine prepared name tags for Board members. If anyone wants a name tag and did not receive one, contact Elaine. She suggested Board members leave their name tag which is on a lanyard in the Safety/Information station on a hook and have it ready to wear whenever they are at the field. Luke said this isn't required, however, it helps identify who might be able to help with questions when we are scattered out and about on the fields.

AREA TOURNAMENT: At this time, no details have been given to Luke about the November 9 tournament that Region 870 is organizing, but will be played on the Adams fields. There was concern about the condition of the fields from excessive use in the wet conditions, but Luke said Pacific Sports Turf can work around this. Another concern was the overlap with Indoor soccer games the same day and the lack of time for coaches to sell the concept to their Core team. Stay tuned to see if this happens and if it does, we will need Board members to help with typical game day chores.

BOARD CLOTHING: Luke is going to order another shipment of Board attire. If you feel you need a jacket or polo to wear at the field, contact Luke ASAP.

BOARD MEMBERS SIGN UP: It is important that Board members sign up to help either Open or Close the fields. There are other volunteers scheduled to be there as well. Please rotate the fun amongst everyone!

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, November 21 at 7:15pm at the First Christian Church, Room 14.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

September 2019


Present: Luke Cotton, Hannah Stevens, Andy Ungerer, Toby Westberry, Brad Whitcomb, Nicole Chapman, Mary Cotton, Chris Jordan, Duston Denver (former R870 RC, current Area 2S Director), John Sweet, Sarah Child, Dan Herford

Chris motioned to approve previous Board minutes, Brad seconded, unanimous aye. (NOTE: this vote took place midway through the meeting, but is documented here at the beginning as a reminder to be used as a partial requirement for Sarah Child – the new Treasurer – to be given Treasurer privileges by AYSO National.

Current season status:

  • 1002 players for Fall season
  • Late registrants were a problem. ~173 registered after Aug 1. Andy noted that on 5/22 when Spring season (and onsite registration) ended, there were only ~500 players registered (~50%). In the days of paper forms, this number was closer to 80% of final numbers. Ripple effects of late registration are huge as they push team formation, volunteer solicitation, and trainings back. TO BE DISCUSSED AT WINTER RETREAT!!

Summary of season thus far:

  • Big thanks to a few individuals who helped a lot during team formation – Patricia Sterns and Laura Shields
  • Chris says Referee training went well. The new model of using AYSOU first before on-field training is a bit of a challenge due to bugs with AYSOU. A small number of volunteers just gave up. Referee signups are going well. Approximately 75 referee positions needed to fill games each Saturday. This demand is currently met by ~35-40% of active refs.
  • Hannah noted lots of trash on border of playground and 5U fields. We will dedicate some trashcans to location near playground. Luke will add take-out and bring-in instructions to Field Open & Field Close volunteer duties.
  • Dan says Coach training has been a big problem this season. Currently, several Assistant Coaches have no verified coach trainings (though they are Safe Haven and CDC Concussion certified). Many Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches have not received proper age-level training. This year has been particularly bad because all coaches were suddenly in new divisions (due to changing to odd-year divisions). However, it is also due to late registrations, delayed background checks (up to two weeks in many cases), and last-minute volunteers signing up after all trainings have already finished. Dustin points out an AYSO-partner website called The Coaching Manual. Note that there is a cost to use this! Luke says we need to address the Head Coach training at least and meet some bare minimum requirements (e.g., at least complete the online age-level training). Dan is chasing down these instances.

Area Tournament:

  • Duston and Luke have been working on having and Area-wide tournament with all regions in Area 2S participating.
  • These types of tournaments are common in other parts of U.S., but have been historically difficult in large, geographically diverse Areas such as ours (Area 2S). However, they provide additional fun/competition and a path toward participation in subsequent tournaments (e.g., Section tournament, Western States tournament). Winner of Area Tournament will represent our Area at Section tournament on 2nd weekend of December in Foster City, CA.
  • Will take place on 2nd weekend of November (11/9).
  • Divisions will be 10U, 12U, and 14U (so, 9U, 11U, and 13U for our region teams)
  • Double-elimination format
  • To align with Section tournament, participation is limited to primary (core) season teams. However, Duston may make some accommodations for filling a roster with other kids if there are vacancies. To be determined.
  • Will likely be hosted by Region 149 at Adams Fields.
  • Ideally, we would field 1-2 teams per division from each region, but questions about how to determine who participates is still to be determined (merit-based v. interest-based?). Hannah brought up issue to equity as related to potential travel/participation costs. Lots of discussion about pros/cons, but general sentiment is that we should do it. Need to discuss further at next Board meeting. Registration deadline will likely be mid-October. Luke and Duston will continue to talk. Another impact for our region to consider is the extended weeks of practice for teams after Core season ends.

Moving money:

  • Proposal from Joan is to move $65K into a 12 month CD earning 1.25% interest.
  • We would move this from the $100K currently in Money Market account (earning 0.2%) and put the balance into our checking account.
  • Mary moves to accept proposal, Hannah 2nd, unanimous aye vote.

Fields-related Expenses:

  • Luke is going to meet with Pacific Sports Turf to get recommendations for field improvements/maintenance
  • Work will not be out of the ordinary, rather the usual tasks conducted on roughly 3-year cycle (deep-aerating, drainage, fill gopher tunnels, etc.). It has been 4 years since last done. No vote required, because this has already been included in this year's budget
  • Work will likely take place in mid-October

Updated Policies and Protocols:

  • We voted to accept updated P&P during the last Board meeting. However, one subsequent change required is to remove inclusion of 19U and replace/rebrand with 18U. This comes from AYSO National and is related to insurance somehow.
  • Mary moves to accept change, Brad 2nd, unanimous aye.

CVPA-related issues:

  • Discussion of a few specific cases that have been brought to our attention this season.
  • One coach-related issue that arose from a parent's complaint. Hannah observed practice, passed along to Dan, who has also observed a practice and game with said coach. This issue is under control – thanks Dan and Hannah!!
  • One player-related issue of persistent bullying behavior. Hannah has been working with Head Coach and players also to help situation along. Coach has also spoken to parents. Player is aware of his behavior (sounds like it is a problem in other environments also), but still has difficulty keeping it under control. Ongoing effort by Hannah to manage.
  • One parent-related issue about wearing of earrings during game. Parents decided to pull all of their kids because their daughter is not being allowed to wear earring. Requested refund. Luke not likely to issue a refund because they already participated.
  • There was also a request from a family for a scholarship after registration because of qualification for free/reduced lunch after the fact. Nobody seemed to have any reservations about issuing a refund for the scholarship. We have issued 189 scholarships (~$9000) this fall season.

Room Use Agreement Proposal:

Luke has given his proposal to First Christian Church for use of Room 14 First Christian Church - 602 SW Madison Ave. In summary, AYSO would purchase tables and chairs and leave them in place. Room use scheduling priority would got to First Christian first, then to AYSO. Room would be permanently setup to host trainings and meetings. This would alleviate problem of finding/scheduling locations for trainings which has been a problem. First Christian would ask for no room use fees for 8 years, after which we can renegotiate as needed. First Christian has final vote in early October, therefore we will vote on this matter at the next Board meeting.

Next Board Meeting:

We will need to meet in October. Big topics will be discussion of Indoor Season, Room Use proposal, and Section Tournament….

Toby moves to adjourn meeting, Brad 2nd, unanimous aye.

Meeting ended 9:43pm

Respectfully submitted
Toby Westberry, Safety Director
AYSO Region 149

August 2019

No formal meeting this month.

July 2019


PRESENT: Luke Cotton, Scott Gilpin, Toby Westberry, Chris Jordan, Vince Waterhous, Mary Cotton, Hannah Stevens, Juan Fernandez, Dan Herford, Elaine Markley, Humberto Nation Catalina Segura, John Sweet, John Williams, Andy Ungerer

ON LINE PARTICIPANTS: Eric Gleske, Elise LeBoldus

TEAM MEETINGS: Team meetings will be held August 20 and 21 at the field, 6U and 7U will be from 6:00-6:45 and 9U will be from 7:00-7:45 on August 20. 11U will be from 6:00-6:45 and 13U and 15U will be from 7:00-7:45 on August 21. Equipment bags will be available for the coach or team manager to pick up at the meeting. Elaine and Arianne will make sure the bags are assembled and taken to the team signs. Luke will secure the portable sound system. After the general information presented by Luke, teams will work together to come up with key volunteers. There is a new worksheet for teams to use to record volunteers electronically. Head coaches will be notified the first week of August to confirm they are planning to coach. It is the hope that with good communication, coaches, assistant coaches, referees and team managers will register as a volunteer prior to the team meetings. After volunteers are identified, the team representative will be able to select a uniform color. All uniform styles are the same this year. We will not have all the uniforms by the time we have team meetings so September 3 and 4 have been set aside for a team representative to pick up uniforms at the shed. All volunteers must be registered in order to receive uniforms. This should give all teams over 2 weeks to take care of this. It was suggested that youth referees from last years 15U receive a personal email about signing up again and use this as community service hours for school. The youth volunteer registration is also done in Blue Sombrero. All Board members are encouraged to attend both team meetings if possible. They can walk around to help teams secure volunteers carrying a clipboard with a balloon attached so they can be noticed.

TEAM FORMATION: Draft #1 is due to Luke by July 30th. Division coordinators will identify their own teams by names, preferably using the same names from last year. There are a fewer number of teams this year. 13U is not participating in inter regional play this year. Newport will not be fielding a 15U girls team this year. The 15U teams will travel this season. There are 77 teams to be formed and 933 uniforms have been ordered for 6U-15U. Once the teams are formed, Luke will send out an email to everyone with information about team meetings, volunteer positions that need to be filled and other odds and ends of information that need to be passed along to all families.

COACH UPDATE: Training dates are being arranged. Luke would like to have 2 instructors at each training session. All materials need to be sent to the UPS Store on Philomath Blvd. for printing. Charge to the AYSO account. John W would like to see more field instruction focusing on real situations that pop up in Region 149, The one that comes to mind are the lopsided games. Use field training to deal with game day management and player management. He feels this is not stressed in National training. Coaches will be able to sign up for training online. The cost of training books have increased by about $2 per book. Some materials can be downloaded in a PDF format.

REFEREE UPDATE: Luke would like to see more than one refresher course offering. There are a few rule changes that need to be discussed. He would like to make sure there are at least 2 instructors at each training session. There will be at least 3 field training sessions, one being after opening day. We are missing materials from National so those need to be found. Referee instructors need to get their training schedule dates to Luke by the end of July.

TREASURER REPORT: Joan was unable to attend the meeting but send a report. Our CD is coming due on July 23. She is going to move that out of our money market account. She feels we should consider another CD. There will be an additional $1000 for our scholarship fund generated from the interest on the CD. The Board agreed that Joan should pursue another CD since the interest rates are doing well right now. Luke will ask Benjamin to do an audit for the past membership year.

FIELD UPDATE: One set of goals to be used for 9U fields have been purchased. The cost was $2,200 for the set. Because of the new division structure, the fields will be moved around to accommodate the divisions. Chris and Luke each submitted plans for the new fields. Each plan had pros and cons. Another draft will be done after hearing concerns from Board members. We purchased 2 ton of fertilizer for the Philomath School District for their fields. Luke spoke with the Corvallis School District about a drainage ditch by Field 122. They did not have any concerns about this.

NEW BOARD MEMBERS: We have a great response from volunteers taking the next step to help Region 149. Applications were reviewed by current Board members. It was moved by Chris and seconded by Elaine that the following volunteers be approved for the position of their interest, The motion carried unanimously. We would like to welcome the following new Board members and thank them for their willingness to make a difference in our region.

  • Hannah Stevens will be the CVPA
  • Sarah Child will be the Treasurer
  • Hannah Stevens will be in charge of Girls Team Formation
  • 5U Schoolyard will be Joseph (Brad) Whitcomb. Nicole Chapman will be submitting her application to also help with this volunteer position.
  • Lisa Robinson-Mihiar will be 6B Coordinator
  • Kristel Brisby will be the 6U girls Coordinator
  • Patricia Sterns and Trina McGaughy will share the 7U boys Coordinator
  • Leanne Henriquez will be the 7U girls Coordinator
  • Juan Fernandez will be the 9U boys Coordinator
  • Laura Shields will be the 9U girls Coordinator
  • Scott Gilpin will be the 11U boys Coordinator
  • Elise LeBoldus will be the 11U girls Coordinator
  • Patricia Sterns and Trina McGaughy will share the 13U boys Coordinator
  • Andy Ungerer will be the 13U girls Coordinator
  • Juan Fernandez will be the 15U boys Coordinator
  • John Sweet will be the 15U girls Coordinator
  • Juan Fernandez and Humberto Nation will be the High School Program Coordinator
  • Dan Herford will be the Coach Administrator
  • Abe Drabkin will be the Director of Coach Instruction
  • Eric Gleske will be the Coach Support Specialist
  • Brad Whitcomb will be the Coach Support Specialist
  • John Sweet will be the Coach Support Specialist
  • Nicole Belyeu will be the Manager Administrator (Team Manager)
  • Catalina Segura will be the Manager Support Specialist
  • Leanne Henriques will be the Manager Support Specialist
  • Catalina Segura will be the Special Events Coordinator

STANDARD PROCEDURES: One change in the procedures being submitted will be that all Board member positions will be listed in Article 6 Paragraph A.3. It was moved by Chris and seconded by Toby that all policy changes be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

EXTRA REPORT: There are two age groups for the girls who played by grade this summer. There are 15 girls in the 5th-6th grade group and 26 in the 7th-8th grade group. One of the boys teams this summer secured a sponsor to help offset the cost to play.

SUMMER CAMP REPORT: After two camps, the numbers are running over 60 per camp. The July camp only had 4 coaches due to illness of one coach so the groups were larger than we would have liked. Dan brought up the fact that there were only male coaches this last session and wondered how that worked with the AYSO philosophy of one member of the opposite sex present at all times.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting would be on August 16 at 7:15pm. A definite location will be announced at a later date. We will be gathering at the field on August 20 and 21 and many times we use that as a meeting time in August. Stay tuned for final decision.

Respectfully submitted
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


Season Email Archive

SPRING 2020 ##############################

[CorvallisAYSO] Spring Season Cancellation
Sat 4/18/2020 12:31 PM

Hello |User First Name| and family,

AT THIS TIME, we will be canceling our core spring soccer season. The past few years have been a series of firsts for all of us, (2019 April flooding, 2019 October early game day thunder, and where we are today), as a team, we will continue to broach each with creativity and composure.

Wrapping Things Up

Spring Refund: If you played in fall, no refunds will be issued(see note at the end). All of the 83 players that just paid for the core spring season, and never participated this school year, will be contacted in the coming days to confirm details regarding a mailed refund check or to donate the sum. No need to contact us, we will reach out. If you do not hear from us by the end of next week (4/25), please fill out this form (here).

Coach Equipment Return: We will be asking for team equipment like soccer balls, cones, pinnies, excess jerseys, etc. to be returned to a drop site in May. The more we get back, the more player scholarships we can offer. More details to come later.

Moving Forward

Skill Sessions: AYSO national is offering home skill session videos (here) and we are looking to offer skill / P.E. sessions, once state and national health authorities offer a path forward, we will be reaching out with a program overview and signup.

Summer Camps: We are continuing to plan and offer our summer camps that you can register for (here). Some modifications to how the camps are executed would be inevitable. As of right now, those changes have not been assembled for a flyer. I expect more details at the end of April.

Fall Season: We have decided to approach fall in a significant cost cutting fashion. When we open up fall registration in May, we will have player registrations at the lowest cost possible, allowing us to build teams and plan without charging you the full amount until August.
What is gained? You should be able to register with little money down (~$20 per player).
What is lost? We will be sacrificing our standard player uniforms and opting for a simpler, less expensive option.
Scholarships: This season we had over 190 scholarships out of the over 1,000 players. We expect this will increase for fall. Additional cost cutting and donations will allow us to offer more scholarships for fall.

More details about our fall season will be sent out in May.

Continue to attack problems with creativity, and approach uncertainty with composure.
For coaches that recognize these as attacking and defending principles of soccer, gold star!

Luke Cotton
AYSO Region 149 Commissioner
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What about fall player refunds?
We run the program lean, and set the expenses to cover us for the school year. Insurance & membership (~$20), uniform & team equipment (~$25), fields (~$18), volunteer training/equipment (~$16), & background checks (~$9). If you played in fall, no refunds will be issued.


[CorvallisAYSO] Spring Season Update
Sat 3/21/2020 3:15 PM

Hello AYSO Families,

AYSO Corvallis is working to adjust to the current public health issues around COVID-19 in Oregon. Our primary objective is to keep everyone - players, volunteers, spectators - healthy and safe. We want to offer a program that gives kids an opportunity to be kids, to play soccer, but to do so in a way that is consistent with regional and national public health directives.

AT THIS TIME, until we have better guidance from state and national health authorities, we are postponing the beginning of practices until further notice. Our hope is that when schools reopen, we can begin our practices, and a modified season will follow. As things continue to develop, we will keep you informed by email. The region calendar (here) will continue to include a proposed set of adjusted dates, for example, as of today, practices could start 4/28 and the first of seven consecutive Saturday game days would start 5/2.


Shouldn't we just cancel the season?
We will continue to look at the guidance directed at schools coming from the Oregon Health Authority (here).

What if school is canceled or all classes are only online for the remainder of the school year?
We will re-evaluate and look at options, including canceling the spring season. Canceling would be our last choice. The region board would discuss many other options before we go to that…
What is Ultimate Soccer? Ultimate Soccer is a no contact, no dribbling, and no hands touching the ball. It is Ultimate Frisbee, but with a soccer ball on the ground. I know you never asked this question, but this is one of the many ideas on the table before canceling.

What about new spring registrant refunds?
You can request a refund at any time before practices start (here). The form will provide you with a few options, to get the full available refund, donate the program fee, or have the program fee transfer to next school year.

What about returning fall player refunds?
If you played in fall, no refunds will be issued. You can drop from the team using this form (here). We run the program lean and set the expenses to cover us for the school year. Insurance & membership (~$20), uniform & team equipment (~$25), fields (~$18), volunteer training/equipment (~$16), & background checks (~$9). Spring players contribute to all of the above, and help us cover all the fall drops & spring adds.

Any suggestions on what I (and my players) can do in light of this recent disruption to our soccer season?
Look no further, AYSO has got you covered! We understand that due to recent events in our lives, the beautiful game has been placed in a difficult situation, but with that in mind, let's get creative and expand our horizons.
Team Juggling Competitions
Record your efforts in the garage or backyard and share it with your teammates to create some friendly competition.
Record your best trick or skill and share it with your friends and teammates. Coach can pick the winner.
More to come!

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149


[CorvallisAYSO] Spring Season Update
Fri 3/13/2020 3:42 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

Currently, we have no plans to change our start of the spring season (Core practices 7U-19U could start Monday 3/30 & first games on Saturday 4/4). I expect to provide updated information during early spring break.

Wait List Players: We are still placing players, and will continue to place players up to the first game day. If you no longer wish to play, please contact our registrar: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/contact.html?contact=registrar

Assigned Spring Players or Volunteers: I expect the game schedule at the start of spring break for most divisions, games are expected on all Saturday mornings in April and most Saturdays in May. If you currently have a team assignment and are not going to participate this spring, we have a form for that: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/roster-change.html

Potential Future / Crystal Ball: If things change, we would likely extend the soccer season (to the extent of the school year). This could lead to games on Memorial Day weekend, and/or the first Saturdays in June. We would also likely change how we run games, removing hand shakes, expanding spectator areas, regularly sanitizing touch points, etc.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149


[CorvallisAYSO] 06U Division Update
Sat 1/11/2020 7:30 AM

Hello 6U Families,

I hope you had a great winter break, here is a quick programs update...

Outdoor Continuation - Spring Season: Core games are Saturdays 4/4 - 5/16.
+> If you played in fall outdoor, you are still with the same team/uniform for spring, no need to signup for spring. We assume you are joining us for spring, if not, give us a heads up (here).
+> If you did not play in fall outdoor, you can register in February to fill open spots for spring outdoor, sometimes we get enough players to build new teams.

(3-A-Side for 6U) Jamboree: Saturday 5/30 we will have a 3-A-Side jamboree (here), like last year, but this will be an add-on event by team or independent agent signup. Players from fall, winter, or spring can join, any AYSO member can signup. The cost would be $5 per player (scholarship players & new spring outdoor season players can play for free), medals are provided to all players, you would have 4 games over about 3 hours on Saturday.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149


[CorvallisAYSO] 07U Division Update
Sat 1/11/2020 7:15 AM

Hello 7U Families,

I hope you had a great winter break, here is a quick programs update...

Indoor Winter 2 Season (7U Boys): Games start 2/1, you can still register (here) on Sports Connect (was Blue Sombrero) through Friday 1/17. I have about two boys teams so far.

Outdoor Continuation - Spring Season: Practices could start 3/30 and go through 5/29. Core games are Saturdays 4/4 - 5/16.
+> If you played in fall outdoor, you are still with the same team/uniform for spring, no need to signup for spring. We assume you are joining us for spring, if not, give us a heads up (here).
+> If you did not play in fall outdoor, you can register in February to fill open spots for spring outdoor, sometimes we get enough players to build new teams.

(3-A-Side for 7U) Jamboree: Saturday 5/30 we will have a 3-A-Side jamboree (here), like last year, but this will be an add-on event by team or independent agent signup. Players from fall, winter, or spring can join, any AYSO member can signup. The cost would be $5 per player (scholarship players & new spring outdoor season players can play for free), medals are provided to all players, you would have 4 games over 3 hours on Saturday.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149


[CorvallisAYSO] 09U Division Update
Sat 1/11/2020 7:00 AM

Hello 9U Families,

I hope you had a great winter break, here is a quick programs update...

Indoor Winter 2 Season (09U): Games start 2/1, you can still register (here) on Sports Connect (was Blue Sombrero) through Friday 1/17. I have about three boys teams and two girls teams so far.

Outdoor Continuation - Spring Season: Practices could start 3/30 and go through 5/29. Core games are Saturdays 4/4 - 5/16.
+> If you played in fall outdoor, you are still with the same team/uniform for spring, no need to signup for spring. We assume you are joining us for spring, if not, give us a heads up (here).
+> If you did not play in fall outdoor, you can register in February to fill open spots for spring outdoor, sometimes we get enough players to build new teams.

Lebanon Soccerfest Tournament: Saturday 5/23, with rules like 5-A-Side, 3 qualifying games, and a championship round. The cost can vary, but is about $8 per player and signups would be with our neighboring region 870 (here).

(4-A-Side for 9U) Jamboree: Saturday 5/30 we will have a 4-A-Side jamboree (here), like last year, but this will be an add-on event by team or independent agent signup. Players from fall, winter, or spring can join, any AYSO member can signup. The cost would be $5 per player (scholarship players & new spring outdoor season players can play for free), medals are provided to all players, you would have 4-5 games over 3-4 hours on Saturday.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149


[CorvallisAYSO] 11U Division Update
Sat 1/11/2020 6:45 AM

Hello 11U Families,

I hope you had a great winter break, here is a quick programs update...

Indoor Winter 2 Season (11U): Games start 2/1, you can still register (here) on Sports Connect (was Blue Sombrero) through Friday 1/17. I have about two boys teams and three girls teams so far.

Outdoor Continuation - Spring Season: Practices could start 3/30 - 5/29. Core games are Saturdays 4/4 - 5/16.
+> If you played in fall outdoor, you are still with the same team/uniform for spring, no need to signup for spring. We assume you are joining us for spring, if not, give us a heads up (here).
+> If you did not play in fall outdoor, you can register in February to fill open spots for spring outdoor, sometimes we get enough players to build new teams.

Lebanon Soccerfest Tournament: Saturday 5/23, with rules like 5-A-Side, 3 qualifying games, and a championship round. The cost can vary, but is about $8 per player and signups would be with our neighboring region 870 (here).

5-A-Side Jamboree: Saturday 5/30 we will have a 5-A-Side jamboree (here), like last year, but this will be an add-on event by team or independent agent signup. Players from fall, winter, or spring can join, any AYSO member can signup. The cost would be $5 per player (scholarship players & new spring outdoor season players can play for free), medals are provided to all players, you would have 4-5 games over 3-4 hours on Saturday.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149


[CorvallisAYSO] 13U Division Update
Sat 1/11/2020 6:30 AM

Hello 13U Families,

I hope you had a great winter break, here is a quick programs update...

Indoor Winter 2 Season (13U): Games start 2/1, you can still register (here) on Sports Connect (was Blue Sombrero) through Friday 1/17. I have about four boys teams and two girls teams so far.

Outdoor Continuation - Spring Season: Practices could start 3/30 - 5/29. Core games are Saturdays 4/4 - 5/16.
+> If you played in fall outdoor, you are still with the same team/uniform for spring. If you are not participating in spring, give us a heads up (here).
+> If you did not play in fall outdoor, you can register in February to fill open spots, sometimes we get enough players to build new teams.

Lebanon Soccerfest Tournament: Saturday 5/23, with rules like 5-A-Side, 3 qualifying games, and a championship round. The cost can vary, but is about $8 per player and signups would be with our neighboring region 870 (here).

5-A-Side Jamboree: Saturday 5/30 we will have a 5-A-Side jamboree (here), like last year, but this will be an add-on event by team or independent agent signup. Players from fall, winter, or spring can join, any AYSO member can signup. The cost would be $5 per player (scholarship players & new spring outdoor season players can play for free), medals are provided to all players, you would have 4-5 games over 3-4 hours on Saturday.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149


[CorvallisAYSO] 15U Division Update
Sat 1/11/2020 6:15 AM

Hello 15U Families,

I hope you had a great winter break, here is a quick programs update...

Indoor Winter 2 Season (15U Coed): Games start 2/1 and are on Saturdays, you can still register (here) on Sports Connect (was Blue Sombrero) through Friday 1/17. I have about 5 teams so far, one team from the Dallas area, two teams from the Kings Valley area, and two teams from the Corvallis area.

Outdoor Continuation - Spring Season: Practices could start 3/30 - 5/29. Core games are Saturdays 4/4 - 5/16.
+> If you played in fall outdoor, you are still with the same team/uniform for spring. If you are not participating in spring, give us a heads up (here).
+> If you did not play in fall outdoor, you can register in February to fill open spots, sometimes we get enough players to build new teams.

Lebanon Soccerfest Tournament: Saturday 5/23, with rules like the 5-A-Side, 3 qualifying games, and a championship round. The cost can vary, but is about $8 per player and signups would be with our neighboring region 870 (here).

5-A-Side Jamboree: Saturday 5/30 we will have a 5-A-Side jamboree (here), like last year, but this will be an add-on event by team or independent agent signup. Players from fall, winter, or spring can join, any AYSO member can signup. The cost would be $5 per player (scholarship players & new spring season players can play for free), medals are provided to all players, you would have 4-5 games over 3-4 hours on Saturday.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149


WINTER 2019 ##############################

Winter 2


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Friday & Saturday
Fri 3/13/2020 1:56 AM

Hi Indoor Soccer Families,

Games will be running as scheduled for our two final game days of indoor soccer.

Things to keep in mind:
>> Please stay home if you are sick or have been around someone who is sick.
>> It is recommended that older and vulnerable individuals stay away.
>> Staff at the sports park will be regularly cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces.

>+> We ask that all players limit the number of spectators they bring to their games.
>+> We request that players do not shake hands or high-five during or after games.

Remember that the sports park includes bathrooms just outside the playing area for washing hands.

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Season 2 Update
Tue 1/28/20 6:15 AM

To All Indoor Assigned Players,

If you have not received the other emails, the seasons first games start this Saturday. You can check your game schedule in Sports Connect (https://www.corvallisayso.org/login) or on the region website: https://www.corvallisayso.org/teams/schedule

Referee Help: We need referee help for Saturday. Please signup to help online: https://www.corvallisayso.org/referees/schedule
For 7U, the managers/coaches would be helping to do both jobs, so no need to signup.

Open Teams: We still have a handful of openings, especially at 7U & 15U. We also have open spots for 11U & 13U. If a buddy signs up, please have them fill out the team buddy form (here).

Sports Park Release / Waiver: Each parent needs to fill out the attached form for the indoor sports park and bring it on the first game day.

Tuesday Games: We needed to add some games to Tuesday to avoid Spring Break and not go too late on Saturdays. If this change does not work for you, please use the refund request form to cancel your registration (here).

Referees: On the job training can be provided right before your first match, just email me. Indoor referees can be coaches (7U-9U) or referees (7U-15U). You need to be current with volunteer registration / background check, concussion training in AYSOU.org, and have training appropriate for the level of play.


Quick Rules Sheet

GAMES: 18 minute halves w/ 1 minute half

  • 7U - 6 vs. 6, no goal keeper, full field, free substitutions.
  • 9U - 7 vs. 7, red line is build out line, free substitutions.
  • 11U-15U - 7 vs. 7, free substitutions.



  • Roof Netting - restart on red line on the side where the ball was kicked.
  • Side Netting or Off the Field - restart one yard from the wall near where the ball hit the netting or went out.
  • Over the Goal Netting - either corner kick on the white dot or a goal keeper throw (7U goal area kick).

RED LINE VIOLATION: The ball cannot cross 2 red lines in the air. The restart is anywhere on the first red line that was crossed for the opposing team. If it touches the wall, a player, or the ground before crossing the 2nd line, it is not a violation.


  • All are direct.
  • Opposing team should be 3 yards away.
  • Kicking player cannot touch ball again without it touching someone else.
  • Non-penalty infractions (passing back to keeper) free kick at edge outside keeper box.

PENALTY KICKS: Penalty taken from the top of the keeper box. Non-kickers line up behind the red line and can move once the ball is kicked. Penalty kicker cannot touch the ball twice (must touch another player).


  • All outdoor fouls for the age group (including heading rule).
  • Two hands against the wall (to push off).
  • Deliberate or Out of Control Sliding.
  • Punting or Drop Kick.
  • Jumping Over Wall.
  • Playing on the Ground.

Make sure outgoing player steps off field before incoming player steps in. (If they will not come off (do not know the name), feel free to send a player on to have them pull off the other player. Player going on should not get involved with play until they get the player coming off.)

ENTERING FIELD (not from player box) - get referee permission first.


  1. Blue - 2 minute penalty or until opponent scores.
  2. Yellow - 2 minute penalty.
  3. Red- ejection plus 5 minutes penalty served by another player.

Typical Game Day

Game Day Gear: The sports park will have a bag with soccer balls and pinnies for players, stored at the front desk.

Parents: Ensure you player is wearing the right equipment and has a white shirt; first game day, sign the release form (here) (one needed per year) and turn it in; drop your player off with the right team manager by the benches next to the field; if you are staying for the game, I suggest you go upstairs to spectate and cheer (note: players can hear your conversations and comments from the balcony); if you have young children with you, consider the downstairs space by the benches (do not kick soccer balls against walls); from entering the field the game is about 42min, be back to meet your player in the lobby at that time.

Players: Wear a white shirt (or team designated color and bring a white shirt); standard soccer restrictions ([no watch, earrings, etc.], socks over shin guards, court shoes (okay for 7U-11U) or turf shoes (required for 13U+); the field could be cold at start, but you will warm up fast, sport pants can be a good idea; enter on the ground floor and check in with your manager at the bench seats right next to the field (be sure you know your team name); when your manager says okay, enter the field and place your equipment in one of the player boxes, after the other team is out; warm up, stretch, and wait for positions from your manager; after the game, grab your equipment and leave the field to the lobby.

Team Managers: Bring a printing of your roster (here), the referee could have a roster for you (use the roster for sub/player tracking); if you are the first game, or the team before you uses different size soccer balls, ask the front desk to check for the game day bag for your size; gather your players in the waiting area by the benches (or on the field if the referee is present); check player equipment on arrival and note them in your roster; enter the field with your team after the prior game clock is done (about 5min before your start time according to the field clock); figure out a team box to the west and place your equipment, after the other team is out of the box; talk with the opposing team manager, find the pinnies, and decide who will wear them (often the team with players not all wearing one color); indicate positions to players (1 GK (use a rotation if needed), 2 defenders, 2 midfield (your energizer bunnies), 2 forwards, remainder to box), give the goal keeper a unique color pinnie; after game start, do on the fly substitutions (players should only sit out for 6min at a time), and mark the subs in the roster; I use a method where I sub a player every 2min (w/ 3subs) or every 3min (w/ 2subs); at half YOU HAVE 1MIN, swap the goal keeper (if they want to stay in the position, press them to play the field), and do your 1 sub; at the end of the game, gather all the gear from the team box and leave the field, we have little time between games, so do the high five off the field.

Referees: Get team roster from front desk (they will often highlight the players missing something); if clock is off, ask them to turn it on; enter the field and place your gear in the box to the south east; check the sports park clock (often 6 min slow) and set the game clock to count down to about 2min before the game should start; check w/ managers for players missing liability forms (you can give them the roster); check player equipment (standard soccer stuff, no outdoor cleats)(larger 13U+ players need turf shoes); ensure the teams have consistent colors and the keeper is a unique color; get a game ball, if it is flat the front counter has a pump; INDOOR IS FAST, please do everything you can to keep the pace and get folks playing; set the clock for 18min, start the 18min within 1min of game start no matter what; you do not need to put scores on the board; at half set the clock for 1min or less to catch up; start the last 18min, 30seconds after the half time clock ran out, no matter what; take all of your equipment and help get game equipment off the field to the front desk. Signup to Referee (here).

Game Clock Details
To set the time, press "Set Clock", enter in time, press enter >> Start time - Press "Clock on/off" which will also pause the clock.
To award goals, press either "Guest Score +1" or "Home Score +1"
NOTICE: we do not normally keep track of goals on the board.
To take away goals, press "Set Guest Functions" or "Set Home Functions". You will then type in the number of goals the team should have and press enter.
To enter a penalty, press the button labeled "Guest Penalty" or "Home Penalty". Enter player #1, press enter, enter time, press enter again.
** If you are not the first game, you will need to hit the button labeled "New Game Options", enter in the time of the game and hit enter. **
** For halftime, press the timeout button. It will automatically bring up 1 minute **

Let me know if you have any questions!

Luke - Acting Indoor Coordinator

Refund/Cancel Requests need to be submitted before Saturday 2/1: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/refund.html


{CorvallisAYSO} Indoor All-in-One
Sat 1/25/2020 1:56 AM

Dear Team,

Welcome to indoor soccer season 2! This email includes most of the information you need for the season, it also includes everyone on the team in the email TO field, you can reply all to contact the team. Below are the key items for Game Days...

  • Arrive 20min early.
  • Sports Park Release Forms: Liability Forms are required for everyone touching the playing field, including volunteers. You can arrive early and sign one on game day or print and sign one now (here), then bring it.
  • Wear/Bring a White Shirt.
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • SHOES! 13U+ requires indoor turf shoes; all others could have indoor turf shoes or court shoes. 13U+: On the first game, you will not get kicked out for missing indoor turf shoes, but please work to get them for 13U+ (outdoor cleats are not allowed).
    • No Jewelry.

+ #### +
Team Roster/Dashboard: (here)
+ #### +

+ STATUS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Team Players: 9
Referee: 0 of 1 Desired
Team Manager: 1 of 1 Required

NOTES: If the team only has a referee, the referee is the team manager until a Team Manager is allocated.

+ GAME SCHEDULE v1 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+








4:55 PM



Indoor Referee - LUKE C


12:55 PM



Indoor Referee - OPEN


Please review your game schedule carefully. Some teams would play the same team each time, in many situations, that means the players arrive and split up into two teams to play. Teams playing in the first game each day are responsible for pulling the equipment out to the field from the front desk. Teams that are in the last game each day are responsible for removing all equipment and turning it into the front desk.

IMPORTANT: Games must start on time. If your game starts late, the referee may need to shorten your match to prevent conflict with the next scheduled game.

Due to the complexity of game schedules, it is usually impossible to accommodate requests. Errors will be corrected whenever possible.

+ PLAYERS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+



+ ALLOCATED VOLUNTEERS So Far +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+



Team Manager


When volunteers are registered and after the background check completes, volunteers will be allocated.

+ POSSIBLE VOLUNTEERS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+







Team Manager


Team Manager


Team Manager


Team Manager


If you can fill a team void as a Referee or Team Manager, please email the team and signup.
Adult Volunteer Registration (here).

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GAME DAYS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

Game Day Gear: The sports park will have a bag with soccer balls and pinnies for players, stored at the front desk.

Parents: Ensure you player is wearing the right equipment and has a white shirt; first game day, sign the release form (here) (one needed per year) and turn it in; drop your player off with the right team manager by the benches next to the field; if you are staying for the game, I suggest you go upstairs to spectate and cheer (note: players can hear your conversations and comments from the balcony); if you have young children with you, consider the downstairs space by the benches (do not kick soccer balls against walls); from entering the field the game is about 42min, be back to meet your player in the lobby at that time.

Players: Wear a white shirt (or team designated color and bring a white shirt); standard soccer restrictions ([no watch, earrings, etc.], socks over shin guards, court shoes (okay for 7U-11U) or turf shoes (required for 13U+); the field could be cold at start, but you will warm up fast, sport pants can be a good idea; enter on the ground floor and check in with your manager at the bench seats right next to the field (be sure you know your team name); when your manager says okay, enter the field and place your equipment in one of the player boxes, after the other team is out; warm up, stretch, and wait for positions from your manager; after the game, grab your equipment and leave the field to the lobby.

Team Managers: Bring a printing of your roster, the referee could have a roster for you (use the roster for sub/player tracking); if you are the first game, or the team before you uses different size soccer balls, ask the front desk to check for the game day bag for your size; gather your players in the waiting area by the benches (or on the field if the referee is present); check player equipment on arrival and note them in your roster; enter the field with your team after the prior game clock is done (about 5min before your start time according to the field clock); figure out a team box to the west and place your equipment, after the other team is out of the box; talk with the opposing team manager, find the pinnies, and decide who will wear them (often the team with players not all wearing one color); indicate positions to players (1 GK (use a rotation if needed), 2 defenders, 2 midfield (your energizer bunnies), 2 forwards, remainder to box), give the goal keeper a unique color pinnie; after game start, do on the fly substitutions (players should only sit out for 6min at a time), and mark the subs in the roster; I use a method where I sub a player every 2min (w/ 3subs) or every 3min (w/ 2subs); at half YOU HAVE 1MIN, swap the goal keeper (if they want to stay in the position, press them to play the field), and do your 1 sub; at the end of the game, gather all the gear from the team box and leave the field, we have little time between games, so do the high five off the field.

Referees: Get team roster from front desk (they will often highlight the players missing something); if clock is off, ask them to turn it on; enter the field and place your gear in the box to the south east; check the sports park clock (often 6 min slow) and set the game clock to count down to about 2min before the game should start; check w/ managers for players missing liability forms (you can give them the roster); check player equipment (standard soccer stuff, no outdoor cleats)(larger 13U+ players need turf shoes); ensure the teams have consistent colors and the keeper is a unique color; get a game ball, if it is flat the front counter has a pump; INDOOR IS FAST, please do everything you can to keep the pace and get folks playing; set the clock for 18min, start the 18min within 1min of game start no matter what; you do not need to put scores on the board; at half set the clock for 1min or less to catch up; start the last 18min, 30seconds after the half time clock ran out, no matter what; take all of your equipment and help get game equipment off the field to the front desk. Signup to Referee (here).

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INDOOR RULES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

GAMES: 18 minute halves w/ 1 minute half

  • 7U - 6 vs. 6, no goal keeper, full field, free substitutions.
  • 9U - 7 vs. 7, red line is build out line, free substitutions.
  • 11U-15U - 7 vs. 7, free substitutions.



  • Roof Netting - restart on red line on the side where the ball was kicked.
  • Side Netting or Off the Field - restart one yard from the wall near where the ball hit the netting or went out.
  • Over the Goal Netting - either corner kick on the white dot or a goal keeper throw (7U goal area kick).

RED LINE VIOLATION: The ball cannot cross 2 red lines in the air. The restart is anywhere on the first red line that was crossed for the opposing team. If it touches the wall, a player, or the ground before crossing the 2nd line, it is not a violation.


  • All are direct.
  • Opposing team should be 3 yards away.
  • Kicking player cannot touch ball again without it touching someone else.
  • Non-penalty infractions (passing back to keeper) free kick at edge outside keeper box.

PENALTY KICKS: Penalty taken from the top of the keeper box. Non-kickers line up behind the red line and can move once the ball is kicked. Penalty kicker cannot touch the ball twice (must touch another player).


  • All outdoor fouls for the age group (including heading rule).
  • Two hands against the wall (to push off).
  • Deliberate or Out of Control Sliding.
  • Punting or Drop Kick.
  • Jumping Over Wall.
  • Playing on the Ground.

Make sure outgoing player steps off field before incoming player steps in. (If they will not come off (do not know the name), feel free to send a player on to have them pull off the other player. Player going on should not get involved with play until they get the player coming off.)

ENTERING FIELD (not from player box) - get referee permission first.


  1. Blue - 2 minute penalty or until opponent scores.
  2. Yellow - 2 minute penalty.
  3. Red- ejection plus 5 minutes penalty served by another player.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.



{CorvallisAYSO} Indoor Roster v1
Wed 1/22/2020 9:55 PM

Dear Indoor Team,

Welcome to indoor soccer season 2! This email includes everyone on the team in the email TO field. Below is the player roster and the volunteer status. If your team is missing an allocated volunteer, please reach out to the team if you can fill that role. I expect the game schedule to be finalized/posted Thursday.

+ #### +
Team Roster/Dashboard: (here)
+ #### +

+ STATUS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Team Players: 9
Referee: 0 of 1 Desired
Team Manager: 0 of 1 Required

NOTES: If the team only has a referee, the referee is the team manager until a Team Manager is allocated.

+ PLAYERS v1 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+



We will continue to add players until we hit the max player count of 10, so roster changes are possible.

+ ALLOCATED VOLUNTEERS So Far +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

( No Volunteers, looks like we need some help. )

When volunteers are registered and after the background check completes, volunteers will be allocated.

+ POSSIBLE VOLUNTEERS So Far +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+





Team Manager


If you can fill a team void as a Referee or Team Manager, please email the team and signup.
Adult Volunteer Registration (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.



[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Season 2 - Feb-Mar
Fri 1/3/2020 6:31 PM

Hello |User First Name|,

If you have not signed up already... sign up online (here) by 1/17.

Divisions: 7U Boys, 9U Boys & Girls, 11U Boys & Girls, 13U Boys & Girls, & 15U Coed. Register (here). Select a program that is available, and work through the registration process.
If you have a special request, use this request form (here).

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are scheduled Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. During the week, games could start at 4:10 and a second game starting at 4:50. Games on Saturday are anywhere from 12-5pm. There are no practices. This session will go from Feb 1 - Mar 21, team notifications will happen by Jan 22, with a game schedule expected soon after.

The fee is $45 and will need to be paid by Credit Card. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $45 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $43. After we start the season/games, no refunds) (refund form).

> Signup here <

See you in February,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Soccer Coord.

P.S. For player special requests, use this form (here).


Winter 1


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Referee Signup
Wed 10/30/2019 12:15 PM

Hello Referees,

I'm looking for some help with indoor soccer refereeing.

09U-15U Signup Online Here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/referees/schedule.html
For 7U, the managers/coaches would be helping to do both jobs, so no need to signup.

On the job training can be provided right before your first match, just email me.

NOTE: Indoor referees can be coaches (7U-9U) or referees (7U-15U). You need to be current with volunteer registration / background check, concussion training in AYSOU.org, and have training appropriate for the level of play.


Indoor Rules (Quick Sheet)

GAMES: 18 minute halves w/ 1 minute half

  • 7U - 6 vs. 6, no goal keeper, full field, free substitutions.
  • 9U - 7 vs. 7, red line is build out line, free substitutions.
  • 11U-15U - 7 vs. 7, free substitutions.



  • Roof Netting - restart on red line on the side where the ball was kicked.
  • Side Netting or Off the Field - restart one yard from the wall near where the ball hit the netting or went out.
  • Over the Goal Netting - either corner kick on the white dot or a goal keeper throw (7U goal keeper kick).

RED LINE VIOLATION: The ball cannot cross 2 red lines in the air. The restart is anywhere on the first red line that was crossed for the opposing team. If it touches the wall, a player, or the ground before crossing the 2nd line, it is not a violation.


  • All are direct.
  • Opposing team should be 3 yards away.
  • Kicking player cannot touch ball again without it touching someone else.
  • Non-penalty infractions (passing back to keeper) free kick at edge outside keeper box.

PENALTY KICKS: Penalty taken from the top of the keeper box. Non-kickers line up behind the red line and can move once the ball is kicked. Penalty kicker cannot touch the ball twice (must touch another player).


  • All outdoor fouls for the age group (including heading rule = would be a direct kick).
  • Two hands against the wall to push off.
  • Sliding.
  • Punting or Drop Kick.
  • Jumping Over Wall.
  • Playing on the Ground.

SUBSTITUTIONS: On the fly. Make sure outgoing player steps off field before incoming player steps in.

ENTERING FIELD (not from player box) - get referee permission first.


  1. Blue - 2 minute penalty or until opponent scores.
  2. Yellow - 2 minute penalty.
  3. Red- ejection plus 5 minutes penalty served by another player.

Typical Game Day

Game Day Gear: The sports park will have a bag with soccer balls and pinnies for players, stored at the front desk.

Referees: Get team roster from front desk (they will often highlight the players missing something); if clock is off, ask them to turn it on; enter the field and place your gear in the box to the south east; check the sports park clock (often 6 min slow) and set the game clock to count down to about 2min before the game should start; check w/ managers for players missing liability forms (you can give them the roster); check player equipment (standard soccer stuff, no outdoor cleats)(larger 13U+ players need turf shoes); ensure the teams have consistent colors and the keeper is a unique color; get a game ball, if it is flat the front counter has a pump; INDOOR IS FAST, please do everything you can to keep the pace and get folks playing; set the clock for 18min, start the 18min within 1min of game start no matter what; you do not need to put scores on the board; at half set the clock for 1min or less to catch up; start the last 18min, 30seconds after the half time clock ran out, no matter what; take all of your equipment and help get game equipment off the field to the front desk. Signup to Referee (here).

Game Clock Details
To set the time, press "Set Clock", enter in time, press enter >> Start time - Press "Clock on/off" which will also pause the clock.
To award goals, press either "Guest Score +1" or "Home Score +1". NOTICE: We do not usually keep score on the game clock.
To take away goals, press "Set Guest Functions" or "Set Home Functions". You will then type in the number of goals the team should have and press enter.
To enter a penalty, press the button labeled "Guest Penalty" or "Home Penalty". Enter player #1, press enter, enter time, press enter again.
** If you are not the first game, you will need to hit the button labeled "New Game Options", enter in the time of the game and hit enter. **
** For halftime, press the timeout button. It will automatically bring up 1 minute **

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] 11UB & 13UG Indoor Managers
Tue 10/29/2019 4:30 AM

Hello 11UB & 13UG Parents,

We are short on volunteers in your division. We need at a minimum Team Managers/Coaches. Without two verified adults on the fields, we cannot have games (referees could be youth or adult, so TMs need to be adults).

I am posting the team rosters, as I need to get schedules out, but we need help and might move players around to make that happen.

Please reply or email

The Team Manager/Coach Job...
Requirements: Volunteer Registration, Cleared Background Check, Safe Haven Training, & Current Concussion Training.
What Team Managers Do: Bring a printing of your roster (here), the referee could have a roster for you (use the roster for sub/player tracking); if you are the first game, or the team before you uses different size soccer balls, ask the front desk to check for the game day bag for your size; gather your players in the waiting area by the benches (or on the field if the referee is present); check player equipment on arrival and note them in your roster; enter the field with your team after the prior game clock is done (about 5min before your start time according to the field clock); figure out a team box to the west and place your equipment, after the other team is out of the box; talk with the opposing team manager, find the pinnies, and decide who will wear them (often the team with players not all wearing one color); indicate positions to players (1 GK (use a rotation if needed), 2 defenders, 2 midfield (your energizer bunnies), 2 forwards, remainder to box), give the goal keeper a unique color pinnie; after game start, do on the fly substitutions (players should only sit out for 6min at a time), and mark the subs in the roster; I use a method where I sub a player every 2min (w/ 3subs) or every 3min (w/ 2subs); at half YOU HAVE 1MIN, swap the goal keeper (if they want to stay in the position, press them to play the field), and do your 1 sub; at the end of the game, gather all the gear from the team box and leave the field, we have little time between games, so do the high five off the field.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.
Nicole Chapman - Indoor Team Formation

Register as a Volunteer: Adult(here) Youth(here).


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Update
Mon 10/28/2019 5:53 AM

Hello all indoor families,

UPDATE: We are still working on the game schedule and team rosters (version 1) will be sent out today once we confirm volunteers for each team.


  1. First Games could start on Friday this week.
  2. No cleats or knobby-style running shoes are allowed, players 11U and below can wear tennis shoes, 13U+ players are required to have indoor soccer shoes (this is actually based on player size, smaller players could wear tennis shoes).
  3. Shin guards are required and must be fully covered by socks.
  4. Just like outdoor, no jewelry is allowed.
  5. Players should wear a WHITE shirt and we will use pennies, available on game day, to differentiate teams.
  6. No soccer balls required, we will have them at the field.
  7. All players & volunteers must have a current Corvallis Sports Park liability waiver completed by a legal guardian (here Physical Paper & Signature is Required and can be turned in at the CSP desk before your game).

VOLUNTEERS: Nicole Chapman will be reaching out to help fill team vacancies. When asked, please complete the volunteer registration (Guide: Adults(here), Youth(here)). When you get the roster: The volunteer assigned to your team as a Team Manager will be your manager & game day coach, if you only have a Referee on the team, they are the manager & game day coach. 7U will have coaches on and off the field.

SCHEDULE: We are working to fill 108 game slots, I expect to have the first version done today. To work with all the added players and around the holidays, we added the potential to have teams play on Monday @ 5:30 & extended Saturday to have some games start at 7pm.


NOTICE: Teams are 6-10 players and often are altered on game day to maximize playing time and create a balanced game (altered for balance based on attendees).

In 07UB we have 21 players, it would be great to get more so we can have some more subs. (6 open spots)
In 07UG we have 10 players, it would be great to get more so we can build two groups of 6 to play in a hat draw. (8 open spots)

In 09UB we have 40 players, we have 4 teams to play in a rotation. (Wait List)
In 09UG we have 29 players, we have 3 teams to play in a rotation. (Wait List)

In 11UB we have 51 players, we have 5 teams to play in a rotation. (Wait List)
In 11UG we have 51 players, we have 5 teams to play in a rotation. (Wait List)

In 13UB we have 67 players, we have 7 teams to play in a rotation. (3 open spots)
In 13UG we have 25 players, we have 3 teams to play in a rotation. (5 open spots)

In 15UB we have 20 players, we can build two groups to play in a hat draw. (Wait List)
In 15UG we have 15 players, we can build two groups to play in a hat draw. (5 open spots)

Let me know if you have any questions!

Luke - Acting Indoor Coordinator

Refund/Cancel Requests need to be submitted before Wed 10/30: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/refund.html


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Winter Season 1
Fri 10/25/2019 7:15 AM

Hello all indoor families,

I have you registered for our upcoming season of indoor soccer.

Items to keep in mind...

  1. No cleats or knobby-style running shoes are allowed, players 11U and below can wear tennis shoes, 13U+ players are required to have indoor soccer shoes (this is actually based on player size, smaller players could wear tennis shoes).
  2. Shin guards are required and must be fully covered by socks.
  3. Just like outdoor, no jewelry is allowed, don't put those new earrings in yet.

At 7U we will play 5v5 or 6v6 on the full field, no goal keepers, coaches will be on the field to help. At 9U and above, we will play 7v7 with goal keepers and referees.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Special Requests need to be submitted before Sunday: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/special-request.html

Refund/Cancel Requests need to be submitted before Wed 10/30: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/refund.html


FALL 2019 ##############################


Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
Thu 11/7/2019 10:31 AM

Referees of R149,

Time to show your AYSO spirit and commitment! Tournament is upon us and we need you (and a bunch of your friends) to come out to ref one last time before the rains show up.

We have a big gap, particularly in the afternoon when there is overlap with High School playoff games.

We are getting desperate for referees on the Area Tournament matches. There are a huge number of open position (opportunities for you!) in the schedule. Please take look and see if you can possibly help give these kids playing a great experience.

Thank you!!!

For signup, email - Walt Mahaffee


[AYSOArea2S] Area Tournament Update
Wed 11/6/2019 1:15 PM

Hello Swordferns, Mets, Avalanche, & Anemones,

Attached is an updated game schedule for Saturday. I added the first games into Blue Sombrero, but keep in mind that, at a minimum, you would play two games.


Prior Email....

Congratulations on being selected by your region to represent them at the first AYSO Area S tournament. Some things to consider as you are preparing your teams for the tournament.

The Area S tournament will be a double elimination tournament held on Saturday November 9th at Adams Elementary School in Corvallis. There is a map on the Area S website for directions to Adams. www.ayso2s.org

Schedules are posted on the Area S website and attached to this email. Please remember to show Good Sportsmanship during the tournament. This extends to everyone not just the players and coaches.

Teams will need to check in at least a half hour prior to their first game at the main information booth. Teams will need to provide a completed AYSO Game Card for their scheduled matches. AYSO Game Cards must be completed with the players in numeric order and will be stamped at check-in. Only Stamped cards will be accepted by the refs for the games.

Official AYSO lineup cards can be printed from Blue Sombrero (RMS How to Printing Team Lineup Cards), or downloaded from AYSO National as a fillable PDF. Please print the Game Cards on heavier paper or card stock. There will be blank cards available at the check in booth, but it is recommended to fill them out ahead of time.

There will not be a lot of time between games on the game fields. Please make sure that your team is at the field and ready to play as soon as the previous game is completed. You will not have time to warm up on the game field. The Ref will do a quick equipment check and then teams need to be ready to play. Each team will need to designate a person to keep track of the score and players play time on the Game Card. All players need to play at least half of every game. At the conclusion of the game both teams coaches and the ref need to sign the back of the Game card. It is the teams responsibility to turn the signed Game card into the main information booth immediately after each game.

The teams who win their divisions will be invited to represent Area S at the AYSO Section 2 tournament in Foster City California on December 14th and 15th. If the division winner is not able to play in the Section 2 tournament their spot will be offered to the runner up.

I look forward to seeing everyone on the 9th.

Thank you,

Duston Denver, Area Director
AYSO Area 2/S - Oregon, Washington, Alaska

via: Luke Cotton


[AYSOArea2S] Power Team Tournament Update
Wed 11/6/2019 11:55 AM

Hello Entire Power Team,

It seems that your opposing team has backed out of the tournament. Congratulations, I think...

This means you can play in the tournament in California 12/14 & 12/15 in Foster City CA. The region would pay the entrance fee, but travel and stay would be something you would need to figure out.

Question is, are you interested/available?

Tournament Details: https://www.aysosection2.org/Default.aspx?tabid=946945

Coach, please email me once you reach out to all the players.

Sorry / Thanks,
Luke Cotton


Area Tournament
Tue 11/5/2019 8:04 AM

R149 Referees,

Thanks to those who have already signed up!


We still have a long way to go in fill out the referee schedule for the Area Tournament.

I really appreciate those of you that figured out my fat fingers mistyped my email. It should be XX

Please look at the schedule and let me know where you can fill in. If the time is highlighted red this game may or may not happen, since it is a double elimination tournament.

We have three age groups (10U, 12U, and 14U). All halves will be 25 minutes with a 5 minute half time and using AYSO guidance to the 2019/2020 IFAB Laws of the Game as we have been doing all season. Substitutions will be made on the quarter for all games.

While I hope helping the players have fun and enjoy their games is often a great reward, we will have a referee tent with some refreshments and a food vender at the event where referees get to eat free. I hear the breakfast burritos are outstanding.

Please let me know at XX what games you can help with. You are welcome to help with multiple games. Below is the game schedule.

Walt Mahaffee

Area 2S referee administrator


[AYSOArea2S] Area Tournament Schedule
Mon 11/4/2019 6:43 PM

Congratulations on being selected by your region to represent them at the first AYSO Area S tournament. Some things to consider as you are preparing your teams for the tournament.

The Area S tournament will be a double elimination tournament held on Saturday November 9th at Adams Elementary School in Corvallis. There is a map on the Area S website for directions to Adams. www.ayso2s.org

Schedules are posted on the Area S website and attached to this email. Please remember to show Good Sportsmanship during the tournament. This extends to everyone not just the players and coaches.

Teams will need to check in at least a half hour prior to their first game at the main information booth. Teams will need to provide a completed AYSO Game Card for their scheduled matches. AYSO Game Cards must be completed with the players in numeric order and will be stamped at check-in. Only Stamped cards will be accepted by the refs for the games.

Official AYSO lineup cards can be printed from Blue Sombrero (RMS How to Printing Team Lineup Cards), or downloaded from AYSO National as a fillable PDF. Please print the Game Cards on heavier paper or card stock. There will be blank cards available at the check in booth, but it is recommended to fill them out ahead of time.

There will not be a lot of time between games on the game fields. Please make sure that your team is at the field and ready to play as soon as the previous game is completed. You will not have time to warm up on the game field. The Ref will do a quick equipment check and then teams need to be ready to play. Each team will need to designate a person to keep track of the score and players play time on the Game Card. All players need to play at least half of every game. At the conclusion of the game both teams coaches and the ref need to sign the back of the Game card. It is the teams responsibility to turn the signed Game card into the main information booth immediately after each game.

The teams who win their divisions will be invited to represent Area S at the AYSO Section 2 tournament in Foster City California on December 14th and 15th. If the division winner is not able to play in the Section 2 tournament their spot will be offered to the runner up.

I look forward to seeing everyone on the 9th.

Thank you,

Duston Denver, Area Director
AYSO Area 2/S - Oregon, Washington, Alaska

via: Luke Cotton


[AYSOArea2S] Area Tournament 11/9
Sun 11/3/2019 3:24 PM

Hi Everyone,

Below are the Corvallis teams in the tournament. You can feel free to practice before your games on the 9th. The schedule will come out soon, in some divisions the games will mostly be in the morning at Adams, but could go into the afternoon.

Division Gender Team
10U Male Avalanche
12U Female Swordferns
12U Female Anemones
14U Female Power
14U Male Mets

More details will come out later, hopefully the schedule will be done soon.

Luke - Region Commissioner


Area Tournament
Sat 11/2/2019 10:05 AM

R149 Referees,

Yes, you can still volunteer to officiate AYSO matches this fall.
More glorious weather this week and more soccer!

You saw the announcement already, and some of you tried to respond to Walt, but couldn't due to a spelling error.

Well, now I'll fix that for you and for all of you who were thinking about it but haven't jumped in just yet...

To volunteer for the Area Tournament next Saturday, email Walt



You're not done just yet.... Area Tournament!
Fri 11/1/2019 3:04 PM

R149 Referees,
Wait, don't hang up those uniforms just yet. One more opportunity (besides, indoor, that's lots more opportunities this winter) to referee AYSO soccer! An Area Tournament will be held here in Corvallis NEXT WEEKEND! REFEREES ARE NEEDED!!!

Here's a note from the boss -

We made it. AYSO region 2S has finally gathered enough teams together to have an area tournament on Saturday, November 9, 2019 at the Adams Fields in Corvallis, OR. But now comes the hard part - getting referees to volunteer to do the games. We have three age groups (10U, 12U, and 14U). All halves will be 25 minutes with a 5 minute half time and using AYSO guidance to the 2019/2020 IFAB Laws of the Game as we have been doing all season. Substitutions will be made on the quarter for all games.

We need one referee (8 volunteer positions) for each 10U game which will be played with buildout lines and one referee (13 positions @ 12U and 7 positions @14U) and 2 assistant referees for each 12U (26 positions) and 14U (14 positions) games. While I hope helping the players have fun and enjoy their games is often a great reward, we will have a referee tent with some refreshments and a food vender at the event where referees get to eat free. I hear the breakfast burritos are outstanding.

Please let me know at XX what games you can help with. You are welcome to help with multiple games. Below is the game schedule.


Walt Mahaffee

Area 2S Referee Administrator


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall 2019 Thank You
Sat 10/26/2019 6:30 AM

All AYSO Families,

THANK YOU: Please remember to thank your volunteers. Without your coordinators, managers, coaches, and referees your player would not play. Let's remind them of how valued they are.

TOURNAMENT 9U-13U: Core teams able to participate in the area tournament on Saturday November 9th, need to contact me today (here).

SPRING 2020: Team roster confirmations start in late January (to check to see if you are not participating this spring). New player registration for spring outdoor starts in February and closes in mid-March. The seven weeks of spring games start the Saturday after spring break (April 4th), volunteer trainings will be in that week if not earlier. Remember: teams built in fall, stay for the entire school year, if you played in fall, no need to register for spring.

VOLUNTEER TRAINING: We try to offer Intermediate & Advanced trainings over winter for Referees & Coaches. Please signup to get notified about future trainings. Basic coach & referee trainings are often the first week after spring break.

HELP NEEDED: We need volunteers for 9UB Division Coordination, 5-A-Side Coordination, Fields Coordination, Indoor Soccer Coordination, and we can always use help with team formation. Please consider signing up...

INDOOR SOCCER: Signups for indoor are closing or getting shifted to wait list after today. Please signup as soon as possible, if we need to cut, we go by date of signup and refund the credit card.

SCHOOL YEAR 2019-2020:
-- Oct 26th: Final Game Day for Fall 2019, see you in April 2020.
-- Nov 9th: Add-On Area Tournament (9U-13U).
-- Nov - Dec: Add-On Indoor Season 1.
-- Feb - Mid March 2020: Spring Limited Registration.
-- Feb - Mar: Add-On Indoor Season 2.
-- March 30th - May 30th: Spring 2020 Season.
-- May: Registration for 2020-2021.
-- May 23rd: Add-On Lebanon Soccerfest.
-- May 30th: Add-On Corvallis 5-A-Side Jamboree.

If I do not see you for indoor, see you in April 2020!

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

Not participating for Spring 2020? Volunteers and Players can use this form: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/roster-change.html


[CorvallisAYSO] Thanks 4 Volunteering!
Sat 10/26/2019 7:15 AM

AYSO Volunteer,

If you do not hear it today, THANK YOU! All 363 of you helped enrich children's lives of 1,047 players this fall! Your volunteerism is valued and I hope you enjoyed your experience.

If you or your player did or did not enjoy this fall season, I would like to hear about it. Please consider filling out the appropriate survey(s) to help us identify issues/improvements and positives/strengths. With your input, we can utilize the long break between fall and spring to build a better program.

  • Referee Survey (here)

  • Coach Survey (here)

  • Manager Survey (here)

You are amazing,


[CorvallisAYSO] Area Tournament Sat 11/9
Sat 10/26/2019 7:00 AM

Hi 9U-13U Volunteers,

Reply Needed Today

>A< 9U would join 10U, 11U would join 12U, and 13U would join 14U. No 15U aka 16U.
>B< Only your core team can play, no sub/guest players.
>C< Each team needs a unique Coach of record, games will overlap.

The tournament is on November 9th here are the quick items to know...
>1< Teams are your Core Team Only.
>2< Games are on Saturday Nov 9th, Check with your Players to see if you have enough on the 9th.
>3< Participation is Not Guaranteed.
>>3a<< If many signup in a division, we would select teams based on volunteerism of the team (count of active referees & helpers from the season).
>>3b<< Teams will be asked to help with volunteer/helper duties to make this tournament a reality.
>4< Reply to me if you have the players from your core team and wish to participate. You need to reply by EOD 10/26 Today.

You can find the rules here: https://www.ayso2s.org/Default.aspx?tabid=952199



[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Winter Season 1
Fri 10/25/2019 7:15 AM

Hello all indoor families,

I have you registered for our upcoming season of indoor soccer.

Items to keep in mind...

  1. No cleats or knobby-style running shoes are allowed, players 11U and below can wear tennis shoes, 13U+ players are required to have indoor soccer shoes (this is actually based on player size, smaller players could wear tennis shoes).
  2. Shin guards are required and must be fully covered by socks.
  3. Just like outdoor, no jewelry is allowed, don't put those new earrings in yet.

At 7U we will play 5v5 or 6v6 on the full field, no goal keepers, coaches will be on the field to help. At 9U and above, we will play 7v7 with goal keepers and referees.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Special Requests need to be submitted before Sunday: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/special-request.html

Refund/Cancel Requests need to be submitted before Wed 10/30: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/refund.html


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Registration Limited After Saturday 10/26
Fri 10/25/2019 7:00 AM

Dear AYSO Family,

That has not already registered for indoor & with a player...

  • 06U > 07U - Born 2014 - (Capable enough to play up in 7U)
  • 07U - Born 2013
  • 09U - Born 2012-11
  • 11U - Born 2010-09
  • 13U - Born 2008-07
  • 15U - Born 2006-05 - (Willing to play coed in 15U)

After Saturday... Registration will be limited and in some cases wait listing will start.
Registration closes after we start the season on the 2nd.

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are scheduled Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. During the week, games could start at 4:10 (most often 7U or 9U games) and a second game starting at 4:50 (likely 9U or 11U). Games on Saturday are from 12-7pm and include all divisions. There are no practices. This session will go from November 2 - December 21, team notifications will happen by October 27, with a game schedule expected soon after.

The fee is $45 and will need to be paid by Credit Card online or by cash or check at the information shed today.
Note: Youth not currently playing AYSO's Fall soccer would need to pay the AYSO membership fee of $20.

Sign up Online: https://www.corvallisayso.org/login

Like other AYSO programs we need volunteers for games to run, referees need to be trained as referees, but Team Managers/Coaches can be a current referee, team manager, or team coach. Please consider signing up to help in Blue Sombrero.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Soccer Coordinator
(Play Up & Team Buddy Requests: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/special-request.html).


[CorvallisAYSO] Player Evaluations
Fri 10/25/2019 6:00 AM

Hello 6U-15U Coaches,

You should have received a player evaluation email like "{CorvallisAYSO} TEAM Player Evaluations".

NOTE: the email sent today had a bug that would not show players you evaluated in Spring. The reminder Sunday will include those players (and hide the players you already completed).

We are looking to collect player evaluations for fall to help with team balancing/additions in spring 2020, please complete the player evaluations by 10/30. The more information you can provide, the more help it will be to team formation and game scheduling.

Evaluations: Evaluate the player comparing them to other players in the same division. We are asking for evaluations broken down into four categories Psychosocial, Physical, Technical, and Tactical. The evaluations should be from 1 to 5 in each, where 1 is below the expected and 5 is above. You can find details about the expectations for each category here. In addition, you can find more details in your coach manual in AYSOU.

Psychosocial Evaluation: Respect, motivation, confidence, cooperation, competitiveness, etc. Also, include a player's ability to reason, learn, and solve problems.

Physical Evaluation: Speed, agility, endurance, strength, power, etc.

Technical Evaluation: Ability to master ball skills, i.e., ball control, shooting, passing, etc.

Tactical Evaluation: Capacity to use their skill and ability within a game environment, i.e., creating space in midfield, possession and transition, creating width, etc.

Comments: We do look at the comments you add, and we often find them to be one of the best factors in help with placement. Please add some quick details that can help with placement and balance. NOTICE: The comment information could be shared with future coaches.

Notes: Division Coordinators and Other Coaches could see this information. Submitting an eval form for a player twice from this email will overwrite the prior evaluation. We are asking both head and asst. coaches to submit evaluations, each will get a customized email, if you/they do not, email me.



{CorvallisAYSO} 07UB Pirates Player Evaluations
Fri 10/25/2019 3:27 AM

Dear Coach Luke,

We are looking to collect player evaluations for fall to help with team balancing/additions in spring 2020, please complete the player evaluations by 10/30. This is not a perfect system, but the more information you can provide, the more help it will be to team formation.

Evaluations: Evaluate the player comparing them to players in the 07UB division. We are asking for evaluations broken down into four categories Psychosocial, Physical, Technical, and Tactical. The evaluations should be from 1 to 5 in each, where 1 is below the expected and 5 is above. You can find details about the expectations for each category here. In addition, you can find more details in your coach manual in AYSOU.

Psychosocial Evaluation: Respect, motivation, confidence, cooperation, competitiveness, etc. Also, include a player's ability to reason, learn, and solve problems.

Physical Evaluation: Speed, agility, endurance, strength, power, etc.

Technical Evaluation: Ability to master ball skills, i.e., ball control, shooting, passing, etc.

Tactical Evaluation: Capacity to use their skill and ability within a game environment, i.e., creating space in midfield, possession and transition, creating width, etc.

Comments: We do look at the comments you add, and we often find them to be one of the best factors in help with placement. Please add some quick details that can help with placement and balance.

Evaluation Links: Below are all the players that are on your spring team. Please evaluate all the players you can by clicking on the link and filling out the form.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYER EVALUATIONS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#


Evaluation Link


Notes: Only team formation, division coordinators, and myself will see this information. Submitting an eval form for a player twice from this email will overwrite the prior evaluation. We are asking both head and asst. coaches to submit evaluations, each will get a customized email, if they do not, email me.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


The Last Week of Fall Season
Tue 10/22/2019 4:43 PM

R149 Referees,

You've made it to the last week of the Fall season.

Thunderstorms, sideways rain and sunshine were on the menu last week; this week it will be just sun and more sun. What a great way to wrap up a Fall season.

So, rather than just watching your kids play, why don't you watch them play and ref, too. OR, watch them play, then go ref. OR, first ref, then watch them play. So many options, so little time. AND by "many options", I mean all those matches that still have openings for you (and 22 others).

By now, you really do know what to do. One last time until April. Sign up. Show up. Have fun watching all those players having fun.

Thank you for all your volunteering with AYSO,

The Referee Team @ Region 149


[CorvallisAYSO] Area Tournament - Nov 9th
Tue 10/22/2019 5:15 AM

Hi 9U-13U Volunteers,

The tournament is on November 9th here are the quick items to know...
>1< Teams are your Core Team Only.
>2< Games are on Saturday Nov 9th, Check with your Players to see if you have enough on the 9th.
>3< Participation is Not Guaranteed.
>>3a<< If many signup in a division, we would select teams based on volunteerism of the team (count of active referees & helpers from the season).
>>3b<< Teams will be asked to help with volunteer/helper duties to make this tournament a reality.
>4< Reply to me if you have the players from your core team and wish to participate. You need to reply by EOD on Saturday 10/26.

Attached are the tournament rules published by the Area, many of them mimic the rules of the tournament run by the Section.


P.S. - This tournament is being operated by the Area that oversees our region, they have a website here: https://www.ayso2s.org/


[CorvallisAYSO] Lighting & Thunder Policy
Sat 10/19/2019 10:08 AM

Hello all AYSO Families,

All clear would be sounded with a horn.

Thunder/Lightning Policy

The United States Soccer Federation (USSF) position is that if you can hear thunder you are within reach of lightning and that referees must protect the safety of all participants by stopping game activities quickly, so that participants and spectators may retire to a safer place before the lightning threat becomes significant. Applying the 30-30 rule is recommended and to wait 30 minutes or more after hearing the last thunder before leaving shelter.

The AYSO National Referee Commission position regarding severe weather states: "It is said that lightning can strike from a clear blue sky that is within a ten mile radius of a storm. It is therefore strongly recommended that practices and games be terminated immediately upon hearing thunder or seeing lightning."

In view of the above, the following is the position of AYSO Region 149 regarding severe weather and is to be instituted by coaches and referees at all practices, games and other AYSO sponsored events.

AYSO 149 will not cancel entire days or remaining games due to active thunderstorms in our area as these storms usually pass through quickly. Regardless of the weather overhead, when thunder is heard and/or lightning is seen, suspend play and direct participants to a safe area by following the guidelines below. Play may resume 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard, or lightning seen.

Areas considered safe

  • Inside a fully enclosed metal vehicle with windows up
  • Inside a substantial building (roof and four walls)

Unsafe Areas

  • Small buildings including picnic shelters and the open area of a concession stand
  • Anywhere near metallic objects like flagpoles, antennas, towers, underground watering systems, soccer goals, metal bleachers, electric equipment
  • Open fields, trees and water

Open area without shelter

  • Avoid standing in groups
  • Spread out to reduce risk
  • Crouch on your feet, keep your head low
  • Avoid being the tallest object
  • Avoid lying on the ground

If a strike occurs to an individual

  • Call 911
  • If you are qualified to do so, apply First Aid or CPR immediately
  • People struck by lightning do not carry an electrical charge and are safe to touch

Restarting after the All-Clear by Horn (30 minutes after the last boom is heard or strike is seen)

  • Games which have completed the first half will be considered finished and the score at the time play was suspended shall be the final score.
  • Games which have completed less than one half; the referee will resume by starting the second half, reducing the remaining time if necessary so that the match ends at the scheduled time.




[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Register Today
Sat 10/19/2019 4:01 AM

Dear AYSO 7U-15U Families,

Indoor Soccer, in-person registration help and Q&A today at the AYSO information shed from 8-1pm.

Indoor soccer is a great opportunity to get more touches on the ball and it forces a controlled play. If we are doing things right, it is fast paced and tires the players faster than outdoor. We build teams (7-10 players) to try and balance play based on the parent ratings, but often end up re-balancing on game day to ensure everyone plays a much as possible. It would be great to get more so we can build at least two teams to play a hat draw or if we get more, we can build teams for a game rotation. (if we cannot get 14 players, you will be refunded the full $45)

  • In 07UB we have 12 players
  • In 07UG we have 2 players
  • In 09UB we have 14 players
  • In 09UG we have 14 players
  • In 11UB we have 14 players
  • In 11UG we have 22 players
  • In 13UB we have 30 players
  • In 13UG we have 8 players
  • In 15UC we have 10 players

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are scheduled Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. During the week, games could start at 4:10 (most often 7U or 9U games) and a second game starting at 4:50 (likely 9U or 11U). Games on Saturday are from 12-7pm and include all divisions. There are no practices. This session will go from November 2 - December 21, team notifications will happen by October 27, with a game schedule expected soon after.

The fee is $45 and will need to be paid by Credit Card online or by cash or check at the information shed today.
Note: Youth not currently playing AYSO's Fall soccer would need to pay the AYSO membership fee of $20.

Sign up Online: https://www.corvallisayso.org/login

Like other AYSO programs we need volunteers for games to run, referees need to be trained as referees, but Team Managers/Coaches can be a current referee, team manager, or team coach. Please consider signing up to help in Blue Sombrero.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Soccer Coordinator
(Contact: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/contact.html?contact=indoor ).
(Play Up & Team Buddy Requests: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/special-request.html ).


AYSO R149 Coach Notes 10/19/2019
Fri 10/18/2019 8:20 PM

Coaches! Thanks for coaching!

A few housekeeping items today:

  1. You should be receiving an email after each game asking for a coach report. This is a new thing we are doing to try to get input from coaches and provide a cross-reference to the game cards. Please take a few minutes, click the link, and give us some feedback on your games - it will help us improve our program!
  2. Speaking of feedback, as we finish up the fall season you will be asked to provide player evaluations via an email you will receive sometime next week. Please do these evaluations! They are important for balancing teams.
  3. They aren't marked on the fields, but each team has a technical area next to the field. Keeping yourself and your team in this technical area makes it easier for the referee to keep track of substitutions (especially at 13U and above), and keeps the way clear for the sideline ref to move and to see. Try to stay 2 yards off the touchline and 5 yards from the centerline. Your ref will thank you.

And now the touchy-feely part:

This coaching thing can be super fun and rewarding, and it can be super draining. At this evening's goalkeeper coaching training time (Thanks Jen and Abe!) there was some discussion about the challenges of kids who are disruptive or distracted or disengaged, and how that makes it tough to provide good input to the kids that want to improve.

One observation was that 'this is AYSO', and that is true. We want to help kids learn and enjoy the game of soccer, but more fundamentally we want to help kids grow and develop. There's a balance we are constantly trying to work, and sometimes it's smooth and sometimes it is torture. Thank you for pressing on. Experience tells me that you will see real growth year to year if you stay positive and keep the well-being of the kids in focus.

That said, I'd love to get input from coaches about what they have found that works to get that balance between engaging the hard-to-engage while helping the more dedicated improve their skills. Email back and I will compile responses and share them.

Thanks for reading and thanks for coaching!!

Dan Herford

Coach Administrator

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149


Picture Pick Up
Fri 10/18/2019 7:59 PM

Are you ready for a rainy soccer game!!

Team pictures are here!!! Please make sure to check your team folder to pick up pictures tomorrow or next Saturday (the last game of the season). Remember if you are unable to check the folder personally as another team parent for help. I highly recommend you hand off as many picture packets (each order in individual plastic bags with a child name on them) as possible at the game. This will alleviate you from the responsibility of trying to keep them from getting wrinkled or wet until you see the family again. There is usually a lone team photo that is (not ordered) provided for the head coach. October 26 is the last game of the season so all team folders must be emptied on that day.

If you have any questions please let me know,

Nicole Belyeu
Fellow soccer mom :)


This Weekend!
Wed 10/16/2019 11:22 AM

R149 Referees,

Only two more Saturdays in the Fall season. Don't miss out on those remaining opportunities to be cold and wet amongst the hoards of smiling kids.

Yes, it will be raining on Saturday. Yes, you might get wet. Remember to wear a hat, gloves, and layers under your cool stripey jersey.

But most importantly, remember to sign up - 44 gaps to fill before we close the books on 2019.

Thanks for all the volunteering you've been doing for AYSO, keep it up, we're almost there.



Ref Training Opportunity
Thu 10/10/2019 7:50 AM


I am pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for all referees in regions 149 & 870.

As many of you are aware, as a referee I work with United States Soccer Federation and the NHFS highschool governing body as well as being the Referee Administrator in Region 870. It is through these relationships and by working with the MVSRA, local highschool association, I am able to bring you this opportunity.

On Sunday November 17th from 9am til noon at the Western View Center (Adams Elementary) Joshua Patlak CSCS will be conducting a training session for the referees of both regions and the MVSRA.

I understand that many of you won't know who Josh is, but I encourage you to google him. Josh is a former FIFA World Cup Referee and was one of the first 8 people ever certified by FIFA as a Referee Fitness Instructor. Although Josh has retired from on field activity, he is an MLS video assistant referee and PAC-12 observer. As a USSF National Referee Instructor he normally provides training for those referees appearing in the MLS.

Josh has a great affinity for AYSO and this is the primary reason he agreed to come when I asked him. He has been a keynote speaker at AYSO National Conferences and co-presented with the legendary "father of refereeing" Sir Ken Aston OBE. Ken Aston was the guy that implemented your red and yellow cards and is the reason you hold your arm up for IDFK's

I could go on about Josh's TV appearances and many other things, but will finish by saying that any of our referees who do not attend are missing the chance of a lifetime to learn from probably the greatest soccer referee in the history of the USA.

Space is obviously limited, first come first placed: So if you are interested in attending please email me immediately at


Please include Nov17 in the subject, your name and current level of AYSO certification, regional, Intermediate, Advanced etc.

If you are a youth referee, or the parent of a youth referee, please be advised that this is not a formal AYSO training event. Although all members of the MVSRA have cleared background checks in order to work as Referees at High School games, some of them are not registered AYSO volunteers. If you have concerns about this, you are welcome to attend with your referee provided there is space available.

Many Thanks
Simon Claydon
Referee Administrator
AYSO Region 870


This weekend!
Thu 10/10/2019 7:31 AM


23 openings still for this weekend (look at both Saturday 10/12 AND Sunday 10/13). These are opportunities for you! Yes, you and 22 of your friends.

Weather will be good, fields are soft, kids will be smiling.

Be there.



Weekly Advice
Tue 10/8/2019 11:17 PM

Team Managers,

The weather is turning a bit wet and it is time to start checking for field closures. The AYSO website https://www.corvallisayso.org/ home page will be updated daily with closure information (if there is a closure). If the AYSO fields (the game fields) are too wet to hold practice on than no teams are allowed to practice regardless as to where their practice field is located. As the team manager it is your job to check the AYSO webpage on your team's practice days to see if all practices have been cancelled for the day. If practice has been cancelled you will need to notify parents ASAP. I strongly encourage you to send out an email (or the communication method your team is using) explaining this field closure process to the parents. That way they will be on the look out for a notification of a cancelled practice if that so happens.

On another note, there will be handouts for the indoor soccer season sign up in your team folders this Saturday. Please remember to pick them up and hand them out on Saturday.

As always ask your questions and keep those kiddos and parents organized,
Nicole Belyeu


Goalkeeper Coach Training Opportunity
Tue 10/8/2019 4:21 PM


I mentioned that there were efforts underway to bring some coach training to help us coach our goalkeepers. The first installment is going live next Friday.

Here are the particulars:

* This is goalkeeper training for Coaches, U9 and above

* Come learn fundamentals of how to train goalkeepers to build skills and confidence

* 5:15-6:15 on Friday October 18th.

* Meet at Adams sheds

* Please RSVP to Abe (here). Include your team's age group please

We hope this will be the first of many specialized training opportunities.

Thank You,
Dan Herford Abe Drabkin
Coach Administrator Director of Coach Instruction

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Registration
Tue 10/8/2019 5:46 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

All players from divisions 7U - 15U are invited to sign up online (here). 6U players could choose to play up in the 7U division.

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are scheduled Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. During the week, games could start at 4:10 (most often 7U or 9U games) and a second game starting at 4:50 (likely 9U or 11U). Games on Saturday are from 12-7pm and include all divisions. There are no practices. This session will go from November 2 - December 21, team notifications will happen by October 27, with a game schedule expected soon after.

The fee is $45 and will need to be paid by Credit Card. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we cannot place your player, your credit card will be refunded the $45 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $43. After we start the games, no refunds).

NEW Volunteers (Referees & Team Manager/Coach): During player registration, I am asking for volunteer indication. Once I know the team framework, I will indicate that the individual needs to register as a volunteer. This saves us the cost of a potential Background Check and it saves you the hassle of registering before we know you are needed.

EXISTING Volunteers: Please register as a volunteer online in Blue Sombrero, if your account is not tied to your player, ensure the helper/volunteer spot in the player registration form has your name so I can connect the dots. You will not need to go through the background check process again.

Thank You,

Luke Cotton
Acting Indoor Soccer Coordinator (contact)

See the indoor soccer program webpage (here) for more details.

Indoor FAQ

  • What is the cost for the AYSO Indoor season?
    $45/player all paid online by Credit Card. No scholarships are available for this program.

  • Can we play up a division?
    Please register for the division that is available & use this request form (here) to have us move the player up.

  • What is the refund policy?
    We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case and we cannot place your player, your credit card will be refunded the full amount. Players dropping after placement, but before games, will be charged a non-refundable fee of $2. Players dropping after playing cannot be refunded. Please fill out the refund request form (here).

  • My child is currently enrolled in the 6U division. Can he/she sign up for the indoor season?
    The indoor season starts at 7U only. Historically there has not been enough interest for form teams at the 6U level. If you wish to have your player play up in 7U, you can.

  • 15U is Coed?
    Yes, in the past we have been unable to get enough players in the girls division to justify doing separate gender divisions. If we get enough registrations (16) we could split the division.
  • Are there practices?
    No. For the indoor season, there are no practices. Typically, managers will organize the teams a few minutes before the game and do a brief (4 minute) kick around.

  • How many games will each team play?
    Each team will be scheduled to play 6 games during the season.

  • I currently coach. Can I sign up and keep my team intact for the indoor season?
    We would love to have you coach your child's indoor team. You will not, however, be able to keep your outdoor team intact for the indoor season. AYSO will be forming new teams from individuals who register to play. We adhere to the AYSO philosophy of creating balanced teams to ensure fairness for all.

  • How long are the games?
    36 minutes.

  • Are scholarships available?
    We are not be able to provide scholarships for indoor.

  • What happens if not enough players sign up to form a team?
    If there are not enough players to form a team, we will refund your entire amount.

  • Are special shoes required?
    Court shoes are allowed for 7U - 11U only.
    For safety reasons NO RUNNING SHOES are allowed.

  • How do managers and referees learn about differences between outdoor play and indoor play and the Corvallis Sports Park rules and operating the time clock?
    We will offer some brief training for managers and updates for referees before the first games.


AYSO R149 Coach Notes - 10/5/19
Fri 10/4/2019 9:00 PM

Thanks for coaching!

I'm paying more attention to the practices and games around me than I have in past years, and I'm really impressed by the effort and energy that I see being poured out on behalf of our kids.

Since we made the shift to odd-year divisions (9U, 11U, 13U) this year, about half of your team jumped up a division after only one year at the previous level. This is probably most noticeable in the 9U division with the introduction of goal keepers, offsides, throw-ins, and the mysterious build-out line, but you might have seen it in 11U and 13U as well. Adjust expectations as necessary and keep it fun - some of your players may be feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Our director of coach instruction, Abe Drabkin, has been coordinating with a few coaches who are experienced keepers and they have plans to offer a number coach trainings to help you be better equipped to train your keepers (9U and above). The first one should be happening later this month. More information will be coming soon!

A couple of housekeeping notes:

* Make sure that all of your players have been picked up or are otherwise accounted for (eg allowed to walk home on their own) before leaving the practice location. We had a child left alone after a practice recently.

* When subbing players during a game, have the player coming off come all the way to the sideline before the new players goes on to the field. This helps the ref (and you!) keep track of the number of players on the field.

As always, please feel free to pass on ideas, concerns, and kudos.

On three - 1, 2, 3 - Coaches!

Dan Herford
Coach Administrator

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


This week
Thu 10/3/2019 8:46 PM

Hello R149 Referees!

Looking OK for this weekend on the signups, but you can do better. In case it is because you forgot how to sign up, I've got you covered, here's the link!

The signup system is located on the region webpage under Referees (button in the top nav bar) Game Signup (hover over the Referees button). The direct link to the page is - https://www.corvallisayso.org/referees/schedule.html

Now, if that wasn't the issue, let's talk. You promised to do 7 matches this Fall, so,...., that kind of means that you kind of sort of really actually have to, sign up to do 7 matches this week. See how easy that was?

Now that we have that behind us, let's touch on our topic of the weekend - how to get help with coaches / spectators who are being just a bit too helpful.

You are in charge as the match officials. You are responsible for the safety of the players, the fairness of the match, and how much fun everyone is having (SAFE, FUN, FAIR). You have direct control of what's going on on the filed of play, and you have direct authority (from the LotG) over team officials (coaches, managers). However, you don't have direct authority over the spectators. You do have a team to help you. That team consists of the coaches and AYSO league officials. So, if you are getting just a little too much help on your refereeing from a coach, or from a parent - talk to the coach about both. The coaches know that their job is "coaching" and yours is "refereeing", but they might need a gentle, polite reminder. The coaches also know that the spectators job is to support the players, not coach, not referee, not critique. The coaches can talk to the spectators of their teams and help manage individuals acting out. If both you and the coaches need back up on non-cooperative spectators, get help from AYSO board members (in blue coats, refs in blue shirts). Don't escalate situations, but don't ignore public and persistent comments about you, the coaches or the players. No matter what, please document any issues, concerns or actions on the game cards so we can be sure to follow up. Issues are rare on our fields, but they happen and can really impact how everyone at the match feels about AYSO, youth soccer, coaches, referees, youth sports, etc - please help us all help each other to make these game days be positive experiences for everyone.

Thanks you for refereeing with AYSO - you are key to making the magic happen for the kids.



Weekly Advice
Thu 10/3/2019 8:51 AM

Good Morning Team Managers,

Fall is upon us with very little transition. I hope all is going well with your soccer team, only 3.5 weeks left in this season.

One of the not so fun responsibilities of the team manager is to also keep spectators organized and following the rules during the game. Some of the rules that often need reminders of are:
No dogs on school property
No coaching, only cheering
Pick up all trash/recycling
It is your job to polity confront the "offender" and inform/remind them of the rules. If the "offender" is resistant and/or continues to offend, find a referee (NOT in a yellow shirt) to assist you. There are rules in place and repercussions for not following those rules. If you look at https://www.corvallisayso.org/about/rules.html under Discipline Guidelines some of the repercussions are listed. This system can not be implemented if it is never started. Often times these things are ignored and never reported or resolved.
Consider yourself the "hall monitor" in keeping our fields a Kid Safe Zone!!

As always, if you have questions ask - on game day use the information shed or safety shed.



[CorvallisAYSO] Games & Pictures Today 9/28
Sat 9/28/2019 5:00 AM

Hello All 6U-18U Families,

If you did not have pictures on 9/21, your pictures should be today 9/28 before your game. Arrive 10min before your picture time, if you are unsure of your picture time, arrive 40min before your game. If you would like an individual/family picture (you & player or player in referee uniform), you can have it taken today, just talk to the photographer.

Additional Details:

  • Players need the order form IN HAND with minimum of first name, last name, and team name written on it. Some additional order packets will be at the event.
  • Photos will be taken near the trees by field 91 (here)(northeast corner of the district property).
  • Please be ready as a team 10min prior to your scheduled photo time. This is a tight schedule.
  • The team photo will need someone working to input names in order after the picture. Coaches, please ask team managers to help with this so you can get to your game on time.
  • You can go online afterword and order: 4nsp.com > Teams > Search Group "AYSO" > Select Region 149.

NOTICE: Each game time block has a built in buffer of about 15min, know when the next game is & shorten to ensure you end on time.

9/28 Game Day Reminders...

  • No Dogs/Pets.
  • No Jewelry, & Shin Guards Required. (player equipment)
  • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
  • Athletic pants can be okay (no zippers).

Team Managers: Helpful Resources: (info center links) (roster/games/helpers/volunteers info page) (season email archive).

9U+ Coaches: Remember to fill out your Game Card.

The Kids Zone Pledge
No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:

01. Kids are No. 1.
02. Fun - not winning - is everything.
03. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
04. No yelling in anger.
05. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
06. No swearing or abusive behavior.
07. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
08. No weapons.
09. Leave no trash behind.
10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

Catalina Segura - Special Events Coordinator
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


Lopsided matches - guidance to coaches
Fri 9/27/2019 8:52 AM

Here's a message that went out to coaches echoing our conversation about lopsided matches. Note all the great suggestions from Dan and Abe to coaches about what to do.

You may recall from discussions we've had about this topic in classes or the ref-refresher, I'm not a big fan of changing player numbers to solve a lopsided match situation. Clogging is often a symptom of a blow-out, so adding more bodies won't help. Going down in numbers can be a handicap, but we don't want to reduce playing opportunities. I think that the message to "make it more challenging" is brilliant. This way the match can be a learning experience for both teams, not just an effort to make it appear more even via the score.

Thank you,

Hey Coaches! Thanks for coaching!
A concept you should be familiar with from your AYSO coach training is "development over winning". That is, our concern should be the development of our players (all 1,000-plus of them!) in all facets of their being as it relates to our interaction with them, including social, emotional, physical, soccer skills, self-control, leadership, and sportsmanship.
Winning a game is always desirable and the obvious point of getting out on the pitch, but winning by a blowout is another thing altogether - it's counterproductive to our goals.
In recreational soccer, where the prize is a developmentally healthy experience and where the game can turn on one particularly skilled player, blowouts demonstrate a breakdown in the game-day coaching.
If your team is running the score up, then the match is unbalanced, and it's too easy for your team. If you recognize it early then you have an opportunity to add challenges that will benefit your team while giving the other team some opportunity to regroup and find success.

Beneficial added challenges could include:
- moving weaker players to key positions
- requiring some number of passes before shooting
- requiring weak foot shooting
- reducing the number of players on the field (not optimal) or allowing the other team to add players (with ref's OK and knowledge that it is no longer an official game)
- trading players or giving the other team a stronger player or two
- minimizing coach input from the sideline (going into 'Silent Saturday' mode) and letting the players on the field figure things out
Generally, look for anything that beneficially increases the challenge to the team that is dominating and gives support to the team that is getting pounded. You don't want to penalize the winning team - you want to find ways to add challenge that will help them grow.
All of this is made easier by planning ahead and with good coach to coach communication. Start that with a pre-game hello and check in - ask how practices and prior games are going. If your opponent has been blown out then open dialogue with that coach in your pre-game hello to begin formulating how both coaches will handle it. Check in with the ref if you both are leaning towards adding players to equalize. Maintain coach to coach communication throughout the game.
Please chime in with any thoughts, questions, pushback, or suggestions.
Thank you for being part of the Region 149 Coach Team!


For the kids,

Dan Herford Abe Drabkin
Coach Administrator Director of Coach Instruction


AYSO R149 Coach Notes - Prepping for 9/28 Games
Thu 9/26/2019 10:34 PM

Hey Coaches! Thanks for coaching!

A concept you should be familiar with from your AYSO coach training is "development over winning". That is, our concern should be the development of our players (all 1,000-plus of them!) in all facets of their being as it relates to our interaction with them, including social, emotional, physical, soccer skills, self-control, leadership, and sportsmanship.

Winning a game is always desirable and the obvious point of getting out on the pitch, but winning by a blowout is another thing altogether - it's counterproductive to our goals.

In recreational soccer, where the prize is a developmentally healthy experience and where the game can turn on one particularly skilled player, blowouts demonstrate a breakdown in the game-day coaching.

If your team is running the score up, then the match is unbalanced, and it's too easy for your team. If you recognize it early then you have an opportunity to add challenges that will benefit your team while giving the other team some opportunity to regroup and find success.

Beneficial added challenges could include:

- moving weaker players to key positions

- requiring some number of passes before shooting

- requiring weak foot shooting

- reducing the number of players on the field (not optimal) or allowing the other team to add players (with ref's OK and knowledge that it is no longer an official game)

- trading players or giving the other team a stronger player or two

- minimizing coach input from the sideline (going into 'Silent Saturday' mode) and letting the players on the field figure things out

Generally, look for anything that beneficially increases the challenge to the team that is dominating and gives support to the team that is getting pounded. You don't want to penalize the winning team - you want to find ways to add challenge that will help them grow.

All of this is made easier by planning ahead and with good coach to coach communication. Start that with a pre-game hello and check in - ask how practices and prior games are going. If your opponent has been blown out then open dialogue with that coach in your pre-game hello to begin formulating how both coaches will handle it. Check in with the ref if you both are leaning towards adding players to equalize. Maintain coach to coach communication throughout the game.

Please chime in with any thoughts, questions, pushback, or suggestions.

Thank you for being part of the Region 149 Coach Team!

For the kids,

Dan Herford Abe Drabkin
Coach Administrator Director of Coach Instruction

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


This Saturday
Thu 9/26/2019 9:04 AM


Still some signup opportunities for Saturday (13 at last count, but who's counting...). You know what to do.

And just in case you've been so busy since you last signed up, or you have yet to sign up (gasp!), here's the link -

The signup system is located on the region webpage under Referees (button in the top nav bar) Game Signup (hover over the Referees button). The direct link to the page is - https://www.corvallisayso.org/referees/schedule.html

Notes from the last couple of weeks -

Matches have been going really well, very few comments on the game cards (I'm taking this as an indication that there wasn't anything you needed to report up the chain, if I'm wrong in that assumption, please use the game cards to tell us anything we need to know).

One more thing to add to your repertoire - dealing with lopsided matches.

If you are on the ref team of a match that isn't playing out to be very even (in score), you officially can't do anything, but under the AYSO principle of "FUN", you can help the coach team manage this situation. Coaches have been given tools, but in the chaos of a game, they may not be focusing on this issue as well as they could, so we are there to provide support. What does that support look like? First, check in with both coaches about lopsided score (goal differential of 4), just to confirm that they are tracking and it is on their radar of something to deal with. Do this check in without drawing the attention of the players, do this at a convenient break in play, or as AR1, perhaps a quick question. If it looks like nothing seems to be happening, reinforce the question with some of the options that the coaches have (change player number, change player role, ask players to not score, switch players between teams). Remember, you are not making these changes, you are not telling the coach to do this, you are helping them think about resolving the lopsided match situation. Check in on the players - are they responding (positively / negatively)? If so, this should push you and the coach team to do something (remember, "FUN"). Please note on the game cards any management of this situation, and how it resolved (or didn't).

Thank you,


[CorvallisAYSO] Jewelry & Earrings
Sun 9/22/2019 2:00 PM

Hello Volunteers,

Every year, without fail, this becomes an issue. Earrings are not allowed at practices or games, this includes earrings on referees...

IFAB Laws of The Game 2019/20
The Players' Equipment Law 4:
"All items of jewellery (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewellery is not permitted." -Page 57

The Referee Law 5:
"Referees and other 'on-field' match officials are prohibited from wearing jewellery..." -Page 69

AYSO National Guidance FAQ: Are players permitted to wear jewelry, earrings or studs?

Jewelry, including earrings, of any kind worn in any visible body piercing or any hard replacement stud used when the jewelry is not being worn must be removed before the player is allowed to participate in a practice or game. Covering the jewelry or hard replacement stud with tape, padding or bandage is not sufficient, the jewelry or hard replacement stud must be removed before playing. Subject to approval of the referee, various soft, flexible materials that do not present a danger to the player or other players may be used to keep recent body piercings open for participation during games.

In the case of visible taped-over or bandaged suspected piercings, referees must not ask players to lift or remove articles of clothing or bandages. It is acceptable however, to ask a player if the tape or bandages is covering an earring. The referee must accept the answer provided, regardless of suspicions.

Since it is rare that an earlobe or eyebrow is taped as the result of an injury, the referee should suspect that a player is using tape or other covering to hide jewelry or a hard replacement stud. It is the responsibility of the referee to ask the coach whether or not the player has been injured or is hiding jewelry or a hard replacement stud. This should be done in a cordial manner and in the presence of the player. An assistant referee or other official must also be present. Coaches have the responsibility of not allowing players wearing jewelry to participate in practices or games.

If the coach confirms that it is an injury being covered, the referee may not prohibit the player from playing because of the tape or covering. In either case, the referee must indicate in his or her game report which players and coaches were questioned and their responses.

Coaches and referees are role models and should avoid wearing jewelry, earrings and hard replacement studs during practices or games.

Provide the family the option of removing the item, or not playing until the earring has been reviewed and signed off by an individual in the Refereeing section of the contact us page (they are often wearing blue on game days).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

P.S. - Every time this comes up, parents attempt to find the loopholes, but no one wants a backing shoved into a kids head from a ball or have a chunk of the earlobe torn out because an earring got caught on something.


[CorvallisAYSO] Games & Pictures Today 9/21
Sat 9/21/2019 5:02 AM

Hello All 6U-18U Families & Volunteers,

Pictures are the next few Saturdays 9/21 & 9/28. You can see your noted picture time at the end of this email or in an email from your team manager. Arrive 20min before your picture time.

Additional Details:

  • Players need the order form IN HAND with minimum of first name, last name, and team name written on it. Some additional order packets will be at the event.
  • Photos will be taken near the trees by field 91 (here)(northeast corner of the district property).
  • Please be ready as a team 10 min prior to your scheduled photo time. This is a tight schedule.
  • If your team is late or we get behind, we will do our best to get your team in before your game or reschedule you for September 28th.
  • The team photo will need someone working to input names in order after the picture. Coaches, please ask team managers to help with this so you can get to your game on time.
  • You can go online afterword and order: 4nsp.com > Teams > Search Group "AYSO" > Select Region 149.

NOTICE: Each game time block has a built in buffer of about 15min, know when the next game is & shorten to ensure you end on time.

Catalina Segura - Special Events Coordinator
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

Day Picture Time Team Name
21-Sep 8:00 Darts
21-Sep 8:00 Diamondbacks
21-Sep 8:00 Blitz
21-Sep 8:10 Cheetahs
21-Sep 8:10 Dynamite
21-Sep 8:10 Firebirds
21-Sep 8:20 Phoenix
21-Sep 8:20 Illusion
21-Sep 8:30 Unicorns
21-Sep 8:30 Pandas
21-Sep 9:00 Blaze
21-Sep 9:00 Springboks
21-Sep 9:00 Wolverines
21-Sep 9:10 Tide
21-Sep 9:10 Mystics
21-Sep 9:10 Cruisers
21-Sep 9:15 Sundogs
21-Sep 9:15 Anemones
21-Sep 9:30 Peacocks
21-Sep 9:30 Bluebirds
21-Sep 9:30 Patriots
21-Sep 9:40 Vipers
21-Sep 9:40 Rams
21-Sep 10:00 Whitecaps
21-Sep 10:00 Grizzlies
21-Sep 10:10 Sparks
21-Sep 10:10 Pacers
21-Sep 10:30 Titans
21-Sep 10:30 Cowboys
21-Sep 10:30 Hornets
21-Sep 10:40 Suns
21-Sep 10:40 Hawks
21-Sep 10:40 Lasers
21-Sep 11:00 Penguins
21-Sep 11:00 Blast
21-Sep 11:00 Avalanche
21-Sep 11:10 Eagles
21-Sep 11:10 Dragons
21-Sep 11:20 Eclipse
21-Sep 11:20 Velez Sarfield
21-Sep 11:30 Rangers
21-Sep 11:45 Sharks
21-Sep 11:45 Pumas
21-Sep 12:30 Mets
21-Sep 12:30 Mustangs
21-Sep 12:40 Manchester City
28-Sep 8:00 Swordferns
28-Sep 8:00 Apex
28-Sep 8:00 Orcas
28-Sep 8:10 Mirage
28-Sep 8:10 Stormwings
28-Sep 8:10 Cyclones
28-Sep 8:30 Bobcats
28-Sep 9:00 Kiwis
28-Sep 9:15 Panthers
28-Sep 9:15 Blizzard
28-Sep 9:15 Hammerheads
28-Sep 9:30 Power
28-Sep 9:30 Kinetics
28-Sep 9:40 Bunnies
28-Sep 9:45 Sparrows
28-Sep 10:00 Sun Devils
28-Sep 10:15 Knights
28-Sep 10:30 Bumble Bees
28-Sep 10:40 Falcons
28-Sep 10:40 Cougars
28-Sep 10:40 Wildcats
28-Sep 11:00 Vikings
28-Sep 11:00 Bulls
28-Sep 11:00 Rockets
28-Sep 11:15 Rush
28-Sep 11:15 Lions
28-Sep 11:15 Steely Inferno
28-Sep 11:30 Coyotes
28-Sep 11:30 Colts
28-Sep 11:30 Ninjas
28-Sep 12:15 Seahawks
28-Sep 12:20 Tigers
28-Sep 12:30 Timberwolves
28-Sep 12:30 Wolves
28-Sep 12:30 Otters
28-Sep 12:30 Pirates


Hats and signups
Fri 9/20/2019 8:06 PM

Referees, Ok, you are doing a great job of keeping me honest. In my last post I said that bill caps, hats with brims and hoodies shouldn't be allowed on field players for safety reasons. Two exceptions were correctly brought to my attention. 1. Bill cap - ok on Keeper if sun in the eyes is an issue. Safety is the issue here. 2. Hoodies are ok if the hood is tucked into the jersey. Safety and player warmth is the issue here. Kept the hood under cover and a hoodie can be worn under the jersey as a base layer. Also, I was a bit presumptuous that everyone already knew all the sign up logistics, so here they are again - The signup system is located on the region webpage under Referees (button in the top nav bar) Game Signup (hover over the Referees button). The direct link to the page is - https://www.corvallisayso.org/referees/schedule.html Have fun and see you on the fields this weekend! Chris


AYSO R149 Coach Notes
Fri 9/20/2019 1:39 PM

Hey Coaches - You rock!

Game day #3 for the fall season wouldn't be happening without your dedication of time and energy for the kids .

You've had a couple of weeks of practices. You are getting to know your team and you are working on getting them up to speed on individual skills, fitness, and knowledge, and in their team play.

Something I remind the kids on the teams I coach is that they all benefit when any one of the people on their team gets better. There is a good kind of competition between the players on the team, but every member of the team should want every other member of the team to improve.

In the same way, I want to remind us all that we are on the same team - the region 149 coaching team. Our objective is to help all our kids grow and develop as soccer players and as human beings.

The coaches for the team you are playing against tomorrow are on your Coach Team, so help them, encourage them, talk with them. Remember - Same Team!

Let's work together to make the coaching program in region 149 as good as it can be so that our kids can have the best experience possible.

Feel free to email with ideas or concerns, or especially with any kudos for coaching excellence that you saw out there.

For the kids,

Dan Herford
Coach Administrator

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


{CorvallisAYSO} Core 11UB Sharks Helpers
Fri 9/20/2019 12:15 AM

Hello Core 11UB Sharks,

We need your help on Saturday! We ask each family to contribute on behalf of each child, each season. Below are your team helper and referee signups.

Shout out to the 13UB Vipers, for helping to fill 4 referee, 6 field, and 4 game day helper spots. Thank You Vipers, you help the region run!

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HELPER/REFEREE SIGNUPS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #






1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Fields Close



8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Concessions Shift

Jessica N

Helper Signups are Online (here).

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GAME SCHEDULE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#








12:15 PM




Asst Ref 1 - OPEN
Asst Ref 2 - OPEN
Center Ref - BROCK C


11:00 AM




Asst Ref 1 - OPEN
Asst Ref 2 - OPEN
Center Ref - OPEN


11:00 AM




Asst Ref 1 - GEORGE L
Asst Ref 2 - OPEN
Center Ref - CATALINA S


11:00 AM




Asst Ref 1 - OPEN
Asst Ref 2 - OPEN
Center Ref - OPEN


11:00 AM




Asst Ref 1 - OPEN
Asst Ref 2 - OPEN
Center Ref - OPEN


11:00 AM




Asst Ref 1 - OPEN
Asst Ref 2 - OPEN
Center Ref - OPEN

Referee Signups are Online (here).

As always, you can take a look at your team roster online (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner



Away games at R870
Thu 9/19/2019 6:04 PM

Referee volunteers on teams that travel to R870,

If your team is traveling to R870 (e.g., playing at LHS, CHx, ALx, ....) please be ready to referee the match. R870 is short on referees this fall due to injuries and they have requested that we please help out by having our referee volunteers travel with our teams. Want your team to play? Wear you socks and bring your whistle!

Thank you!



Substitutes and hats
Thu 9/19/2019 5:57 PM

Two topics to discuss this week - substitution mechanics and hats. Oh yeah, and the usual reminder to sign up, otherwise you will never get a chance to implement this advice...

Substitution process.
9U and 11U - Remind the coaches that substitutions only happen at the quarters, between the halves and if you stop for an injury (and then, only the injured players). Substitution breaks at the quarters are only for doing substitutions. Coaches don't need to come on to the field, players should quickly exit and enter. Clock is running. Ask the substituted players to show their numbers to the ARs managing the game cards. Keepers can be changed at these points, too - coaches should inform you, don't need to ask your permission. Idea is to make this quick and organized so as to not eat into playing time. Remind coaches when you are checking in the teams - have their sub plan ready, players ready, and not to use the time as a coaching break.

13U and up - open substitutions. I suggest you run subs as we have in the past, despite the changes to the LotG that substituted players can leave the field at the closest point. Quickly review the sub process with the coaches at team check in. Substitutions can be made at any stoppage of play. Substitutes should be at the center line flag on the technical side of the field before the play stoppage to indicate a sub request. AR1, look for these players as you check up the line, signal (flag horizontal, overhead) to CR that subs are requested. CR, whistle to hold the restart, tell the player on the restart to wait for your whistle, call on the substitutes, when the substitution event is over, whistle to restart. At the center line flag, AR1, hold the substitutes going on until the substituted player is off, do this one-for-one to avoid having to count players on the field. Indicate to the CR when all substitutions have been completed (thumbs up, eye contact, running back to your 2nd to last defender position). Repeat as needed. Avoid the mass entry of substitutes, avoid the entry of substitutes before substituted players are off the filed. CR, check for sub requests at every stoppage of play. Make it clear to coaches that this is how you will run subs. Keeper changes can happen at any of these sub events - coaches should inform you, they do not need to ask your permission. Be polite and wait for players to mostly get back into position before you whistle to restart after a sub event.

Rain and cold weather is in our future. Please do not prohibit players from keeping warm, but please do keep players safe. Hats with brims, or hooded sweatshirts are not safe, so are not allowed. However, a tight fitting stocking cap / beanie is a great option to keep warm (you and the players).

Signing up for matches
You know how to do it, I know you do. I dare you to show me that you do know how to do it. Coming soon - match signups by team - who is doing their job and who has yet to step up.

Thank you!



[CorvallisAYSO] Team Picture Days 21st & 28th
Wed 9/18/2019 3:15 PM

Hello 6U-18U Families,

Below is the schedule for pictures, look for your team name below, please arrive 10-20 min before your picture time. Pictures are done by Northwest Sports Photography ( https://www.4nsp.com ).

Each player should fill out or arrive with the basics (name & team) of a picture packet (they will have some available), even if you are not ordering. After the photos are taken, someone will be needed to fill out the names of the players in the team photo in the order they are in the photo.

Note: if you wish to get a special photo, you and your player, you in a referee uniform, etc... :) you can ask for a photo.


Day Picture Time Team Name
21-Sep 8:00 Darts
21-Sep 8:00 Diamondbacks
21-Sep 8:00 Blitz
21-Sep 8:10 Cheetahs
21-Sep 8:10 Dynamite
21-Sep 8:10 Firebirds
21-Sep 8:20 Phoenix
21-Sep 8:20 Hammerheads
21-Sep 8:20 Illusion
21-Sep 8:30 Unicorns
21-Sep 8:30 Pandas
21-Sep 9:00 Blaze
21-Sep 9:00 Springboks
21-Sep 9:00 Wolverines
21-Sep 9:10 Tide
21-Sep 9:10 Mystics
21-Sep 9:10 Cruisers
21-Sep 9:15 Sundogs
21-Sep 9:15 Anemones
21-Sep 9:30 Peacocks
21-Sep 9:30 Bluebirds
21-Sep 9:30 Patriots
21-Sep 9:40 Vipers
21-Sep 9:40 Rams
21-Sep 10:00 Whitecaps
21-Sep 10:00 Grizzlies
21-Sep 10:10 Sparks
21-Sep 10:10 Pacers
21-Sep 10:30 Titans
21-Sep 10:30 Cowboys
21-Sep 10:30 Hornets
21-Sep 10:40 Suns
21-Sep 10:40 Hawks
21-Sep 10:40 Lasers
21-Sep 11:00 Penguins
21-Sep 11:00 Blast
21-Sep 11:00 Avalanche
21-Sep 11:10 Eagles
21-Sep 11:10 Dragons
21-Sep 11:20 Eclipse
21-Sep 11:20 Velez Sarfield
21-Sep 11:30 Rangers
21-Sep 11:45 Sharks
21-Sep 11:45 Pumas
21-Sep 12:30 Mets
21-Sep 12:30 Mustangs
21-Sep 12:40 Manchester City
28-Sep 8:00 Swordferns
28-Sep 8:00 Apex
28-Sep 8:00 Orcas
28-Sep 8:10 Mirage
28-Sep 8:10 Stormwings
28-Sep 8:10 Cyclones
28-Sep 8:30 Bobcats
28-Sep 9:00 Kiwis
28-Sep 9:15 Panthers
28-Sep 9:15 Blizzard
28-Sep 9:30 Power
28-Sep 9:30 Kinetics
28-Sep 9:40 Bunnies
28-Sep 9:45 Sparrows
28-Sep 10:00 Sun Devils
28-Sep 10:15 Knights
28-Sep 10:30 Bumble Bees
28-Sep 10:40 Falcons
28-Sep 10:40 Cougars
28-Sep 10:40 Wildcats
28-Sep 11:00 Vikings
28-Sep 11:00 Bulls
28-Sep 11:00 Rockets
28-Sep 11:15 Rush
28-Sep 11:15 Lions
28-Sep 11:15 Steely Inferno
28-Sep 11:30 Coyotes
28-Sep 11:30 Colts
28-Sep 11:30 Ninjas
28-Sep 12:15 Seahawks
28-Sep 12:20 Tigers
28-Sep 12:30 Timberwolves
28-Sep 12:30 Wolves
28-Sep 12:30 Otters
28-Sep 12:30 Pirates

Catalina - Special Events Coordinator


Weekly Advice 2
Tue 9/17/2019 8:52 AM

Good morning managers!

The season is under way and I have no house keeping items this week.

Team Pictures this Saturday!
Please check the picture schedule to see what day (21 or 28) and what time your team is scheduled for pictures. Encourage all players to be there for pictures even if their family is not purchasing any as the team picture will be incomplete without them. So far the weather forecast says dry for this Saturday. That is great news!

For those whom are new managers there are a couple of duties you have during picture time. First job - to make sure everyone there gets their turn getting their picture taken. It can be a bit crazy and it is easy for a player to get missed. There is not a lot of time for pictures and usually are rushed to get warmed up for the game. Second job - The photographer is going to need first and last names of the players and coaches in order (front row, back row) in the team picture. It is helpful to print and bring with you a team roster from Blue Sombrero so there are no misspelled names. If you do not know all the player's names as the coach for help.

Most importantly, do not stress :) You are doing great and the kids will not care is there is an oops. Thank you for being the organizer and guidance for your team - Team Managers are very important for a successful team!!

Until Next Week,


[CorvallisAYSO] Wait List, Unplaced Players, & Uniforms
Sat 9/14/2019 6:00 AM

Hello Team Managers, Wait List Players, & Players Pending Payment,

Today is our last day of player placements, after today, pending placements or registrations will be canceled, and refunds will be issued if appropriate.

Team Managers:
It is important that you report any dropping or no show/contact players, especially in 9U & 11U. Team Change Form (here).
NOTICE: if you have any uniform orders, please keep communicating with the info shed to see if they are in or to order any. We are at the point where new orders will take a long time, potentially after the picture days.

Wait List Players:
If things work out, we will place you today, and you can join the team for practices this coming week (if not earlier).

Players Pending Payment (you got an email about "Participant Transfer" indicating movement from Wait List >to> ##UG/B):
If we have a spot for you, you should get an email and you will need to... Pay Online (or you can pay at the AYSO sheds today)
You will see an open balance on your account in Blue Sombrero. Login ( https://corvallisayso.org/login ) to pay the open balance and finish the player registration. Look for the open balance box in your Blue Sombrero dashboard and click View/Pay or click on the My Orders button (sales tag icon) to see the order needing payment.

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day 9/14
Sat 9/14/2019 5:15 AM

All 6U-18U Families,

9/14 Game Day Reminders...

  • Arrive 30min early (game schedule).
    • NOTICE an OSU game is today, parking will be tighter from noon - 2pm.
    • Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  • No Dogs/Pets.
  • Wear Team Uniform (or team colors) (player equipment).
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • No Jewelry.
  • Field/Location (map) (15U Teams Travel)
    • Do not park on the grass.
    • Each field will have a spectator area and a team area.
      Generally, the spectator side is closest to the parking, with players & coaches on the other side.
  • We run a Kid Zone (conduct) (see more details below).
    • Game play changes for each division, know the region (rules).

Team Managers: Remember to confirm the picture time will work with the coach (see email "[CorvallisAYSO] Picture Days 9/21 & 9/28 - Draft Schedule") & hand out the Picture Day packets from your team folder. Helpful Resources: (info center links) (roster/games/helpers/volunteers info page) (season email archive).

9U+ Coaches: Remember to fill out your Game Card.

The Kids Zone Pledge
No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:

01. Kids are No. 1.
02. Fun - not winning - is everything.
03. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
04. No yelling in anger.
05. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
06. No swearing or abusive behavior.
07. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
08. No weapons.
09. Leave no trash behind.
10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

See you on the pitch,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner (contact us)


[CorvallisAYSO] Player Team Placement Pending Payment
Fri 9/13/2019 2:38 AM

Hi |User First Name|,

Division Coordinators are working to place players now; your player's placement has been put on hold pending payment. We likely have a team in mind, but cannot continue without payment.

If you do not respond by contacting a division coordinator or do not pay today, we could select another individual from the wait list and cancel your registration.

Pay Online:
You currently have an open balance on your account in Blue Sombrero. Please login ( https://corvallisayso.org/login ) to pay the open balance and finish the player registration. Look for the open balance box in your Blue Sombrero dashboard and click View/Pay or click on the My Orders button (sales tag icon) to see the order needing payment.

Contact your division coordinator (here) if you have questions about placement, keep in mind that we have limited openings, we might not be able to accommodate your request(s).

Thank You,
Region Registrar

Issue? If there is an error with the balance or registration, please reply to this email.


[CorvallisAYSO] Picture Days 9/21 & 9/28 - Draft Schedule
Thu 9/12/2019 9:30 PM

Hi Team Managers (including Head Coaches),

Below are the proposed times for team pictures. We will have two days as options, if you need to move to another day, reply to this email with your team name, either the 21st or 28th, and a requested time. We only have 3 photographers for each day so things will be tight and players will need to be ready in advance.

Please communicate the time with your team once you (team manager) and the head coach have confirmed that the time will work.


Date Time Team   Game Div
21-Sep 8:00 AM Darts |||| 8:30 AM 09UB
21-Sep 8:00 AM Diamondbacks |||| 8:30 AM 09UB
21-Sep 8:00 AM Blitz |||| 8:30 AM 09UG
21-Sep 8:10 AM Cheetahs |||| 8:30 AM 09UG
21-Sep 8:10 AM Dynamite |||| 8:30 AM 09UG
21-Sep 8:10 AM Firebirds |||| 8:30 AM 11UB
21-Sep 8:20 AM Phoenix |||| 8:30 AM 11UG
21-Sep 8:20 AM Hammerheads |||| 8:30 AM 11UG
21-Sep 8:30 AM Unicorns |||| 9:00 AM 06UG
21-Sep 8:30 AM Pandas |||| 9:00 AM 06UG
21-Sep 8:30 AM Sparrows |||| 9:00 AM 07UG
21-Sep 9:00 AM Blaze |||| 9:30 AM 09UB
21-Sep 9:00 AM Springboks |||| 9:30 AM 09UB
21-Sep 9:00 AM Wolverines |||| 9:30 AM 09UG
21-Sep 9:10 AM Tide |||| 9:30 AM 09UG
21-Sep 9:10 AM Mystics |||| 9:30 AM 09UG
21-Sep 9:15 AM Sundogs |||| 9:45 AM 11UG
21-Sep 9:15 AM Anemones |||| 9:45 AM 11UG
21-Sep 9:15 AM Orcas |||| 9:45 AM 11UG
21-Sep 9:30 AM Peacocks |||| 10:00 AM 07UG
21-Sep 9:30 AM Bluebirds |||| 10:00 AM 07UG
21-Sep 9:30 AM Patriots |||| 10:00 AM 13UB
21-Sep 9:40 AM Vipers |||| 10:00 AM 13UB
21-Sep 9:40 AM Rams |||| 10:00 AM 13UB
21-Sep 9:40 AM Kiwis |||| 10:00 AM 15UG
21-Sep 10:00 AM Whitecaps |||| 10:30 AM 09UB
21-Sep 10:00 AM Grizzlies |||| 10:30 AM 09UB
21-Sep 10:00 AM Rush |||| 10:30 AM 09UB
21-Sep 10:10 AM Sparks |||| 10:30 AM 09UG
21-Sep 10:10 AM Pacers |||| 10:30 AM 09UG
21-Sep 10:30 AM Titans |||| 11:00 AM 07UB
21-Sep 10:30 AM Cowboys |||| 11:00 AM 07UB
21-Sep 10:30 AM Hornets |||| 11:00 AM 11UB
21-Sep 10:40 AM Suns |||| 11:00 AM 11UB
21-Sep 10:40 AM Hawks |||| 11:00 AM 11UB
21-Sep 10:40 AM Lasers |||| 11:00 AM 11UB
21-Sep 11:00 AM Penguins |||| 11:30 AM 09UB
21-Sep 11:00 AM Blast |||| 11:30 AM 09UB
21-Sep 11:00 AM Avalanche |||| 11:30 AM 09UB
21-Sep 11:10 AM Eagles |||| 11:30 AM 09UB
21-Sep 11:10 AM Dragons |||| 11:30 AM 09UB
21-Sep 11:10 AM Seahawks |||| 11:30 AM 13UB
21-Sep 11:20 AM Eclipse |||| 11:30 AM 13UG
21-Sep 11:20 AM Velez Sarfield |||| 11:30 AM 15UB
21-Sep 11:30 AM Rangers |||| 12:00 PM 07UB
21-Sep 11:30 AM Ninjas |||| 12:00 PM 07UB
21-Sep 11:45 AM Sharks |||| 12:15 PM 11UB
21-Sep 11:45 AM Pumas |||| 12:15 PM 11UB
21-Sep 12:30 PM Knights |||| 1:00 PM 07UB
21-Sep 12:30 PM Mets |||| 1:00 PM 13UB
21-Sep 12:30 PM Mustangs |||| 1:00 PM 13UB
21-Sep 12:40 PM Manchester City |||| 1:00 PM 15UB
28-Sep 8:00 AM Swordferns |||| 8:30 AM 11UG
28-Sep 8:00 AM Apex |||| 8:30 AM 13UG
28-Sep 8:10 AM Mirage |||| 8:30 AM 13UG
28-Sep 8:10 AM Illusion |||| 8:30 AM 09UG
28-Sep 8:10 AM Stormwings |||| 8:30 AM 15UG
28-Sep 8:20 AM Cyclones |||| 8:30 AM 13UG
28-Sep 8:30 AM Bobcats |||| 9:00 AM 06UB
28-Sep 9:00 AM Cruisers |||| 9:30 AM 09UG
28-Sep 9:15 AM Panthers |||| 9:45 AM 11UG
28-Sep 9:15 AM Blizzard |||| 9:45 AM 11UG
28-Sep 9:30 AM Lions |||| 10:00 AM 05UG
28-Sep 9:30 AM Power |||| 10:00 AM 13UG
28-Sep 9:30 AM Kinetics |||| 10:00 AM 13UG
28-Sep 9:40 AM Bunnies |||| 10:00 AM 06UG
28-Sep 10:00 AM Sun Devils |||| 10:30 AM 09UB
28-Sep 10:30 AM Tigers |||| 11:00 AM 05UB
28-Sep 10:30 AM Bumble Bees |||| 11:00 AM 06UG
28-Sep 10:40 AM Falcons |||| 11:00 AM 11UB
28-Sep 10:40 AM Cougars |||| 11:00 AM 11UB
28-Sep 10:40 AM Wildcats |||| 11:00 AM 11UB
28-Sep 11:00 AM Vikings |||| 11:30 AM 13UG
28-Sep 11:00 AM Bulls |||| 11:30 AM 09UB
28-Sep 11:00 AM Rockets |||| 11:30 AM 13UB
28-Sep 11:30 AM Coyotes |||| 12:00 PM 06UB
28-Sep 11:30 AM Colts |||| 12:00 PM 06UB
28-Sep 12:30 PM Timberwolves |||| 1:00 PM 13UB
28-Sep 12:30 PM Wolves |||| 1:00 PM 06UB
28-Sep 12:30 PM Otters |||| 1:00 PM 06UB
28-Sep 11:20 AM Steely Inferno |||| 11:30 AM 18UC

Catalina - Special Events Coordinator


{CorvallisAYSO} Referee Missing Certifications
Wed 9/11/2019 6:37 AM

Hi Referee,

Here is your certification record, please be sure you address anything that is missing a soon as possible.



Registration: Good

Assigned Role: Referee

Assigned Team:

+ Safe Haven Training: Good

+ Concussion Training: Good

+ Referee Training: Missing 11U Training

Missing Job Training? We have added the certifications from the past few trainings if you had all the parts completed. Take a look and reply to this email if you got everything done. Our last in-person job training is Thursday 9/12 5:30pm @ Western View Center by the 509J office. You can signup or just show up.

Referee trainings have an online component

# Coach Certifications: 6U=N 8U(7U)=N 10U(9U)=N 12U(11U)=N Intermediate(13U+)=N Advanced=N

# Manager Certification: Manager=N

# Referee Certifications: Regional(09U+)=N Intermediate(13U+)=N Advanced(15U+)=N National=N


Took the Training, both parts? Reply / Email me if you already took the training and it is not in your record.


NOTICE: Referee training makeups/equivalents or issues with online training can be discussed with the Referee Admin. Conditional approvals, regarding training, can be provided by the Referee Admin to allow you to help on Saturday.

Thank You,

Luke Cotton

Data updated on 2019-09-11 00:40:19


Team Manager Weekly Advice
Mon 9/9/2019 10:12 PM

Week 1 Done!

We all survived the first week of the season - Woohoo!! There was a lot of items in the team folders last week. Some of these items I was aware of before Saturday (I put them in the folders) and some items I learned about after the day was done. Several of you have had questions about the individual items. I am trying to get to each individual question as quick as I can. I do know that some teams did not get their picture forms as there were not enough last week, you should have your forms in your team folder this week. As far as your team's specific date and time, in the past that has come in an email from an AYSO board member. {Words of wisdom for new managers - pictures day is not that stressful. If your team can all get together in the picture area the photographers can usually fit you in if there is confusion on your day and time.}

It appears that the rain is here to stay! This can cause the fields to become muddy. AYSO procedure in the past has been that the Commissioner will post on the AYSO home page (https://www.corvallisayso.org) if the game fields are closed for the day. If the game fields are closed than there is no practice/game anywhere in the division (even if your team practices in a different field location) until the game fields are open again. So please check the AYSO home page daily by noon (usually updated by 10am) when the ground becomes more saturated.

As always, don't hesitate to email your questions.

Nicole Belyeu


[CorvallisAYSO] REFEREES Opening Day 9/7
Sat 9/7/2019 6:00 AM

Howdy Referees,

Few quick reminders/notes for opening day today.

Practice > to > Scrimmage: The start time is a practice, for about 30min, or if agreed by everyone, less. The remainder can be a scrimmage, be cognizant of the start time for the next group, ensure you stop on time, no matter what.

Scrimmage!!!!, use that word, as I am asking you to help coach/teach players in the laws & rules for that division. Please take the time to educate players. Feel free to tell the coach that Luke sent a ton of emails at 4am, and asked you to focus on this part of player development for today. NOT A GAME >> Scrimmage = "a session in which teams practice by playing a simulated game."

9U Example: Well Timmy, this isn't basketball, since you smacked it with your hand in the opposing teams penalty area, it is the other teams ball, see the direction I'm pointing, it is the direction the other team is usually going. Okay keeper, you taking this? My other hand is pointing at the approximate area where you can place the ball for the kick. Timmy and team, move to the other side of the build out line, you can only enter this space after it goes over the line or is touched a second time by the keeper's team (this is specific to our region). Keeper, you can have a buddy close to you for the kick. Psssst, keeper, next time you don't need to wait for them to all go across the build out line to kick it, they are not allowed to play until they touch the build out line. Good to go keeper... (coach hollering weirdly specific and confusing directions)... you can kick it now... your buddy looks like a good option.
~Based on a real 10U/9U game, Luke

Game(scrimmage) Cards: Each team should supply you with an official lineup card, if they do not have them, they have not looked in the team folder at the brown shed. Finished cards, done by you, go in the box by the schedule board.

Referee Game(scrimmage)/Signup Schedule: On the blue shed to the north, is the referee schedule, please check it and mark that you are here next to your scrimmage(s). I bought some fancy Sharpies, please use them to fill openings and mark off your name.

Find a referee in Blue, Green, or Red, they can help you with anything.

Chris Jordan Referee Admin.
In charge of all referees.
Vince Waterhous Director of Referee Instruction
Develops offerings to support the education of referees.
Joe McVeety Director of Referee Assessment
Follows up with complaints & offers assessment opportunities.
Joe McVeety Director of Youth Engagement
Develops youth activities to support/encourage volunteerism.
Walt Mahaffee Referee Support Specialist
Aids in training and certification of region referees.

Luke Cotton - 4am emailing fiend

Fiend = "a person who is excessively fond of or addicted to something." like email


[CorvallisAYSO] TEAM FOLDERS - We have packed the team folders with stuff
Sat 9/7/2019 6:00 AM

Team Managers,
(or head coach if your team has no manager)

We have packed the team folders (on the porch of the brown shed) with

  • Picture Day Packets. (Give to Parents (later might be better), Pictures Times TBD on 9/21 or 9/28)
  • 7U+ player legal/release forms. (give to head coach to be at all practices)
  • Kid Zone Business Cards. (rowdy parent... Kid Zone & Field Map!)
  • Incident Forms. (Just FYI for head coaches to carry)
  • Some Other Handouts.
  • 9U+ Blank Game Cards. (give to head coach... you could help fill them out, from 1-15)

Please pickup your pile of stuff, and have a great opening day!

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Nicole Belyeu - Manager Admin.

(Contact Us)


[CorvallisAYSO] Opening Day Today 9/7
Sat 9/7/2019 5:00 AM

Hello 6U-19U Families,

Remember, your planned start time is the start of your team practice for about 30min, the remainder is a friendly scrimmage (see details below). Since almost all players are going into a new playing format, much of today will be about rule/law/format changes/education for everyone. Saturday Starting Time/Schedule (here).

Quick Team Formation Notes

  • 7UB, if we get a few more players, we will be able to build a new team to replace the SELF team in the schedule.
  • 5U born 2015, & 7UG born 2013, have many openings, all are welcome to register (join).
  • 13U & High School also have openings (join).
  • Wait Lists (All boys teams, 9UG, 11UG, & 15UG): We are continuing to work on player placements and finding places for additional volunteers. This will continue up to September 14, after that day, we will close registration for core recreational. I expect us to have a handful of team changes after today.
  • You can always look at your team roster online (here), volunteers should be getting an expanded version by email.

Shoe & Soccer Equipment Sale/Swap TODAY

We have a bunch of uniforms and size 3 & 4 soccer balls that will be on sale today by the sheds.

When: Saturday from 8:15am - 1:00pm
Where: In front of concessions by the AYSO sheds
Deliveries: We will begin accepting shoes and equipment at 8:00 Sales will start at 8:15. Please collect unsold items or money by the end of the sale (1pm) or consider them a donation to AYSO. We cannot be responsible for returning equipment or cash.
AYSO will keep 50% of the total items sold as consignment for the scholarship fund. If you want to sell shoes or equipment, use this form (here). If you want to donate the items to AYSO, just give them to a helper at the sale. No preparation is necessary.

AYSO Saturday

  • Arrive early.
  • Carpool, Bike, or CTS Route 8.
  • No Dogs/Pets.
  • Player needs shin guards to participate.
  • No Jewelry (player equipment).
  • Do not park on the grass.
  • Our core recreational program is a Kid Zone (conduct) (see more details below).
  • Each field will have a spectator side and a team side.
    Generally, the spectator side is closest to the parking, with players & coaches on the other side.

Opening Day TODAY

This day is designed to help teams get started and help players understand the rules for the division. Here is a common rundown for most teams on Saturday.

  • All arrive 30-20min before your scheduled time.
  • Players stretch and warm up.
  • Parents & volunteers discuss any outstanding items.
    • Team Manager checks with non-volunteering parents on helper signups.
    • Coach communicates any additional expectations or needed help.
  • Team coaches will run 30min practice on half the field. Coach mentors will be moving around to help as needed.
  • Team referees will run 30min of scrimmage/game. Referee mentors will be moving around to help as needed.
  • Day closes with discussing any further items or upcoming events.

The Kids Zone Pledge
No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:

01. Kids are No. 1.
02. Fun - not winning - is everything.
03. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
04. No yelling in anger.
05. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
06. No swearing or abusive behavior.
07. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
08. No weapons.
09. Leave no trash behind.
10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

See you on the pitch!

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Soccer Law Changes - New This Season
Sat 9/7/2019 3:01 AM

Hello Coaches,

This is an overly simplified breakdown of the law changes that we are implementing this season...

Dropped Ball: Basically, the dropped ball can be dropped to a single player. It should go to the team that last touched it, unless it is in the penalty box, then it goes to the keeper (they can pick it up). Other players must be about 4 yards away.

9U+ All Kicks in the Penalty Area: After the ball is kicked and moves it can be played, no longer need to be outside the penalty box to play it. The now defending/opposing team still needs to start outside the penalty area*.
*NOTE: In 9U the defending team needs to be on the other side of the build out line, but like it states above the keeper with the now attacking team can do the second touch of the ball within the penalty area. After the second touch the defending players can cross the build out line. Learn about the Build Out Line (here).

Handball: This has become even more convoluted, but basically IFAB is trying to to define the call a little further. The refinement focuses on instances where it hits a hand/arm and results in an overly fortuitous outcome (scores) or occurs from an unnatural position. So, it hits the hand/arm and goes in the goal or it hits the hand/arm while far away from the body. Both of those would be called, even if they were not deliberate. They add some pieces about when it should not be called, but basically if it is obviously not impacting anything and obviously not deliberate, it is not called.

9U+ Kickoff Choice: You win the toss, you can choose side or take kick-off.

13U+ Substitutes: Free Substitution (only 11 vs 11 games aka 13U+, all others do recorded quarterly subs) can have the leaving player leave the field from any point unless the ref says otherwise. Players that are going on the field, must still assemble at the half-line flag, again players going off can just leave the field from the point closest to them.

You can look at the attached PDF for a quick snip of the changes.

Region Rules (here) & Full Laws of the Game for 2019-2020 (here)

Luke Cotton - Coach Support Specialist
Dan Herford - Coach Administrator
Abe Drabkin - Director of Coach Instruction

Contact Us (here)


{CorvallisAYSO} Head Coach Missing Certifications
Fri 9/6/2019 1:51 AM

Hi Coach Elisabeth,

Here is your certification record, please be sure you address anything that is missing a soon as possible.



Registration: Good

Assigned Role: Head Coach

Assigned Team:

+ Safe Haven Training: Unknown

+ Concussion Training: Unknown

Missing Safe Haven or Concussion Training? Go to https://aysou.org, login with your Blue Sombrero account. Each volunteer needs an account to do trainings (including youth). KEEP A COPY of your certification, I recommend that you use Chrome or Firefox w/o shockwave or flash plug ins. You can contact if you have issues with the training site.

+ Coach Training: Unknown

Missing Job Training? I have added the certifications from the August trainings if you had all the parts completed. Take a look and reply to this email if you got everything done. Our last in-person job training is Friday 9/6 6pm @ Adams field 093. You can signup or just show up, 6U-11U should show if you are missing job training.

Most trainings have an online component ( https://aysou.org login with your Blue Sombrero account ) with the final part(s) in-person. Signup for the in-person class here: https://corvallisayso.org/training?...

# Coach Certifications: 6U=N 8U(7U)=N 10U(9U)=N 12U(11U)=N Intermediate(13U+)=N Advanced=N

# Manager Certification: Manager=N

# Referee Certifications: Regional(09U+)=N Intermediate(13U+)=N Advanced(15U+)=N National=N


Took the Training? Reply / Email me if you already took the training and it is not in your record.

NOTICE: Coach training makeups/equivalents or issues with online training can be discussed with the Coach Admin. Conditional approvals, regarding training, can be provided by the Coach Admin to allow practices to proceed.

Thank You,

Luke Cotton

Data updated on 9/5/19 @ 10pm


PDI and LotG changes
Thu 9/5/2019 8:43 PM


Attached is a quick summary of the changes to the Laws of the Game that are most relevant for our AYSO youth rec soccer.

Please look this over, there are changes that you need to know and will have to implement in your first match on Saturday. Oh, you don't have a first match on Saturday, well, perhaps by visiting https://www.corvallisayso.org/referees/schedule.html and choosing a match or two, you will have a time and a place to try out the new Laws!

Also, remember, we have our US Soccer Player Development Initiative modifications on younger age group matches.

-Build out line.
-Offside only from the build out line forward
-Restart for defending team or keeper distribution within the Build out area - attacking team backs up to the build out line. Attacking team can't come back into build out area until after second touch by defending team (free kick / keeper throw, plus another touch).

-No keeper punting, throws only.

-All players
-No deliberate heading of the ball
-No slide tackles

-All players
-No deliberate heading of the ball
-No slide tackles

13U and up
No PDI restrictions apply.

Thank you for volunteering with AYSO,


[CorvallisAYSO] Field Lining Help
Wed 9/4/2019 4:01 PM

Hello Field Helpers,

We are behind on the first field lines, and I am looking for some help in the next few days.

The task is to string and paint the first field lines. The GPS dots are down, we just need to connect the dots. The thought is to split this up by field, please email me if you have some time and are comfortable with stringing and painting lines Thursday or Friday this week.

Fields Missing Some or All Lines:

  • 111
  • 093
  • 112
  • 061
  • 051
  • 113
  • 132
  • 071

Reply back with a field where you can help, I will send you a confirmation. You can finish the task any time in the next few days if you have done this work before, if not, I will be at the fields from 6-7pm (Th & F), and can help you get started. (I will likely be working on a few issues on field 132.)

Luke Cotton - Acting Fields Coordinator


[CorvallisAYSO] Uniform Pack Pickup Option
Wed 9/4/2019 2:50 PM

Hi Team Managers & Head Coaches,

Sorry about this being last minute, but we will be available at the sheds today (9/4) for uniform pack pickups from 6:15pm-6:45pm. If you have not picked up uniforms yet, and are just missing one volunteer or have all volunteers set, please send someone to this event. If you cannot make it today, you can come to the events Friday, 9/6, 6pm or All Saturday @ Adams School AYSO Sheds.



and so it begins
Wed 9/4/2019 10:54 AM

Region 149 Referees,

And so it begins! The Fall Season! Of me pestering you to signup for matches!

Our first day, Slow Start Saturday, is in 3 days. There are many opportunities yet to be realized remaining on the schedule.

As we did last year for the first Saturday, for each time slot the teams will use the first 1/2 to organize, practice, hand out uniforms, and the 2nd 1/2 will be a full field match. These matches will be a great opportunity for new referees to get some on-field experience and mentoring. We will rotate officials, do additional instruction as needed, and give everyone a chance to try different roles or levels of play.

Use this opportunity to practice signing up for matches!.

The new signup system is located on the region webpage under Referees (button in the top nav bar) Game Signup (hover over the Referees button). The direct link to the page is - https://www.corvallisayso.org/referees/schedule.html - bookmark now to save time.

Thank you,



[CorvallisAYSO] Volunteer Updates & Opening Day Saturday
Mon 9/3/2019 6:50 AM

Hello Volunteers,

Thank you for volunteering this school year! The team meeting, volunteer recruitment, trainings, and late drops or adds can be stressful/tough over summer. I appreciate your flexibility and the investment of your time to help the 984 players this fall.

See your team roster/status (here). This page (here) has links to most region resources.

Now that the majority of you are in Blue Sombrero, here are further details for opening day. See the section that pertains to you...

Team Managers

(or coaches on teams w/o Team Managers)


If you are missing job training, please contact Nicole (here) to get the training materials and be added to the list for a notification about future trainings.

Practices & Calendar

7U+ Managers, please consider adding your events & practices to your Blue Sombrero team calendar. How To is (here) and the team calendar is in the team page (here).

Uniforms & Equipment

Some teams are still missing volunteers. Please keep reaching out to families to find needed volunteers. Worst case is that you pickup uniforms on Saturday and we work out options to cover needed roles. If you have a volunteers, you can pickup uniforms on Friday, 9/6, 06:00pm @ Adams School AYSO Sheds. If you do not have all your volunteers, you can pickup uniforms anytime on Saturday at the information shed.

Opening Day 9/7

Your Saturday Tasks and Spectator Side of Field (conduct)...

  1. Arrive 30min early.
  2. Check team folder by Brown Shed for player legal forms (7U+)(handed to coach), game cards (9U+)(you could fill it out for the coach), & Picture Day Packets (Pic day time will assigned in BS, either 9/21 or 28).
  3. If uniforms were not retrieved earlier (9/6 6pm @ sheds), pick them up at the info shed and distribute.
  4. If you have any missing uniforms or need to swap uniform sizes, talk to the folks at the info shed (it could be 2 weeks to receive an order, get them in this Saturday).
  5. Check if the coach needs anything or needs any help.
  6. Talk to the non-volunteer families about signups (Game Day & Fields Help), and inform them that they could signup for a slot at the info shed on Saturday or online.
  7. If you are doing any other items that need helpers, talk to the parents Saturday. It is your best day to actually have them present.
  8. Again, all uniform orders need to be done Saturday at the Info Shed.



7U+ Coaches, practices can start this week. Please be flexible in locations without reservations. If you have not reserved your field, the guide is (here). Philomath Area Teams, please look at special notes on the practices page (here). Adams Area Teams, please do not move the soccer goals away from the goal spot and ensure you keep the sandbag/anchor on the back of the goal.

Your team folders on Saturday will have the legal forms you need to keep with you for practices. If you are missing coach equipment for practices, come to the info shed on Saturday to get or order any missing equipment.


Coaches that are still missing job/field training this year, please try to attend the 9U+ training on Friday. This field training can work to cover 6U, 7U, & 9U. 11U, 13U, & 15U training is done, this training will give you some of the basics, not everything for your level, but better than nothing.

Date Start-End Course Location Signup
6:00 PM-
8:30 PM
Coach 09U (aka 10U) Part 2 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN


Opening Day 9/7

Your Saturday Tasks & Coach Checklist (here)...

  1. See Team Manager tasks 1-4, if no team manager, you are asked to do this.
  2. Gather and warm up / stretch players & check player equipment/uniform. FIFA 11+ can be a good method for a game day (here).
  3. Meet with the other coach to decide on areas for the practices & discuss any other items (short players, missing jerseys = pinnies, etc.).
  4. Take the field when the other teams are done. Should be close to 15min buffer between games.
  5. Run your training plan stage 1 and stage 3. Blank training plan sheet (here).
  6. After a 30min practice, meet with the referee, confirm the time you have for the game and figure out the quarters.
    NOTE: referees might be rotating positions at quarters, this is to provide them with the experience of being a center referee.
  7. Setup your players in positions / your formation.
  8. Quick substitutions @ ref whistle, 10sec, no time to chat.
  9. Quick 2 min half, players get water, minor formation adjustments, little time to chat.
  10. Quick substitutions @ ref whistle, 10sec, no time to chat.
  11. Thank referees and recap with the players, compliment on completed goals or positive progress.
  12. Inform parents and players of next event.
  13. Again, ANY uniform or team equipment issues need to be taken care of / reported Saturday.

6U & 7U Coaches

Opening Day 9/7

Additional Saturday Notes:

  1. While teams practice, identify the coach/ref for that field.
  2. Do an equipment check 5min before scrimmage time.
  3. Quickly meet coaches and just decide who is kicking and on what side each team sets. Not much time for a coin toss.
  4. Start on time so you can run 7min quarters, starting late could shorten that.
  5. Quick substitutions at the 7min mark.
  6. Quick half time, teams swap halves, you could swap with another referee if present.
  7. Quick substitutions after 7min from the start of half.
  8. End the match.

9U+ Referees

Laws Update & Referee Refresher for returning referees is Friday, 9/6 from 06:00pm to 09:00pm at Western View Center.

Date Start-End Course Location Signup
5:30 PM-
8:30 PM
Ref 09U+ Part 2 Western View Center Corvallis Trainee - OPEN
5:30 PM-
8:30 PM
Ref 09U+ Part 2 Western View Center Corvallis Trainee - OPEN
5:30 PM-
8:30 PM
Ref 09U+ Part 2 Western View Center Corvallis Trainee - OPEN


Opening Day

Your Saturday Tasks and Referee Game Checklist (here)...

  1. Signup online (here) for a referee position or if you did not do that, add your name to the referee schedule board on Saturday.
    NOTE: All new referees should be refereeing on Saturday.
  2. Place a check mark by your name on the referee schedule by blue referee shed.
  3. YOUTH: get in touch with a referee in Blue, Red, or Green by the blue referee shed.
  4. Get additional equipment, if needed, from referee station by blue referee shed.
  5. Arrive at field at least 20min before game/scrimmage time (during team practice).
  6. While teams practice, meet all the other referees on that field and gather game cards from Team Managers or coaches.
  7. Ideally, all referees (especially new refs) will referee on Saturday. Work out a rotation with all the other referees present.
    YES, you can rotate the center referee and multiple people should be encouraged to try it.
  8. Ask for an equipment check 5min before scrimmage time.
  9. Quickly chat w/ coaches and just decide who is kicking and go with the sides already set. Not much time for a coin toss.
  10. Start on time so you can run 7min quarters (unless you all decide to have more time for the game), starting late could shorten that.
  11. Quick substitutions at the quarter mark.
  12. Quick half time, teams swap halves, you could swap with another referee if present.
  13. Quick substitutions after quarter time from the start of half.
  14. End the match.
  15. Fill out the game cards and return them to the white box by the referee shed schedule.


Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Core 06UB Bobcats Roster Status
Mon 9/2/2019 11:52 PM

Dear Core 06UB Bobcats Team,

Opening Day Saturday 9/7
This day is designed to help teams get started and help players understand the rules for the division. Here is a common rundown for most teams on Saturday.

  • All arrive 30min before your scheduled start time.
  • Players stretch and warm up.
  • Parents & volunteers discuss any outstanding items.
    • Team Manager checks with non-volunteering parents on helper signups.
    • Coach communicates any additional expectations or needed help.
  • Team coaches will run 30min practice on half the field. Coach mentors will be moving around to help as needed.
  • Team referees will run 30min of scrimmage/game. Referee mentors will be moving around to help as needed.
  • Day closes with discussing any further items or upcoming events.

Saturday Shoe & Soccer Equipment Sale/Swap
When: Saturday from 8:15am - 1:00pm
Where: In front of concessions by the AYSO sheds
Deliveries: We will begin accepting shoes and equipment at 8:00 Sales will start at 8:15. Please collect unsold items or money by the end of the sale (1pm) or consider them a donation to AYSO. We cannot be responsible for returning equipment or cash.
AYSO will keep 50% of the total items sold as consignment for the scholarship fund. If you want to sell shoes or equipment, use this form (here). If you want to donate the items to AYSO, just give them to a helper at the sale. No preparation is necessary.

AYSO Game Days

  • Arrive 30min early.
  • Carpool, Bike, or CTS Route 8.
  • No dogs/pets.
  • Player needs shin guards to participate.
  • No jewelry.
  • Do not park on the grass.

You can get the data below online (here)

+ Status +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Team Players: 11
Head Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Asst Coach: 3 of 1 Required
Team Manager: 1 of 1 Required
Team Helpers: 8 of 4 Required

NOTES: Keep in mind that some volunteers could still be in background and that we can only record one person for one role, so that could cause some missing folks.

+ Players +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

+ Allocated Volunteers So Far +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

When volunteers are registered and after the background check completes, volunteers will be allocated. After allocation, volunteers will be able to login to the Blue Sombrero team site and see the full roster details (by printing the roster). We will continue to add players until we hit the max player count, so roster changes are likely.

Adult Volunteer Registration (here) Youth Volunteer Registration (here).

+ Game Schedule v3 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

+ Team Helpers and Potential Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

NOTES: This data is from the player application, if you have been contacted by a team manager or division coordinator, register in that role. To be removed from this list, you can edit your player application.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner



[CorvallisAYSO] Manager Introduction
Mon 9/2/2019 6:32 PM

Hello Team Managers,

I am Nicole this year's Manager Admin, just another way of saying the Chief Manager. It is now September and time for the fall soccer season to start. I want to thank all of you for volunteering for this very important role. You are the one that keeps your team organized and communications clear between your team's parents and myself.

We have a few house keeping things to cover. I am hopeful that by now you have introduced yourself to your team as the manager. You should have an agreed upon mode of communication for your team set up so you can forward information weekly. The season can seem to move along quickly so if you have any questions or issue please don't wait to contact me. If I do not have an answer for you I will find someone who can provide an answer.

1. Team schedules have been posted. As I understand there may be more corrections to the schedule as some team divisions have conflicts. You can find the schedule here https://www.corvallisayso.org/teams/schedule.html I recommend sending your team specific schedule to your parents separately along with the link.

2. Please encourage you parents to sign up to help with game day here https://www.corvallisayso.org/teams/helper-signup.html These positions are easy (only a couple of hours) but important - shoe swap, safety shed and concessions. The money from the shoe swap and concessions goes to fund the AYSO scholarship. There is even a job description on the web-page so parents can know what they are signing up for. It is suggested that each family does 2 or more shifts per season.

It is acceptable to remind more resistant parents that AYSO is a volunteer run organization and that they agreed to help when signing their child up for the season.

I am confident it will be a great season and hoping for great weather!!

Until next week,

Nicole Belyeu
Manager Admin.


Signup for matches this Fall
Sun 9/1/2019 12:27 PM


The Fall Season is here!

The first match day is 9/7, next Saturday.

As we did last year for the first Saturday, for each time slot teams will use the first 1/2 to organize, practice, hand out uniforms, and the 2nd 1/2 will be a full field match. These matches will be a great opportunity for new referees to get some on-field experience and mentoring. We will rotate officials, do additional instruction as needed, and give everyone a chance to try different roles or of levels of play. The second week of the season we will start regular matches with a ref team set for each full length match.

Signing up for matches is different from last Spring.

You choose your match (date, time, level, position), you will not be assigned.

The new signup system is located on the region webpage under Referees (button in the top nav bar) Game Signup (hover over the Referees button). The direct link to the page is - https://www.corvallisayso.org/referees/schedule.html - book mark now to save time.

When you first land on this page, you will see "upcoming open shifts", which is just the next match weekend. If you want to see the full schedule, hit the "All Shifts" button. If you want to search for a team or age group, use the two filter options in the "search referee schedule" box.

When you have the view of the schedule you want, look on the far right of each row - if there is already a referee at that match/position, their name (first, last initial) will show, if there is a refereeing opportunity available, it will show "OPEN". Click on the "OPEN" you want and you will be directed to a signup page. Enter your first, last, email, phone, and if you are a volunteer for a team, pick the team from the list in the team name box, hit submit. You will get confirmation emails that remind you of your assignment and any missing training / certifications that you need to take care of before hitting the field.

Please use your name as spelled in your AYSO registration, this way we can easily cross reference your sign up in case there are any questions.

The system is brand new, so we'll be tweaking it as we go, but testing so far has gone well, so we are confident that everyone will like this new approach more than the clunky software we used in the past.

So, now you know the plan and how to follow through on your commitment to be a AYSO volunteer, sign up, sign up for many matches, sign up all at the same time. I dare you to try and break Luke's new toy!

Thank you for volunteering, looking forward to seeing everyone out on the fields at Adams.



[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Game Schedule Posted
Sat 8/31/2019 6:16 AM

Hello All AYSO Parents & Volunteers 6U-18U,

Game Schedule Online - We have posted revision 3 of the game schedule in Blue Sombrero (here) & on the region website (here). Please review your game schedule carefully. Due to the complexity of game schedule, it is usually impossible to accommodate change requests. However, errors will be corrected whenever possible. You can find the fields map (here).

Below are the notable items for the schedule:

  1. Opening Day on 9/7 is a unique schedule where the start time indicated is the start of your team practice on half of the field, the last 30min is intended to be your scrimmage/game time. Most teams have a 30min practice, then a 30min game (15U can have a 45min practice to allow for coach mentoring).
  2. 13U, 15U, & 18U some teams could be doubled up on Saturday, please be sure you look to see if you are playing two games on one day.
  3. 15U & 18U teams travel, see the fields map to translate the code to the address/location.
  4. 6U & 7U has a team called SELF, for now that is where a team would be playing themselves for a game.
  5. Some of the complexity in the schedule comes from head coaches running multiple teams, while we try to reduce overlaps, cramming 42 games in 6 hours, we will still have some.
  6. Games must start on time! If your game starts late, the referee may need to shorten your match to prevent conflict with the next scheduled game.
  7. Game Day field setup or take down assignments fall to the teams that are either first or last on that field that Saturday.
  8. Always plan to arrive 30min before your match, keep in mind that parking and other factors could delay your arrival.
  9. Referees: 6U & 7U each team is expected to provide a coach for one of the two fields.
  10. Referees: 9U the schedule for referee signups for 9U+ is online (here). You will notice that 9U games only have signups for 9U center referees. Each game will need the additional 2 referees / lines people, but the center referee is required to signup for a 9U game. Many teams are short referees, we need people to help center the games.
  11. Referees: 11U-15U the schedule for referee signups is online (here).

Signups for Game Day Helpers - If you are not a team volunteer, you are a Game Day Helper for your team, and each family is asked to step up. The signup slots for game day helpers is online (here). We have signups for Shoe Swap Equipment Sale helpers, Opening helpers, Closing helpers, Concession Sale helpers, & Safety/Information helpers.

Signups for Field Helpers
- We ask that each team have a helper for fields and field related work. Along with helping to setup if you are first, or take down if you are last, we ask that you signup (here) for one or more field work tasks.

Saturday Shoe Swap
/ Equipment Sale - Bring your old sports equipment to sell, donate, or swap. Shoe and equipment swap event this Saturday, Sept 7 from 8:15am - 1:00pm in front of concessions. It is simple: Fill out the form beforehand (here), write your name and the price for each item on a piece of masking tape and attach it to the item, and bring the items to the event. AYSO will keep 50% of the total items sold as consignment for the scholarship fund. No forms are required if donating items.

Uniforms - Saturday 9/7 is the best day for confirming uniforms (@ AYSO Info Shed) or submit special ordering (here). We will have folks at the information shed helping to handout uniforms, recording needed uniforms, or providing replacement equipment to teams. If you are missing a team volunteer, we will have board members available to help sort out issues.

See You Saturday 9/7,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Helper Signups for Core TEAM
Fri 8/30/2019 10:11 PM

Hi Skylar,

Volunteers and helpers run our program, each season we need you. If you are not volunteering as a coach, referee, or manager, we ask that you help us with lining fields, selling items for the scholarship fund, or help others by providing information and direction. Take a look at your game schedule to sign up for a shift on game day (here) or before game day at the fields (here).

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FELLOW TEAM HELPER SIGNUPS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

Looks like nobody from your team has signed up to help :( your team needs you.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= YOUR TEAM GAMES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#







Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Fields Coord.
Toby Westberry - Safety / Information
Elaine Markley - Opening / Closing
Marty Hernandez - Concessions
(Contact Us)



[CorvallisAYSO] Uniforms & Volunteer Certifications
Tue 8/27/2019 5:16 PM

Hello Registered Coaches, Referees, & Managers,

I have been debating if this will cause more confusion or less, hopefully not. Attached is a CSV with all registered volunteers and current (8/27 3pm) training/certification statuses according to the Region & AYSOU systems.

Questions about the spreadsheet?
Contact your admin (here) if you cannot make/complete a training.
Contact me (here) if you are missing a training you took.

+Keep in mind that if you took a training this year, you need to have all parts completed before I manually apply the certification.
+MY = Membership Year = Starting Year of the School Year
+Not placed with team? The reasons vary as to why it can take longer, but please double check the Volunteers page (here) in Blue Sombrero to see what might be needed.
+Contact your division coordinator (here) if you need to make a volunteer allocation change or use this form (here).


Uniforms & Team Worksheet

If you see everyone for your team is registered in the attached spreadsheet, you can send someone(coach or team manager) with the completed team worksheet to pickup your uniform pack.

Team Uniform Pack Pickup
Tuesday, August 27, 2019 from 06:00pm to 07:15pm at Adams School AYSO Sheds
Wednesday, August 28, 2019 from 06:00pm to 06:30pm at Adams School AYSO Sheds
Friday, September 06, 2019 from 06:00pm to 06:30pm at Adams School AYSO Sheds

Final pickup day is on opening day, if you have been unable to get all volunteers before then, that will be the day you can pickup uniforms and talk with me about how you are filling any team voids.

AYSO Volunteer Training

  1. Register in Blue Sombrero (here) (adult guide) (youth guide)

  2. Complete AYSO's Safe Haven Training Online at AYSOU. (Should show a green progress circle.)
    (only need to complete this once)

  3. Complete Concussion Training Online at AYSOU. (Will continue to show a grey circle.)
    (every school year)

  4. Complete job training from an instructor, you can signup for the class (here).
    (Coaches & Referees have a pre-course online at AYSOU. Should show green progress circle.)

AYSOU Online Training Advice
  • You need to have completed your volunteer registration before you can login for training.
  • AYSOU.org is a national online training tool where you login with your Blue Sombrero account.
  • Each volunteer needs an independent account to do training (including youth). Confirm your AYSO ID (shown at the top of AYSOU) with your AYSO ID on your volunteer registration (Blue Sombrero volunteer page here) to ensure you are taking your training.
  • KEEP A COPY of your certification (print or screen photo of the last part).
  • DO NOT use your smart phone for anything AYSO registration or training related.

  • Avoid taking trainings during peak hours or plan for slow loading times.
  • Consider using the Firefox web browser for the trainings.

  • Contact if you have issues with the online training site.



Most of you will need job training, please signup if you are missing the training.
(Use the roster page (here) to get an email with your certs)

Coach 06U In-Person Training
Date Start-End Course Location Signup
9:00 AM-10:00 AM Coach 06U Part 2 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN


Coach 07U In-Person Training
Date Start-End Course Location Signup
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Coach 07U (aka 8U) Part 2 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN


Coach 09U In-Person Training
Date Start-End Course Location Signup
8:30 AM-11:00 AM Coach 09U (aka 10U) Part 2 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN
6:00 PM-8:30 PM Coach 09U (aka 10U) Part 2 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN


Coach 11U In-Person Training
Date Start-End Course Location Signup
7:00 PM-9:00 PM Coach 11U (aka 12U) Part 2 - Class First Christian Church Corvallis Trainee - OPEN
8:30 AM-12:00 PM Coach 11U (aka 12U) Part 3 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN


Coach 13U & 15U Intermediate In-Person Training
Date Start-End Course Location Signup
6:00 PM-9:00 PM Coach 13U+ Part 2 - Class First Christian Church Corvallis Trainee - OPEN
8:30 AM-1:00 PM Coach 13U+ Part 3 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN


  • Game Day & Tactics - Practical Coach Training: Friday, September 06 TBA at Adams School Soccer Fields
  • Coach Mentoring: Saturday, September 07 (during game time) at Adams School Soccer Fields



New Referees for 9U and above will need job training, please signup if you are missing the training.
(Use the roster page (here) to get an email with your certs)

Referee 09U, 11U, 13U, & 15U In-Person Training
Date Start-End Course Location Signup
5:30 PM-8:30 PM Ref 09U+ Part 2 Western View Center Corvallis Trainee - OPEN
5:30 PM-8:30 PM Ref 09U+ Part 2 Western View Center Corvallis Trainee - OPEN
5:30 PM-8:30 PM Ref 09U+ Part 2 Western View Center Corvallis Trainee - OPEN


  • Referee Refresher: Friday, September 06 from 06:00pm to 09:00pm at Western View Center
  • Referee Practical Training/Mentoring: Saturday, September 07 (during game time) at Adams School Soccer Fields


Team Managers

New Managers will need job training, please signup if you are missing the training.
(Use the roster page (here) to get an email with your certs)

Date Start-End Course Location Signup
7:00 PM-8:30 PM Team Manager First Christian Church Corvallis Trainee - OPEN



  • First Christian Church - 602 SW Madison Ave. Corvallis OR
  • Adams School Soccer Fields - 1615 SW 35th St. Corvallis OR
  • Western View Center - 1435 SW 35th St. Corvallis OR

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Volunteer Training Details
Thu 8/22/2019 1:15 PM

Hello Registered or Expected Coaches, Referees, & Managers,
(all others, ignore this email)
(If you are good on all trainings, ignore this email)


Below are the planned classes for volunteer training, please review the classes and sign up by using the form (here) for Job Training. Some locations and times are subject to change, be sure you sign up using the form to get notifications about any class changes.


AYSO Volunteer Training

  1. Register in Blue Sombrero (here) (adult guide) (youth guide)

  2. Complete AYSO's Safe Haven Training Online at AYSOU.
    (only need to complete this once)

  3. Complete Concussion Training Online at AYSOU.
    (every school year)

  4. Complete job training from an instructor, you can signup for the class (here).
    (Coaches & Referees have a pre-course online at AYSOU.)

AYSOU Online Training Advice
  • You need to have completed your volunteer registration before you can login for training.
  • AYSOU.org is a national online training tool where you login with your Blue Sombrero account.
  • Each volunteer needs an independent account to do training (including youth). Confirm your AYSO ID (shown at the top of AYSOU) with your AYSO ID on your volunteer registration (Blue Sombrero volunteer page here) to ensure you are taking your training.
  • KEEP A COPY of your certification.
  • DO NOT use your smart phone for anything AYSO registration or training related.

  • Avoid taking trainings during peak hours or plan for slow loading times.
  • Consider using the Firefox web browser for the trainings.



Most of you will need job training, please signup if you are missing the training.
(Use the roster page (here) to get an email with your certs)

Coach 06U In-Person Training

Date Start-End Course Location Signup
9:00 AM-10:00 AM Coach 06U Part 2 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN
9:00 AM-10:00 AM Coach 06U Part 2 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN


Coach 07U In-Person Training

Date Start-End Course Location Signup
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Coach 07U (aka 8U) Part 2 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Coach 07U (aka 8U) Part 2 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN


Coach 09U In-Person Training

Date Start-End Course Location Signup
8:30 AM-11:00 AM Coach 09U (aka 10U) Part 2 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN
8:30 AM-11:00 AM Coach 09U (aka 10U) Part 2 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN
6:00 PM-8:30 PM Coach 09U (aka 10U) Part 2 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN


Coach 11U In-Person Training

Date Start-End Course Location Signup
7:00 PM-9:00 PM Coach 11U (aka 12U) Part 2 - Class First Christian Church Corvallis Trainee - OPEN
8:30 AM-12:00 PM Coach 11U (aka 12U) Part 3 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN
7:00 PM-9:00 PM Coach 11U (aka 12U) Part 2 - Class First Christian Church Corvallis Trainee - OPEN
8:30 AM-12:00 PM Coach 11U (aka 12U) Part 3 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN


Coach 13U & 15U In-Person Training

Date Start-End Course Location Signup
6:00 PM-9:00 PM Coach 13U+ Part 2 - Class First Christian Church Corvallis Trainee - OPEN
8:30 AM-1:00 PM Coach 13U+ Part 3 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN
6:00 PM-9:00 PM Coach 13U+ Part 2 - Class First Christian Church Corvallis Trainee - OPEN
8:30 AM-1:00 PM Coach 13U+ Part 3 - Field Adams Elementary School Trainee - OPEN


  • Game Day & Tactics - Practical Coach Training: Friday, September 06 TBA at Adams School Soccer Fields
  • Coach Mentoring: Saturday, September 07 (during game time) at Adams School Soccer Fields



New Referees for 9U and above will need job training, please signup if you are missing the training.
(Use the roster page (here) to get an email with your certs)

Referee 09U, 11U, 13U, & 15U In-Person Training

Date Start-End Course Location Signup
5:30 PM-8:30 PM Ref 09U+ Part 2 Western View Center Corvallis Trainee - OPEN
5:30 PM-8:30 PM Ref 09U+ Part 2 Western View Center Corvallis Trainee - OPEN
5:30 PM-8:30 PM Ref 09U+ Part 2 Western View Center Corvallis Trainee - OPEN


  • Referee Refresher: Friday, September 06 from 06:00pm to 09:00pm at Western View Center
  • Referee Practical Training/Mentoring: Saturday, September 07 (during game time) at Adams School Soccer Fields


Team Managers

New Managers will need job training, please signup if you are missing the training.
(Use the roster page (here) to get an email with your certs)

Date Start-End Course Location Signup
7:00 PM-8:30 PM Team Manager First Christian Church Corvallis Trainee - OPEN



  • First Christian Church - 602 SW Madison Ave. Corvallis OR
  • Adams School Soccer Field 122 - 1615 SW 35th St. Corvallis OR
  • Western View Center - 1435 SW 35th St. Corvallis OR

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Daniel Herford - Coach Admin
Chris Jordan - Referee Admin
Nicole Belyeu - Manager Admin

Contact Us


Referee with AYSO this year?
8/21/19 12:22 PM

Hello AYSO Region 149 Referees (from last Spring...)

This is the first and last time that I will email all of you from the list of last year's referees.

If you don't want to hear from me again, do nothing but ignore this email.

If you do want to hear from me again about being a referee with R149 AYSO this year, read on!

We have ditched Horizon Web Ref as our scheduling software (yeah! One less bit of awkward, expensive software in your life).
We have built our own scheduling web app that you'll learn to love as soon as you dive in.
But, first you have to register in Blue Sombrero as a volunteer, get your concussion awareness training done again, and then you'll show up in the system for me to send you near daily reminders of your commitment to youth soccer in Benton County.

So, if you are already registered for this upcoming season, thank you. If not, do so or you won't be able to request matches.

I'll be sending out some LotG reminder material and some information on the changes (big-ish) that we will be seeing this year.

Plan on attending the Ref Refresher Friday September 6th, 18.00 - 21.00h. Western View Center (at Adams).

First match day with be Saturday 9/7 - same as last Fall, each time slot will be split between practice and the practice match. Good warm up for the official beginning of the season on 9/14.

Thank you for volunteering with AYSO!



[CorvallisAYSO] Team Meeting Today 8/20 7pm @ Adams School
Tue 8/20/2019 7:31 AM

To all 09U parents,
About your team meeting today 8/20 7:00pm @ Adams School Soccer Fields...

The team meeting will cover the following items:

  • Opening Day Saturday 9/7.
  • Wait list, placements, 5U(DOB 2015), 6U(DOB 2014), & 7UG(DOB 2013) openings.
  • Typical game days and parent expectations.
  • Team equipment handout (balls, cones, & pinnies).
  • Potential practice locations and practice expectations.
  • Team snack expectations.
  • Team jobs and team worksheet (here) needed to get the uniform packet.

NOTICE: No Computers will be available at this event, you need to finish the volunteer registration ahead of the meeting or plan to get it done soon after.


Team Worksheet

This worksheet (here) must have all required positions filled out and all volunteers must be registered in the division & role before you can pickup your team uniform packet. Most teams will not have everything done, so we will have a uniform packet pickup on 8/26, 8/27, 8/28, & 9/6 at 6pm to turn in the completed sheet and get the uniform packet.

+You can have multiple people in each role, like co-coaches.
+Head Coaches cannot serve as a Referee or an Assistant Coach for the team.
+Team volunteers can fill multiple roles, but must be registered in that role.
+Referee 1 and Referee 2 must be separate individuals.

Team Uniforms & Equipment

The team worksheet is required to get the uniform pack, we will take the original of the form, and you can keep a copy.

Note: this year we will be handing out the number of uniforms for the number of players on the team, and keeping the surplus. Added players can get the uniforms at the AYSO sheds on game day or a uniform pickup day. You can use the equipment request form (here) for special orders or to schedule a pickup.

Team equipment will be provide to the team volunteers at the meeting. This equipment is for the team, and is often held by the head coach. It will include some size 4 soccer balls, cones, ball bag, and pinnies. Pinnies need to be returned at the end of the school year, and we ask for all of the other items back so we can reuse the equipment.

Frequent Team Meeting Questions

I am not able to make the team meeting, what should I do?
If you are able to volunteer or know someone who can fill a spot, email others on the team. The prior email to teams included all emails for the team (check your spam if you do not see it).

My kid is not assigned a team yet, should I come?
Yes, team meetings are the best times to get questions answered and potentially get placed on a team.

Can I bring my kids?
Yes, but this meeting will be for parents to sort out team details (we will have a play area to the side).

Where and when can the team practice?
Full details are on this page (here), but here is the quick version. You can practice twice a week for an hour & a half, the coaches choose the time and place that could be a school or a park. You should reserve the practice location for a 509j school, for city parks & Philomath, it is often first come first serve.

How do I know if a volunteer completed registration?
We will confirm if all the volunteers are registered at the meeting and will have a list for checking. If they are not, have them show up and we can do the registration on site (at any team meeting time). Volunteers allocated to the team are registered.

What if we don't have all the volunteers registered?
You will need to come at a uniform pickup event either 8/26, 8/27, 8/28, & 9/6 at 6PM or 9/7 8am-2pm @ Adams School Sheds.

What if we are missing volunteers?
Confirm what positions you are missing, and work on recruiting. Your team will need coaches, referees, and a manager. Youth, college students, grandparents, friends, and family could all be volunteers. Some common scenarios, co-head coaches, volunteer parents that have their volunteer high schooler run practices/games, youth referees, referees also being team manager, etc. We provide training for all volunteer positions. Without these volunteers, your team could be disbanded or dissolved, we will do everything we can to help, but at the end of the day, we are powered by volunteers.

See you at 7pm today,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

Contact Us


[CorvallisAYSO] Volunteer Registration & Volunteer Training
Fri 8/16/2019 7:45 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

Quick Note, be sure you check your spam/junk for emails with subjects like "{CorvallisAYSO} Core ##U_ TeamName Roster". If you missed the main roster email, you can see the team roster data ( here )

>>>> This email is for expected/assigned/interested volunteers <<<<

If you have not registered as a volunteer already...

Volunteer Registration & Background Check:
Adult Registration Guide (here) |--| Youth Registration Guide (here)(Age 12+)

Coaches & Managers: If you are expected/assigned (hopefully you got the email) to be a team volunteer (coach, ref, or manager), please complete your volunteer registration as soon as possible. If you team is missing a volunteer in this role, and you can fill it, please feel free to register. After your background check is done and your volunteer registration lists Eligible, contact your division coordinator (here) to get setup with the team.

Referees: We are always looking for referees to help with 9U+, register as soon as possible. Referees can be anyone 12 and over. Referees without teams can register in the 00UX Unallocated division.

Team Uniforms: For the team to get uniforms at one of the team meeting days or one of the subsequent uniform pickup days (TBA), all volunteers must have complete volunteer registration(s) in the correct division & role along with a complete background check submission.

Practices: A volunteer must be allocated to the team (show on the team webpage in Blue Sombrero) before they are allowed to run a practice or referee a game.

Registration Questions or Background Check Status? (Contact CVPA (here))
Allocation to Team? (Contact Division Coordinator (here))

Adult Registration Guide (here) |--| Youth Registration Guide (here)(Age 12+)

NOTICE: Level 2 Background Checks can take many days, ensure you have completed the submission of the background by looking at the Volunteers page in Blue Sombrero https://corvallisayso.org/login

After you are registered and if you are missing training...
NOTE: you can get a email with your certifications from the (Certs) link on your roster page (here).

Training / Certifications Check:
If you have taken the training before, you shouldn't need to take it again, EXCEPT for the concussion training, law requires that each school year. KEEP A COPY of your completion certificate for a backup, you do not need to send it in, I load and evaluate that data every morning.

>> Take Safe Haven (here),
>> Yearly Concussion (here),
>> Coach online pre-class (here) (7U=8U, 9U=10U, 11U=12U, 13U+=Intermediate), and a
>> Coach in-person class (6U here) (7U here) (9U here) (11U here *) (13U+ here *)
(*signup for both class & field, mix and match can be okay).

Coach training requires both online and in-person to be considered complete.

>> Take Safe Haven (here),
>> Yearly Concussion (here),
>> Referee online pre-class (here), and a
>> Referee in-person class (9U+ here).

Referee training requires both online and in-person to be considered complete.

>> Take Safe Haven (here),
>> Yearly Concussion (here), and a
>> Manager in-person class (here).

NOTE: you can get a email with your certifications from the (Certs) link on your roster page (here). This page also includes


Team Meetings: These are an opportunity to work through any team issues and talk with other parents about jobs or tasks to be done. If you cannot make the meeting, use the roster email (could be in spam) to contact everyone.
06U Teams meet Tuesday, August 20, 2019 from 06:00pm to 06:45pm at the Adams School Fields/Sheds
07U Teams meet Tuesday, August 20, 2019 from 06:00pm to 06:45pm at the Adams School Fields/Sheds
09U Teams meet Tuesday, August 20, 2019 from 07:00pm to 07:45pm at the Adams School Fields/Sheds
11U Teams meet Wednesday, August 21, 2019 from 06:00pm to 06:45pm at the Adams School Fields/Sheds
13U+ Teams meet Wednesday, August 21, 2019 from 07:00pm to 07:45pm at the Adams School Fields/Sheds

  • Limited Player Registration is Open (here) (most will go to wait list, we then confirm a spot, activate the player, and after payment place them),

  • Blue Sombrero Login: https://www.corvallisayso.org/login (for player registration, volunteer registration, & team management),

  • Season Calendar (here)(iCal),

  • Coach Training Requirements (here),
  • Referee Training Requirements (here),
  • Team Manager Training Requirements (here),
  • Team Job Descriptions/Requirements (here),

  • Fields Help Signup (here),
  • Game Day Help Signup (here),

  • New Game Field Map (here),
  • Playing Divisions (here) and Region Rules (here)

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

Contact Us (here)


{CorvallisAYSO} Core 13UB Seahawks Roster
Fri 8/9/2019 12:41 AM

Dear Core 13UB Seahawks Team,

The purpose of this email is to help teams fill required team volunteer roles and coordinate before the team meeting. This email includes everyone on or associated with the team.

You have a meeting on Wed 8/21 7pm @ Adams School Sheds. Learn about 13U (13U Flier)

You can get the data below online (here)

+ Status +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Team Players: 14
Head Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Asst Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Referee: 2 of 2 Required
Team Manager: 2 of 1 Required
Team Helpers: 8 of 4 Required

Missing a required role? Learn about the job (here). Many teams are missing volunteers, if you can help, know someone who can, or are willing to shift roles to fill a void, please reply to all and register as a volunteer using the guide in the volunteers section.

+ Players +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

When volunteers are registered and allocated, they will be able to login to the Blue Sombrero team site and see the full roster details. We will continue to add players until we hit the max, additions to this roster are likely.

+ Potential/Assigned Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Please register as a volunteer in the role above or any other roles you can/will fill. For example it is common for asst. coaches to also be referees, please register for both roles. Adults(here) Youth(here).

NOTES: This data is from the player application, if you have been contacted by a division coordinator, register in that role, to be removed you can edit the player application. You can have multiple asst. coaches and referees. Ideally, only one head coach and one team manager (could be same person).

+ Team Helpers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Signup to help with Fields(here) or on a Game Day(here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner



[CorvallisAYSO] Region Updates
Sat 6/22/2019 5:31 PM

Hello AYSO Region 149 Families,

Here is an update on registration, summer camps, EXTRA, 5-A-Side survey, volunteer training, and anticipated school year calendar.

Open Registration Closes This Weekend: Remember to get your registration done online (here), and to confirm your friends have got it done. After this weekend, special requests also close, so get those in (here). We will have a limited registration to fill gaps in August, during limited registration placement is not guaranteed and most special requests would only be considered for head coaches and referees willing to center.

Helper & Volunteer Signups: I will be sending out confirmation emails to volunteers and helpers next week to confirm we have the right data, if you do not see an email, indicate interest (here).

Registered Players: I will send an email to newly registered players to confirm player details next week, all others that registered in May, should have received an email already, if not, check your junk mail, I always include CorvallisAYSO in the subject line.

Summer Camps: First Camp starts on Monday; a few spots are open, register (here). The other camps starting on July 22 and August 12, you can register (here). NOTE: during the camp week, they offer clinics. The goalkeeper and goalscorer clinics are Thursday 5-7pm of the camp week. Go to the registration site, click on a camp, and select additional programs.

AYSO EXTRA: Formation is done and training sessions are going on now over summer. Placed/Expected players will have registration open in July. If you are interested in EXTRA, there might be an opportunity as a practice player or to join for a summer pickup game, contact the coordinator (Boys EXTRA) - (Girls EXTRA).

5-A-Side Survey: If you or your player participated in spring 5-A-Side, I would like your feedback (here). What did you think of the event, the format, match ups, etc. Other ideas?

Volunteers: You will learn about team placements in early August, some of you could be earlier as you might be asked to help with formation. We are short division coordinators for 9UB & 11UG, can you help (here)?

Coach Volunteers: Most of you will be moving to a new division. All will still have a classroom part and a field part to training. All coaches should expect to attend a division related field/practical training in late August, we will offer a few days/evenings, but they can be 2-3 hours. Lower divisions (6U-11U) we will have most of what was in the classroom, available online. Upper divisions (13U+) will have most of the classroom training, online, but still have a short classroom training/collaboration. Additional coach refresher or specialized coach trainings might be offered, so keep an eye out for those (How to train a Goalkeeper, Formation & Tactics, Evaluation & Focused Training, etc.). If you are interested in helping run a training or clinic, contact Dan (here).

Referee Volunteers: Some big items are changing in the LOTG and returning referees should expect to come to a refresher class to get the finer details and examples. Much of the new referee training is moving to a field/practical focus, with more of the classroom items being online. We are also looking at simplifying the process for getting further training and working to clear up confusion about what you need to get the next level of certification. If you are interested in helping run or take a training, contact Chris (here).

Team Manager Volunteers: We will continue to have in person trainings for new managers. I am also looking to expand a resources catalog to help you with various tasks, so be on the lookout for that.

Region Calendar: You can see the region calendar online (here). You can also add the calendar to Google or another WebCal tool (here).
-- Next Week: Start on Fall Team Formation, we could use help w/ 7UB, 9UB, & 11UG formation (here).
-- June 24: Add-On Summer Camp 1 Starts.
-- Mid-June - July: Team Formation is Underway.
-- July 22: Add-On Summer Camp 2 Starts.
-- Late July - August: Volunteers Get Placement Notification to Register.
-- Early August: Players Notified of Teams.
-- August: Limited Registration Opens & Volunteer w/Player Special Request Opens.
-- August 12: Add-On Summer Camp 3 Starts.
-- Mid-August: Team Meetings.
-- September: Practices Could Start.
-- Sept 7th: Opening Day (Quick Meeting > Practice > Game).
-- Sept 14th: Games Start on Each Saturday through Oct 26th.
-- Sept 21st & 28th: Picture Days.
-- October - Indoor Soccer Registration Starts, you do not need to be a fall season player to play.
-- Oct 26th: Final Game Day for Fall 2019, see you in April 2020.
-- Nov 2nd: Add-On Area Tournament.
-- Nov - Dec: Add-On Indoor Season.
-- February - Spring Limited Soccer Registration Starts.
-- Feb - Mar: Add-On Indoor Season.
-- March 30th - May 30th: Spring 2020 Season.
-- May 23rd - Add-On 5-A-Side Jamboree.

Have a Great Summer,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Register NICKNAME Today
Sun 6/16/2019 12:05 PM

Regarding NAME,

We do not have a Fall 2019 player registration for NICKNAME. Open registration will close at the end of this week. If you wish to register for next school year, please register now: https://corvallisayso.org/join/player#returning This page also has a lot of answers to common registration questions/requests.

Learn about the 15U Core Recreational Division https://corvallisayso.org/programs/15u or the High School program https://corvallisayso.org/programs/19u

Please use the unsubscribe link, if you do not want any further emails from AYSO in Benton County.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Andy Ungerer

>> Unsubscribe from all AYSO Region Emails? https://corvallisayso.org/form/unsubscribe <<


[CorvallisAYSO] Boys EXTRA Formation Reminder (Fri 6/14 6pm @ Adams)
Thu 6/13/2019 4:26 PM

Hello again AYSO Families

Just a reminder the annual formation event for the Boys EXTRA Program is this Friday June 14th from 6-8pm at Adams School. We will meet at the main sheds and break into two groups based on age/grade levels. Please make sure your son arrives with the appropriate soccer gear, shin guards, cleats, water, and a ball.

If you haven't done so already please print and complete the attached registration form to have ready upon arrival. We plan to form a U12 team and a U14 team and hope to provide training days/times at the conclusion of the event. Please note, final rosters may or may not be determined upon conclusion of the Friday event depending on the number of kids in attendance.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, see you Friday!

Bob Vingelen
Boys EXTRA Coordinator
Corvallis AYSO Region 149


{CorvallisAYSO} #'s Registration Checkup
Mon 6/10/2019 10:50 AM

Hello #,

We will be starting team formation in a few weeks; here is what we have recorded for # (Last, First). Please update any information online in Blue Sombrero: https://corvallisayso.org/login (Hit the edit/pencil icon next to the player to edit player or helper details. Hit the gear icon on the top to edit user account details)

+ Your User Account Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Primary User Name: #
| Primary User Email: # (Gets all emails: Region [including mass & team related] & Blue Sombrero [including mass, team, & event reminder related])
| Alternate User Email: (Gets all emails)
| Additional Account User Email: (Gets all emails)
| Primary User Cellphone: # (Team Coach/Manager/Formation would call this number)
| Primary User Alt Phone: # (Team Formation could call this number)

+ Your Player Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Program & Placement: 2019-2020 - Core Recreational - # Unallocated -CR
| Player AYSO ID: #
| Player Legal Name: #
| Player Nickname:
| Player Year of Birth: #
| Player Primary Email: # (Gets all emails & Team Coach/Manager sees this email first)
| Player School 19-20: #
| Player Practice Zone 1: #
| Player Practice Zone 2: #
| Player Shirt Size: #
| Legal Form Signed: #
| Player Has Related Request(s)? #

+ Player Details for Your Coach +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Emergency Contact: #
| Emergency Contact Phone: # (phone called if emergency at practice or game)
| Notes for Your Coach: #

+ Helper 1 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Helper Legal Name: #
| Helper Email: #
| Helper Jobs: #

+ Helper 2 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Helper Legal Name: #
| Helper Email: #
| Helper Jobs: #

+ Helper 3 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Helper Legal Name: #
| Helper Email: #
| Helper Jobs: #

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Andy Ungerer

NOTES: We do not use middle names, helpers will be getting a confirmation email when we start team formation, if you have multiple team buddy requests, we focus on the most recent request only.

>> Unsubscribe from Region Emails? https://corvallisayso.org/form/unsubscribe <<


[CorvallisAYSO] EXTRA Boys Formation Event 6/14 @ 6pm
Wed 6/5/2019 11:45 AM

Hey AYSO Families,

Is your son wanting to play more soccer? If so, the Corvallis AYSO Region 149 EXTRA program is the perfect opportunity! The program is designed for kids to play a slightly more competitive level of soccer with their peers/classmates. EXTRA can offer year round scrimmages, summer practices, advanced training sessions, and/or league games versus teams outside Corvallis.

Everyone going into 2nd-8th grade is eligible to attend our formation event (Tryouts), which will take place Friday June 14 from 6-8pm at Adams. We will meet at the main sheds and break into groups. Please arrive on time with completed attached registration form. We will form Boys U-12 and U-14 teams using their 2019/20 age/grade level.

Volunteers: Teams are required to have volunteers that meet AYSO guidelines, a Coach, Assistant Coach, Referee, and Team Manager/Team Treasurer before they can be formed.

Fees: The cost to participate on an EXTRA league team would be $150 per player which includes practices, full jersey set, field use fee, membership fee, and both Fall and Spring league fee. Costs to participate as a practice player or substitute player can vary.

Structure: The focus of the EXTRA teams will be Fall and Spring league play versus teams outside the Corvallis area. Each season this is typically 4 home and 4 away games (Eugene, Salem, Albany).

Requirements: All EXTRA players are required to also take part in the Region's Core Program. Those not currently registered with AYSO can attend tryouts and be placed on a team but must register for Core prior to participating with their EXTRA team. Please note, this formation event is for Boys EXTRA teams only. If your son cannot attend the event please notify the Boys EXTRA Coordinator in advance.

For more information reply to this email.

EXTRA needs a coordinator to help for the upcoming year, fill out a board application (here) if you are interested.


[CorvallisAYSO] Summer Camps 6/24-28, 7/22-26, 8/12-16
Wed 6/5/2019 10:15 AM

Camp 1: Jun 24 - Jun 28
Camp 2: Jul 22 - Jul 26
Camp 3: Aug 12 - Aug 16

9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) $126
9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) $178

Adams Elementary School Fields Area (AYSO Sheds)
1555 SW 35th Street, Corvallis, OR 97333

Signup Online: https://www.uksoccer.com/Online/A304.php?cl=97333

Host a Coach

We are also looking for host families for the camp week. Host families benefit by learning about the British way of life and its cultural differences, whilst enhancing their soccer education. The differences of our language and backgrounds, combined with the love of soccer, ensure a memorable stay and long lasting friendships for everyone. Each host family will receive 1 free half day scholarship to the camp for each coach they host.

Here is a little more information regarding hosting...

What do you receive?
-- Camp scholarship! (free place on camp)
-- UK Goodies, including shirts & balls.

-- A very fun, educational and rewarding experience for your children!

Key points:
-- UK coaches work in the mornings and some weekends.
-- There is no expectation to entertain the coaches - you'll find the coaches quite entertaining themselves!

-- They will have their own rental car transportation, therefore transportation is not required.
-- UK coaches are professionally qualified coaches, experienced in working with children and with multiple background checks.

-- Hosting lasts one week, and is during the week of Camp.

-- Suitable sleeping arrangements - coaches cannot share rooms with family members.
-- Some family meals if appropriate - you can set your own rules with regard to mealtimes.

-- Access to laundry and showering facilities.
-- Any house rules or routines that you wish the coach to adhere to.

For more information please visit: https://uksoccer.com/host-a-coach/

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall 2019 Registration

Hello |User First Name|,

We have extended the player open registration time through Mid-June for next school year. Most of the divisions will consist of the same players you played with in Spring 2019.

Register Now (here)

If you already registered, you should have received another email with the expected season timeline. All emails sent, are recorded (here).

Why should I register now?
-- Special Requests: If you played in 10U, next year you are likely in 11U, and most of the players will be the same kids you saw in 10U. If your player was not suited for that division, developmentally they were not ready or they smoked past other players, right now you can make the request to potentially get special placement or play up a division.
-- Team Balance: We work to find a balance, adding in factors like outside sports, years of soccer, and coach evaluations. The more time a division coordinator has to work on these items, the better the games and teams will be.
-- Uniform Ordering: Late uniform and special uniform orders cost us more. We are making some adjustments this upcoming year to reduce that cost, but when you add 300 players in two weeks, it gets tough to keep that cost down and ensure timely delivery.
-- Refunds: For those that register now, if you discover in August that another activity is preferred, you can get a refund of $68 (here). The membership cost of $20 & the processing fee $2 is not refundable. If you are placed during late registration, in most cases, you are out the full cost.

What if we reconsider in August?
At Limited Registration times, you get what is available. We will work with volunteers to try and accommodate requests, but everyone else is first come first serve and luck of the draw. Sometimes we can build new teams, but they are often an assortment of players from all around the city. For early registrants, we work hard to get you placed in your primary practice zones, if we have enough and the balance is right, we sometimes can build teams by schools.

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Thank You for Registering

Hi |User First Name|,

Your player(s) is/are registered (double check or edit info?), we will have registration open for another few weeks, so please tell your friends to register now while the special request form is available to everyone. The bottom of this email includes the details about special requests and the details about indicating interest for volunteering.

Anticipated School Year 2019-2020 Timeline:
-- Mid-June: Open Registration Ends & Player Special Request Form Closes.
-- June 24: Add-On Summer Camp 1 Starts (signup).
-- Mid-June - July: Team Formation is Underway.
-- July 22: Add-On Summer Camp 2 Starts (signup).
-- Late July - August: Volunteers Get Placement Notification to Register.
-- Early August: Players Notified of Teams.
-- August: Limited Registration Opens & Volunteer w/Player Special Request Opens.
-- August 12: Add-On Summer Camp 3 Starts (signup).
-- Mid-August: Team Meetings.
-- September: Practices Could Start.
-- Sept 7th: Opening Day (Quick Meeting > Practice > Game).
-- Sept 14th: Games Start on Each Saturday through Oct 26th.
-- Sept 21st & 28th: Picture Days.
-- Oct 26th: Final Game Day for Fall 2019, see you in April 2020.
-- Nov 2nd: Add-On Area Tournament.
-- Nov - Dec: Add-On Indoor Season.
-- Feb - Mid March 2020: Spring Limited Registration.
-- Feb - Mar: Add-On Indoor Season.
-- March 30th - May 30th: Spring 2020 Season.
-- May 23rd - Add-On 5-A-Side Jamboree.

Special Requests:
Fill out this form (here); use the categories to select what you are requesting. Types of requests include Team Friend/Buddy (want to be placed with this one other player), Play Up a Division, Not Placed With (volunteer or player), Volunteer Buddy (want to volunteer with this person), Player w/ Family Volunteer (family volunteer has independent account and is not associated to the player), & Medical / Developmental / VIP Placement. We cannot guarantee requests will be honored. Please fill out two forms when needed, for example if you wish to play in a higher division with a friend, please fill out one form for each request.

Volunteer Interest:
If you indicated the interest on the player registration, no need to fill out this form (you can edit details on the player registration in Blue Sombrero if you can do more). Please fill out this form (here) to indicate an interest in volunteering. We will inform you of your team (if any) and provide volunteer registration directions in August.

Have a Wonderful Summer,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

P.S. We could still use some help with 15U Boys, 13U Girls, 11U Girls, 9U Boys, 7U Girls & Boys Team Formation. Signup to help (here).