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Spring Outdoor Rec Registration

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Board Minutes/Notes Archive - MY2022

June 2023

No Meeting

May 2023

No Meeting

April 2023

APRIL 26, 2023

PRESENT: Luke Cotton, Elaine Markley, Nicole Chapman, Bard Whitcomb, Mike Randsell, Mary Cotton, Abe Drabkin, Dan Herford, Andy Ungerer, Chris Jordan, John Sweet, Justin Azhocar

MINUTES FROM MARCH 16 (VIRTUAL MEETING): Many points of protocol were shown in a PowerPoint presentation by Luke. Those will be sent to Board members by Luke to be added to the next month’s minutes.


  • Mary signed up for fall season and opened up again in February. There were 44 new players signed up. Players paid $50 and did not have to pay again for the national dues. Some players chose to play up to the next age division. She reports the parents are very positive and supportive.
  • 6U Coach training: Coaches did not show up for the in person training and there is no way of knowing how many did the online training. There were a lot of new coaches in this division.
  • REFEREE THOUGHTS: Chris would like to create (or have someone do this) a local training video. More will be decided and discussed later.
  • People are not signing up to volunteer. Need to go back to having a team manager?
  • Uniforms were available for those who needed them
  • The spring version of the shoe sale/swap collected $350
  • People appreciated having shin guards for sale
  • Shout out to Andy from Nicole for all the work he has been doing getting players registered
  • Nicole picked up a few new division coordinators. All seem to have great communication skills which is needed for this volunteer job.
  • A debriefing with division coordinators will be held in late May with Nicole
  • We need to make a better effort to let families they need to volunteer for something in both the fall and the spring!
  • Last game is scheduled for May 20th but a make-up game will be offered on May 27 for those who want to make up the April 8th Only teams wanting to play will be scheduled.
  • 5-A-Side is alive and well thanks to Mike. Need a lot of solid communication, advertise food carts will be available, make it an end of the year team party and play 5-a-side all on the same day.

SCHOOL DISTRICT UP-DATE: Luke reported on a few items that have been discussed briefly with the Corvallis School District.

  • Build permanent rest rooms at an approximate cost of $40,000 and eliminate portable units
  • Contract with the district is set for 10 years
  • Capacity for use of fields is different from Western View Center and pickleball courts
  • If there is vandalism done to any buildings or modulars, who pays for that?
  • Turf for elementary and middle school continues to be a large wish


  • Information will go out to families via email. Hot links will be there to register easily
  • Mary and Luke will host those who need assistance for computer registration at the porch of the Western View Center since there is WiFi and we do not need to get into the building.
  • Elaine will contact the DI and AP Spanish classes and have CHS students help families with registration on May 6 and May 13. We can use them for any other tasks if they are not busy with translation.
  • Elaine will create an English and Spanish version flyer to be submitted to all the school districts for registration for next membership year. The AP Spanish or DI students will be given that task.

NEXT MEETING: No specific date was set for the next Board meeting with all the other events going on in the lives of the Board. Stay tuned and we will discuss things as needed.

Respectfully submitted;

Elaine Markley, Secretary

AYSO Region 149

March 2023

MARCH 6, 2023

PRESENT: Luke Cotton, Elaine Markley, John Sweet, Chris Jordan, Vince Waterhous,  Nicole Chapman, Justin Azhocar, Andy Ungerer, Sarah Childs, Dan Herford

MINUTES FROM JANUARY 21, 2023: It was moved by Dan and seconded by Andy that the minutes be approved as presented for the January 23, 2023 meeting. The motion carried unanimously.

BOARD ELECTIONS: The following Board positions were filled for the 2023-2024 MY after reviewing the applications and any discussion that was necessary before voting.

  • Safety Director: It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Dan that Brad Whitcomb be the next Safety Director. The motion carried unanimously.
  • Equipment Manager: It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Nicole that Andrew Foster become the next Equipment Manager. The motion carried unanimously.
  • 5-A-Side Coordinator. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Nicole that Mike Ransdell become the next 5-A Side Coordinator. The motion carried unanimously.
  • Luke Cotton would like to continue in the position of Commissioner. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Chris that Luke Cotton would continue in the role of Commissioner for Region 149. The motion carried unanimously.
  • Luke will reach out to the CVPA applicant to have an interview with them and report back to the Board.

Thank you to all the new volunteers for stepping up to the next level with AYSO REGION 149.


  • Article 6 , paragraph A3 discusses who is a voting member: AYSO Region 148 will have the following Board members:

Assistant commissioner, registrar, team formation coordinator, secretary, treasurer, safety director, referee administrator.

  • Article 7 A2 Remove VIP from #2
  • Remove the word concurrently in everything except EXTRA
  • Add to Addendum B: VIP included in CORE
  • Article 7 B4 No player plays full games until all players play ¾ game
  • Luke was taking notes on his electronic copy ( not received by the time the minutes were written but will be added at a later date)
  • Elaine moved and Sarah seconded that we approve the Policies and Protocol as edited.

The motion carried unanimously.

BUDGET:  The budget will be designed until June 30, 2024. Luke shared a contract letter from the Corvallis School District documenting the purchase of a field roller and the responsibilities between AYSO Region 149 and the Corvallis School District. Per field agreement the Corvallis School District is invoicing AYSO for $3500 for the purchase of equipment intended to support field maintenance for the Corvallis School District through June 30, 2024. It was moved by Chris and seconded by Elaine that we support the written agreement. The motion carried unanimously.

FALL REVIEW AND SPRING SEASON: Fall season EXTRA teams did not have a lot of games. Gold and silver leagues were added. The gold league is for higher level skills and the silver compares to the level of skill in CORE. It was suggested that 15U do this grouping.

  • Newport has not returned any information about returning. Follow up is needed to know what they plan to do in the Spring.
  • Bucks port-a-pots cost $480 per month. Luke decided to try Honey Buckets this spring.
  • Paint costs have risen. The estimate is $3,000 for paint for the lines.
  • Field layout will be the same as the fall unless the weather causes too many wet areas. Fields 113 and 132 will be used as little as possible due to the construction and difficulty getting to them. Nicole will check with Adams about leaving the playground gate open for the weekends.
  • 6U boys added teams for the spring.
  • 13U and 15U have conflicts in the schedule so only a few games will be scheduled in advance.
  • Sign up for volunteer jobs listed on our website.
  • Shoe/equipment sale will be the first week in front of the referee shed under the two white tents that are connected together. Elaine will oversee this event and get the cash bag from Sarah.
  • Coach training will be next week. Abe has contacted all coaches who have been identified.
  • Dan will send out an email reminder of the clinic.
  • Vince will send Luke dates for the CORE referee training so it can be announced to all AYSO parents. The hope is to gather some new volunteers.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled Board meeting will be April 20, 2023 unless otherwise noted.


Elaine Markley, Secretary

AYSO Region 149

February 2023

No Meeting

January 2023




PRESENT: Luke Cotton, Nicole Chapman, Mary Cotton, Dan Herford, Brad Withcomb, Vince Waterhous, Chris Jordon, Elaine Markley, Andy Ungerer, Dustin Denver, Sarah Childs

BOARD POSITIONS:  Luke’s term is up this year and he will need to send out a mass email letting members of Region 149 that there is an opening for anyone interested in this job. Luke is interested in remaining the Commissioner of Region 149. We are also looking for the following Board positions:

  • Equipment Manager
  • Safety Director (Brad Whitcomb will be filling out an application for this position)
  • CVPA
  • High School Coordinator?
  • Summer Camp Coordinator
  • Indoor Coordinator
  • Futbol Coordinator

We will vote on any Board positions in March

DONATION OPTION IN SPORTS CONNECT: Mary suggested we have a special option button for Fields Improvement so families can donate to help upgrade and maintain fields. This will be discussed in April.

EXPO APRIL 27-30: This is not good timing for our region to attend. There are other EXPO meetings in other states and we could go there even though it is out of our area.

  • It was suggested that if we don’t send anyone to EXPO this year, we use some of the budgeted money to sponsor Stevenson Region since they are new and would benefit from attending. No action was taken on this idea.

BUDGET: Referee supplies are well stocked at this time

  • Dan would like to spend money for advanced training
  • Brad would like our region to do our own summer camps since we have trained coaches. If the camp is all day, volunteers would have to juggle work schedules. We will discuss this at the March meeting.
  • Player fee is going up $25 for next membership year. Will be offer an early bird discount to those who register before a certain date? We currently have $90 as a full player fee and half for those on free/reduced lunch program through the schools. This will be discussed at the February meeting.
  • Ask division coordinators if they think early bird discounts will be an incentive for people to sign up on time and not wait until the season begins.
  • Dan would like to explore ideas to have an auto renewal where player is automatically enrolled and keep the card on file. Player would respond if the DON”T want to play. We will discuss this in the March meeting.

GRADES VS BIRTH YEAR: Nicole presented the pros and cons of moving to a grade sign up, going ways from birthdate sign up.

  • Sports Connect can register in grades. We can request a span of ages within each grade.
  • Dustin says don’t advertise date of birth, just grades (less confusion)
  • Division Coordinator’s jobs should be easier to place players and not have to deal with complaints!
  • Some of the heading rules would have to be double checked for the grade age within each division.
  • After a lengthy discussion, it was moved by Elaine and seconded by Andy that we move to the “grade vs birth date” for MY2023-24. The motion passed unanimously.


Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, February 23 at the Frist Christian Church. This is always subject to change! A lot of ideas were generated with few decisions made so February and March will be busy wrapping up loose ends.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine Markley, Secretary

AYSO Region 149

December 2022

No Board Meeting.

November 2022

NOVEMBER 17, 2022
In person and Zoom meeting

PRESENT: Luke Cotton, Elaine Markley, Nicole Chapman, John Sweet, Duston Denver, Vince Waterhous, Chris Jordan, Mary Cotton, Justin Azhocar, Andy Ungerer, Sarah Childs

MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 22, 2022: It was moved by Vince and seconded by John that the minutes for October 22, 2022 be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

INDOOR: There are 244 players having a great time from November through December. There are 151 boys registered and 93 girls registered. As always, there were a lot of late sign ups so that causes issues with team formation. The team were formed by grade rather than age. All groups are large but it seems to be working well.  The maximum is 10 players per team. Dallas United registered a 7th/8th grade team. Approximately 15 players were turned away due to late registration. The following is the specific breakdown

Boys 2nd grade =18

Girls 2nd grade = 15

Boys 3rd/4th grade =42

Girls 3rd/ 4th grade = 21

Boys 5th/6th grade = 40

Girls 5th/6th grade = 23

Boys 7th/8th grade = 31

Girls 7th/ 8th grade = 22

There will not be a second indoor season this year. In the past it ran in February through March.

AREA TOURNEY: Duston reported that he felt the area tournament went well. There were 11 teams from Corvallis Region 149 and a total of 50 for all age groups. There will be a meeting to discuss ways to improve. Referees seemed to be an area of weakness.  One suggestion was to have a referee workshop. Perhaps each team must provide a trained referee before registration would be accepted. The dates for the area tournament next year are October 28-29 with a possibility of it being held in Albany. Duston needs to confirm that with Region 870 Board.

  • More port-a pots needed. They were overflowing after Day 1. L
  • Luke said Regin 149 will be contracting Bucks for port-a- pots next year. They are more expensive, but we are hoping they will be more reliable.
  • It was suggested the number of teams be capped due to the lack of referees
  • The weather was great this fall so the fields were in good shape for all day back to back use.

TREASURER REPORT: Sarah provided a breakdown of the money that she suggests being placed in a CD ($100,000), checking account ($6,000) and $25,000 for bills (uniforms). In the October 20, 2022, it was moved by Vince and seconded by Mary that we close our accounts at People’s Bank and move the money to Corvallis for convenience of the treasurer since the previous treasure was an executive at People’s Bank. That motion carried unanimously. After a review of options for the money, it was moved by Elaine and seconded by Andy that we move $100,000 from People’s Bank to First Tech Federal Credit Union and the rest to Citizens Bank, both in Corvallis, and that the accounts at People’s Bank are all closed. The motion carried unanimously. Sarah will follow up on the closing of the accounts and opening the new accounts.

FIELDS WORK: This will be discussed at a later date.

RETREAT: Andy will reserve the Consumer Power meeting room for the retreat to be held on January 21 from 9:00-12:30. This can not be done until 30 days or the date requested.

NSP PICTURE REBATE: As an incentive to use Northwest Sports Pictures, the agreement with Region 149 was that for every picture order, Region 149 would receive a $2 rebate and for every decal sold, we would get a $1 rebate. The total rebate check will be issued for $679 to go into the scholarship fund.


  • Referees: Vince shared that there are 11 referees taking the Intermediate level training for referees. There are 7 from Region 149 and 4 from Region 870.
  • Pizza party for coaches was a success. There were about 30 coaches present and they all shared positive comments. Everyone that came participated in the discussion.
  • EXPO is scheduled for the end of April in Arizona next year. The timing is not good for representation so Luke is looking into other dates with other areas.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be the January retreat at Consumer Power off Westhills Road on January 21 from 9:00am-12:30pm. Elaine will provide light snacks for the meeting.

Respectfully submitted
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


Area 2S

Tournament Debrief Meeting

November 16, 2022 7:00 – 8:33pm

Attendance: Duston Denver, Leanne Henriques, Jonathan Morrison (525), Dan Haak, Kelsey Walker, Emmi Clayton, Tricia Costa, Walt Mahaffee

Review Luke’s email: See below.

Suggested date of 10/28-29. He would like to not host but could help if we need to split the location.


  • 50 teams participated. (Duston)
  • Weather was great. (Duston)
  • Went smoothly on the day of (Walt)
  • Coaches call was helpful. Include refs next time. (Duston)
    • We need that on the calendar!
  • Sportsmanship Award (Duston)
    • Walt said that at Section the refs can give one on the field to a player.
      • Coins or hot cocoa?
    • Keep the team award as well.
      • Hat & Ice cream card?
    • Estimated profit of $1800 (Duston)
      • Money being used to send Kelsey to Area tournament
      • The rest of the money will be used for area training and growth


  • Champ game for U11 Boys – Coaches conflict. History in home region. Handled well and was resolved quickly. (Duston)
  • Need more restrooms. Ran out of TP and some were full. We ordered extras to be delivered on second day. Thank you Tricia! (Duston)
  • Refs: Normal scramble to get the games covered (Walt).
    • Walt had to take time off work to get schedule out due to late game schedule.
    • Need to have a least a game schedule, even if we don’t have teams listed.
    • Parents want time to see their kids. Estimated 2 weeks minimum to get that sorted.
    • Suggestion not to have two locations as it make it more difficult to get refs.
    • Did not have time to vet that all training was done for those who showed up to ref on the day of.
    • We had some refs who did 8 games each day. That is too much and not sustainable.
    • Suggestion to require each team provide a referee to the tournament. Define minimum number of games each team needs to cover. Team can use multiple people if they choose. (Daniel)
      • Even with this requirement we will still be short 1 ref per game (Walt)
      • We need to ensure pathway for smaller regions who do not have the required training to feel included and invited. (Leanne)
        • Duston suggested having them contact Tournament Director and/or Ref Admin.
      • Could use the tournament as an opportunity to provide training/assessment. (Duston)
        • Agreed training that weekend is difficult. New refs working at the tournament would be less than ideal and not recommended. (Walt/Dustin/Daniel)
        • Regional referee – 2 hours after online is done. We probably have the staff to support training them the Friday evening before the tournament but need to be mindful of what we are asking them to ref the following days.
        • Gibby, as Director of Instruction would schedule any training that needs to happen so that Kelsey can focus on the tournament itself
        • There is a list of how many refs each region has so that we can make some assumptions on capacity. It’s not an easy list to get and is always in flux but could give us a good idea of what’s possible.
      • Refs need to know that cards need to come back to safety shed. (Duston)
        • Use waterproof paper next year.
        • Some coaches still printed their own using other formats.
      • We need a hand out for refs on details, Walt gave instruction but the step in refs didn’t get that.
        • Walt can do on waterproof paper – have to use laser printer!
        • Give rule info to coaches also.
      • Put recruit efforts on the regions. At section tournament Area Ref Admins provide support for a block of slots. We could do this at an RC level. (Daniel)
    • Schedule:
      • At section they have a preset schedule because they know how many teams they will have. Schedule can be built further ahead. (Duston)
      • We need to ensure that we do not have more games than we can provide refs for. See notes above. (Walt)
      • Allocate guaranteed slots for each region. As regions decide not to send, we can fill those with other regions. i.e if Hermiston doesn’t send a team, one of the other regions could take that slot. (Daniel)
        • This would help with predicting number of games and amount of funds incoming.
        • Allows us to use the same “shell schedule” every year. (Daniel)
      • Three teams dropped out right before the tournament. Difficult for teams who lost that game. (Duston)
        • Require deposit that is forfeited if they don’t show. (Walt)
        • Wait list option. (Leanne)
      • Round Robin style
        • allowed for teams knew their schedule for the first day and were able to plan their day.
        • Less conflicts on day one in Info shed.
      • We need to remind coaches to check on Sat night to see if they made it!
        • We did have one team forfeit because they didn’t know they were in playoffs.
      • Team Registration: Proposed cut off Oct 13th (Duston)
        • Published schedule for teams needs to go live by the 15th so that refs can sign up based on kids games schedules. (Walt)
        • Three weeks before games deadline for team cutoff (Daniel)


  • We may need to start a Max capacity structure rather than growth oriented tournament. All in agreement.
    • Duston, Leanne, Emmi and Kelsey can meet to set these guidelines up early so we can publish that data.
  • Tentative schedule for Oct 28th & 29th (Tricia would like to go one week further out, will talk to her board)
    • Gives regions a 7 week season if they start on Sept 9th (some regions do a jamboree style on the first weekend and then 7 weeks of games this would leave them a game short)
    • High School Soccer playoffs are second Sat of November is final.
      • Proposed dates would be first weekend of playoffs (pull for refs)
    • OSU/U of O game consideration if Corvallis or Springfield host.
      • Schedule is not out yet
    • Location: Timber Linn location proposed – only other location option is Springfield and we would need to talk to Brian about capacity. Tricia could tell us by retreat in January.
      • Duston will email who would like to host. Send proposal, what are requirements, field space, goals, game day needs etc. RCs respond by end of January.
    • Continue Round Robin style – tournament standard is three game guarantee.
    • Timeline Commitment:
      • End of January
        • Location set
        • Number of teams and guidelines ready
        • “Shell” schedule ready to go.
      • By end of February – everything updated on Area website.
        • Rule changes
        • Registration form set up
        • Deadlines & Calendar set (includes meetings)

Luke’s email content:

Hi Everyone,

I’ll miss the meeting tonight, but here is my quick report.

The date chosen was good and next year would be good to look at doing 10/28 & 10/29 or later into November.
I would like to have the event at another location next year, if we need to split over multiple places, we might be able to help.
A few missed logistics, but overall went well.

October 2022


OCTOBER 20, 2022

In person and online meeting

PRESENT: John Sweet, Dan Herford, Sarah Child, Chris Jordan, Luke Cotton, Mary Cotton, Elaine Markley, Abe Drabkin, Vince Waterhous, Toby Westberry, Justin Azhocar, Andy Ungerer, Nicole Chapman

TREASURER REPORT: Sarah discussed the accounts that are currently at People’s Bank in Albany and requested that we move our accounts to Corvallis for the convenience of the Board members since the previous treasurer was an executive at that branch. It was moved by Mary and seconded by Vince that we close all accounts at People’s Bank.

  • Sarah will bring a proposal for a new bank and how much should be into checking and into CD’s to the next meeting. By the next meeting we will know how much money will be needed for pre-order of uniforms for MY2023-24. (estimated $14,000)
  • It was suggested that our region purchase the Quickbook program used by National.
  • $4,000 Aerator purchase with the 509-J to attach to the mower that Region 149 purchased for the district.
  • $2,000 was spent of fall watering
  • $4,000 soccer goal donation to elementary schools. Locations will be discussed since there is still construction on a lot of the elementary fields and safety is the #1 concern for anchoring the goals.

REGISTRAR REPORT: Andy provided a summary of how many players are currently enrolled in core (877), Development (47) and Extra (55). As always, families are waiting until the last minute to register players. Everything seems to be going relatively smooth this fallJ

FALL OVERVIEW: Luke gave shoutouts to Abe for all the coordination and counseling he has done to make the coach/referee role more defined and easier to understand expectations of their volunteer role. Chris echoed his appreciation from the referee end of positive behaviors from coaches.

  • Nicole was thanked for help with team formation and all the wonderful division coordinators who worked so hard to balance teams and accommodate requests.
  • Better communication is needed at the Safety Station for directions on how to close
  • Board Closer position needs to be a real Board member. There was one Saturday that a non-board member had signed up for the Board Closer time slot.  With the slot filled, it prevented a board member to sign up for that slot.  Andy stayed and did the closing on that Saturday.”
  • Clear, written directions need to be edited to match our existing fields and chores to be done before leaving.
  • Tabled until January meeting will be how to build up the youth referee program. Think of campaigns for players to “give back” to the organization.
  • Use players in the pick-up games to help recruit for key volunteer positions as referee and/or coach
  • Paint cost has gone up 40%. Needs to be reflected in budget for next season

UPCOMING EVENTS: Area Tournament will be a round robin format

  • Fields will all be used on the north side of the safety station.
  • Some fields might have to be angled differently to fit our needs for this one weekend tournament
  • Volunteers who are at the field will help pick up the slack as needed
  • Area Director will be at the Safety/Information station for check-in, Q & A and any other tournament concerns. There will be food truck located on site
  • Field clean up after area tourney: Try to get the last team on the field to move the goals and get it done that day rather than coming back and not having as many helpers!

INDOOR SOCCER: At this time there are 119 players registered. Registration closes on October 24.

FUTSAL: The building at the fairgrounds has been reserved. Total cost for use from January 22-March 12 will be $1680.

HIGH SCHOOL/ADULT PICKUP: Saturday from 10:30am-noon rotating fields as needed, depending on the weather and the condition of the fields

SUMMER CAMP: Looking into a different format for summer camp. Brad Whitcomb has expressed an interest in running the camps. Perhaps from 9-noon rather than a full day camp.

One thought is to pay our own coaches to run the camp. This will be discussed at the January retreat.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 17 at the First Christian Church or online beginning at 7:10pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

September 2022

No Board Meeting.

August 2022

No Board Meeting, Just Team Meetings.

July 2022


JULY 14, 2022

In person and online meeting

PRESENT:  Luke Cotton, Sarah Holpuch, Becky Torgeson, Vanessa Boyer, Juan Fernandez, Brian Dolan Janea Davis, Andy Ungerer, Brad Withcomb, Chiemi Cunningham, John Sweet, LeeAnn Baker, Mike Ramsdell, Abe Drabkin, Elaine Markley, Chris Jordan, Vince Waterhous, Nicole Chapman, Hannah Stevens (perhaps there were others online and I didn’t catch the name or initial to identify who you were).

NEW BOARD MEMEBERS: Applicants for new board positions primarily consisted of those for divisional coordinators and one application for Coach Support Specialist. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Andy that all applicants be accepted to the positions they applied for. The motion carried unanimously. Congratulations and thank you to the following who want to make a difference in AYSO Region 149:

  • Coach Support Specialist- Justin Azhoca
  • 7UB Division Coordinator- Janea Davis
  • 7UG Division Coordinator- Chiemi Cunningham
  • 9UB Division Coordinator- Vaessa Boyer
  • 13UB Division Coordinator-LeeAnn Baker
  • 15UB Division Coordinator-Becky Torgeson
  • Application received July 15 from Claire Flusher for 7UG Division Coordinator was not voted on since the meeting was on July 14, 2022

MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 23, 2022: The last official meeting documented was February 23, 2022. It was moved by Brian and seconded that the minutes be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

TEAM FORMATION: There have been changes made for the number of players that each team in the younger divisions will have on the roster and how many players will be on the field playing at one time. This can be accommodated with the 4 colors of uniforms to make additional teams with lower numbers. Refer to “About” on the website for specific team demographics. https://www.corvallisayso.org/about/rules.html

  • Teams will be able to submit a team name to the Board AFTER they have identified the key volunteers required for each division. Until then, they will be referred to a number, assigned by Division Coordinators
  • All Division Coordinators will have access to data rights. Luke will be the only one to have the power to move a player to a different division.
  • Referees will be assigned to games from 9U and above. Each team must provide one center referee and one coach in these divisions.
  • Reminder when having two male coaches with an all-girls team or vice versa…a volunteer of the same gender of the team must be present at all times or in the area at all times. Luke said if there is another team practicing at the same area and they have someone that fits this scenario above, that will be ok, but always best for each team to have their own volunteer there for safety reasons.


  • July 15 begin sorting and working with data
  • Complete all player distribution by the weekend of July 30
  • Wait list will begin July 19 for anyone who has not currently registered
  • Andy will email each family that is “pending” or has a shopping cart order to have them compete their registration process if they plan to play in the fall
  • August 3 or 4 families will be notified of the team their child has been assigned
  • More information from Andy

Wait list Registration starts on July 19.  (Open registration closes on July         18)  Note that this is for Core Recreational.

Registration for Fall Developmental and Fall High School close on September 11.  Developmental will go to a waiting list when it fills.

As of 7/15/22 the following numbers have registered:

Core  624

Developmental 27

High school 6

                           TEAM MEETINGS AT ADAMS FIELDS:

  • August 10: 6U and 7U @ 6:00-7:00pm 8U @ 7:00-8:00pm
  • August 11: 9U @ 6:00-7:00pm 11U @ 7:00-8:00pm
  • August 12: 13U and 15U @ 6:00-7:00pm
  • Uniforms will be given out IF the team has identified their key volunteers. Teams can select color based on how many teams are in each division. We will sort and divide into equal numbers of the four colors per division and gender.
  • We will have an equipment sale at each team meeting
  • Advertising for families to bring used shoes, jerseys, etc. will go out with the August 3rd or 4th notice of the meetings. We need to get volunteers to help with the sale.
  • Elaine will contact Play It Again Sports to see if they can get shin guards at a bulk price for us to have available.
  • There will be a shoe/equipment sale the first Saturday of the season


  • Abe is looking at coaches training at Adams on August 18 @ 6:00pm. Details to follow
  • Referee training will be September 6 and 8 with a refresher course on Sept. 9. More details will be worked out by Chris and Vince with specific dates, times and location. Stay tuned.


  • Practices may begin the week of August 22.
  • The season will begin on Saturday, September 10. It will not be considered a “soft start” this year since teams have more time to get organized as will the referees and coaches.
  • There will be an area tournament at Adams on Saturday, October 29
  • Shoe/equipment sale will be held in on September 10. Catalina back to help?


  • Luke is looking into purchasing a better calendar system for the website that can reduce the need for additional data entry for sign-ups for clinics,  events, etc. The cost would be about $30 per year. An investment well worth the money spentJ We currently pay approximately $150 per year for the website.

FYI: Luke will not be around the area from August 14-20! He deserves a break from AYSO! Thank you, Luke, for all you do for all of the community.

NEXT MEETING: The date was not discussed for the next meeting. Typcally we have used the end of the team meetings to conduct any business we need to do to get the season up and running. If we go back to the 3rd Thursday of the month, we would be meeting when Luke is gone!  Stay tuned for the announcement on that.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149





Season Email Archive

SPRING 2023 ##############################


[CorvallisAYSO] 5-A-Side Referees Needed
6/01/23 12:40 PM

Hello Referees,

This Saturday (6/3) we have 5-A-Side, and I am looking for referee help from about 8:30am - 1pm. I schedule referees for 1 field in 1 hour blocks (3 games in 1 hour).

If you can help, please reply with the following...
  1. # of 1 Hour Blocks (how many 1 hour blocks are you able to fill, specific times from 9am-noon?)
  2. Age/Division Preference (11U, 13U, or 15U? | Girls or Boys?)
  3. Any Requests?

What is 5-A-Side? https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/5-a-side.html
Super fun fast paced short sided soccer. You would get a quick rules sheet on game day and no need to bring a watch or document scores! :)

Luke Cotton - 5-A-Side Ref Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] 5-A-Side Registration Due 5/27
5/26/23 8:01 PM

Hello All 22-23 Season Players (Fall 2022, Indoor, Futsal, and Spring 2023),

You are all invited to register for our 5-A-Side games on Saturday 6/3 from 8:30am - 1pm at the Adams School area fields.

Register a Team of Players -=- Register an Individual Player

This is a chance for kids to play fast paced games on small fields, so everyone gets lots of touches with the ball! This year, we're adding some fun for the whole family we're having a DJ, a food truck, a coffee cart, and a bake sale! And it's only $5 a player (paid on 6/3)!

You can register a team or individual kids can register and be assigned to a team. For division / event details, visit https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/5-a-side.html

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[Corvallis AYSO Coaches] Wrapping up the Spring Season
5/23/23 11:14 PM

The season is wrapping up.  Many of you are done done done, and many are still engaged in the game for another weekend or two.
Thank you all for the many hours you have put in - planning and executing training sessions, puzzling over how to best communicate a concept or motivate your team, working up your game-day roster plan (and starting over when those players didn't show), and just putting your energy into making the program here as good as it can be for the kids.  Thank you.
Things upcoming this week and next include
1) Equipment return when you are all done - this Saturday or next.
2) Player evaluations - key to helping us do the best we can in balancing teams.  Look for the email from Luke.
3) 5-A-Side sign-ups!
4) For those scheduled to play in a scrimmage this Saturday, please reach out to the opposing coach and coordinate to make sure both teams have enough players and are planning on playing.
Abe and I met today and we are working up plans for coaching training over the summer.  We hope that you will stick with us and roll your experience forward into the Fall!
It has been very rewarding to interact with so many of you and to see all that you bring to your teams and the program.  Thank you again for all you do!
Always feel free to email Abe or me with any ideas, questions, or concerns.

Coaches on 3!

Dan Herford
Coach Admin

Abe Drabkin
Director of Coach Training


[CorvallisAYSO] Scrimmages 5/27 - 6U-11U
5/22/23 3:51 PM

All Volunteers for 6U-11U,

Coaches: The intent is to give players an option to do a fun scrimmage on Saturday if they are around. If you have confirmed your entire team is not playing, reply with the team name, field, and time so I can cancel the "game" in Sports Connect.

Referees: If you are around to help the coaches get something going and your kid is playing, great. Please signup (here), coaches or referees can help get things going.

I will have additional small goals available on Saturday so you can adjust the field size as needed.



[CorvallisAYSO] 5/20 Final Game Day Fun!
5/20/23 6:12 AM

Hello All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

We have 29 open referee spots mostly in 9U and 11U, please signup (referees). We are doing good on helper shifts today only 2 openings (here).
  • Bring water and sunscreen.
  • No pets near the playing areas during any AYSO activities, games or practices.
  • Games are a Kids Zone.
  • Leave the jewelry/watch at home.
  • Coaches, remember to return your team equipment this Saturday or any of the next two Saturdays.

Memorial Weekend Scrimmages - 5/27

6U-11U have scrimmages/pickup games scheduled for 5/27. Many teams will be shorthanded, so these will be pickup games for those that want to play Saturday. Coaches, if you are not able to make it please work with another volunteer from the team to help lead. Bring pinnies, many teams will be shuffling, might be a good time to do some practice for 5-A-Side!

5-A-Side Games - 6/3 (Learn More)
We're ending the season with our wildly popular 5-a-Side Soccer "Tournament" on Saturday, June 3! It’s fast paced, with lots of touches for all of the players, and tons of fun. It’s only $5 a kid (paid at the field on 6/3)! Any coach or parent can organize a team of 5-8 kids. AYSO players can partner with teammates, friends from other teams in their division, or sign up as a free agent and be placed on a team. Please register before 5/27.

Fall 2023 Soccer Registration - OPEN (Signup Here)
Registration / Sports Connect Help
5/20 9am-12pm - You can stop by Field 91 at the Western View Center to get help with registration in Sports Connect and get your registration questions answered. We will have Spanish speakers available to help.

Competitive Soccer Available 5th-8th Grade (Learn More)
We are excited to announce that our 2023-2024 competitive play programs are getting underway. We plan to offer boys and girls programs in 3 different age groups, however forming teams will depend on numbers as well as volunteer coaches. We will be offering a skills evaluation and parent meeting soon so please stay tuned for more information. Contact our Competitive Program Coordinator, Brian Dolan (here) if you have any questions or if you are interested in coaching a team.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Team Equipment Return
5/20/23 5:47 AM


Please Remember to Return Team Equipment on Saturday 5/20, 5/27, or 6/3 (5-A-Side).

Return all team equipment to the area by the information shed. The more good equipment we get back, the lower our costs for next year. Please return...

  1. All Soccer Balls.
  2. Disc Cones.
  3. Soccer Ball Bag.
  4. Pennies.
  5. Portable Goals (if any).

Feel free to drop off any items you want to donate to future coaches/players on any of the Saturday mornings.

THANK YOU and I hope to see you in the fall season!



[Corvallis AYSO] 5-a-Side Fun for the Whole Family
5/19/23 4:31 PM

Corvallis AYSO!

Your players won’t want to miss our super fun end-of-year event — 5-a-Side!

It’s a chance for kids to play 5 v 5, on smaller fields, so everyone gets lots of touches with the ball.

And this year, we’re adding some fun for the whole family — we’re having a DJ, a food truck, a coffee cart and a bake sale!

It’s only $5 a player!

For more information and to register a team or an individual player, visit https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/5-a-side.html.

Mike Ransdell
Corvallis AYSO 5-Aside Coordinator


[CorvallisAYSO] Competitive Soccer for 5th-8th Grade
5/19/23 12:21 PM

Hi |User First Name|,

Along with Core Recreational K-8 (here), Summer Camps (here), and Preschool Developmental (here). We have options for 5th-8th grade to play more competitive soccer in the area...

Greetings AYSO Parents!
We are excited to announce that our 2023-2024 competitive play programs are getting underway. We plan to offer boys and girls programs in 3 different age groups, however forming teams will depend on numbers as well as volunteer coaches. Please fill out this form (here) if your child is interested in participating in one of our competitive programs next school year. We will be offering a skills evaluation and parent meeting soon so please stay tuned for more information. Please contact our Competitive Program Coordinator, Brian Dolan (here) if you have any questions or if you are interested in coaching a team.

5th/6th Grade EXTRA

Indicate Interest (here)

EXTRA is a soccer program for players going into 5th and 6th grade who are looking to get more touches on the ball and playing against some more advanced competition than what they experience in the AYSO CORE program. All participants must enroll in CORE (the traditional Saturday morning games at Adams) to play EXTRA. If you participate in the EXTRA program, please realize that it is, well, extra soccer, meaning extra practice and extra games. For EXTRA families, Saturdays can get quite busy, so please think about your comfort level with committing to the program.

While we would love to have everyone who wants to play be able to, there are limitations in the size of rosters for EXTRA teams. The skills evaluation will help coaches and coordinators get a feel for the abilities of the athletes to help determine if EXTRA is appropriate for your athlete. If we have enough interest at a particular age, we may be able to recruit more coaches and form more teams.

EXTRA Season, Travel, Uniforms, & Cost:

  • Our teams will play a 7-8 game fall season from early September until the end of October and a 7-8 game spring season from early April until the end of May. Teams will practice 1-2 times per week and could start in August. Games are on Saturday afternoons and some divisions may have an occasional Sunday afternoon game.
  • Teams will have 3-4 home games and 3-4 away games within the Mid-Southern Willamette Valley League’s upper division. Away game travel might be to areas such as Salem, Dallas, Jefferson, Keizer, Albany, Lebanon, Springfield, Eugene, Newport, Florence, Lincoln City, etc.
  • Players will receive 2 jerseys (navy and grey), navy shorts, and navy socks. If your child played in our Extra program during the 22/23 season, then you do not have to purchase a new uniform. The cost for the uniforms plus printing is $75.
  • The cost to participate on an EXTRA team is $150 for the year which includes Fall/Spring League (14-16 games), league membership, field use fee, and uniforms. Tournaments are an additional fee. This EXTRA fee is in addition to our core fee. If you do not need a uniform the cost is $75.


7th/8th Grade Select

Indicate Interest (here)

Select is a soccer program for players going into 7th or 8th grade who want a more competitive practice and game environment and who are willing to work hard to improve their skills and level of play. We highly recommend players also enroll in either our CORE (the traditional Saturday morning games at Adams) program or their middle school soccer program, but this is not required.

While we would love to have everyone who wants to play be able to, there are limitations in the size of rosters for Select teams. The skills evaluation will help coaches and coordinators get a feel for the abilities of the athletes to help determine if Select is appropriate for your athlete. If we have enough interest at a particular age, we may be able to recruit more coaches and form more teams.

Select Season, Travel, Uniforms, & Cost:

  • Our teams will play a 7-8 game fall season from early September until the end of October and a 7-8 game spring season from early April until the end of May. Teams will practice 2 times per week and could start in July. Games are on Saturday afternoons and some divisions may have an occasional Sunday afternoon game. Additional friendly matches or scrimmages may be set up as well as 1-2 tournaments throughout the year.
  • Teams will have 3-4 home games and 3-4 away games within the Mid-Southern Willamette Valley League’s upper division. Away game travel might be to areas such as Salem, Dallas, Jefferson, Keizer, Albany, Lebanon, Springfield, Eugene, Newport, Florence, Lincoln City, etc.
  • Players will receive 2 jerseys (navy and grey), navy shorts, and navy socks. If your child played in our Extra program during the 22/23 season, then you do not have to purchase a new uniform. The cost for the uniforms plus printing is $75.
  • The cost to participate on a Select team is $190 for the year which includes Fall/Spring League (14-16 games), AYSO Membership fee, field use fee, volunteer background checks and training, and uniforms. Tournaments are an additional fee. If you do not need a uniform the cost is $115. If your child signs up for our core program too the cost is $150 (if uniform is needed) and $75 (if uniform is not needed).


AYSO Alliance 2007 - 2009

Indicate Interest (here)

AYSO Alliance is a competitive program for 2007, 2008, & 2009 birth year players who want to play in both internal and external gaming circuits as members of both AYSO and US Youth Soccer or US Club Soccer. Alliance is a program designed to support the AYSO player development pathway to the highest levels of play.

Teams will be formed based on the number of players registered & the number of available volunteer coaches. Tryouts will be held only if there are more players than spots available.

AYSO Alliance Season, Travel, Uniforms, & Cost:

  • The teams would play in the OYSA Division 2 or 3 16U winter league with a 10-game schedule from January 13th until March 17th. Games could be on Saturdays or Sundays. Teams could also participate in the Spring Founders Cup from April until the first weekend in May.
  • Teams would have home games in Corvallis and away game travel could be from Eugene to Vancouver and/or Bend to the coast.
  • Players will receive 2 uniform kits (navy and white jerseys, navy and red shorts, and navy and red socks).
  • The cost to participate on an AYSO Alliance team is $225 for the winter/spring season. This covers the winter season, Spring Founders Cup, uniforms, referee fees, & AYSO & OYSA player fees. Tournaments would be an additional fee.
  • Please contact Nicole Chapman (here) for more information or questions about AYSO Alliance.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day Reminders 5/13
 5/13/23 6:21 AM 

Hello All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

We have 20 open referee spots mostly in 9U and 11U, please signup (referees). We are doing okay on helper shifts today only 3 openings (here).
  • Bring water and sunscreen.
  • No pets near the playing areas during any AYSO activities, games or practices.
  • Remember we run a Kids Zone (conduct).
  • Leave the jewelry/watch at home, no jewelry (equipment) (rules). You cannot tape over earrings in soccer, the earrings need to be removed.
  • Arrive at least 20min before game start (schedule). Find the field and the best parking area (map).
  • Sit 4ft back from the field on the side with the spectator sign.
5-A-Side Games - 6/3
We're ending the season with our wildly popular 5-a-Side Soccer "Tournament" on Saturday, June 3! It’s fast paced, with lots of touches for all of the players, and tons of fun. And it’s only $5 a kid (paid at the field on 6/3)! Any coach or parent can organize a team of 5-8 kids. AYSO players can partner with teammates, friends from other teams in their division, or sign up as a free agent and be placed on a team.
Coaches signup a team (here), players without a team signup (here).

Memorial Weekend Scrimmages - 5/27

You will be seeing games/scrimmages/pickup games scheduled for 5/27 (13U & 15U, will likely be grouped pickup play). Many teams will be shorthanded, so these will be like planned pickup games for the players & parents that will be in the area that weekend and want to play Saturday. Coaches, if you are not able to make it please work with another volunteer from the team to help lead. Bring pinnies, many teams will be shuffling, might be a good time to do some practice for 5-A-Side!

Core Recreational Soccer Registration - OPEN (Signup Here)
Registration / Sports Connect Help
5/13 & 5/20 9am-12pm - You can stop by Field 91 at the Western View Center to get help with registration in Sports Connect and get your registration questions answered. We will have Spanish speakers available to help.
(Signup Here)

Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach (here). We have a contact us form (here). Login to Sports Connect to see your team game schedule (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Rec Soccer Registration is Open
5/13/23 6:10 AM

Hello |User First Name|,

Core Recreational Soccer Registration - OPEN

Registration / Sports Connect Help
5/13 & 5/20 9am-12pm - You can stop by Field 91 at the Western View Center to get help with registration in Sports Connect and get your registration questions answered. We will have Spanish speakers available to help.

Development Core for Players in Preschool
(Signup Here)
The Developmental program is for young players and their parents are introduced to the beautiful and simple game of soccer in a pressure free setting. Participants are exposed to soccer by playing simple, fun activities that require little to no practice, and a minimal time commitment. Facilitated by a certified coach, there will be fun activities that encourage skill development and will progress towards learning how to play 2v2 and 3v3 Jamboree scrimmage games. The program is designed to encourage parents to play with their own kids under the direction of a master coach. More Details (here).

Kindergarten - 8th Grade Recreational Core for Players (Signup Here)
AYSO core program offers recreational soccer for multiple levels of players, now based on player grade...
  • Kindergarten (like 6U, 3 vs 3, size 3 ball) players play on Saturday with first a practice, then a game. More advanced players born in 2017 can also signup.
  • 1st Grade (like 7U, 4 vs 4, size 3 ball) with a practice in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 2nd Grade (like 8U, 5 vs 5, size 3 ball) with a practice in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 3rd-4th Grade (like 10U, 7 vs 7, size 4 ball) includes some adjustments to the game as we add goal keepers with two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 5th-6th Grade (like 12U, 9 vs 9, size 4 ball) has two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 7th-8th Grade (like 14U, 11 vs 11, size 5 ball) will be like a regular soccer game with two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday, most often in the valley area.
High School Recreational
We are reviewing options for this program, but ultimately lack a coordinator. We could use your help to get something setup (here).

5th-6th Grade Competitive EXTRA
EXTRA is a program that offers organized soccer for players who want to play at a more competitive level along side the core recreational team they are on. Players must play core in order to play EXTRA. Commitment would be practicing 2 times a week with core and at least 1 extra practice with a second game on Saturday afternoons. We will try to create as many teams as possible depending on the number of players & coaches who are interested. We are working on the signup/program details and will send updates this week.

7th-8th Grade Competitive Select
Select is a program that offers organized soccer for players who want to play at a more competitive level. Players do not have to play core or middle school soccer but can if they want to. This age group would have try-outs and we may have to cut depending on numbers. Commitment would be playing in summer tournaments, practicing 2 times a week throughout summer, fall, and spring. We are working on the signup/program details and will send updates this week.

Summer Camp Registration
We have summer camps run by UK International, you can signup online with UK Soccer learn more (here).
  1. Available Camp Weeks
    • June 19-June 23
    • July 17-July 21
    • Aug 7-Aug 11 (+Goalkeeper Camp)
  2. All Camps are at the Adams Elementary School - North East Fields in Corvallis Oregon.
  3. Camp Times & Costs
    • Morning 9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) = $135
    • Afternoon 12:30 - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $115
    • Full Day 9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $185
    • August Goalkeeper Camp 9am - 12pm (Age 8-14) = $135
Signup for a summer camp (here).

5-A-Side Games - 6/3
We're ending the season with our wildly popular 5-a-Side Soccer "Tournament" on Saturday, June 3! It’s fast paced, with lots of touches for all of the players, and tons of fun. And it’s only $5 a kid (paid at the field on 6/3)! Any coach or parent can organize a team of 5-8 kids. AYSO players can partner with teammates, friends from other teams in their division, or sign up as a free agent and be placed on a team.
Coaches signup a team (here), players without a team signup (here).

To be removed from all AYSO region emails, unsubscribe below.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


hey coach - Walk the Fuzzy Futbol Line
5/12/23 1:32 PM

Hey Coach.


You have rocked this season hard. Only 3 games left until end of regular season, then optional 5 a Side tournament.


Enjoy these last games, take pride in the player development and character building of your team.


And walk The Fuzzy Futbol Line....


The Fuzzy Line is the moment in soccer when a player uses their body in a legal way to make a play. There is no foul. It is physical. It may look aggressive. But it is legal, allowable and the Referees are charged to not blow the whistle and interrupt the flow of the game.


This means, at times, that you may feel protective of your player, may want to blow a gasket, may want to yell at the referee for a call and may want to give the evil eye to the opposing coach.


At this Fuzzy Line, in that Fuzzy Moment, consider taking a breath. Allow the play to continue. Maybe calmly ask the referee, at the end of the game, why no call. Maybe politely ask the opposing coach about what they saw. Consider reaching out to Dan or me after the game to debrief what happened so we can help explain The Fuzzy Line within the specific situation of your game.


The Fuzzy Line will become less fuzzy as you coach more, study the laws of soccer, join the referee corps and grow your soccer knowledge through discussion with other coaches.


And here are some nuggets to hopefully guide your Walking the Fuzzy Line.....


*if the player with the ball is pushed (or tripped or some other potential foul) but maintains possession, succeeds in a pass that may be a no foul situation.


*If the player without the ball uses their body, hip checks, shoulder bumps to create space, that may be a no foul situation.


*soccer is a physical game, our players are developing, and the use of aggressive play may not be a foul situation.


*fouls should always be called when the action of a player crosses that fuzzy line and the referees are trained to not make the foul call unless the play is careless, reckless or using excessive force.


The Fuzzy Line teaches all players to play until they hear the whistle, teaches them to use their bodies appropriately in sport.


The Fuzzy Line also teaches us coaches to chill, let the play occur, observe how your players respond and may point you to what your next practice should include.


Thanks for all you do. The nearly 1,000 players benefit from your leadership and volunteerism.


Best, Abe


[CorvallisAYSO] 5/6 Game Day Notes - No Pets
5/06/23 6:37 AM

Hello All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

We have 18 open referee spots mostly in 9U and 11U, please signup (referees). We are doing good on helper shifts today only 1 opening! (here).
  • Leave pets at home.
  • No pets near the playing areas during any AYSO activities, games or practices. Please clearly mark service animals to help avoid being asked repeatedly by volunteers (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform.
  • Remember we run a Kids Zone (conduct).
  • Leave the jewelry/watch at home, no jewelry (equipment) (rules). You cannot tape over earrings in soccer, the earrings need to be removed.
  • Arrive at least 20min before game start (schedule). Find the field and the best parking area (map).
  • Sit 4ft back from the field on the side with the spectator sign.

Memorial Weekend Scrimmages - 5/27

You will be seeing games/scrimmages scheduled for 5/27. Many teams will be shorthanded, so these will be like planned pickup games for the players & parents that will be in the area that weekend and want to play Saturday. Coaches, if you are not able to make it please work with another volunteer from the team to help lead. Bring pinnies, many teams will be shuffling, might be a good time to do some practice for 5-A-Side!

5-A-Side Games - 6/3
We're ending the season with our wildly popular 5-a-Side Soccer "Tournament" on Saturday, June 3! It’s fast paced, with lots of touches for all of the players, and tons of fun. And it’s only $5 a kid (paid at the field on 6/3)! Any coach or parent can organize a team of 5-8 kids. AYSO players can partner with teammates, friends from other teams in their division, or sign up as a free agent and be placed on a team.
Coaches signup a team (here), players without a team signup (here).

Core Recreational Soccer Registration - OPEN
Development Core for Players in Pre-Kindergarten / Pre-School (Signup Here)
The Developmental program is for young players and their parents are introduced to the beautiful and simple game of soccer in a pressure free setting. Participants are exposed to soccer by playing simple, fun activities that require little to no practice, and a minimal time commitment. Facilitated by a certified coach, there will be fun activities that encourage skill development and will progress towards learning how to play 2v2 and 3v3 Jamboree scrimmage games. The program is designed to encourage parents to play with their own kids under the direction of a master coach. More Details (here).

Kinder - 8th Grade Recreational Core for Players (Signup Here)
AYSO core program offers recreational soccer for multiple levels of players, now based on player grade...
  • Kindergarten (like 6U, 3 vs 3, size 3 ball) players play on Saturday with first a practice, then a game. More advanced players born in 2017 can also signup.
  • 1st Grade (like 7U, 4 vs 4, size 3 ball) with a practice in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 2nd Grade (like 8U, 5 vs 5, size 3 ball) with a practice in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 3rd-4th Grade (like 10U, 7 vs 7, size 4 ball) includes some adjustments to the game as we add goal keepers with two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 5th-6th Grade (like 12U, 9 vs 9, size 4 ball) has two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 7th-8th Grade (like 14U, 11 vs 11, size 5 ball) will be like a regular soccer game with two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday, most often in the valley area.
High School Recreational
We are reviewing options for this program, but ultimately lack a coordinator. We could use your help to get something setup for this division (here).

5th-6th Grade Competitive EXTRA
EXTRA is a program that offers organized soccer for players who want to play at a more competitive level along side the core recreational team they are on. Player must play core in order to play EXTRA. Commitment would be practicing 2 times a week with core and at least 1 extra practice with a second game on Saturday afternoons.  We will try to create as many teams as possible depending on the number of players & coaches who are interested. We are working on the signup details and will send updates next week.

7th-8th Grade Competitive Select
Select is a program that offers organized soccer for players who want to play at a more competitive level. Player do not have to play core or middle school soccer but can if they want to. This age group would have try-outs and we may have to cut depending on numbers. Commitment would be playing in summer tournaments, practicing 2 times a week throughout summer, fall, and spring. We are working on the signup details and will send updates next week.

Summer Camp Registration
We have summer camps run by UK International, you can signup online with UK Soccer learn more (here).
  1. Available Camp Weeks
    • June 19-June 23
    • July 17-July 21
    • Aug 7-Aug 11 (+Goalkeeper Camp)
  2. All Camps are at the Adams Elementary School - North East Fields in Corvallis Oregon.
  3. Camp Times & Costs
    • Morning 9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) = $135
    • Afternoon 12:30 - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $115
    • Full Day 9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $185
    • August Goalkeeper Camp 9am - 12pm (Age 8-14) = $135
Signup for a summer camp (here).

Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach (here). We have a contact us form (here). Login to Sports Connect to see your team game schedule (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


Mark Your Calendar - 5-A-Side Fun!
5/05/23 6:55 PM

Mark your calendar - 5-a-Side Fun!
We’re ending the season with our wildly popular 5-a-Side Soccer “Tournament” on Saturday, June 3! It’s fast paced, with lots of touches for all of the players, and tons of fun. And it’s only $5 a kid! Any coach, referee, or team manager can organize a team of 5-8 kids. AYSO players can partner with teammates, friends from other teams in their division, or sign up as a free agent and be placed on a team. 
To learn more, or to register a team or individual player, visit www.corvallisayso.org/form/5-a-side
More to come. Thanks!
Mike Ransdell
5-A-Side Coordinator


[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day 4/29 Notes
4/29/23 6:48 AM

Hello All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

Nice and Sunny! Woo Hoo. We have 17 open referee spots from 9U-15U, please signup (referees). We are doing good on helper shifts today with just a few openings (here).

Game Day Reminders:
  • Bring water and put on sunscreen. :)
  • Warmer weather, brings hotter heads, remember we run a Kids Zone (conduct).
  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing. (Uniform or Equipment issue? Check with the info/safety shed.)
  • Wear dark athletic shorts, avoid clothing with hard plastic or metal.
  • Wear your soccer socks over your shin guards.
  • Leave the jewelry/watch at home, no jewelry (equipment) (rules). You cannot tape over earrings in soccer, the earrings need to be removed.
  • Leave pets at home.
  • Arrive at least 20min before game start (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map).
  • Sit 4ft back from the field on the side with the spectator sign.
  • No treats/snacks/food should be provided/shared on a game day near the game fields. Move away from the fields after your game is done so the next teams can get setup.
9U Teams: the build-out lines are painted, so when the attacking team has a goal kick or the keeper has the ball, send the defending team behind the line until the ball is released. Remind attacking team teammates, they can be inside the penalty area to receive a pass and start the attack.

Field Setup: Game starting at 8:30am and missing corner flags? The trash can with your field number will be by the brown shed, it will include everything needed for your field, take it to the field and get everything set up. Please check the fields for holes, if you find them, we have bags of dirt to help fill.
Field Takedown: Game ending at 1:30pm? Anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field). 

Summer Camps (Update)
We have summer camps run by UK International, you can signup online with UK Soccer learn more (here).
  1. Available Camp Weeks
    • June 19-June 23
    • July 17-July 21
    • Aug 7-Aug 11 (Goalkeeper Camp $135 9am-12pm age 8-14)
  2. All Camps are at the Adams Elementary School - North East Fields in Corvallis Oregon.
  3. Camp Times & Costs
    • Morning 9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) = $135
    • Afternoon 12:30 - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $115
    • Full Day 9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $185
    • August Goalkeeper Camp $135 9am-12pm (age 8-14)
Learn More (here)

Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach (here). We have a contact us form (here). Login to Sports Connect to see your team game schedule (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[Corvallis AYSO Coaches] Good stuff!
4/28/23 10:19 PM

Hey Coaches!

Thank you for sending in your game reports!  It helps us a ton to know what's working and what's not working.  Abe and I both read every report, and Abe has been handling the majority of interactions over the Fall and Spring seasons.  (If you haven't been doing your reports, you are missing out on 'Kudos by Abe', and I mean you've been missing out.)

Sometimes, there are bummer situations and things to deal with, but most often you all bless us with news of great interactions and happy, soccer-loving kids.  And sometimes we get astonishing reports like this one, submitted by Jeff Gardner, currently coaching both a 6UG and an 8UB team:

"As usual, it was a pleasure working with all the coaches on both sides; great people! And I'm so proud of our boys! They are really playing like a team and continuing to divert each other; should anyone start acting unsportsmanlike. It seems our coaches have finally found a way to turn our "scoring machines" into "assist machines". Players get points for each assist and lose points for every unassisted goal over 1. They use the points to earn water balloons, they get to throw at me at the end of the season. If Leif (our blind player) scores, they all get 10 balloons. Leif ended up touching the ball more than ever and we had only 2 unassisted goals, with scoring spread fairly well amongst the players. One of our strongest players had no goals but had 2 assists and one of the best crossing passes I've seen from this age group. The opposing side coaches did an awesome job keeping their team spread and positioned and it helped us in showing our team some of the things we've been discussing but not grasping. We are lucky to have some really dedicated coaches in AYSO who are so willing to help each other. The more I do this, the more I feel like "my players" are on both sides of the field. It's our little AYSO village; love it!"

Not only is this a beautiful picture of some great coaching and great teamwork - it's a testimony to the community vibe you are helping to create.  Thank you!  Our kids - and we all - are better for it.

Coaches on 3!

Dan Herford
Coach Admin

Abe Drabkin
Director of Coach Education


 [CorvallisAYSO] Game Day 4/22 Notes 
 4/22/23 6:35 AM 

Hello All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

Looks to be a bit wet today 4/22, so be ready for some mud. We have many referee holes, please signup (referees). We also need some help on game day or with the fields (here).

Quick Reminders:
  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing. (if you are missing the uniform you can pick up or buy one at the info/safety shed)
  • Wear dark athletic shorts, avoid clothing with hard plastic or metal.
  • Wear your soccer socks over your shin guards.
  • Leave the jewelry/watch at home, no jewelry (equipment) (rules). You cannot tape over earrings in soccer, the earrings need to be removed.
  • Leave pets at home.
  • Bring Water.
  • Arrive at least 20min before game start (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map).
  • Sit 4ft back from the field on the side with the spectator sign (conduct).
  • No treats/snacks/food should be provided/shared on a game day near the game fields. Move away from the fields after your game is done so the next teams can get setup.
Field Changes: 112 is a swamp, all games from 112 will move to field 113 (map).

Referees (9U+): Games are posted online for signup, please signup (here) to help us run games (without referees, coaches can run scrimmages). You can also signup for games from your team page (here).

9U Teams: the build-out lines have not been painted, please send players to top of penalty area and remind teammates they can be inside the penalty area to receive a pass.

Field Setup: Game starting at 8:30am and missing corner flags? The trash can with your field number will be by the brown shed, it will include everything needed for your field, take it to the field and get everything set up. Please check the fields for holes, if you find them, we have bags of dirt to help fill.
Field Takedown: Game ending at 1:30pm? Anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field).

Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach (here). We have a contact us form (here). Login to Sports Connect to see your team game schedule (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 11UB Game Schedule Changes 
 4/21/23 8:08 PM 

Hello 11UB Families,

Please note your schedule has changed to version 2 with the following changes...
10 Orange Warriors 01 Orange Hawks 4/22/2023 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 111
05 Orange Raptors 07 Green Wildcats 4/22/2023 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 111
09 Green Foxes 05 Orange Raptors 4/22/2023 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 111
08 Green Scorpions 06 Turquoise Strikers 4/22/2023 12:15 PM 1:30 PM 111
03 Turquoise Cosmos 02 Turquoise Tigers 4/22/2023 12:15 PM 1:30 PM 113
01 Orange Hawks 08 Green Scorpions 4/29/2023 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 111
02 Turquoise Tigers 05 Orange Raptors 4/29/2023 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 111
07 Green Wildcats 02 Turquoise Tigers 4/29/2023 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 111
10 Orange Warriors 03 Turquoise Cosmos 4/29/2023 12:15 PM 1:30 PM 111
06 Turquoise Strikers 09 Green Foxes 4/29/2023 12:15 PM 1:30 PM 112
06 Turquoise Strikers 01 Orange Hawks 5/6/2023 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 111
08 Green Scorpions 07 Green Wildcats 5/6/2023 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 111
10 Orange Warriors 02 Turquoise Tigers 5/6/2023 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 111
05 Orange Raptors 10 Orange Warriors 5/6/2023 12:15 PM 1:30 PM 111
09 Green Foxes 03 Turquoise Cosmos 5/6/2023 12:15 PM 1:30 PM 112
01 Orange Hawks 09 Green Foxes 5/13/2023 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 111
01 Orange Hawks 10 Orange Warriors 5/13/2023 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 111
02 Turquoise Tigers 08 Green Scorpions 5/13/2023 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 111
03 Turquoise Cosmos 05 Orange Raptors 5/13/2023 12:15 PM 1:30 PM 111
07 Green Wildcats 06 Turquoise Strikers 5/13/2023 12:15 PM 1:30 PM 112
01 Orange Hawks 07 Green Wildcats 5/20/2023 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 111
06 Turquoise Strikers 02 Turquoise Tigers 5/20/2023 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 111
08 Green Scorpions 06 Turquoise Strikers 5/20/2023 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 111
10 Orange Warriors 03 Turquoise Cosmos 5/20/2023 12:15 PM 1:30 PM 111
09 Green Foxes 05 Orange Raptors 5/20/2023 12:15 PM 1:30 PM 112

Luke Cotton - Game Scheduler


 [CorvallisAYSO] Field Change from 112 to 113 
 4/21/23 8:23 AM 

All 11UG, 11UB 02, 11UB 03 teams,

I have changed your game for 4/22 that was originally on 112 to field 113. The game time is still the same.

Please note the entrance to field 113 is the farthest west of Adams School -OR- off SW Knollbrook Pl.

Fields Map:

Game Schedule:

Luke - Game Scheduler


[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day & Equip Sale 4/15
4/15/23 6:02 AM

Hello All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

First Game Day 2.0! It can always be a bit chaotic, but hopefully we can create a safe, fair, and fun environment for the players.

Equipment Sale & Soccer Donations: 8am - 12pm TODAY 4/15 at the AYSO Sheds area (map)
If you have old soccer equipment to donate, we will take it. If you would like to swap equipment, we could potentially do that (need bigger shoe size?). If you are missing/need/want soccer equipment (jersey, shorts, some socks, shoes, & balls), we can do that.

Quick Reminders:
  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing. (if you are missing the uniform you can pick up or buy one at the info shed)
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts.
  • Wear your soccer socks over your shin guards.
  • Leave the jewelry/watch at home, no jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Leave pets at home.
  • Arrive at least 20min before game start (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map).
  • Sit 4ft back from the field on the side with the spectator sign (conduct).
Field Changes: 112 is a swamp, all games from 112 will move to field 113. The field is a good walk around the construction area and the grass is a bit long, but dry.

Referees (9U+): Games are posted online for signup, please signup (here) to help us run games (without referees, coaches can run scrimmages). You can also signup for games from your team page (here).

Food: No treats/snacks/food should be provided/shared on a game day near the game fields. Move away from the fields after your game is done so the next teams can get setup. Snacks should only be done in rare instances, for example, to celebrate a birthday or end of the season.

Earrings: No earrings can be worn by players or referees during AYSO activities. You cannot tape over earrings in soccer, the earrings need to be removed.

Field Setup: Game starting at 8:.., and missing corner flags? The trash can with your field number will be by the brown shed, it will include everything needed for your field, take it to the field and get everything set up. Please check the fields for holes, if you find them, we have bags of dirt to help fill.

Field Takedown: Ending at 12-1, and no other team showing up? Anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field).

No pets
near the playing areas during any AYSO activities, games, or practices. Please clearly mark service animals to help avoid being asked repeatedly by volunteers (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform.

We sent an email about your division and how your games will work last week (email archive). Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach (here). We have a contact us form (here). Login to Sports Connect to see your team game schedule (here). Newport and 15U, the schedule is posted here.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Field Change from 112 to 113
 4/14/23 8:26 PM 

All 11UG Teams and a few 11UB teams,

I have changed your game that was originally on 112 to field 113. The time is still the same.

Please note the entrance to field 113 is the farthest west of Adams School or off SW Knollbrook Pl.

Fields Map:

Game Schedule:

Luke - Game Scheduler


Coaches! Game Day Approaches!
4/14/23 7:59 AM

I'm thankful for our outstanding team of coaches.  You are part of a big group that is putting in important work on behalf of our kids.  Thank you!
We are looking forward to games this Saturday!  Many of the older teams were able to play last Saturday, but this will be the first game day for most of the region.
Just a few things to hit to help all of Team Coach have a good start to the season:
1. We have a bunch of coaches who have just stepped up this Spring, as well as some new teams, and many teams who have had really limited opportunity to practice due to the closed fields.  Please keep all that in mind and help each other get everything figured out.  Adjust for your opponent, but be ready to start out a little less intense than you might if everything was starting really strong.  This ties into our frequent reminder...
2. Coach communication!  Please get in a quick Team Coach fist bump and cover any concerns before kick-off.  For reminders about how to deal with lopsided games and the like...
3.  Stop by the Safety Shed and ask for your very own laminated handout that covers all of those fundamentals about our excellent Coach Culture.  That's for all you coaches and assistant coaches!  Hand-laminated by Abe, by the way.  And don't forget...
4. After the game is over and you are home drying out your socks, click the link on the email that shows up and give us a game report.  Scores, and any comments (positive or negative).  This is really helpful for us to be able to address issues and send out kudos and just keep tabs on what's happening out there.  Speaking of what's happening...
5. Now that you've had some communication and have a better idea who is and isn't on the team this spring, please email Nicole Chapman with any drops.  Send her age group, team name, and the name of the dropped players.  And remember that you can check who is on your roster and access team communication tools (if you want to) by going to your team page on Sports Connect.
Abe and I will be out there Saturday morning.  Let us know if you have questions or issues!
Coaches on 3!

Dan Herford
Coach Admin.


[CorvallisAYSO] Over 2in of Rain... ugh
4/10/23 6:59 AM

Hello All 7U+ Coaches,

If you have been watching the weather, the beginning of this week sucks. Later in the week is looking good. Those that have practices on Monday or Tuesday, might be good to shuffle locations or look at options for rescheduling later in the week.

Adams Area: Almost all fields are over saturated today, the best spaces are by the old track, the pickle ball courts, Western View Center, and field 132. If you are not able to move to another space off a field, you would need to cancel for Monday and Tuesday.

Thank You for adjusting as the weather keeps us on our toes.

Right now, things look good for Saturday... but I said that last week and we got an inch of rain on Thur night.


[CorvallisAYSO] Player Uniform
4/08/23 6:15 AM

Hello New Players,

You are getting this email because your player is new to a team or changed teams from the fall.

New Players: If you are with a newly created team, your coach might have the team uniforms, either way please feel free to show up at the information / safety shed today 4/8 or Saturday 4/15 to pick up your jersey and socks. If the size is wrong, you can swap it, if the uniform is still in great condition.

Moved/Changed Players: The cost is $5 for socks and $15 for the jersey. We will not accept a swap of the old uniforms and we do not provide a discount if you turn in the old uniform. You can stop by today 4/8 or next week 4/15 to pay in cash or check (to AYSO) and pick up the uniform.

Location Map: https://www.corvallisayso.org/about/fields.html

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] 6U-11U Games Cancelled 4/8
4/07/23 6:00 PM    

Hello 6U, 7U, 8U, 9U, and 11U AYSO Spring Families,

Your games are being cancelled for Saturday 4/8. Unfortunately, the fields you are scheduled to play on, are too saturated. Sorry for the late notice, I had high hopes the weather would pan out.

If you are a new player and want to pick up your uniform, you can stop by Saturday 4/8 8-11am at the Adams fields sheds. We will also have a limited Shoe Swap sale at the shed Saturday 4/8 and next week 4/15.

Stay tuned as we look at Memorial Day weekend 5/27 to schedule some pickup play for your divisions and as we work on the 5-A-Side details for 6/3.

NOTE: 5U, 13U, 15U, & EXTRA are still scheduled to play Saturday, as those fields are dryer or at other locations.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Helper Signups
4/05/23 4:00 PM

Hi AYSO Helpers,

We could use your help!

Your email address was provided on the player's registration as a person that could help, and we did not find that you already signed up or that you are volunteering with a team (as a coach or ref). Use the signup link below to see all the available slots where we could use your help this season.

Signup to Help: https://www.corvallisayso.org/teams/helper-signup.html

More Details...
  • Seasonal Scheduling Signup (here)
    • Signup for at least one spot/shift per player per season.
  • No Soccer Experience Needed

Safety Helper (16+): helps operate the Safety/Information station on game day, answer questions about game day, general operations, and keep first aid supplies and forms in order for an hour shift. On-the-job training will be provided. You will be paired with another helper.

Fields Helper (16+): helps maintain and improve the soccer fields at practice and game areas. The field helpers are responsible for field lining, relining, preseason set up, post season take down, opening and closing on game day, and other field maintenance tasks. Field lining slots can be done anytime Thursday afternoon through Friday evening.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Fields & Practices
4/05/23 12:08 PM

Hello All Coaches,

Please feel free to practice, but be prepared to adjust to using spaces to the side or in another area from your desired/designated field space.

For example, most fields are good for today 4/5, but the forecast shows a larger volume of rain for Thursday 4/6. If you see water pooling, excessive mud, or damage, look to move to another area. In general it is a good idea to have your practice avoid heavy traffic in the core/middle of the field and shuffle goals or use the popup goals to keep goal keepers out of mud pits (& keep them from creating mud pits).

We are looking good for Saturday, but that relies on you helping to keep the fields playable.

Thank You for adjusting as the weather keeps us on our toes. :)


{CorvallisAYSO} 09UB 05 Orange Dragons Team Dashboard
Tue 4/4/2023 10:41 AM

Hello Core 09UB 05 Orange Dragons Team,

Below is a brief copy of the team dashboard with registered volunteers, helpers, potential volunteers, and players. The full team dashboard (here) includes links to helpful actions like signing up, contacting volunteers, and more.

+ Team Status +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

This section lists team summary and the needed volunteers.

Players: 11 of 10
Head Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Asst Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Referee: 1 of 1 Required (must be willing to center your games)
Team Helpers: 8

COACH: Each team needs a Head Coach and Assistant Coach, one to back up the other.
REFEREE: For 9U+, each team needs at least one referee that can lead a game. 6U-8U will be playing scrimmages with coaches running the activities.

NOTE: some volunteers could be filling multiple roles and not show in this count.

+ Team Games +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+










09UB 02 Orange Wizards -CR

09UB 05 Orange Dragons -CR

Center Ref - MATTHEW Z




09UB 05 Orange Dragons -CR

09UB 08 Turquoise Panther Knights -CR

Center Ref - Please Signup (w/ Dashboard link above)




09UB 01 Turquoise Cobras -CR

09UB 05 Orange Dragons -CR

Center Ref - MATTHEW Z




09UB 05 Orange Dragons -CR

09UB 07 Green Gators -CR

Center Ref - Please Signup (w/ Dashboard link above)




09UB 05 Orange Dragons -CR

09UB 03 Blue Hornets -CR

Center Ref - MATTHEW Z




09UB 04 Blue Golden Cleats -CR

09UB 05 Orange Dragons -CR

Center Ref - MATTHEW Z




09UB 05 Orange Dragons -CR

09UB 06 Green Warriors -CR

Center Ref - MATTHEW Z

Please review your game schedule carefully. Teams playing in the first game each day are responsible for pulling the equipment out to the field from the brown shed. Teams that are the last game are responsible for removing all equipment and returning it to the brown shed.

The game schedule is subject to change, you will be notified of changes through Sports Connect. Look carefully as some teams have double headers and 15U teams will have some away/travel games.

+ Team Helper Signups +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+








Fields Setup

Fields Shed




Center Ref





Safety Shift

Safety Shed




Center Ref





Center Ref





Center Ref





Center Ref



+ Registered Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

The individuals above, if any, have completed the Sports Connect volunteer registration and have been allocated to the team. Sports Connect only allows one role per person per team, so some might fill multiple roles. Keep in mind that background checks could still be in process for some volunteers.

+ Team Helpers and Potential Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

POTENTIAL VOLUNTEERS: If the team is missing someone in your listed role, email everyone indicating you can take that role and register as a volunteer online using the volunteer registration guide (https://corvallisayso.org/docs/RegVolunteer.pdf).
NOTE: The data above is from the helper section of the player registration, to be removed from this list, you can edit the player registration in Sports Connect.

+ Team Players +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar
09UB Division Coordinator


[CorvallisAYSO] 15U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/8
Tue 4/4/2023 8:59 AM

Hello 15U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. Weather permitting, this Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 15U division.

NOTICE: Your game schedule getting setup in Sports Connect today. It will have the first few weeks, then we will balance/bracket and send out the remaining weeks. The schedules are posted/updated here: https://www.ayso2s.org/Default.aspx?tabid=965323

  1. New Players: Please arrive early and get your uniform from the Safety/Information Shed. You already paid for the jersey and the socks in your spring registration.
    Moved Players or Missing Jersey? Please arrive early and talk to the folks at the Safety/Information Shed. The Jersey is $15, and Socks are $5, we only take cash at the shed.

  2. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling a small number of excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like New/Used Soccer Balls ($5-$15), Used Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Some Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Some Used Soccer Shoes, and New/Used Shin Guards ($5-$10).
    Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  3. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  4. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  5. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs near game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators, should sit behind the red line or 4ft from the field. The spectator side of the field is the west side of the field. Spectators are not allowed near the goals.
    • 15U: Field 151: will only need a garbage can, four corner flags, two half flags, two referee flags, & spectator/team signs.
    • You will have away games, please be sure to check where your game is located.
    • Field Setup: If your game starts at 8:30am, you are first on the field and need to setup the field. If you show up and the trash can with the correct field number is not by the field, you need to send someone to get the can of gear and setup the corner flags.
    • Field Takedown: If no other teams are trying to push you off the field and if your game ends around 1-2pm, you are most likely last. The job is the easiest it has ever been, anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be removed from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the fields, for all fields).

  6. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  7. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee, coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage like in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  8. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If same color, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie or jersey that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired (we also have regular whistles).
    8. Referees would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. If you are missing Assistant Referees, Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. Half-time stoppage. (15U @ 35m half, if desired a 40m half is allowed)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with volunteers to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    12. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game/scrimmage with the pinnies provided. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by trying the following...
      • Shuffle scoring players into non-scoring positions.
      • Non-dominant players allowed to shoot on goal. Dominant players pass only.
      • Loan a powerful player to the other team.
      • Shots on goal are limited to 1st touch by attacker. Team without advantage, add player(s) to the field.
    13. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    14. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game. See the note above, if you are doing a celebration after a game, move to another space.
    15. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    16. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    17. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    18. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  9. Game Rules...
    1. Halves (15U=35min, if desired a 40m half is allowed)
    2. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages and quarters. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 15sec. Substituting players should be located at the half line. This helps the referees see the players needing a swap at the next stoppage.
    3. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  10. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  11. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-8U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Team Dashboard (here). << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


{CorvallisAYSO} 06UG Coaches
Tue 4/4/2023 3:10 AM

Hello 06UG Coaches,

To help with coach communication, this email includes all region 149 coaches in the division. Please reach out to your opposing coach (schedule) if you need to discuss anything.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= REGISTERED COACH VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#



Team ID


Head Coach


06UG 01 Blue Sea Stars -CR


Assistant Coach


06UG 01 Blue Sea Stars -CR


Head Coach


06UG 02 Green Geckos -CR


Head Coach


06UG 03 Orange Rainbow Beavers -CR


Head Coach


06UG 04 Turquoise Unicorns -CR


Assistant Coach


06UG 04 Turquoise Unicorns -CR


Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] 13U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/8
Tue 4/4/2023 12:14 AM

Hello 13U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. Weather permitting, this Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 13U division.

13UG Newport Players: Your game schedule is not complete, I will be posting it Wed.

  1. New Players: Please arrive early and get your uniform from the Safety/Information Shed. You already paid for the jersey and the socks in your spring registration.
    Moved Players or Missing Jersey? Please arrive early and talk to the folks at the Safety/Information Shed. The Jersey is $15, and Socks are $5, we only take cash at the shed.

  2. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling a small number of excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like New/Used Soccer Balls ($5-$15), Used Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Some Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Some Used Soccer Shoes, and New/Used Shin Guards ($5-$10).
    Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  3. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  4. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  5. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs near game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators, should sit 4ft from the field on the spectator side of the field. Spectators are not allowed near the goals.
    • 13U: Field 131 & 132: will only need a garbage can, four corner flags, two half line flags, two referee flags, & spectator/team signs.
    • Field 132 is accessed using a path to the south by Knollbrook Pl or the east side of Adams. Leave yourself enough time to get to the field.
    • Field Setup: If your game starts at 8:15 or 9am, you are first on the field and need to setup the field. If you show up and the trash can with the correct field number is not by the field, you need to send someone to get the can of gear and setup the corner flags.
    • Field Takedown: If no other teams are trying to push you off the field and if your game ends around noon or 1pm, you are most likely last. The job is the easiest it has ever been, anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be removed from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the fields, for all fields).

  6. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  7. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee, coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage, like in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  8. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If same color, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired (we also have regular whistles).
    8. Referees should do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. If you are missing Assistant Referees, Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club lines people and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. Half-time stoppage. (13U @ 35m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    12. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game/scrimmage with the pinnies provided. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by trying the following options. Always remember to keep referees informed of agreements or additional rules. 
      • Shuffle scoring players into non-scoring positions.
      • Non-dominant players allowed to shoot on goal. Dominant players pass only.
      • Loan a powerful player to the other team.
      • Shots on goal are limited to 1st touch by attacker. Team without advantage, add player(s) to the field.
    13. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    14. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    15. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    16. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    17. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    18. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  9. Game Rules...
    1. Halves (13U=35min)
    2. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 15sec. Substituting players should be located at the half line. This helps the referees see the players needing a swap at the next stoppage.
    3. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  10. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  11. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-7U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Team Dashboard (here). << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 11U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/8
Tue 4/4/2023 12:13 AM

Hello 11U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. Weather permitting, this Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 11U division.

  1. New Players: Please arrive early and get your uniform from the Safety/Information Shed. You already paid for the jersey and the socks in your spring registration.
    Moved Players or Missing Jersey? Please arrive early and talk to the folks at the Safety/Information Shed. The Jersey is $15, and Socks are $5, we only take cash at the shed.

  2. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling a small number of excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like New/Used Soccer Balls ($5-$15), Used Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Some Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Some Used Soccer Shoes, and New/Used Shin Guards ($5-$10).
    Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  3. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  4. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  5. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs near game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators, should sit 4ft from the field on the spectator side of the field and are not allowed by the goal areas.
    • 11U: Field 111: spectators are on the west side of the field.
    • 11U: Field 112: spectators are on the track side of the field. NOTICE: field orientation changed, but the location is the same.
    • 11U Fields: will only need a garbage can, two referee flags, four corner flags, & spectator/team signs.
    • Field Setup: If your game starts at 8:30am, you are first on the field and need to setup the field. If you show up and the trash can with the correct field number is not by the field, you need to send someone to get the can of gear and setup the corner flags.
    • Field Takedown: If your game ends at 12:15pm, you are most likely last. The job is the easiest it has ever been, anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be removed from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the fields, for all fields).

  6. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  7. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee, coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage like in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  8. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If same color, coin toss to see who wears pinnies, each team should have a full set of pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We also have whistles at the ref shed.
    8. Referees should do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. If you are missing Assistant Referees, Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. Quarter stoppage. (11U @ 15m qtr)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
      • Quarter stoppages are recommended to allow coaches to make quick adjustments and should be discussed before the game if needed.
    12. Half-time stoppage. (11U @ 30m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    13. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game/scrimmage with your pinnies. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by trying the following options. Always remember to keep referees informed of agreements or additional rules.
      • Shuffle scoring players into non-scoring positions.
      • Non-dominant players allowed to shoot on goal. Dominant players pass only.
      • Loan a powerful player to the other team.
      • Shots on goal are limited to 1st touch by attacker. Team without advantage, add player(s) to the field.
    14. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    15. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    16. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    17. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    18. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    19. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  9. Game Rules...
    1. Quarters (11U=15min). Halves (11U=30min)
    2. No headers or slides. An indirect free kick is awarded for any deliberate slide or head.
    3. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages and quarters. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 15sec. Substituting players should be located at the half line. This helps the referees see the players needing a swap at the next stoppage.
    4. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  10. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  11. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-8U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Team Dashboard (here). << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 9U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/8
Tue 4/4/2023 12:11 AM

Hello 9U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. Weather permitting, this Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 9U division.

  1. New Players: Please arrive early and get your uniform from the Safety/Information Shed. You already paid for the jersey and the socks in your spring registration.
    Moved Players or Missing Jersey? Please arrive early and talk to the folks at the Safety/Information Shed. The Jersey is $15, and Socks are $5, we only take cash at the shed.

  2. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling a small number of excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like New/Used Soccer Balls ($5-$15), Used Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Some Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Some Used Soccer Shoes, and New/Used Shin Guards ($5-$10).
    Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  3. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  4. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  5. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs near game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators, should sit 4ft from the field and are not allowed by the goal areas.
    • Field 091: spectators are on the west side of the field, teams in the middle of the two fields.
    • Field 092: spectators are on the east side of the field, teams in the middle of the two fields.
    • 09U Fields:  will only need two referee flags, a garbage can, four corner flags, & spectator/team signs. Goals and nets stay as is.
    • Field Setup: If your game starts at 8:30am, you are first on the field and need to setup the field. If you show up and the trash can with the correct field number is not by the field, you need to send someone to get the can of gear and setup the corner flags.
    • Field Takedown: If no other teams are trying to push you off the field and if your game ends around noon or 1pm, you are most likely last. The job is the easiest it has ever been, anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be removed from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the fields, for all fields).

  6. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  7. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee (9U+), coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage, like you would in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  8. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If conflict, coin toss to see who wears pinnies, each team should have a full set of pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We also have ref whistles at the AYSO ref shed.
    8. Referees should do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this below.
    11. Quarter stoppage. (9U @ 12.5m qtrs)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
      • Quarter stoppages are recommended to allow coaches to make quick adjustments and should be discussed before the game if needed.
    12. Half-time stoppage. (9U @ 25m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    13. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field today, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game/scrimmage with your pinnies. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by exploring a variety of options. Always remember to keep referees informed of agreements or additional rules.
      • Shuffle scoring players into non-scoring positions.
      • Non-dominant players allowed to shoot on goal. Dominant players pass only.
      • Loan a powerful player to the other team.
      • Shots on goal are limited to 1st touch by attacker. Team without advantage, add player(s) to the field.
    14. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    15. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    16. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    17. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    18. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    19. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  9. Game Rules...
    1. Quarters (9U=12.5min). Halves (9U=25min)
    2. Offside only occurs past the penalty lines. Think of it like you split the 2in center line and moved 1in of the line to top of the penalty area on each side.
    3. No headers or slides, players need to stay on their feet. An indirect free kick is awarded for any deliberate slide or header.
    4. Substitutions are at referee allowed stoppages and quarters from the half line. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 15sec. Substituting players should be located at the half line. This helps the referee see the players needing a swap at the next stoppage.
    5. Once the goalkeeper takes possession of the ball, or when a goal kick has been called by the referee, the defending team (the team without the ball) should immediately run outside the penalty area. No player of the defending team may enter the penalty area until the ball has been put back into play by the goalkeeper.
    6. 9U goal keepers should not drop kick or punt the ball. Discourage, return the ball to the keeper and ask them to redo with a throw.
    7. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  10. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  11. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-8U).
      • Do not signal fouls.
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Team Dashboard (here). << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 8U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/8
Tue 4/4/2023 12:08 AM

Hello 8U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. Weather permitting, this Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 8U division.

  1. New Players: Please arrive early and get your uniform from the Safety/Information Shed. You already paid for the jersey and the socks in your spring registration.
    Moved Players or Missing Jersey? Please arrive early and talk to the folks at the Safety/Information Shed. The Jersey is $15, and Socks are $5, we only take cash at the shed.

  2. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling a small number of excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like New/Used Soccer Balls ($5-$15), Used Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Some Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Some Used Soccer Shoes, and New/Used Shin Guards ($5-$10).
    Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  3. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  4. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  5. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs at the game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators should be 4ft away from the field and are not allowed by the goal areas.
    • Field 081 & 082: spectators are on the east side of the fields by the track.
    • 08U: the goals are on the field, fields will only need a garbage can, corner flags, spectator/team signs, & field # sign. The goals should stay out on the fields after the last game.

  6. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced-out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide two pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If matching colors, coin toss to see who wears pinnies, each team should have a full set of pinnies.
    6. Coaches can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We have coach whistles at the information AYSO shed.
    7. Coaches should do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand from the brown shed).
    8. Coaches should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    9. Coaches will work out who will be managing the games, who is keeping time, any specific modifications, and any other rules/changes. Each main field coach needs to have all the online trainings completed in AYSOU (training).
    10. Quarter stoppage. (8U @ 10m qtrs)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    11. Half-time stoppage. (8U @ 20m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with other coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    12. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    13. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game. If you have a special celebration, take the team to another area as the next team will be looking to use the space.
    14. Coaches return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    15. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    16. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. 20 minute halves. Quarters (8U=10m). Halves (8U=20m)
    2. No throw-in (do kick-in) with all other players about 12ft back.
    3. No goalkeeper or goal-hanging... remind players no goal hanging, keep about 3ft away from the goal.
    4. No offside.
    5. All kicks are direct, and players can score. (the book/training might say otherwise, but we do everything direct)
    6. No headers or slides, players need to stay up on feet.
    7. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game.
    8. Substitutions can be free flowing at any time, but the player needs to come off the field, before the new player goes on.
    9. The goal kick is 3ft from the goal, and all other players should be about 12ft away from the kicker.

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment...
    1. The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

Team Dashboard (here). << contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 7U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/8
Tue 4/4/2023 12:08 AM

Hello 7U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. Weather permitting, this Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 7U division.

  1. New Players: Please arrive early and get your uniform from the Safety/Information Shed. You already paid for the jersey and the socks in your spring registration.
    Moved Players or Missing Jersey? Please arrive early and talk to the folks at the Safety/Information Shed. The Jersey is $15, and Socks are $5, we only take cash at the shed.

  2. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling a small number of excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like New/Used Soccer Balls ($5-$15), Used Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Some Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Some Used Soccer Shoes, and New/Used Shin Guards ($5-$10).
    Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  3. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  4. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  5. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs at the game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators should be 4ft away from the field and are not allowed by the goal areas.
    • Field 071 & 072: FIELDS MOVED - to avoid swampy areas, we have moved these fields, take a look at the map.
    • 07U: the goals are on the field, fields will only need a garbage can, corner flags, spectator/team signs, & field # sign. The goals should stay out on the fields after the last game.

  6. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced-out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide two pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If matching colors, coin toss to see who wears pinnies, each team should have a full set of pinnies.
    6. Coaches can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We have coach whistles at the information AYSO shed.
    7. Coaches should do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand from the brown shed).
    8. Coaches should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    9. Coaches will work out who will be managing the games, who is keeping time, any specific modifications, and any other rules/changes. Each main field coach needs to have all the online trainings completed in AYSOU (training).
    10. Quarter stoppage. (7U @ 10m qtrs)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    11. Half-time stoppage. (7U @ 20m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with other coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    12. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    13. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game. If you have a special celebration, take the team to another area as the next team will be looking to use the space.
    14. Coaches return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    15. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    16. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. 20 minute halves. Quarters (7U=10m). Halves (7U=20m)
    2. No throw-in (do kick-in) with all other players about 12ft back.
    3. No goalkeeper or goal-hanging... remind players no goal hanging, keep about 3ft away from the goal.
    4. No offside.
    5. All kicks are direct and players can score. (the book/training might say otherwise, but we do everything direct)
    6. No headers or slides, players need to stay up on feet.
    7. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game.
    8. Substitutions can be free flowing at any time, but the player needs to come off the field, before the new player goes on.
    9. The goal kick is 3ft from the goal, and all other players should be about 12ft away from the kicker.

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment...
    1. The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

Team Dashboard (here). << contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 6U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/8
Tue 4/4/2023 12:07 AM

Hello 6U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. Weather permitting, this Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 6U division.

  1. New Players: Please arrive early and get your uniform from the Safety/Information Shed. You already paid for the jersey and the socks in your spring registration.
    Moved Players or Missing Jersey? Please arrive early and talk to the folks at the Safety/Information Shed. The Jersey is $15, and Socks are $5, we only take cash at the shed.

  2. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling a small number of excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like New/Used Soccer Balls ($5-$15), Used Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Some Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Some Used Soccer Shoes, and New/Used Shin Guards ($5-$10).
    Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  3. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  4. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  5. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs at the game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators should sit 4ft away from the field and are not allowed by the goal areas.
    • Field 061 & 062: spectators are on the east side of the fields.
    • 06U Fields: the goals are on the field, you will only need a garbage can, corner flags, spectator/team signs, & field # sign. The goals should stay out on the fields after the last game.

  6. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced-out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Coaches setup cones for the first 30min of practice activities on half of the field.
    3. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    4. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    5. Home team will provide two pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    6. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If conflict, coin toss to see who wears pinnies. Teams should have a full team supply of pinnies.
    7. Coaches can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We have coach whistles at the information AYSO shed.
    8. Coaches would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Coaches should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. Coaches will work out who will be managing the game, when they plan to start, any specific modifications, and any other rules/changes. Each main field coach needs to have all the online trainings completed in AYSOU (training).
    11. First 30min of game time is a practice, then you transition into a set of games with the rules below.
    12. Quarter Stoppage. (6U @ 7.5m qtrs)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    13. Half-time stoppage. (6U @ 15m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    14. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time, so the next team can start practicing.
    15. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game. If you have a special celebration, take the team to another area as the next team will be looking to use the space.
    16. Coaches return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    17. Coaches return any excess team or uniform equipment to the AYSO sheds.
    18. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. 15 minute halves. Quarters (6U=7.5m). Halves (6U=15m)
    2. No throw-in (do kick-in) with all other players about 12ft back.
    3. No goalkeeper or goal-hanging... remind players no goal hanging, keep about 3ft away from the goal.
    4. No offside.
    5. All kicks are direct, and players can score. (the book/training might say otherwise, but we do everything direct)
    6. No headers or slides, players need to stay up on feet.
    7. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game.
    8. Substitutions can be free flowing at any time, but the player needs to come off the field before the new player goes on.
    9. The goal kick is 3ft from the goal, and all other players should be about 12ft away from the kicker.

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment...
    1. The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

Team Dashboard (here). << contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


{CorvallisAYSO} Development 05UC Lions - Coach Roster v5
Tue 4/4/2023 12:05 AM

Development 05UC Lions Leaders,

I'm sending this along to get you the most recent player release and emergency contact information needed at games and practices. We have finished placing new players, but continue to make a few adjustments, so keep an eye out.

Head Coach Email:

Asst Coach Email(s):

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYER RELEASE FORMS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

NOTES: This data shows the most recent submission of the various forms matched on the legal name of the player.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

NOTE: The parent can update the contact details after logging into Sports Connect and selecting the edit/pencil icon by the player name.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Webmaster
You can contact your division coordinator by emailing


[CorvallisAYSO] Cancel Practices Mon 4/3 & Tue 4/4
 4/02/23 1:34 PM 


If you practice on Monday 4/3 or Tuesday 4/3 this week on a grass field, especially Adams School area. Please cancel your practice.

Most of the grass fields are waterlogged and the weather will not get warm enough to help dry things up. Sorry to throw a wrench in plans for this week, but hopefully we keep the game and practice spaces in good condition this week to have good games Saturday.

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

Again, at Adams School Area and Western View Area, keep players off the grass Monday and Tuesday.


[CorvallisAYSO] Game Schedule and Team Names
3/28/23 8:53 AM

Hello AYSO Coaches,

This will be quick, as I'm working on an All-In-One email for later in the week, please read below.

7U+ Teams (not 6U) please be flexible with practices. This year has been wet, and the fields will need to be used for many weeks to come... in other words, damage to the fields/grass now will impact you later. Think of alternative ways to get the team together, even if it is to play on a playground or to do other PE activities.
Coach Practice Help Page (here).
Sports Connect Team Calendar Guide for Scheduling Practices (here).

6U-13U, you can find version one of the game schedules in Sports Connect > Volunteers > Visit Team Page > Calendar, please take a look and email me if you notice any errors or major issues. 15U and Newport, we are still working on the schedule for the first few weeks of games.

Team Name:
If you want to change your team's name or I have made an error with the name, please email me ASAP. I have incorporated the team colors in the names to make it easier for you to see when you might be playing a team of the same uniform color.

Thank You for Coaching this Spring, I'll see you on the pitch.


[CorvallisAYSO] Field Help Signups
 3/18/23 1:30 PM 

Hi AYSO Parent Helpers,

You were indicated in a player's registration as a person that could be a team helper. One team helper job is fields work, helping to get things ready for games. I have a few setup days for the soccer fields on 3/25 and 4/1, and I could use some help setting up canopies, moving goals, adding nets, goal safety checks, painting lines, painting signs, filling holes, marking parking areas, and much more.

Signup to Help: https://www.corvallisayso.org/teams/helper-signup.html

If this is not your cup of tea, please signup for other helper shifts. First games are in three weeks on 4/8, the game schedule v1 is expected on 3/27.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[Corvallis AYSO] Coach Training!!
3/16/23 9:46 PM

Talk about last minute!  This notice is right there.

You've been thinking about becoming part of the amazing AYSO coaching team?  Of course you have.  Good news!  The time is now!

Or actually, it's this Sat, 3/18 at Adams Fields from 9-11 am.

We will have age division specific training from 9-10:30, and a session on how to coach goal keepers from 10:30 - 11.  We'll break into 6U-8U, 9U/11U, 13U/15U training groups to equip you with the age-specific information you need.

This is, truly, some of the best coach training available for any sport - but definitely the best for soccer! - in all the Valley.

Please RSVP if you can attend this training - we have plenty of space available.

Coaching is not for everyone.  If you think it might be for you, join us this Saturday!

For the kids and the love of the beautiful game,

Dan Herford
Coach Administrator

Abe Drabkin
Director of Coach Education


[CorvallisAYSO] Open Board Positions - Quick Update
3/16/23 9:09 AM

Hello All Active AYSO Volunteers,

Quick Updates

Did you know, we have MANY jobs that do not require soccer knowledge? AYSO Region 149 is currently in need of volunteers willing to put additional time into managing this program to support our local families annually. Please consider these options seriously and contact friends, family, or parents of players on your teams that may be interested.

Open Board Positions...
 - Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate
 - High School Program Coord.
 - Summer Camp Coord.
 - Equipment Manager
 - Fields Coord.
 - Director of Youth (volunteer) Engagement
 - Game Scheduler
 - Division Coordinators for 2023-2024
(FYI Fall 2023 we will be moving to School Grade based divisions for our core recreational program)

Board positions up for re-election
 - Regional Commissioner (I plan to re-apply, but if you are interested, please reach out)
Election will be held virtually, reply if you want the link to the meeting.

Learn more (https://corvallisayso.org/about/board) or reply to this email.

Apply for an open position: https://corvallisayso.org/form/board-application

Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA): The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA) is responsible for planning and implementation of the annual registration of all volunteers and to oversee the child and volunteer protection program in the region in accordance with the AYSO Safe Haven program. Additional duties and responsibilities of the CVPA are included in the Safe Haven and Volunteer Application policies appended to these Regional Guidelines.

19U High School Coordinator: The U19 High School Coordinator, if any, shall be responsible for the entire High School program. They will interface with other positions as needed to schedule games, schedule referees, obtain equipment, train volunteers, register volunteers, and register players. Acting in the best interest of the players, the coordinator will coordinate with other regions to partake in games outside our region.

Camps Coordinator: The Soccer Camp Coordinator, if any, shall coordinate between the region board and the various providers of the soccer camp programs. They will assist the providers and their coaches with field information, find host families for the home-stay coaches, and report camp information to the region board.

Equipment Manager: The Equipment Manager, if any, shall be responsible for the purchasing of uniforms and other player related equipment for the Region. This position could be tasked with purchasing other volunteer equipment as requested.

Fields Coordinator: The Fields Coordinator shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the playing fields. He/she shall ensure that goalposts, nets, and corner flags are provided for each game, that they are put up before the first game of any day and taken down after the end of the last game of such day and properly secured at all times. He/she shall also ensure that the fields are properly lined. He/she shall also assist the Regional Risk Management/Safety Director in maintaining the playing fields in a safe condition. This position does not need to attend the monthly board meetings.

Scheduler: The Statistician/Scheduler, if any, shall create with input from the Regional Board members, a regular season schedule that meets the AYSO objective of balanced play within the constraints of available field space and game day timelines. The Statistician/Scheduler will also assist by scheduling games, as needed, for the 19U program, 5-a-side, Progressive Play, and all Regional tournaments. The Statistician/Scheduler shall also assist in gathering statistical information of interest to the Region. The holder of this position will not be advertised in the board roster in order to ensure an objective eye.

Commissioner: The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Commissioner shall have the responsibility and the authority to manage the day-to-day business of the Region, within the framework of the AYSO operating policies & protocols.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Open Board Positions
3/11/23 5:22 AM

Hello All Active AYSO Volunteers,

Did you know, we have MANY jobs that do not require soccer knowledge? AYSO Region 149 is currently in need of volunteers willing to put additional time into managing this program to support our local families annually. Please consider these options seriously and contact friends, family, or parents of players on your teams that may be interested.

Open Board Positions...
 - Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate
 - High School Program Coord.
 - Summer Camp Coord.
 - Equipment Manager
 - Fields Coord.
 - Director of Youth (volunteer) Engagement
 - Game Scheduler

Board positions up for re-election
 - Regional Commissioner (I plan to re-apply, but if you are interested, please reach out)
Election will be held at First Christian Church in Corvallis on 3/16 at 7:10pm (south entry to the basement room).

Learn more (https://corvallisayso.org/about/board) or reply to this email.

Apply for an open position: https://corvallisayso.org/form/board-application

Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA): The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA) is responsible for planning and implementation of the annual registration of all volunteers and to oversee the child and volunteer protection program in the region in accordance with the AYSO Safe Haven program. Additional duties and responsibilities of the CVPA are included in the Safe Haven and Volunteer Application policies appended to these Regional Guidelines.

19U High School Coordinator: The U19 High School Coordinator, if any, shall be responsible for the entire High School program. They will interface with other positions as needed to schedule games, schedule referees, obtain equipment, train volunteers, register volunteers, and register players. Acting in the best interest of the players, the coordinator will coordinate with other regions to partake in games outside our region.

Camps Coordinator: The Soccer Camp Coordinator, if any, shall coordinate between the region board and the various providers of the soccer camp programs. They will assist the providers and their coaches with field information, find host families for the home-stay coaches, and report camp information to the region board.

Equipment Manager: The Equipment Manager, if any, shall be responsible for the purchasing of uniforms and other player related equipment for the Region. This position could be tasked with purchasing other volunteer equipment as requested.

Fields Coordinator: The Fields Coordinator shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the playing fields. He/she shall ensure that goalposts, nets, and corner flags are provided for each game, that they are put up before the first game of any day and taken down after the end of the last game of such day and properly secured at all times. He/she shall also ensure that the fields are properly lined. He/she shall also assist the Regional Risk Management/Safety Director in maintaining the playing fields in a safe condition. This position does not need to attend the monthly board meetings.

Scheduler: The Statistician/Scheduler, if any, shall create with input from the Regional Board members, a regular season schedule that meets the AYSO objective of balanced play within the constraints of available field space and game day timelines. The Statistician/Scheduler will also assist by scheduling games, as needed, for the 19U program, 5-a-side, Progressive Play, and all Regional tournaments. The Statistician/Scheduler shall also assist in gathering statistical information of interest to the Region. The holder of this position will not be advertised in the board roster in order to ensure an objective eye.

Commissioner: The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Commissioner shall have the responsibility and the authority to manage the day-to-day business of the Region, within the framework of the AYSO operating policies & protocols.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Spring Waitlist Players
3/05/23 6:39 AM

Hello Spring Waitlist Families,

We are working on moving and placing players this week. After activation this week or early next week, you should get an email from Sports Connect asking you to finish the player registration by paying online. Once that is done, we can place your player on a team. Please do so promptly, as we have many players waiting in some divisions.

FYI: We use waitlists as a method to check and verify that we have openings for your player before you pay. We allocate a few players every week, but often do placements in bulk a month before the season starts. You will get an email once you are allocated along with instructions on how to pay. We cannot guarantee placement, but we work hard to get as many players playing as possible, sometimes even building new teams weeks before the season. In other words, it is rare we cannot find a place for your player this early (when a family has a special request is usually when we cannot find a place that matches the request).

Player Special Request Form (here) | Sports Connect Login (here)

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


Spring practice fields
2/26/23 8:16 PM

Coaches, here is info for practice fields this Spring from our favorite AYSO volunteer Elaine.
If you reserved a field at Adams in the fall, it has been renewed for the spring season on the same field at the same time and on the same day(s). You should have received an email from FSDirect with a contract number and information of when you are practicing based on the fall assignments.

Adams practice coaches DO NOTHING MORE  for field reservations.  This is done to make sure that the AYSO coaches have fields locked in at Adams before the Little League coaches start requesting fields.

If you reserved a field in the fall at any other 509-J school, you need to contact the school to secure a field for the spring, as they do not renew like we do at Adams.

ALL COACHES should feel free to print the confirmation email for your field request and keep it with you in your equipment bag. This is your proof you have properly secured the field.
If you have any questions, please let me know how I can assist you.

Space is tight at all schools, so consider a park or other green space to practice. Thank you for stepping up to coach AYSO.
Elaine Markley, Secretary


[CorvallisAYSO] Summer Camps 6/19, 7/17, or 8/7
2/18/23 8:52 AM

Dear All AYSO Parents,

We are delighted to announce that we are once again running soccer camps in 2023 from UK International Soccer and we really hope you are all able to attend at least one of the camps.

And to make this more appealing, if you register by Sunday February 19th and use code FEBPROMO, you will automatically save $25! To take advantage of this offer (and it can be used for multiple children on multiple programs), just visit https://www.uksoccer.com, click the green "Register Now" button and when you find the program you wish to attend, just add in the code FEBPROMO in the checkout area.

Thanks, and we look forward to a great year of soccer in 2023.
Luke Cotton - AIC Camp Coordinator

Week 1 = June 19 - June 23
Week 2 = July 17 - June 21
Week 3 = August 7 - August 11
Registration Page: https://uksoccer.configio.com/search?zip=97333&zipdis=4&zipunit=1

NOTE: The camp registration and camp operation are done by UK International. AYSO Region 149 in Benton County is hosting this camp at the 509J Corvallis School District Office area fields.


[CorvallisAYSO] Spring Outdoor Soccer
2/11/23 11:00 AM

Hello All Past & Present AYSO Families,

This email has some quick details about our upcoming spring soccer season.

5U Developmental Players
You will need to register for spring if you want to participate, as fall registration was only for fall soccer.
Sports Connect Login (here)

Core & EXTRA Players from Fall 2022
You are already expected/registered for Spring 2023. You should get an email asking you to confirm spring participation sometime this week. If you are not participating this spring, you can drop your registration using the link below.
Not Returning? (here) | Special Request Form (here) | Sports Connect Login (here)

New Spring Outdoor Rec/Core Players
Wait List Registration is Open (here)
We use wait lists as a method to check and verify that we have openings for your player before you pay. We allocate a few players every week, but often do placements in bulk a month before the season starts. You will get an email once you are allocated along with instructions on how to pay. We cannot guarantee placement, but we work hard to get as many players playing as possible, sometimes even building new teams weeks before the season. In other words, it is rare we cannot find a place for your player this early (when a family has a special request is usually when we cannot find a place that matches the request).
Special Request Form (here) | Sports Connect Login (here)

New High School Pickup Play Players
Registration is open for High School players wanting to play pickup soccer. It is an RSVP system with a regular day in the week chosen for the play time.
Sports Connect Login (here)

Spring Calendar Notes:
- February & March - New Spring Player Registration is Open (here).
- Practices could get started just before spring break in late March.
- Fields setup will be over spring break.
- First Saturday Games are April 8th.
- May & June - Registration for Fall 2023 Opens.
- Final Saturday Game is May 20th.
- 5-A-Side Jamboree is Saturday June 3rd.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.



WINTER 2023 ##############################


[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal 2/12 & Packet v2
2/11/23 6:00 AM

Hello Futsal Families,

Notes for this Sunday 2/12
> S04: Hello: Please get the name stickers on players with the first name of the player as clear as possible.
> S05: Check-In: Please remember to do a check by your player each Sunday.
> S06: Coach Focus: The first 15min each Sunday is a coaching activity. This week, younger groups will go more into passing, older groups will be moving into strategy/tactics (spacing and working with no offside).

Everything below is almost the same as what was sent at the start of the season, for new folks, please skim through.

 - - Player Attire - -
> P01: Generally, any metal on the person is not allowed, zippers can be okay. No jewelry or watches.
> P02: Heading will be discouraged/unlikely for all ages; most soft head attire is fine.
> P03: Long sleeve athletic shirt is a good idea. This will help reduce scrapes.
> P04: Sweatshirts are okay, but often are removed in game, so think layers. The extra padding can help with falls, it will be warm, but for some players the more padding the better.
> P05: Athletic pants are a good idea, at least something to help reduce scrapes and cover knees.
> P06: Playing gloves of any kind are strongly recommended to help cushion falls and reduce scrapes.
> P07: Shin Guards are required; we will have some spares in the coach equipment area if needed.
> P08: Soccer Socks are recommended, but if they have pants, they do not necessarily need to be wearing soccer socks.
> P09: Shoes: looking for a shoe with a rubbery flat-ish sole. No cleats or most turf shoes (anything with significant bumps on the bottom, result in traction issues). Shoes with the rubber waffle pattern can work and running shoes worked well for many players.

 - - Arrival - -
> A01: The building at the Benton County fairgrounds is the dark red building to the SW, same as what you drive through for the Christmas display.
> A02: The picture (here) has where you drive in, park, and where you walk through the gate.
> A03: Check-in table will have each player, emergency contact phone, and a checkoff field for arrival.
> A04: Parents will checkoff the player and confirm/write the emergency contact number.
> A05: Parents will write on the blank sticky name tags and apply them to the player, showing the player's first name for coaches.
> A06: Arrival and Leaving Procedure: Parent is expected at the building for check-in and inside the fenced area for pick up.

 - - Facility Notes - -
> F01: If you wish to watch your player you will need to stand or bring a chair, the area is covered on one goal side.
> F02: Education Room has heating and about 10 chairs, the room does not have a window to show the field area.
> F03: We might have some garage doors open to allow you to watch from the side, you would be outside looking through one of the garage door areas.

 - - Laws/Rules of Futsal - -
I have updated the Rules and the Laws of The Game for Futsal in 2023, you can find all the details (here). Below are the highlights between soccer and futsal...

  1. Players have 4 seconds to get the ball back in play for most restarts.
  2. You are not allowed to play the ball with anything more than your feet touching the ground.
  3. No Throw-In, it is instead a Kick-In with nearly the same rules.
  4. No Offside.
  5. Most physical contact fouls are a direct kick. The bar will be low on this, we want to discourage the use of physical force.
  6. Most remaining fouls are indirect, with the likely indirect fouls being playing in a dangerous manner and impeding/blocking an opponent.
  7. Goal area is just one big penalty area half circle, penalty mark is 20ft from the goal at the top of the penalty area. No free kicks are taken within the penalty area aka goal area, place the ball just outside the area.
  8. Goal kicks are given to the goalkeeper to throw.
  9. Goal Keepers cannot throw the ball over half in the air. Indirect free kick for the other team or a redo are appropriate.
  10. We will not be doing this from the Law Book: "Direct free kick beginning with the sixth accumulated foul by each team in each period (DFKSAF)"
  11. Futsal Laws of the Game (here).

 - - Sunday Schedule - -
Grades are scheduled in sequence to allow for potential player movement.

Group  Start
S1UBoys - 1st Grade 9:00 AM
S2UBoys - 2nd Grade 10:00 AM
S3UBoys - 3rd Grade 11:00 AM
S4UBoys - 4th Grade 12:00 PM
S5UBoys - 5th Grade 1:00 PM
S8UBoys - Middle School A 2:00 PM
S8UBoys - Middle School B 3:00 PM
S3UGirls - 1st 2nd 3rd Grades 4:00 PM
S5UGirls - 4th 5th Grades 5:00 PM
S8UGirls - 6th 7th 8th Grades 6:00 PM

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal 1/29 & Packet v2
1/28/23 8:46 AM

Hello Futsal Families,

Notes for this Sunday 1/29
> S01: Weather: The weather for this Sunday is going to be cold with some rain likely Saturday night. If we cancel for black ice / safety, you will get an email from Sports Connect a few hours ahead (like the email you get for the game reminder 3 days prior).
> S02: Shoes: Some flat shoes are not like others, the dust on the surface will make traction a challenge for some. Shoes with the rubber waffle pattern can work and rubber bottom running shoes worked well for many players.
> S03: Coach Focus: The first 15min each Sunday is a coaching activity. This week, younger groups will go more into dribbling/stopping, older groups are covering complicated passes/trapping.

Everything below is almost the same as what was sent last week, for new folks, please skim through.

 - - Player Attire - -
> P01: Generally, any metal on the person is not allowed, zippers can be okay. No jewelry or watches.
> P02: Heading will be discouraged/unlikely for all ages; most soft head attire is fine.
> P03: Long sleeve athletic shirt is a good idea. This will help reduce scrapes.
> P04: Sweatshirts are okay, but often are removed in game, so think layers. The extra padding can help with falls, it will be warm, but for some players the more padding the better.
> P05: Athletic pants are a good idea, at least something to help reduce scrapes and cover knees.
> P06: Playing gloves of any kind are strongly recommended to help cushion falls and reduce scrapes.
> P07: Shin Guards are required; we will have some spares in the coach equipment area if needed.
> P08: Soccer Socks are recommended, but if they have pants, they do not necessarily need to be wearing soccer socks.
> P09: Shoes: looking for a shoe with a rubbery flat-ish sole. No cleats or most turf shoes (anything with significant bumps on the bottom, result in traction issues). Shoes with the rubber waffle pattern can work and running shoes worked well for many players.

 - - Arrival - -
> A01: The building at the Benton County fairgrounds is the dark red building to the SW, same as what you drive through for the Christmas display.
> A02: The picture (here) has where you drive in, park, and where you walk through the gate.
> A03: Check-in table will have each player, emergency contact phone, and a checkoff field for arrival.
> A04: Parents will checkoff the player and confirm/write the emergency contact number.
> A05: Parents will write on the blank sticky name tags and apply them to the player, showing the player's first name for coaches.
> A06: Arrival and Leaving Procedure: Parent is expected at the building for check-in and inside the fenced area for pick up.

 - - Facility Notes - -
> F01: If you wish to watch your player you will need to stand or bring a chair, the area is covered on one goal side.
> F02: Education Room has heating and about 10 chairs, the room does not have a window to show the field area.
> F03: We might have some garage doors open to allow you to watch from the side, you would be outside looking through one of the garage door areas.

 - - Laws/Rules of Futsal - -
I have updated the Rules and the Laws of The Game for Futsal in 2023, you can find all the details (here). Below are the highlights between soccer and futsal...

  1. Players have 4 seconds to get the ball back in play for most restarts.
  2. You are not allowed to play the ball with anything more than your feet touching the ground.
  3. No Throw-In, it is instead a Kick-In with nearly the same rules.
  4. No Offside.
  5. Most physical contact fouls are a direct kick. The bar will be low on this, we want to discourage the use of physical force.
  6. Most remaining fouls are indirect, with the likely indirect fouls being playing in a dangerous manner and impeding/blocking an opponent.
  7. Goal area is just one big penalty area half circle, penalty mark is 20ft from the goal at the top of the penalty area. No free kicks are taken within the penalty area aka goal area, place the ball just outside the area.
  8. Goal kicks are given to the goalkeeper to throw.
  9. Goal Keepers cannot throw the ball over half in the air. Indirect free kick for the other team or a redo are appropriate.
  10. We will not be doing this from the Law Book: "Direct free kick beginning with the sixth accumulated foul by each team in each period (DFKSAF)"
  11. Futsal Laws of the Game (here).

 - - Sunday Schedule - -
Grades are scheduled in sequence to allow for potential player movement.

Group  Start
S1UBoys - 1st Grade 9:00 AM
S2UBoys - 2nd Grade 10:00 AM
S3UBoys - 3rd Grade 11:00 AM
S4UBoys - 4th Grade 12:00 PM
S5UBoys - 5th Grade 1:00 PM
S8UBoys - Middle School A 2:00 PM
S8UBoys - Middle School B 3:00 PM
S3UGirls - 1st 2nd 3rd Grades 4:00 PM
S5UGirls - 4th 5th Grades 5:00 PM
S8UGirls - 6th 7th 8th Grades 6:00 PM

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Boys Middle School Futsal Update
1/26/23 4:34 PM

Hello 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Boys Parents,

I just posted the groups for Middle School Boys in Sports Connect, splitting folks up between an A group that plays at 2pm and a B group that plays at 3pm. Please reach out (reply) with any issues or concerns.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Middle School Futsal & Wait List
1/21/23 7:53 AM

Hello 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Boys Parents,

We are maxed out in the 7th/8th grade group as it is built today. We will be discussing potential changes at the parent meetings Sunday.

Before Sunday: Talk to your players and ask if they would be interested in splitting the groups and having 6th, 7th, and 8th grade players play together. If we sort something out, we will write down the new groups on Sunday.

Registered players, please show as expected at your time shown below.

Wait List players, please expect an email early next week about your status and hopefully we can get you in for next Sunday 1/29.

Group  1/22 Start
S6UBoys - 6th Grade 2:00 PM
S8UBoys - 7th 8th Grades 3:00 PM

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal Parent Starter Packet v1
1/21/23 6:47 AM

Hello Futsal Families,

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday, please skim through this email before you leave on Sunday. For wait list players in 7th and 8th grade boys, see note at the end of email.

Coaches: see the email archive (here) for the coach packet v1 sent Thursday. It includes a breakdown of everything for 1/22.

 - - Player Attire - -
> P01: Generally, any metal on the person is not allowed, zippers can be okay. No jewelry or watches.
> P02: Heading will be discouraged/unlikely for all ages; most soft head attire is fine.
> P03: Long sleeve athletic shirt is a good idea. This will help reduce scrapes.
> P04: Sweatshirts are okay, but often are removed in game. The extra padding can help with falls, it will be warm, but for some players the more padding the better.
> P05: Athletic pants are a good idea, at least something to help reduce scrapes and cover knees.
> P06: Playing gloves of any kind are strongly recommended to help cushion falls and reduce scrapes.
> P07: Shin Guards are required; we will have some spares in the coach equipment area if needed.
> P08: Soccer Socks are recommended, but if they have pants, they do not necessarily need to be wearing soccer socks.
> P09: Court/Tennis shoes are ideal, looking for a shoe with a flat sole. No cleats. No turf shoes, anything with bumps on the bottom can result in traction issues and molded versions, to rolling ankles.

 - - Arrival - -
> A01: The building at the Benton County fairgrounds is the dark red building to the SW, same as what you drive through for the Christmas display.
> A02: The picture attached or (here) has where you drive in, park, and where you walk through the man gate.
> A01: Check-in table will have each player, emergency contact phone, and a checkoff field for arrival.
> A02: Parents will checkoff the player and confirm/write the emergency contact number.
> A03: Parents will write on the blank sticky name tags and apply them to the player, showing the player's first name for coaches.

 - - 1/22: Parent Meeting - [First 5-10min @ Start]
> 00: Luke Cotton Leading...
> 01: Players get checked-in, then go to field.
> 02: Talk with parents about expectations.
> 02A: Facility Notes (Education Room, Spectator Area, Port-A-Pot, etc.).
> 02B: Arrival and Leaving Procedure (Parent at building for check-in and pick up).
> 03: Coach Introductions (Intro, Help Needed, etc.).

 - - Facility Notes - -
> F01: If you wish to watch your player you will need to stand or bring a chair, the area is covered on one goal side.
> F02: Education Room has heating and about 10 chairs, the room does not have a window to show the field area.
> F03: We will have some garage doors open with netting draped in front of each open door. If you want to watch from the side, you would be outside looking through one of the garage door areas.

 - - Laws/Rules of Futsal - -
I have updated the Rules and the Laws of The Game for Futsal in 2023, you can find all the details (here). Below are the highlights between soccer and futsal...

  1. Players have 4 seconds to get the ball back in play for most restarts.
  2. You are not allowed to play the ball with anything more than your feet touching the ground.
  3. No Throw-In, it is instead a Kick-In with nearly the same rules.
  4. No Offside.
  5. Most physical contact fouls are a direct kick. The bar will be low on this, we want to discourage the use of physical force.
  6. Most remaining fouls are indirect, with the likely indirect fouls being playing in a dangerous manner and impeding/blocking an opponent.
  7. Goal area is just one big penalty area half circle, penalty mark is 20ft from the goal at the top of the penalty area. No free kicks are taken within the penalty area aka goal area, place the ball just outside the area.
  8. Goal kicks are given to the goalkeeper to throw.
  9. Goal Keepers cannot throw the ball over half in the air. Indirect free kick for the other team or a redo are appropriate.
  10. We will not be doing this from the Law Book: "Direct free kick beginning with the sixth accumulated foul by each team in each period (DFKSAF)"
  11. Futsal Laws of the Game (here).

Grades are scheduled in sequence to allow for potential player movement between groups if needed/desired.

Group  Start
S1UBoys - 1st Grade 9:00 AM
S2UBoys - 2nd Grade 10:00 AM
S3UBoys - 3rd Grade 11:00 AM
S4UBoys - 4th Grade 12:00 PM
S5UBoys - 5th Grade 1:00 PM
S6UBoys - 6th Grade * 2:00 PM
S8UBoys - 7th 8th Grades * 3:00 PM
S3UGirls - 1st 2nd 3rd Grades 4:00 PM
S5UGirls - 4th 5th Grades 5:00 PM
S8UGirls - 6th 7th 8th Grades 6:00 PM

* We are maxed out in 7th/8th grade. I'm looking into mixing middle schoolers up after 1/22, to create new groups for 1/29 and including the wait list players.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal Coach Starter Packet v1
1/19/23 2:02 PM

Hello Futsal Coaches and Potential Coach Helpers,

This email tries to address everything related to Futsal for 1/22. I will be around the entire day on 1/22 to help &/or lead as needed.

The details below are almost everything I have worked out; please enjoy the essay and I am open to feedback/comments/corrections as we explore this new program in Corvallis AYSO. [I plan to distill this down and send the pertinent pieces to all parents on Friday.]

 - - Coach Attire - -
> C01: I will have some AYSO Volunteer hats for registered coaches, please bring your AYSO hat if you have one (makes it easy to see who is a coach).
> C02: Something warm and athletic, sweatshirt style.
> C03: Athletic pants are a good idea as you will likely be joining in on some of the exercises.
> C04: If you have court/tennis shoes, use those. The floor is textured, so expect them to get a little torn up.

 - - Player Attire - -
> P01: Generally, any metal on the person is not allowed, zippers can be okay. No jewelry or watches.
> P02: Heading will be discouraged/unlikely for all ages; most soft head attire is fine.
> P03: Long sleeve athletic shirt is a good idea. This will help reduce scrapes.
> P04: Sweatshirts are okay, but often are removed in game. The extra padding can help with falls, it will be warm, but for some players the more padding the better.
> P05: Athletic pants are a good idea, at least something to help reduce scrapes and cover knees.
> P06: Playing gloves of any kind are strongly recommended to help cushion falls and reduce scrapes.
> P07: Shin Guards are required; I will have spares in the coach equipment area.
> P08: Soccer Socks are recommended, but if they have pants, they do not necessarily need to be wearing soccer socks.
> P09: Court/Tennis shoes are ideal, looking for a shoe with a flat sole. No cleats. No turf shoes, anything with bumps on the bottom can result in traction issues and molded versions, to rolling ankles.

 - - Arrival - -
> A01: The building at the Benton County fairgrounds is the dark red building to the SW, same as what you drive through for the Christmas display.
> A02: The picture attached has where you drive in, park, and where you walk through the man gate.
> A01: Check-in table will have each player, emergency contact phone, and a checkoff field for arrival.
> A02: Parents will checkoff the player and confirm the contact number.
> A03: Parents will write on the blank sticky name tags and apply them to the player.
> A04: Players will wait for the prior group or start playing in the field space.
> A05: Sticky name tags are recommended for coaches.

 - - Equipment - -
> E01: The Coach Equipment Area will have the following items.
> E01A: 20 Orange 2" Disc Cones
> E01B: 20 Blue 2" Disc Cones
> E01C: 25 Futsal Balls
> E01D: 10 Tall Orange Cones
> E01D: First Aid Kit (No Ice Packs or Meds)
> E01E: 2 Small Pop-Up Goals
> E01F: Rough Surface Green Painters Tape
> E01G: Spare Shin Guards
> E01H: 20 Youth Size Red & White Pinnies
> E01I: 10 Adult Size Red Pinnies
> E01J: 10 Adult Size Blue Pinnies
> E01K: Keeper Pinnies (various colors and sizes)
> E01L: 2 Ball Pumps
> E01M: Clipboard w/ Paper & Pen

> E02: The Check-In Table will have the following items.
> E02A: Pencils
> E02B: Sicky Name Tags
> E02C: Sharpies
> E02D: Clipboards with Rosters & Check-In
> E02E: Futsal Rule Sheets
> E02F: Check-In Directions

 - - The Facility - -
> F01: See attached image for parking.
> F02: Education Room has heating and about 10 chairs, the room does not have a window to show the field area.
> F03: We will have most garage doors open at least 4ft with netting draped in front of each open door.
> F04: Some extra boards will be set around the sides to protect the metal walls up to 4ft.
> F05: Vulnerable items near the field are the overhead lights, electrical boxes, and fire extinguishers. We will move most extinguishers to the floor.
> F06: Goals will be 5' x 10' and anchored with sandbags.
> F07: Perimeter will be tape with some chalk, most interior lines will be chalk.

 - - 1/22: minute 0 - minute 10 - Welcome - - [5-10min]
> 00: Luke Cotton Leading...
> 01: Players Check-in, then go play on the field with either unstructured play, simple passing exercise, or the game blob tag (12D below).

> 02: Talk with parents about expectations.
> 02A: Facility Notes (Education Room, Spectator Area, Port-A-Pot, etc.).
> 02B: Arrival and Leaving Procedure (Parent At Building for check-in and pick up, no dump and run).
> 02C: Bathroom Buddy Adult Helpers (Two adults or related parent join each player going to Port-A-Pot).
> 03: Coach Introductions (Intro, Help Needed, etc.).

 - - 1/22: min 10 - 25 - Dribbling Activity / Game - - [15min]
> 10: Coach Intro to Players (player expectations, ball control, safety, and bathroom procedure). [2min]
> 11: Have players pick a buddy put pinnies on all players (eventually the buddies will merge to create 2 teams). [2min]

> 12: Activity Option 1 Dribbling: Chicken Thief - Rob The Nest - 8U Training Book Page 48 [11min]
> 12A: All balls in the middle area / nest.
> 12B: 1-2 buddy groups get an outside square / den (1 of 4 dens).
> 12C: Players steal from the nest and dribble back to dens, once the nest is empty, they steal from other dens, no guarding, no kicking balls out of the den or nest, score is done by time and the number in the den.
> 12D: PE Backup Option: Can be run like Blob Tag. Dribble from one side to the other, person in the middle kicks the ball out, out players join in the middle for the next run to the other side. (Lions moving food/balls from one side to the other, Hyenas stealing food in the middle)

> 13: Activity Option 2 Passing: Speed Square - In Behind - 12U Training Book Page 55 [11min]
> 13A: Set squares with tape or cones, one player to each spot (two buddy groups make a square).
> 13B: Each player needs to touch the ball, time it. Each player touches twice, time it.
> 13C: Add a defender, from a split set of four players or use coaches. Count the number of passes, most completed passes wins.
> 13D: PE Backup Option: 10U Hit the coach's legs with a ball as the coach moves in the space.
> 13E: PE Backup Option: Buddy pass, good pass, take a step back, get to the other end first.

 - - 1/22: min 25 - 30 - Positions, Teams, & Basic Rules - - [5min]
> 25: Assemble teams (5 vs 5 on field), shuffle buddies as needed to find relative balance.
> 26: Remind players about ball control, keeping the ball low.
> 27: Keep the rules simple for players. Almost everything is the same as outdoor, with a few twists. Laws of the Game (here).
> 27A: No Throw-In, it is instead a Kick-In with nearly the same rules.
> 27B: No Offside.
> 27C: Most physical contact fouls are a direct kick. The bar should be low on this, we want to discourage the use of physical force.
> 27D: Most remaining fouls are indirect, with the likely indirect fouls being playing in a dangerous manner and impeding/blocking an opponent.
> 27E: Goal area is just one big penalty area half circle, penalty mark is 20ft from the goal at the top of the penalty area. No free kicks are taken within the penalty area aka goal area, place the ball just outside the area.
> 27F: Goal kicks are given to the goalkeeper to throw.
> 27G: Keepers cannot throw the ball over half in the air. Indirect free kick for the other team or a redo are appropriate.
> 27H: We will not be doing this from the Law Book: "Direct free kick beginning with the sixth accumulated foul by each team in each period (DFKSAF)"
> 28: Out of control kicking, the facility is not impenetrable, players consistently doing hard kicks that go over 4 ft high, should be discouraged from doing so.
> 29: 1st & 2nd Grade: No Goal Keepers for this group, instead play with 5 field players on each side.

 - - 1/22: min 30 - 55 - Learning the Game - - [10min + 5min + 10min]
> 30: Be flexible and spend this first day teaching them the Law differences for Futsal.
> 31: One big addition to bring up regularly is the restart of play timer, players have 4 seconds to get the ball back in play for most restarts.
> 32: Keep an eye on out-of-control play and playing in a dangerous manner.
> 33: Another item to add is that players are not allowed to play the ball with anything more than feet touching the ground.
> 34: A person might be called a referee, but the intent is you are a Coach for everyone playing and this is more like a practice scrimmage then a competitive game.
> 35: Use your watch to keep track of time.
> 36: Have fun and promote joy in a safe space.
> 37: NOTICE: for times when you are low on players, feel free to have coaches fill in. Be sure to play like a player in that grade :).

 - - 1/22: Cleanup - -
> 55: Get coach equipment back to the coach equipment area.
> 56: Collect pinnies and place them in coach area.
> 57: You will see everyone next week at the same time!

Grades are scheduled in sequence to allow for potential player movement between groups if needed/desired.

Group  Start
S1UBoys - 1st Grade 9:00 AM
S2UBoys - 2nd Grade 10:00 AM
S3UBoys - 3rd Grade 11:00 AM
S4UBoys - 4th Grade 12:00 PM
S5UBoys - 5th Grade 1:00 PM
S6UBoys - 6th Grade * 2:00 PM
S8UBoys - 7th 8th Grades * 3:00 PM
S3UGirls - 1st 2nd 3rd Grades 4:00 PM
S5UGirls - 4th 5th Grades 5:00 PM
S8UGirls - 6th 7th 8th Grades 6:00 PM

*We are maxed out in 7th/8th grade, with a waitlist, I'm working on options, potentially mixing things up after 1/22.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal Updates & Schedule
1/16/23 2:07 PM

Hello Futsal Families,

We created the groups, and you should have emails from Sports Connect with your groups. For boys we split up some groups into grades causing some schedule shuffling. You can see your Calendar and your Team Page in Sports Connect https://corvallisayso.org/login 

Again, more details to come after we get more coaches allocated.

Quick Notes:

  1. Parent meeting, please plan to stick around for the first 10 min.
  2. Court or running shoes will work, turf shoes with the little bumps on the bottom are not recommended.
  3. Shin guards are required.
  4. We have a soccer/futsal ball for each player.
  5. Building is inside but will still be cold. Warm athletic attire is recommended, pants are a good idea. Playing gloves are strongly recommended.
  6. No seating will be available in the play area, but the meeting room in the building will be available.
  7. We are reaching out to those that indicated they could help with coaching; getting coaches registered and assigned to groups.
  8. We have openings for players in all Girls groups and Boys 1st, 4th, 5th, & 6th grade groups, families can register for the wait list in Sports Connect.

More details about futsal are here: https://corvallisayso.org/programs/futsal

Below are the planned grade groupings and times. Grades are scheduled in sequence to allow for potential player movement between groups if needed/desired.

Group  Date Start Time
S1UBoys - 1st Grade 1/22/2023 9:00 AM
S2UBoys - 2nd Grade 1/22/2023 10:00 AM
S3UBoys - 3rd Grade 1/22/2023 11:00 AM
S4UBoys - 4th Grade 1/22/2023 12:00 PM
S5UBoys - 5th Grade 1/22/2023 1:00 PM
S6UBoys - 6th Grade 1/22/2023 2:00 PM
S8UBoys - 7th 8th Grades 1/22/2023 3:00 PM
S3UGirls - 1st 2nd 3rd Grades 1/22/2023 4:00 PM
S5UGirls - 4th 5th Grades 1/22/2023 5:00 PM
S8UGirls - 6th 7th 8th Grades 1/22/2023 6:00 PM

Cancel Registration for Futsal? Form: https://corvallisayso.org/form/refund

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal Starts Sunday 1/22
1/12/23 12:45 PM

Welcome Futsal Families,

We will be working on building each activity group this week and hope to get everything setup (wait list players, each group/team, volunteers, & schedule) in Sports Connect before Monday. You might see some player division transfers happening in Sports Connect as we work to merge and split some divisions.

More Details to Come!

Quick Notes:

  1. The proposed schedule for 1/22 is at the end of the email.
  2. We will have a parents meeting at the start, so please plan to stick around for the first 10 min.
  3. Court or running shoes will work, turf shoes with the little bumps on the bottom are not recommended.
  4. Shin guards are required.
  5. We have a soccer/futsal ball for each player.
  6. Building is inside, but will still be cold. Warm athletic attire is recommended, pants are a good idea. Playing gloves are strongly recommend.
  7. No seating will be available in the play area, but the meeting room in the building will be available.
  8. We will be reach out for head coaches and coach help after we have the initial groups setup.

More details about futsal are here: https://corvallisayso.org/programs/futsal

Cancel Registration for Futsal? Form below...

Below are the proposed grade groupings and times. Some players might need to play up or down and as the season goes, we will look to adjust with the player ability and requests.

1/22 Likely
Start Time
Proposed Grade Groups
10:00:00 AM S1UB - 1st Grade - Boys Futsal Rec
11:00:00 AM S2UB - 2nd Grade - Boys Futsal Rec
12:00:00 PM S4UB - 3rd & 4th Grade 1 - Boys Futsal Rec
1:00:00 PM S4UB - 3rd & 4th Grade 2 - Boys Futsal Rec
2:00:00 PM S6UB - 5th & 6th Grade - Boys Futsal Rec
3:00:00 PM S8UB - 7th & 8th Grade - Boys Futsal Rec
4:00:00 PM S3UG -1st, 2nd, & 3rd Grade - Girls Futsal Rec
5:00:00 PM S5UB - 4th & 5th Grade - Girls Futsal Rec
6:00:00 PM S8UB - 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade - Girls Futsal Rec


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal Soccer Signups Open
12/23/22 8:57 AM

Hello All AYSO Families,

I hope your family is having a good holiday so far!

This winter we are offering Futsal at the Fairgrounds for 1st-8th grade groups, if you have not signed up already you can online (In Sports Connect). The futsal program is focused on player development with a coach leading players in an activity for just under an hour.

The Basics:
  • We will build activity groups for sets of grades, you would play with the same group each time, around 10-16 players in a group. Special request? (here).
  • The focus is on control and physical activity, not physicality. More of a focus on practice like activities, with a futsal game.
  • The floor is textured concrete, shin guards, regular or court shoes, athletic pants, and gloves recommended.
Watch Futsal Strategy Basics:
We would be playing with limited contact and keepers would be limited to older ages.

Winter Futsal Soccer - Sundays Jan 22 - Mar 12, 2023 - SIGNUP NOW (In Sports Connect)

Register (Sports Connect). Select a program that is available, choose the correct division (1st Grade - 8th Grade), and work through the registration process. If you have a special request, use this request form (here).

All activities will be played at the Benton County Fairgrounds Solar Building. The 8 activities are about 50 minutes long and are scheduled Sundays. This session will go from Jan 22 - Mar 12, notifications will happen by Jan 16, with a first part of the schedule expected soon after.

The season/program fee is $50 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in Sports Connect after your player is placed with a group. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO non-refundable membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $50 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $48. After we start the activities, no refunds) (refund form).

NEW Volunteers (Head or Asst. Coach): During player registration, I am asking for volunteer indication. Once I know the interest/numbers, I will indicate that the individual needs to register as a volunteer. This saves us the cost of a potential Background Check and it saves you the hassle of registering before we know you are needed.

EXISTING Volunteers (Head or Asst. Coach): Please register as a volunteer online in Sports Connect, if your account is not tied to your player, ensure the helper/volunteer spot in the player registration form has your name so I can connect the dots. You will not need to go through the background check process again.

More Information about all Winter AYSO Offerings...

Futsal Sundays Jan 22 - Mar 12, 2023 (1st - 8th Grade).
More Details: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/futsal.html

Adult Winter Pickup Soccer - Saturdays 10:30-12pm Nov 2022 - Mar 2023.
More Details: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/adult.html

High School Winter Pickup Soccer - Saturdays 10:30-12pm Nov 2022 - Mar 2023.
More Details: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/19u.html

FYI: Registration for Spring Outdoor Soccer starts in February.

Luke Cotton - High School Pickup Coord. & Futsal Coord.
Nicole Chapman - Adult Pickup Coord.


{CorvallisAYSO} Indoor S4UG HD Angry Alpacas Roster v1
Mon 10/31/2022 4:31 AM

Dear Indoor S4UG HD Angry Alpacas Team,

Welcome to indoor season. This email includes the most recent copy of data for the team. We have the games arranged to try and have the games shuffled, some Sat games and some weekday games. I plan to get another email out this coming week with any updates.

This email includes everyone on the team (or activity group) in the email TO field, you can reply all to contact the team. Below are the key items for Game Days...

  • Sports Park Release Forms: Liability Forms are required for everyone touching the playing field, including volunteers. You can arrive early and sign one on game day or follow the link the Corvallis Sports Park will send later to submit the form digitally.
  • Wear/Bring a White Shirt.
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • SHOES! 7th & 8th grade requires indoor turf shoes; all others could have indoor turf shoes or court shoes (outdoor cleats are not allowed).
    • No Jewelry.

+ #### +
Team Roster/Dashboard: (here)
+ #### +

+ GAME SCHEDULE v1 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Date Start Field Home Away Referee
Sat-11/12 1pm CSP S4UG HD Angry Alpacas -IN S4UG Ha Indoor Ref - Please Signup (w/ Dashboard link above)
Mon-11/28 5:45pm CSP S4UG HD Angry Alpacas -IN S4UG Ha Indoor Ref - Please Signup (w/ Dashboard link above)
Sat-12/3 3:15pm CSP S4UG HD Angry Alpacas -IN S4UG Ha Indoor Ref - Please Signup (w/ Dashboard link above)
Thu-12/8 5:45pm CSP S4UG HD Angry Alpacas -IN S4UG Ha Indoor Ref - Please Signup (w/ Dashboard link above)
Sat-12/10 3:15pm CSP S4UG HD Angry Alpacas -IN S4UG Ha Indoor Ref - Please Signup (w/ Dashboard link above)
Sat-12/17 4pm CSP S4UG HD Angry Alpacas -IN S4UG Ha Indoor Ref - Please Signup (w/ Dashboard link above)

Please review your game schedule carefully. Teams playing in the first game each day are responsible for pulling the equipment out to the field from the front desk. Teams that are in the last game each day are responsible for removing all equipment and turning it into the front desk.

MANAGERS: Each team/group needs a registered Team Manager. In 1st and 2nd grade groups, the manager needs to also act as a referee/coach for the game days. Older ages, no soccer coaching experience is needed.

REFEREES: You can use the dashboard link above to signup for games for this team. NOTE: For 1st and 2nd grade groups, we ask that Team Managers work to get or plan to be referees, we do not have this for signup online.

JAMBOREE / HAT DRAW Playing Groups (12+ players on the team): Game Leaders / Team Managers are asked to arrive early, split up the group into two teams, work with the signed up referee to get the game going, and balance as needed. For 1st and 2nd grade groups, Team Managers should plan to be referees.

+ PLAYERS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

+ ALLOCATED VOLUNTEERS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Team Manager
Team Manager

When volunteers are registered in Sports Connect, they will be allocated and show in this list.

+ POSSIBLE VOLUNTEERS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Team Manager
Team Manager

If you can fill a team void as a Referee or Team Manager, please email the team and register as a volunteer.
Adult Volunteer Registration (here).

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GAME DAYS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

Game Day Gear: The sports park will have a bag with soccer balls and pinnies for players, stored at the front desk.

Parents: Ensure you player is wearing the right equipment and has a white shirt; first game day, sign the release form (one needed per year) and turn it in; drop your player off with the right team manager by the benches next to the field; if you are staying for the game, I suggest you go upstairs to spectate and cheer (note: players can hear your conversations and comments from the balcony); if you have young children with you, consider the downstairs space by the benches (do not kick soccer balls against walls by benches); from entering the field, the game is about 42min, be back to meet your player in the lobby at that time.

Players: Wear a white shirt (or team designated color and bring a white shirt); standard soccer restrictions ([no watch, earrings, etc.], socks over shin guards, court shoes (okay for Elementary Players) or turf shoes (required for Middle Schoolers); the field could be cold at start, but you will warm up fast, sport pants can be a good idea; enter on the ground floor and check in with your manager at the bench seats right next to the field (be sure you know your team name); when your manager says okay, enter the field and place your equipment in one of the player boxes, after the other team is out; warm up, stretch, and wait for positions from your manager; after the game, grab your equipment and leave the field to the lobby.

Team Managers: Bring a printing of your roster, the referee could have a roster for you (use the roster for sub/player tracking); if you are the first game, or the team before you uses different size soccer balls, ask the front desk to check for the game day bag for your size; gather your players in the waiting area by the benches (or on the field if the referee is present); check player equipment on arrival and note them in your roster; enter the field with your team after the prior game clock is done (about 5min before your start time according to the field clock); figure out a team box to the west and place your equipment, after the other team is out of the box; talk with the opposing team manager, find the pinnies, and decide who will wear them (often the team with players not all wearing one color); indicate positions to players (1 GK (use a rotation if needed), 2 defenders, 2 midfield (your energizer bunnies), 2 forwards, remainder to box), give the goal keeper a unique color pinnie; after game start, do on the fly substitutions (players should only sit out for 6min at a time), and mark the subs in the roster; I use a method where I sub a player every 2min (w/ 3subs) or every 3min (w/ 2subs); at half YOU HAVE 1MIN, swap the goal keeper (if they want to stay in the position, press them to play the field), and do your 1 sub; at the end of the game, gather all the gear from the team box and leave the field, we have little time between games, so do the high five off the field.

Referees: Get team roster from front desk (they will often highlight the players missing something); if clock is off, ask them to turn it on; enter the field and place your gear in the box to the south east; check the sports park clock (often 6 min slow) and set the game clock to count down to about 2min before the game should start; check w/ managers for players missing liability forms (you can give them the roster); check player equipment (standard soccer stuff, no outdoor cleats)(larger players need turf shoes); ensure the teams have consistent colors and the keeper is a unique color; get a game ball, if it is flat the front counter has a pump; INDOOR IS FAST, please do everything you can to keep the pace and get folks playing; set the clock for 18min, start the 18min within 1min of game start no matter what; you do not need to put scores on the board; at half set the clock for 1min or less to catch up; start the last 18min, 30seconds after the half time clock ran out, no matter what; take all of your equipment and help get game equipment off the field to the front desk.

Game Clock Details
To set the time, press "Set Clock", enter in time, press enter >> Start time - Press "Clock on/off" which will also pause the clock.
To award goals, press either "Guest Score +1" or "Home Score +1" NOTICE: we do not normally keep track of goals on the board.
To take away goals, press "Set Guest Functions" or "Set Home Functions".  You will then type in the number of goals the team should have and press enter.
To enter a penalty, press the button labeled "Guest Penalty" or "Home Penalty".  Enter player #1, press enter, enter time, press enter again.
** If you are not the first game, you will need to hit the button labeled "New Game Options", enter in the time of the game and hit enter. **
** For halftime, press the timeout button. It will automatically bring up 1 minute **

IMPORTANT: Games must start on time. If your game starts late, the referee may need to shorten your match to prevent conflict with the next scheduled game.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INDOOR RULES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

GAMES: 18 minute halves w/ 1 minute half

  • 1st Grade - 7 vs. 7, no goal keeper, full field (or half field with fewer players), free substitutions.
  • 2nd Grade - 7 vs. 7, red line is build out line, free substitutions.
  • All Others - 7 vs. 7, free substitutions.



  • Roof Netting - restart on red line on the side where the ball was kicked.
  • Side Netting or Off the Field - restart one yard from the wall near where the ball hit the netting or went out.
  • Over the Goal Netting - either corner kick on the white dot or a goal keeper throw (1st grade goal area kick).

RED LINE VIOLATION: The ball cannot cross 2 red lines in the air. The restart is anywhere on the first red line that was crossed for the opposing team. If it touches the wall, a player, or the ground before crossing the 2nd line, it is not a violation.


  • Waiting violation, players with any restart, need to move the ball within 6 sec. The result is a free kick for the other team if it is not done in 6 sec.
  • Unlike normal indoor rules with the park, we do allow Advantage and do not give blue cards for 5 fouls by a team.
  • A player with one team can only score 3 goals for that team.


  • All are direct.
  • Opposing team should be 3 yards away.
  • Kicking player cannot touch ball again without it touching someone else.
  • Non-penalty infractions (passing back to keeper) free kick at edge outside keeper box.

PENALTY KICKS: Penalty taken from the top of the keeper box. Non-kickers line up behind the red line and can move once the ball is kicked. Penalty kicker cannot touch the ball twice (must touch another player).


  • All outdoor fouls for the age group (including heading rule).
  • Two hands against the wall (to push off).
  • Deliberate or Out of Control Sliding.
  • Punting or Drop Kick.
  • Jumping Over Wall.
  • Playing on the Ground.

Make sure outgoing player steps off field before incoming player steps in. (If they will not come off (do not know the name), feel free to send a player on to have them pull off the other player. Player going on should not get involved with play until they get the player coming off.)

ENTERING FIELD (not from player box) - get referee permission first.


  1. Blue - 2 minute penalty or until opponent scores.
  2. Yellow - 2 minute penalty.
  3. Red- ejection plus 5 minutes penalty served by another player.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] High School Pickup Update
10/28/22 4:33 AM

Hi High School Families,

Our first pickup time is Saturday Nov 12th 10:30am - 12pm and Adams Area by the pickball courts.

If you have friends interested in coed pickup play, please have them signup in Sports Connect. The cost is $30 for the school year of pickup play, but I am not rushing to get those payments in (I only activate from the wait list to get you in the email list).

Again, this is intended to be recreational and casual play, this is not to coach you or run you, it is to let you have fun playing with peers... friends in a schoolyard style. This is built to scale, the more people we have, the more like a full soccer game we can make it. With low numbers on a Saturday, we will do a small field no keepers, with 20+ we will move to a larger field and potentially have a rotation of people goal keeping.

Details and Signup: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/19u.html

Current players signed up...

Luke Cotton - High School Pickup Coord.
Nicole Chapman - Adult Pickup Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Update
10/28/22 3:48 AM

Hi All Indoor Families,

Status Update:
1 : I am finalizing the schedule now and will get it loaded into Sports Connect as soon as I can.

2 : Some rosters are done, and have been sent through Sports Connect, but more work is still needed to get volunteers added... work in progress.

3 : Most divisions (except noted below) are going to be Hat Draw groups. Basically, where players show up, pick one buddy, and get split into two teams.

4 : Boys 3rd & 4th, 5th & 6th, and 7th & 8th divisions will have 4 teams in each division, these will be set recreational teams. We are taking a second look at the rosters to ensure we got all requests and have potential team managers on each team... work in progress.

5 : We have many openings for 1st graders, and some other divisions. You can see the openings here: Registration (ayso149.org). Wait List players are allowed in all divisions, and we will work those players in as we can.

Program Detailshttps://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/indoor.html

Luke Cotton & Nicole Chapman - Acting Indoor Coordinators


FALL 2022 ##############################


[CorvallisAYSO] High School Pickup Update
10/28/22 4:33 AM

Hi High School Families,

Our first pickup time is Saturday Nov 12th 10:30am - 12pm and Adams Area by the pickball courts.

If you have friends interested in coed pickup play, please have them signup in Sports Connect. The cost is $30 for the school year of pickup play, but I am not rushing to get those payments in (I only activate from the wait list to get you in the email list).

Again, this is intended to be recreational and casual play, this is not to coach you or run you, it is to let you have fun playing with peers... friends in a schoolyard style. This is built to scale, the more people we have, the more like a full soccer game we can make it. With low numbers on a Saturday, we will do a small field no keepers, with 20+ we will move to a larger field and potentially have a rotation of people goal keeping.

Details and Signup: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/19u.html

Current players signed up...

Luke Cotton - High School Pickup Coord.
Nicole Chapman - Adult Pickup Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Update
10/28/22 3:48 AM

Hi All Indoor Families,

Status Update:
1 : I am finalizing the schedule now and will get it loaded into Sports Connect as soon as I can.

2 : Some rosters are done, and have been sent through Sports Connect, but more work is still needed to get volunteers added... work in progress.

3 : Most divisions (except noted below) are going to be Hat Draw groups. Basically, where players show up, pick one buddy, and get split into two teams.

4 : Boys 3rd & 4th, 5th & 6th, and 7th & 8th divisions will have 4 teams in each division, these will be set recreational teams. We are taking a second look at the rosters to ensure we got all requests and have potential team managers on each team... work in progress.

5 : We have many openings for 1st graders, and some other divisions. You can see the openings here: Registration (ayso149.org). Wait List players are allowed in all divisions, and we will work those players in as we can.

Program Detailshttps://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/indoor.html

Luke Cotton & Nicole Chapman - Acting Indoor Coordinators


FALL 2022 | FALL 2022 | FALL 2022 | FALL 2022 | FALL 2022 | FALL 2022 | FALL 2022 | FALL 2022


Corvallis CoachCon 2022 (aka Pizza Party)
10/26/22 1:14 PM

Hey Coaches!

We've had a good batch of responses to the party notice.  This pizza party is going to be ... wow. 

Thursday, 11/3, 6pm, Papa's Pizza.

We have something like 170 coaches bringing the goodness to our kids each week.  It would be awesome to get at least a third of them at our end-of-season pizza party.  Not sure if you can make it?  Let us know that you are thinking about it - 25% likely? 60%? 100%  Let us know.

If you can't make it, let me say that you have done a good thing in spending this time with our kids this fall - helping them grow as young people, encouraging them, teaching them skills and teamwork.  It's a lot of work to coach well, and I can say that the results are in and the coaches of Corvallis AYSO have done well.

Kudos to Abe and all of the coach instructors who have nurtured and trained a great group of coaches.  We are striving to build within Corvallis AYSO, and within the Corvallis coaching community, a real and vital coach community founded on mutual respect, good communication, and the understanding that we are all on the same team with the common goal of helping our kids have fun and develop as soccer players and people.  Thanks for doing your part.

Coaches on 3!

Dan & Abe


[CorvallisAYSO] 10/22 Final Games & Indoor Soccer
10/22/22 5:46 AM

Hi All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

Welcome to Final Core Game Weekend!
(Unless you are in the tournament on the 29th.)

General Updates/Notes:

  1. Indoor Soccer Registration closes Monday 10/24. See all winter soccer program options below or here: Registration (ayso149.org)
  2. NOTICE: After today, teams will start up again in early April 2023 for our spring season, no re-registration for 6U-15U core rec. You keep your uniform and coaches keep the team equipment safe for the winter. In February, we will email everyone to confirm spring participation and work on any team changes/adds/removes at that time.
  3. Coaches, if you know you will not participate in our spring season, please bring the team equipment to the Safety Shed after your game.
  4. PICTURE ITEMS: Your stuff is at the safety shed, helpers will be handing it out to coaches, but be sure you get it today. COACHES Get everything handed out TODAY, if your team is traveling, please plan to send someone to the safety shed to get your team's items.

Game Day Notes 10/22:

  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing/coats, avoid under coats or sweaters with metal.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts (dark athletic pants are okay, but NEED to be without metal/plastic)
  • Wear shin guards under your soccer socks.
  • Leave the pets & jewelry at home!
  • Sit, at least 3-4ft from the side of the field where you see the spectator signs.
  • 13UG: If you are street parking on Knollbrook, please avoid parking in driveways. Game times were changed to try and allow families to leave before the next game.

Indoor Rec Soccer Nov 5 - Dec 20, 2022 (1st - 8th Grade) 

Registration Closes MONDAY 10/24, signup NOW.
More Details Here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/indoor.html

Futsal Sundays Jan 22 - Mar 12, 2023 (1st - 8th Grade) 

More Details Here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/futsal.html

Adult Winter Pickup Soccer

Saturdays Nov 2022 - Mar 2023. More Details Here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/adult.html

High School Winter Pickup Soccer

Saturdays Nov 2022 - Mar 2023. If you are interested, Sports Connect has the wait list ($0) PRE-registration open (here), that will get you on the notification list. 8th - 12th grade players can participate in winter pickup. It will be run much like our adult program on Saturdays at the Adams area.

More Details: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/19u.html

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


Coach Team! Final games, and a few things
10/19/22 3:50 PM

Coaches!  What an honor to work with such a dedicated group.  Final games of the Fall season are upon us, and a much-earned break in the action (and chance to catch up on home projects).
Some of you will help with coaching indoor and futsal action over the winter.  Some will take their team to the area tournament.  We hope all of you will do the following:
1) Fall player evaluations.  When emails go out for fall player evaluations, please take the time to fill them out.  It makes a big difference for team formation. In general only 50% of coaches fill this out which does not help us balance teams. Please complete player eval's and help us balance teams.
2) Do some reflection.  What did you learn?  What worked well, and what didn't?  What do you need more training or support on?
3) Out of that reflection, please share anything that we, the Coach Admin and Instruction team, would benefit from.  Tips & hints, lessons learned, problem areas?
4) Join us at the end-of-season Coach Pizza Consumption event at 6pm on Thursday November 3rd.  We will have pizza, pitchers of soda, kudos, and prizes.  To that end, please shoot us a response with percent likelihood of attendance, and preferred pizza type. (eg 75%, Spinach and Sardine), and, if one comes to mind, a specific shout-out to one of the other coaches.
Recap: Player evals, reflection, feedback, RSVP for pizza on 11/3.
Much thanks, and Coaches on 3!
Abe & Dan


[CorvallisAYSO] 10/15 Game Day Notes
10/15/22 6:26 AM

Hi All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

Welcome to Game Weekend 6!

General Updates/Notes:

  1. See all winter soccer program options below or here: Registration (ayso149.org)
  2. After the final core games on 10/22, teams will start up again in April 2023 for our spring season, no re-registration for 6U-15U core rec. You would keep your uniform, and coaches keep the team equipment safe for the winter. In February, we will email to confirm spring participation.
  3. Coaches, if you know you will not participate in our spring season, please bring the team equipment to the Safety Shed after your 10/22 game.
  4. Picture items will be distributed on 10/22, if your team is traveling, please plan to send someone to the safety shed to get your items.
  5. Area Tournament Oct 29th 9U - 13U Teams: Play a few games on Saturday 10/29 against teams from the valley! Coaches, please check with players to see if your team is up for it, signup details are here: https://www.ayso2s.org/Default.aspx?tabid=952199

Game Day Notes 10/15:

  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing, avoid under coats or sweaters with metal.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts (dark athletic pants are okay, but NEED to be without metal/plastic)
  • Wear shin guards under your soccer socks.
  • Leave the pets & jewelry at home!
  • Sit, at least 4ft from the side of the field where you see the spectator signs.
  • 13UG: If you are street parking on Knollbrook, please avoid parking in driveways. Game times were changed to try and allow families to leave before the next game.

Indoor Rec Soccer Nov 5 - Dec 20, 2022 (1st - 8th Grade) 

More Details Here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/indoor.html

Futsal Sundays Jan 22 - Mar 12, 2023 (1st - 8th Grade) 

More Details Here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/futsal.html

Adult Winter Pickup Soccer

Saturdays Nov 2022 - Mar 2023. More Details Here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/adult.html

High School Winter Pickup Soccer

Saturdays Nov 2022 - Mar 2023. If you are interested, Sports Connect has the wait list ($0) PRE-registration open (here), that will get you on the notification list. 8th - 12th grade players can participate in winter pickup. It will be run much like our adult program on Saturdays at the Adams area.

More Details: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/19u.html

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] High School Winter Pickup Play
10/14/22 6:39 PM

All High School Families,

Communications I thought were going out you all, were not. Here is an update...

Recap or new information...
We were not able to get enough players to run games for this fall and the volunteers needed to get things going were not able to help this fall.

Moving Forward...
The plan is to approach the division like our Adult pickup play group. For this winter I would like to schedule Saturday pickup soccer times for players to split up and do small-sided games. A volunteer will be present to help get things started, but after that, the players would manage most of the activity themselves, with the volunteer for backup if needed.

Your player registration for fall covers the membership/insurance for this idea, if new players want to just join for this winter, they would pay the $20 membership. Once we get to Spring, we will create teams and players will need to pay if they want to join a team. We would keep doing pickup play for High School in the spring.

Everyone getting this, your fall payment (usually $30 + membership $20) was applied to the spring game season. If you want a refund for the fall season and do not intend to join for spring games, please fill out this form (refund form).

Please email me your thoughts and ideas, should we try this, another idea?

Proposed Winter Pickup Schedule:
11/12/2022 - Noon-1:30pm - First Pickup Day @ Adams Area Fields - Meet by Pickleball Court
11/19/2022 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
11/26/2022 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
12/3/2022 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
12/10/2022 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
12/17/2022 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
12/31/2022 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
1/7/2023 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
1/14/2023 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
1/21/2023 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
1/28/2023 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
2/4/2023 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
2/11/2023 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
2/18/2023 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
2/25/2023 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
3/4/2023 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
3/11/2023 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams
3/18/2023 - Noon-1:30pm @ Adams

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Winter Soccer - Indoor & Futsal
10/14/22 4:00 PM

Hi |User First Name|,

This winter we have two programs ready for signup (here), Nov-Dec Indoor at the Corvallis Sports Park & Jan-Mar Futsal on Sundays at the Benton County Fair Grounds.

Indoor Rec Soccer Nov 5 - Dec 20, 2022 (1st - 8th Grade)

Register (Sports Connect). Select a program that is available, choose the correct division (1st Grade - 8th Grade), and work through the registration process. If you have a special request, use this request form (here).

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are scheduled Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. During the week, games could start at 4:10 or 4:50 on weekdays. Games on Saturday are anywhere from 12-7pm. There are no practices. This session will go from Nov 5 - Dec 20, team notifications will happen by Oct 29, with a game schedule expected soon after.

The program fee is $50 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in Sports Connect. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO non-refundable membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $50 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $45. After we start the season/games, no refunds) (refund form).

More Details Here:  https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/indoor.html


Futsal Sundays Jan 22 - Mar 12, 2023 (1st - 8th Grade)

Register (Sports Connect). Select a program that is available, choose the correct division (1st Grade - 8th Grade), and work through the registration process. If you have a special request, use this request form (here).

All activities will be played at the Benton County Fairgrounds Solar Building. The 8 activities are about 50 minutes long and are scheduled Sundays. This session will go from Jan 22 - Mar 12, notifications will happen by Jan 16, with a first part of the schedule expected soon after.

The program fee is $50 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in Sports Connect after your player is placed with a group. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO non-refundable membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $50 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $48. After we start the activities, no refunds) (refund form).

Basics to Know:

  • The focus is more on control, ball handling, & passing.
  • The location has concrete floors with texturing, court or athletic shoes are recommended, & player contact will be highly discouraged.
  • Scheduling will be in hour blocks.
  • A head coach will warm up the same group of players each session, split up the group, & run/oversee a futsal game.

More Details Here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/futsal.html

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


Corvallis AYSO - Let's Go Team Coach!
10/12/22 10:51 AM

Our Coach Admin email this week originates from Coach Andrew Woogen, of the 9U Girls team, Retrievers.  (It’s been edited a bit, and sections highlighted, by Abe Drabkin)

From Coach Andrew:

First off, I feel incredibly lucky to be coaching my daughter. It’s cultivated a cool bond between me and both my daughters. I coached my older daughter last season and this season I am coaching my younger daughter.

I regularly communicate with the other coaches. But this past Saturday a big learning for me is that it is important to share with the other coach before the game starts what changes I’ll make if things become unbalanced. For example, if our team pulls ahead by a few goals then I’ll start layering on player development rules like:

*shots on goal from beyond the penalty area only

*shots on goal with non dominant foot only

*shots on goal by non dominant players only. Dominant players pass only.

*shots on goal only after X # of passes are completed in the attacking half

*loan out 1-2 dominant players. challenge them to score on their own defense. For each goal they score coach does 5 burpees at practice next week.

This way both coaches know and we can just flip a switch if/when needed and it won’t be so obvious and keep players from feeling awkward.

We have epic team spirit (see pic of our stuffed mascot Retriever and face tattoos attached to this email) and it seems counterintuitive to ask our players to not play their hardest. But now I look at lopsided game management as player development and I know my players want the opportunity to make the Coach do burpees: it’s like a bonus, play your hardest, gain a lead and then earn the opportunity to make the Coach do burpees!

One of our developing players has never played before: this is her first season. She is doing some soccer homework at home with her dad and brothers and has improved significantly. Last Saturday I finally put in in as keeper, as she’s been asking, and she performed well. Her dad came up to me after the game and gave me a huge High-5.

We have a very timid player as well. One exercise I recently ran was a “bump and run” drill to give all players familiarity with shoulder bumps, first walking and then running, while leaning into each other. The timid player actually liked this drill and by the end she did not want to stop and was basically doing jujitsu to the other players. Next up is an exercise to work on timidness with the ball: one step at a time with this team.

I hope all you other coaches are enjoying the natural ups and downs, lessons and challenges of the season like I am.

Remember it is all Us Coaches on Team Coach leading all 900-players.

Go Retrievers!


[CorvallisAYSO] 10/8 Game Day & Winter Soccer
10/07/22 4:15 PM

Hi All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

Welcome to Game Weekend 5!

General Updates/Notes:

  • Picture Day: Pictures are at the farthest NE corner above field 151. Arrive before your coach's scheduled time with packet filled out (need player name and team name).
  • Indoor Soccer Nov 5 - Dec 20 & Futsal Soccer Sundays Jan 22 - Mar 12. Register in Sports Connect (here). See details below.
  • Area Tournament Oct 29th 9U - 13U Teams: Play a few games on Saturday 10/29 against teams from the valley! Coaches, please check with players to see if your team is up for it, signup details are here: https://www.ayso2s.org/Default.aspx?tabid=952199

Game Day Notes 10/8:

  • Picture Day: Games need to end on time, shorten the game if needed. Pictures are at the farthest NE corner above field 151. 
  • Leave the pets & jewelry at home!
  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing, avoid under coats or sweaters with metal.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts (dark athletic pants are okay, but NEED to be without metal/plastic)
  • Wear shin guards under your soccer socks.
  • Sit, at least 4ft from the side of the field where you see the spectator signs.
  • 13UG: If you are street parking on Knollbrook, please avoid parking in driveways. Game times were changed to try and allow families to leave before the next game.


Indoor Rec Soccer Nov 5 - Dec 20, 2022 (1st - 8th Grade)

Register (Sports Connect). Select a program that is available, choose the correct division (1st Grade - 8th Grade), and work through the registration process. If you have a special request, use this request form (here).

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are scheduled Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. During the week, games could start at 4:10 or 4:50 on weekdays. Games on Saturday are anywhere from 12-7pm. There are no practices. This session will go from Nov 5 - Dec 20, team notifications will happen by Oct 29, with a game schedule expected soon after.

The program fee is $50 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in Sports Connect. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO non-refundable membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $50 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $45. After we start the season/games, no refunds) (refund form).

More Details Here:  https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/indoor.html


Futsal Sundays Jan 22 - Mar 12, 2023 (1st - 8th Grade)

Register (Sports Connect). Select a program that is available, choose the correct division (1st Grade - 8th Grade), and work through the registration process. If you have a special request, use this request form (here).

All activities will be played at the Benton County Fairgrounds Solar Building. The 8 activities are about 50 minutes long and are scheduled Sundays. This session will go from Jan 22 - Mar 12, notifications will happen by Jan 16, with a first part of the schedule expected soon after.

The program fee is $50 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in Sports Connect after your player is placed with a group. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO non-refundable membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $50 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $48. After we start the activities, no refunds) (refund form).

Basics to Know:

  • The focus is more on control, ball handling, & passing.
  • The location has concrete floors with texturing, court or athletic shoes are recommended, & player contact will be highly discouraged.
  • Scheduling will be in hour blocks.
  • A head coach will warm up the same group of players each session, split up the group, & run/oversee a futsal game.

More Details Here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/futsal.html


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


 [CorvallisAYSO] Area Soccer Tournament 10/29 
 10/07/22 4:54 AM 

To 9U, 11U, & 13U Teams & Coaches,

AYSO Area S Tournament Registration Information

The Area S tournament is for core AYSO fall teams in the following divisions. U9, U11, U13, U14 boys and girls, Coed teams play in the boy’s division. The tournament will once again be hosted by Region 149 in Corvallis OR at Adams Elementary School. The dates for the tournament will be Saturday October 29th and Sunday the 30th.

The format for the tournament will be different this year. Teams will be placed in groups and play a round robin group play. The top teams in the group will advance to the single elimination playoff rounds.

To Register your team for the Area Tournament, visit https://www.ayso2s.org/Default.aspx?tabid=952199. On the right-hand side is a link to register your team. Please fill out the Google form to register. Once you have registered your team Area Staff will coordinate with your region to confirm your registration and eligibility.

Tournament Rules are also posted on the Area S tournament webpage. Please make sure that you review the rules before the tournament starts.

COACHES team registration closes on October 18th. Please don’t wait until the last minute to register.

Schedules will be posted on the Area S website No later than October 26th. An email will be sent to registered teams announcing that schedules have been posted.


[CorvallisAYSO] 10/1 Game Day & Winter Programs
10/01/22 6:39 AM

Hi All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

Welcome to Game Weekend 4!

General Updates/Notes:

  • Picture Day: Pictures are at the farthest NE corner above field 151. Arrive before your coach's scheduled time with packet filled out (need player name and team name). Coach still need to schedule team pictures? (here) 10/8 has open options.
  • Indoor Soccer Nov 5 - Dec 20 & Futsal Soccer Sundays Jan 22 - Mar 12. Register in Sports Connect (here). See details below.
  • Area Tournament Oct 29th: Play a few games on Saturday 10/29 against teams from the valley area! Coaches, please check with players to see if your team is up for it! Team signup details will come later.

Game Day Notes 10/1:

  • Picture Day: Games need to end on time, shorten the game if needed. Pictures are at the farthest NE corner above field 151. 
  • Leave the pets & jewelry at home!
  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing, avoid under coats or sweaters with metal.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts (dark athletic pants are okay, but NEED to be without metal/plastic)
  • Wear shin guards under your soccer socks.
  • Sit, at least 4ft from the side of the field where you see the spectator signs.
  • 13UG: If you are street parking on Knollbrook, please avoid parking in driveways. If you are the second game, expect to need to park farther away or park at the church to the SW.


Indoor Rec Soccer Nov 5 - Dec 20, 2022 (1st - 8th Grade)

Register (Sports Connect). Select a program that is available, choose the correct division (1st Grade - 8th Grade), and work through the registration process. If you have a special request, use this request form (here).

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are scheduled Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. During the week, games could start at 4:10 or 4:50 on weekdays. Games on Saturday are anywhere from 12-7pm. There are no practices. This session will go from Nov 5 - Dec 20, team notifications will happen by Oct 29, with a game schedule expected soon after.

The program fee is $50 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in Sports Connect. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO non-refundable membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $50 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $45. After we start the season/games, no refunds) (refund form).

More Details Here:  https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/indoor.html


Futsal Sundays Jan 22 - Mar 12, 2023 (1st - 8th Grade)

Register (Sports Connect). Select a program that is available, choose the correct division (1st Grade - 8th Grade), and work through the registration process. If you have a special request, use this request form (here).

All activities will be played at the Benton County Fairgrounds Solar Building. The 8 activities are about 50 minutes long and are scheduled Sundays. This session will go from Jan 22 - Mar 12, notifications will happen by Jan 16, with a first part of the schedule expected soon after.

The program fee is $50 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in Sports Connect after your player is placed with a group. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO non-refundable membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $50 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $48. After we start the activities, no refunds) (refund form).

Basics to Know:

  • The focus is more on control, ball handling, & passing.
  • The location has concrete floors with texturing, court or athletic shoes are recommended, & player contact will be highly discouraged.
  • Scheduling will be in hour blocks.
  • A head coach will warm up the same group of players each session, split up the group, & run/oversee a futsal game.

More Details Here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/futsal.html


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Picture Days - Sat 10/1 & 10/8
 9/29/22 1:30 PM 

Hi All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

Coaches if you have not scheduled a time for your team already... schedule team picture times (here).

Families: Once your coach communicates the team picture time, please be sure you are at the picture location (north of field 151 by the large tree in the northeast). Bring your player picture packet with everything filled out, at a minimum they need team name & player name ready to go. Want other pictures taken... coach and player, coach and referee, referee picture, you can head over to the picture area and ask if they will take the pictures for you.

Coaches & Referees: Scheduled game times need to end on time, shorten the game if needed to ensure you are off the field before the next team.

PICTURES LOCATION: North of field 151 by the large tree in the far northeast.

 >1> You can order team photos online (here) type AYSO for AYSO 149. They also have other ways to lookup by name (here). (it can take a week for them to show in the site)
 >2> If you place an order in your packet, you will need to get the item at the fields Sat 10/22/22.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day & Updates - 9/24
9/24/22 4:25 AM

Hi All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

Welcome to Game Weekend 3!

General Updates/Notes:
  • Fill Dirt Bags: These have been placed to the east of the information shed, please feel free to help fill holes in fields.
  • Picture DayCoaches schedule team pictures (here) 10/1 or 10/8 are options.
  • Indoor Soccer Nov 1 - Dec 23: Registration Opens 10/1 in Sports Connect (here).
  • Futsal Soccer Sundays Jan 22 - Mar 12: Registration Opens 10/1 in Sports Connect (here).
  • > For Indoor and Futsal, we will be trying a model where teams/groups are based on school grade (1st, 2nd, 3-4th, 5-6th, & 7-8th).
  • Area Tournament Oct 29th: Play a few games on Saturday 10/29 against teams from the valley area! Coaches, please check with players to see if your team is up for it! Team signup details will come later.
  • Referees (9U+): All games are posted online for signup, please signup (here) to help us run games (without referees, coaches can run scrimmages). You can also signup for games from your team page (here).
Game Day Notes 9/24:
  • Leave the pets & jewelry at home!
  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts.
  • Wear shin guards under your soccer socks.
  • Sit, at least 4ft from the side of the field where you see the spectator signs.
  • 13UG: Coaches have indicated a like for the later games and keeping with field 132 (not field 151), so I will be keeping you on field 132 where you need to park to the south.
Food: No treats/snacks/food should be provided/shared on a game day near the game fields. Snacks are discouraged and should only be done in rare instances. For example, to celebrate a birthday or end of the season.

Earrings: No earrings can be worn by players or referees during AYSO activities. You cannot tape over earrings in soccer, the earrings need to be removed.

Field Setup: Game starting at 8:.., and missing corner flags? The trash can with your field number will be by the brown shed, it will include everything needed for your field, take it to the field and get everything setup.

Field Takedown: Ending at 12-1, and no other team showing up? Anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field).

Questions? (email archive). We have a contact us form (here). Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach and see your game schedule (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day - 9/17
9/16/22 3:28 PM

Hello All 6U-15U Teams,

Game Day Notes:
Safety Helpers will be handing out picture packets (all teams) and Game Cards (11U+ teams). Picture day is October 1st with an alternate on Oct 8th.
  • ! : OSU Students are moving in, check traffic info before leaving and avoid the OSU area (avoid Western and 26th).
  • ! : Do not enter the fenced construction zone at Adams, if going to field 132, you will need to use the entry to the west or south.
  • Remember to confirm the game location and check for double headers: 07UB 03T Thunder & 09UB 03B Hornets. We added a 9UB Team this week, so 9UB will start getting doubles on a Saturday.
  • Please check the fields for holes, if you find them, we have dirt to help fill and could use your help.

  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing.
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts.
  • Wear shin guards under your soccer socks.
  • Leave the jewelry/watch at home, no jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Leave the pets at home.
  • Arrive at least 20min before game start (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map).
  • Sit 4ft back from the field on the side with the spectator sign (conduct).
Field Setup: Game starting at 8:.., and missing corner flags? The trash can with your field number will be by the brown shed, it will include everything needed for your field, take it to the field and get everything setup.

Field Takedown: Ending at 12-1, and no other team showing up? Anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field).

Questions? (email archive).
Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach (here).
We have a contact us form (here).
Login to Sports Connect to see your team game schedule (here) or view it in your team dashboard (here).
(13UG, & 15U, I am working through the schedule carefully, sorry for the late information, I hope to have things done early next week)

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] 15U Game Schedules v3
9/16/22 3:06 PM

Hi 15U Coaches,

I added the games for 9/24 and 10/1, if you would like a change to those games, please email me. Sometimes it can be rough to make that change, but if we need to... we will figure it out.

I still need to import the other games, for 10/8-10/22, but it will take me a bit to get it done.

SortOrder RoundNo HomeTeam AwayTeam MatchDate StartTime EndTime Location Field
1 1 B15U-A1-The Reapers 02B Blue Panthers - Ref Req 9/24/2022 16:30 18:00 Timber-Linn Memorial Park Field 6
2 1 01O Blaze B15U-L1-Dragons 9/24/2022 13:00 14:30 Adams School Area Games 151
3 2 01O Blaze 02B Blue Panthers - Ref Req 10/1/2022 10:00 11:30 Adams School Area Games 151
1 1 01G Lightning Florence 15U 9/24/2022 11:30 13:00 Adams School Area Games 151
2 1 02T Cubs 03O Firecats 9/24/2022 10:30 12:00 Newport Middle School Field 1
3 2 G15U-L1-Highlighters 01G Lightning 10/1/2022 16:00 17:30 Cheadle Lake Field 6
4 2 G15U-L1-Highlighters 03O Firecats 10/1/2022 13:00 14:30 Cheadle Lake Field 6
5 2 02T Cubs MVSC Sky Blue 10/1/2022 11:30 13:00 Adams School Area Games 151



[CorvallisAYSO] 13UG PARKING - FIELD 132
9/16/22 1:51 PM

Hello teams playing on field 132,

We cannot access field 132 through the construction area. You will need to access the field from Knollbrook or from the Adams gates to the west. Please review the attached map, and feel free to park on the street or at the church to the southwest.

Future games we will try to avoid using field 132.

NOTICE: OSU students are moving in on Saturday, I would check traffic before leaving and avoid OSU.



Good Work Coach Team!
9/16/22 8:43 AM

Coaches, thank you for getting practices started and successful first game day of the season last Saturday. We know that you are juggling your own kid's back to school, jobs and coaching duties. AYSO and the players thank you.

We have reviewed all game reports and thank you for submitting them: 99% are positive and we attribute that to your efforts to connect and communicate with your fellow coaches.  Well done and continue to introduce yourself and share info with your fellow coaches at practice and games.

Please continue to manage lopsided games by proactively communicating with the other coach and the referees. We heard numerous techniques including limiting attacks on goal to non-dominant foot, sharing players, increasing players on non-dominant team among others. This ensures all 900 players of recreational soccer  in Corvallis get the exercise, positive coaching and player development which AYSO wants to deliver.

Please reply to us if you'd like more coach support especially in practice session examples.

At your service, Abe and Dan


[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day & Equip Sale 9/10
9/10/22 5:26 AM

Hello All 6U-15U Families & Volunteers,

First Game Day! It can always be a bit chaotic, but hopefully we can create a safe, fair, and fun environment for the players.

Equipment Sale & Soccer Donations: 8am - 12pm TODAY at the AYSO Sheds area (map)
If you have old soccer equipment to donate, we will take it. If you would like to swap equipment we could potentially do that (need bigger shoe size?). If you are missing/need/want soccer equipment (jersey, shorts, some socks, shoes, & balls), we can do that.

Air Quality: (current status) (OHA guidance)
If before the game start, the air quality is in the upper orange category (Bald hill is not visible from the fields 3 miles away), we would cancel a game. Please look to your email, we will be evaluating games and canceling (via Sports Connect) as appropriate. If your game starts at or is after 9:45am, we are likely good to go. As of writing, 5am, we are mid-yellow from the monitor at the EPA office in Corvallis and wind, 7mph, is from the north.

Game Day Notes:
Please check the fields for holes, if you find them, we have dirt to help fill and could use your help.
  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing.
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts.
  • Wear shin guards under your soccer socks.
  • Leave the jewelry/watch at home, no jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Leave the pets at home.
  • Arrive at least 20min before game start (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map).
  • Sit 4ft back from the field on the side with the spectator sign (conduct).
Field Setup: Game starting at 8:.., and missing corner flags? The trash can with your field number will be by the brown shed, it will include everything needed for your field, take it to the field and get everything setup. The spectator signs go on the side with the red spectator line.

Field Takedown: Ending at 12-1, and no other team showing up? Anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field).

No Pets

No pets near the playing areas during any AYSO activities, games, or practices. Please clearly mark service animals to help avoid being asked repeatedly by volunteers (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform.


We sent an email about your division yesterday (email archive). Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach (here). We have a contact us form (here). Login to Sports Connect to see your team game schedule (here)(13UG, & 15U, the remaining schedule will be posted Sunday)

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 15U First Fall Game Day - Sat 9/10 
 9/09/22 7:40 AM 

Hello 15U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday 9/10 will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 15U division.

NOTICE: Your first game day will be at Adams School, but all other games could be at Corvallis, Keizer, Dallas, Lebanon, Albany, or Newport. Identify potential carpool options this week.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like Soccer Balls ($3-$15), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment. Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs near game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators, should sit behind the red line or 4ft from the field. The spectator side of the field is the west side of the field. Spectators are not allowed near the goals.
    • 15U: Field 151: will only need a garbage can, four corner flags, two half flags, two referee flags, & spectator/team signs.
    • You will have away games, please be sure to check where your game is located.
    • Field Setup: If your game starts at 8:15 or 8:30am, you are first on the field and need to setup the field. If you show up and the trash can with the correct field number is not by the field, you need to send someone to get the can of gear and setup the corner flags.
    • Field Takedown: If no other teams are trying to push you off the field and if your game ends around noon or 1pm, you are most likely last. The job is the easiest it has ever been, anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be removed from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the fields, for all fields).

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee, coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage like in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If same color, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie or jersey that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired (we also have regular whistles).
    8. Referees would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. If you are missing Assistant Referees, Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. Half-time stoppage. (15U @ 35m half, if desired a 40m half is allowed)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with volunteers to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    12. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game/scrimmage with the pinnies provided. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by trying the following...
      • Shuffle scoring players into non-scoring positions.
      • Non-dominant players allowed to shoot on goal. Dominant players pass only.
      • Loan a powerful player to the other team.
      • Shots on goal are limited to 1st touch by attacker. Team without advantage, add player(s) to the field.
    13. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    14. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    15. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    16. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    17. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    18. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. Halves (15U=35min, if desired a 40m half is allowed)
    2. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages and quarters. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 15sec. Substituting players should be located at the half line. This helps the referees see the players needing a swap at the next stoppage.
    3. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  10. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-7U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Team Dashboard (here). << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 13U First Fall Game Day - Sat 9/10 
 9/09/22 7:30 AM 

Hello 13U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 13U division.

13U Girls Teams: Your game schedule is incomplete, I will be posting it Sunday. You might have 1 game where you are not at Adams. Newport team you might have a few home games.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like Soccer Balls ($3-$15), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment. Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs near game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators, should sit 4ft from the field on the spectator side of the field. Spectators are not allowed near the goals.
    • 13U: Field 131 & 132: will only need a garbage can, four corner flags, two half line flags, two referee flags, & spectator/team signs.
    • Field Setup: If your game starts at 8:15 or 8:30am, you are first on the field and need to setup the field. If you show up and the trash can with the correct field number is not by the field, you need to send someone to get the can of gear and setup the corner flags.
    • Field Takedown: If no other teams are trying to push you off the field and if your game ends around noon or 1pm, you are most likely last. The job is the easiest it has ever been, anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be removed from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the fields, for all fields).

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee, coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage, like in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If same color, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired (we also have regular whistles).
    8. Referees should do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. If you are missing Assistant Referees, Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. Half-time stoppage. (13U @ 35m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    12. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game/scrimmage with the pinnies provided. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by trying the following...
      • Shuffle scoring players into non-scoring positions.
      • Non-dominant players allowed to shoot on goal. Dominant players pass only.
      • Loan a powerful player to the other team.
      • Shots on goal are limited to 1st touch by attacker. Team without advantage, add player(s) to the field.
    13. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    14. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    15. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    16. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    17. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    18. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. Halves (13U=35min)
    2. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 15sec. Substituting players should be located at the half line. This helps the referees see the players needing a swap at the next stoppage.
    3. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  10. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-7U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Team Dashboard (here). << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 11U First Fall Game Day - Sat 9/10 
 9/08/22 5:00 PM 

Hello 11U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 11U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like Soccer Balls ($3-$15), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment. Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs near game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators, should sit 4ft from the field on the spectator side of the field and are not allowed by the goal areas.
    • 11U: Field 111: spectators are on the west side of the field.
    • 11U: Field 112: spectators are on the east side of the field by the barbwire fence.
    • 11U Fields: will only need a garbage can, two referee flags, four corner flags, & spectator/team signs.
    • Field Setup: If your game starts at 8:15 or 8:30am, you are first on the field and need to setup the field. If you show up and the trash can with the correct field number is not by the field, you need to send someone to get the can of gear and setup the corner flags.
    • Field Takedown: If no other teams are trying to push you off the field and if your game ends around noon or 1pm, you are most likely last. The job is the easiest it has ever been, anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be removed from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the fields, for all fields).

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee, coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage like in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If same color, coin toss to see who wears pinnies, each team should have a full set of pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We also have whistles at the ref shed.
    8. Referees should do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. If you are missing Assistant Referees, Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. Quarter stoppage. (11U @ 15m qtr)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
      • Quarter stoppages are recommended to allow coaches to make quick adjustments and should be discussed before the game if needed.
    12. Half-time stoppage. (11U @ 30m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    13. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game/scrimmage with your pinnies. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by trying the following... (remember to keep referees informed)
      • Shuffle scoring players into non-scoring positions.
      • Non-dominant players allowed to shoot on goal. Dominant players pass only.
      • Loan a powerful player to the other team.
      • Shots on goal are limited to 1st touch by attacker. Team without advantage, add player(s) to the field.
    14. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    15. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    16. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    17. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    18. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    19. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. Quarters (11U=15min). Halves (11U=30min)
    2. No headers or slides. An indirect free kick is awarded for any deliberate slide or head.
    3. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages and quarters. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 15sec. Substituting players should be located at the half line. This helps the referees see the players needing a swap at the next stoppage.
    4. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  10. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-8U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Team Dashboard (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 9U First Fall Game Day - Sat 9/10 
 9/08/22 4:50 PM 

Hello 9U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 9U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like Soccer Balls ($3-$15), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment. Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs near game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators, should sit 4ft from the field and are not allowed by the goal areas.
    • Field 091: spectators are on the west side of the field, teams in the middle of the two fields.
    • Field 092: spectators are on the east side of the field, teams in the middle of the two fields.
    • 09U Fields:  will only need two referee flags, a garbage can, four corner flags, & spectator/team signs. Goals and nets stay as is.
    • Field Setup: If your game starts at 8:15 or 8:30am, you are first on the field and need to setup the field. If you show up and the trash can with the correct field number is not by the field, you need to send someone to get the can of gear and setup the corner flags.
    • Field Takedown: If no other teams are trying to push you off the field and if your game ends around noon or 1pm, you are most likely last. The job is the easiest it has ever been, anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be removed from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the fields, for all fields).

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee (9U+), coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage, like you would in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If conflict, coin toss to see who wears pinnies, each team should have a full set of pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We also have ref whistles at the AYSO ref shed.
    8. Referees should do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this below.
    11. Quarter stoppage. (9U @ 12.5m qtrs)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
      • Quarter stoppages are recommended to allow coaches to make quick adjustments and should be discussed before the game if needed.
    12. Half-time stoppage. (9U @ 25m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    13. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field today, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game/scrimmage with your pinnies. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by exploring a few options like... (remember to keep referees informed)
      • Shuffle scoring players into non-scoring positions.
      • Non-dominant players allowed to shoot on goal. Dominant players pass only.
      • Loan a powerful player to the other team.
      • Shots on goal are limited to 1st touch by attacker. Team without advantage, add player(s) to the field.
    14. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    15. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    16. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    17. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    18. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    19. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. Quarters (9U=12.5min). Halves (9U=25min)
    2. Offside only occurs past the penalty lines. Think of it like you split the 2in center line and moved 1in of the line to top of the penalty area on each side.
    3. No headers or slides, players need to stay on their feet. An indirect free kick is awarded for any deliberate slide or header.
    4. Substitutions are at referee allowed stoppages and quarters from the half line. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 15sec. Substituting players should be located at the half line. This helps the referee see the players needing a swap at the next stoppage.
    5. Once the goalkeeper takes possession of the ball, or when a goal kick has been called by the referee, the defending team (the team without the ball) should immediately run outside the penalty area. No player of the defending team may enter the penalty area until the ball has been put back into play by the goalkeeper.
    6. 9U goal keepers should not drop kick or punt the ball. Discourage, return the ball to the keeper and ask them to redo with a throw.
    7. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  10. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-8U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Team Dashboard (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 8U First Fall Game Day - Sat 9/10 
 9/08/22 4:40 PM 

Hello 8U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 8U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like Soccer Balls ($3-$15), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment. Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs at the game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators, should be 4ft away from the field and are not allowed by the goal areas.
    • Field 081 & 082: spectators are on the east side of the fields by the track.
    • 08U: the goals are on the field, fields will only need a garbage can, corner flags, spectator/team signs, & field # sign. The goals should stay out on the fields after the last game.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide two pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If matching colors, coin toss to see who wears pinnies, each team should have a full set of pinnies.
    6. Coaches can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We have coach whistles at the information AYSO shed.
    7. Coaches should do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand from the brown shed).
    8. Coaches should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    9. Coaches will work out who will be managing the games, who is keeping time, any specific modifications, and any other rules/changes. Each main field coach needs to have all the online trainings completed in AYSOU (training).
    10. Quarter stoppage. (8U @ 10m qtrs)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    11. Half-time stoppage. (8U @ 20m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with other coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    12. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    13. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    14. Coaches return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    15. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    16. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  7. Game Rules...
    1. 20 minute halves. Quarters (8U=10m). Halves (8U=20m)
    2. No throw-in (do kick-in) with all other players about 12ft back.
    3. No goalkeeper or goal-hanging... remind players no goal hanging, keep about 3ft away from the goal.
    4. No offside.
    5. All kicks are direct and players can score. (the book/training might say otherwise, but we do everything direct)
    6. No headers or slides, players need to stay up on feet.
    7. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game.
    8. Substitutions can be free flowing at any time, but the player needs to come off the field, before the new player goes on.
    9. The goal kick is 3ft from the goal, and all other players should be about 12ft away from the kicker.

  8. Help, Information, & Equipment...
    1. The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

Team Dashboard (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 7U First Fall Game Day - Sat 9/10 
 9/08/22 4:30 PM 

Hello 7U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 7U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like Soccer Balls ($3-$15), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment. Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs at the game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators, should be 4ft away from the field and are not allowed by the goal areas.
    • Field 071 & 072: spectators are on the west side of the fields by construction fence.
    • 07U: the goals are on the field, fields will only need a garbage can, corner flags, spectator/team signs, & field # sign. The goals should stay out on the fields after the last game.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide two pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If matching colors, coin toss to see who wears pinnies, each team should have a full set of pinnies.
    6. Coaches can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We have coach whistles at the information AYSO shed.
    7. Coaches should do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand from the brown shed).
    8. Coaches should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    9. Coaches will work out who will be managing the games, who is keeping time, any specific modifications, and any other rules/changes. Each main field coach needs to have all the online trainings completed in AYSOU (training).
    10. Quarter stoppage. (7U @ 10m qtrs)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    11. Half-time stoppage. (7U @ 20m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with other coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    12. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    13. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    14. Coaches return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    15. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    16. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  7. Game Rules...
    1. 20 minute halves. Quarters (7U=10m). Halves (7U=20m)
    2. No throw-in (do kick-in) with all other players about 12ft back.
    3. No goalkeeper or goal-hanging... remind players no goal hanging, keep about 3ft away from the goal.
    4. No offside.
    5. All kicks are direct and players can score. (the book/training might say otherwise, but we do everything direct)
    6. No headers or slides, players need to stay up on feet.
    7. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game.
    8. Substitutions can be free flowing at any time, but the player needs to come off the field, before the new player goes on.
    9. The goal kick is 3ft from the goal, and all other players should be about 12ft away from the kicker.

  8. Help, Information, & Equipment...
    1. The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

Team Dashboard (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 6U First Fall Game Day - Sat 9/10 
 9/08/22 4:20 PM 

Hello 6U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 6U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like Soccer Balls ($3-$15), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment. Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off on Saturday to donate them for the sale.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs at the game fields, leave the pets at home.
    • Spectators, should sit 4ft away from the field and are not allowed by the goal areas.
    • Field 061 & 062: spectators are on the east side of the fields.
    • 06U Fields: the goals are on the field, you will only need a garbage can, corner flags, spectator/team signs, & field # sign. The goals should stay out on the fields after the last game.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Coaches setup cones for the first 30min of practice activities on half of the field.
    3. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    4. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    5. Home team will provide two pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    6. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If conflict, coin toss to see who wears pinnies. Teams should have a full team supply of pinnies.
    7. Coaches can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We have coach whistles at the information AYSO shed.
    8. Coaches would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand from the brown shed).
    9. Coaches should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. Coaches will work out who will be managing the game, when they plan to start, any specific modifications, and any other rules/changes. Each main field coach needs to have all the online trainings completed in AYSOU (training).
    11. First 30min of game time is a practice, then you transition into a set of games with the rules below.
    12. Quarter Stoppage. (6U @ 7.5m qtrs)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    13. Half-time stoppage. (6U @ 15m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    14. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time, so the next team can start practicing.
    15. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    16. Coaches return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    17. Coaches return any excess team or uniform equipment to the AYSO sheds.
    18. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  7. Game Rules...
    1. 15 minute halves. Quarters (6U=7.5m). Halves (6U=15m)
    2. No throw-in (do kick-in) with all other players about 12ft back.
    3. No goalkeeper or goal-hanging... remind players no goal hanging, keep about 3ft away from the goal.
    4. No offside.
    5. All kicks are direct and players can score. (the book/training might say otherwise, but we do everything direct)
    6. No headers or slides, players need to stay up on feet.
    7. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game.
    8. Substitutions can be free flowing at any time, but the player needs to come off the field, before the new player goes on.
    9. The goal kick is 3ft from the goal, and all other players should be about 12ft away from the kicker.

  8. Help, Information, & Equipment...
    1. The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

Team Dashboard (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


 [CorvallisAYSO] No Show Players & Wait Lists 
 9/02/22 11:30 AM 

Hello Coaches,
We continue to get player registrations adding to wait lists, so please...

If you have no-show / unresponsive players, please ask them to fill this out to be dropped and possibly get a refund: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/refund.html

If they do not drop from the team in a few days and still no contact / no show, submit this form: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/roster-change.html and we will drop the players (and hopefully fill the spot from the wait list).

Uniforms: Again, head coaches, uniform pickup Saturday 9/3 8-10am or Monday 9/5 5-7pm. If you or a designate cannot get them Sat or Mon, you can get them on Sat 9/10.If you are missing pinnies, want more soccer balls (we have a ton of size 4), need cones, ask for that at the uniform pickup.
NOTICE: Wrong sizes, added players, missing anything, the info/safety shed on Sat 9/10 will be where you get it. We are low on Turquoise and Orange socks, added players might not get them before Sat.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

Our region is powered by volunteers, including me.


 [CorvallisAYSO] Coach Team Uniform Pickup - 9/3 8-10am 
 9/01/22 11:45 AM 

Hello Head Coaches,

Please identify one person, or yourself, to come and pickup your team uniforms Saturday 9/3 8-10am or Monday 9/5 5-7pm. If you or a designate cannot get them Sat or Mon, you can get them on Sat 9/10.

Uniforms: Even if you are missing required volunteer registrations, please come and get the uniform pack for your team. If we did not already get information from you about a color preference, we choose your color already. Players added later or if the sizes are wrong, send them to the Safety Shed on Sat 9/10. NOTE: Your team name will remain in limbo until you get all the volunteers registered, as we will be using this to help identify what teams need volunteer help.

Team Names: If you want to change/set the team name, you need to do it Saturday at the uniform pickup. If you have the required volunteers registered, I will change it in Sports Connect on Saturday, if you do not, I will document the name and set it once you get all the required volunteers.

Extra Team Equipment: If you are missing pinnies, want more soccer balls (we have a ton of size 4), need cones, ask for that at the uniform pickup.

For teams that have all the volunteers registered and have the desired team name set in Sports Connect, this process will be an easy pickup of a bag, everyone else, please expect it to take 15-20 min.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

Our region is powered by volunteers, including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Coach Quick Updates
 8/20/22 2:12 AM 

To All AYSO Coaches,

Few Updates:
 > The Coach Goal Keeper Training changed to 9:35-10:20am 8/20 & 8/27 @ Adams Area Soccer Fields. Learn how to train goal keepers, no signup needed.

 > Region Calendar (here) has been updated to include coach events like Uniform and Equipment pickup days. TIP: You can subscribe to the region event calendar webcal://www.corvallisayso.org/calendar.raw?type=ical

 > Online training is done through AYSOU, going (here), logging into Sports Connect, and clicking the AYSOU button. If you have issues, try editing, details button, and re-saving your volunteer registration.

REMINDER: Remember to enter your practices in Sports Connect on the team page, guide (here), so all new players know the practice schedule. Coach Practice Guide Page (here).

Field Trainings w/ New Approach - Signup (here)
Saturday 8/20 - 6U, 7U, 8U, 9U, 11U, 13U, & 15U - 8:30am Start @ Adams Area Soccer Fields.
Saturday 8/27 - 6U, 7U, 8U, 9U, 11U, 13U, & 15U - 8:30am Start @ Adams Area Soccer Fields.

NOTES: 6U, 7U, & 8U also have an option for Thur 8/25 6pm Start @ Adams Area Soccer Fields. We also have coach goalkeeper training at 9:35-10:20am 8/20 & 8/27 @ Adams Area Soccer Fields. No need to signup, just show up, and if you are in the 9U+ coach trainings, you will partake.

Luke Cotton - RC


 [Corvallis AYSO] Coach Field Training!! 
 8/18/22 5:13 AM 

To all Coaches, Potential Coaches, & Youth (12+) Wanting to Help Coach,...

The next two Saturdays 8/20 & 8/27 we have coach field/practical training. If you are seasoned or new to coaching, this coach field training will be entirely NEW! We will be providing you a practice/training approach that is not only easier, it keeps the players having fun from the start to the end of each training session.

Field Trainings - Signup (here)
Saturday 8/20 - 6U, 7U, 8U, 9U, 11U, 13U, & 15U - 8:30am Start @ Adams Area Soccer Fields.
Saturday 8/27 - 6U, 7U, 8U, 9U, 11U, 13U, & 15U - 8:30am Start @ Adams Area Soccer Fields.

NOTE: 6U, 7U, & 8U also have an option for Thur 8/25 6pm Start @ Adams Area Soccer Fields.

Field Trainings - Signup (here)

We also have coach goalkeeper training at 10-10:45am 8/20 & 8/27 @ Adams Area Soccer Fields. No need to signup, just show up, and if you are in the 9U+ coach trainings, you will partake.

Learn more about Coach Training Requirements (here)

Not a coach volunteer yet?????
Registration Guide (here)

Alright - Coaches on 3!

Abe Drabkin - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Director of Coach Training

Dan Herford - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Coach Administrator

Brad Whitcomb - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lead Coach Trainer - 6U-8U Coach Focus

John Sweet - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lead Coach Trainer - 9U Coach Focus

Nicole Chapman - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lead Coach Trainer - 11U Coach Focus

Justin Azhocar - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lead Coach Trainer - 13U & 15U Coach Focus

Additional Trainers Helping with Coach Training!!
Kevin Lyons & Sean Grapoli - 13U & 15U Coach Focus
Jerry Sorte - 11U Coach Focus
We also have a few other special guest trainers, join us & learn from your fellow coaches!


 [CorvallisAYSO] Team Meeting Notes 
 8/10/22 4:09 PM 

Hi All 6U-15U Families,
We have a few items to review for the meetings this week.

One is attached regarding parking at the district office while they are doing construction, please remember to park at the district lot and lot to the northwest of the district office.

The other is the slip we will be collecting from teams that have everything ready. We will have them printed off and need the team to return it filled out. You can return the completed slip at any team meeting or any uniform pickup(TBD).

Team Meeting Return Slip: https://corvallisayso.org/docs/TeamMeetingSlip.pdf

You can read the prior email with more details here:

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

Our region is powered by volunteers, including me, help us out (here).


 (Corvallis AYSO) Let's get you signed up, Coach! 
 8/09/22 11:56 PM 

Hello Corvallis AYSO Families!

Coach Administrator Dan Herford here.  Along with Abe Drabkin, our Director of Coach Training, I encourage you to consider joining our Corvallis AYSO coaching team.

*** Jump to the bottom to get THE DETAILS on how to get going on coaching ***

Our dedicated, enthusiastic, talented, and surprisingly witty coach administration and training team is here to help our volunteer coaches successfully deliver a high-quality soccer program to our AYSO kids.

Perhaps you, or someone you know - it could be a relative, or friend, or older sibling - is ready to jump onto the pitch to help your son or daughter have a fun experience learning and growing in the context of soccer.

We're looking for people who enjoy the game and enjoy helping kids reach their potential.  Soccer experience is great, but not required.  More important is a desire to learn and grow yourself, and a desire to help kids do the same.  

We'll provide training to equip you for the age level you are coaching, and when you become a coach with Corvallis AYSO, you will find yourself on a team with other coaches who are here to help all of the kids in the program be successful and have a good experience.

I'll be real - it takes a fair amount of time and dedication to do the job.  But, the reward is seeing the kids develop and grow, with a fun benefit of hearing 'Hey Coach!' when you run into a former player at the grocery store.

Right now the push is to get coaches trained.  Go to https://www.corvallisayso.org/coaches/training.html for information on the training requirements for each division.  

Much of the training is online - you'll want to get that started right away.  There is also local training - classroom training for 11U and above, and field training for all divisions.  The local training is happening later this month.  You'll want to get signed up as soon as possible at https://www.corvallisayso.org/coaches/training.html

Look over the info on the website, and then email us with any questions.  We'll also try to have someone from the coach team available at the team meetings happening this week to answer questions.

See you on the pitch!

Dan Herford
Coach Administrator


Coaches need to be/have:
1) Registered Volunteers (need to re-register every year)
2) Annual Concussion Training
3) AYSO Safe Haven Certification
4) SafeSport Training
5) Online Coach Training for your Division
6) In-person Classroom and/or Field Training for you Division

All of the links and detailed walk-throughs are found at https://www.corvallisayso.org/coaches/training.html

(Yes, it's a lot, but it gets easier after you get through it the first time.)

Questions, concerns, problems?  Please shoot us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



 [CorvallisAYSO] Team Meetings This Week 
 8/09/22 9:11 AM 

Hello All Families,

We will be having team meetings this week (calendar below). Park at the 509J School District Office area and walk to the Pickleball Courts area just north east. If you cannot make the meeting, please use one of the roster emails (one sent last week, one to be sent day of your meeting) to tell the team. If you can help out, tell the team and get the volunteer registration process started.

Team Meeting:
Quick get together with other parents on the team to discuss a team matters. Players are welcome, but not needed for the meeting. At the meeting, coaches can pickup the basic equipment for the team (pinnies, cones, & balls), we will not hand out uniforms at the meeting. If the required volunteers register before the meeting, you can choose a team name and select your team color. Teams will need to discuss practices at the meeting, you can have one(7U-8U) two(9U+) a week starting 8/22 (coaches). Ideally you walk away from the meeting with a confirmed head coach, assistant coach, center referee(9U+), team name, team color, and the start of communication about practices.

Required Team Volunteers
Head Coach Required: Please finish the volunteer registration for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Asst. Coach Required: The team only needs one, but the team can have many. Any volunteers interested in being a team manager are encouraged to be assistant coaches. Register for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Centering Referee Required(9U+): The team needs one referee to help ensure your games are covered. We are asking for a volunteer that is willing to work with the players in the middle of a field and help them enjoy the game of soccer. Register for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Additional Referees Desired(9U+): We want two referees for each team, the more the better. Youth 12 and up can be referees, and since referees signup choosing the games they want, they can volunteer on an 11U game, then play after.

Key Calendar Dates:
08/10: 6U & 7U Team Meeting 6pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/10: 8U Team Meeting 7pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/11: 9U Team Meeting 6pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/11: Soccer Used Equipment Sale, 6:30pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/11: 11U Team Meeting 7pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/12: 13U & 15U Team Meeting 6pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/18: Coach Class Training (signup). (mix and match allowed)
08/20: Coach Field Training (signup). (mix and match allowed)
08/22: Practices can start.
08/25: Coach Class Training (signup). (mix and match allowed)
08/27: Coach Field Training (signup). (mix and match allowed)
08/29: Game Schedule will be posted.
09/03: Coach Team Uniforms Pickup - TBA.
09/05: Referee Training - TBA
09/06: Referee Training - TBA
09/09: Referee Refresher Training - TBA
09/10: First Scheduled Saturday Game (6 more in a row).
09/10: Soccer Used Equipment Sale at AYSO Soccer Sheds.
10/01: Winter Indoor & Futsal Registration Opens.
10/22: Last Game Day for Fall, see you in Spring 2023!
10/29: Area Tournament, compete against teams from the valley.

Quick Links:
  • (here) < Corvallis AYSO Home Page & Sports Connect Login > (here)

    • Team Dashboard Page > (here) (see players, volunteers, & helpers)

  • (here) < Player Refund/Drop Request

    • Team Roster Change Request > (here)

  • (here) < Board Member Contact Us Page & Program Summary Details > (here)

    • Region Calendar > (here)

  • (here) < Coach Field Training Signups & Running an AYSO Practice / Training Session > (here)

    • Volunteer Job Descriptions > (here)

  • (here) < Volunteer Registration Guide

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

Our region is entirely powered by volunteers, including me.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 13U & 15U Team Meetings 8/12 6pm @ AYSO Fields Area 
 8/04/22 10:00 AM 

Hello |User First Name|,

We will be having team meetings Fri 8/12 6pm. Park at the 509J School District Office area and walk to the Pickleball Courts area just north east. This week you will be getting more team details by email, look for {CorvallisAYSO} in the subject line.

NOTICE: Newport Players/Teams do not need to attend.

Team Meeting: Fri 8/12 6pm
Quick get together with other parents on the team to discuss a team matters. Ideally you walk away with a confirmed head coach, assistant coach, and a center referee. At the meeting, coaches can pickup the basic equipment for the team (pinnies, cones, & balls), we will not hand out uniforms at the meeting. If the required volunteers (see below) register before the meeting, you can choose a team name and select your team color. Teams will need to discuss practices at the meeting, you can have two a week starting 8/22. Players are welcome, but not needed for the meeting.

Required Team Volunteers
Head Coach Required: Please finish the volunteer registration for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Asst. Coach Required: The team only needs one, but the team can have many. Any volunteers interested in being a team manager are encouraged to be assistant coaches. Register for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Centering Referee Required: The team needs one referee to help ensure your games are covered. We are asking for a volunteer that is willing to work with the players in the middle of a field and help them enjoy the game of soccer. Register for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Additional Referees Desired: We want two referees for each team, the more the better. Youth 12 and up can be referees, and since referees signup to choose the games they want, they can volunteer an 11U game then help with the game they play soon after.

Key Calendar Dates:
08/11: Soccer Used Equipment Sale, 6:30pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/12: Team Meeting 6pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/18: Coach Class Training (signup). (mix and match allowed)
08/20: Coach Field Training (signup). (mix and match allowed)
08/22: Practices can start.
08/25: Coach Class Training (signup).
08/27: Coach Field Training (signup).
08/29: Game Schedule will be posted.
09/03: Coach Team Uniforms Pickup - TBA.
09/05: Referee Training - TBA
09/06: Referee Training - TBA
09/09: Referee Refresher Training - TBA
09/10: First Scheduled Saturday Game (6 more in a row).
09/10: Soccer Used Equipment Sale at AYSO Soccer Sheds.
10/01: Winter Indoor & Futsal Registration Opens.
10/22: Last Game Day for Fall, see you in Spring 2023!
10/29: Area Tournament, compete against teams from the valley.

Quick Links:
  • (here) < Corvallis AYSO Home Page & Sports Connect Login > (here)

    • Team Dashboard Page > (here) (see players, volunteers, & helpers)

  • (here) < Player Refund/Drop Request

    • Team Roster Change Request > (here)

  • (here) < Board Member Contact Us Page & Program Summary Details > (here)

    • Region Calendar > (here)

  • (here) < Coach Field Training Signups & Running an AYSO Practice / Training Session > (here)

    • Volunteer Job Descriptions > (here)

  • (here) < Volunteer Registration Guide

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

Our region is entirely powered by volunteers, including me.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 11U Team Meetings 8/11 7pm @ AYSO Fields Area 
 8/03/22 6:55 PM 

Hello |User First Name|,

We will be having team meetings Thur 8/11 7pm. Park at the 509J School District Office area and walk to the Pickleball Courts area just north east. This week you will be getting more team details by email, look for {CorvallisAYSO} in the subject line.

NOTICE: We are still working on 11UB teams, more info soon.

Team Meeting: Thur 8/11 7pm
Quick get together with other parents on the team to discuss a team matters. Ideally you walk away with a confirmed head coach, assistant coach, and a center referee. At the meeting, coaches can pickup the basic equipment for the team (pinnies, cones, & balls), we will not hand out uniforms at the meeting. If the required volunteers (see below) register before the meeting, you can choose a team name and select your team color. Teams will need to discuss practices at the meeting, you can have two a week starting 8/22. Players are welcome, but not needed for the meeting.

Required Team Volunteers
Head Coach Required: Please finish the volunteer registration for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Asst. Coach Required: The team only needs one, but the team can have many. Any volunteers interested in being a team manager are encouraged to be assistant coaches. Register for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Centering Referee Required: The team only needs one referee to help ensure your games are covered. We are asking for a volunteer that is willing to work with the players in the middle of a field and help them enjoy the game of soccer. Register for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Key Calendar Dates:
08/11: Team Meeting 7pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/11: Soccer Used Equipment Sale, 6:30pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/18: Coach Class Training (signup). (mix and match allowed)
08/20: Coach Field Training (signup). (mix and match allowed)
08/22: Practices can start.
08/25: Coach Class Training (signup).
08/27: Coach Field Training (signup).
08/29: Game Schedule will be posted.
09/03: Coach Team Uniforms Pickup - TBA.
09/05: Referee Training - TBA
09/06: Referee Training - TBA
09/09: Referee Refresher Training - TBA
09/10: First Scheduled Saturday Game (6 more in a row).
09/10: Soccer Used Equipment Sale at AYSO Soccer Sheds.
10/01: Winter Indoor & Futsal Registration Opens.
10/22: Last Game Day for Fall, see you in Spring 2023!
10/29: Area Tournament, compete against teams from the valley.

Quick Links:
  • (here) < Corvallis AYSO Home Page & Sports Connect Login > (here)

    • Team Dashboard Page > (here) (see players, volunteers, & helpers)

  • (here) < Player Refund/Drop Request

    • Team Roster Change Request > (here)

  • (here) < Board Member Contact Us Page & Program Summary Details > (here)

    • Region Calendar > (here)

  • (here) < Coach Field Training Signups & Running an AYSO Practice / Training Session > (here)

    • Volunteer Job Descriptions > (here)

  • (here) < Volunteer Registration Guide

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

Our region is entirely powered by volunteers, including me.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 9U Team Meetings 8/11 6pm @ AYSO Fields Area 
 8/03/22 6:45 PM 

Hello |User First Name|,

We will be having team meetings Thur 8/11 6pm. Park at the 509J School District Office area and walk to the Pickleball Courts area just north east. This week you will be getting more team details by email, look for {CorvallisAYSO} in the subject line.

Team Meeting: Thur 8/11 6pm
Quick get together with other parents on the team to discuss a team matters. Ideally you walk away with a confirmed head coach, assistant coach, and a center referee. At the meeting, coaches can pickup the basic equipment for the team (pinnies, cones, & balls), we will not hand out uniforms at the meeting. If the required volunteers (see below) register before the meeting, you can choose a team name and select your team color. Teams will need to discuss practices at the meeting, you can have one a week starting 8/22. Players are welcome, but not needed for the meeting.

Required Team Volunteers
Head Coach Required: Please finish the volunteer registration for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Asst. Coach Required: The team only needs one, but the team can have many. Any volunteers interested in being a team manager are encouraged to be assistant coaches. Register for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Centering Referee Required: The team only needs one referee to help ensure your games are covered. We are asking for a volunteer that is willing to work with the players in the middle of a field and help them enjoy the game of soccer. Register for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Key Calendar Dates:
08/11: Team Meeting 6pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/11: Soccer Used Equipment Sale, 6:30pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/20: Coach Field Training (signup).
08/22: Practices can start.
08/25: Coach Field Training (signup).
08/29: Game Schedule will be posted.
09/03: Coach Team Uniforms Pickup - TBA.
09/05: Referee Training - TBA
09/06: Referee Training - TBA
09/09: Referee Refresher Training - TBA
09/10: First Scheduled Saturday Game (6 more in a row).
09/10: Soccer Used Equipment Sale at AYSO Soccer Sheds.
10/01: Winter Indoor & Futsal Registration Opens.
10/22: Last Game Day for Fall, see you in Spring 2023!
10/29: Area Tournament, compete against teams from the valley.

Quick Links:
  • (here) < Corvallis AYSO Home Page & Sports Connect Login > (here)

    • Team Dashboard Page > (here) (see players, volunteers, & helpers)

  • (here) < Player Refund/Drop Request

    • Team Roster Change Request > (here)

  • (here) < Board Member Contact Us Page & Program Summary Details > (here)

    • Region Calendar > (here)

  • (here) < Coach Field Training Signups & Running an AYSO Practice / Training Session > (here)

    • Volunteer Job Descriptions > (here)

  • (here) < Volunteer Registration Guide

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

Our region is entirely powered by volunteers, including me.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 8U Team Meetings 8/10 7pm @ AYSO Fields Area 
 8/02/22 5:28 PM 

Hello |User First Name|,

We will be having team meetings Wed 8/10 7pm. Park at the 509J School District Office area and walk to the Pickleball Courts area just north east. This week you will be getting more team details by email, look for {CorvallisAYSO} in the subject line.

Team Meeting: Wed 8/10 7pm
Quick get together with other parents on the team to discuss a team matters. Ideally you walk away with a confirmed head coach and assistant coach. If the required volunteers (see below) register before the meeting you can choose a team name and select your team color. At the meeting Coaches can pickup the basic equipment for the team (pinnies, cones, & balls), we will not hand out uniforms at the meeting. Teams will need to discuss practices at the meeting, you can have one a week starting 8/22. Players are welcome, but not needed for the meeting.

Required Team Volunteers
Head Coach Required: Please finish the volunteer registration for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Asst. Coach Required: The team only needs one, but the team can have many. Any volunteers interested in refereeing or being a team manager are encouraged to be assistant coaches. Register for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Key Calendar Dates:
08/10: Team Meeting 7pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/11: Soccer Used Equipment Sale, 6:30pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/20: Coach Field Training (signup).
08/22: Practices can start.
08/25: Coach Field Training (signup).
08/27: Coach Field Training (signup).
08/29: Game Schedule will be posted.
09/03: Coach Team Uniforms Pickup - TBA.
09/10: First Scheduled Saturday Game (6 more in a row).
09/10: Soccer Used Equipment Sale at AYSO Soccer Sheds.
10/01: Winter Indoor & Futsal Registration Opens.
10/22: Last Game Day for Fall, see you in Spring 2023!

Quick Links:
  • (here) < Corvallis AYSO Home Page & Sports Connect Login > (here)

    • Team Dashboard Page > (here) (see players, volunteers, & helpers)

  • (here) < Player Refund/Drop Request

    • Team Roster Change Request > (here)

  • (here) < Board Member Contact Us Page & Program Summary Details > (here)

    • Region Calendar > (here)

  • (here) < Coach Field Training Signups & Running an AYSO Practice / Training Session > (here)
    • Volunteer Job Descriptions > (here)

  • (here) < Volunteer Registration Guide

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

Our region is entirely powered by volunteers, including me.


 [CorvallisAYSO] 6U & 7U Team Meetings 8/10 6pm @ AYSO Soccer Fields 
 8/02/22 5:18 PM 

Hello |User First Name|,

We will be having team meetings Wed 8/10 6pm. Park at the 509J School District Office area and walk to the Pickleball Courts area just north east. This week you will be getting more team details, look for {CorvallisAYSO} in the subject line.

Team Meeting: Wed 8/10 6pm
Quick get together with other parents on the team to discuss a team matters. Ideally you walk away with a confirmed head coach and assistant coach. If the required volunteers (see below) register before the meeting you can choose a team name and select your team color. At the meeting Coaches can pickup the basic equipment for the team (pinnies, cones, & balls), we will not hand out uniforms at the meeting. 7U teams will need to discuss practices at the meeting, you can have one a week starting 8/22. Players are welcome, but not needed for the meeting.
Required Team Volunteers
Head Coach Required: Please finish the volunteer registration for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.
Asst. Coach Required: The team only needs one, but the team can have many. Any volunteers interested in refereeing or being a team manager are encouraged to be assistant coaches. Register for the position in Sports Connect starting (here), the guide is (here). Remember each volunteer needs an account in Sports Connect, tied to their email address. After you register, the division coordinator will connect you to the team.

Key Calendar Dates:
08/10: Team Meeting 6pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/11: Soccer Used Equipment Sale, 6:30pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
08/20: Coach Field Training (signup).
08/22: Practices can start for 7U (6U practices are before games on Saturday).
08/25: Coach Field Training (signup).
08/27: Coach Field Training (signup).
08/29: Game Schedule will be posted.
09/03: Coach Team Uniforms Pickup - TBA.
09/10: First Scheduled Saturday Game (6 more in a row)
09/10: Soccer Used Equipment Sale, 6:30pm at 509J Office - Pickleball Courts Area.
10/01: Winter Indoor & Futsal Registration.
10/22: Last Game Day for Fall, see you in Spring 2023!

Quick Links:
  • (here) < Corvallis AYSO Home Page & Sports Connect Login > (here)

    • Team Dashboard Page > (here) (see players, volunteers, & helpers)

  • (here) < Player Refund/Drop Request

    • Team Roster Change Request > (here)

  • (here) < Board Member Contact Us Page & Program Summary Details > (here)

    • Region Calendar > (here)

  • (here) < Coach Field Training Signups & Running an AYSO Practice / Training Session > (here)

    • Volunteer Job Descriptions > (here)

  • (here) < Volunteer Registration Guide

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

Our region is entirely powered by volunteers, including me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Open Registration - Closes Today
 7/10/22 8:23 AM 

If you have not registered already for fall soccer, you can register players online (here) in Sports Connect. If you no longer want emails about AYSO Corvallis / Benton County soccer, you can unsubscribe by clicking the link at the end of this email.

Finishing the registration now means you will be part of our main team formation process starting this week. After today we move to limited registration, having some divisions go to wait list registration. If we can take additional registrations, you will be activated from the wait list, likely in early August.

Fall Soccer Programs

5U Fall Developmental Program - Players Born 2018 (more details)
Encourages skill development and will progress towards learning how to play 2v2 and 3v3 Jamboree scrimmage games. Signup is for the fall season at a cost of the $20 membership and $30 for the season. You would signup again for the spring season at another $30 for that season.

6U Fall & Spring Recreational Soccer - Players Born 2017 (more details)
Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after labor day and 7 in spring after spring break between 8:30-3pm. You will have one training session by a volunteer coach at the start of each game time on Saturday for 30min. Games are 3 vs. 3 where each team of 6 players compete in a recreational game run by a volunteer coach.

7U Fall & Spring Recreational Soccer - Players Born 2016 (more details)
Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after labor day and 7 in spring after spring break between 8:30-3pm. You will have one training session per week on a weekday that could be 1 hour by a volunteer coach that decides the location & time. Games are 4 vs. 4 where each team of 7 players compete in a recreational game run by a volunteer coach.

8U Fall & Spring Recreational Soccer - Players Born 2015 (more details)
Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after labor day and 7 in spring after spring break between 8:30-3pm. You will have one training session per week on a weekday that could be 1 hour by a volunteer coach that decides the location & time. Games are 5 vs. 5 where each team of 8 players compete in a recreational game run by a volunteer coach.

9U Fall & Spring Recreational Soccer - Players Born 2014 (more details)
Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after labor day and 7 in spring after spring break from 8:30-3pm. You will have two training sessions per week on a weekday that could be 1 hour each by a volunteer coach that decides the location & time. Games are 7 vs. 7 where each team of 10 players compete in a recreational game run by volunteer referees. At 9U we introduce the goal keeping position.

11U Fall & Spring Recreational Soccer - Players Born 2013 & 2012 (more details)
Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after labor day and 7 in spring after spring break from 8:30-3pm. You will have two training sessions per week on a weekday that could be 1 hour each by a volunteer coach that decides the location & time. Games are 9 vs. 9 where each team of 12 players compete in a recreational game run by volunteer referees.

13U Fall & Spring Recreational Soccer - Players Born 2011 & 2010 (more details)
Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after labor day and 7 in spring after spring break from 8:30-3pm. You will have two training sessions per week on a weekday that could be 1.5 hours each by a volunteer coach that decides the location & time. Games are 11 vs. 11 where each team of 15 players compete in a recreational game run by volunteer referees. Depending on the number of players, the division might be adjusted to have smaller teams playing 9 vs. 9 in games.

15U Fall & Spring Recreational Soccer - Players Born 2009 & 2008 (more details)
Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after labor day and 7 in spring after spring break from 8:30-3pm. You will have two training sessions per week on a weekday that could be 1.5 hours each by a volunteer coach that decides the location & time. Games are 11 vs. 11 where each team of 15 players compete in a recreational game run by volunteer referees. Games will occasionally be traveling and schedules will be setup to try and work with the EXTRA program (here).

19U Fall High School Program - Players Born 2008-2004 (more details)
Encourages recreational games and activities with peers. Signup is for the fall season at a cost of the $20 membership and $30 for the season. You would signup again for the spring season at another $30 for that season.

Frequently Asked Questions

Program Costs
Our costs are primarily player jersey, team equipment, fields, and volunteer background checks. If you signup and only want to play in fall, the price is the same. If you signup for spring in February, the price is the same with the costs covering the added volunteers, added players, and replacement or new team equipment.

  • Spring & Fall Season / School Year Program (6U-15U Rec):
    • $20 for AYSO Membership.
    • $70 for Program Cost. (Scholarship $20 for Program Cost.)
    • $2.75 for Sports Connect Transaction.
  • Fall Season Program (5U Dev & 19U Rec/Pickup):
    • $20 for AYSO Membership.
    • $30 for Program Cost. (Scholarship $10 for Program Cost.)
    • $2.75 for Sports Connect Transaction.

Special Placement Request?
Fill out this form (here); use the categories to select what you are requesting. Types of requests include Team Friend/Buddy (want to be placed with this one other player), Play Up a Division, Not Placed With (volunteer or player), Volunteer Buddy (want to volunteer with this person), Player w/ Family Volunteer (family volunteer has independent account and is not associated to the player), & Medical / Developmental / VIP Placement. We cannot guarantee requests will be honored. Please fill out two forms when needed, for example if you wish to play in a higher division with a friend, please fill out one form for each request.

Cash or Check?
Everything can be paid by Credit Card online in Sports Connect, they charge $2.75 per transaction. In rare circumstances we can accept payment by cash or check, please email the registrar if you need that accommodation (contact).

Those desiring a refund must submit the request (here). We cannot refund the membership or the Sports Connect fees, of the program fees we look to cover our costs and that can be less 3% for the credit card.

Per Player Scholarship?
You register/apply the same as everyone else, when asked about eligibility for a scholarship during registration, check yes if you are eligible. You should see a question... "My family and this player is approved for free and reduced meals, SNAP, or TANF. My family can provide proof when requested and authorize AYSO to verify my approval/enrollment. If I cannot provide proof when requested, I understand I will be charged the full player registration fee." after checking yes, your fee would be reduced and you can finish the application online.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar (email)