Board Minutes/Notes Archive - MY2023
MY2023: 24/06 | 24/05 | 24/04 | 24/03 | 24/02 | 24/01 | 23/12 | 23/11 | 23/10 | 23/09 | 23/08 | 23/07
Team Formation Meeting
No Meeting
APRIL 19, 2024
PRESENT: Luke Cotton, Mary Cotton, Elaine Markley, Dan Herford, Andy Foster, Nicole Chapman, Brad Whitcomb, Mike Randsell, Chris Jordan, John Sweet, Abe Drabkin
EXPO REPORT: Brad, Andy Foster and Nicole attended
- All wanted to learn as much about the new “Free Soccer” Still very limited information
- Nicole felt the sessions lacked depth of information
- Nicole won the Manny Hershel award for outstanding service in our area. Yeah NicoleJ
- Take away was every region would benefit with a marketing board member
- Brad would like to attend Golden Gate for more coach training
- Uniform orders will have a light and dark jersey top and 2 pairs of socks to match so we will only have 2 colors of jerseys for next season
- There will be one price for all players the first year, but players can use the same jersey top if it still fits the following year or use jersey tops from siblings and the cost would be less depending on if they needed no jerseys, one jersey of a specified color or two new jerseys. Options would be listed on registration form (MY2025-2026)
- The leftover jersey tops can be sold at the equipment sale or used as sets of pinnies for teams depending on the number left and the sizes
- Team formation has been rough. Not enough coaches
- Players have been placed and other teams have merged to keep players on a team from teams that lost a lot of players
- It was better than last spring but still a work in progress
- Volunteer appreciation: Coaches have a pizza party like last year and talk
- Question: Can referees join at the same time so they can see each other’s side of what they are doing for the program?
- Mary says there is a record high with pre-school registration this spring J
- Personal emails have sent to get people to volunteer…”Yes, we are talking to you!”
- Try to get strong volunteers at each team identified. Have a space on the spring player evaluation where coach identifies 3-4 parents who have been helpful and what was their main focus of help
- Use the information provided by coaches to seek new volunteers to step up to be on the board
- Go back to a position that acts as a volunteer coordinator
- Go back to the model of every coach has a team manager (all divisions)
- Identify our Division Coordinators so coaches can reach out to them if they need assistance
- Have main jobs go through background check (coach/ref) but not team manager who can be listed as a “helper’ on the registration form
- Volunteers identified in the spring for the fall season. Have them do the training early while they are still interested in coaching or being a referee.
- No training completed = no equipment for the team
- Have a deadline for ‘special requests” to help with team formation and late registration
- Have a new player/parent team orientation in a controlled setting.
- Mary Cotton has agreed to coordinate this meeting since this is what she does for the pre-school families
- Director of Coach Instruction (Brad and John would like to be a piece of this. Dan will help as well)
- Referee Instruction
- Fields Coordinator (Break down to weekly work and Saturday opening to be sure everything is set up and ready to play)
- Perhaps get some OSU student(s) in turf management to work on field issues as a project?
- EXTRA COORDINATORS? Will Nicole and Brian continue doing this for the girls and boys?
- Elaine will work with CHS DI student(s) to create a flyer for the school distribution E-Folder
- Cost will be $105 due to increase in uniform cost and National dues
- Scholarship players pay $50
- Pre-school players pay $55
- Registration will open May 1 and close on June 15. Limited openings on a wait list after that date
NEXT MEETING: No date was discussed for our next meeting
Respectfully submitted
Elaine Markley
AYSO Region 149 Secretary
Small Team Meetings - Coaches, Referees, and Team Formation
No Meeting
No Meeting
No Meeting
No Meeting
Meeting Minutes Missing
No Meeting
Team Meetings
No Meeting
Season Email Archive
To: 5-A-Side Families Only
For those that signed up for 5-A-Side today 6/1, if you did not sign up, please delete this email.
5-A-Side Today
Schedule (version 3), Updated Map, 5-A-Side Rules...
Referee Status: please sign up on the board at the ref shed
The reality is we do not have enough referees to cover all the games, so a coach leader running the game will be necessary for some games.
Tips, Tricks, & Possibly Helpful Info
- Parking will be rough, expect to walk. The Western View Center area has a lot of space, but it is a free for all. Do not block another person in.
- Chair, snacks, and activities will be needed, you could have up to an hour between games. (Adams school playground would be open)
- Spectator side of the field, consult the map on the web or look for signage in the top corner of goals or at the midline.
- Usually a coach will set up a base camp location, it would be good if you set up in that area.
- Set boundaries for where your player is allowed to go, and tell them to go to base camp or the soccer sheds to the south if they need help.
- Three port-a-pots are by the south sheds, only one is by the food carts / pickleball court.
- Communicate with the coach if you encounter a problem, this all can be a bit overwhelming, if you can help the coach, please do.
- Ensure your player has the right color, (if not sure, wear white), and they NEED shin guards with socks. You can buy what you need at the sheds to the south.
- Remember to bring money to give to the coach, it is $5 per player (scholarship / food stamp players are free), get the payment to the coach so you can get medals. (Checks payable to American Youth Soccer Organization)
- An ATM by Benton County Schools CU (co-op atm) is in front of the district office.
- Cleanup after you are done, and ensure your player gets a medal, all players should.
- See parent section above.
- You will need 3 well-marked soccer balls for games and for your players to use. This is a day when many soccer balls get lost. (Free Agent teams, you can get a ball bag at the sheds)
- Pinnies will likely be needed, please bring them or plan to grab some at the south sheds.
- First thing... Check in at the info shed to the south. You will confirm your number of players, see if you should expect a free agent, and get a copy of the rules with your division schedule.
- Next... Find a base camp location for your team to sit at.
- Collect the money from the players, $5 each unless they are a scholarship player.
- Have someone take the money to the shed and get the team medals as soon as you can.
- Games
- This is intended to be rec jamboree style games, please help remind parents and players that are forgetting about the safe, fair, and FUN environment we are trying to maintain.
- The reality is... pre-game signups for referee coverage is abysmal, you should prepare to run a game when needed.
- 1st & 2nd Grade, you will need to work with the other coach to decide who is reffing. If you need a whistle, they are at the info shed.
- All the fields are between 100'(80s)-180'(151) & 75'(80)-120'(151), the goal areas are deliberately larger for 90s fields. The goal sizes are the same as normal.
- Have some game balls ready and pumped up. Ask a parent to help with managing the balls, and if they could help shag (retrieve) soccer balls in the games. We want this fast-paced, no need to waste time running down a ball.
- Strategy, depends on your player abilities, but I tend to put two big kickers in the back, a runner in the middle, and a shooter in front (2-1-1). Remember, no offside, but your keeper can't just punt it over half. If needed, I would tell defenders to never pass half and that forwards should rarely go back to defend the goal. Keep keepers back near goal, leaving the goal box should be rare (keeper's golden rule: stop first, capture second).
- When subbing, never lose all defenders at once, do one player at a time. Keepers should only be at half, and it needs to be fast, 5 min is all you get at half.
- The horn decides start and stop, technically team 1 kicks off, but the ref can make a call at game time. Switch sides at half, the other team kicks off.
- Have all players walk away, wanting to come back for more (even your opponent). In other words, avoid blow outs.
- When all done, handout the medals, & take photos.
- Please remember to return all team equipment to the area by the information shed today.
- Safe, Fair, Fun... and keep it fast-paced. Get them back to playing as fast as you can.
- Each Game: Track down a game ball from a team, and try to get a ball by each goal.
- Team 1 is supposed to kick off, but you can just decide based on who is ready to go first.
- No keeping track of game time, horn starts kickoff, stops first half, starts kickoff after half, and stops the game. FYI: Ball needs to be in the goal before the horn sounds.
- Communicate with the coaches as soon as you can, especially if you start having issues.
- No recording goals, just playing for the fun of it.
- No stopping for substitutions, only injuries.
- No offside.
- No penalty area or penalty kicks, only a goal area. The goal area is bigger for 3/4th grade, that is deliberate.
- Games are 15 min, 7 min halves, w/ 5 min between games, games start and stop by a central horn.
- Any time, on-the-fly substitutions like hockey.
- Kickoff is an indirect free kick (IFK), along with the normal drop ball & throw-in/kick-in/dribble-in.
- Keeper 1 bounce kick, dropkick, punt, or throw cannot cross half in the air, indirect free kick (IFK) is at half.
- FYI: In the past we had a rule the ball needed to touch someone in the attacking half, that rule is gone. For example, you can score, against the opposing team, directly from a goal kick.
- No offside.
- 1st/2nd: No throw-in, do a kick-in or dribble-in instead.
- 1st/2nd: No keepers (no goal hanging allowed).
- 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th: No deliberate slides (IFK) or slide tackles (direct free kick (DFK)).
- 3rd/4th/5th/6th: No deliberate heading, restart is an indirect free kick (IFK).
- No build out line, no penalty area, and no penalty kick.
No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support. All adults are asked to adhere to the following guidelines...
- Kids are No. 1.
- Fun - not winning - is everything.
- Fans only cheer, and only coaches, coach.
- No yelling in anger.
- Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
- No swearing or abusive behavior.
- No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
- No weapons.
- Leave no trash behind.
- Set a proper example of sportsmanship.
Summer Camps
June 24-June 28, July 15-July 19, Aug 5-Aug 9, Aug 19-Aug 23, & July Goalkeeper Camp 15th-19th
Morning 9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) = $155 OR Full Day 9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $215
Fall Outdoor Rec Soccer
From Preschool through High School, we have soccer for you this coming school year. Total cost is about $107.75 per player, with scholarships it is $57.75. If you are looking for soccer this fall, our recreational program is the place to start.
Learn more about all our programs:
Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coordinator
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333
AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.
Fri 5/31/2024 4:06 AM
To Referees (or coaches that want to referee:),
We could use your help at 5-A-Side, Saturday, 6/1.
See the program details and full game schedule:
Referees... it is fun, and simple.
- No keeping track of game time, horn does it.
- No recording goals, just playing for the fun of it.
- No dealing with substitutions.
- No offside.
- No penalty area or penalty kicks.
- Only a few weird rules outside the norm...
5-A-Side Notable Rules...
- Games are 15 min, 7 min halves, w/ 5 min between games, games start and stop by a central horn.
- Any time, on-the-fly substitutions like hockey.
- Kickoff is an indirect free kick (IFK), along with the normal drop ball & throw-in/kick-in/dribble-in.
- Keeper 1 bounce kick, dropkick, punt, or throw cannot cross half in the air, indirect free kick (IFK) is at half.
- No offside.
- 1st/2nd: No throw-in, do a kick-in or dribble-in instead.
- 1st/2nd: No keepers (no goal hanging allowed).
- 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th: No deliberate slides (IFK) or slide tackles (direct free kick (DFK)).
- 3rd/4th/5th/6th: No deliberate heading, restart is an indirect free kick (IFK).
- No build out line, no penalty area, and no penalty kick.
5-A-Side on 6/1 - Music, Food, and Soccer! (1st Grade - 8th Grade)
It's fast-paced, with lots of touches for all the players, and tons of fun. And it's only $5 a kid! And this year, we're adding some fun for the whole family, we're having a DJ, Nomadic Pizza, Kona Ice and Painted Pony Coffee!
Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333
AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.
Thu 5/30/2024 2:53 PM
Hi all 5-A-Side Folks,
I'm sending this to the larger group of folks.
The game schedule v2 is posted online and attached, referees can also signup online.
Free Agent Check-In:
If you received an email about your team, please check in with your coach at your first game. If you did not, please show up at 8:30 to get your team assignment.
Coach Check-In:
Please check in 30min before your first game at the info shed. If you need pinnies, balls, or other equipment please pop over.
* PAYMENTS - Coaches are responsible for collecting the payments from your team ($5/kid) and dropping off the money with an AYSO volunteer at the sheds. If you write a check, please make it payable to American Youth Soccer Organization. Once you drop off your payment, you can pick up your medals.
NOTE: Scholarship (food stamp) players do not have to pay, it a free event for them.
* WHAT TO WEAR - Free Agents, please wear white unless told otherwise by your coach. Coaches, choose a color shirt/jersey to wear then communicate that information with your parents/players. They don’t have to wear AYSO jerseys. They just need to be wearing the same color so it’s easy to distinguish who’s on which team. We have pinnies if you need those.
* IT’S ONLY ABOUT FUN - This event is a chance for kids to get lots of touches on the ball and just have fun. Your job is simply to support and cheer on. The only real coaching needed is to make sure everyone gets equal playing time. Fortunately, subs are done on-the-fly so kids can run on and off the field whenever they want. You don't need to wait for stoppage.
* GAME DAY DETAILS - For rules and FAQs, visit
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333
Thursday, May 30, 2024 10:13 AM
Hello coaches,
Thanks again for volunteering to help this Saturday at our fun end-of-season event, 5-a-Side!
Here are a few things you should know:
* SCHEDULES - Luke Cotton will be sending out schedules some time today, Thursday, May 30. If you do not receive this by the end of the day, please let me know.
* PAYMENTS - You are responsible for collecting the payments from your team ($5/kid) and dropping off the money with an AYSO volunteer at the sheds. If you write a check, please make it payable to American Youth Soccer Organization. Once you drop off your payment, you can pick up your medals. Scholarship players do not have to pay.
* WHAT TO WEAR - Choose a color shirt/jersey to wear then communicate that information with your parents/players. They don’t have to wear AYSO jerseys. They just need to be wearing the same color so it’s easy to distinguish who’s on which team.
* IT’S ONLY ABOUT FUN - This event is a chance for kids to get lots of touches on the ball and just have fun. Your job is simply to support and cheer on. The only real coaching needed is to make sure everyone gets equal playing time. Fortunately, subs are done on-the-fly so kids can run on and off the field whenever they want. You don't need to wait for stoppage.
* GAME DAY DETAILS - For rules and FAQs, visit
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Mike Ransdell
AYSO 5-a-Side Coordinator
SPRING 2024 ##############################
[CorvallisAYSO] Final Game Day Notes
5/18/24 5:53 AM
Hello All Spring AYSO Families, 5/18 Game Day Schedule PDF (here). Let's have all players leave wanting more... Key Saturday Reminder No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support. All adults are asked to adhere to the following guidelines...
COACHES: Please remember to return all team equipment to the area by the information shed today or at 5-A-Side on 6/1. REGISTER TODAY 5-A-Side on 6/1 - Music, Food, and Soccer! (1st Grade - 8th Grade) Your players won't want to miss our super fun end-of-year event... 5-a-Side! It's a chance for kids to play 5 v 5 (or 4 v 4), on smaller fields, so everyone gets lots of touches with the ball. And this year, we're adding some fun for the whole family, we're having a DJ, Nomadic Pizza, Kona Ice and Painted Pony Coffee! And it's only $5 a player! For more information and to register a team or an individual player: Summer Camps June 24-June 28, July 15-July 19, Aug 5-Aug 9, Aug 19-Aug 23, & July Goalkeeper Camp 15th-19th Morning 9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) = $155 OR Full Day 9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $215 Fall Outdoor Rec Soccer From Preschool through High School, we have soccer for you this coming school year. Total cost is about $107.75 per player, with scholarships it is $57.75. I will send more details this coming week, but if you are looking for soccer this fall, our recreational program is the place to start. Learn more about all our programs: Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 5/11 Game Day Notes
5/11/24 6:26 AM
Hello All Spring AYSO Families, 5/11 Game Day Schedule PDF (here) and field map/codes (here). HEADS UP 5-A-Side on 6/1 Any volunteers looking to rally a team for 5-A-Side, this weekend is your best time to build your squad. Any AYSO players in 1st-8th from 23-24 (fall, indoor, futsal, spring... all can join). We're ending the season with our wildly popular 5-A-Side Soccer 'Tournament' on Saturday, June 1! It's fast-paced, with lots of touches for all the players, and tons of fun. And it's only $5 a kid! Any coach or parent can organize a team of 5-8 kids. AYSO players can partner with teammates, friends from other teams in their division, or sign up as a free agent and be placed on a team. LEARN MORE: Summer Camps - $10 off this weekend 5/11-12 using code MOTHERSDAY24 June 24-June 28, July 15-July 19, Aug 5-Aug 9, Aug 19-Aug 23, & July Goalkeeper Camp 15th-19th Morning 9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) = $155 OR Full Day 9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $215 LEARN MORE: Fall Outdoor Rec Soccer From Preschool through High School, we have soccer for you this coming school year. Total cost is about $107.75 per player, with scholarships it is $57.75. I will send more details this coming week, but if you are looking for soccer this fall, our recreational program is the place to start. LEARN MORE: Saturday Reminders
Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Volunteers - 5-A-Side & Thank You
5/10/24 8:44 AM
All Coaches, Referees, Volunteers, Thank You!... Dinner On Thur May 23rd, 6-8PM, we are offering a free dinner for your kids and a +1 at Papas Pizza. We need an RSVP from you if you are joining us RSVP: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 5-A-Side on 6/1 Any volunteers looking to rally a team for 5-A-Side, this weekend is your best time to talk to your team or any AYSO players from 23-24 (fall, indoor, futsal, spring... all can join). We're ending the season with our wildly popular 5-A-Side Soccer 'Tournament' on Saturday, June 1! It's fast-paced, with lots of touches for all the players, and tons of fun. And it's only $5 a kid! Any coach or parent can organize a team of 5-8 kids. AYSO players can partner with teammates, friends from other teams in their division, or sign up as a free agent and be placed on a team. To learn more, or to register a team or individual player, LEARN MORE: Looks like this Saturday will be sunny and warm! Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 5/4 Games Canceled for Preschool - 8th Grade
5/03/24 10:36 PM
Super Quick... CANCELED: Preschool, Kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3/4th, 5/6th, & 7/8th Grade Divisions - Games are canceled on Saturday 5/4. I plan to send more info Saturday, since I now have some time, about 5-A-Side and 24-25 School Year Outdoor Rec Registration. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. May the 4th be with you. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Heads Up for 5/4 - Rain
5/01/24 3:37 PM
All AYSO Volunteers, Friday evening going into Saturday morning, the weather report indicates we could get over an inch of rain. Nothing is canceled at this time, just telling you to look for the email Saturday morning and to tell your players to look for it before they leave home Saturday 5/4. Most weather cancelation decisions are made Friday evening into Saturday before 7am. Cancelations are posted on the region website ( and sent by email. We normally do not reschedule canceled game days, sometimes we can fit in options with 5-A-Side (on 6/1) to do something extra. Let's hope things shift or the projected accumulation of water goes down. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 4/27 Game Day Notes
4/27/24 4:55 AM
Hello All Spring AYSO Families, 4/27 Game Day Schedule PDF (here) and field map/codes (here). Quick Saturday Reminders:
HEADS UP Summer Camp Registration is Open (here). Fall 2024 Registration will open May 1st. SAVE THE DATE: 5-A-Side Jamboree Games are June 1st. (team registration will open next weekend) Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day 4/20 Notes
4/20/24 5:15 AM
Hello All Spring AYSO Families, Game Day Schedule (here) and field map (here). NOTICES: > 1 > Three porta potties are at the AYSO sheds area, please remember the buddy system, and for those on fields 71-73, unfortunately we cannot place a unit any closer (map link is above). > 2 > Thank our volunteers, and especially our referees that help on Saturdays by signing up (here). Quick Saturday Reminders:
Questions? Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach (here). We have a contact us form (here). Login to Sports Connect to see your team game schedule (here). Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 2nd Spring Game Day 4/13 Notes
4/13/24 6:14 AM
Hello All Spring AYSO Families, Today looks like a great day for soccer!! Game Day Schedule (here) all teams PDF version. Fields codes/map is (here). NOTICES: We have many referee spots open, please sign up (referees). > 1 > Look to arrive early, parking will take some time. > 2 > Teams on fields 71, 72, 73, & 83, parking is available at the church to the south and in the neighborhoods to the south, please look for those options. > 3 > Coaches playing a schedule hold team, I sent an email yesterday with the plan for your division (S00G = 1h practice, S00B & S01G = 2 games at once, S02G = double header, & S06G = playing outside team). Quick Saturday Reminders:
Again... No Pets: No pets near the playing areas during any AYSO activities, games, or practices. Please clearly mark service animals to help avoid being asked repeatedly by volunteers (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. Questions? Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach (here). We have a contact us form (here). Login to Sports Connect to see your team game schedule (here). Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] First Grade Girls Games
4/12/24 8:20 PM
Hi 1st Grade Girls Volunteers, In the division, we have an odd number of teams. You likely noticed that Team 06 aka Schedule Hold is in the mix for the schedule. I scheduled all of your games for 9am, the idea is that one team would split into two teams and play on two fields at once. Loaning players to fill out the team is likely needed. Below is the schedule. Here is version 3, but in the emails, we likely have a few changes for 4/20.
Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Kinder Girls Games
4/12/24 8:09 PM
Hi Kinder Girls Volunteers, In the kinder girl's division, we have an odd number of teams. You likely noticed that Team 05 aka Schedule Hold is in the mix for the schedule. Here is what I got from last week... Each of you mentioned that players like the practices more than the games, and all (but 1) of you mentioned you do not have enough players showing up to make two teams of 3. How about this... Each week, the team playing "Schedule Hold" will plan to do a practice for the full hour. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Kinder Boys Games
4/12/24 7:55 PM
Hi Kinder Boys Volunteers, In the kinder boy's division, we have an odd number of teams. You likely noticed that Team 14 aka Schedule Hold is in the mix for the schedule. The nice thing about kinder is that we can tackle this without adding a long double header. Since many of the teams have enough players to make two teams, the idea is to have a team split in half and play on two fields at the same time. For example, on 4/13 the Blue Sharks would start with practice for 30 min on field 62, then split up the team to play two games at the same time on two fields (62 & 63 @ 10:45am).
Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day 4/6 Notes
4/06/24 6:32 AM
Hello All Spring AYSO Families, You are getting this email because you are allocated to a spring team, you can find your team details in Sports Connect (here) by the participant's name on the dashboard. Each week I will be sending an email before the Saturday games giving you some quick notes for the game day.... Looks to be a bit wet today, so be ready for some mud. We have many referee holes, please sign up (referees). We also need some help on game day tasks (here). NOTICES: > 1 > Look to arrive early, other events in Corvallis might slow you down and parking can take some time. > 2 > Teams on fields 71, 72, 73, & 83, parking is available at the church to the south and in the neighborhoods to the south, please look for those options. > 3 > Coaches playing a schedule hold team, please arrive early. I plan to be at your field to help. Game Day Schedule - PDF version (here). Equipment Sale & Soccer Donations: 8am - 12pm TODAY at the AYSO Sheds area, cash only, an ATM is by the district office. If you have old soccer equipment to donate, we will take it. If you would like to swap equipment, we could potentially do that (need bigger shoe size?). If you are missing/need/want soccer equipment (jersey, shin guards, shorts, some socks, shoes, & balls), we can do that. Quick Saturday Reminders:
Field Safety: Please check the fields for holes or hazards, if you find them, we have bags of dirt to help fill by the sheds. Field Takedown: Game ending at about 1pm? Anything that is not a soccer goal should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed. Again... No Pets: No pets near the playing areas during any AYSO activities, games, or practices. Please clearly mark service animals to help avoid being asked repeatedly by volunteers (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. Questions? Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach (here). We have a contact us form (here). Login to Sports Connect to see your team game schedule (here). Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Uniforms and Equipment Sale 4/1 Today and Saturday
4/01/24 6:09 AM
Hi all core spring AYSO families, New spring player needs jersey? :|: Needing soccer equipment? :|: Equipment to donate for others to use? :|: Shoes wrong size? Bring them in to look for a swap... Today, 4/1 at the Adams School AYSO Info Sheds from 4pm - 7pm (map) OR Saturday before your game from 8am - 12pm. New Team Players, need Jersey and Socks?: - Spring Parents, if you were added to an existing team, you can pick up the uniform Monday 4/1 at the Adams School AYSO Sheds from 4pm-7pm or on Saturday before your game. - New Team Coaches, you can pick up any equipment you need Monday 4/1 at the Adams School AYSO Sheds from 4pm-7pm or on Saturday before your game. - If you lost something, we sell some equipment including a new jersey $15, and socks $5, we only take cash at the shed. Soccer Equipment Sale either today 4/1 from 4pm - 7pm or Saturday 8:00am - 12:00pm we will be selling some excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds. All proceeds help support player scholarships. We will have items like New/Used Soccer Balls ($5-$15), Used Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Some Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Some Used Soccer Shoes, and New/Used Shin Guards ($5-$10). Donations: Many families are having issues finding shoes. If you have old shoes, we could use them, please drop them off to donate them for the sale. Today, 4/1 at the Adams School AYSO Info Sheds from 4pm - 7pm (map) OR Saturday before your game from 8am - 12pm. Looks like you got to the bottom of the email, UK international is doing a $17 off promo today to midnight for summer camps, use code 17EASTER. Learn about the summer camps Available Camp Weeks: June 24-June 28, July 15-July 19, Aug 5-Aug 9, Aug 19-Aug 23, July Goalkeeper Camp 15th-19th
AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 5th/6th Grade Spring Soccer Games v1
4/01/24 5:19 AM
Hello 5th/6th Grade Families, Welcome to the start of the soccer season, this is your all-in-one division email (v1). Below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the games for the division.
Team Dashboard (here). << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 3rd/4th Grade Spring Soccer Games v1
4/01/24 5:07 AM
Hello 3rd/4th Grade Families, Welcome to the start of the soccer season, this is your all-in-one division email (v1). Below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the games for the division.
Team Dashboard (here). << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 2nd Grade Spring Soccer Games v1
3/31/24 7:05 AM
Hello 2nd Grade Families, Welcome to the start of the soccer season, this is your all-in-one division email (v1). Below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the games for the division.
Team Dashboard (here). << contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 1st Grade Spring Soccer Games v1
3/31/24 7:04 AM
Hello 1st Grade Families, Welcome to the start of the soccer season, this is your all-in-one division email (v1). Below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the games for the division.
Team Dashboard (here). << contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Kinder Spring Soccer Games v1
3/31/24 6:59 AM
Hello Kindergarten Families, Welcome to the start of the soccer season, this is your all-in-one division email (v1). Below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the games and practices for the division.
Team Dashboard (here). << contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Referee Training (4/2 & 4/4) & Refresher (4/5)
3/30/24 4:21 AM
All Spring AYSO Referees, Quick Referee Update... Referee Training, if you have not taken in-person training, please review the details and sign up for the class on either Tue 4/2 or Thur 4/4... Referee Refresher is your opportunity to ask questions and get a jump start, please sign up for the Friday 4/5 session... Referee Game Schedule Signup is available for 3/4th grade and 5/6th grade divisions. (all others, no pre-scheduling, you just show up to your kid's game and help run the game) The schedules for 7/8th and High School are not out yet, probably in a few days. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Helper Shift Signups
3/28/24 10:21 PM
AYSO Helpers, You are getting this email because you have not signed up to help this spring. Your email was indicated on the player registration as someone that could help with fields or game day tasks. You can use the signup link below to select a time for helping with the safety/information shed, field relining (anytime Fri before games), field equipment setup/takedown, or other game day tasks. NOTE: This was sent to you because I did not see your email signed up already as a helper or a team volunteer. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
AYSO Region 149 Player Update
Sat 3/16/2024 8:53 AM
Please take a look at the spring roster v1. We are still working on team formation, if you notice an issue, please reach out to your division coordinator:
More details and a game schedule will be next week, updates here:
[CorvallisAYSO] Prep for Spring Soccer!
3/04/24 6:00 AM
Hello, all EXTRA/Select, Volunteer, and Core Rec families participating this spring!! (if you are getting this email, I have down that someone in your family is joining us)
You will get more info later, hopefully this answers most of your initial questions :). If not, please feel free to reply.
Expect more information before 3/16, right now we are focusing on placements and changes from folks not returning.
COACHES We got tips and tricks to help you, join us for the training/refresher, to learn more, email coach Abe (
Also... always good to double-check you have all your referee equipment, your waterproof bag, and some good shoes for water/mud.
Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Summer Soccer Camps
2/15/24 6:50 PM
Hello All Past & Present AYSO Families, Summer Camp Signups are Open We are delighted to announce that we are once again running soccer camps in 2024 with the coaches from UK International Soccer, and we really hope you are all able to attend at least one of the camps. To make this more appealing, if you register by Sunday 2/18 and use code FEBPROMO24, you will automatically save $25! To take advantage of this limited offer (and it can be used for multiple children on multiple programs), just visit UK International to register here, remember to add in the code FEBPROMO24 in the checkout area at UKSoccer on Configio. Deal Expires 2/18/24
-=-(Summer Camp Signup Here)-=- Other Registration Stuff... Spring Outdoor Registration Open For new players that did not play in fall 2023. Registration is open in Sports Connect here. This registration is to fill team openings from the continuing teams that played in fall 2023. Older ages will go to wait list as we look to find openings, younger ages will be able to register as we have opportunities to create new spring teams or fill team openings. NOTE: I'm working on a welcome email for folks playing this spring, just waiting a bit as parents fill out the RSVP form indicating they will continue from fall outdoor this spring, or not. Adult Soccer Registration Open This adult pickup program plays on Wednesday evenings in the spring. You can sign up for spring and summer here. High School Co-ed Program We are gauging the extent of interest, if you have a high schooler that is interested in playing this spring, please fill out this form here. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
FUTSAL 2024 ##############################
[CorvallisAYSO] 6th / 7th Boys Futsal Today
3/17/24 8:28 AM
6th & 7th grade boys parents, If you want to allow it, and your player wants to, please feel free to have your player arrive 30 min early. We should have enough for 2 teams, or we would do 3 teams with a 10 min rotation. If desired... 5th 12pm - 1pm 6th 12:30pm - 2pm 7th 1:30pm - 3pm If 7th grade players want to instead stay long to 3:30pm, they could also do that to play with the 8th graders instead. Thanks, Luke |
[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal 3/16 & 3/17
3/15/24 1:30 PM
Hi Futsal Families, Quick info for futsal 3/16 and 3/17 at Ashbrook Independent School. If you cannot make it, reply to me or email your coach with the player name and grade/division (I cross the name off the roster, so the coach knows what the potential numbers are). FOCUS THIS WEEKEND: Fun. COACHES LAST DAY 8: Notes: Please reach out if you will not make it. Pick the activities they loved to do the most, and do those. Safe, fair, fun. In most cases if safe and fair are good, fun should result, if not, pivot. PARENTS DAY 8 (same as last week): > 1 > Find a parking spot in the yellow area of the map (here). > 2 > Ensure your player has shin guards and shoes appropriate for a basketball court (they can change in the locker rooms). > 3 > Remove any watches and earrings at the car, the gym has a water fountain if you did not bring water. > 4 > Shepherd your player into the gym using the red guide on the map and into the north entry. > 5 > Check your players shoes for dirt, we have some towels to help. > 6 > Please check in on the clipboard to confirm your emergency phone for that day. > 7 > Create a name tag for your player. > 8 > You can leave or try to find a spot to watch (space is limited, and the option is standing, sitting on the floor, or you bring a chair with plastic/rubber feet). > 9 > Players get done at the #:50 for pickup. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Futsal Coord. Nicole Chapman - Futsal Coord. American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal 3/9 & 3/10
3/09/24 8:26 AM
Hi Futsal Families, Quick info for futsal 3/9 and 3/10 at Ashbrook Independent School. If you cannot make it, reply to me or email your coach with the player name and grade/division (I cross the name off the roster, so the coach knows what the potential numbers are). FOCUS THIS WEEKEND: Getting into tactics, likely need to have an energy burner activity first. COACHES DAY 7 (1 more day): Notes: Please reach out if you will not make it. We will have towels by the door for water cleanup when needed. > A > Startup routine, a quick warm up then into an energy burner. Setup as many goals or objectives as possible, place a player to defend an objective area, set all players on a task to complete as many objectives as they can. A bit chaotic, but turn it into a challenge where they try to get the most of that objective, and they will keep on it. > B > This is one example I have used: Setup two sides of the court with goals (3 spread on each side), assign 1 defender for each side to start, tell all the other players they are to score as many goals as possible with whatever soccer ball they find, they cannot score in the same goal two times in a row. The player with the most goals after 2-3min wins. Then change defenders and go again. Seek out and engage stragglers. > C > Small group teams of 3 vs 3 soccer would be next. Setup some restriction to stop just the strongest players from playing each other, forcing teamwork. One approach I have done is designating a target player on each team, during an attack that player must play the ball before they can score a goal. > D > If possible, spend a bit of time on positioning for restarts and reinforce good support positions / aka passing back. > E > The exercise above should help with a transition into a game... if you want to use coaches/volunteers to fill out the team, feel free, but it would be better if they are keepers/defense. Remind adults to play the level of the players and adjust as needed to balance. Keep the game going, rotate the players often. Wrap up by #:50pm, and try a wrap up routine/chant/cheer... next weekend, same time, same place. Reminders: safe, fair, fun. Safe playing on the court. Balance where you can, even if it is not popular. In most cases if safe and fair are good, fun should result, if not, feel free to pivot. PARENTS DAY 7 (same as last week): > 1 > Find a parking spot in the yellow area of the map (here). > 2 > Ensure your player has shin guards and shoes appropriate for a basketball court (they can change in the locker rooms). > 3 > Remove any watches and earrings at the car, the gym has a water fountain if you did not bring water. > 4 > Shepherd your player into the gym using the red guide on the map and into the north entry. > 5 > Check your players shoes for dirt, we have some towels to help. > 6 > Please check in on the clipboard to confirm your emergency phone for that day. > 7 > Create a name tag for your player. > 8 > You can leave or try to find a spot to watch (space is limited, and the option is standing, sitting on the floor, or you bring a chair with plastic/rubber feet). > 9 > Players get done at the #:50 for pickup. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Futsal Coord. Nicole Chapman - Futsal Coord. American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal 3/2 & 3/3
3/02/24 2:41 AM
Hi Futsal Families, Quick info for futsal 3/2 and 3/3 at Ashbrook Independent School. If you cannot make it, reply to me or email your coach with the player name and grade/division (I cross the name off the roster, so the coach knows what the potential numbers are). FOCUS THIS WEEKEND: Time for some quick shooting under pressure. COACHES DAY 6 (2 more days): Notes: Please reach out if you will not make it. We will have towels by the door for water cleanup when needed. > A > Startup routine, likely good to start with a quick warm up then, into wall shots. Controlled kicking of a ball on a wall, that is it. You will see tape marks on the walls for this, remember to force both feet. > B > I set up a small field, one goal line is the 4'x6' and the other goal line is two pugg goals about 20' apart from each other. > C > This is the way it has worked well for me... one defending player on the goal line by the 4'x6' and one attacking player on the goal line with the puggs. Coach in the middle with the ball, drops it and both players try to score on each other's goal(s). > D > A coach dropping the ball helps control the flow and helps you apply a balance when needed (ask a parent to help get you soccer balls if needed). Adjust by adding more players or swapping sides, if you have a bunch of players, you could do the calling out numbers for each side method (1's where the player #1 on each side plays each other, then expand to 2 & 3's... or more). > E > The exercise above should help with a transition into a game... if you want to use coaches/volunteers to fill out the team, feel free, but it would be better if they are keepers/defense. Remind adults to play the level of the players and adjust as needed to balance. Keep the game going, rotate the players often. Wrap up by #:50pm, and try a wrap up routine/chant/cheer... next weekend, same time, same place. Reminders: safe, fair, fun. Safe playing on the court. Balance where you can, even if it is not popular. In most cases if safe and fair are good, fun should result, if not, feel free to pivot. PARENTS DAY 6 (same as last week): > 1 > Find a parking spot in the yellow area of the map (here). > 2 > Ensure your player has shin guards and shoes appropriate for a basketball court (they can change in the locker rooms). > 3 > Remove any watches and earrings at the car, the gym has a water fountain if you did not bring water. > 4 > Shepherd your player into the gym using the red guide on the map and into the north entry. > 5 > Check your players shoes for dirt, we have some towels to help. > 6 > Please check in on the clipboard to confirm your emergency phone for that day. > 7 > Create a name tag for your player. > 8 > You can leave or try to find a spot to watch (space is limited, and the option is standing, sitting on the floor, or you bring a chair with plastic/rubber feet). > 9 > Players get done at the #:50 for pickup. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Futsal Coord. Nicole Chapman - Futsal Coord. American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal 2/24 & 2/25
2/24/24 5:02 AM
Hi Futsal Families, Quick info for futsal 2/24 and 2/25 at Ashbrook Independent School. If you cannot make it, reply to me or email your coach with the player name and grade. FOCUS THIS WEEKEND: Let's continue with control/movement under pressure. COACHES DAY 5: Notes: Please reach out if you will not make it, Nicole and I will not be around for every session. Below is the routine I'm planning, take it or leave it... > A > Keep with your startup routine, structured free for all, stretches, specific activity, etc. > B > A lot of ways to get a system of pressure while ball handling. > C > This video (here) is what I'm looking to do. Last defender = keeper for younger ages, small spaces w/ puggs likely better, it might take some micromanagement to start, keep the rotation fast, and split into small groups of at least 4 after they get the idea. > D > Getting into the game... if you want to use coaches/volunteers to fill out the team, feel free, but it would be better if they are keepers/defense. Remind adults to play the level of the players and adjust as needed to balance. > E > Keep the game going, rotate the players often. Wrap up by #:50pm, and try a wrap up routine/chant/cheer... next weekend, same time, same place. Reminders: safe, fair, fun. Safe playing on the court. Balance where you can, even if it is not popular. In most cases if safe and fair are good, fun should result, if not, feel free to pivot. PARENTS DAY 5 (same as last week): > 1 > Find a parking spot in the yellow area of the map (here). > 2 > Ensure your player has shin guards and shoes appropriate for a basketball court (they can change in the locker rooms). > 3 > Remove any watches and earrings at the car, the gym has a water fountain if you did not bring water. > 4 > Shepherd your player into the gym using the red guide on the map and into the north entry. > 5 > Check your players shoes for dirt, we have some towels to help. > 6 > Please check in on the clipboard to confirm your emergency phone for that day. > 7 > Create a name tag for your player. > 8 > You can leave or try to find a spot to watch (space is limited, and the option is standing or sitting on the floor). > 9 > Players get done at the #:50 for pickup. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Futsal Coord. Nicole Chapman - Futsal Coord. American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal 2/17 & 2/18
2/16/24 1:22 PM
Hi All Futsal Families, Quick info for futsal 2/17 and 2/18 at Ashbrook Independent School. If you cannot make it, reply to me or email your coach with the player name and grade. FOCUS THIS WEEKEND: Quick touches and control/movement under pressure. PARENTS DAY 4: > 1 > Find a parking spot in the yellow area of the map (here). > 2 > Ensure your player has shin guards and shoes appropriate for a basketball court (they can change in the locker rooms). > 3 > Remove any watches and earrings at the car, the gym has a water fountain if you did not bring water. > 4 > Shepherd your player into the gym using the red guide on the map and into the north entry. > 5 > Check your players shoes for dirt, we have some towels to help. > 6 > Please check in on the clipboard to confirm your emergency phone for that day. > 7 > Create a name tag for your player. > 8 > You can leave or try to find a spot to watch (space is limited, and the option is standing or sitting on the floor). > 9 > Players get done at the #:50 for pickup. COACHES DAY 4: Notes: Please reach out if you will not make it, Nicole and I will not be around for every session going forward. Below is the routine I'm planning, take it or leave it... > A > Keep with your startup routine, structured free for all, stretches, specific activity, etc. > B > A lot of ways to get a system of pressure while ball handling, focus on the ball movement while pressure is applied. > C > This video (here) is a good way that keeps all players involved and can be adapted in many ways. > D > Younger ages might struggle with that exercise in the video, you can lead into it with 4 players passing in a rectangle and have a coach apply pressure... see how they do, then go into the other exercise. > E > If you want to use coaches/volunteers to fill out the team, feel free, but it would be better if they are keepers/defense. Remind adults to play the level of the players and adjust as needed to balance. > F > Keep the game going, rotate the players often. Wrap up by #:50pm, and try a wrap up routine/chant/cheer... next weekend, same time, same place. Reminders: safe, fair, fun. Safe playing on the court. Balance where you can, even if it is not popular. In most cases if safe and fair are good, fun should result, if not, feel free to pivot. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Futsal Coord. Nicole Chapman - Futsal Coord. American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by volunteers. |
Futsal Sessions
2/15/24 7:26 AM
Hello Futsal Coaches, Thank you all so much for making the first 3 weeks of our Futsal Season a huge success and for coaching these players in the off season! Luke and/or I do not plan to be there all day from here on out. Luke will continue to help coach the S1B's & the S5B's groups. Please reach out to the other coaches on your roster if you cannot be there so that the session is covered. Please reach out to Luke or me if none of the coaches can be there or with any issues. To email the other coaches in your group, please log into your Sports Connect account and click on the age group (outlined in yellow below) by your name or your child's name. This will open your team page, roster, and emails. We must have at least 2 adults present. Most of the parents stay for the younger age groups, but for the 5th-8th grade groups if there is only one coach for the day please ask another parent from your group to stay. It's been fun watching the kids improve each week and they definitely look like they are having fun! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns and we can't thank you enough for all of your help! |
[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal 2/10 & 2/11
2/10/24 7:51 AM
Hi All Futsal Families, Quick info for futsal 2/10 and 2/11 at Ashbrook Independent School. Please remember check-in and have your player wipe and cleanup the playing shoes. We had a number of folks with muddy shoes make it on the court. If you cannot make it today, reply to me or email your coach with the player name and grade. FOCUS THIS WEEK: Control, to passing, into shooting. In motion if possible. PARENTS DAY 3: > 1 > Find a parking spot in the yellow area of the map (here). > 2 > Ensure your player has shin guards and shoes appropriate for a basketball court (they can change in the locker rooms). > 3 > Remove any watches and earrings at the car, the gym has a water fountain if you did not bring water. > 4 > Shepherd your player into the gym using the red guide on the map and into the north entry. > 5 > Check your players shoes for dirt, we have some towels to help. > 6 > Please check in on the clipboard to confirm your emergency phone for that day. > 7 > Create a name tag for your player. > 8 > You can leave or try to find a spot to watch (space is limited, and the option is standing or sitting on the floor). > 9 > Players get done at the #:50 for pickup. COACHES DAY 3: Note: this is the routine I'm planning, you can feel free to go another path. > A > Establish your startup routine, do they free for all, do they start doing a specific activity, etc. > B > Guide the players in some basic shooting to gauge where they are at (static inside the foot, toe, outside the foot, top, etc.). > C > If they have that on lock, passing into shooting, starting with two lines and doing a bunch of two on one/two on coach. Split the activity into both halves to reduce the waiting time. > D > We want more shooting from more players in the game setting, try to engineer a fast-paced version of the game that will force a lot of shooting (get help getting the ball back in play faster). > E > If you want to use coaches/volunteers to fill out the team, feel free, but it would be better if they are keepers/defense. Remind adults to play the level of the players and adjust as needed to balance. > F > At least, the last 20min should be a full normal futsal game to keep teaching them the game and getting them to apply the knowledge. > G > Keep the game going, rotate the players often. Wrap up by #:50pm, and try a wrap up routine/chant/cheer... next weekend, same time, same place. Reminders: safe, fair, fun. Safe playing on the court. Balance where you can, even if it is not popular. In most cases if safe and fair are good, fun should result, but feel free to pivot. Keep players out of the marked areas. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Futsal Coord. Nicole Chapman - Futsal Coord. American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal 2/3 & 2/4
2/03/24 7:49 AM
Hi All Futsal Families, Quick info for futsal 2/3 and 2/4 at Ashbrook Independent School. We will be blocking off some areas of the gym this weekend, so space for siblings/family groups will be limited. If you cannot make it today, reply to me or email your coach with the player name and grade. FOCUS THIS WEEK: Passing and continuing ball control. PARENTS DAY 2: > 1 > Find a parking spot in the yellow area of the map (here). > 2 > Ensure your player has shin guards and shoes appropriate for a basketball court (they can change in the locker rooms). > 3 > Remove any watches and earrings at the car, the gym has a water fountain if you do not bring water. > 4 > Shepherd your player into the gym using the red guide on the map and into the north entry. > 5 > Please check in on the clipboard to confirm your emergency phone for that day. > 6 > Create a name tag for your player. > 7 > You can leave or try to find a spot to watch (space is limited, and the option is standing or sitting on the floor). > 8 > Players get done at the #:50 for pickup. COACHES DAY 2: > A > Establish your startup routine, do they free for all, do they start doing a specific activity, etc. > B > Static passing with a partner (one partner this line, the other this line), you can work on forcing multiple feet, multiple trap methods, one touch, 5th+ chip/scoop/flick, etc. > C > If they have that on lock, passing while in motion would be good, a couple of lines, one with a ball, pass 4-6 times to the end of the court. > D > Move into a set of mini-games 3v3, half field 4v4, or go full field game 5v5, depends on your numbers. > E > If you want to use coaches/volunteers to fill out the team, feel free, but it would be better if they are keepers/defense. Remind adults to play the level of the players and adjust as needed to balance. > F > Get the teams started and do stoppages to teach them the rules (here), we have electronic whistles (handy because you can whistle and talk). > G > Keep the game going, rotate the players often. Wrap up by #:50pm, and try a wrap up routine/chant/cheer... next weekend, same time, same place. Reminders: safe, fair, fun. Safe playing on the court. Balance where you can, even if it is not popular. In most cases if safe and fair are good, fun should result, but feel free to pivot. Keep players out of the marked areas. FAQ: Groups? Each 'team' is a group of players in about the same grade, you would be playing with the same group each weekend. Change Group? If you wish to move to another group, email me with player name and current group. If it is clear another group would be a better fit for your player, we can look at options to move them to another group. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Futsal Coord. Nicole Chapman - Futsal Coord. American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal 1/27 & 1/28
1/27/24 8:28 AM
Hi All Futsal Families, Quick info for futsal 1/27 and 1/28 at Ashbrook Independent School. Attached is a map with yellow parking area and red pointing you to the entry for the gym. See attached map or (here). FOCUS THIS WEEK: Welcome, I'm ____. Ball Control, start and stop. Futsal game rules. PARENTS DAY 1: Find a parking spot in the yellow area of the map. Ensure your player has shin guards and shoes appropriate for a basketball court (they can change into the gear at the gym). Remove any watches and earrings at the car, the gym has a water fountain if you do not bring water. Shepherd your player into the gym using the red guide on the map and into the north entry. Another group will likely be playing, so please enter and go into the padded mat area (follow the blue arrows). Please check in on the clipboard to confirm your phone and player details. Create a name tag for your player with the name a coach would call. Kings Valley players will need to fill out an AYSO waiver, you can do that ahead (here) or in person. Stay in the padded area until the other group is done playing. Players and coaches will go to the court, parents please stick around for a quick briefing in the padded area. After the briefing, you can leave or try to find a spot to watch (the bleachers are not working (yet), so space is limited in areas to watch, and the options are mostly standing). Players get done at the #:50 and will be in the padded area for pickup. COACHES DAY 1: Someone will be around to help you get started and get the players going at #:00. Get to know the player... center circle calling of name passing activity can be a good start and give you a second to assess players. The next activities would be good to do a dribble around the court, vary speed, force stoppages, we have enough soccer balls for each player. You can do another dribbling activity (we have cones) or move into the game. I often ask players to grab a buddy, then I split the buddy groups into teams (game is 5vs5, you should not do more than 6vs6 on the court). One coach per team, if you have enough, have another coach focused on teaching the game. Get the teams started and do stoppages to teach them the rules (here), we have electronic whistles (handy because you can whistle and talk). Keep the game going, rotate the players often. Wrap up by #:50pm, and try a wrap up routine/chant/cheer... next weekend, same time, same place. PLAYER EQUIPMENT: You will need shoes that will work on a court (no nubs, no marking/black souls, no cleats) and remember shin guards (we will have some for sale, along with socks). Please do not bring a soccer ball, we have them. FAQ: Cancel/Refund? Please fill out the refund request form (here). Groups? Each 'team' is a group of players in about the same grade, you would be playing with the same group each weekend. Change Group? If you wish to move to another group, email me with player name and current group. If it is clear another group would be a better fit for your player, we can look at options to move them to another group. Low Player Numbers? Many groups will have additional players from Kings Valley Charter School, they would not show in Sports Connect. Tournament? We are looking at tournament possibilities in March for one of the weekends where a coach builds a team of 5-8, we fit them into brackets, they play some mini-games, and wrap up after 3 hours. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Futsal Coord. Nicole Chapman - Futsal Coord. American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal Starts Next Weekend
1/20/24 6:10 PM
Hi All Futsal Families, Next weekend (1/27 or 1/28) we start futsal at Ashbrook Independent School. The program details are (here). I will be sending more on Friday, but the info below hopefully gets you started. EQUIPMENT: You will need shoes that will work on a court (no nubs, no marking/black souls, no cleats) and remember shin guards (we will have some for sale, along with socks). Please do not bring a soccer ball, we have them. SCHEDULE: The schedule is in Sports Connect for your player, you should have an email to the team page with the calendar. Parents, please plan to stick around the first 10 min to sign in and get a quick overview of the plan for the season. VOLUNTEERS: I will be around to help you get started and get the players going this first weekend. Please read the rules about how to run a scrimmage (here). Nicole will be reaching out if you need to get registered. I plan to send a packet to registered volunteers later with some activities that should work well for a futsal court. FAQ: Cancel/Refund? Please fill out the refund request form (here). Groups? Each 'team' is a group of players in about the same grade, you would be playing with the same group each weekend. Change Group? If you wish to move to another group, email me with player name and current group. If it is clear another group would be a better fit for your player, we can look at options to move them to another group. Low Player Numbers? Many groups will have additional players from Kings Valley Charter School, they would not show in Sports Connect. Tournament? We are looking at tournament possibilities in March for one of the weekends where a coach builds a team of 5-8, we fit them into brackets, they play some mini-games, and wrap up after 3 hours. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Futsal Coord. Nicole Chapman - Futsal Coord. American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Futsal Registration Open
12/23/23 8:30 AM
AYSO Families 1st-8th Grade, If you have not registered already... Open registration closes Friday 1/5/2024 (Register in Sports Connect) Futsal is a fast-paced game with many touches on the ball, which will help players improve their skills. It is also a LOT of fun. Learn More (here)! We build activity groups for our futsal program, with a head coach and a few asst. coaches where 12-16 players spend about 15 min practicing, then split up to play a game. The 7-8 weekend activities between 12pm-8pm are about 50 minutes long and will be played in Ashbrook Independent School's gym. This session will go from late-Jan - mid-Mar, placement notifications will happen by Jan 20, with an activity schedule expected soon after.
OTHER NOTES: Sorry, we are not offering this program specifically for Kinder, you would need to join with the 1st/2nd grade group. High School & Adult players, please email to learn about opportunities to play. Spring registration for outdoor starts in February, the first outdoor games are in April, futsal ends before spring outdoor. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Acting Futsal Coord. American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. You can use the unsubscribe link below to be removed from all Corvallis AYSO emails. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Futsal Soccer Weekends 1/27 - 3/17
12/13/23 10:53 AM
Hello All AYSO Families, Futsal is a fast-paced game with many touches on the ball, which will help players improve their skills. It is also a LOT of fun. If your 1st - 8th grader is interested in futsal indoor, please register in (Sports Connect). If you have a kinder that can play with 1st graders, you can also register to join. Open registration closes Friday 1/5/2024 (Register in Sports Connect) Select a program that is available, choose the desired division (1st Grade - 8th Grade), and work through the registration process. If you have a special request, use this request form (here). Be sure you answer the questions when registering about division, skill, and playing group. We build activity groups for our futsal program, 12-16 players are split into groups, spend about 15min practicing, then play a game. The 7-8 weekend activities between 12pm-8pm are about 50 minutes long and will be played at the Ashbrook Independent School. This session will go from late-Jan - mid-Mar, placement notifications will happen by Jan 20, with an activity schedule expected soon after.
The season/program fee is $50 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in Sports Connect. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO non-refundable membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for an activity group, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $50 (if your player is placed, and you cancel or cannot make the schedule, the refund could be $48. After we start the activities, no refunds) (refund form). Basics to Know:
NEW Volunteers (Head or Asst. Coach): During player registration, I am asking for volunteer indication. Once I know the interest/numbers, I will indicate that the individual needs to register as a volunteer. This saves us the cost of a potential Background Check, and it saves you the hassle of registering before we know you are needed. EXISTING Volunteers (Head or Asst. Coach): Please register as a volunteer online in Sports Connect, if your account is not tied to your player, ensure the helper/volunteer spot in the player registration form has your name, so I can connect the dots. OTHER NOTES: Sorry, we are not offering this program specifically for Kinder, you would need to join with the 1st/2nd grade group. High School & Adult players, please email to learn about opportunities to play. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Acting futsal Coord. American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. You can use the unsubscribe link below to be removed from all Corvallis AYSO emails. |
INDOOR 2023 ##############################
Scoreboard Issues
12/02/23 8:09 AM
Hello Coaches and Referees, The Sports Park emailed earlier this week to let us know that they are having issues with their scoreboard. They are hoping to have it fixed by today but, if not, you might have to keep time on a watch. Thank you again for all your help with the indoor season! |
Indoor rule reminders
11/15/23 6:41 AM
Hello All, Thank you for volunteering to coach/referee our indoor season this winter! We received a couple of reminders from the Sports Park and they asked us to pass them along: 1. Please keep the games on time. It take some time to divide the kids into teams. I find it's helpful to have them meet in the lobby area by the shoes about 5 mins before the game starts to divide them before entering the field. Referees please limit warm up time if the games are behind. 2. Please make sure the gates and glass doors are securely closed before starting the game. These could cause serious injuries if left open during the play. 3. No gum is allowed in the facility. Again thank you for all of your help! The kids could not play without you so I know they appreciate you too! |
[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Games
11/11/23 9:26 AM
Hi Indoor Volunteers, As you know, you are on your own for getting your groups running each activity time. If you do not have a referee, many of you do not, get the players setup and going with a managed scrimmage. I've pleaded and begged, but the reality is what it is, we do not have enough people willing to stand on a field and help run a safe, fair, and fun activity. Do the best you can, and please leverage the rosters I'm about to send if you need to reach out to others for help or coordination. I will be gone the 11/12 - 11/27, and communication will be limited, please reach out to Thank You for stepping up, the 20 kids you work with would have nothing without you. Luke Cotton Acting Indoor Coord. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Season Start
11/03/23 9:15 AM
Hi All Indoor Families, This weekend is your first activity/game day for indoor (lookup schedule). I have some key notes for you to look at in the top section, full program details in the bottom section, and I will be sending customized group emails later today for your team/group to use for communication.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- FAQ
Quick Rules SheetActivities: 18 minute halves w/ 1 minute half
RED LINE VIOLATION: The ball cannot cross 2 red lines in the air. The restart is anywhere on the first red line that was crossed for the opposing team. If it touches the wall, a player, or the ground before crossing the 2nd line, it is not a violation. OTHER RULES:
PENALTY KICKS: Penalty taken from the top of the keeper box. Non-kickers line up behind the red line and can move once the ball is kicked. Penalty kicker cannot touch the ball twice (must touch another player). INDOOR FOULS
SUBSTITUTIONS: On the fly. ENTERING FIELD (not from player box) - get referee permission first. CARDS:
Typical Activity DayActivity Day Gear: The sports park will have a bag with soccer balls and pinnies for players, stored at the front desk. One bag will be for 3rd - 6th, the other bag will be 7th-8th. Parents: Ensure you player is wearing the right equipment and has a white shirt; first activity day, sign the release form (one needed per year) and turn it in; drop your player off with the right team manager by the benches next to the field; if you are staying for the activity, I suggest you go upstairs to spectate and cheer (note: players can hear your conversations and comments from the balcony); if you have young children with you, consider the downstairs space by the benches (do not kick soccer balls against walls by benches); from entering the field, the activity is about 42min, be back to meet your player in the lobby at that time. Players: Wear a white shirt (or team designated color and bring a white shirt); standard soccer restrictions ([no watch, earrings, etc.], socks over shin guards, court shoes (okay for Elementary Players) or turf shoes (required for Middle Schoolers); the field could be cold at start, but you will warm up fast; enter on the ground floor and check in with your manager at the bench seats right next to the field; when your manager says okay, enter the field and place your equipment in one of the player boxes, after the other team is out; warm up, stretch, and wait for positions from your manager; after the activity, grab your equipment and leave the field to the lobby. Team Managers: Bring a printing of your roster (here), the referee could have a roster for you (use the roster for sub/player tracking); if you are the first activity, or the team before you uses different size soccer balls, ask the front desk to check for the activity day bag for your size; gather your players in the waiting area by the benches (or on the field if the referee is present); check player equipment on arrival and note them in your roster; enter the field with your team after the prior activity clock is done (about 5min before your start time according to the field clock); figure out a team box to the west and place your equipment, after the other team is out of the box; talk with the other team manager, find the pinnies, and decide who will wear them; indicate positions to players (1 GK (use a rotation if needed), 2 defenders, 2 midfield (your energizer bunnies), 2 forwards, remainder to box), give the goal keeper a unique color pinnie; after activity start, do on the fly substitutions (players should only sit out for 6min at a time), and mark the subs in the roster; I use a method where I sub a player every 2min (w/ 3subs) or every 3min (w/ 2subs); at half YOU HAVE 1MIN, swap the goal keeper (if they want to stay in the position, press them to play the field), and do your 1 sub; at the end of the activity, gather all the player items from the team box and leave the field, we have little time between activities. Referees: Get team roster from front desk (they will often highlight the players missing something); if clock is off, ask them to turn it on; enter the field and place your gear in the box to the south east; check the sports park clock (often 6 min slow) and set the activity clock to count down to about 2min before the activity should start; check w/ managers for players missing liability forms (you can give them the roster); check player equipment (standard soccer stuff, no outdoor cleats)(larger players need turf shoes); ensure the teams have consistent colors and the keeper is a unique color; get a activity ball, if it is flat the front counter has a pump; INDOOR IS FAST, please do everything you can to keep the pace and get folks playing; set the clock for 18min, start the 18min within 1min of activity start no matter what; you do not need to put scores on the board; at half set the clock for 1min or less to catch up; start the last 18min, 30seconds after the half time clock ran out, no matter what; take all of your equipment and help get activity equipment off the field to the front desk if it is the last game of the day. Activity Clock Details Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 3rd-8th Grade Indoor Soccer Registration
10/12/23 9:01 PM
To Parents of 3rd-8th Graders, This year we are building activity groups for our indoor soccer program, 14-20 players are split into teams, then play a game. All activities will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 activities are about 36 minutes long. Five to six of the activities are on Saturday with start times between 12-7pm and one or two times would be during the week starting at 4:50pm. There are no practices. This session will go from Nov - Dec, team notifications will happen by end of Oct, with a activity schedule expected soon after. Learn more about the indoor soccer program ( |
[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor 3rd-8th Grade Registration
10/08/23 5:09 PM
Hello Parents of 3rd-8th Graders, Register (Sports Connect). NOTICE: this year we are building activity groups, 14-20 players show up and split into teams, then play a game. Each group would have a referee and at least one team leader to help with substitutions. All activities will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 activities are about 36 minutes long. During the weekdays, activities could start at 4:50 (rare, likely one or two times). Activities on Saturday are anywhere from 12-7pm. There are no practices. This session will go from Nov - Dec, team notifications will happen by end of Oct, with a activity schedule expected soon after. The season/program fee is $50 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in Sports Connect. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year will need to pay the AYSO non-refundable membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $50 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $45. After we start the season/activities, no refunds) (refund form). NEW Volunteers (Referees & Team Manager/Coach): During player registration, we are asking for volunteer indication. Once we know the team framework, we will indicate that the individual needs to register as a volunteer. This saves us the cost of a potential Background Check and it saves you the hassle of registering before we know you are needed. EXISTING Volunteers (Referees & Team Manager/Coach): Please register as a volunteer online in Sports Connect, if your account is not tied to your player, ensure the helper/volunteer spot in the player registration form has your name so we can connect the dots. You will not need to go through the background check process again. Register (Sports Connect). AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
FALL 2023 ##############################
[CorvallisAYSO] Last Game Day for Fall - 10/21
10/20/23 10:11 AM
Hello All Core K-8th Grade Teams, Sorry, the earlier email was unfinished... This Saturday is the last regular game day and for the majority of the teams, the last time they will see each other until spring. Items for 10/21:
Coach Notes:
Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day Soccer - 10/14
10/13/23 11:44 PM
Hello All Core K-8th Grade Teams, Annular Eclipse will be darkest between about 9:17am-9:20am. Games Starting at 8am, you can have a late start, but remember it will keep getting darker, you have a time block from 8am-9:45am to work with. Items for 10/14:
Coach Notes:
Your division and game rules (here). Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 3rd-8th Grade Indoor Soccer Registration
10/12/23 9:01 PM
To Parents of 3rd-8th Graders, This year we are building activity groups for our indoor soccer program, 14-20 players are split into teams, then play a game. All activities will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 activities are about 36 minutes long. Five to six of the activities are on Saturday with start times between 12-7pm and one or two times would be during the week starting at 4:50pm. There are no practices. This session will go from Nov - Dec, team notifications will happen by end of Oct, with a activity schedule expected soon after. Learn more about the indoor soccer program ( |
[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day Soccer - 10/7
10/07/23 5:59 AM
Hello All Core K-8th Grade Teams, Referees, please (signup) or fill the spots at the blue ref shed today. Game Day Notes 10/7:
Coach Notes:
Your division and game rules (here). Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Area Tournament - 10/28-29
9/30/23 6:45 AM
Hello 3rd-8th Grade Coaches, I have an idea to float by you... Many of you got the email about the area tournament for 10U (3/4th), 12U (5/6th), & 14U (7/8th). It is on Oct 28 & 29 and costs the team $75, you can see the details here: If you are interested in the tournament for your team, please signup using the link above, the payment would need to be paid at the Adams information shed on 10/21. All-Star Games on 10/28? This year offers an idea for an additional game day on 10/28, where we schedule teams with close team average scores to play each other for one game on 10/28. In theory, you would be matched to play the team that is closest in skill to your own. In some divisions this will be someone you already played, in others, you might play a new team. Please reply to this email if you are interested or not in the idea. This would be adding one more game day on 10/28, no charge for this. Again, if you want to play in the tournament, please sign up your team... Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Saturday Game Day - 9/30
9/30/23 6:12 AM
Hello All Core K-8th Grade Teams, Referees, we could use some help... (signup) or fill the spots at the blue ref shed today. Game Day Notes 9/30:
Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach (here). We have a contact us form (here). Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
Area S tournament registration
9/26/23 7:26 AM
Hello AYSO Families,
The AYSO Area S tournament is open for registration now at The Area S tournament is for fall AYSO core teams in the U9/10, U11/12, and U13/14/15 age divisions. Region 870 will be our host this year and games will be played at Timber Linn Park in Albany Oregon on October 28th and 29th. The winning teams in each age division may qualify for the Section 2 tournament in Foster City California the second weekend of December.
Complete tournament rules and registration can be found on the Area S Tournament tab at the Area website:
We are limited to a max of 10 teams per division that can register. Each region is guaranteed at least 1 entry per division. Regions may be able to get more teams registered if slots go unfilled. The registration deadline is at midnight on October 1st. The team coach must register their team before the deadline. Please make sure that your team is committed to participating before registering. If your team needs more time to confirm it wants to register please email Duston Denver Area S Director to request more time.
Championship teams will be receiving medals and may receive invitations to play at the Section 2 tournament. There will also be a sportsmanship award handed out to one team.
If you have questions regarding the Area S tournament send them to Duston Denver Area S Director at
We look forward to seeing everyone at this years tournament.
[CorvallisAYSO] Games Today - 9/23
9/23/23 6:43 AM
Hello All Core K-8th Grade Teams, Referees, we could use some help... (signup) or fill the spots at the blue ref shed today. Game Day Notes 9/23: OSU students will be moving in... often resulting in backups on highway 34 going westbound. Check your maps app for traffic before you leave.
Your team dashboard allows you to email your coach (here). We have a contact us form (here). Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
Hey Coach!
9/22/23 10:28 AM
Coaches! Heck yeah, great start to the Fall season. Your practice sessions, enthusiasm and commitment to the 1,000 AYSO soccer players shows through the fun vibe we all see the past two game days. Thank you. A few things to consider please: *continue coach to coach communication pre game, during game and post game. This is key to balancing lopsided games, deal with issues and ensure all 160-coaches are taking care of all 1,000 players. Lopsided game management for team with advantage includes:
*treat each game like a mini Silent Saturday just for you. Take a few minutes break from coaching your players each quarter or half. This allows players to think for themselves and talk to each other. Player development happens when we do this. Honor The Silence! *Offside is rule for 3rd graders and older. Super understandable explanation is here: . Please consider watching whole thing. Or check out minute 3:20: shows coaches using a rope at practice which can be SUPER clear demo for players. *Corvallis High boys soccer is looking for ball kids for upcoming games. Please share this link with your teams to sign up individual players. Working on ball kid opportunities at Crescent Valley and for Corvallis High girls next….. En futbol! Abe |
[CorvallisAYSO] Game Cards - Mmmm Paperwork
9/16/23 6:06 AM
Hello Head Coaches and Referees for 3rd - 8th Graders, Head Coaches, please pickup from the AYSO sheds and fill out your game cards (I often get one done, then ask a parent to duplicate that to all the others). If you forget, helpers will bring out the cards to you today. Referees, please ask for the game cards or remind coaches to get you the physical game cards. After the game return the card to the referee shed and still submit the digital game card. Why? The physical cards will be a record of what players are present and who is scoring. We still want the digital game cards and game reports with total scores and any pertinent notes, but this will help us understand who are the stronger players and who is not showing up. What do I fill out? Coaches do most of the front side (Your Details, Date, & All Player Names (even no-show players)), then hand it off to the referee. Referees, before the game, double check the players that are present and note the players that are not. During the game fill out goals scored, by who, and an any quick notes. After the game write up any notes confirm scores with other volunteers. If you are short on referee help, please feel free to have coaches fill out the cards during the game and collect them after. A blank game card is attached for you to review. Referees (Center Ref): Please submit both the digital game card and drop off the physical game card. You can take the card home and bring it back next week if you want it for your digital card. NOTICE: missing the digital game card link? You can find the link in the referee schedule by filtering based on the day (here). Thank You for your help! Thank You, Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333 Our region is powered by volunteers, like you. THANK YOU! |
[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day - 9/16
9/16/23 5:35 AM
Hello All Core K-8th Grade Teams, Game Day Notes: Parking will be insane, so expect to take some time finding a spot or going to an alternate area to the south and walking.
Field Takedown: Ending at 12-1:30, and no other team showing up? Anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field). Questions? (email archive). Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Parking on Saturday
9/15/23 4:56 AM
Hi All Fall AYSO Families, Quick Heads up, parking this Saturday will be tougher, a lot tougher. Not only do we have the normal AYSO and pickleball players, but the public parking areas will get OSU football goers with the game starting at 12:30pm. The attached map might help offer a guide, but the biggest help will be carpooling, biking, walking, or using the bus (here)[note they change some stops on game days]. Attached Map Notes: Yellow arrow is an area where you can access the fields. Red arrow is an area to drive/enter. The light yellow border is a border or possible parking area. The Western View Center grass is a bit rough and free range, only recommended for off road cars and it is not guaranteed you will have an easy exit. Only the Western View Center area allows for parking on grass. Knollbrook has some street parking and has an access path that could be closer/easier for folks on field 83 and any of the 80's or 70's. Like normal, avoid parking in driveways. The church to the south might be a good option for those that can drop off and go park. CorvallisAYSO Soccer Fields Map (here) Watch for marked off areas, follow the basic rules, and plan to arrive early. Best of Luck, Luke |
New Referee Candidates - Please Complete All Training
Mon 9/11/2023 5:07 PM
Hi New Refs and Ref Candidates,
Congratulations to the half dozen or so that have completed all the training and certifications.
There are about a half dozen of you that are Registered in SportsConnect but are not yet registered as a Learner because you have not yet entered into AYSOU to take these trainings in certifications.
The majority of you that have registered as volunteers and have begun the trainings, just have a little more to complete, so please do ASAP.
The trainings required are listed below.
Thanks for your time and effort to support AYSO Soccer!
All referees are required to complete the following courses:
- Regional Referee Training Course
- AYSO's Safe Haven Training Course
- CDC: Concussion Training Course
- Safe Sport training (youth referees do not need to complete this)
How To Become Certified:
- If you haven’t yet, go to Sports Connect and register as a volunteer referee. It will have you complete a background check (youth volunteers will not have a background check) through Sterling Volunteers (which is free, and WAY easier than it sounds) and will receive the email once your volunteer registration is completed. If you do not get this email please check your spam or junk email.
- Log into Sports Connect, access may take up to 24 hours from completion of your volunteer registration.
3. Click on Volunteer, on the left hand side.
4. Click on gray AYSOU button below your name on the My Roles & Certificates page. This will take you to ETrainU
5. Click on Training Library on left hand side and complete the Regional Referee Training.
6. Click on View Courses for Refereeing in the Course Categories
7. Click on Enroll for the Regional Referee - Online + In-Person Companion Course (2 Part Bundle)
8. Once you are enrolled you can Start and take the 9 courses and the Exam - if you stop and come back, you will find this course in your My Training folder in ETrainU where you can View what you have and have not completed for this course.
To Sign up for and complete the OnField Companion Course:
1. Log into Sports Connect.
2. Click on Volunteer, on the left hand side.
3. Click on gray AYSOU button below your name on the My Roles & Certificates page This will take you to ETrainU
4. Click on My Training and View for the Regional Referee - Online + In-Person Companion Course (2 Part Bundle)
5. Click on Start for the Regional Referee-In-Person Companion Course.
6. Click View Slides then Start then Click here to make your booking.
7. On the Training Event page scroll to desired training dates that are available. There may be multiple classes being offered, but you only need to enroll in one class.
To complete the Safe Haven and CDC Concussion trainings, you can follow these steps:
1. Log into your Training Library as in Steps 1-5 of the Regional Referee Course instructions.
2. Click on View Courses for Safe Haven in the Course Categories.
3. Click on Enroll for the AYSO’s Safe Haven – Online and CDC Concussion Awareness – Online trainings respectively.
4. Once you are enrolled, you may Start and take the courses and complete the exams. Note: if you stop and come back, you will find this course in your My Training folder in ETrainU where you can View what you have and have not completed for this course.
To Complete the Safe Sport training, you can follow these steps:
Note: Safe Sport training is required for all adult volunteers, but NOT required for youth volunteers
1. Log into your Volunteer area as in Steps 1-3 of the Regional Referee Course instructions.
2. Click on SafeSport box.
3. Click on Renew and Update.
4. A screen will pop up where you will click on the “click HERE” link or copy and paste the URL into your browser to begin training. You may need to create a new account on the site in order to gain access.
5. Once you have completed the training you need to download and save your certificate so that you can upload it to your AYSO volunteer page. - To upload, complete Steps 1-4 again to produce the pop up, and click Upload.
Vince Waterhous
Director of Referee Instruction, 2S870 & 2S149
Everyone Plays, Balanced Teams, Open Registration, Positive Coaching, Good Sportsmanship, Player Development
[CorvallisAYSO] First Fall Game Day 9/9
9/09/23 6:24 AM
Hello all fall AYSO families, First Game Day! It can always be a bit chaotic, but hopefully we can create a safe, fair, and fun environment for the players. REMINDER (or for new players): We sent an email about how your division works and it's game rules earlier (here). << the page has links at the top to get to your division Equipment Sale & Soccer Donations: 8am - 12pm TODAY at the AYSO Sheds area (map) If you have old soccer equipment to donate, we will take it. If you would like to swap equipment we could potentially do that (need bigger shoe size?). If you are missing/need/want soccer equipment (jersey, shin guards, shorts, some socks, shoes, & balls), we can do that. Uniforms: Teams with all needed volunteers can get uniforms. If your team is without a needed volunteer you can use pinnies for your first game as we work to get the team some volunteer help. Wrong size, need to swap, go to the information shed. We are low on youth sizes so we might be out of the size you want... remember larger can be better for the player in spring soccer. Game Day Notes: Parking will be rough, so expect to take some time finding a spot.
Field Takedown: Ending at 12:15 or 1:30, and no other team showing up? Anything that is not a goal or net should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals and nets on the field). No Pets: No pets near the playing areas during any AYSO activities, games, or practices. Please clearly mark service animals to help avoid being asked repeatedly by volunteers (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. Questions? Login to Sports Connect to see your team game schedule (here). We have a contact us form (here) if you are trying to connect with a board member.
Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Coach Game Reports
9/09/23 5:59 AM
Hello Fall Coaches, This morning you got emails about submitting game reports. Please read those emails and submit your report after your game. You will get an email for each Saturday of games. If you were not at the game, do not submit a report. Incidents or Safety Issues, please report them in the game report and fill out the attached incident report to send to All Assistant Coaches and Head Coaches get a game report email customized for them, check your junk mail box if you are missing the email. Example Card... Hi Mauricio (Head Coach), Please submit your game report. +-++-++-++-++-++-++-+ YOUR 09/09 GAME +-++-++-++-++-++-++-+ Home Team: S06G 04 Blue Jays -CR - Royal Blue Away Team: S06G 01 Tidal Wave -CR - Royal Blue <<< This team should wear pinnies Game Referees: Sean(AR) <<< If you have a referee they are listed. Kinder - 2nd Grade, coaches fill the referee role. Field: 111 - 111G Date: 09/09 Time: 09:45 GAME REPORT URL Why? We currently collect data from referees about how the game went and what the score was, we are looking for the same from you. Help us to understand any issues, problems with balance, or offer any kudos. Include the score if you remember approximately what it was. This data will be used in team balance analysis and sent to the coach administrator. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOME Team: S06G 04 Blue Jays -CR VOLUNTEER NAMES PLAYER ABBREVIATED NAMES +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AWAY Team: S06G 01 Tidal Wave -CR VOLUNTEER NAMES PLAYER ABBREVIATED NAMES Thank You, Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333 Our region is powered by volunteers, like you. THANK YOU! |
Thu 9/7/2023 4:28 PM
Fall AYSO is here.
Match Day #1 is this Saturday (9/9).
For returning referee volunteers - WELCOME BACK and THANK YOU!
Referee refresher session Friday (yes, this, yes, tomorrow) 6.30-7.30pm at the RefShed.
For new referee volunteers - WELCOME TO THE CLUB and THANK YOU!
(sorry, i just learned how to use the shouting font)
Sign up for matches is open and filling up.
The Game Signup button is still hidden in the same place on the region website.
Note that the U14 (7th and 8th grade) matches are still being added to the schedule.
We are using S04 (U10, 3rd and 4th grade), S06 (U12, 5th and 6th grade), and S08 (U14, 7th and 8th grade) age division starting this fall to better align with other regions and the local middle school soccer program.
S04 - 7v7, 25mn 1/2, size 4 ball, build out line, no keeper punting, no heading, no slide tackle
S06 - 9v9, 30min 1/2, size 4 ball, no heading, no slide tackle
S08 - 11v11, 35min 1/2, size 5 ball, regular IFAB LotG
Field names haven't changed. S04 plays on 9x fields, S06 plays on 11x fields, S06 plays on 13x fields.
Fence between main fields and 132 area should be open, so no more trekking around Adams.
All for now, more to follow, welcome to the fall chaos show!
[CorvallisAYSO] 5th/6th Grade Core Program Details v1
9/06/23 11:45 AM
Hello 5th/6th Grade Families, Welcome to the start of the soccer season, this is your all-in-one division email (v1). Below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the games for the division.
Team Dashboard (here). << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 3rd/4th Grade Core Program Details v1
9/06/23 11:30 AM
Hello 3rd/4th Grade Families, Welcome to the start of the soccer season, this is your all-in-one division email (v1). Below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the games for the division.
Team Dashboard (here). << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 2nd Grade Core Division Details v1
9/06/23 11:15 AM
Hello 2nd Grade Families, Welcome to the start of the soccer season, this is your all-in-one division email (v1). Below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the games for the division.
Team Dashboard (here). << contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] 1st Grade Core Program Details v1
9/06/23 11:00 AM
Hello 1st Grade Families, Welcome to the start of the soccer season, this is your all-in-one division email (v1). Below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the games for the division.
Team Dashboard (here). << contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Kinder Core Program Details v1
9/06/23 10:45 AM
Hello Kindergarten Families, Welcome to the start of the soccer season, this is your all-in-one division email (v1). Below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the games and practices for the division.
Team Dashboard (here). << contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more. Thank You, AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Coach Uniform Pickup 9/6 and Saturday
9/06/23 6:15 AM
Hello All Fall Coaches, For most of you, this is a repeat, for others this is new info. Attached to this email is a table with team volunteer status. (green = you have what is needed, all others, you are missing a volunteer registration) I strongly recommend you pop by Today 9/6 6pm to attend the coach field training (Abe will also cover Goalkeeper training) at Adams School Area, even if you do not need the training, we have many new instructors with many different perspectives/ideas. ^ Signup Here for Training/Refresher ^ UNIFORMS Wednesday 9/6 from 5pm-7pm (at the Adams School AYSO Sheds) we will be handing out uniforms to a team volunteer on a team that has all required volunteers registered and assigned in Sports Connect (ideally head coach, but a designate is okay). You must have the following volunteers to get your uniforms (see attached, green means you have what is needed, yellow highlights what you are missing). All Teams MUST HAVE... TWO coaches on every team, one must be designated as the head coach. 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, & 7th/8th MUST HAVE... You must have at least ONE referee that can center your games. This one person must be solid and needs to be available on Saturdays to referee your games, or you might not get a referee on your game. Alternate Uniform Pickup Days: If you do not have the volunteers on 9/6, but can get them registered by the following days... Saturday 9/9 - 7am-noon at the Adams School AYSO Sheds Saturday 9/16 - 7am-noon at the Adams School AYSO Sheds Missing Volunteers? You need to have two coach volunteers that the players can count on to help make the team work. If we cannot get the coach volunteers on 9/9 we will look to restructure the team and get you setup for 9/16. 3rd grade and up needs a referee for the team. Please reach out to the team, youth, grandparents, any family that could help. If we have enough referees in the division, you might be able to get an exception. If we do not have enough, we will be pushing to find volunteers and working on backup plans to do coach scrimmages for some games. Wrong Uniform Size? Added Players? We have the uniforms bundled based on what parents indicated were the sizes of the players. If the parent needs to swap a uniform, please send the parent to the information shed on Saturday 9/9. If you get an added player, please send the family to the information shed 9/9 Team Name Change? If you want to change/set the team name, you need to do it at the uniform pickup. Need Team Equipment? If you are missing pinnies, want more soccer balls, missing a first aid kit, need a keeper jersey, need cones, ask for that at the uniform pickup. NOTICE: Please expect it to take 5-15 min to get your uniforms. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333 Our region is powered by volunteers, like you. THANK YOU! |
[CorvallisAYSO] Game Schedule & Training
9/06/23 6:00 AM
Hello All Fall Core AYSO Families, You will get a few emails from me today... sorry. Coach & Referee Training Today (9/6) is the last day for in-person training or a hands on refresher before the season starts. For referees or coaches, this in-person training will give you the tools to do the job. Remembering your signals or learning new practice activities, this is the night for you. Referees training 9/6 starts at Adams School Fields at 5:30pm. Coaches training 9/6 starts at Adams School Fields at 6pm. Meet up at the AYSO sheds and get directions to where you need to go from the car canopies. Signup for the Training: Registering as a Volunteer: > Know any Youth 12 and up to help referee? Have any grandparents willing to help coach? Uncle or Aunt that could help volunteer for your team? WE COULD USE THE HELP! < Game Schedule For Kinder - 6th grade, the game schedule is online. Sorry, 7/8th your schedule is delayed... worst case you play the other Region 149 team on 9/9. The game day starts at 8:30am, and most teams are done by 12:15pm with some of the older groups done by 1:30pm each Saturday. 2nd Grade girls, S02G, have an odd number of teams and one team would play double each Saturday. All game slots for K-6 are 1 hour and 15min, most should be done before an hour, except for 5th/6th, your games are tight and need to run on time. Game Schedule: Team Dashboard w/ Game Schedule: Referee Game Signup: Team Notes: Some teams are missing volunteers... we are working on it, but could use your help in recruiting. Worst case, we get someone to help on Saturday for the game, then work to recruit. If no volunteers are found before the next game day 9/16, we will look to do some shuffling or merging. Emails Today. You will see a lot from me today... All: [CorvallisAYSO] Game Schedule & Training Coaches: {CorvallisAYSO} Coach Roster v2 Coaches: [CorvallisAYSO] Coach Uniform Pickup 9/6 and Saturday K-6th: [CorvallisAYSO] _____ Core Program Overview 9/7 All: {CorvallisAYSO} Team Dashboard v2 Thank You, Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333 Our region is powered by volunteers, including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Missing Online Training
9/03/23 7:45 AM
Hello Fall Soccer Volunteers, You are getting this email because you are missing a volunteer online training in AYSOU (Safe Haven &/or Concussion) or Safe Sport. Please complete the training as soon as possible. NOTE: A customized email WAS sent today and it includes what you are missing. Please look in your spam/junk folder for the email. AYSO's Safe Haven - Online Training - (all Volunteers)You login to the region Sports Connect site (here), navigate to the Volunteers section, and open etrainu by hitting the AYSOU button found next your first volunteer registration. Under the "Training Library" link, look for the "Safe Haven Courses" courses and open it, then enroll and start the "AYSO's Safe Haven - Online".
AYSO CDC Concussion Awareness - Online Training - (all Volunteers)You login to the region Sports Connect site (here), navigate to the Volunteers section, and open etrainu by hitting the AYSOU button found next your first volunteer registration. Under the "Training Library" link, look for the "Safe Haven Courses" courses and open it, then enroll and start "CDC Concussion Awareness - Online". NOTICE: Per Oregon law, every Coach and Referee is required to be Concussion Certified Annually*. You need to retake the entire training each school year. Sports Connect might have a green check, according to my records, you are not covered per Oregon Law.
SafeSport - Online Training - (all ADULT Coaches & Referees)This PDF (here) will guide you through the process and how to setup an account to get it going. SafeSport is valid for 12 months, then you will need to take an update / refresher class. Remember, you need to have a Safe Sport account using the same legal name and email as Sports Connect for the system to automatically connect your accounts. SafeSport Token:
Online Training Advice
Coach and Referee Job Training - Online Training + In-Person TrainingYou login to the region Sports Connect site (here), navigate to the Volunteers section, and open etrainu by hitting the AYSOU button found next your first volunteer registration. Under the "Training Library" link, look for the coach or referee courses and open it, then enroll and start the part one of your course. PART 2 is required, please signup for the in-person trainings: Issues or you took the training and my report shows you did not, please email me with the certification. Thank You, Luke Cotton Region Commissioner American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333 Our region is entirely powered by volunteers, like you... Thank You! |
[CorvallisAYSO] Coach Uniform Pickup Times
9/02/23 6:51 AM
Hello All Fall Coaches, For some of you, this is a repeat, for others this is new info. Attached to this email is a table with team volunteer status. (green = you have what is needed, yellow = what you are missing) I strongly recommend you pop by this Saturday 9/2 9am &/OR Wednesday 9/6 6pm to attend the coach field training at Adams School Area, even if you do not need the training, we have many new instructors with many different perspectives/ideas. ^ Signup Here for Training/Refresher ^ UNIFORMS Saturday 9/2 from 10am-12pm (at the Adams School AYSO Sheds) we will be handing out uniforms to a team volunteer on a team that has all required volunteers registered and assigned in Sports Connect (ideally head coach, but a designate is okay). You must have the following volunteers to get your uniforms (see attached, green means you have what is needed, yellow highlights what you are missing). All Teams MUST HAVE... TWO coaches on every team, one must be designated as the head coach. 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, & 7th/8th MUST HAVE... You must have at least ONE referee that can center your games. This one person must be solid and needs to be available on Saturdays to referee your games, or you might not get a referee on your game. Alternate Uniform Pickup Days: If you do not have the volunteers on 9/2, but can get them registered by the following days... Wednesday 9/6 - 5pm-7pm at the Adams School AYSO Sheds Saturday 9/9 - 7am-noon at the Adams School AYSO Sheds Saturday 9/16 - 7am-noon at the Adams School AYSO Sheds Missing Volunteers? You need to have two coach volunteers that the players can count on to help make the team work. If we cannot get the coach volunteers on 9/9 we will look to restructure the team and get you setup for 9/16. 3rd grade and up needs a referee for the team. Please reach out to the team, youth, grandparents. If we have enough referees in the division, you might be able to get an exception. If we do not have enough, we will be pushing to find volunteers and working on backup plans to do coach scrimmages for some games. Wrong Uniform Size? Added Players? We have the uniforms bundled based on what parents indicated were the sizes of the players. If the parent needs to swap a uniform, please send the parent to the information shed on Saturday 9/9. If you get an added player, please send the family to the information shed 9/9 Team Name Change? If you want to change/set the team name, you need to do it at the uniform pickup. Need Team Equipment? - (We have some Pop Up Goals) If you are missing pinnies, want more soccer balls, missing a first aid kit, need a keeper jersey, need cones, ask for that at the uniform pickup. NOTICE: Please expect it to take 5-15 min to get your uniforms. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333 Our region is powered by volunteers, like you. THANK YOU! |
[CorvallisAYSO] Coach Team Uniform Pickup
8/31/23 6:48 AM
Hello All Fall Coaches, I strongly recommend you pop by this Saturday 9/2 9am-11am to attend the coach field training, even if you do not need the training, we have many new instructors with many different perspectives/ideas. ^ Signup Here for Training/Refresher ^ Saturday 9/2 from 10am-12pm (at the Adams School AYSO Sheds) we will be handing out uniforms to a team volunteer on a team that has all required volunteers registered and assigned in Sports Connect (ideally head coach, but a designate is okay). You must have the following volunteers to get your uniforms. All Teams MUST HAVE... TWO coaches on every team, one must be designated as the head coach. 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, & 7th/8th MUST HAVE... You must have at least ONE referee that can center your games. This one person must be solid and needs to be available on Saturdays to referee your games, or you might not get a referee on your game. Alternate Uniform Pickup Days: If you do not have the volunteers on 9/2, but can get them registered by the following days... Wednesday 9/6 - 5pm-7pm at the Adams School AYSO Sheds Saturday 9/9 - 7am-noon at the Adams School AYSO Sheds Saturday 9/16 - 7am-noon at the Adams School AYSO Sheds Missing Volunteers? You need to have two coach volunteers that the players can count on to help make the team work. If we cannot get the coach volunteers on 9/9 we will look to restructure the team and get you setup for 9/16. 3rd grade and up needs a referee for the team. Please reach out to the team, youth, grandparents. If we have enough referees in the division, you might be able to get an exception. If we do not have enough, we will be pushing to find volunteers and working on backup plans to do coach scrimmages for some games. Wrong Uniform Size? Added Players? We have the uniforms bundled based on what parents indicated were the sizes of the players. If the parent needs to swap a uniform, please send the parent to the information shed on Saturday 9/9. If you get an added player, please send the family to the information shed 9/9 Team Name Change? If you want to change/set the team name, you need to do it at the uniform pickup. Need Team Equipment? - (We have some Pop Up Goals) If you are missing pinnies, want more soccer balls, missing a first aid kit, need a keeper jersey, need cones, ask for that at the uniform pickup. NOTICE: Please expect it to take 5-15 min to get your uniforms. Thank You, Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333 Our region is powered by volunteers, like you. THANK YOU! |
[CorvallisAYSO] Fields Help Signups
8/31/23 5:46 AM
All Potential Helpers! Your email was indicated on the player registration as someone that could help with fields or game day tasks. I'm looking to start with filling the the fields lining slots and I could use help Saturday 9/2 anytime from 8am-noon. You can use the signup link below to select a time for helping with the safety/information shed, field relining(anytime Thur/Fri before games), field equipment setup/takedown, or other game day tasks. ^ Signup Here ^ DIRECTIONS: No login/account needed, click the "SIGNUP" link to signup for that shift (that opens a new tab), confirm your details, and submit the form. The form will close the signup tab to get you back here. Refreshing this page will show an updated list of available slots, if any. Events Helper (18+): helps with miscellaneous jobs such as the Soccer Equipment Sale (Shoe Swap) the first Saturday of the season, or any other special events as they arise. Safety Helper (16+): helps operate the Safety/Information station on game day, answer questions about game day, general operations, and keep first aid supplies and forms in order for an hour shift. On-the-job training will be provided. You will be paired with another helper. Position/Job Manager (Safety Coord.) Opening Helper (16+): helps set out equipment for use during the game day, checks fields, and could do other field tasks (like lining fields, helping with nets, etc.). On-the-job training will be provided. Position/Job Manager (Safety Coord.) Fields Helper (16+): helps maintain and improve the soccer fields at practice and game areas. The field helpers are responsible for field lining, preseason set up, post season take down, opening and closing on game day, and other field maintenance tasks. Field lining slots are anytime Thursday afternoon through Friday evening. Position/Job Manager (Fields Coord.) NOTE: This was sent to you because I did not see your email as a coach/ref or I did not see that your email was used in an existing signup. Thank You, Luke Cotton Region Commissioner American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333 Our region is entirely powered by volunteers, including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Missing Volunteer Online Training
8/29/23 8:45 AM
Hello Fall Soccer Volunteers, You are getting this email because you are missing a volunteer online training in AYSOU (Safe Haven &/or Concussion) or Safe Sport. Please complete the training as soon as possible. NOTE: A customized email will be sent later today with what I have you missing. AYSO's Safe Haven - Online Training - (all Volunteers)You login to the region Sports Connect site (here), navigate to the Volunteers section, and open etrainu by hitting the AYSOU button found next your first volunteer registration. Under the "Training Library" link, look for the "Safe Haven Courses" courses and open it, then enroll and start the "AYSO's Safe Haven - Online".
AYSO CDC Concussion Awareness - Online Training - (all Volunteers)You login to the region Sports Connect site (here), navigate to the Volunteers section, and open etrainu by hitting the AYSOU button found next your first volunteer registration. Under the "Training Library" link, look for the "Safe Haven Courses" courses and open it, then enroll and start "CDC Concussion Awareness - Online". NOTICE: Per Oregon law, every Coach and Referee is required to be Concussion Certified Annually*. You need to retake the entire training each school year. Sports Connect might have a green check, according to my records, you are not covered per Oregon Law.
SafeSport - Online Training - (all ADULT Coaches & Referees)This PDF (here) will guide you through the process and how to setup an account to get it going. SafeSport is valid for 12 months, then you will need to take an update / refresher class. Remember, you need to have a Safe Sport account using the same legal name and email as Sports Connect for the system to automatically connect your accounts.
Online Training Advice
Coach and Referee Job Training - Online Training + In-Person TrainingYou login to the region Sports Connect site (here), navigate to the Volunteers section, and open etrainu by hitting the AYSOU button found next your first volunteer registration. Under the "Training Library" link, look for the coach or referee courses and open it, then enroll and start the part one of your course. PART 2 is required, please signup for the in-person trainings: Issues or you took the training and my report shows you did not, please email me with the certification. Thank You, Luke Cotton Region Commissioner American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149 A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333 Our region is entirely powered by volunteers, including me. |
[CorvallisAYSO] Team Meetings Tue 8/22 & Wed 8/23
8/20/23 12:30 PM
Hello All Rec Fall AYSO Families,
[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Soccer Teams
8/13/23 11:29 AM
Howdy Fall Soccer Parents, You will be getting an email about your team placement soon. Our division coordinator volunteers have been working hard to sort out teams that can be both competitive and fun for the players. We do our best to try and balance teams, get players with some school peers, and try to incorporate special requests. If you have a question or concern for the division coordinator, please use the contact us form (here), please include the team number and the division if you know it. Team Meetings Parents will meet up to decide on a team name, pick a team color, fill volunteer vacancies, and sort out practice times/locations. 08/22: Kinder, 1st, & 2nd Grade Team Meetings 6-7pm @ Adams Area Soccer Fields + Coach Equip Pickup + Soccer Equipment Sale. 08/23: 3/4th, 5/6th, 7/8th Team Meetings 6-7pm @ Adams Area Soccer Fields + Coach Equip Pickup + Soccer Equipment Sale. Coaches If you do not see a head coach or assistant coach for the team... please register as a volunteer (we likely are intending for you to do it). The guide is (here) and please get started on your training (here). If you are registered and are not allocated to the team, please use the contact us form (here) to notify the division coordinator. Referees We always need more referees, age 12 and older can register to help referee in the 3rd-8th grade levels. Volunteer registration guide is (here). Thank You, |
[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Season Calendar v1
8/06/23 4:02 PM
Hi |User First Name|, You have one or more players registered for fall soccer with AYSO in Corvallis and Philomath Oregon. Below is the draft of the calendar for this fall. We are still working to get pieces and communication in place, I appreciate your patience. Fall Calendar v1 08/12: Team Notifications / Rosters Posted. 08/19: Coach Field Training/Refresher - Sat AM. (signup) 08/22: Kinder, 1st, & 2nd Grade Team Meetings 6-7pm + Coach Equip Pickup + Soccer Equipment Sale. 08/23: 3/4th, 5/6th, 7/8th Team Meetings 6-7pm + Coach Equip Pickup + Soccer Equipment Sale. 08/26: Field Painting and Setup - Sat AM. 08/28: Practices Could Start. 09/02: Coach Equip Pickup - Sat AM. 09/02: Coach Field Training/Refresher - Sat AM. (signup) 09/05: Referee Field Training - Tue PM. (signup) 09/06: Coach Field Training/Refresher - Wed PM. (signup) 09/06: Referee Field Training - Wed PM. (signup) 09/08: Referee Refresher - Fri PM. 09/09: First Game Day - Sat AM. Sep-Oct Saturday Game Days. 09/30: Picture Day. 10/28: Last Potential Game Day - Sat AM. Nov-Dec: Indoor Soccer - Sports Park. Feb-Mar: Futsal - School Court. Apr-May: Spring Outdoor Soccer. Thank You, |
[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Soccer Registration Updates
6/30/23 7:15 AM
Hello |User First Name|, If you are not already registered for fall soccer, please get it done soon. We will be building teams and placing players in a few weeks. If you sign up after we build teams, your placement is not guaranteed. (Signup Here) You can confirm your registration in Sports Connect when you login and see a button next to your player that says No Programs Available. Program Status Updates Preschool Developmental We will be sending details in early August. We have plenty of open spots for players. Kinder - 8th Grade Core Recreational We are forming teams in late July and sending details out early August. Head Coaches and Referees can register online now, along with players. I'll be sending confirmation/check-in emails mid-July to confirm your details and any special requests you submitted (here). NOTICE: the divisions are shown to you based on DOB, if you only see the 2nd grade division for your 1st grader, please register in the 2nd grade division and submit a special request to play down with the 1st grade division. High School Recreational We are lacking a coordinator. We could use your help to get something setup (here). 5th-6th Grade Competitive EXTRA We are looking good for fall :). Right now, we are working on notifications, please stay tuned for emails from Nicole or Brian in the next few weeks. 7th-8th Grade Competitive Select We are looking okay for fall! Right now, we are working on notifications, please stay tuned for emails from Nicole or Brian in the next few weeks. Program Summary Information (learn more) Preschool Developmental The Developmental program is for young players and their parents are introduced to the beautiful and simple game of soccer in a pressure free setting. Kindergarten - 8th Grade Recreational AYSO core program offers recreational soccer for multiple levels of players, now based on player grade...
EXTRA is a soccer program for players going into 5th and 6th grade who are looking to get more touches on the ball and playing against some more advanced competition than what they experience in the AYSO CORE program. All participants must enroll in CORE (the traditional Saturday morning games at Adams) to play EXTRA. If you participate in the EXTRA program, please realize that it is, well, extra soccer, meaning extra practice and extra games. For EXTRA families, Saturdays can get quite busy, so please think about your comfort level with committing to the program. (Indicate Interest) 7th-8th Grade Competitive Select Select is a soccer program for players going into 7th or 8th grade who want a more competitive practice and game environment and who are willing to work hard to improve their skills and level of play. We highly recommend players also enroll in either our CORE (the traditional Saturday morning games at Adams) program or their middle school soccer program, but this is not required. (Indicate Interest) To be removed from all AYSO region emails, unsubscribe below. Thank You, |
- 9/2: Posted game schedule Draft v1 for Dev, Kinder - 6th Grade. No 7/8th yet. Not on the region website until Monday.
- 9/2: Sent follow up email to coaches about picking up the uniform bag for the team.
- 8/31: Sent email to coaches about picking up the uniform bag for the team.
- 8/31: Sent email to team helpers looking for signups to help with fields.
- 8/29: Sent email to volunteers about training requirements, focus on online training needs.
- 8/28: Sent email to team volunteers with emergency contact details and medical notes.
- 8/23: Sent reminders to 3-8 teams for the meeting today.
- 8/22: Sent reminders to K-2 teams for the meeting today.
- 8/20: Team Meeting details sent to parents.
- 8/19: Updated referee and coach pages to clarify the grade system divisions.
- 8/18: Sent emails to volunteers missing background checks and setup recurring reminders.
- 8/16: Sent emails for player releases and setup recurring reminders.
- 8/14: Adult program registration open for 23-24.
- 8/14: Notification for 7/8th sent.
- 8/13: Team notifications sent (excluding 7th/8th grade).
- 8/12: Teams ready for posting.
- 8/8: Events calendar updated.
- 8/7: EXTRA/Select program Sports Connect registration open.
- 8/6: Coach Training page updated.
- 8/6: Referee Training page updated.
- 8/6: Coach and Referee trainings ready for signup.
- 8/1: Team Formation has started to create draft teams in Sports Connect.
- 8/1: Updated Contact Us page for division coordinators.
- 8/1: Updated rules page for 23-24, still need new LOTG.