Registration Status Update

We have opened up registration for filling spots on our teams that played in fall. After teams are filled, registrations will go to a wait list to fill in for dropped players.
Please register your player ASAP, this is first-come first-serve to fill spots:

Volunteers, can we register?
Yes! Please go ahead and register as a volunteer, players of volunteers will get fast tracked / priority placements.

Spring Registration Limited

Spring Outdoor Rec Registration

- - - - - - - - - - ABOUT US MENU - - - - - - - - - -
Info Center

Open Board Positions

Need Fields Coord.

Page Updated 03/02/25


  • Learn about the division: Kinder (here) | 1st Grade (here) | 2nd Grade (here) | 3/4th Grade (here) | 5/6th Grade (here) | 7/8th Grade (here)
  • 03/02: We are placing/activating new players, in some divisions, we are rebuilding a few teams. Notifications are expected 3/10, if not sooner.


Season Email Archive


 [CorvallisAYSO] Final Game Day & Picture Pickup 10/19 
 10/19/24 5:00 AM 

Hello All Rec AYSO Families,

NOTICE 4 ALL: If you had pictures taken, do not leave the fields without your picture packet items from your coach. Coaches will be handed the packets and any ordered items by safety volunteers. If you are missing items before you leave, please go to the safety shed.

 > > Indoor soccer (Nov-Dec), registration is online in Sports Connect (here) through 10/26.
 > > Futsal (Jan-Mar), we will send out an email in November.
 > > Spring Outdoor (Apr-May), new player registration opens in February.

Game Day Reminders: Do not leave without your picture packet or ordered items.
  • Leave the jewelry/watch at home, no jewelry. Not even taped or covered with a band-aid.
  • Leave the pets at home. No Pets: No pets near the playing areas during any AYSO activities, games, or practices.
See you in spring 2025, we will send RSVPs in February to confirm you are still participating with the same team.
If you know you are not returning or requesting a change:

We keep the same team frameworks for spring outdoor rec. If you are coaching in spring, we ask you hold on to the equipment if you can, but if you know you are not coaching in spring, bring your team equipment to the AYSO info shed on 10/19. Another drop off date will be 10/26 9-11am at the field sheds.

Safety helpers will be handing you team picture packets, delegate the distribution if needed, but ensure you distribute today. (you could also pick up the packet at the info shed)

Let the last day be a positive experience for all players, set achievable goals/objectives and celebrate the successes.

See you in spring 2025.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, Acting CVPA, & Acting Fields Coordinator

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.... including me.



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