Spring Registration Limited

Spring Outdoor Rec Registration

- - - - - - - - - - COACH MENU - - - - - - - - - -
Coach Admin

Open Board Positions

Need Fields Coord.

Coach Frequently Asked Questions

Word Cluster: Few Players | Lopsided | Feedback | Season Start | Game Card | Game Day | Position Restriction | Injury | Cancellation | Field Closure | Practice Options | Air Quality |

Contacts: Who at AYSO can I contact for help? Coaching Support, Practice Ideas | Equipment Issues? | Referee Issues? | Coach Issues? | Team Formation Issues? | Player or Volunteer Registration Issues? | Player or Volunteer Injury? | All Other Issues & Questions

What do I do with too few players? Playing Short

Many teams have had games where they were short players. Here are the guiding principles for when your team is short players and you see the need to change the game.

  1. Introduce yourself to the opposing coach, communicate the issue in a neutral manner, speak with the referee so they know status.
  2. Communicate the issue, with the referee and the opposing coach.
  3. Balance the Game.
    1. Ask for players from the opposing team. (Players showed for that game, ensure they get the most playing time first.)
    2. Get players from your division or a lower division. (Be sure they have parents present.)
    3. Attempt to balance the game/teams with the other coach.
  4. Play the first half and revisit number three.

How do I deal with Lopsided Games?

Remember that Saturday games are a recreational competition intended to be fun for families and players. There are certain points where it is obvious you should change the game to make it fun for everyone.

  • Your team is down four points and momentum is clearly not in your favor, forfeit, and change the game.
  • Your team is up four points and momentum is clearly in your favor, change the game.*
  • Your team is short two plus players, either forfeit, and change the game or revert to bullet one.

*Here are some useful tips for dealing with Lopsided Games (here).

Forfeit = This term is to help in the understanding that you are no longer playing a scheduled competition, but a scheduled scrimmage with a total number of players at both coaches' disposal.

How do I provide feedback to a Referee?

Constructive Feedback - There are always issues, first remember we are all volunteers. From issues with parents to issues with referees, there are channels to get help. If you observe a problem or have one with a parent feel free to email me. If you observe a problem or have one with a referee feel free to email the Ref Admin. Please be sure to mention the game, field, and start time. Remember it is just a game, but if you believe it is a problem email someone so we can help. Keep it constructive so we know what we can do to help.

What do I need to do to start the season? General Coach Check List to start the Season:

  • Submit Volunteer Registration
  • Submit Coach Data Sheet
  • Reserve Training Session Fields (07U-19U)
  • Get Classroom Training*
  • Get Field Training*
  • Get Safe Haven Training Online

*Training needs to be for the division/age level your coaching, you do not need to get all the training from the lower levels, just your division level. Training above your division level can be okay, but I suggest you brush up your understanding of the requirements for the lower level. Classroom training can be done virtually for some levels.

How long can training sessions be?


How do I fill out a game lineup card or game card?

(Region Lineup Card) I am glad you asked... it is seemingly basic. You will receive a game lineup card with other equipment before the first game day. After you distribute the uniforms at a training or game you then write the numbers and names of all players in numerical order. Make sure, if you have two players with the same name you distinguish them on the card. Fill out as much as you can on the top of the card, feel free to do a bunch of these at the same time leaving off the information for that day. At the game you give the card to the referee. (if you lose the cards you can get one at the info shed)

What should I be sure I have on the first game day?

Game Day Checklist

  • Team Ball Bag
  • Team Pinnies
  • Goalie Jersey or Pinnie (09U+) (none?)
  • Extra Shin Guards
  • Clipboard with pencil and paper

What equipment should I have by my first training session?


How do I find, apply, and reserve a training/practice field?


Where should I stand during a game? or What side should my team be on be during the game?

Please look at the field signs to see the spectator and team side assignments. One side of the field should be clearly marked.

Are kids with injuries allowed to play at games? What about training sessions? or Can I allow players that are not registered play with the team? or What are the player requirements to allow them to play?

Incident? (Fill this Form) Email the incident report to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Here is a brief overview of the player requirements.

  • All players need to be registered.
  • All players at training sessions and games need to wear shin guards.
  • At training sessions and games, no player can play with casts or hard splints.
  • At training sessions and games, no player can wear earrings, jewelry, or other dangerous metal/hard plastic items (bobby pins).
  • At training sessions and games, no player can wear a hat with a hard brim.

All of these rules must be followed in order to ensure a players coverage with Soccer Accident Insurance and your coverage with General Liability by AYSO. No AYSO player is allowed to play without meeting the above requirements.

What is the criteria for canceling training sessions? or What is the policy for cancellations? or Do we have makeup games? (Primary AYSO Program Only)

We do not have makeup games and you most likely cannot have makeup training sessions since you are only allowed to train 3 hours per week, when a game day is canceled it is canceled. The current policy for the primary AYSO program is that if a majority of the Corvallis 509j fields are closed all training sessions should be canceled. Majority is currently set at a number greater than 7 schools. You can find information on this websites home page.

What are some options if my training field is closed?

If you are one of the unlucky few that have a field that is closed, you have a few options. Best option is to find another green space that you are allowed to play on, remember to be safe and scout the area. Another option is to remember that player development does not require grass, but remember to be safe if you are doing something on unfamiliar terrain (I do not recommend that you try a training sessions on wet concrete, but you can try some games that apply to soccer. Think team building or general physical fitness, ask them what they do for P.E.).

What are some options if we are not allowed to training sessions?

If AYSO has canceled training sessions or games for the week, you can always communicate with the parents to try a more social gathering. Some locations in town can provide physical activity, or just team building/familiarity. Remember that these are not AYSO authorized events, meaning you and everyone else should be notified of this fact. (Please do not bend the rules on this, if a bunch of coaches want to have a recreational game with their kids and friends that can be ok, but remember to be sure everyone is informed it is voluntary and not part of AYSO.)

Air Quality Issues?

Take a look at this flier for Oregon Health Authority (here). If a training is done in orange weather, please make it light P.E. like activities. No training sessions shall take place in the red category.

"Athletes with asthma should have rescue inhalers readily available and pretreat before exercise or as directed by their healthcare provider. All athletes with respiratory illness, asthma, lung or heart disease should monitor symptoms and reduce/cease activity if symptoms arise. Increase rest periods as needed."-OSAA