Spring Registration Limited

Spring Outdoor Rec Registration

- - - - - - - - - - REFEREE MENU - - - - - - - - - -
Game Signup
Game Day
Referee Admin

Open Board Positions

Need Fields Coord.

Referee Training and Certification

REFEREE (3/4th Grade One Required, 5/6th & 7/8th Grade Two Required) (12+) (No refs for Kinder - 2nd Grade)

3rd grade & up - You sign up for an assignment w/ a division that fits your experience and training. Your commitment involves 1 game per week in the fall and spring, or an equivalent number of games per season for each child you are representing (you can ref your child's game). Trading game assignments and getting substitutes are okay, but we still need referees to fulfill their game count commitment. Position/Job Manager (Referee Admin.)

Volunteer Training Requirements

Applies to Coaches, Referees, Managers, and Board Members.

  • Volunteer Registration Required In Sports Connect. (required yearly, login here) (directions here)
    • > Adult Background Check - If close to expiration, you should receive an invitation from TheAdvocates at SterlingVolunteers. Please follow the link to complete your Background Check ASAP. (required every 12mo)
    • > Please reach out to your division coordinator here to be allocated to the team in Sports Connect.
  • Only Adult Coach and Referee Safe Sport Online Training. (one big training, then yearly refreshers, see below)
  • AYSOU online training through Sports Connect. (login here)
    • > Safe Haven Training. (one and done, see below)
    • > Only Coach and Referee CDC Concussion Awareness Training. (required every 12mo in Oregon, see below)
    • > Online Job Training (part 1). (one and done per division, see below)
  • Only Coach and Referees Practical Field Training (parts 2 & 3). (one and done per division, sign up here)


AYSOU's Job Training Part 1 - Online Training - (All Volunteers)

You log in to the region Sports Connect site (here), navigate to the Volunteers section, and open etrainu by hitting the AYSOU button found next to your first volunteer registration. Under the "Training Library" link, look for the "Coaching" or "Refereeing" or "Management" and click "View Courses", then enroll and start the online training that is right for the job.

  • Coaching will be something like
    • Kinder aka "6U Coaching - Online" in AYSOU's Coaching Training Library.
    • 1st and 2nd Grade aka "8U Coaching - Online" in AYSOU's Coaching Training Library.
    • 3/4th Grade aka "10U Coaching - Online + In-Person Field Session" in AYSOU's Coaching Training Library.
    • 5/6th Grade aka "12U Coach (Online Part 1 + In-Person Course Part 2)" in AYSOU's Coaching Training Library.
    • 7/8th Grade aka "Intermediate Coach 14U Online Part 1 + In-Person Part 2" in AYSOU's Coaching Training Library.
  • Refereeing will be called "Regional Referee Online + In-Person Companion Course" in AYSOU's Referee Training Library.
  • Management or Board Member will be "Regional Board Member - Online"  in AYSOU's Management Training Library.

Keep a copy of the certification for your records.


AYSO Corvallis's Job Training Part 2 & 3 - In-Person Training - (All Coaches & Referees)

Coaches and Referees, please sign up for the final in-person part of your training (here).



AYSOU's Safe Haven - Online Training - (All Volunteers)

You log in to the region Sports Connect site (here), navigate to the Volunteers section, and open etrainu by hitting the AYSOU button found next to your first volunteer registration. Under the "Training Library" link, look for the "Safe Haven" and click "View Courses", then enroll and start the "AYSO's Safe Haven".
Keep a copy of the certification for your records.


AYSOU CDC Concussion Awareness - Online Training - (All Coaches & Referees)

Coaches and Referees, you log in to the region Sports Connect site (here), navigate to the Volunteers section, and open etrainu by hitting the AYSOU button found next to your first volunteer registration. Under the "Training Library" link, look for the "AYSO - Concussion Training" and click "View Courses", then enroll and start the "CDC Concussion Awareness - Online".
Keep a copy of the certification for your records.

NOTICE: Per Oregon law, every Coach and Referee is required to be concussion certified annually (training is only valid for 1 year).


AYSOU's Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Online Training - (Not Required)

You log in to the region Sports Connect site (here), navigate to the Volunteers section, and open etrainu by hitting the AYSOU button found next to your first volunteer registration. Under the "Training Library" link, look for the "Safe Haven" and click "View Courses", then enroll and start the "Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Online".
Keep a copy of the certification for your records.


SafeSport - Online Training - (All ADULT Coaches & Referees)

This PDF (here) will guide you through the process and how to set up an account to get it going. SafeSport is valid for 1 year, then you will need to take an update / refresher class. Remember, you need to have a Safe Sport account using the same legal name and email as Sports Connect for the system to automatically connect your accounts.
Having Issues? Contact CVPA
Keep a copy of the certification for your records.

NOTICE: Do not take the English Accessible version, it is broken and you will get stuck. Use Edge or Chrome without ad block.


Online Training Advice
  • You need to have completed your volunteer registration before you can log in for training in etrainu aka AYSOU v2. IT CAN TAKE 24H FOR AYSOU ACCESS. :(
  • Each volunteer needs a Sports Connect account with a unique email to do training (including youth).
  • If the course shows as in progress, go to "My Training"
  • KEEP A COPY of your certification.