Spring Registration Limited

Spring Outdoor Rec Registration

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Board Minutes/Notes Archive - MY2018

June 2019


17 attending, several new members: Andy Ungerer, Juan Fernandez, Brian Dolan, John Sweet, Nicole Belyeu, Kristel Brisby, Dan Herford, Scott Gilpen, Laura Shields, Hannah Stevens, Brad Whitcomb, Sarah Child, Leanne Henriques, Humberto Nation, Vince Waterhous, Luke Cotton, & Chris Jordan

VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION: still not available. Waiting on payment card being processed/available. Luke working to develop volunteer roadmap. When will volunteer registration open up? Hoping next week to have payment card available - Luke will let people when its available. Everyone will need to go thru new background checks. Training for coach, other is available thru GGC in August (2) or at AYSO Expo in Spring.

TEAM FORMATION: These jobs can be split into three parts; all three can be done by one person, or can be split. First is the initial formation and balancing, this is often Excel heavy and can be time intensive in July and the start of August. The balancing act is a tough one and varies per division. No one method is perfect, but additional knowledge of players and coaches is beneficial (bringing in some coaches in the division can help with this). Multiple people can help, but one person would lead the charge and create the team structures by August. We will have some trainings / calls over the summer to help with this and ensure you have the data you need. Second is the fall late registrations and ongoing email communication, this is email heavy and is spread out in August and September. This person takes the built teams (ideally, you were involved in the first part w/ notes from that), attempts to maintain the balance, and fill gaps in teams with late applicants. This person is the main point of contact for the teams getting coordinated for fall. Third is the same as the second but for spring registrations in March and early April.

BOARD APPLICANTS: We will discuss the jobs and work out plans to get people started.

  1. Brad Whitcomb - 5U Master Coach aka Coach Support Specialist
  2. Leanne Henriques - AIC 6U Girls Coordinator (looking for coordinator)
  3. Lisa Robinson-Mihiar - 6U Boys Coordinator
  4. Leanne Henriques - AIC 7U Girls Coordinator (looking for coordinator)
  5. Elise LeBoldus(gone for a chunk of summer) & Laura Shields - 9U Girls Coordination
  6. Scott Gilpin & Kristel Brisby(potential 6UG?) - 11U Boys Coordination
  7. Patricia Sterns & Trina McGaughy - 13U Boys Coordination
  8. Scott Emery & John Sweet - 15U Girls Coordination
  9. Juan Fernandez - 19U Coordinator
  10. Hannah Stevens(potential Girls Team Formation?)
  11. Sarah Child & Nicole Belyeu - Treasurer (I have asked Joan our current treasurer to reach out to you both)
  12. Daniel Herford - Coach Administrator
  13. Catalina Segura - Special Events Coordinator (runs Shoe Swap, Picture Day, Volunteer Thank You Days, and could help with other events)

BOARD POSITIONS: Unable to vote on these new members at this meeting. Need to have a quorum of first level board - do not have a majority of necessary board. (No CVPA or ARC, missing Catalina, Elaine, Eric, Joan, & Toby). Will look at voting by email.

  1. Elise - 11u girls
  2. Scott - take on 11u on own. Dan Herford offered to mentor
  3. Kristel will move to 6u girls
  4. Andy 13u girls
  5. John 15u girls
  6. Juan 15u boys
  7. Humberto & Juan 19u
  8. Hannah open to filling in CVPA
  9. Sarah Child Treasurer
  10. Nicole Belyeu Manager Admin

OPEN POSITIONS: Luke is filling role as CVPA because it is a required board position. Past CVPAs have been attorneys, police officer
But AYSO has very clear black & white guidelines. Challenge is going to have to talk to anyone who may have been rejected and having to talk to people regarding that. Talking to people to follow up on issues that may have arisen. CVPA will work with other members to resolve as needed. Number of incidents are normally very low. Fields coordinator available.


  1. Referee Shift Signup, using region website for improved tracking & targeted pleading (you helping this team, this team has no ref, you ref your team on this day?).New tool to have referees sign-up. Can connect requirement & w/ open games.
    Coach Game Report, email sent to coaches after a game to get score data & feedback. New system to try to get input and feedback from coaches early in the season
  2. Verified Volunteers, still working on this, hope to have a guide and testing done in mid-July. Luke hopes to send out Volunteer Registration info by August 1. After BlueSombrero registration, will be redirected to different site to initiate new background check process.
  3. Area Tournament, still working out the details with region 870. Looking at developing an Area tournament at end of fall season. May not be all divisions
  4. Interplay, region 870 has asked that we consider interplay for 13U. Request from 870 to have 13u interplay which means travel every other weekend. No change made here.
  5. Belgium Uniform Style Selected. New uniform style across the board to make uniforms more uniform. Shorts are better quality now then previous.
  6. Five-a-side - late May
  7. Field layout Added, effectively, another age group - need to rearrange field layout. Chris & Luke have worked on 2 different layouts. Chris focused on keeping age groups together, especially the younger players. The critical component is the number of players and therefore number of teams. Need to figure out if 3 or 4 9u in order to know if need another goal which needs to purchased. Plan to just purchase another 9u goal so available independent of whether it is used or not this fall. Because of interplay and other options, can get by with one 15u (full size) field.
  8. Luke is discussing field improvement with district. Hoping to add additional field drainage.
  9. Need to insure that referees will attend Referee refresher because of several changes to LOTG.

Jun 24: Add-On Summer Camp 1 Starts.
Jul 22: Add-On Summer Camp 2 Starts.
Jul 31: First part of Team Formation is done.
Aug 1: Volunteers get placement notifications and instructions to register & complete training.
Aug 1: Players get notified of teams.
Aug 2-4: AYSO Golden Gate Camp in CA for Instructors and Advanced Trainings
Aug 1: Limited Registration Opens & Volunteer w/Player Special Request Opens.
Aug 12: Add-On Summer Camp 3 Starts (signup).
Mid-August (need Elaine & Arianne on this): Team Meetings.
Late- August (need Vince/Chris & Dan on this): Trainings
September: Practices Could Start.
Sept 7: Opening Day (Quick Meeting > Practice > Game).
Sept 14: Games Start on Each Saturday through Oct 26th.
Sept 21 & 28: Picture Days.
Oct 5: Indoor Registration Starts.
Oct 26th: Final Game Day for Fall 2019, see you in April 2020.
Nov 2: Area Tournament.

Noted by Vince, Submitted by Luke

May 2019

Meeting Canceled

April 2019


PRESENT: Andy Ungerer, Juan Fernandez, Brian Dolan, John Sweet, Luke Cotton, Elaine Markley, Vince Waterhous, Chris Jordan, Mary Cotton, Dan Herford, Danny Aynes

MINUTES: It was moved by Brian and seconded by Andy that the minutes be approved for the March 19, 2019 meeting with the one correction that the next meeting dates was April 19 rather than March 19 as written. The motion carried unanimously as edited.

NEW DIVISION PACKETS AND INFORMATION: Luke presented the new division information sheets that are divided by each division reflecting the odd number divisions being used for next membership year. Because of the age changes, there will be no interplay with Region 870 in the 13U divisions but will occur in all divisions up from this. With the changes comes a need for more goals. Luke will look into purchasing new goals to meet the needs of more fields. Luke will look into changing the language of our region to be sure we are able to have a 19U (high school) division. There were some suggestions made about the age chart on the new flyers. It was felt that the 15U needed a column on the chart that will go out to all newly registered players.

REGISTRATION COMING UP: May 4 and May 11 will be the registration dates for families to come to Adams Elementary School to register and pay if they are on the free/reduced lunch program or do not have a means to pay online. Elaine will have Spanish speaking students from CHS on hand to assist in the registration event. Luke has created a new form for Blue Sombrero so hopefully all the information we need to gather will show up in the new form. He was able to add questions about free/reduced lunch and when the user gets to the payment page, the program automatically deducts $50 from the total cost, leaving $40 for the member to pay. When a 19U player registers, they have the option of fall only, spring only or both. The cost is prorated based on whether or not they need to buy a new uniform. Since we are using the reversible jerseys, many have a jersey and will opt to not purchase another one. Advertising for the upcoming registration will be done with yard signs, MOM magazine (Mary had a special ad created), OSU summer camp fair (Andy and Mary attended), school district E-folder, paper flyers, radio announcements and local newspaper article.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Silent Saturday will be the same Saturday as Referee Appreciation! All referees should enjoy a quiet Saturday. The date is April 27. Chris will give the referees a coupon to purchase treats at the concession stand. Joan will transfer money from the referee account to concessions for the scholarship fund. May 4 will be Team Manager appreciation. Catalina was not at the meeting to say if we were doing anything extra for the team managers. On May 11, we will have Coach Appreciation Day. Eric was not at the meeting to let us know if there was going to be a special treat for the Coaches. Elaine will make 3 posters to put in the middle of the driveway showing a front and back to let everyone know we are celebrating those volunteers each Saturday.

REFEREE REPORT: There was a good turn out the first week. We can always use more referees, but we are off to a positive start.

CONCERN ABOUT TEAM PRACTICE: It has brought to the attention of the Board that there is a team who is having players pay to practice at G3 when the fields were so wet the school district closed them. Since we do not have insurance coverage specifically at private business facilities, there is a concern about the liability issue. Eric will speak to the coach and ask that they not do this because of the insurance and because it is not fair for players to be asked to pay for rental space of a fitness facility to practice.

UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION: It was decided by Luke and Arianne that we go to the same style of uniform for all divisions next season. This way extra sizes can be ordered to have on hand and we would not have to special order like we are currently doing. This will save money on shipping and Arianne will select a reasonably priced uniform that has a lot of color combinations.19U will continue to wear the blue and red reversible jersey. If they are a returning player, they do not have to buy an new jersey if they have their old one.

TRAINING: Luke would like to send as many referees and coaches to Golden Gate Camp as possible. Registration is now open so key Board members will talk to volunteers who might be willing to attend and come back ready to train Region 149 volunteers.

PLAYER RATINGS: Coaches will be asked to complete their player ratings by May 11 and team formation will have a chance to collect the information before they build new teams.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, May 16 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building. Andy will not be present, so Ricardo will be our host.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

March 2019


PRESENT: Doug Conrad, Andy Ungerer, Brian Dolan, Juan Fernandez, Luke Cotton, Toby Westberry, Elaine Markley, Mary Cotton, Dan Herford, Eric Gleske

MINUTES FROM MARCH RETREAT: It was moved by Juan and seconded by Toby that the minutes from the March 9 meeting be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

BOARD POSITIONS: Applications for Fields positions were read and discussed. Two volunteers have stepped forward to assist as Fields Specialists. Christian Lobscheid is interested in working with field painting. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Toby we accept his application for this position. The motion carried unanimously. Brian Dolan applied for the Field Support Specialist. Brian was present at the meeting and expressed interest in monitoring the conditions of the field and make certain the fields are safe for play. It was moved by Toby and seconded by Elaine that we accept Brian for this position. The motion was approved unanimously. We still have numerous Board positions to fill. Word of mouth at the games and encouraging others to get involved at the next level is encouraged.

SCHEDULING AND FIELDS: Game schedules are being created. Two new teams were added for the spring. One in 6UB and one in 10UB. The fields have been rotated due to unsafe conditions caused by voles, moles, gophers or other critters. New maps will be posted around the field and on the website. New GPS markings will be done, and volunteers will be connecting the dots on March 23 and 30. A new 4' x 6' portable goal has been ordered for the 08U fields. Those goals will be locked together at the field rather than being returned to the equipment shed each Saturday. A shifting of tables, tents, etc. will take place and those items will be stored in the brown shed rather than the referee shed. Elaine will order 4 Best Pots units for the spring season.

BUSINESS CARDS AND ADVERTISING: A generic business card will be available at the Safety Information station to hand out when people have questions. Board members write their AYSO email address on the card it they need to contact that person in the future. Mary worked with people at MOM Magazine to create an information page about the upcoming registration for the MY2019-20. It looks greatJ Elaine will get the posters and new field maps laminated. Andy and Mary will attend the OSU Summer Fair and have posters/flyers available advertising next season as well as the UK summer camp. Elaine submitted information for Summer in the City advertising summer camps.

ODD vs EVEN DIVISIONS: Luke presented a chart with the breakdown of odd and even divisions that is used in Region 870. Discussion about advantages and disadvantages took place. After the discussion, it was moved by Eric and seconded by Toby that we adopt the ODD division system (ie 06U will now become 07U) and retain the double team approach for the 7U teams by having 2 Coaches and one Team Manager as the registered volunteers. The motion carried with one voting member abstaining. More fields will be needed with the ODD division system. The number of players on the field per division would be 07U (4 v 4), 09U (7 v 7), 11U (9 v 9), 13U, 15U and 19U (11 v 11). We recognize it will take some getting used to the first year, but those working in team formation feel it is better for age/size ratio. It was suggested that in any information, the birth years be included when talking about the division groupings. Andy will be sure that educational piece is put into place.

GAME DAY HELPERS: Luke has created a new signup for game day helpers. Toby will print off the list of helpers for Safety, Concessions and Open/Close and bring to the field to post. It will include a contact phone number to call the game day helper if they are not showing up on time. The new system will track volunteers by team and the Team Manager can see who is doing their jobs for the team and organization.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, April 19 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Administrative Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Andy Ungerer, Catalina Segura, Benjamin Carleski, John Williams, Vince Waterhous, Luke Cotton, Chris Jordan, Juan Fernandez, Joan Reukauf, Elaine Markley, Mary Cotton


  • Online game day helpers will sign up on our website rather than SignUp Genius. The reason is so that Luke can track teams and game day helpers to see who is actually signing up for their duty.
  • There was a brief discussion that the 6U and 8U referees would sign up the same way. No conclusions were made.
  • 5-A-Side Jamboree will be held May 18 for 10U-19U. Teams will split their team into two equal teams. Coaches need to indicate if they are a "weak" or "strong" team compared to other teams they have played, even though they should be balanced. The fields will be split in half. Lining will be done with either paint or cones before the 18th.
  • There will be one new 10UB team and a new 6UB team this spring. Names need to be identified and let Andy and John W. know so they can add them to the system. Arianne needs to know for uniforms and equipment as well.
  • Luke will check on the number of 19U players who have registered and see if there are enough to form a second team.


  • National is now requiring a secondary background check for all "volunteers" which will cost $25 per volunteer. This will need to be done every year for every volunteer.
  • Specific volunteer jobs will be identified in August. Those willing to volunteer as a Coach, Assistant Coach, Referee, Team Manager or Board member will be checked. All others will be considered game day helpers. Background check can take up to 3 weeks.
  • Game day helpers will not be under the Level 2 background check.
  • Discussion of how to get more game day helpers identified for shoe swap, concessions, safety, fields was discussed. Some people can not help out on Saturday and Mary wanted something on the registration form that indicated "non Saturday helper." John thought a place for comments for Special Skills should be included.
  • The cost of player registration for Region 149 will increase to $90 for MY2019-2020 to include the $25 required Level 2 background check. The breakdown of cost would be three registered players would cover the cost of one volunteer. We need 370-380 registered volunteers for the number of teams we currently have. Scholarship players would be required to pay $40 per player.

BUDGET: The budget was presented by Joan and Luke. There was one change in amount for training that was changed and referee scheduling cost was edited. It was moved by Chris and seconded by Mary to accept the budget as edited. The motion carried unanimously. Luke will check into the cost of the Western View center for future registration events so the computers can be used rather than reserving the computer lab and gym at Adams to save additional expense.

DIVISION CHANGES AND PROPOSALS: Region 870 currently divides their divisions by odd rather than even birthdates. Luke prepared a chart to show how many of our current players would move to different divisions if we were to move to the odd year. Luke will check with Region 870 on the number of players on the field for each division. No decisions were made and further discussion will take place at the next Board meeting.

MY2019-2020: Dates for next fall and proposed events are as follows:

  • Fall opening day will be September 7 with same format as last fall
  • First game will be September 14 and last game will be October 26
  • Possible Fall tournament on November 2 with Region 870
  • Spring jamboree last game of the spring season
  • Possible spring tournament with Region 870 Memorial Day weekend

VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT: Several suggestions for the near future include

  • Have a NEW PLAYER meeting in the spring for all new players and parents (they miss out when the sign up for spring only)
  • Have a BIG link on the website asking for specific needs to be met
  • During spring season, walk the fields and talk to families on sideline
  • Mary would like job descriptions outlined for the Board position needed. Give those to Luke if you have information to share.
  • Chris will reach out to a few people for Coach Administrator position.
  • Elaine will reach out to someone for Treasurer and Division Coordinator
  • Elaine will contact Carlos at CHS to arrange Juan to speak to the Spanish speaking community at one of their evening meetings.


  • CVPA…would be helpful if they had dispute resolution skills
  • Treasurer…would be helpful if they have solid computer skills as well as budget building skills
  • Coach Administrator…would be helpful to have good communication skills
  • Girls Team Formation…would oversee all girls divisions
  • 6U or 7U Girls Coordinator…division number depends on if we change to odd years
  • 8U or 9U Girls Coordinator…division number depends on if we change to odd years
  • 15U Girls Coordinator
  • High School Coordinator…Juan has expressed an interest
  • Fields Coordinator…currently have two key volunteers but need a main coordinator
  • Events Coordinator
  • Indoor Coordinator
  • Summer Camp Coordinator…works closely with UK International soccer coaches
  • 5U Master Coach..would be nice to have 2 people for this position. John W said he can be a backup as needed.

REGISTRATION/TEAM FORMATION: This will be a major topic at the next Board meeting.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: Due to a conflict with Andy's schedule, the next Board meeting will be held on TUESDAY, MARCH 19 at the OSU Oceanography Administrative Building. It will be in the library which is just inside the main door and to the right. Start time will be 7:15pm.

Respectfully submitted:
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

February 2019

No Meeting

January 2019 Retreat

15U-19U Focus Group

Ages 13-18 / 15U & 19U Focus Group (Luke Lead) (Vince Notes) [Chris, Eric, Juan, Dan, John Williams, Anton]


Concern - Physical differences across this age group No changes for Spring

**AI Luke - Talk to 870 about how their change to 13U 15U has worked

**AI Luke - Look at player numbers if our region goes to odd numbered 2 yr succession, eg 5U, 7U, 9U, 11U, 13U, 19U


Concern - Participation numbers low

High School coach restrictions. Talk to CHS coach

**AI - ask if Elaine will confirm with Chad CHS philosophy for JV2 thru Varsity?

Why allow? Gives players more opportunities to play, more touches on the ball, opportunities to do different positions

For Spring

Still co-ed

Still all of high school Change to cost Fall - paid $80

For Spring - charge $40 Advertise?

At athletic departments for CV, CHS, PHS

What about 15U from last year that may now be in 9th grade and send targeted email to them?

Bring a friend - get a drink/donut/used soccer ball

Other Discussion

How do Coaches deal with disruptive players?

What tools does the coach have?

Need to also help coaches to learn group management skills for adolescents

How do we educate the coaches?

**AI - Request to John - list out tools coaches can use to deal with disruptive players Send to Eric, Eric will distribute to 10U up coaches


Experienced coaches for 15U and 19U hard to find

Several injuries at 15U. Concern of differences in physical size What can be done to improve this?

19U with minimum participation w wide range of skills


JW - 870 has 13U & 15U, how well is that working?, what do they do for 19U?

Physical size differences.

For 15U, have 6th grade play down?

AG - Make same 2 year break but on odd sequence, e.g. 7, 9, 11..

Disc - 2 yr group on odd sequence

Coach comment that older players afraid to play hard because of concern to injure smaller players

**AI - review what 870 has done and how it works for them

Injuries are concern

Younger to older diff? Not really

4 concussions reported (2 verified). This is 2 more than prior years. Is this a lot? A trend, normal play?

Are coaches/refs being more cautious?

Physical size difference concern expressed by parents

**15U for Spring cannot be changed

Disc - reported injuries - who insures that the player is held out as necessary until verified How do we flag these situations?

Can those game cards be put in a separate

Some lack of clarity about what are injuries that should need follow-up Should be a process? Or is there a process? Yes, but is it being done?

Who is best to carry this out?

Team manager has more time and direct interest

How to work on this?

Print off Incident Report form and make sure that Coach, Asst Coach, & Team Manager Add guidance as to what to report

Do quick sort of game cards and pull out cards w injuries and give to Toby (Safety Coord) but need to also make sure John gets card

Toby does not need cards, just

Team Name, Player Name, Player number Chris has been doing some follow-up

Chris can now add this info to the log book in the safety shed

Need to also do this for AYSO EXTRA How to report?

Send Incident Report

Incident Report is available on the web

Need to get more information about injuries to make sure there is follow-up

19U -

One explanation - CHS coach stated that team players are not to play on any team outside of CHS during the season

**AI - Follow up with Chad at CHS regarding if any players can play AYSO, JV1, JV2

Request that Elaine talk to Chad about whether this is

Why? - Gives players more opportunities to play, more touches on the ball, opportunities to do different positions

What do we expect for Spring? More because no restriction for Spring?

How can we get more players/participation How can we form teams on the fly?

More players?

Marketing, camaraderie - bring a friend, get a doughnut, Send email

Talk to 15U players to encourage there participation at 19U level Reduce registration fee if just play Spring

Go to low cost model but 1st time pay for uniform? then pay for AYSO fee Don't really much for uniform

Membership only ~ $20 ($17.50)

If you have 4 teams, will you have enough coaches?

If you design it as a non-core program - more flexibility around how to do this Summary - Changes to 19U program

How to deal w High School in general. Talk to CHS coach Still co-ed. Still all of high school

Change to cost

Fall paid $80

For Spring - charge $40


At athletic departments for CV, CHS, PHS

What about 15U from last year that may now be in 9th grade and send targeted email to them?

Bring a friend - get a drink/donut/used soccer ball



How do Coaches deal with disruptive players?

What tools does the coach have?

Need to also help coaches to learn group management skills for adolescents

How do we educate the coaches?

Request to John - list out tools coaches can use to deal with disruptive players Send to Eric, Eric will distribute to 10U up coaches

Marketing Focus Group

Marketing/Outreach Focus Group (Mary Lead) (Toby Notes) [Andy, Catalina, Elaine, Joan]

  1. Pre-school & elementary school focus for players

  2. Volunteer focused approaches, focus on getting new outside volunteers

  3. Pursue parent teacher association partnerships and assemble school contacts

  4. Review prior brain storm ideas & develop actionable tasks w/ timeline Presentation & Brainstorm Review: See Handout

General Notes:

One Question posed: How much can we grow? What is our capacity?


Review prior brain storm ideas & develop actionable tasks w/ timeline

  1. TOBY is owner : If you write it up. They will put it in some time. Elaine has contacts. Elaine will start a conversation with Steve Gress. Will make contact this month. An article March or before registration.

    1. Mary send the blurb she sent to GT.

    2. Provide them pictures and all of it.

    3. CHS state champs in soccer - names of players - maybe all started with AYSO Elaine to get names for Andy who will look them up in eAYSO.

      Pursue GT for Volunteer highlight, 40 yr. anniversary article

      1. Highlight AYSO Kids who turned out to be great citizens & members of communities, online media, ads, GT, post videos of them talking about their experiences and how it helped them.

      2. Long-time volunteers, award winners from Area and Nationals

  2. More Active Online presence - Facebook ADMINISTRATOR, Pinterest

    1. Embed Videos in our Website - all these marketing topics in Spanish & English

    2. Google search has AYSO 2nd "soccer in Corvallis". ADD REVIEWS!

    3. Advertise to parents & volunteers to go to reviews, Board members go add reviews in Google.

    4. Must monitor to get bad things off of there. Can't lock it down so they can NOT post. Put several people on there that are monitoring. Set them up as admins and they get alerts when posts happen

    5. Meetup online tool for finding things to do in a group in your area.

  3. Fundraising as Marketing Tool - Scrip, Amazon Smile, HP & Fed Emp

    1. Donations from Blue Sombrero have gone up big time.

  4. Welcome Wagon - new resident mailings in snail mail

    1. New faculty at OSU? Realtors? Chamber of Commerce?

    2. Use the card sent out as volunteer thankyou or Christmas card to put

  5. Paid Ads in MOM, Parents Mag, RADIO or other media free to the public

    1. Advertise best bang for your buck, how many kids serviced, how many scholarships. Toot our OWN HORN anywhere and everywhere.

    2. Philomath Parks & Rec. or published activities guide?

Pre-school & elementary school focus for players

  1. Special Flyer showing what is unique about the younger program. (have long list)

    1. Mary create verbiage - Mary to send out current 5U & 6U & kindergarten

  2. Find communication method with homeschooling market.

  3. Drive them to our website. Big Button for NEW PARENTS. Luke?

    1. Videos of practices & "sessions".

  4. Gather list of Preschool contacts. Elaine has the schools - Send them to Mary. Elaine can still send out the flyer in mail too. Maybe they want copies?

    1. Make personal contact on how we can let these parents know

  5. Is there a homeschooler org? TOBY will contact the people he knows that homeschool to get orgs. Elaine has a name - Willow Christiansen?

Volunteer focused approaches, focus on getting new outside volunteers

  1. Drive them to our website. Big Button - NEW VOLUNTEERS. Luke?

  2. Business cards for Board Members. Hand out wherever you go.

    1. LUKE??? Have a template - Joan will get them printed - GENERIC, no names.

  3. Survey total strangers that are just watching the game.

    1. Have Job descriptions (short & long term) in the survey

    2. Other questions too - suggestions they have, things going okay…blah, blah

    3. LEVERAGE the parent survey - if they are particularly gung ho - maybe

    4. Provide Board members with job descriptions and 5 questions - ask them to ask 5 people strangers that are NOT doing any volunteering at that moment.

    5. Catalina can do this at the shoe swap. Someone needs to provide her with the needed job descriptions

    6. Develop this protocol and descriptions for game day conversations

    7. Luke?? And WHAT do we do with that? We need to get these names not just to Luke - a google document for the Board - put the contact and active conversation for all Board people to see and be able to go to when looking for volunteers.

  4. Have new Parent orientation for ALL new families - first time AYSO parents - F2F - FOCUS on SPECIFIC volunteer jobs, with descriptions, short & long term.

    1. When? 1 or 2 meetings that are the same.

    2. Club sports have a parent meeting for anyone wanting to come - August probably, before the Parent get together

    3. Could do it during Registration in May.

    4. Make an online presentation with Video about our Region AYSO.

    5. Prior to the parent meeting where they get the volunteers..

    6. Have webinar online or a recorded video of the meeting - AYSO alumni that would want to do this webinar

    7. Video the team meeting.

    8. Mary gather the job descriptions & materials for team meetings

    9. Have a presentation in formal PPT format they can review online too along with a video of the meeting material.

    10. Could have it adjacent

    11. Elaine with Eric's son

    12. Put some budget in for next year for the parent orientation - Marketing and webinars.

    13. Eric has possible contacts and equipment for a professional looking video.

  5. Help parents be able to contact other volunteers, for questions or if they know them.

  6. Make list of Contacts or general emails for Middle schools, LBCC & High School

    1. Kids that need internships or credit for Admin, Volunteering, P.E.

    2. Have specific jobs or projects that need doing. Offer supervision & job descriptions

    3. Webinar for AYSO parent orientation or other training or videos of past players and AYSO volunteers

Pursue parent teacher association partnerships and assemble school contacts

  1. Annually gather PTO Presidents Names/emails - or general PTO email

    1. Send Flyers and keep posted of our activities. More than the one generic flyer that Elaine does.

    2. Ask if we can help with anything - we've donated goals for example

  2. Annually ask about school activities.

    1. Booth at Fall Carnivals for ex. Offer Services.

    2. Assembly demonstrations or activity sponsor.

    3. Open Houses.

  3. Garfield, Hoover and Adams - Andy says are the most practice places

    1. Hoover will not have fields during the construction

  4. ID parents that have kids at those schools - create a liaison job.

    1. Catalina is at Hoover - talks to Marcy regularly - maybe she can be a trial liaison for Hoover. May 31 is Hoover Carnival - She will look into it.

  5. School - OPEN House in the Fall

    1. Elaine & Andy have had contact from schools for Open houses in the fall

    2. Some time they have them. Our Liaison could find out and offer since we don't get that many invitations.

5-A-Side Focus Group

Notes from break out session for 5-A-Side games

Members of group were: Elaine, Luke, Catalina, Chris, Eric, Vince, Toby

We discussed the written proposal that Luke prepared in advance. His proposal was for having the 5-a-Side on May 18 which would be the last weekend of the CORE season. He suggested to charge $10 per player and each team would pay at the field on that day. There would be 4 games in a 3 hour time period and everyone would get a medal. Medals would be used from old supplies from previous 5-a-Side events (stored in the referee shed). The rationale for the cost of $10 per player was it would be a fund raiser for the fields fund to help maintain the large fields in Philomath and elementary schools In Corvallis


  • Anyone on the CORE team
  • Anyone who was an indoor member only but they would have to sign up individually and placed on a team. An additional cost of $5


  • Luke suggested May 18 (last game of the 14 week CORE program)
  • Chris suggested middle of the season so that there are still games for the team and celebration of team the last game if some did not play.
  • Chris will survey the coaches and see what they prefer.


  • Families thought they were paying for 14 weeks of soccer and May 18 included in that fee.
  • If $10 fee assessed, how does that work with scholarship families?
  • Majority felt NO CHARGE
  • Ask for donations for the field fund when event is advertised
  • If no cost to CORE players, charge Indoor only players $5 to play
  • Added expense for paint to change the field markings mid-season or at end
  • What if we don't have enough medals for everyone? Is it in the budget to buy more?


  • Expensive to re-paint all lines either in middle of season or at the end
  • Suggested to use flat cones to mark field and not fuss about painting new lines
  • Younger teams would play as usual (5U and 6U)
  • How to you schedule volunteers for concessions and/or safety when the schedule is chopped up?
  • If we did this next year, make sure everyone knows how many weeks of CORE you are paying for and there is an extra cost for 5-a-Side if we decide to charge. No surprises midway through the season.

Bottom line: No decisions were made or solid decisions made other than NO COST to the players this year if we do it in the spring.

Spring Registration Focus Group

Spring Registration / Formation (Andy Lead) (Mary Notes) [Dan, Danny, John, Bob, Joan]

  1. Process for dropping players

  2. Process for moving players

  3. Build spring registration timeline

  4. Any custom questions for spring team formation

  5. Registration communication and dates

  6. Handling other tandem registrations, like EXTRA

  7. Process for dropping players

    Division Coordinators will drop their own people - Move to Unallocated Spring Drops - It's an undesignated team (not an unallocated)

    Molly Bell was helping with div. coordinator - Andy to check with Molly if she wants to do 15U girls. Otherwise, he'll do it.

    Mary - 5U B&G Danny -6 & 8 boys

    Andy will do the 6 & 8 & 10 girls drops Andy is 12 girls

    Dan 10 & 12 boys

    Juan 15 boys

    Andy 12U Girls???? (not sure I have the correct)

    Div. coord. Make sure they inform coaches & team managers of drops

  8. Process for moving players BETWEEN Fall & Spring

    Historically never moved players between seasons, except a very few for very special reasons. But in the meantime we got much more lenient and are doing many

    Usually it is sent by email. Scheduling conflicts - ballet moved to practice days, or conflicts with coach

    Don't want to encourage the online form for special requests.

    Don't encourage movement - say we DO NOT do it, unless it is really important and justified, urgent. Can't standardize the response. Individual issue and assessment if it will even work. Not that easy to move if the other team is full. Not valid if just because their friend is on another team. Div. Coord - make sure they have all the practice times within their division because they wouldn't be able to know how to move them if not.

    If Div. Coord. drops someone, then he/she needs to send email to Andy that he should lower the max limit and THEN go drop so no one scoots in to that opening. Andy is going to try dropping the maximum on the wait list so no one sneaks in. It should work and that will make this process easier.

    It is policy that they pay for a new uniform and socks. Also return the used uniform. The person changing would not have to pay for a new uniform if we happen to know we have a used one from that team. That would just be lucky. Bottom line - you have to buy a new uniform. They can keep the old or turn it in. Approx. $22

    Anything they lose, they have to pay for a new one unless we happen to have them extra in the equipment shed. Coach needs not to give out the extras they have when someone just forgets something, like socks.

    Juan informs the Div. Coordinators that are not here about the drop procedure. Danny Aynes. Andy to tell Molly.

  9. Build spring registration timeline

    Andy - First Spring Game April 6 - close registration for spring. -will switch to a wait list 5U - Thursday before the 2nd Saturday 4/11.

    Need a date for when we need to hear back from TMs on who's not returning. FEB 3 to get this back to Div. Coord..

    Decide if we are going to put everything on wait list so they don't have to pay until they know if they are on a team. It's a problem to have a wait list because we have to add them one at a time and wait for parents to log in and pay.

    Wait List - hard close date.

    Andy - will find out from Arianne when the uniforms will be ordered. Then he can decide close date.

    Div. coord send to Arianne new player names, size, team.

  10. Any custom questions for spring team formation

    Luke?? At registration, ask if there are after school or evening times that they CANNOT practice. Try to get it ahead if possible in this case. These are problems that come up after they get placed that they can't actually do the practice for the team they are placed on.

  11. Registration communication and dates

    • Change the after registration message to say that it should be changed to limited registration, otherwise stays the same. Luke

    • Add something about VOLUNTEERS? NOT for the Feb. registration. But, want to do that for May registration message.

  12. Handling other tandem registrations, like EXTRA

Need a different idea for registration for EXTRA - some parents don't know to sign up for CORE first. Maybe its own section where they can't go to an EXTRA sign-up unless they are already on CORE team.

Maybe a Wait list for EXTRA start from the beginning - for spring it is CLOSED - For fall, always do a Wait List

NO SPACE in EXTRA girls for spring CLOSED. Andy

Andy contact Bob for EXTRA boys close, open or wait list.

Survey Focus Group

(Chris Lead) (Joan Notes) [Catalina, Eric, Elaine, Vince, Toby, Walt, Mary] Survey for Team Manager, Coaches, and Refs – only went to those volunteers

  • There was a low number of returns

    • Team Mangers 50%

    • Coaches – 30%

    • Refs – 30%

  • Responses seem to reflect the extreme responses – both positive and negative

  • Team Manager – high scores seem to indicate that the volunteers, for the most part, enjoyed the position

    • Dogs on the field

    • TM didn't seek help from board (issue was within their own team)

      • Suggestion – ensure the TMs know who to go to and that they should report issues/seek advice or counseling

    • Felt there were too many emails – the emails did their job; felt like they were sidelined/redundant

      • Suggestion – train that they are the reinforcement to the emails

      • Suggestion – walk around during game days; engage parents, answer questions

      • Suggestion – coordinate email messages better when it comes from Board; send more directed messages; create a hierarchy for email communication

  • Coaches – high scores for the most part

    • Lebanon coaches – unbalanced nature of the game (15U)

      • Commish will need to sit down with other regions to work better together

    • Unbalanced teams in 15U; the 15U division split

    • Need more equipment per team

      • Need to communicate better that they can get support

    • Refs are very inconsistent

  • Refs – mostly positive

    • There doesn't seem to be appreciation for the refs

*Suggest some sort of parent survey in the future; needs to be very targeted with the questions asked; design to determine who long/what level they are in the program

*There was a report of a parent making racist comments throughout the game – how do you combat these types of incidents?

December 2018

No Meeting

November 2018

No Meeting

October 2018


Attending: Juan, Catalina, Eric, Luke, Andy, Dan H, Anton, Vince

Wrap Fall Focus: what are key messages that need to be sent out before January, to close out season, confirming a proposed calendar through the end of the school year. Plan to do fall evaluation; Volunteer Surveys (One for refs, managers, coaches. Board leads, e.g, Chris, Catalina, Eric, should review and give feedback to Luke); Luke requested short survey for late registration... Why do people wait?; For team managers - request for roster checks, players already not planning to come back.

Referees: Recognition to refs who went above and beyond including those who do not have a volunteer requirement also rebroadcast upcoming training

Coach: Eric to broadcast up coming training(s)

Next Planned Items:
January Board Meeting - 12 or 26 in a.m.

AYSO EXPO - Feb 22 - 24 - Reno for Western Region Primarily Sections 2 & 9
OR Mar 22 - 24 - San Diego Primarily Sections 1, 10, 11

Board Meeting - Feb 21

March retreat - Mar 9, a.m. 8:30 - 12

Board Meeting - Mar 21

New Season - 1st game April 6 - Shoe swap

Planned Spring Ref training??

Adult League: Anton plan to advertise for starting in Spring Basic costs - $30/person to cover insurance

Indoor: Going well 261 total registered
Boys Girls
U08 30 16
U10 40 28
U12 65 27
U15 12 18

Volunteers Needed: Indoor coordinator, Need a CVPA – Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate, Need treasurer – Joan planning to resign @ end of MY, Girls Formation, Division Coordinators

19U Team: Why less players? Corvallis coaches saying players can't play outside team? OR players are practicing every day for HS so have no extra time but interested in Spring since no other soccer. Add to retreat.

Minutes for Sept submittal for approval, Yes Anton, Second Juan... Approved

September 2018


Attendees: Ben, Eric, Luke, Mary, Juan, Danny, Andy, Vince, Arianne


Next Meeting: Probably Oct. 25.

Spring Season Work Session in January.

Hammer out our volunteer issues. We know more about how Blue Sombrero works.

MY2019 Work Session in March.

Luke will be gone Oct. 7 - Oct. 19. VERY limited contact.

Need Board Members:

Please work on getting new Board Members and especially for commitment for next year MY2019.

We need a new CVPA. Jeff Goodwin has resigned.

EXTRA Recap - Luke

1 team 12UB, running similarly as in the past. John & Molly on Girls side and Bob are running them. Interplay with 870 is going well. They are trying the odd numbered divisions. Experimenting. So far, it's been okay. They might technically have older kids than ours. They have 15U, 13U, etc. The girls ended up on the schedule, but there was a conflict for Lightening not having a field on 9/29. They may use Philomath.

August Recap - Luke

Team Meetings: Having meetings earlier gave people more time to get organized sooner.

Hopefully we can improve volunteer registration with the changes in Blue Sombrero next year.

Still have many late registrants to deal with.

Team sites no longer have discussion boards, so emails had to be somewhat abused.

Had a really good turnout for summer camp, one of the best. Had many kids sign up in AYSO because of it.

Uniform Distribution Recap - Arianne

Uniforms will be here tomorrow. All labeled in time hopefully.

Luke analyzed the data of what kids sizes were entered into Blue Sombrero. Score changed the sizes so we still had uniform sizing issues. This year they were too small. Last year they were too big.

We held back on distributing all the allocated uniforms for the team to wait for the final team count. Ex. For a team maximum of 12, if only 8 were signed up, then we held back the 4 other shirts. This avoided "lost" uniforms.

Had to order more for the larger kids, and the sizes that were wrong. Pushed them to get order in before the 8th to get the order before the 22nd for pictures. Looks like it will work if they arrive when they said.

Referee Job Trainings Recap - Vince

Tried something new. Gave them a t-shirt and not the whole kit with t-shirt, socks etc. It helped to identify them to trainers so that we could go help and mentor them. Then if they came and did the 2nd game, we'd exchange for a jersey. T-shirts are $7, jerseys are $22. 20 or so have moved to jersey.

43 participated in Training. 33 passed, don't know how many did 2nd game to move from the t-shirt to jersey. See attached Chris' email report for supporting details. Many refs have come out and ref'ed the 2nd time.

Vince: Will send emails out to the 10 refs that have been certified and reach out to them. Let them know we want to help them. Had them use AYSOU with vouchers. These have not completed the online portion.

We did 2 online companion classes where they were supposed to do the online class ahead of time. They can actually take the test online. Then the face-to-face (f2f) training can be on-field training more of the time. It was really great for them to get a little experience doing actual ref'ing.

In the future, push for the online ahead of time. We hope that the cost is reasonable and we can handle it.

Luke - We have to wait because there is talk of changing AYSOU and we'll find out next August.

Eric - disappointing that all the training that has been promised from National in recent years is still not delivered.

Luke - the items that are rolled out are very good.

Coach Training - Eric

See attached table made by Luke for Refs and Coaches

294 volunteers completed concussion training through AYSOU - That's very good.

A number had to do it outside of AYSOU.

149 took Safe Haven - that's good

41 Team managers training (Region Board Training on the chart)

Eric thinks we may need to require Safe Haven. It is basic to who/what we are and people need a lot of reminding.

Everything bottles up in August. We have a good consistency in the coach trainers. Thanks to those who continue to coach the same levels year after year. Can we figured out how to get some training done ahead of August?

Luke: For now we have issues planning without knowing how Blue Sombrero is going to change the volunteer registration next year.

Opening Day Recap

Went really well. Relieved some stress. Parents observe the coach good and bad. Gave coaches a chance to see other coaches running practices, different exercises. Luke encouraged them to stick around and some did. Encouraged the asst. coach to practice leading some.

Some of late comers didn't really know what opening day really was. Luke scheduled them as Games and maybe they should have been labeled practices. Some people thought they may have missed the first game. Luke can't automate the calendar for "OTHER" events so can't give it a separate name. It has to be either "PRACTICE" or "GAME"

Make an opening day website page.

Coaches and some others were not happy in having another Saturday commitment. We used up their last Saturday before they were committed. But, overall, Eric wants to do it again.

Vince - went well. Some negative feedback on losing a Saturday. Confusion thinking that they will have 30 minutes of practice before every game. Parents that were coming to ref their own kids' games, were mixed up because the ref schedule included the 30 minutes of practice and then the game after.

First Game Day Recap

See Chris' Report included below.

There were some blowouts. Game cards not getting filled out. Chris and Eric have discussed all these items.

Juan had the team with the complaint about the player not having enough playing time. It was not very much and there was a lot of rotating because the other team was getting a lot of points right in the first 10 minutes. Some kid wouldn't go back in at one point. Another might be some kids that don't come to practice.

Eric is encouraged to encourage coaches to keep track of who plays what. It is easy if you substitute every quarter. And can also can give a kid more time at another game if for some reason something happens and they don't get all of it in one game. Some kids get winded sooner.

Luke - this is not unique to this year.

Had a couple of coaches that had life happen and needed to quit coaching. Eric filled in for one. The other has an assistant coach that is filling in.

Liked the Balloons. One suggestion to do that every year on the 1st day to make a nice start.

See Elaine's Report included below. Concessions and Show Swap did great. The new location for SS is great.

Team Formation Recap

See Dan's Report included & Juan's comments

Need to figure out something for the special requests. Had a LOT of them and tried to do them all which is not our normal method and it created some problems.

Players wanting to play up:

It became clear later they didn't belong there. Some were siblings only a year a part. Move ups to be with friends. Evaluations would have helped to eliminate some of them having to get moved back down again and be confused. We didn't look at evaluations from the year before. Just did them all. Had good responses from coaches last year on the evaluations though. Method used to gather evaluations last spring was very good.

Issues with people requesting to play with friends.

Juan - parents were telling others what to say to get their request to be approved such as mentioning car pools or shared sitters. Maybe just say there won't be any special requests. They create a lot of problems. Ask them to say why you need to carpool with this person. Then again, don't give them any hints.

We did have to help a lot of people find the request form but we still had a lot.

We had an automatic email that said we can't guarantee anything. We don't have to grant them.

We have to consider evaluations of players before we move them as well.

We can do a demo run of a new way to deal with them in the Spring.

Juan - want to revisit the Philomath team. You can see by the way they were structured, they have played together a lot. The Philomath problem gets worse as time progresses. Issue is that they are all in the same zone, and so they do end up together year after year.

Luke - tried a little more details on the "zone" question on the registration, but it would be nice to have age level questions in Blue Sombrero, but we can't do that. Had a Philomath zone this year and haven't done that before. They were included in South last year.

Ben - don't have any zones at all.

Volunteers - questions when they created their user account. Instead add the questions in the player registration so we can tell what age level they are willing to volunteer for. Luke is looking at a totally different way to do the volunteer registration that he thinks he can do the way Blue Sombrero is now. Maybe have people be a general volunteer and then have them designate their volunteer role at a different level.

Eric - consider a way to have two coaches so that asst. coaches don't think they just phone it in. Some coaches don't really want an asst. coach let alone a co-coach. Having two where no clear leadership is indicated is also problematic.

Blue Sombrero Registration Recap

We had 716 as of May 21st

As of Sept. 14, 1082,

End of July 903,

End of Aug. 990.

We are enabling the late registration people. They are waiting and making decisions later. We need to make sure the 1082 know it is in May. We don't think punitive methods are wise, not letting them play or having fines. Maybe we can explore helping to assure them of refund and not feel worried. We had thorough discussion of fees, refunds and other ideas as the last Board Retreat.

Juan - Every year we face the same problem.

Luke – John's method of team formation built the teams at minimum number with no subs based on the on-time Registrations and then was able to add girls. This was 12UG which has typically small numbers. Ended up having enough volunteers and positions to do it. Might not always work, or work for larger age groups.

Board recommended we survey the late registrants sometime later and ask why they waited until August to register this year.

Mary - Forwarded emails on individual registrations as they happened that Luke set up to all the team formation people according to the age worked out GREAT!

Helper Signups

Helper Signups have been OK. We have to watch the openings in the last weeks.

Picture Days – Luke Acting in this Role

Sept. 22 & 29. Luke agreed to 3 photographers and 3 on next Saturday. Still stacked a lot of teams. 14 teams on 22nd, 30 on the 29th. Set up 10 minute slots. Usually we had 6 and did them all on the first day with a make-up on the 2nd day. Had to agree to this in order to get these dates that we wanted.

Seen lots of communication going out to teams. Seems like it is good.

Fields Closing Instructions

See Included Instructions and Attached Pictures

Mary handed out new Closing Instructions to help Board members and helpers to feel more comfortable about signing up. There are pictures showing how to arrange the shed and on where things like the garbage dumpster and recycle bins are located.

Please read and comment to Mary with suggested changes!

Indoor Soccer

Jason will do this year, but he's looking for a replacement.

Negotiating with Indoor Sports Park.

Maybe they can do some of the management. We charge $45. They earn $43 per person. It's a huge advantage for them. Maybe do a contract with them.

Had floated using Futsal which is indoor court soccer. Different kind of soccer.

Maybe have the games at gyms and half in the indoor sports park. G3 Athletic Club has a futsal court. School gyms are inexpensive. But there are problems with Basketball schedules.

Fields Work Planning

At end of season, doing aerating, seeding, fertilizing.

Discussion about doing rolling and see if we can collapse the tunnel of moles going through 142 field.

Respectfully Submitted by:
Mary Cotton
5U Schoolyard Coordinator


Reports Submitted Prior to Meeting

Team formation observations


Mon 9/17/2018 2:21 PM

Some thoughts & observations:

  1. There was confusion among some about practice location designation during registration back in May. At least one coach put down 'Central' when they really intended to practice at Adams. It would be very good to get 'certified' input from those who KNOW they plan to coach (as opposed to just being willing to coach) about practice location. Those who have been coaching a while know where they will practice.
  2. Team buddy really fowls things up. Can we make this a higher hurdle? Some people really need the buddy thing to work out, so it should be available, but for the sake of the whole process it would be good to not accommodate the 'oh I really want to be on so-and-so's team!' Maybe require a typed-in reason for the buddy request (eg 'share babysitter with so-and-so').
  3. There is some confusion introduced in the way that we gather information about what volunteer or help roles people are open to. I had more than one situation where the indicated job interest was not related to the child I was trying to place (e.g. signing up to ref a U8 daughter, not a U12 son). It would be good to aggregate the 'I will coach' emails early and send out a confirmatory email (in early June?) to begin anchoring some coaches.
  4. Can we get more clarity up front about what we will accept in terms of team volunteers, or lack thereof? It's easy to come up with Team Managers. At U10 maybe we're flexible on refs. Does the number of coaches depend on the relative experience? That is, if we have a very experienced coach do we not worry too much if we don't have a likely looking assistant when we're doing formation?
  5. We need a mechanism to get practice location/time info communicated to the team formation people ASAP from the coaches/team managers so that we can intelligently allocate new players late in the process.
  6. The Garfield Elementary practice space allocation worked really well, I think. We will need to make the process more clear next time, and there are a few tweaks I will make for next time, but it was way better than the old way.


Juan I Fernandez: Mon 9/17/2018 5:12 PM

Just a few comments of my own on the points you brought up:

  1. We may look at revisiting the practice zones once again. One word of caution though, the information we get in May is fairly unreliable and some people decouple the registration information for their kids from their own volunteering. I agree that we need to tighten the process but I am not sure what the best time to address it is. This should be a great discussion, particularly for a team formation group.
  2. The team buddy thing is a real pain. I would prefer to eradicate it entirely and make the process of requesting it cumbersome. The problem with asking for a typed reason is that the word gets out through the parent grapevine and next everyone knows the keywords "share rides", etc. I have had parents fess up to it before. I think that the only way to taper it down is to really elevate the height of the hurdle.
  3. Yes. Totally. That should be doable.
  4. That is kind of what it is now to a certain degree. The problem is that more often than not we are short volunteers so we are always behind the 8 ball. However, at least when I do it, I try to nail down the "sure thing" volunteer first and move to fill down as best as I can while I am a bit more deliberate with unknown coaches or those that show a lot of trepidation..
  5. Yes. I think that that should be doable. We should automate that process as much as we can.
  6. Not familiar but anything that worked great is good.

Opening Day Observations


I am sorry I cannot be at the meeting but I would like to mention a couple of things about opening day.

1) The Shoe/Equipment sale took in almost $700 to go into the scholarship fund! That is amazing. People are really starting to get on board to help out and bring gently used shoes, shin guards, etc. to donate for the scholarship. The pop-up goals were really popular and sold quickly. Catalina does a great job and our location is perfect, rain or shine! We have several of the same volunteers from last fall and spring and they are really "into it" when it comes to the cause and love selling things. It is so nice to see their names on the sign up each time we have the sale.

2) Concession sales took in almost $500 that day. Another great day for the scholarship fund. Having some down time for parents/siblings while the kids were "practicing" might have contributed to the sales since it wasn't especially hot or cold to sell a lot of drinks.

3) It just felt so relaxed the first Saturday and that was a nice feeling. I like this idea of starting with the training sessions and scrimmage to get everyone in the groove.

August meetings: I thought these went well and were well attended. Coaches/managers seemed happy to pick their uniform style/color even though they couldn't get them until they finished their volunteer forms.

That is it from here. Thanks to everyone for putting in lots of volunteer hours in the month of August and September to make this all work

Fields, Referees, Issues, Opening Day

Chris Jordan:


I will work with Scott (engineer / surveyor) to get the current field layout (all painted areas) into a survey file. This means that in the spring, or any season going forward, we'll be able to reconstruct the layout from the stored data and won't need to measure any fields again. Also means that we can move the fields around, if we want to, since this is a simple transformation of the locations of the points that makes up a "field".


-Vince ran 3 Regional Ref classes this fall, bringing 40 new refs into the system. I think that the use of the new online class was a part of this success. We are using yellow tee shirts to indicate refs doing their first two matches (then they get the rest of their kit). We are about 1/2 way through converting tee-shirts to jerseys, so that means a savings of ~$20 per person taking the classes and not converting to a regularly practicing ref. After the season is done, I'll have a better idea of what this strategy was worth in terms of $$ (tees are returned, so that's only a sunk cost).

-Great crop of new refs, seem very engaged and interested. Our mentoring approach has been getting consistently good feedback (we actively engage with new refs, refs moving to more challenging positions - engagement ranges from 1 on 1 mentoring from a person on the side to having experience person also assigned to the match to give feedback)

Issues -

-Game cards are not being filled out completely, please impress on coaches and team managers that we need those cards filled out (team name, coach name, players names, numbers)

-Three players pulled from matches the first week due to head injuries. Who manages these players return to play? Do refs need to know about the players and need to be shown medical clearance form before they allow a player on the field, or is that only on the coach?

-Blow-outs, time to renew the messaging to coaches about lopsided matches. I got a little grief from a 15UB assistant coach about their being up 6-0 and needing to adjust. Eric - can you communicate with coaches in general, for now?

-playing time in open substitution matches - one complaint from a parent about their player not getting much playing time on a 15UB match - this is on the coach, but if brought to the refs attention during the match, how much intervention do we do? Eric - can you weigh in here?

Opening Day

-Short, scrimmage like matches worked really well as part of the on-the-field training for new refs. Low pressure, chance to try different assignments. Would like to see this continued and for us to take more advantage of this opportunity to mentor / train.


August 2018


PRESENT: Andy Ungerer, Luke Cotton, Vince Waterhous, Chris Jordan, Eric Gleske, Mary Cotton, Arianne Custer, Elaine Markley

TEAM FORMATION: We were able to add two new 10UB teams and one 08UG team. The new names for the teams are 10UB Clippers and Firebirds and 08UG will be the Rainbows.

BLUE SOMBRERO ISSUES: Youth volunteers are having trouble getting registered in Blue Sombrero. The team website has been changed. Luke is suggesting Team Managers avoid game changer application. Some managers will use Shutterfly.

BOARD REQUIREMENTS: All Board members must go online and take the CDC module each year so if members have not done that, they need to take care of that sooner than later. Safe Haven is a one time only module.

REGISTRATION REPORT: Andy reported there are 992 registered players at this time. There are 18 on the wait list. Mary is at near capacity of 25 for the 05U group. Dan will coach that group again this season. Thanks Dan

OPENING DAY: We will open the season on September 8 with a casual (soft) opening. Teams will be assigned a field and time. Coaches will conduct a short practice then play a short scrimmage the rest of the allotted time. Mentors for coaches and referees are needed to circulate and give feedback. Mary will purchase "Happy Birthday" and soccer ball balloons at Dollar Tree for the opening day. Elaine will contact Joe McVeety to see if he can create a banner/sign with a Happy 40th Birthday AYSO Region 149 on it. If he can do two, one will be on the fence of the main gate and the other one on the fence on 35th Street at the Adams play area.

EQUIPMENT REPORT: Arianne reports that the older division uniforms should arrive shortly. Teams that had all their registered volunteers received their uniforms. All equipment bags were taken to the signs for the team meeting and a representative from each team took the bag with them. This worked well to clear out the sheds and make sure we knew which teams are missing an equipment bag. Board member clothing had been ordered and should be coming soon. The contract with Score has been finalized for next season.

OUR TOWN: Mary will create an advertisement for the supplement to the Gazette Times called Our Town. Information about Core and Indoor will be included. This is a free advertising for the program!

SCHEDULE: Since there are a few new teams being formed and Luke has not heard back from Region 870, the schedule has not been built. Juan and Luke will meet over the weekend to finalize teams so John can get started on building the schedule, factoring in the coaches who have more than one team.

FIELDS: Luke has been watering 2 fields at this time. Others will get watered in the near future. Chris will be working on locating the corner markers so stakes can be placed out to connect the lines for a marked field. Corvallis School District constructed a fence with a gate dividing the 08U fields from the fields to the south. Elaine will contact Best Pots and have one standard port-a-pot unit be placed on the south side of the fence and one on the north side so teams practicing on fields 142, 60, 61 and 123 during the week will have access to a unit without having to climb over the fence.

TRAINING: Referee and coach training will begin the week of August 20. Luke will be using the worksheets that teams turned to record who is volunteering for the top 5 positions (coaches, referees and team manager) and make sure they are aware of when they need to report for training.

UNIFORM PICK-UP: We will be at the field on Wednesday, September 5 from 5:30-6:30 to distribute uniforms to any team who has a completed team worksheet and all volunteers are registered. Any Board member who would like to help is invited to show up for the hour to assist and answer questions.

SUMMER CAMP: The August session had about 75 campers, which was the largest of the three monthly camps.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be September 20 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Administration building.

Respectfully submitted:
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

July 2018


PRESENT: Humberto Nation, Elaine Markley, Catalina Segura, Andy Ungerer, Juan Fernandez, Chris Jordan, Eric Gleske, Mary Cotton, Dan Herford, Luke Cotton, Toby Westberry

MINUTES FROM MAY MEETING: It was moved by Eric and seconded by Mary that the minutes be approved as written with the correction of the spelling of Catalina Segura's last name. Motion carried unanimously. There were no minutes from June due to a field work session.

NATIONAL CHANGES: Luke reported that we will discuss the increase of $25 voted on by National AYSO to help cover online training and extensive background checks. How we will cover this or bundle it into a player fee will be determined for the MY2019-10 and decided at the January retreat.

509-J CONTRACT: Luke has been working with the school district to include everything in one contract. Items included in this would be ownership of the AYSO sheds, the trailer, we would maintain all the goals, increased insurance cost, water cannons (2 our Region 149's property and one 509-J property). He is working with Karen Selander, the Risk Management Specialist to firm up the language.

CONTRACT WITH SCORE: Anton has reviewed the contract with Score and feels we should not do an automatic renewal contract.

EQUIPMENT: Arianne went with a 50 cent upgrade per pair of shorts for uniforms this season. The inventory will arrive the 2nd week in August. We have a lot of 6U and 8U uniforms that will be distributed this season that were purchased last season. They will not have the new style shorts.

EXTRA: All is going well. Teams have been involved in the Capital Cup, Beaverton Cup tournament. There is a lot of behind the scenes work that needs to be done to make EXTRA work. A lot of paperwork, player cards, getting pictures for player cards, and difficult to get data entered in Blue Sombrero. 10U is looking for a league to join for the fall. Thanks Bob and John for all your work with the EXTRA program.

SUMMER CAMPS: The first camp held in June had about 48-50 players. It appears there will be about the same amount for the camp July 23-27. Luke said we are still looking for a host family or two. Mary offered to host a coach.

REGION 870: Luke reported that Region 870 has gone to odd number divisions for MY2018-19. At this time, it will be hard to put together a schedule for Interplay until more information has been received.

REGIONAL CALENDAR AND COMMUNICATION TO THE MASS: Luke will send a mass email out to let families know specific number of teams, coach volunteers, referee volunteers and team manager volunteers to show how low the response if for the "big 5" jobs and we can not form teams without key volunteers. When the team meetings are held, each team must have the "big 5" volunteers identified before they will get their uniforms. Team Managers will need to be more proactive to help find and make sure those volunteers register before coming to the team meetings. There will be a "no thank you" list for those volunteers who sign up and then do not fulfill their commitment. Their names will not count for a "big 5" volunteer position.

IDENTIFICATION CHECKS: All training sessions will offer ID check-in when volunteers arrive. Returning volunteers do not have to present current ID.

TEAM FORMATION: The girls teams are in need of help for team formation. Luke will tackle the 6U and 8U since there are no coordinators for those divisions. Leanne will work on the 10U division, Andy will do the 12U division and John will do the 15U division. Luke will send out an email next week asking for volunteers to step forward to be a part of the team formation process. Andy has one volunteer that might be able to take ownership of a division. He will follow up on that contact. There will be a "wait list" started in Blue Sombrero but it will be capped a few below maximum to allow new players moving into town an opportunity to be placed on a team.

TEAM MEETINGS: Dates for team meetings at the field are as follows:

  • Tuesday, August 14- Size 3 Night. 5:30-6:30 6U players. 7:00-8:00 8U players
  • Wednesday, August 15- Size 4 Night. 5:30-6:30 10U players. 7:00-8:00 12U players
  • Thursday, August 16- Size 5 Night. 5:30-6:30 15U players. 7:00-8:00 19U players

All Board members need to plan on attending as many of these sessions as possible. We need a lot of help!

OPENING DAY: This year we will begin a Fun Day approach with short games for everyone throughout the day on September 8. We will have a list of volunteers posted so everyone can see where we are short handed and have computers available to get volunteers signed up before the first game day which is September 15. Genius Sign Up will be used again since it works well to send reminders. Team Managers will be more involved in following up to be sure their volunteers' names appear on Concession, Safety, Shoe Sale, Fields volunteer lists. We need to be sure everyone knows they are expected to fulfill 2 hours of volunteer time in BOTH the fall and the spring. The spring tends to drop off. We need to be more proactive in the spring when a new player is assigned a team and follow-up with the family to be sure they sign up for a volunteer position. They are slipping through the cracks currently.

TRAINING SESSIONS: Various sessions are being planned for training volunteers. Each Board member will work with Luke to secure proper training locations to fit their needs. As locations and times are identified, they will be posted on the website calendar.

NEXT MEETING: The next Board meeting will be on Thursday, August 16 after the team meetings at the Adams fields.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

MY18 Email Archive

Spring 2019


[CorvallisAYSO] Final Games Today
Sat 5/18/2019 7:01 AM


  • Arrive Early.
  • Player Equipment, avoid items with metal on the body, including under clothing with zippers.
  • A remote possibility of lightning: Activities would be stopped & we would wait 30 minutes or more after hearing the last thunder before leaving shelter and resuming. Areas considered safe: Inside a fully enclosed metal vehicle with windows up & inside a substantial building (roof and four walls).

6U & 8U Parents:

  • We have enough player medals for your players that show today, might be a good picture day.
  • Note: the horn blowing is for 5-A-Side, it does not apply to your activities.
  • Final team games, all equipment goes to the sheds, place all items outside the brown shed area.

10U - 15U Parents:

  • Spectators should be sitting to the outsides of the field, teams should be in the middle area. Avoid the goal area unless you are helping shag soccer balls, but still keep back from the goal.
  • Games move often, fields map (here) (see the compass in the top corner).
  • Game Schedule can be looked up (here).

All Coaches:

  • Return any pinnies or goal keeper jerseys you have to the information shed at the end of the day.
  • Donations of soccer balls, cones, and other soccer equipment will help us keep costs down for next school year.

6U & 8U Coaches:

  • Pickup player medals at the information shed (or send your team manager), know how many you need, for pickup, earlier the better.
  • Check your team mail folder at the brown shed.

10U - 15U Coaches:

  • Pickup player medals at the information shed (or send your team manager), know how many you need, earlier the better.
  • Teams should be in the middle of each field, ask spectators to go to the outside and avoid sitting near the goal.
  • Soccer balls will be everywhere, have two marked and available for each game.
  • Check your team mail folder at the brown shed.
    • Should have a copy of the game schedule, mark your games & note if you have games on field 123, it can take 4min to get to the field.
    • Should have a sheet about returning equipment as a reminder.
    • Should have a sheet about 5-A-Side rules and FAQ.
  • 5-A-Side is new to most, be flexible, this day is about the kids and creating a fun environment.
  • Many teams are short players to fully run two squads, you can get pinnies of specific colors from the information shed.
  • Some games are missing referee volunteers, chat with the other coach, and figure out a way to push forward if no referees show. Most of the starting games have referees, players should be familiar with the rules.

10U - 15U Referees:

  • Be sure you meet with each coach, teams should be in the middle area of each field.
  • 5-A-Side is new, if you are unsure about a rule feel free to ask coaches for the rules sheet and/or make a decision held for that game.
  • Extra rules and FAQ sheets will be at the referee schedule by the referee shed.
  • Extra schedules will be at the referee schedule by the referee shed.
  • Ask coaches for soccer ball(s), it can be okay if someone is near a goal to help shag soccer balls. All others should be backed away from the goals.
  • We are short referees, if you can fill in on additional games, it would be appreciated.
  • Extra whistles will be at the referee schedule by the referee shed.


  • Player Evaluations Due from Coaches
    Saturday, May 18, 2019 See Emailed Links
  • Saturday, May 18, 2019 Online in Blue Sombrero | Registrar
  • Saturday, May 18, 2019 from 08:30am to 03:00pm at Adams School Area
  • Team Equipment Return or Donations
    Saturday, May 18, 2019 from 09:00am to 02:00pm at Information Shed @ Adams School
  • Saturday, May 18, 2019 from 06:00pm to 07:00pm at Adams AYSO Soccer Sheds

Team Meetings for 2019-2020 start in mid August, Practices can start after Labor Day.


Have a Great Final Game Day,


[CorvallisAYSO] Open Board & Team Formation Positions
Sat 5/18/2019 9:01 AM


Did you know we have MANY jobs that do not require soccer knowledge?

AYSO Region 149 is currently in desperate need of volunteers willing to put additional time into managing this program to support our local families annually.

Administration, Finance, Coordination/Planning, Program Mgmt., I.T., Outdoor/Fields, Coaching, & Refereeing

No matter what your skill, we need you and your friends NOW.

Please consider these options seriously and contact your friends that may be interested.

Learn Here: www.corvallisayso.org/about/board



For Soccer Enthusiasts

  • 5U Schoolyard Coach: Leads preschool development skills and jamboree sessions (5U).
  • Referee Support Specialist: Aids Referee Admin. with training and certification.
  • Coach Support Specialist: Administers the coaching program, help instruct head & asst. coaches.

No Soccer Knowledge Required:

  • Treasurer: In charge of region budget and region account(s)
  • Child & Volunteer Protection Advocate: Oversees volunteer apps & investigates incidences
  • Girls Team Formation Coord: Oversees all girls division coordinators
  • Girls Team Division Formation: Coordinates and assigns players/volunteers for specific girls division (We NEED help with 6U, 7U, 9U, 11U, 15U)
  • Boys Team Division Formation: Coordinates and assigns players/volunteers for specific boys division (We NEED help with 6U, 7U, 9U, 11U, 13U)
  • Summer Camp Coord: Manages the region summer camps
  • 5-A-Side Coord: Manage & plan special season event
  • Picture Day Coord: Plan & manage picture day to provide pictures for teams & players
  • Indoor Soccer Coord: Manages the winter indoor soccer program
  • Fields Coordinator: Oversees & plans field maintenance & fields specialists

Contact Us (here)


We can use your help...
Luke Cotton - Commissioner
Anton Grube - Commissioner Asst.
OPEN POSITION - Child & Volunteer Protection
Andy Ungerer - Registrar
Laura Schell - Registration Support Specialist
Juan Fernandez - Boys Team Formation
OPEN POSITION - Girls Team Formation
Mary Cotton - 5U Program Coord.
OPEN POSITION - 6U Boys Division Coord.
OPEN POSITION - 6U Girls Division Coord.
OPEN POSITION - 7U Boys Division Coord.
OPEN POSITION - 7U Girls Division Coord.
OPEN POSITION - 9U Boys Division Coord.
OPEN POSITION - 9U Girls Division Coord.
OPEN POSITION - 11U Boys Division Coord.
OPEN POSITION - 11U Girls Division Coord.
OPEN POSITION - 13U Boys Division Coord.

Andy Ungerer - 13U Girls Division Coord.
Juan Fernandez - 15U Boys Division Coord.
OPEN POSITION (Application Received!) - 15U Girls Division Coord.
OPEN POSITION - High School Program Coord.
OPEN POSITION - Summer Camps Coord.
OPEN POSITION - Indoor Soccer Coord.

John Williams - Girls EXTRA Coord.
OPEN POSITION - 5-A-Side Coord.
Anton Grube - AYSO Adult Program
OPEN POSITION (Application Received!) - Coach Admin.
OPEN POSITION - Director of Coach Instruction

Dan Stevens - Coach Support Specialist
Eric Gleske - Coach Support Specialist
John Williams - Coach Support Specialist
OPEN POSITION - Coach Support Specialist
OPEN POSITION - 5U Schoolyard Coach

Catalina Segura - Team Manager Admin.
OPEN POSITION - Manager Support Specialist
Arianne Custer - Equipment Manager
Elaine Markley - Secretary
Toby Westberry - Safety Director
Marty Hernandez - Concessions Coord.
Chris Jordan - Referee Admin.
Vince Waterhous - Director of Referee Instruction
Joe McVeety - Director of Referee Assessment
Joe McVeety - Director of Youth Engagement
Walter Mahaffee - Referee Support Specialist
OPEN POSITION - Referee Support Specialist
OPEN POSITION - Fields Coord.

Brian Dolan - Fields Support Specialist
Christian Lobscheid - Fields Support Specialist
OPEN POSITION - Fields Support Specialist
Luke Cotton - Webmaster


Season finale
Fri 5/17/2019 9:31 PM

The end is here! All done but the chaos of a 5-a-side derby.

Plenty of opportunities to get on the field with a whistle tomorrow. Don't be shy.

Here is a reminder guide for the Laws of the Game modifications for our short-sided matches tomorrow.

Thank you for all your volunteering this season.

See you our there on the fields tomorrow.



[CorvallisAYSO] Saturday Parking & 5-A-Side
Fri 5/17/2019 12:16 PM

Hello All AYSO Families,

This Saturday 5/18 is 4-A-Side for 10U & 5-A-Side for 12U-15U you can see more details (here).

5U, 6U, & 8U: 5-A-Side includes a horn system for running the games.

Everyone: Parking will be harder than normal. Additional parking will be opened up (see attached image), but you should be sure to arrive on site 30min early. Teams starting or leaving around 11am should consider alternate routes, if you know the back roads to the south side of 35th St., I would take them. Close to 500 players will be at the fields at one time, and at 11am nearly all of them will be swapping for another 500 players.

Have a Safe Saturday,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Referees Needed Saturday - 5-A-Side
Fri 5/17/2019 8:30 AM

Hello Referees, Coaches & Managers,

This Saturday we need referee help...

Even if you are an 8U Referee, we could use your assistance (10U games will run like 8U games). If you have access, you can signup in Horizon Web Ref (here), if you do not, you can email Chris () and request a block of time (morning or afternoon).

5-A-Side Objective: A fast flowing game with few stoppages where a balance exists between the teams resulting in many shots on goal for both teams. For Referees, this translates to very few things you need to care about.

Referee Basics for 5-A-Side:

  1. 10U is 4-A-Side, no keepers no goal box. The goal is tall enough, even if a player is standing in the goal, someone can score.
  2. Again, faster pace & more shots, let things flow in a Safe, Fair, & Fun game.
  3. Most restarts are direct, they can score a goal from kickoff or fouls. They cannot score directly from a throw-in or a drop ball.
  4. Goalkeeper (12U+) cannot throw or punt over the half line, the goal area will be small, no penalty area. If they do throw over half, the restart is at half.
  5. You do not need to keep track of time, the horn controls time.
  6. You do not need to track subs or goals, teams can sub on the fly.
  7. If you need a whistle, we will have some by the referee shed.
  8. Red & yellow cards are highly unlikely. Worst case, if you have trouble with a player, sub them out for "injury", let the coach work with them to course correct the behavior or issue.
  9. Min number of players on the field is 3, you do not need all players on the field to start the game. They can start when the horn goes.
  10. You do not need to look for offside. "Cherry Picking" is allowed.
  11. Coaches should discuss with you any modifications or choices for balancing. Most changes to meet the 5-A-Side objective that everyone is okay with, is fine with me.
  12. Ideally home team kicks off, if you are unsure, pick a team and move on.
  13. Teams switch haves at half, other teams kicks off.

Questions? Email me (reply), I can add them+answers to the 5-A-Side webpage (here).

Thank You,


AYSO Registration Reminder
Thu 5/16/2019 3:32 PM

AYSO Families,

Thank you to those that have completed registration for the 2019-20 member year. As of May 15 (last night), 421 Registration have been completed. There are about 1100 players on current team rosters so we have many families that need to complete registrations. While registration is open into June, here is a short list of issues for us with a delay in registrations:

  1. No money to order uniforms and equipment.
  2. No idea how many uniforms to buy so some don't have them when we start.
  3. Not enough time to balance teams!
  4. No time to honor special requests.

5. Last minute training classes for volunteers

Please help us out and complete your player's Registration soon. If you are having problems, I will be in the Safety Shed on Saturday to answer any questions.


Andy Ungerer
Region 149 Registrar


Ok, time to actually step up
Thu 5/16/2019 2:33 PM

R149 Referees,

31 spots filled (thank you!)

53 spots open (%#@!*%%?)

What's the deal? You need to sign up to cover these matches, that's part of the deal of your kids playing in this club.

Yes, 5-a-side is different from regular full-field matches, but it is still the same game, the same Laws. 7 minute halves is all you have to manage, so how hard could it be???

You must do this.


Thank you,


{CorvallisAYSO} TEAM Thank You
Thu 5/16/2019 1:51 PM

Hello Team,

As we wrap up, I want to extend a big THANK YOU to your team helpers and volunteers listed below. If you were not able to earlier, please remember to thank your coaches, referees, and team manager this Saturday.

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VOLUNTEERS AND HELPERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #



Head Coach






Team Manager


Fields Helper


Concessions Helper

Megan Dahl

Note: Youth volunteers are not shown in the list, remember to thank them.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FINAL GAMES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#








Note: For 10U-15U teams May 18th is the 5-A-Side Jamboree Game Day. The schedule above includes both Squad A games and Squad B games for your team.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] EXTRA Info Event 5/18 6pm @ Adams
Wed 5/15/2019 4:16 PM

Hello AYSO 10U+ Families,

EXTRA play is for players looking for a little more on top of the Core Recreational program. All youngsters going into 4th-8th grade next year are eligible to participate. In order to form teams we need key volunteers including a coach, assistant coach, team manager, and referee. Information about our EXTRA program (FAQ's) are below.

If interested in coaching or playing or for more information please come Saturday, May 18, 6pm, at the AYSO Shed area, for an EXTRA Play informative event. Fill out the attached PDF for an interested player.


  1. What is EXTRA?
    EXTRA offers year round scrimmages, advanced training sessions, and league games versus teams outside Corvallis. Everyone going into 11U - 15U is eligible to attend our information event!
  1. Does my child still play Core AYSO?
    Yes, your child is required to participate in the Region 149 AYSO Primary Program to be eligible to participate on an EXTRA team, this could result in 3-4 practices per week and 2 games per weekend during the overlap.
  1. How much is EXTRA?
    The cost to participate on an EXTRA team is $150 for the year which includes Fall/Spring League (16 games), League Membership, Field Use Fee, and Full Jersey Set. Summer tournaments are an additional fee.
  1. Is there travel required?
    Yes, typically all EXTRA teams will play 4 home games (Adams), and 4 away games per season (Albany, Salem, Eugene).
  1. When does EXTRA Start/End?
    EXTRA teams can start as soon as they are formed in late May early June including training sessions and optional summer tournaments. Participation in summer is up to the coaches and teams and each summer tournament is an additional $50 per player. Summer tournaments occur every weekend in Oregon from late June-August, making it easy to find the perfect dates when everyone is available. Most tournaments offer 4-5 games starting on Friday and concluding with the semi finals and finals on Sundays. The EXTRA year typically wraps up at the end of Spring League in late May early June when teams are reformed for the year.

Questions? John Williams (Girls EXTRA) or Bob Vingelen (Boys EXTRA)


Well isn't this i fine kettle of kumquats
Wed 5/15/2019 8:44 AM

Or as they used to say in my old homeland,

It's time to aardvark, or climb tulips.

In other words,

Make tables while the chair spins!

Must admit that I've never knew what I was meant to do when someone said that, but I do know what you need to do -


73 currently un-assigned hours of matches on Saturday. Yes, 73 (of a possible 91), so you need to step up now (or tomorrow, or Friday, but certainly by Saturday).

Thank you from all the parents, players and coaches on the matches that you will be ref'ing on Saturday.



[AlbanyAYSO] May 25 Soccerfest Tournament
Tue 5/14/2019 2:01 PM

Read below for the opportunity to play in Albany AYSO's Soccerfest on May 25 Denver Fields at Cheadle Lake in Lebanon. Open for 7U and above, teams or individuals! You must be an AYSO member and register online as an individual or a team by May 20th

Soccerfest Tournament will be on May 25!

Games are 15 minutes long, and every team is guaranteed a minimum of three games. For 09U and up, qualifier rounds will be followed by a championship round. The format is a 5-a-side with goal keepers. Trophies will be awarded to the top three teams in each division. For 07U, the format is 3-a-side jamboree and all players will receive a participation award. There will be a silent auction, food vendors, and much more.

09U Division and up: Roster Minimum is 5 Maximum is 9
07U Division: Roster Minimum is 3 Maximum is 5

Entry Divisions & Fees:
06U & 07U Division $30 per Team (aka born 2013 & 2012)
08U & 09U Division $40 per Team (aka born 2012, 2011, & 2010)
10U & 11U Division $40 per Team (aka born 2010, 2009, & 2008)
12U & 13U Division $40 per Team (aka born 2008, 2007 & 2006)
15U Division $40 per Team (aka born 2006, 2005 & 2004)
19U Division $40 per Team (High School)
Individual Player (free agent) $8

Important: Individual registration is not required when your team is participating in the tournament. Your Team Manager will register your team.

Registration: Registrations must be received by May 20, 2019 at 8:00pm. Online registration is required: ayso870.org/soccerfest

Reply to this email if you have questions about the tournament.

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} TEAM Player Evaluations
Mon 5/13/2019 4:21 PM

Dear Coach NAME,

We are looking to collect player evaluations for spring to help with team formation in fall 2019, please complete the player evaluations by 5/18. This is not a perfect system, but the more information you can provide, the more help it will be to team formation.

Evaluations: Evaluate the player comparing them to players in the ##U division. We are asking for evaluations broken down into four categories Psychosocial, Physical, Technical, and Tactical. The evaluations should be from 1 to 5 in each, where 1 is below the expected and 5 is above. You can find details about the expectations for each category here. In addition, you can find more details in your coach manual.

Psychosocial Evaluation: Respect, motivation, confidence, cooperation, competitiveness, etc. Also, include a player's ability to reason, learn, and solve problems.

Physical Evaluation: Speed, agility, endurance, strength, power, etc.

Technical Evaluation: Ability to master ball skills, i.e., ball control, shooting, passing, etc.

Tactical Evaluation: Capacity to use their skill and ability within a game environment, i.e., creating space in midfield, possession and transition, creating width, etc.

Comments: We do look at the comments you add, please add some quick details that can help with placement and balance.

Evaluation Links: Below are all the players that are on your spring team. Please evaluate all the players you can by clicking on the link and filling out the form.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYER EVALUATIONS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

Notes: Only team formation, division coordinators, and myself will see this information. Submitting an eval form for a player twice from this email will overwrite the prior evaluation. We are asking both head and asst. coaches to submit evaluations, each will get a customized email, if they do not, email me.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Practices This Week
Mon 5/13/2019 4:05 PM

Hi Volunteers,

A few have asked about having practices this week. Yes, you can have practices this week and next week. If you wish to have AYSO activities after May 25, give me a heads up.

Why also next week?
I will send out the email soon about the Albany AYSO Soccerfest tournament on May 25th in Lebanon. You can have practices to prep for that event or if you wish to do a friendly activity with another AYSO team as a makeup activity/game.


P.S. AYSO can cover AYSO approved activities through July. After that we get into the next school year and a bunch of new requirements.


Last weekend is here
Tue 5/14/2019 8:11 AM

Where are you? Certainly not on the schedule...

5-a-side jamboree will wrap up this year with our Core AYSO program!

But, the kids won't be there having fun with you sitting at home sulking about the end of the season.

Here's your last chance to show you care, rock the socks and blow your very own whistle.

5-a-side is fun, fast paced small-sided futbol. One match official per field. Fields are 1/2 size of regular field for each age division. Match official is responsible for one field a 1hr block. There will be 3 (sometimes 2) matches in that time slot. Other modifications of the LotG are below.

Sign up while you're staring at the rain drooling down your window. Help bring back the sun.

  • Notable LotG Modifications:
    • Games are 15 min w/ 5 min between games, games start by horn or whistle.
    • Any time, on the fly substitutions like hockey / indoor soccer.
    • All restarts are direct, except drop balls & throw-ins.
    • 12U+ keeper punts/throws cannot cross half in the air, restart is at half.
    • 10U no keepers (no goal hanging allowed).
    • 7min halves, 5min between games (all fields signaled by horn).
    • No offside.
    • No deliberate heading (except 15U) restart is a direct kick.
    • No buildout line, no penalty box, and no penalty kick.


[CorvallisAYSO] 5-A-Side FAQ
Sat 5/11/2019 6:45 AM

Hi all 10U+ parents,

Below are some updates to the 5-A-Side Frequently Asked Questions, you can find the most recent version of these and the rules online (here).

Simple Game Schedule?
Attached is the Excel version of the game schedule, feel free to just print off your games. You can also see the games online (here), but that webpage does not include the Squad A or Squad B part. In most cases (15U & 10UB should double check), the first game is squad A second game is squad B, third game is squad A…

Not Enough Players for Two Squads?
You can operate with just one squad playing both A & B games (! balance !), it would be close to 2 hours of soccer. 15U & 10UB will need to check if they play two games at the same time. You can also use players that are not playing from another team, but ideally you get everyone playing that would normally be in that game.

Outside Players?

If they played AYSO in fall 2018 or winter 2018-19, they can play on Saturday 5/18. Please be sure you balance the squads. Do not bump a spring player, only look to replace absent/needed players.

Balancing, How?
5-A-Side favors big kickers and a lot of energy, look to balance those players first. Only distributions from the hands of the goalkeeper are restricted by how far they can go in the air, you can score a goal from a goal kick (All free kicks are direct, drop ball and throw-in cannot score a goal directly).

4-A-Side for 10U?
In 10U, they will not have a goalkeeper, so it is actually 4-A-Side. The goals are 6ft tall by 8ft long. The field will be setup going in one half of a field with a goal on each touch (throw-in) line.

Yes, you can bring food, but you cannot use a flame and cook the food at an AYSO event.

Free Substitution?
There is free, any time, substitution. The substituted player must leave the field before the replacing player comes on. Again, this can be done at any time without needing to check with the referee. Too many players on the field would result in a restart for the other team at half, if a goal was scored and too many were on the field, the goal would be reversed.


Goalkeeper throw or punt (12U & 15U)?
Cannot cross the half in the air. If it travels over half without touching anything else, the opposing team restarts from half about where it crossed.

Central Horn Timer?
Once that horn goes to start a half, you can start, even if the other team is not on the field.

Home team starts the first kickoff, away team kicks off after the half, see the game schedule. If the kicking off team isn't ready, the other team may kick off if the referee allows.

Penalty Kick?
No penalty area will be marked, just a goal box, so no penalty kick.

From the 5-A-Side Web Page...

A fun series of games for players to explore many positions, in an often high scoring game. The morning is filled with many opportunities to network, as you move from one 15min game to another.

  • This is no cost.
  • Each team plays 4 games, over about 3 hours.
  • Every player gets a medal. (teams pickup at info shed)

  • Volunteers:
    • Team/Squad Coach: Any current referee, team manager, or coach can fill this role. You are tasked with checking in, organizing players for each game, assigning playing positions, and running substitutions.

    • Center Referee: Any current referee can fill this role. You can signup in Horizon Web Ref in hour blocks. You can swap on game day. Scheduled subs/alternates will be prioritized to players looking to referee.
  • Teams:
    • Your regular Core team splits into two small squads (players should be on and stay on a single team. Only exceptions are allowed for squads that are short players, balancing changes, or substituting for a sick player.).
    • 5U, 6U, 8U, & 19U will have normally scheduled games, and will not be part of 5-A-Side.
    • 10U is 4-6 players on a squad, games are 4 vs 4 on fields 101E, 101W, 102N, 102S, 103N, & 103S. (~6x8' goals)
    • 12U is 5-7 players on a squad, games are 5 vs 5 on fields 121E, 121W, 122N, 122S, 123E, & 123W. (6x18' & 7x21' goals used)
    • 15U is 5-7 players on a squad, games are 5 vs 5 on fields 141N, 141S, 142E, & 142W. (8x24' goals)
  • Notable Rule Modifications:
    • Games are 15 min w/ 5 min between games, games start by horn or whistle.
    • Any time, on the fly substitutions like hockey / indoor soccer.
    • All restarts are direct, except drop balls & throw-ins.
    • 12U+ keeper punts/throws cannot cross half in the air, restart is at half.
    • 10U no keepers (no goal hanging allowed).
    • 7min halves, 5min between games (all fields signaled by horn).
    • No offside.
    • No deliberate heading (except 15U) restart is a direct kick.
    • No buildout line, no penalty box, and no penalty kick.

Luke Cotton - 5-A-Side Coordinator


[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day 5/11
Fri 5/10/2019 4:16 PM

Hello AYSO Families,

Saturday 5/11 is Coach appreciation day. Thank your coaches this Saturday or plan to thank them next Saturday 5/18.

Register for Fall 2019 & Spring 2020 online (here), or in the Adams Gym from 9am-1pm. This is the last in-person registration event; questions, issues, pay by cash/check? Get it done this Saturday, earlier the better.

Upcoming Emails:
I will be sending out a FAQ for 5-A-Side Saturday morning.
Coaches will be getting player evaluations on Sunday.
Teams will be getting a final email bundle with helper recognition.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


Looking pretty good
Thu 5/9/2019 8:26 AM

We are looking pretty good for this weekend, thank you.

But wait, don't let it go to your head just yet.

Still a big turnout gap at 12.15 - could use help there.

And don't even get me started about next weekend.

2 of 91 officials (big thank you to Kris and Jeff for being the first to jump in to 5-a-side)? Really?

So, 12.15, these are the games you're looking for.

Thank you,


Forms - Registration -Volunteering
Wed 5/8/2019 9:49 PM

Team managers

Looking forward to Saturday, the good news is that the forecast is sunny (high of 85 F). Now, the bad news is that the concession stand may be closed (that is, there will be no chance to buy water) given the lack of volunteers. Please encourage your team to sign up for a shift.

The same sad situation is true for the safety shed.

Thanks for your help



[CorvallisAYSO] 15U 5-A-Side Saturday 5/18
Wed 5/8/2019 3:30 PM

Hello 15U Parents,

What is 5-A-Side?
At its core, the games are a series of short sided, fast paced, and quick flowing games that create opportunities for players to explore new positions, strategies, and formations. Coaching and substitutions in 5-A-Side is similar to indoor soccer (free flowing at any time in the game, an outside horn dictates the time, & no offside).

More details are (here).

Why do a 5-A-Side?
This is a rerun of an old favorite of mine, for many years 5-A-Side was a normal part of AYSO. When I played in our region, I found 5-A-Side to be the highlight of the season for a multitude of reasons (high scoring games, fast paced, down time with teammates, and much more). A year ago, I added this into the calendar so we could try this type of game day jamboree. After 5/18, I will send out a survey to see what players, volunteers, and parents thought of the concept.

Game Schedule & Teams/Squads:
Each team will create two balanced squads of at least four players. You could have players rotate squads if you do not have enough for two full squads, or worst case you could ask for a sub from another 10U team in the area. The May 18 schedule is attached in the PDF, even if your squad is not in the first game, it would be good to arrive early. Time is run by the horn; once to start, 7min, again for half, 1min, again to start after half, 7min, and finally to end the game. You have 5min until the next game starts on the field.

Game Day:
15U Boys should arrive at 8am or earlier. Carpooling is strongly suggested, as about 500 players will be looking to arrive at the same time. As soon as you arrive find a settling location for your team (you can bring a canopy if desired), figure out the squads, and identify the first field location (a field like 142N is the north half of field 142).

15U Girls should arrive at 11am or earlier. Carpooling is strongly suggested, as about 500 players will be looking to leave & arrive around the same time (morning teams are done at 11am & no teams play from 11-11:20). As soon as you arrive find a settling location for your team (you can bring a canopy if desired), figure out the squads, and identify the first field location (a field like 142N is the north half of field 142).

Carpool if you can, we will have some additional spaces opened up for that day where the old Western View Middle School was. You can get to them by going to the Western View Center building.

Player Medals:
Teams/Squads can pickup player medals at any point in the day from the Information Shed.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - 5-A-Side Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] 12UG 5-A-Side Saturday 5/18 @ 11am
Wed 5/8/2019 3:16 PM

Hello 12U Girls Parents,

What is 5-A-Side?
At its core, the games are a series of short sided, fast paced, and quick flowing games that create opportunities for players to explore new positions, strategies, and formations. Coaching and substitutions in 5-A-Side is similar to indoor soccer (free flowing at any time in the game, an outside horn dictates the time, & no offside).

More details are (here).

Why do a 5-A-Side?
This is a rerun of an old favorite of mine, for many years 5-A-Side was a normal part of AYSO. When I played in our region, I found 5-A-Side to be the highlight of the season for a multitude of reasons (high scoring games, fast paced, down time with teammates, and much more). A year ago, I added this into the calendar so we could try this type of game day jamboree. After 5/18, I will send out a survey to see what players, volunteers, and parents thought of the concept.

Game Schedule & Teams/Squads:
Each team will create two balanced squads of at least four players. You could have players rotate squads if you do not have enough for two full squads, or worst case you could ask for a sub from another 10U team in the area. The May 18 schedule is attached in the PDF, even if your squad is not in the first game, it would be good to arrive early. Time is run by the horn; once to start, 7min, again for half, 1min, again to start after half, 7min, and finally to end the game. You have 5min until the next game starts on the field.

Game Day:
12U Girls should arrive at 11am or earlier. Carpooling is strongly suggested, as about 500 players will be looking to leave & arrive around the same time (morning teams are done at 11am & no teams play from 11-11:20). As soon as you arrive find the settling location for your team (you can bring a canopy if desired), figure out the squads, and identify the first field location (a field like 122N is the north half of field 122). You could be at field 123 during the day, add some time for getting to that field.

Carpool if you can, we will have some additional spaces opened up for that day where the old Western View Middle School was. You can get to them by going to the Western View Center building.

Player Medals:
Teams/Squads can pickup player medals at any point in the day from the Information Shed.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - 5-A-Side Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] 12UB 5-A-Side Saturday 5/18 @ 8am
Wed 5/8/2019 3:16 PM

Hello 12U Boys Parents,

What is 5-A-Side?
At its core, the games are a series of short sided, fast paced, and quick flowing games that create opportunities for players to explore new positions, strategies, and formations. Coaching and substitutions in 5-A-Side is similar to indoor soccer (free flowing at any time in the game, an outside horn dictates the time, & no offside).

More details are (here).

Why do a 5-A-Side?
This is a rerun of an old favorite of mine, for many years 5-A-Side was a normal part of AYSO. When I played in our region, I found 5-A-Side to be the highlight of the season for a multitude of reasons (high scoring games, fast paced, down time with teammates, and much more). A year ago, I added this into the calendar so we could try this type of game day jamboree. After 5/18, I will send out a survey to see what players, volunteers, and parents thought of the concept.

Game Schedule & Teams/Squads:
Each team will create two balanced squads of at least four players. You could have players rotate squads if you do not have enough for two full squads, or worst case you could ask for a sub from another 10U team in the area. The May 18 schedule is attached in the PDF, even if your squad is not in the first game, it would be good to arrive early. Time is run by the horn; once to start, 7min, again for half, 1min, again to start after half, 7min, and finally to end the game. You have 5min until the next game starts on the field.

Game Day:
12U Boys should arrive at 8am or earlier. Carpooling is strongly suggested, as about 500 players will be looking to arrive at the same time. As soon as you arrive find the settling location for your team (you can bring a canopy if desired), figure out the squads, and identify the first field location (a field like 122N is the north half of field 122). You could be at field 123 during the day, add some time for getting to that field.

Carpool if you can, we will have some additional spaces opened up for that day where the old Western View Middle School was. You can get to them by going to the Western View Center building.

Player Medals:
Teams/Squads can pickup player medals at any point in the day from the Information Shed.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - 5-A-Side Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] 10UG 4-A-Side Saturday 5/18 @ 8am
Wed 5/8/2019 2:31 PM

Hello 10U Girls Parents,

What is 5-A-Side (10U 4-A-Side)?
At its core, the games are a series of short sided, fast paced, and quick flowing games that create opportunities for players to explore new positions, strategies, and formations. Coaching and substitutions in 5-A-Side is similar to indoor soccer (free flowing at any time in the game, an outside horn dictates the time, & no offside). In 10U, we will not have goalkeepers and will make the goal a bit smaller with the half field.

More details are (here)

Why do a 5-A-Side?
This is a rerun of an old favorite of mine, for many years 5-A-Side was a normal part of AYSO. When I played in our region, I found 5-A-Side to be the highlight of the season for a multitude of reasons (high scoring games, fast paced, down time with teammates, and much more). A year ago, I added this into the calendar so we could try this type of jamboree game day. After 5/18, I will send out a survey to see what players, volunteers, and parents thought of the concept.

Game Schedule & Teams/Squads:
Each team will create two balanced squads of at least four players. You could have players rotate squads if you do not have enough for two full squads, or worst case you could ask for a sub from another 10U team in the area. The May 18 schedule is attached in the PDF, even if your squad is not in the first game, it would be good to arrive early. Time is run by the horn; once to start, 7min, again for half, 1min, again to start after half, 7min, and finally to end the game. You have 5min until the next game starts on the field.

Game Day:
10U Girls should arrive at 8am or earlier. Carpooling is strongly suggested, as about 500 players will be looking to arrive around the same time. As soon as you arrive find the settling location for your team (you can bring a canopy if desired), figure out the squads, and identify the first field location (a field like 103N is the north half of field 103).

Carpool if you can, we will have some additional spaces opened up for that day where the old Western View middle school was. You can get to them by going to the Western View Center building.

Player Medals:
Teams/Squads can pickup player medals at any point in the day from the Information Shed.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - 5-A-Side Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] 10UB 4-A-Side Saturday 5/18
Wed 5/8/2019 2:31 PM

Hello 10U Boys Parents,

What is 5-A-Side (10U 4-A-Side)?
At its core, the games are a series of short sided, fast paced, and quick flowing games that create opportunities for players to explore new positions, strategies, and formations. Coaching and substitutions in 5-A-Side is similar to indoor soccer (free flowing at any time in the game, an outside horn dictates the time, & no offside). In 10U, we will not have goalkeepers and will make the goal a bit smaller with the half field.

More details are (here)

Why do a 5-A-Side?
This is a rerun of an old favorite of mine, for many years 5-A-Side was a normal part of AYSO. When I played in our region, I found 5-A-Side to be the highlight of the season for a multitude of reasons (high scoring games, fast paced, down time with teammates, and much more). A year ago, I added this into the calendar so we could try this type of jamboree game day. After 5/18, I will send out a survey to see what players, volunteers, and parents thought of the concept.

Game Schedule & Teams/Squads:
Each team will create two balanced squads of at least four players. You could have players rotate squads if you do not have enough for two full squads, or worst case you could ask for a sub from another 10U team in the area. The May 18 schedule is attached in the PDF, even if your squad is not in the first game, it would be good to arrive early. Time is run by the horn; once to start, 7min, again for half, 1min, again to start after half, 7min, and finally to end the game. You have 5min until the next game starts on the field.

Game Day:
10U Boys should arrive at 11am or earlier. Carpooling is strongly suggested, as about 500 players will be looking to arrive and leave around the same time (morning teams are done at 11am & no teams play from 11-11:20). As soon as you arrive find the settling location for your team (you can bring a canopy if desired), figure out the squads, and identify the first field location (a field like 103N is the north half of field 103).

Carpool if you can, we will have some additional spaces opened up for that day where the old Western View middle school was. You can get to them by going to the Western View Center building.

Player Medals:
Teams/Squads can pickup player medals at any point in the day from the Information Shed.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - 5-A-Side Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] 2019-20 Rec Soccer for Players Born in 2005 & 2006
Tue 5/7/2019 1:00 PM

Hello 15U Parents,

Next school year, your player would likely be in 15U (here) born 2005 or 2006 or might want to be in High School 19U (here) see further details...

Quick Details: Games will often be against Albany AYSO (some of their teams are coed in our boys division); majority of players will be upper middle school and high school freshman; players in High School and born in 2005 can choose 15U along side our High School program if desired.

Signing up now (here) for 15U registers you for both Fall 2019 & Spring 2020. Players born in 2005 will see three options, 15U both Fall 2019 + Spring 2020, 19U Fall 2019 Season, and 19U Spring 2020 Season. You can choose all or just the specific division.

15U Division:

  • Players born in 2006 & 2005, age 15 and under by the end of 2020.
  • Games are on Saturdays only, 7 in fall and 7 in spring.
  • You will have two training sessions throughout the week that could be 1½ hours each. (coaches choose location & time)
  • Games are 11 vs. 11 (see region rules).
  • Game Field #151 in Corvallis, Lebanon HS Turf, Central Linn Elementary in Halsey, Denver Fields at Cheadle Lake in Lebanon, & Timber-Linn Park.

See attached 15U flyer for more details.

High School Coed 19U Division:

  • Players born in 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, & 2001, age 19 and under by the end of 2020.
  • Games are on Saturdays starting between 11-3pm.
    • Fall: 7 games after labor day.
    • Spring: 7 games after spring break.
  • You will have one training session throughout the week that could be 1½ hour. (coaches choose location & time)
  • Games are 11 vs. 11 (see region rules).
  • Game Field #151 in Corvallis, Lebanon HS Turf, Central Linn Elementary in Halsey, Denver Fields at Cheadle Lake in Lebanon, & Timber-Linn Park.

19U Program Details: This program is designed like a recreational pickup soccer program. You signup for the season you can play, and are asked to show to as many training sessions and games as possible. Your registration is for the specific season. Teams formed in the fall play 7 games. Teams are built again in the spring, and play 7 games for a total of 14 games per year. Fall registration costs the per year fee of membership at $20, the fall season fee of $20, and if needed a uniform fee of $20. The uniform from 2018-2019 can be used again in 2019-2020, if you need a new size you can pay for it during registration. Spring registration could cost the per year membership fee of $20, the spring season fee of $20, and if needed, a uniform fee of $20. The uniform from your fall 2019 registration is fine.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar

P.S. The entire application process can be completed online, even scholarship recipients can finish an application entirely online. Special requests can be done online (here). Volunteers can indicate interest on the player form or online (here), they would need to complete an application in August after being assigned to a team.


Everybody is a winner!
Mon 5/6/2019 9:50 PM

Everybody is a Center Referee.

Yes, that's right, it is 5-A-side jamboree time!

The last day of the Spring season (5/18) will be a jamboree of 5 on 5, short-sided matches that last 15 minutes. There is only one match official (you) on each small field. Two fields per regular field (cross-wise with new markings in red). We'll distribute more information on how the matches are different, but for now, start signing up!

Each sign-up is for a 1/2 field for 1hr (up to 3 matches in that time period). Same number of referees are needed (~90), so no hiding. Perfect opportunity to put down the flags and take up a whistle!

Thank you,


The end is near!
Mon 5/6/2019 6:28 PM

The last regular match day is this Saturday!

(The final weekend of the Spring season will be a 5-a-side jamboree, refereeing will be a bit different, but we'll still use the scheduling software. More on this later.)

Now is the time for all good referees to ask not what the kids can do for you, but what you can do for the kids.

Answer the call to service, perform your civic duty, referee on Saturday.

Thank you,


[CorvallisAYSO] 2019-20 Rec Soccer for Players Born in 2007 & 2008
Mon 5/6/2019 1:00 PM

Hello 12U Parents,

Next school year, your player would likely be in 13U (here) born 2007 or 2008, see further details...

Quick 13U Details: Games will feel more like a normal soccer game and could include heading; games would be on Saturday for over an hour, teams have a head coach or co-head coaches and could have multiple asst coaches; referees can ref their own kid on the larger fields.

Signing up now (here) registers you for both Fall 2019 & Spring 2020, equating to about 14 weeks of soccer.

  • Players born in 2008 & 2007, age 13 and under by the end of 2020.
  • Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after labor day and 7 in spring after spring break from 8:30-3pm.
  • You will have two training sessions throughout the week that could be 1½ hours each. (coaches choose location & time)
  • Games are 11 vs. 11 (see region rules). Common soccer rules.
  • Game Fields are #131 & #151 in Corvallis (here). (like fields 141 & 142)

See attached flyer for more details.

Note: If we do not have enough coaches in a practice zone, we often need to move players to another zone. It is important that you indicate all volunteers with your player registration. We will use player shirt/jersey size information to build a size template for teams in the division, double check your answer to that question.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar

P.S. The entire application process can be completed online, even scholarship recipients can finish an application entirely online. Special requests can be done online (here). Volunteers can indicate interest on the player form or online (here), they would complete an application in August after being assigned to a team.


[CorvallisAYSO] 2019-20 Rec Soccer for Players Born in 2009 & 2010
Mon 5/6/2019 12:45 PM

Hello 10U Parents,

Next school year, your player would likely be in 11U (here) born 2009 & 2010, see further details...

Quick 11U Details: no heading or slide tackling, but the games will feel more like a normal soccer game; games would be on Saturday for about an hour, teams have a head coach or co-head coaches and could have multiple asst coaches; referees can ref their own kid on the small fields.

Signing up now (here) registers you for both Fall 2019 & Spring 2020, equating to about 14 weeks of soccer.

  • Players born in 2010 & 2009, age 11 and under by the end of 2020.
  • Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after labor day and 7 in spring after spring break from 8:30-3pm.
  • You will have two training sessions throughout the week that could be 1 hour each. (coaches choose location & time)
  • Games are 9 vs. 9 (see region rules). Common soccer rules, excluding headers.
  • Game Fields are #111, #112, & #113 in Corvallis (here).

See attached flyer for more details.

Note: If we do not have enough coaches in a practice zone, we often need to move players to another zone. It is important that you indicate all volunteers with your player registration. We will use player shirt/jersey size information to build a size template for teams in the division, double check your answer to that question.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar

P.S. The entire application process can be completed online, even scholarship recipients can finish an application entirely online. Special requests can be done online (here). Volunteers can indicate interest on the player form or online (here), they would complete an application in August after being assigned to a team.


[CorvallisAYSO] 2019-20 Rec Soccer for Players Born in 2011 & 2012
Mon 5/6/2019 12:30 PM

Hello 8U Parents,

Next school year, your player would likely be in 9U (here) born 2011 & 2012, see further details...

Quick 9U Details: Teams will be built by practice zone with some players mixed for balancing (in some instances we can build teams by mixing a few schools); coaches decide location & time for practices and we try to place coaches that are in the main practice zone of the players; games would be on Saturday for about an hour, teams have a head coach and could have multiple asst coaches; referees can ref their own kid on the small fields.

Signing up now (here) registers you for both Fall 2019 & Spring 2020, equating to about 14 weeks of soccer.

  • Players born in 2012 & 2011, age 9 and under by the end of 2020.
  • Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after labor day and 7 in spring after spring break from 8:30-3pm.
  • You will have two training sessions throughout the week that could be 1 hour each. (coaches choose location & time)
  • Games are 7 vs. 7 (see region rules). Unique rules apply regarding goal keepers.
  • Game Fields are #091, #092, #093, & #094 in Corvallis (here).

See attached flyer for more details.

Note: If we do not have enough coaches in a practice zone, we often need to move players to another zone/school. It is important that you indicate all volunteers with your player registration. We will use player shirt/jersey size information to build a size template for teams in the division, double check your answer to that question.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar

P.S. The entire application process can be completed online, even scholarship recipients can finish the application entirely online. Special requests can be done online (here). Volunteers can indicate interest on the player form or (here), they would complete an application in August after being assigned to a team.


[CorvallisAYSO] 2019-20 Rec Soccer for Players Born in 2013
Mon 5/6/2019 12:15 PM

Hello 6U Parents,

Next school year your player would likely be in 7U (here) born 2013, see further details...

Quick 7U Details: Teams are designed to have two teams in one; practices would be during the week for an hour; games would be on Saturday for an hour, teams have a head coach and can have multiple asst coaches, coaches help run the games like referees.

Signing up now (here) registers you for both Fall 2019 & Spring 2020, equating to about 14 weeks of soccer.

  • Players born in 2013, age 7 and under by the end of 2020.
  • Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after labor day and 7 in spring after spring break between 8:30-3pm.
  • You will have one training session throughout the week that could be 1 hour. (coaches choose location & time)
  • Games are 4 vs. 4 (see region rules). Unique rules apply regarding restarts.
  • Teams are formed with two teams in one, two matches are run at once.
  • Game Field is #071 in Corvallis (here).

See attached flyer for more details.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar

P.S. The entire application process can be completed online, even scholarship recipients can finish the application entirely online. Special requests can be done online (here). Volunteers can indicate interest on the player form and apply in August after being assigned to a team.


[CorvallisAYSO] 2019-20 Rec Soccer for Players Born in 2014
Mon 5/6/2019 12:00 PM

Hello 5U Parents,

Next school year your player would likely be in 6U (here) born 2014, see further details...

Quick 6U Details: Teams are designed to have two teams in one; practices are on Saturdays at your game time for 30min, then you play a game for 30min vs the other 6U team; teams have a head coach and can have multiple asst coaches, coaches help run the games like referees.

Signing up now (here) registers you for both Fall 2019 & Spring 2020, equating to about 14 weeks of soccer.

  • Players born in 2014, age 6 by the end of 2020.
  • Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after labor day and 7 in spring after spring break between 8:30-2pm.
  • You will have one training session at the start of each game time on Saturday for 30min.
  • Games are 4 vs. 4 (see region rules). Unique rules apply regarding restarts.
  • Teams are formed with two teams in one, two matches are run at once.
  • Game Field is #061 in Corvallis (here).

See attached flyer for more details.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar

P.S. The entire application process can be completed online, even scholarship recipients can finish the application entirely online. Special requests can be done online (here).


[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day 5/4
Sat 5/4/2019 6:50 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

Quick Reminders:
+ Today is team manager appreciation day. Thank your team manager.
+ No Dogs on school property.
+ Coaches & Team Managers, check your team folders by the brown shed.

Register for fall 2019 online (here), or in the Adams Gym from 9am-1pm.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - May the 4th be with you.


[CorvallisAYSO] 5-A-Side 5/18 Game Schedule
Sat 5/4/2019 6:35 AM

Hi AYSO Coaches & 10U+ Volunteers,

Attached is the 5-A-Side Game Schedule v2 or (here)

A few coaches have brought up ideas and I would like coach input by Monday.
Submit Your Input (here)
+ Not doing the 5-A-Side and instead doing the missed game day schedule, what do you think? (please indicate your division(s))
+ Building the team squads in a way that one squad is stronger than the other. Current plan is to have the squads balanced, what do you think about going to a gold division and silver division approach?
Submit Your Input (here)

Details about 5-A-Side (here)

Referee schedule will be out next week, you will signup in hour blocks using WebRef.

Schedule Notes:
++ 15UB, 12UB, & 10UG play in the morning block from 8:20am-11am on 5/18.
++ 15UG, 12UG, & 10UB play in the midday block from 11:20am-2pm (2:40pm for 10UB) on 5/18.

++ Blue Sombrero cannot operate with time overlaps for a team, so I do not plan to load the schedule in it. I added a "practice" to show the full time block.
++ Each team has a Squad A & Squad B, the current plan is to have those squads balanced, please reply to the survey (here).
++ 15U does a bunch of doubling, but most other teams are setup to not have an overlapping game for the team. In other words, they do not play themselves, but sometimes both squads play at the same time in the same time block for 15U & 10U.
++ Much of the scheduling is random, some adjustment was done to try and reduce field significant runs to 123.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - 5-A-Side Coord.

FYI: results of the last volunteer survey did not indicate a strong desire to go to the Saturday after Memorial day, but many liked the idea of having it as a planned makeup day in the future.


[CorvallisAYSO] Register Now for Fall 2019 & Spring 2020
Thu 5/2/2019 9:08 PM

Hello AYSO Families,

You can register online now (here). Regular Registrations and Scholarship Recipients can complete the entire registration online. If you wish to pay by cash or check you need to show at a registration event on either May 4 & May 11, 9am-1pm, Adams Elem. School.

Inscripción Español

Issues? See our player registration guide (here).

Changes in Our Player Divisions

Why move to new divisions?

As US Soccer and AYSO rolled out some new guidance regarding birth year and how games are played, we had a few items that became problematic. To not have 8th graders playing with High Schoolers, we created 15U. This created a situation with three years in one division. We also found that many of our divisions got younger players in them, causing 8U to have kindergartners and 2nd graders together.

Our neighboring region came up with the idea to do divisions another way, and this approach matches well with what we are looking to accomplish. 6U and 5U is remaining as is. The first change will be the creation of a 7U that will be similar to our 8U (4 vs 4) today, but focused on younger player development. 9U, will be a lot like our 10U (7 vs 7) today with the build out line and additional adjustments for new goal keepers. 11U, will be similar to our 12U (9 vs 9) today without heading or sliding. 13U, will be like our 15U today, running like a regular soccer game, but only 2 years of ages in the division. 15U, will have upper middle schoolers and some high schoolers for a higher level of play and to focus on the development of players looking toward the next years in high school. Our 19U High School recreational program will be run in a new al a cart style, players would register for each season they wish to play and the uniforms would not change year over year. You can find more details about our divisions on the division webpage (here).

Changes in Our Player Fees

Why raise the regular price?

The increases in insurance costs are driving increases in AYSO national player membership costs from $17.50 to $20.00. AYSO nationwide is also moving to a higher level of background check for volunteers, now costing the region $25 per volunteer. We have a lot of volunteers, even having some teams with three coaches, this gets us close to 1 volunteer for every 3 players. This brings the total from $80 to $90 per player. You can find the breakdown of our player costs on the player application page (here).

What about the Scholarship price?

Families with SNAP, Free or Reduced Lunch, or TANF can get a scholarship to reduce the total price to $40 per player. This year in May you can complete the entire process online (here) with your Credit Card. While registering, every player will see a question regarding the scholarship, if you have the qualifications and agree to the terms you can proceed without needing to come to a registration event.

Changes in Our Volunteer Registration Process

Why change volunteer registration?

With an added cost to Volunteer Background Checks and continuing issues with Blue Sombrero, we are adjusting to a system where you indicate your interest to team formation and we build teams off that information. Once we are done with team formation, we notify interested volunteers and help them through the volunteer registration and team allocation process in Blue Sombrero.

How do I indicate interest as a volunteer?

You can indicate your interest in helping in two ways.

  • During player registration we have a series of questions to help identify interested volunteers. The parent applying can indicate multiple individuals and jobs on the player application. This information can be changed later by editing the player registration (click the pencil icon next to the participant name to edit the registration).
  • We also have an online form (here). You can indicate specifics regarding your interest and any other associations in that form.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

P.S. - Details regarding our EXTRA Competitive Play Program will be coming out later, registration will be in late May.


Really, you are going to make me do this?
Thu 5/2/2019 8:35 PM

One more push to get this done (this week, more to follow next week). Only you and 31 of your closest friends who aren't running the Mac tomorrow. What, you all are ultra runners now? 31 miles and 6,000' of vertical is more fun than a jog in the park with some screaming kids and parents? Oh, right, yes it most certainly is. Sorry. Well, you'll be done by noon, so come out for the afternoon matches, or do the early start and be at Adams by 11.00! Work out the stiffness with an EXTRA match on Sunday.
Everyone else, sign up for tomorrow.
Thank you,


Return on investment
Thu 5/2/2019 12:03 PM

There are about 30 spots open for this weekend's matches.
Each time I send out a reminder email I get about 6 or 7 signups.
You can see where I'm going with this. That means 5 more annoying emails from me in the next two days.

Are you really going to make me dream up 5 more ways to politely remind you to do your job?

Well is running dry here, help me out.

Can you keep a secret?
Don't tell anyone.
It's not about the kids.
It's about you not signing up.
It's about me running out of steam begging you to sign up.

See you ALL out there this weekend (and next, and next, then you're off for the summer).


Yes, it's that time of week again.
Wed 5/1/2019 11:18 AM

Wednesday brings the beginning of nagging season. More holes than signups in this weekend's schedule. Nothing new, but hey, just once could you clean up your room without being asked - oh, woops, wrong button - just once, could you signup for matches without being asked?

More to messages to follow.

HorizonWebRef - where the fun and nagging never stop!



Forms - Registration -Volunteering
Sun 4/28/2019 2:51 PM

Team managers

A remainder to please pick up forms from the team folders and distribute them among the families in your team. Registration will start in 2 weeks! Please remain your team to please sign up for volunteering shifts:

Game Day Helper: https://www.corvallisayso.org/teams/helper-signup.html

Fields: https://www.corvallisayso.org/teams/fields-signup.html




[CorvallisAYSO] 5-A-Side Schedule
Sat 4/27/2019 7:33 AM

Hello AYSO Volunteers,

I have built the second draft of the 5-A-Side schedule on 5/18. I wanted to give you heads up on the time blocks so you can plan and inform parents.

See the 5-A-Side Jamboree Details Here.

Schedule Notes:
++ 15UB, 12UB, & 10UG play in the morning block from 8:20am-11am on 5/18.
++ 15UG, 12UG, & 10UB play in the midday block from 11:20am-2pm (2:40pm for 10UB) on 5/18.

++ Blue Sombrero cannot operate with time overlaps for a team, so I do not plan to load the schedule in it. I added a "practice" to show the full time block.
++ Each team has a Squad A & Squad B (you cannot see that online here), you will get a printed schedule in your team folder and a PDF next week showing your division breakdown.
++ 15U does a bunch of doubling, but most other teams are setup to not have an overlapping game for the team. In other words, they do not play themselves, but sometimes both squads play at the same time in the same time block for 15U & 10U.
++ Much of the scheduling is random, some adjustment was done to try and reduce field hopping, especially to field 123.

Luke Cotton - Acting 5-A-Side Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] Games Today 4/27
Sat 4/27/2019 7:08 AM

Quick Reminders,

Today is Silent Saturday, please help inform spectators(nothing verbal, clapping is allowed), details (here).

Today is Referee Appreciation Day, thank them for volunteering to referee.

Have a Sunny Game Day,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


Extra Extra read all about it
Fri 4/26/2019 8:35 PM

Extra matches are a bit more competitive than our Core program on Saturday. Local teams playing teams that have traveled here expecting nice fields and a well turned out referee team.

Let's not disappoint, let's take advantage of these matches to get more experience, let's turn out to support this program!

Matches to ref on Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

Oh, and don't forget to finish choosing your regular match on Saturday, too. Still plenty of work to do.

Thank you for volunteering with AYSO,



[CorvallisAYSO] What you doin Sunday?
Fri 4/26/2019 5:08 AM

Hello All AYSO Referees,

Why just don your fluorescent attire on Saturday? This Sunday is another opportunity for you to end up on Google Maps, you could be awesome yellow dot 1, 2, or 3!

Signup for a Sunday EXTRA game at either 2:30pm or 4pm, you only get a few opportunities like this.

I know, your Sunday afternoon could use some more soccer! If that does not work, what about your Saturday afternoon at 3 or 5pm?

All Your Saturdays (& now Sundays) Occupied.


[CorvallisAYSO] Referee Appreciation Saturday 4/27
Thu 4/25/2019 12:45 PM

To All 6U+ Families,

This coming Saturday (4/27) is Referee Appreciation Day - so give a shout out to those officials on your child's match! Wait, no, don't shout, it's also Silent Saturday! Oh no, now you can't yell at the referees. How are you going to tell them what to do, or how good a job you would be doing if you were out there, or, compliment their nice stripey jerseys and cool socks? What are you going to do???

Well, I have a solution for you - let's all give a nice "thank you for being a referee with AYSO," to every ref you pass at the fields, or, a nice round of applause at the end of a match for the players and match officials, or, remind your players to give their refs an extra high-five. Remember, matches can't happen without referees, and they all are volunteers. That's right, they actually volunteer to take that abuse from parents and coaches, and keep coming back. An odd bunch, so show your appreciation, express your concern as to their sanity, just don't question their eye-sight or knowledge of the Laws of the Game.

Thank you AYSO Families for thanking AYSO Referees.

Chris Jordan - Referee Administrator

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


You are so close, yet ...
Thu 4/25/2019 10:42 AM

149 Referees,
Sunny Saturday is coming. Plus, it is Silent Saturday. And Referee Appreciation Saturday.
How can you not be there?
Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime cosmic alignment. If you thought the eclipse was special, you obviously haven't been out in the sun long enough.
Sign up to catch some hoorays with the kids this weekend.


This weekend
Tue 4/23/2019 1:12 PM

It is shaping up to be a dry warm week, so that means nice fields, short sleeves and sunscreen! Well, if you are at Adams in your funny socks, that is.

At this point, doesn't look like many of you have that in your plan for the weekend. Please consider updating your calendar to include a, "ref some matches at Adams" entry, and now that you are free, grab a spot or two on Horizon Web Ref? See how easy that was?

Thank you for volunteering,


Referee Appreciation Day next Saturday
Sun 4/21/2019 8:15 PM

Next Saturday is Referee Appreciation Day!
Yes, that's actually a thing in AYSO.

How can you be appreciated anymore than you already are, you ask? What with all the parents and coaches being so helpful, and the players giving you those eye-rolls and muttered compliments (yes, they are actually saying what nice socks you have), how could it get any better?

I'll tell you, free stuff! Yes, we will be doing a give-away of ref supplies - need a new whistle, or perhaps some nice 2-stripe socks, or ten old yellow jerseys? Plus, Ref-bucks are back! Coupons for $2 at the concession stand (not redeemable for cash, not a legal form of tender, not for trading or investment purposes and not accepted at any other merchants) will be awarded for pulled up socks and tucked in jerseys.

See, you never knew how fun this could be!

Thank you for refereeing with AYSO,


[CorvallisAYSO] Silent Saturday 4/27
Sun 4/21/2019 7:23 PM

Hello all AYSO 6U+ families,

Silent Saturday - April 27th

When: April 27th 2019
Where: All AYSO Games, including away games.

"Silent Saturday" is used in AYSO Regions throughout the country with a great deal of success. Its main purpose is to just let the kids play and have fun without having to worry about how their performance is affecting the adults on the sidelines. "Silent Saturday" is a throwback to the old schoolyard days when kids would congregate after school and on weekends just to play the sport all day without regard to who was winning and repercussions for poor play and decision-making. Coaches are requested to communicate and reinforce this with spectators!

The objectives of holding a "Silent Saturday" are:

  • To emphasize that the game is about letting the kids have fun and play.
  • To show that kids can play well on their own with limited instruction.
  • To help the few parents and coaches who feel they must provide constant direction, understand how disruptive it can be.
  • To give players the chance to trust their skills and instincts without sideline input.
  • To encourage leadership skills among the individual players as they have the unique opportunity of giving their own instruction on the field.
  • To encourage a sense of true teamwork as the players must learn to rely upon one another and communicate with each other accordingly.
  • To support our volunteer referees, both youth and adult, by eliminating sideline interference and comments.

While the vast majority of adult verbal participation is intended to be positive and constructive, the fact of the matter is that games can (and have in the past) become so loud that the players often have difficulty hearing each other on the field. Taking one week off from any verbal interference may help adults gain perspective on just how loud they've been in the past. You will all be amazed at how quiet the field will be-come.


Spectators: We request that you make no verbal comments about the game or direct any comments to the players or referees (or coaches) on or off the field. Clapping IS allowed! Be creative in how you choose to cheer your child's team - make signs to hold up or bring a rally towel in the team's color and wave it wildly. There are lots of ways to cheer other than verbally. But please no noise makers and especially no whistles, or compressed air horns.

Coaches: It is recommended that you do not provide any direction - verbal or non-verbal - to players who are on the field. You may speak quietly to any players on the bench and have a conversational discussion about the game with the players before and after the game, and during halftime. If absolutely required, rarely and quietly call a player on the field to the touchline to provide tactical instruction while the game is in play (just like you are allowed to do during a normal game). Then let the player convey the message to their team.

Players: You are encouraged to speak to each other on the field as normal. You are free to support each other and provide direction to each other. Substitute players on the bench must be quiet as well and not cheer or provide tactical instruction to their teammates. Lest they simply replace the coach or act on their behest.

Referees: For this special day, referees are being asked to monitor the spectators and coaches adherence to these guidelines and to offer reminders if the recommendations are not being followed, including notifying the coaches and/or stopping the game if necessary. Continue to verbalize often during the game as you normally would and do not to be concerned about the fact they can now hear you off the field as well. You are there to help the players have a safe, fair, and fun time.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Team Roster/Details Page
Sat 4/20/2019 7:22 AM

Hello AYSO Team Volunteers,

Many of you have asked for a method to see some of what I send in the customized emails, and I have been wanting to provide you with a page that can help you understand where your team stands. The page below is an experiment in building that.


: Player, Volunteer, and Certification data is manually loaded from Blue Sombrero. All other data is live in the region website. If you see an Attn next to your volunteer role, you can click on the link to get an email explaining why. This page will continue to evolve, adding links to common actions and informing you of any missing items or tasks.

Feel free to email me with your feedback.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Webmaster


[CorvallisAYSO] Games Saturday 4/20
Fri 4/19/2019 12:58 PM

Hello AYSO Families,

The weather is looking good for this weekend and the fields are looking great! BIG thank you to our field helpers that worked to overseed and help fix up the game fields.

Few quick notes for Saturday...

  • Arrive Early (20-30min before start time)(schedule).
  • No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Wear Uniform or Team Color.
  • Wear Shin Guards under socks.
  • Find Field (map) (No dogs/pets).
  • Do not park on grass, Carpool, Bike, or CTS Route 8.
  • Sit at Spectator side of field (conduct).
  • Coach Checklist (here).
  • Referee Game Checklist (here).
  • Bring Water.

++ New Player, No Uniform? Pickup at the Information Shed.
++ 10U+ Game Cards? Pickup at Information Shed.

See You Saturday,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

# AYSO Region 149 Celebrating 40 Years in Benton County! #


Better, but,
Fri 4/19/2019 10:09 AM

still 33 open spots tomorrow.

You can do this.

(if you are an official team volunteer, you have to do this...)

Thank you,


Nice work, but, hmmm...
Thu 4/18/2019 10:24 PM

something seems to be missing. Can't quite put my finger on it.
Could it be the rain? No, not missing that.
Must be the mud. No, not missing that.
Oh, I know, it's the 39 open ref spots on Saturday, that's it. We are missing you!


Game of Throw-ins, Spring is Coming
Thu 4/18/2019 5:56 PM

Too late, Spring is Here!

Game on.

Fields are dry (ish).

We are playing on Saturday.

Well, maybe. Too many matches lack officials. Might have to cancel due to unsafe conditions.
Only you (and 60 of your closest friends) can save the world.

Sign up before midnight tonight to qualify for fabulous prizes.

Just do it.



Referees, OK, time to get back to work!
Thu 4/18/2019 8:23 AM

On the very good chance that Adams is open for playing this Saturday, we have a lot of work to do to get the schedule filled!!!

Time to start clicking. Pick your top choice, no shortage of opportunities. Then go back and pick your second choice, always a shortage of match officials...

Thanks for volunteering with AYSO.


[CorvallisAYSO] ALL Games CANCELED 4/13
Fri 4/12/2019 7:46 PM

Quick Reminder to all AYSO Families,

The Adams area and many other fields are still closed. ALL games & practices for Saturday April 13th are CANCELED.

NOTICE: This includes games scheduled in Albany, Corvallis, Central Linn, and Lebanon.

Luke Cotton
Region 149 Commissioner


Upcoming matches
Wed 4/10/2019 7:06 PM

Unfortunately, the spring rains have finally arrived and soaked the fields beyond use. No practices or matches until futher notice. Watch the 509J webpage for updates; you'll get emails from AYSO and HorizonWebRef when we're back in business. In the meantime, practice your signals, run around the house with your whistle, sign up for matches on the 20th and 27th, send off the cat, polish your boots, clean your badge...
See you back out there when the mud goes away.
Thank you for volunteering with AYSO!


[CorvallisAYSO] Practices & Games This Week
Tue 4/9/2019 6:39 PM

Hello AYSO Families,

Practices: AYSO practices this week have been canceled. Since the majority of normal practice spaces in the region are closed, we cancel practices for everyone. 2 Exceptions: 1. 15U & EXTRA teams can seek alternate/open locations to practice, including gym, turf, or pavement. 2. Teams that have already paid for a facility, and cannot cancel without a penalty, can practice.

Games: All games played at the Adams area are canceled for Saturday 4/13. Away games will be decided by Friday for 19U & 15UB Internazionale.

Questions? See the Coach FAQ (here)

Look for updates on the region website (here).

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] This Week & Survey
Sun 4/7/2019 10:44 PM

Hello AYSO Volunteers,

Practices: Canceled for the early part of the week (see website), but it is a good assumption that practices will be canceled all week (Cancellation FAQ).

Games: I will make the call for games on Thursday evening.

Survey: This is the 6th year we have had this problem. I have a few ideas and I would like your input. Please take the survey (here) and tell me your thoughts.

Survey Link: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/rv-survey

Luke Cotton - Regional Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Practices This Week 15U & EXTRA
Sun 4/7/2019 8:45 PM

Hello 15U & EXTRA Families,

Practices for most divisions are canceled. You are allowed to practice, but not on an Adams soccer field or at a closed location.

You can choose to cancel practices or find an open location for practices...
+ At the Adams site is a space that was once a school, this time of year, that location is like bumpy turf.
+ You can also use a pavement area, remember all players need shin guards, and should wear shoes appropriate for pavement.
+ You can reserve a location (turf or gym), but most will have a cost. District grass locations are available due to an existing agreement, outside that, you would likely need to pay as a team.



[CorvallisAYSO] Practices Canceled 8U-12U
Sun 4/7/2019 8:08 PM

Hello AYSO Families,

Practices Canceled for at least Monday 4/8 & Tuesday 4/9

Even if your field is open, we are canceling practices for everyone* in the region, the Corvallis school district will likely publish field closures late Monday.

* 2 Exceptions: 1. 15U & EXTRA teams can seek alternate/open locations to practice, including gym, turf, or pavement (use of Adams soccer fields is not allowed). 2. Teams that had already paid for a facility, and cannot cancel without a penalty, can practice as planned.

The website will continue to have updates: https://www.corvallisayso.org/

Luke Cotton


[CorvallisAYSO] Your Game Today 4/6
Sat 4/6/2019 6:02 AM

Hello Team,

Your away game today might need referee help. If you are going and are able to help, please bring your gear.

If you have no certified center referee, you can feel free to scrimmage with the other team. A coach can help to ensure the game is safe, fair, and fun.

Albany - 12:00 - G15U - Storm vs Impact
Albany - 09:00 - G15U - Storm vs Dolphins

Halsey - 10:30 - C15U - Two Face vs Manchester/City

Lebanon : 09:00 - B15U - Venom vs Internazionale
Lebanon - 10:30 - G15U - Vixen vs Cubs



[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day Reminders - 4/6
Sat 4/6/2019 5:00 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

  • Arrive Early (20-30min before start time)(schedule)
  • No Jewelry (equipment) (rules)
  • Wear Uniform or Team Color
  • Long sleeve item, under uniform, avoid zippers
  • Wear Shin Guards under socks
  • Sport/Athletic pants are okay
  • Find Field (map) (NEW locations) (No dogs/pets)
  • Do not park on grass, Carpool, Bike, or CTS Route 8.
  • Sit at Spectator side of field (conduct)
  • Coach Checklist (here)
  • Referee Game Checklist (here)
  • Have Fun!

Used Equipment donations, swap, & sale will be by the sheds 8:15-1pm.

++ No Uniform? Confirm order is inbound at Information Shed.
++ Game Cards 10U+? Pickup at Information Shed.

RAIN NOTICE: This weekend will drop close to 2 inches of rain, it is highly likely some fields will be closed and some practices will be canceled on at least Monday & Tuesday. The website will have a posting & you will get an email.
15U teams could still practice (they play outside groups), but not on closed spaces, you should look at alternate options (the old western view school plays like turf this time of year).

Have a great Saturday,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

* AYSO Region 149 Celebrating 40 Years in Benton County! *


First Saturday
Thu 4/4/2019 7:03 AM

Ok, the pestering comes early this year...

First day of the spring season is two days away and we have loads of open spots on the calendar. Please signup to do your part in covering these matches. Conveniently for you there are openings at all levels, all times and all positions. Less convenient for the kids, there are openings at all levels, all times, all positions.



{CorvallisAYSO} Core Team Spring Team Update
Wed 4/3/2019 6:41 AM

Core Team Volunteers,

As you touch base with families this week, please talk with them about signing up to help. We are short helpers, referees, and board members going into this season. We have referee training this Thursday 4/4 at the Western View Center 5:30 - 8:30 PM. The class requires pre-work (see details).

Double Check Needed: Below is what we have for your team. CHECK for new players in your list, and get in touch with them about practices.

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HELPER SIGNUPS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

Looks like nobody from your team has signed up to help. Have missing families, signup for a shift (here).

Please remind any missing families that we ask they contribute on behalf of each child, each season. The roster below lists possible jobs by each player.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#


Primary Contact

Team Jobs Indicated

NOTES: Use this form (here) for each (player or volunteer) change.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VOLUNTEERS/HELPERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#






Safe Haven


NOTES: If you are missing job training that you took, email me. Youth volunteers do not show in this list. Helpers will show if they signed up to help and noted the team in the signup.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Youth Referees 12+ - Turning it into a summer job
Tue 4/2/19 8:45AM

Youth 12 and older can be referees, if they enjoy it, they could turn it into a job.

This Thursday we have the second part to our basic referee training (first part is online). This training will get youth or adults setup to try their hand at refereeing in a safe, fair, & fun environment. If they enjoy it, we will help guide you through the next training level to turn refereeing into a job. Working tournaments over the summer can earn you hundreds in a few days.

Basic Referee Training Part 1:
Please follow instructions in the PDF (here) to Register and COMPLETE THE PRE-WORK prior to the class. If you run into issues, email vince and ensure you still show up at part 2. NOTE: the online class costs $7, but if they complete by the time the Thursday in person session is held, we will reimburse them.

Basic Referee Training Part 2:
THURSDAY, APRIL 4 at the WESTERN VIEW CENTER (WVC), adjacent to Adam's School soccer fields, 5:30 - 8:30 PM. Contact Vince if you are interested and not able to make the class, we have trainers that are happy to work out accommodations for youth referees.

Thank You,
Chris Jordan - Referee Administrator
Vince Waterhous - Director of Referee Instruction

We are AYSO, working to enrich children's lives by providing a safe, fair, & fun environment for the development, of players and volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] Fields and Activity Rotation
Mon 4/1/19 1:30PM

Hello Coaches,

Please be mindful of the fields and the damage to the grass. Remember to rotate your activities to use different spaces and avoid setting up activities in heavy traffic areas, especially by the goals.

Moving Goals:
If you can, and know how, feel free to move the goals (w/ the anchor). Remember to place the goal back (w/ the anchor).
If you are using Adams field 123, do not move the goals (the anchor is metal rebar, let's not destroy a mower).

We all want the fields in good shape for the next 7 weeks. Damage today will stay for a long time.



First weekend and Ref Refresher
Sun 3/31/2019 7:55 PM

AYSO Region 149 Referees,

First Saturday is just a week away!

We have loads of refereeing opportunities on this first day of the Spring season. Please sign up soon to get your first choice! Remember, you have committed to doing 7 matches over the next 7 Saturdays, so get a jump on your game count and sign up now!

Forgotten what it means to be a referee? Need a fresh pair os socks? Need a quick tune-up on the LotG? No problem, we have you covered.
Referee Refresher (think of it like continuing education) this Friday evening. 7.00 - 9.00pm at the Franklin School Gym (enter on the 18th St side of the gym, all other doors to the building will be locked).

Welcome to the Spring 2019 Season!

Thank you for volunteering with AYSO.


[CorvallisAYSO] Equipment Sale Saturday @ AYSO Sheds
Sun 3/31/2019 6:00AM

Hello AYSO Families,

This Saturday we will have a sale of used jerseys/shoes/shin guards/balls/socks/shorts/and other sports equipment. Saturday 4/6 8:15am-1:00pm at Adams in front of the AYSO sheds.

You can donate, swap, or sell your old equipment.

If you choose to sell your item...
It is simple: Fill out the form beforehand (here), write your name and the price for each item on a piece of masking tape and attach it to the item, and bring the items to the event. AYSO will keep 50% of the total items sold as consignment for the scholarship fund. No forms are required if you are donating the items.

Catalina Segura


[CorvallisAYSO] Spring Game Schedule
Thu 3/28/2019 2:45 PM

Hello AYSO Families,

Sorry for the delay in the game schedule, below are some key notes:

  • See the schedule online (here), see it in your Blue Sombrero team page (here), download all games (here).

  • [5U, 8U, 10U, 15U, & 19U] Some game fields moved (field map).
  • [6UB] 6U boys has an odd number of teams, they will play themselves at least one Saturday.
  • [6UB] 6U boys added a new team, some teams have lower player counts so player shifting might be needed to get everyone playing 4 vs 4 in each game.
  • [8U] Field 83 has two fields in one like 81 & 82 (field map).
  • [8UB] 8U boys has an odd number of teams, one team could play SELF or mix with the other 8UB game at the same time. (8UB division schedule)
  • [10UB] Added a 10U boys team, so no double games this spring.
  • [10U & 12U] Teams were scheduled in brackets.
  • [10U, 12U, & 15U] Have a placeholder game for the Jamboree, your team could be in the early morning bracket or in the afternoon bracket. Scheduling will be done later for 5/18.
  • [15UG} 15U girls teams, check for double games.
  • [15U] Check your away games closely.

Helper Signups for Game Day & Fields - We have signups for Shoe Swap / Equipment Sale helpers, Opening helpers, Closing helpers, Concession Sale helpers, Safety/Information helpers, and Field Relining helpers.

All non-volunteer families (those that are not coaches, referees, or team managers) are asked to help at least once per season per player. This is a volunteer run organization, no one in our region is paid.

Season Rundown - Below is the rundown of the spring season, we will include updates & more details about items in future emails.

  • 3/30 8:30am-12pm - Fields Setup Event (signup)
  • 4/1 - Practices Can Start 8U+
  • 4/4 - Referee Training 10U+ (details) [NEW REFEREES]
  • 4/5 - Referee Refresher 10U+ - 7pm-9pm @ Franklin School Gym
  • 4/6 - First Game Day (schedule)
  • 4/6 - Shoe Swap / Equipment Donations & Sale - 8:15am-1pm @ AYSO Sheds (helper signup)
  • 4/27 - Referee Appreciation Day
  • 4/27 - Silent Saturday (details)
  • 5/1 - Open Registration Starts for next school year rec program (apply)
  • 5/4 - Team Manager Appreciation Day
  • 5/4 - Open Registration Lab (& Scholarship Help) - 9am-1pm @ Adams School
  • 5/11 - Coach Appreciation Day
  • 5/11 - Open Registration Lab (& Scholarship Help) - 9am-1pm @ Adams School
  • 5/18 - Player Evaluations Due
  • 5/18 - Jamboree Day 10U-15U (details) & Team Equipment Return
  • 5/25 - Core Teams Soccerfest Tournament (register)


Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Roster and Game Schedule
Tue 3/26/2019 11:10 PM

Hi Everyone,

Below is the team roster as of today 3/26. The end of this email has your game schedule.

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #


Primary Contact


Player Note: Player placements can continue up to the first game, most players have been placed, use this email to communicate with the team. Uniforms for new players have been ordered, we hope to have them on 4/6, please check in with the info shed to see about the uniform.

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VOLUNTEERS/HELPERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #




Head Coach


Assistant Coach


Team Manager


Volunteer Note: Youth volunteers are not shown in the list and volunteers filling multiple roles can only be shown once. As helpers signup for shifts (here), they will be added to this list.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GAMES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#







8:30 AM




8:30 AM




9:45 AM




8:30 AM




8:30 AM




8:30 AM




8:35 AM



Game Note: 10U-15U teams May 18th is the 5-A-Side jamboree day, the final schedule for that day will come out later in Blue Sombrero.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner



[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day Helper Signup
Wed 3/27/2019 10:45 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

We ask that each family, that is not one of the key team volunteers, help with game day or field tasks/shifts.

Signup to Help (here)
We have a new tool for helper signups this season, remember to credit your team for the signup so your team manager sees you in their report.

Helper job descriptions...

Shoe Swap Helper: helps with the Soccer Equipment Sale (Shoe Swap) on the first Saturday of the season. Collect donated items and help with pricing/selling items to benefit the scholarship program. On-the-job training will be provided. You will be paired with another helper.

Concessions Helper
: helps on game day at the concession stand selling items to benefit our scholarship program. On-the-job training will be provided. You will be paired with another helper.

Registration Helper: helps at the open registration events by guiding applicants through the registration process. On-the-job training will be provided.

Safety Helper: helps operate the safety / information station on game day, answers questions, helps distribute first aid supplies, and assists in collecting forms or requests. On-the-job training will be provided. You will be paired with another helper.

Thank You,
Toby Westberry - Safety / Information
Elaine Markley - Opening / Closing
Marty Hernandez - Concessions
Catalina Segura - Shoe Swap

P.S. The game schedule is online for 5U-12U (here). The jamboree schedule for 10U-15U on May 18th will be published later. 15U & 19U schedules are still being tweaked.


[CorvallisAYSO] Field Helper Signups
Tue 3/26/2019 1:15 PM

Hello AYSO Families,

If you are not helping as a Coach, Referee, or a Manager, we ask that each family help with game day or field tasks/shifts. We have a new tool for helper signups online, no login or account needed. Remember to credit your team for the signup.

Signup to Help (here)

Below are the jobs for fields helpers...

Fields Setup: This Saturday morning 3/30 we will be working to finish connecting field dots running string and painting the first lines. We could use some help to get the season started. Big THANK YOU to Scott Ponder for helping set GPS points for the fields, saving us many hours of measuring time.

Fields Reliner: You can reline the fields any time Thursday evening or Friday afternoon-evening using the brown shed code sent to you in the reminder email. See the field marking guide (here).

Fields Opener: Bring shoes and gloves you are okay getting paint on. Tasks include: pulling equipment out of the brown shed, unlocking 8U goals, checking field markings, checking goals, helping with repairs, helping with additional field markings, and helping board members with any other tasks. See details (here).

Fields Closer: Bring gloves. Tasks include: helping get equipment in brown shed, locking all 8U goals by Adams, picking up field trash, ensuring the nets on field 123 are returned, and helping board members with any other tasks. See details (here).

Luke Cotton - Acting Fields Coord.

P.S. The Adams area fields have moved, take a look at the updated map online (here).


Spring Season just around the corner
Sun 3/24/2019 5:47 PM

Hello R149 Referees!
You've had a quiet Winter without any pestering emails from me. I think we need to change that...

Season is starting Saturday April 6th. Schedule will be posted soon. Ref-refresher session will be held Friday April 5th, 7pm at Franklin School gym.

In the meantime, can you please let me know if you ARE NOT planning on being a ref this Spring. I will take you off the active list, you won't get these annoying emails, and you are welcome back at any time. It really helps me (and the Region) if you let us know that you aren't able to ref season by season since we pay by the ref for various aspects of the program.

Looking forward to getting out on the fields again, as are I'm sure, all of you.

Thank you,


[CorvallisAYSO] Adams Area Field Changes
Sun 3/24/2019 10:10 AM

Hello Volunteers,

Heads Up: We have moved fields for spring 2019. Field 142 moved north, fields 101 & 102 moved to where 81 & 82 were, and 81 & 82 moved to Adams. No fields reside on gopher/mole territory. Please review the new fields map (here).

Teams w/ Practices @ Adams Area:
10U+ teams/fields, continue to play on your reserved field using the new map. Field 142 can now always have the nets up. Any changes/shifting will need to be negotiated on the fly at the field. Please be flexible, reservations show that space is available (coach practice guide).

8U teams/fields, have been moved to the Adams property, if you reserved field 81 or 82 you will need to shift to field 61 or 83, as baseball teams are not moving from the backstops in that area. It is likely you will need to negotiate on the fly at the field with the other soccer teams.
FYI: you could park in the neighborhood to the south on Knollbrook, it is closer and a path takes you right to field 83.

Game Day Changes: Parking, always parking. 8U goals will be locked at Adams, field opener/closer will handle them. Field 142 will not need to have nets removed.

Luke Cotton - Acting Fields Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] Final Team Placement Pending
Sun 3/24/2019 9:19 AM

Welcome to AYSO,

You are receiving this e-mail as a reminder to complete your registration or payment by logging in to Blue Sombrero (https://corvallisayso.org/login). Look to the Open Balance box after you login or in the menu click My Orders (price tag icon) to see what is pending. Let me know if you have any questions.

Please do this soon so that we can add him/her to a team and order a uniform. Please let me know if your child will not be playing or the open balance is a mistake.

Andy Ungerer
AYSO Registrar


{CorvallisAYSO} Core Spring Roster Update
Fri 3/22/2019 12:15 PM

Core Team Manager, (if no manager, Head Coach...)

If you have not filled out a spring kickoff form, or practice times/locations have changed...(here). We are still working on some player and volunteer placements. In 10UG and some other divisions we are short on coordinator help, in other words we are behind. If you know someone that would be a good division coordinator for next year...(apply).

Double Check Needed: Below is what we have for your team going into spring. CHECK for new players in your list, and get in touch with them about practices.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CHECK PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#


Primary Contact

Team Jobs Indicated


Asst. Coach


Game Day Related

NOTE: Use this form (here) for each (player and volunteer) change.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VOLUNTEERS/HELPERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#






Safe Haven


Head Coach





Assistant Coach















Team Manager





NOTES: If you are missing job training that you took, email me. Youth volunteers do not show in this list. Helpers will show if they signed up to help online, and noted this team in the signup.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Spring Overview
Mon 3/11/2019 8:45 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

Spring Intro - We are on our way to a great spring season. We need help to get some things setup, you can signup (here) to help with getting goals and lines setup for games. Teams that practice at Adams are asked to signup to help get fields setup.

Communication - This communication platform is how we will send out mass emails. You can see an archive of all communications (here).

Team Changes - Many teams have had players or volunteers drop. We also have had many registrations, still open (here), that include volunteers. We are continuing to process these registrations and work to place them for spring. In Blue Sombrero (here) you can see your team name next to your registration, this should also have a link to your team website. If we add a new player, we work to order a uniform for that player, if you want to be sure or double check you can submit this form (here).

Blue Sombrero - You can get help with issues related to Blue Sombrero by calling 866-264-2048 M-F 8am-3pm or looking at the guides (here).

Game Schedule - The game schedule will be out before Spring Break. Core team games are always on Saturday, 4/6 - 5/18, between 8am-3pm. On May 18th we will be doing an end of season jamboree for teams 10U+ (here)

Signups for Game Day & Field Helpers - This season we are using a new tool for helpers to signup to help (here). We have signups for Shoe Swap / Equipment Sale helpers, Opening helpers, Closing helpers, Concession Sale helpers, Safety/Information helpers, and Field Relining helpers.

Season Rundown - Below is the rundown of the spring season, we will include updates & more details about items in future emails.

  • 3/23 8:30am-12pm - Fields Setup Event (signup)
  • 3/30 8:30am-12pm - Fields Setup Event (signup)
  • 4/1 - Practices Can Start
  • 4/6 - First Game Day
  • 4/6 8:15am-1pm - Shoe Swap / Equipment Sale @ AYSO Sheds
  • 4/27 - Referee Appreciation Day
  • 4/27 - Silent Saturday (here)
  • 5/1 - Open Registration Starts for next school year Core Recreational Program.
  • 5/4 - Team Manager Appreciation Day
  • 5/4 9am-1pm - Open Registration Lab (& Scholarship Help)
  • 5/11 - Coach Appreciation Day
  • 5/11 9am-1pm - Open Registration Lab (& Scholarship Help)
  • 5/18 - Player Evaluations Due
  • 5/18 - Jamboree Day (here) & Team Equipment Return
  • 5/25 - Core Teams Soccerfest Tournament (here)

Volunteer Training - We will be reaching out to volunteers missing trainings, and informing them of upcoming training opportunities. If you would like to be informed of training opportunities or signup for a training class, please use this form (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

Contact Us (here)


[CorvallisAYSO] Wait List Updates
Wed 3/6/2019 5:45 AM

Hi Everyone,

We are currently working on team balancing and will soon start activating players from the wait list. Once that happens, the Blue Sombrero system will send you an email indicating your next steps to pay online.

Contact your Division Coordinator (here) if you have questions, if you are no longer interested, please contact the Registrar (here).

Practices could start in April (8U+ coaches decide time(s) and location), and games start on Saturday April 6th.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Core Spring Practices & Roster
Sun 3/3/2019 1:50 AM

Core Team Manager, (if no manager, Head Coach...)

Please fill out this spring start form for your team (here) this week. Work with your coach to confirm practice times and locations. If your team and your division coordinator is still looking for a replacement coach, please still fill out the form indicating that.

Double Check Needed: Below is what we have for your team going into spring. Please use this form (here) for each (player and volunteer) change. Unfortunately you cannot update contact details, and we cannot change volunteer positions without the volunteer registering under that position.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CHECK PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#


Primary Contact

Team Jobs Indicated


NOTE: Please use the roster change form link above for changes, that sends the request to the registrar to make the team change.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CHECK VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#






Safe Haven


Head Coach


Assistant Coach






Team Manager


NOTES: If you are missing job training that you took, email me. Youth volunteers do not show in this list.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Core Team Spring Check-In Needed
Wed 1/30/2019 9:45 AM

Core Team Manager, if the team has no manager, Head Coach...

We need your help in confirming Spring 2019 participation of volunteers and players. I sent an email Tuesday to help get things started, you can use that to follow up.

Confirmations Needed: Please get a confirmation from each player and volunteer about participation in Spring 2019 by Feb 11. (Spanish? Please email for help.)

Drop Players or Volunteers: Please use this form (here) for each known roster change. Unfortunately you cannot update roster contact details, but parents and volunteers can update the details online, please encourage them to update the information in their Blue Sombrero account (https://www.corvallisayso.org/login).
!! If appropriate, please arrange to get team equipment (soccer balls, coach bag, etc.) back from leaving volunteers !!

Spring Details: I will be posting updates regarding spring and registration online (here), this web page will also include all mass emails sent to volunteers & players.

Rosters: Below is a old snapshot of your team details, I will be sending another copy of this roster after your submitted updates by Feb 11th. Please remember that you can get the current roster online in Blue Sombrero under the team website.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CONFIRM PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CONFIRM VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

NOTES: If you are missing job training that you took, email your admin (here). The earlier we can get your team changes the more we can work to fill openings. Youth volunteers would not be in this list.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Core Team Spring Season 2019
Tue 1/29/2019 4:25 PM

Core Team,

Parents, we need your help in confirming Spring 2019 participation.

If you are not playing in Spring 2019 (playing Fall 2018 includes Spring 2019, no added cost or registration), email your team manager and fill out the form below if you are dropping from the team.

Dropping Player or Volunteer Form (here)

Spring Details: I will be posting updates regarding spring (here); the proposed Spring calendar is already online.

Rosters: Below is what we have as your team roster, you can update your contact information in Blue Sombrero (here).

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

Thank You,
Andy Ungerer - Registrar
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

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Winter 2018


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor W2 Helpers/Volunteer
Wed 1/30/2019 5:59 AM

Hi All,

Some families did not get the message about helping, so this email has all of the assignments from registrations that indicated a family member could help.


Referees: Please signup for games (here), & email me if you want some help/training at the beginning of your first game to go over the rules.

Team Managers:

Team Managers: Please signup as volunteers online under the Indoor 2 Program to get added to your team roster.

Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coordinator


{CorvallisAYSO} Indoor Team All-In-One
Tue 1/29/2019 4:55 AM

Hi All,

Parents, this email includes everything about games days for indoor. If you have not signed a release form(here), for the Corvallis Sports park, you need to turn one in on game day.

Team Managers, email the team to ensure folks show up early. Hat Draw group managers, think of a way to split the players quickly on game day. If you are not able to make it to a game, please give me and the team a heads up.

Referees, please signup to help online (here), contact me if you want a quick refresher on your first game.

Quick Rules Sheet

GAMES: 18 minute halves w/ 1 minute half

  • 8U - 5 vs. 5, no goal keeper, full field.
  • 10U-15U - 7 vs. 7, free substitutions.



  • Roof Netting - restart on red line on the side where the ball was kicked.
  • Side Netting or Off the Field - restart one yard from the wall near where the ball hit the netting or went out.
  • Over the Goal Netting - either corner kick on the white dot or a goal keeper throw (8U goal keeper kick).

THREE LINE VIOLATION: The ball cannot cross 2 red lines while in the air. If it does not hit anything before touching ground, it is the opponent's ball from the first red line it crossed.


  • All are direct.
  • Opposing team should be 3 yards away.
  • Kicking player cannot touch ball again without it touching someone else.
  • Non-penalty infractions (passing back to keeper) free kick at edge outside keeper box.

PENALTY KICKS: Penalty taken from the top of the keeper box. Non-kickers line up behind the red line and can move once the ball is kicked. Penalty kicker cannot touch the ball twice (must touch another player).


  • All outdoor fouls for the age group (including heading rule).
  • Two hands against the wall to push off.
  • Sliding.
  • Punting or Drop Kick.
  • Jumping Over Wall.
  • Playing on the Ground.

SUBSTITUTIONS: On the fly. Make sure outgoing player steps off field before incoming player steps in.

ENTERING FIELD (not from player box) DURING PLAY - get referee permission first.


  1. Blue - 2 minute penalty or until opponent scores.
  2. Yellow - 2 minute penalty.
  3. Red- ejection plus 5 minutes penalty served by another player.

Typical Game Day

Game Day Gear: The sports park will have a bag with soccer balls and pinnies for players, stored at the front desk.

Parents: Ensure you player is wearing the right equipment and has a white shirt; first game day, sign the release form (one needed per year) and turn it in; drop your player off with the right team manager by the benches next to the field; if you are staying for the game, I suggest you go upstairs to spectate and cheer (note: players can hear your conversations and comments from the balcony); if you have young children with you, consider the downstairs space by the benches (do not kick soccer balls against walls); from entering the field the game is about 42min, be back to meet your player in the lobby at that time.

Players: Wear a white shirt (or team designated color and bring a white shirt); standard soccer restrictions ([no watch, earrings, etc.], socks over shin guards, court shoes (8U-12U) or indoor turf shoes (15U)); the field could be cold at start, but you will warm up fast, sport pants can be a good idea; enter on the ground floor and check in with your manager at the bench seats right next to the field (be sure you know your team name); when your manager says okay, enter the field and place your equipment in one of the player boxes, after the other team is out; warm up, stretch, and wait for positions from your manager; after the game, grab your equipment and leave the field to the lobby.

Team Managers: Bring a printing of your roster, the referee could have a roster for you (use the roster for sub/player tracking); if you are the first game, or the team before you uses different size soccer balls, ask the front desk to check for the game day bag for your size; gather your players in the waiting area by the benches (or on the field if the referee is present); check player equipment on arrival and note them in your roster; enter the field with your team after the prior game clock is done (about 5min before your start time according to the field clock); figure out a team box to the west and place your equipment, after the other team is out of the box; talk with the opposing team manager, find the pinnies, and decide who will wear them (often the team with players not all wearing one color); indicate positions to players (1 GK (use a rotation if needed), 2 defenders, 2 midfield (your energizer bunnies), 2 forwards, remainder to box), give the goal keeper a unique color pinnie; after game start, do on the fly substitutions (players should only sit out for 6min at a time), and mark the subs in the roster; I use a method where I sub a player every 2min (w/ 3subs) or every 3min (w/ 2subs); at half YOU HAVE 1MIN, swap the goal keeper (if they want to stay in the position, press them to play the field), and do your 1 sub; at the end of the game, gather all the gear from the team box and leave the field, we have little time between games, so do the high five off the field.

Referees: Get team roster from front desk (they will often highlight the players missing something); if clock is off, ask them to turn it on; enter the field and place your gear in the box to the south east; check the sports park clock (often 6 min slow) and set the game clock to count down to about 2min before the game should start; check w/ managers for players missing liability forms (you can give them the roster); check player equipment (standard soccer stuff)(15U needs indoor turf shoes); ensure the teams have consistent colors and the keeper is a unique color; get a game ball, if it is flat the front counter has a pump; INDOOR IS FAST, please do everything you can to keep the pace and get folks playing; set the clock for 18min, start the 18min within 1min of game start no matter what; you do not need to put scores on the board; at half set the clock for 1min or less to catch up; start the last 18min, 30seconds after the half time clock ran out, no matter what; take all of your equipment and help get game equipment off the field to the front desk. Signup to Referee (here).

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS (1/29) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GAMES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.



[CorvallisAYSO] Program Payment Online
Mon 1/28/2019 12:34 PM

Hi |User First Name|,

You currently have an open balance on your account in Blue Sombrero. Please login ( https://www.corvallisayso.org/login ) to pay the open balance and finish the player registration. Look for the open balance box in your Blue Sombrero dashboard and click View/Pay or click on the My Orders button (sales tag icon) to see order needing payment.

If there is an error with the balance or registration, please email me.

If you are new to AYSO this school year, you will see a membership charge of $17.50. If you plan to signup for Spring season (in February), you will not see that charge again.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton

P.S. if you are having issues with the online payment, you can pay by Check (to AYSO) at the Sports Park. Ensure your check includes the player name.


RE: {CorvallisAYSO} Indoor 12UG Bicorne Draw Roster
Sat 1/19/2019 4:36 PM

Hello Team,

Below are the families that are assigned to help.

Referees: I will be sending the referee signup link after the schedule is posted.

Team Managers: To be added to the team and use the website communication tools, please signup as a volunteer online.

From: AYSO149 No Reply
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2019 11:50 AM
Subject: {CorvallisAYSO} Indoor 12UG Bicorne Draw Roster


Welcome: Below is the team roster as of today. Registration closes today, and some player additions are still likely.

Up Next: I will follow up soon, replying to everyone in this email, with the families that will be helping by volunteering. The game schedule is in process right now, I hope to have everything done and posted by Tuesday 1/22.

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS (1/19) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.



[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Season 2 Update
Thu 1/17/2019 4:00 PM

Hi Everyone,

If you are getting this, you signed a player up for Indoor Season 2 (Feb-Mar 2019).

Updates - Thur 1/17:
+ Most players have been moved off the wait lists (Folks still on the wait list will be decided next week).
+ Many players are still pending payment (separate email reminder was sent for that).
+ All girls divisions are hat draw groups (players that show up would get split into 2 teams just before game time).
+ Preliminary team placement emails are going out soon for 10UB, 12UB, & 15UB.
+ + Boys Coaches/Managers, with individual teams, have already been notified of preliminary rosters.
+ 8UB could potentially be split into 3 teams, we'll see if a few more register.

Please be on the lookout for more details next week, and if you got an email reminding you of needing payment, please login and get that done: https://corvallisayso.org/login

Luke Cotton
Indoor Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] Payment Due Online
Thu 1/17/2019 1:30 PM

Hi |User First Name|,

We currently see an open balance on your account in Blue Sombrero. Please login ( https://corvallisayso.org/login ) to pay the open balance and finish the player registration. Look for the open balance box in your Blue Sombrero dashboard and click View/Pay or click on the My Orders button (sales tag icon) to see order needing payment.

If there is an error with the balance or registration, please email me.
If you are new to AYSO this school year, you will see a membership charge of $17.50. If you plan to signup for Spring season (Signup in February), you will not see that charge again.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Season 2
Tue 1/8/2019 3:05 AM

Dear AYSO Families,

Indoor soccer is a great opportunity to get more touches on the ball and it forces a controlled play. If we are doing things right, it is fast paced and tires the players faster than outdoor. We build teams to try and balance play based on the parent ratings, but often end up re-balancing on game day to ensure everyone is challenged and plays a much as possible.

In 08UG we have 13 players, that is almost enough for a hat draw group, it would be good to get few more.

In 10UB we have 20 players we have enough for a hat draw group, if we get a few more we can build three teams.

In 10UG we have 7 players, we need more players to make this division work, we need at least 14 for a hat draw group.

In 12UB we have 38 players, so we are good to go for Winter 2, a few more would be good to get more subs.

In 12UG we have 16 players, we have enough for a hat draw group, but it would be great to get a few more.

In 15UB we have 21 players, it would be great to get a few more so we can build three teams.

In 15UG we have 11 players, it would be great to get more so we can build a hat draw group. I need at least 4 more players.

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are often scheduled on Saturdays from 12-6pm, with some games falling in the week between 4-6pm (there are no practices). This session will go from about 2/1 - 3/23, team notifications will happen by 1/28, with a schedule expected soon after.

Player Wait Listing: I have setup the season 2 program to have registrations go straight to wait list (shows a $0 charge). Next week, and once I have at least 14 players, 1 referee, and 2 managers in a division, I will activate all players (Blue Sombrero will ask for the $45 paid online before 1/28).

Sign up Online: https://www.corvallisayso.org/registration/indoor.html

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Soccer Coordinator
(Play Up Requests: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/special-request.html ).


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor S2 - Wait Listing
Sun 12/23/2018 8:00 AM

Hello Indoor S1 Families,

Registration is open for Indoor season 2 (here) playing from early February to just before Spring Break in March. I have had a few questions about the following...

Player Wait Listing:

I have setup the season 2 program to have registrations go straight to wait list (shows a $0 charge). Once I have at least 16 players, 2 referees, and 2 managers in a division, I will activate all players (Blue Sombrero will ask for the $45 paid online before 1/28).

Why? Each season 2 of indoor we are often short on players or volunteers in some divisions. 8U boys and all girls divisions tend to have fewer players, and if we do not get enough players or volunteers, it is just one person that we must refund in the division (saves you the upfront cost, and us the credit card fee).

If we are not able to get enough volunteers or players before 1/28, the division will be closed. I will provide a status report in early & mid January. NOTE: if we are close, I will work with the Sports Park to see if we can provide other options for the players.

During player registration, I am asking for volunteer indication. Once a division is viable, and in late January, I will indicate that the family member needs to register as a volunteer. This saves us the cost of a potential Background Check (new volunteers only) and it saves you the hassle of registering before we know you are needed.

Sorry for the confusion,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.
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[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Season 2 - Feb-Mar
Sat 12/22/2018 3:28 AM

Hello |User First Name|,

All players from divisions 8U - 15U are invited to sign up online (here), all divisions will start with wait lists until we have enough players and volunteers for the division. Volunteering as referee or team manager/coach should be indicated during player registration.

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are scheduled on Saturdays from 12-6pm or in the week between 4-6pm (there are no practices). This session will go from about 2/1 - 3/23, team notifications will happen by 1/28, with a schedule expected soon after.

The fee is $45 and will need to be paid by Credit Card. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO membership fee of $17.50. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case and we cannot place your player, your credit card will be refunded the $45.

> Signup here <

Again, for most players, every division will start with a wait list, once enough players and volunteers signup, all players will be activated.

Volunteers, registration will be done after we have enough players, please indicate in the player registration if you can volunteer.

See you in February,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Soccer Coord.

P.S. For player special requests, use this form (here).


{CorvallisAYSO} TEAM All-in-One
Mon 11/5/2018 6:55 AM

Hello Team,

Sports Park Release Forms: Liability Forms are required for everyone touching the playing field, including volunteers. You can arrive early and sign one on game day or print and sign one now (here), then bring it.

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GAME DAY BREAKDOWN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

Game Day Gear: The sports park will have a bag with soccer balls and pinnies for 10U players, stored at the front desk.

Parents: Ensure you player is wearing the right equipment and has a white shirt; first game day, sign the release form and turn it in; drop your player off with the right team manager by the benches next to the field; if you are staying for the game, I suggest you go upstairs to spectate and cheer (note: players can hear your conversations and comments from the balcony); if you have young children with you, consider the downstairs space by the benches (do not kick soccer balls against walls); from entering the field the game is about 42min, be back to meet your player in the lobby at that time.

Players: Wear a white shirt (or team designated color and bring a white shirt); standard soccer restrictions ([no watch, earrings, etc.], socks over shin guards, court shoes (8U-12U) or indoor turf shoes (15U)); the field could be cold at start, but you will warm up fast, sport pants can be a good idea; enter on the ground floor and check in with your manager at the bench seats right next to the field (be sure you know your team name); when your manager says okay, enter the field and place your equipment in one of the player boxes, after the other team is out; warm up, stretch, and wait for positions from your manager; after the game, grab your equipment and leave the field to the lobby.

Team Managers: Bring a printing of your roster, the referee could have a roster for you (use the roster for sub/player tracking); if you are the first game, or the team before you uses different size soccer balls, ask the front desk to check for the game day bag for your size; gather your players in the waiting area by the benches (or on the field if the referee is present); check player equipment on arrival and note them in your roster; enter the field with your team after the prior game clock is done (about 5min before your start time according to the field clock); figure out a team box to the west and place your equipment, after the other team is out of the box; talk with the opposing team manager, find the pinnies, and decide who will wear them (often the team with players not all wearing one color); indicate positions to players (1 GK (use a rotation if needed), 2 defenders, 2 midfield (your energizer bunnies), 2 forwards, remainder to box), give the goal keeper a unique color pinnie; after game start, do on the fly substitutions (players should only sit out for 6min at a time), and mark the subs in the roster; I use a method where I sub a player every 2min (w/ 3subs) or every 3min (w/ 2subs); at half YOU HAVE 1MIN, swap the goal keeper (if they want to stay in the position, press them to play the field), and do your 1 sub; at the end of the game, gather all the gear from the team box and leave the field, we have little time between games, so do the high five off the field; Jason provides support for team managers, contact Jason (here).

Referees: Get team roster from front desk (they will often highlight the players missing something); if clock is off, ask them to turn it on; enter the field and place your gear in the box to the south east; check the sports park clock (often 6 min slow) and set the game clock to count down to about 2min before the game should start; check w/ managers for players missing liability forms (you can give them the roster); check player equipment (standard soccer stuff)(15U needs indoor turf shoes); ensure the teams have consistent colors and the keeper is a unique color; get a game ball, if it is flat the front counter has a pump; INDOOR IS FAST, please do everything you can to keep the pace and get folks playing; set the clock for 18min, start the 18min within 1min of game start no matter what; you do not need to put scores on the board; at half set the clock for 1min or less to catch up; start the last 18min, 30seconds after the half time clock ran out, no matter what; take all of your equipment and help get game equipment off the field to the front desk; Luke provides support for referees, contact Luke (here).

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

Volunteer Note: If you only have a referee listed, they are your team manager.

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GAME SCHEDULE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

Date Start Field Home Away
11/09 16:10 CSP Birmingham City Blackburn Rovers
11/15 17:40 CSP Stoke City Birmingham City
11/20 16:55 CSP Birmingham City Bristol City
11/29 16:55 CSP Queens Park Rangers Birmingham City
12/14 16:55 CSP Birmingham City Blackburn Rovers
12/21 16:10 CSP Stoke City Birmingham City

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INDOOR RULES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

GAMES: 18 minute halves w/ 1 minute half

  • 8U - 5 vs. 5, no goal keeper, full field.
  • 10U-15U - 7 vs. 7, free substitutions.

LAST GAME: Return balls and pinnies to the front desk.



  • Roof Netting - restart on red line on the side from where the ball was kicked.
  • Side Netting or Off the Field - restart one yard from the wall near where the ball hit the netting or went out.
  • Over the Goal Netting - either corner kick on the white dot or a goal keeper throw (8U goal keeper kick)

THREE LINE VIOLATION: The ball cannot cross 2 red lines and center line on the fly. IF it does not hit anyone before touching ground, it is the opponent's ball from the first red line it crossed.


  • All are direct.
  • Opposing team should be 3 yards away.
  • Kicking player cannot touch ball again without it touching someone else.
  • Non-penalty infractions (passing back to keeper) free kick at edge outside keeper box.

PENALTY KICKS: Penalty taken from the top of the keeper box. Non-kickers line up behind the red line and can move once the ball is kicked. Penalty kicker cannot touch the ball first if it rebounds off the back wall.


  • All outdoor fouls for the age group (remember heading rule).
  • Two hands against the wall to push off.
  • Sliding.
  • Punting or Drop Kick.
  • Jumping Over Wall.
  • Playing on the Ground.

SUBSTITUTIONS: On the fly. Make sure outgoing player steps off field before incoming player steps in.

ENTERING FIELD (not from player box) DURING PLAY - get referee permission first


  1. Blue - 2 minute penalty or until opponent scores.
  2. Yellow - 2 minute penalty.
  3. Red- ejection plus 5 minutes penalty served by another player.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner



[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Wait List
Fri 11/02/18 5:00 PM

Hi |User First Name|,

Your player is on the wait list for indoor. We have posted teams and the game schedule (first game 11/8) for allocated players.

Over the next 10 days we might have adjustments and player drops, if that is the case, we would activate your registration & email you. After November 10th it is unlikely we will have openings.

If you would like to be removed from the wait list, you can email me.

Stay Tuned,


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Winter Season 1
Wed 10/31/2018 11:18 AM

Hello all indoor families,

Welcome to AYSO Indoor!

Team rosters have been posted and schedules will come from the Corvallis Sports Park DASH system in the next few days. I wanted to share some information about the indoor program in general.

1. No cleats or knobby-style running shoes are allowed, players 12U and below can wear tennis shoes, 15U players are required to have indoor soccer shoes.
2. Shin guards are required and must be fully covered by socks.
3. Players should wear a WHITE shirt and we will use pennies, supplied at the game, to differentiate teams.
4. All players must have a current Corvallis Sports Park registration and liability waiver completed by a legal guardian (here Physical Paper & Signature is Required). This will be validated before the first game of the session, so please plan on arriving 30min early for your first games to get checked in.
5. This is volunteer coordinated youth recreational soccer. The volunteer assigned to your team as a Team Manager will be your manager & game day coach, if you only have a Referee on the team, they are the manager & game day coach. Please remember to be supportive, respectful and focused on fun soccer!

At 8U we will play 5v5 on the full field with no goal keepers. At 10U and above, we will play 7v7 with goal keepers and standard indoor soccer rules (here).

Let me know if you have any questions!


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Fall 2018


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Player Evaluations
Sun 11/4/2018 8:15 PM

Hello Coaches,

For those of you that helped complete the 1,151 player evaluations, Thank You! Coaches that have not, missing 1,085 evaluations, we would like your evaluations as soon as possible (reply to this email if you are missing the eval link email).

We are looking to use the data from your evaluations to help with a few items...
=1= Most importantly, help us balance teams while considering new players and any that might not continue in spring.
=2= In divisions with enough teams, your evaluations and game cards will help with building scheduling brackets.
=3= We have the evaluations from spring 2018 and assumptions made about new players. We would like your fall evaluations to help us understand how we did with team balancing and where we can make improvements.
=4= Identify opportunities for coaching clinics and to work on sharing practice plans targeting deficiencies.

Also, if you have not already completed the fall season survey, you can fill it out here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/coach-survey.html

Thank You for all of your work this past fall,
Luke Cotton

P.S. - The board will be reviewing much of this in January and working to understand what ways we can improve or reinforce. If you have an idea regarding an issue or imbalance you observed, please include it in the survey.


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall 2018 Thank You
Thu 10/25/2018 1:15 PM

Hello all AYSO families,

THANK YOU: Please remember to thank your team volunteers this Saturday. Without your managers, coaches, or referees your player would not play. Let's remind them of how important they are.

FIELDS: Time to Winterize! All last games should remove nets (to brown shed) and move goals (place on old track or, at Adams, to a fence by Adams). 6U & 8U will do the normal field cleanup.

SPRING 2019: Team roster confirmations start in late January (a check to see if anyone is not returning). New player registration for spring outdoor starts in February and closes in mid-March. First game is the Saturday after spring break (April 6th), volunteer trainings will be in that week if not earlier. (Remember: teams built in fall, stay for the entire school year, if you played in fall, no need to register for spring)

VOLUNTEER TRAINING: We try to offer Intermediate & Advanced trainings over winter for Referees & Coaches. Please signup to get notified about future trainings. Basic coach & referee trainings will be in the first week after spring break in April.

HELP NEEDED: We need board member volunteers for volunteer checking, field setup coordination, financial tracking, coordinating indoor soccer, and we need a lot of help with team formation. Please consider signing up...

INDOOR SOCCER: Signups for indoor are closing or getting shifted to wait list soon. Please signup as soon as possible, if we need to cut we go by date of signup and refund the credit card.

TOP REFEREES FALL 2018: Big thank you to all the referees that have helped this fall by filling in at a bunch of games. Here are the people that went above and beyond. (Could exclude some referees that helped last minute or wrote in on game day)
Pre-Scheduled Game Referees: Davide Lazzati 14 games), Amie Mecham (14 games), Jeffrey Bell (13 games), Kyu Choi (12 games), William Thomas (12 games), Greg King (11 games), Kipp Shearman (11 games), Barbara Lagerquist (10 games), Jaewoo Choi (9 games), Josh Cooper (9 games), Luke Cotton (9 games), Brian Dolan (9 games), Gailen Garcia-Lewis (9 games), Kham Slater (9 games), William Stickle (9 games), Dylan Bell (8 games), Abe Drabkin (8 games), Murphy Gleske (8 games), Kevin Jones (8 games), Todd Reeve (8 games), Marc Weber (8 games), & Jesse Wegner (8 games).

TOP HELPERS FALL 2018: Big thank you to all of the game day volunteers and field volunteers that helped this season. Here are the people that went above and beyond.
Field Relining: Shilo Anway - Bearcats (17 shifts), Brian Dolan - Boys EXTRA (coord. 12 shifts), Pete Lepre - Ajax (11 shifts), Joseph Paz - Buffalos (8 shifts), Brian Sailor - Cowboys (5 shifts), Mel Nelson - Gorillas (4 shifts).
Game Day Helpers: Elaine Markley - Board (8 shifts), Daniel Arthurs - Multi (6 shifts), Toby Westberry - Board (4 shifts), Paris Lewis - Multi (3 shifts), 2 Shifts: Mandy Martin, Brock McLeod, Ivy Snyder, Nicole Sharp, Yan Xu, Amy Ward, Danny Aynes, & Lan Xue

If I do not see you over winter, see you in April 2019!

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

Know you are not returning for Spring 2019?


[CorvallisAYSO] Last Game Day Items
Thu 10/25/2018 3:33 AM

Hello Coach,

This Saturday is the last game day for the fall season. I appreciate all your hard work to ensure players have practices & games this fall.

Please do your best to ensure players have a fun experience this last Saturday.

+ All last games should remove nets (to brown shed) and move goals (place on old track or, at Adams, to a fence by Adams).
+ All teams should have pictures distributed, if your team is missing them, they are in the team folder in the brown shed (the shed code is "LAND" if you want them early). Hopefully the team manager got them.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner & Advanced Coach

P.S. Want to be an Intermediate or Advanced Coach? We do trainings over winter, signup to get notified: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/training.html


New Message Published (Administrator)
Thu 10/25/2018 3:21 AM

This Saturday is the last game day for the fall season. I appreciate all your hard work to ensure players have games on Saturday.

Please do your best to ensure players have a fun experience on this last Saturday.

+ All last games should remove nets (to brown shed) and move goals (place on old track or, at Adams, to a fence by Adams).
+ All teams should have pictures distributed, if your team is missing them, they are in the team folder by the brown shed.
+ Indoor soccer starts next week, if you would like to help referee, signups will be online in web ref after the weekend. Training for refereeing indoor will be provided before the start of the season.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner & Advanced Referee

P.S. Want to be an Intermediate or Advanced Referee? We do trainings over winter, signup to get notified: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/training.html


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Season 1
Fri 10/19/2018 5:56 PM

Dear Families,

Indoor soccer is a great opportunity to get more touches on the ball and it forces a controlled play. If we are doing things right, it is fast paced and tires the players faster than outdoor. We build teams to try and balance play based on the parent ratings, but often end up re-balancing on game day to ensure everyone plays a much as possible.

In 08UB we have 14 players, it would be great to get more so we can build three or four groups to play in a rotation. Teams can be from 7-10 players depending on the format decided by registrants. We have done small fields split or full field with smaller goals.

In 08UG we have 8 players, it would be great to get more so we can build two groups to play in a hat draw. Teams can be from 7-10 players depending on the format decided by registrants. We have done small fields split or full field with smaller goals.

In 10UB we have 20 players, it would be great to get more so we can build four teams to play in a rotation. Teams can be from 7-10 players and often are altered on game day to maximize playing time and create a balanced game.

In 10UG we have 14 players, it would be great to get more so we can build at least two teams to play in a hat draw or if we get more playing in a rotation. Teams can be from 7-10 players and often are altered on game day to maximize playing time and create a balanced game.

In 12UB we have 38 players, it would be great to get more so we can build six teams to play in a rotation. Teams can be from 7-10 players and often are altered on game day to maximize playing time and create a balanced game (altered to balance based on attendees at the game).

In 12UG we have 14 players, it would be great to get more so we can build three teams to play in a rotation. Teams can be from 7-10 players and often are altered on game day to maximize playing time and create a balanced game (altered to balance based on attendees at the game).

In 15UB we have 21 players, it would be great to get more so we can build four teams to play in a rotation. Teams can be from 7-10 players and often are altered on game day to maximize playing time and create a balanced game (altered to balance based on attendees at the game).

In 15UG we have 7 players, it would be great to get more so we can build at least two teams to play in a hat draw. In the past we had to do co-ed, we do not want to do that, ask your friends if they plan to play. We are determined to get a girls 15U going for Winter 1, and I need a minimum of 12 players. Teams can be from 7-10 players and often are altered on game day to maximize playing time and create a balanced game (altered to balance based on attendees at the game).

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are often scheduled on Saturdays from 12-6pm, with some games falling in the week between 4-6pm (there are no practices). This session will go from about 11/3 - 12/22, team notifications will happen by 10/28, with a schedule expected soon after.

The fee is $45 and will need to be paid by Credit Card when you sign up.
Note: Youth not currently playing AYSO's Fall soccer often need to pay the AYSO membership fee of $17.50.

Sign up Online: https://www.corvallisayso.org/registration/indoor.html

Like other AYSO programs we need volunteers for games to run, referees need to be trained as referees, but Team Managers/Coaches can be a current referee, team manager, or team coach. Please consider signing up to volunteer in Blue Sombrero.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Jason Hower - Acting Indoor Soccer Coordinator
(Contact Jason: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/contact.html?contact=indoor ).
(Play Up Requests: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/special-request.html ).


Hey Coach - Our Fall Season Winds Down
Fri 10/19/2018 4:54 PM

Our penultimate fall Saturday - where has the time gone?

I gave you a break from my ramblings last week, though I regret not taking the time to ask thank you again. So I'll double up on the thanks this week. Thank you!

In the past, I have suggested that now is never a bad time to plan ahead, and this now, today, is no different, and maybe an even better time. As we head into out last week of activities - a Game Day, a week of practice, and then our last Game Day. Them - that's it. We're on to new activities, until next year, and then, before you know it, our spring season is upon us. That makes right now the time to prepare for the off-season.


Signups are happening now for the first Indoor Soccer session. This is a fun way for players to continue developing their skills and game knowledge in a slightly different setting. Let your players know this is happening, from 8U up. More information is available at https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/indoor.html


I cannot stress enough that this is the part of the season where you need to think seriously about how your players are developing, and make notes about where they are. Each year, after spring season, we will use player rating information from coaches to help form teams - our Second Philosophy is Balanced Teams, and the work by our coaches to keep track of how our players are doing is the our primary tool.

With that in mind, if you have not yet, please start a chart, a notebook, any kind of system that works for you, and prepare your notes to help you rate your players when the time comes. If you have already done this, add a column to your notes and see how they are doing over time. This is very important to start in the fall, for a variety of reasons not the least of which that some players may not return in the spring due to a variety of circumstances, and our fall data is the only data we have.

We want our coaches to evaluate their players skill level in relation to other teams you have faced – not just in relation to your own team. A player who may be a 7 on my team may only be a 5 when compared to other teams we have faced. Evaluate players on age level appropriate skills: e.g. the 10U players are not expected to know how to head the ball, but a 15U player who can head in goals off corner kicks may merit a higher rating than one who cannot.

Finally, Don't stack rank your team, but don't give them all the same rating, either. As a coach, it is your responsibility to differentiate your player talent. As we are halfway through the season, you have seen a variety of skill levels on players from other teams - try to evaluate your players in the big picture of all the players you've seen, not just your own team.

Player evaluations is a huge help for us, so thank you in advance for taking the time to make notes.


Another repeat reminder: Please take the time to complete the information on the cards properly - and legibly. The critical information that helps us use these cards after a game include:

Age Group, Team Name, Coach's and Assistant Coach's names, and the Roster, numerically by uniform number.

I went searching through the game cards last week looking for some information, and the number of incomplete cards was, well, disappointing. You would be surprised how many teams have no name, or coach. And very few rosters numerically by uniform number. Please remember that these cards are used by folks to collect data to help us improve our programs - please help them out by doing your part.

One thing we discover when looking through game cards is Lopsided Games. Look, when you have two teams competing, one team is going to win, and one will lose, score-wise, but how that happens can embody good sportsmanship on both sides of the score. If you are in a blowout, it's up to you, the coaches, to make it a better situation than a runaway train. Some things to consider include if one or two players are scoring multiple goals, three or four or more, how can you move things around so other players get a chance to shoot on net? If you are up by six, seven, or more points at halftime and don't work to mitigate a blowout, you're not helping either side, really. Some ideas for your reference can be found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3out4aNUjD-ZnUyUDNTaDc5X0k

It's been a long season for some, for others, it's gone in the blink of an eye. Either way, we're near the end of our season, and I can't thank you enough for stepping up and making opportunities for our kids to learn and play soccer. You've given your time and your energy to help your team along its way to whatever goals you set for the season. It's not easy, but hearing a "thanks, Coach!" from a player is a great reward. As we head into the end of this fall season, it can be useful to remember what the best teacher of the game is: the game itself.

You still have a game plan and practice activities you want to do, but, before it's too late, don't forget to let the game do some teaching, too. Now's the time to let them play, to put onto the field what you've helped put in their brains and bodies about the game.

Sit back and enjoy watching them play.

I've enjoyed watching the teams progress on all our fields this fall, and it would not happen without you.

Thank you.
Eric Gleske
AYSO Region 149 Coach Administrator
AYSO Certified Coach Instructor
AYSO Advanced Coach


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Registration Online
Sat 10/6/2018 7:42 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

Players from divisions 8U - 15U are invited to sign up for the indoor soccer winter session 1. Register online with your Blue Sombrero account (here). This program is an extension of AYSO and will remain consistent with its philosophies. We will try to form balanced teams based on responses to a question regarding player ability and player age.

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. Games are about 36 minutes long and are often scheduled on Saturdays from 12-6:30pm, Tue, Wed, or Fri 4:10-5:40pm (there are no practices). This session will go from about 11/3 - 12/15, team notifications will happen by 10/28, with a schedule expected soon after.

The fee is $45 and will need to be paid by Credit Card when you signup.

[> Signup Online <]

Notes: See the FAQ online (here). Players not currently playing AYSO's fall soccer often need to pay the AYSO membership fee of $17.50. Looking to play up a division? Register online & submit your request (here).

Thank You,
Jason Hower
Indoor Soccer Coordinator (here)

P.S. We are looking for an Indoor Coordinator for season 2, can you help? Contact me.


[CorvallisAYSO] Info & Board Contacts
Sat 10/6/2018 6:23 AM

Hello All AYSO Volunteers,

Few items to look over...

Gone 10/7-10/19
I will be out of the country from 10/7-10/19 with little access to email, please look at the table at the end of the email to see the relevant contacts to get answers/help.

Forms, Documents, & General Info
I have had a number of folks asking about various documents or division info, you can find most documents in the info center, including Player Release and Player Injury Forms (send those to the safety director)

Open Volunteer Positions
We need help finding volunteers for the following positions, some positions are for folks that will be done at the end of this school year.

  • Child & Volunteer Protection Advocate - Help verify volunteers & resolve disputes.
  • Treasurer Apprentice - Manage region funds/accounts.
  • Indoor Soccer Coord. Apprentice - Run indoor soccer seasons 1 & 2.
  • Girls Team Formation - Coordinate a division and help guide girls division coordinators.
  • Division Coordinators: 06UG, 08UG, 15UG, & 19UC.
  • Fields Coordinator - Contact volunteers & coordinate field projects/tasks.
  • Picture Day Coordinator - Schedule team pictures and distribute picture day items.
  • Summer Camp Coordinator - Help find housing for coaches and get items to the fields for the camp.

Have them apply for the position at the link below, not all of the above positions are board positions (the first 4 are board positions).


Volunteer Help Area
Anton Grube
Commissioner Asst.
General issues with communications or help with volunteer conflicts.
Andy Ungerer
Blue Sombrero issues/questions &
Online Payment or Registration questions/issues.
Jason Hower
Indoor Soccer Coord.
Indoor Soccer program questions (Registration is Open)
Eric Gleske
Coach Admin.
Coach related questions/issues. AYSOU training questions.
Catalina Segura
Team Manager Admin.
Team management/communications related questions/issues.
Toby Westberry
Safety Director
Player or volunteer injury/safety related questions/issues/concerns.
Any questions about game day helper signups.
Chris Jordan
Referee Admin.
Referee related questions/issues and questions about referee scheduling. AYSOU Training questions.
Brian Dolan
Fields Support Specialist
Field lining and field maintenance questions.

Have a great few weeks,


[CorvallisAYSO] EXTRA Teams & Practices
Sat 10/6/2018 5:18 AM

Hello 15U EXTRA Program Parents & 15U Core Coaches,

EXTRA is designed as an additional opportunity to play outside of the main recreational program (Core). With that, please remember that players should be following the guidelines below.

EXTRA could add one game and one practice to a player's week. The player must attend at least one Core practice per week. If your EXTRA team runs two training sessions in a week, you need to ensure the rule prior is followed. In other words, just three training sessions are likely in a week (2 Core 1 EXTRA or 1 Core 2 EXTRA). If you are missing Core practices because of EXTRA or another overlapping activity, the priority goes to the Core practice.

If your player is missing a practice or game, in any situation, please communicate with the coach.

I have received multiple emails from coaches about EXTRA players not showing to any Core practices. Please do not devalue the time and effort the EXTRA and Core coaches are putting in, nobody in our region gets a discount or is paid for the hours they volunteer. Coaches are tasked with building/creating exercises for each training session, those exercises often have a required number of participants, low numbers can ruin those planned activities. Again, whatever it might be, communicate with the coach and help keep the volunteering spirit alive.

What happens if a player does not show to Core practices or communicate with the coach? That would tell me that the individual does not want or need EXTRA.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton

P.S. - In coach training I tell coaches that players that show up or are communicative should be given priority for playing time & field placement choice, no matter the skill level. The theory is that a non-communicative or non-attending player is likely playing or doing other activities.


Hey Coach - Smack in the Middle of the Season
Fri 10/5/2018 6:27 PM

Hey Coach -

Here we are, smack dab in the middle of the fall season, and it's time to think about the future. But first, thank you for getting us here!

This week: Game Cards, Player Evaluations, and Paperwork



A number of coaches have been turning in game cards that are filled out improperly. Please take the time to complete the information on the cards properly - and legibly. The critical information that helps us use these cards after a game include: Age Group, Team Name, Coach's and Assistant Coach's names, and the Roster.

Please complete the roster according the instruction on the card: All team players must be listed in order by Jersey #. Please do not fill in the roster part of the card alphabetically by name. Last week I was shown a roster that was names only, not alphabetical, with no jersey numbers.

Why is this important? During the game, the referees use the cards to keep track of goals scored. It is very likely that your referees might not know any of your players by name, and having the players listed by jersey number makes it very easy for a referee to locate a player on the card - numerical order reduces the chance of "refrigerator blindness" trying to locate a player on the card while trying to keep the game moving. Referees at 15U and 19U do not mark players out by quarters - you have to keep your own records of player time.

Do these cards matter? Yes, they do. We collect them after games, and the data they provide can be useful in post-game follow ups for referees and coaches alike. So, please, take the time to fill them out correctly to make life easier for our referees.



This Saturday is our fourth Game Day, so after this we are on the downhill slope to the end of the seven week fall season.* I have asked you to make notes of your players in the past, and even if you have not done so, this is the part of the season where you need to think seriously about how your players are developing. Each year, after spring season, we will use player rating information from coaches to help form teams - our Second Philosophy is Balanced Teams, and the work by our coaches to keep track of how our players are doing is the our primary tool.

With that in mind, if you have not yet, please start a chart, a notebook, any kind of system that works for you, and prepare your notes to help you rate your players when the time comes. This is very important to start in the fall, for a variety of reasons not the least of which that some players may not return in the spring due to a variety of circumstances, and our fall data is the only data we have.

We want our coaches to evaluate their players skill level in relation to other teams you have faced – not just in relation to your own team. A player who may be a 7 on my team may only be a 5 when compared to other teams we have faced. Evaluate players on age level appropriate skills: e.g. the 10U players are not expected to know how to head the ball, but a 15U player who can head in goals off corner kicks may merit a higher rating than one who cannot.

Finally, Don't stack rank your team, but don't give them all the same rating, either. As a coach, it is your responsibility to differentiate your player talent. As we are halfway through the season, you have seen a variety of skill levels on players from other teams - try to evaluate your players in the big picture of all the players you've seen, not just your own team.

*Yes, you can argue the season is eight weeks this year, if you include our Opening Day, but I'm using the old method of counting the season by Game Days.



From time to time, as much as we want to avoid it, stuff happens. When that stuff is a player injury, it is important to document the injury, especially if concussion symptoms are reported. Incident Report forms are available in the Safety Shack on Saturdays, or your can download them from our Information Center. If a player leaves because of a concussion, that player cannot return to AYSO activities - this includes practices - until a doctor or appropriately licensed medical professional completes the AYSO Participation Release form.

Both those forms, the Incident Report Form and the AYSO Participation Release Form are among the many useful documents in the Information Center.

Time goes by quick - it's wild to realize we're already halfway done. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to helping our kids have fun learning soccer.

With thanks,

Eric Gleske

AYSO Region 149 Coach Administrator

AYSO Certified Coach Instructor

AYSO Advanced Coach


[CorvallisAYSO] Final Pictures Today 9/29
Sat 9/29/2018 8:01 AM

Hello All 6U-19U Families,

If you did not have pictures on 9/22, your pictures should be today 9/29 before your game. Arrive 10min before your picture time. If you would like an individual/family picture (you & player or player in referee uniform), you can have it taken today, just talk to the photographer.

Additional Details:

  • Players need the order form IN HAND with minimum of first name, last name, and team name written on it. Some additional order packets will be at the event.
  • Photos will be taken near the trees by field 101.
  • Please be ready as a team 10 min prior to your scheduled photo time.
  • The team photo will need someone working to input names in order after the picture.
  • You can go online in the few weeks and order: 4nsp.com > Team > Search Group "AYSO" > Select Region 149.
  • Picture orders can get picked up in mid October, they will be in team manager folders.

NOTE: Games should be shortened to ensure they are done before the next game.

Luke Cotton - Acting Picture Day Coordinator


Hey Coach - Week 3, Sensing changes...
Fri 9/28/2018 5:31 PM

Hey Coach,

What a difference a week can make… From Week 1 to Week 2, and now we are at Week 3. What will we see for growth in our players this week? Because it's always something from week to week: better touches, better passes, better thinking… It's what we do. It's who we are. And I thank you for your part in that.

Each week I try to think about what I've seen in the past week and how to share it with you in an email. I usually try to hook my thoughts around one of our Six Philosophies, but this week let's look at what our Philosophies are there to support, namely our Vision: To provide world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Our Vision sets out our purpose in three simple words: enrich children's lives. We support this Vision with our Mission to develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs which promote a fun, family environment based on AYSO's Six Philosophies.

(Be prepared, at any time, for a pop quiz on our Philosophies. You should know them by heart and incorporate them in all you do, because they are the pillars upon which our Mission rests.)

Promoting a fun, family environment for our kids to play soccer is hard work. It requires all of us to think about every child's development as a player, not just about whether the day has a W or an L for your own team. Your game plan for Saturday should take into account what you've worked on as a team this past week, even the week before. Always be building up skills and knowledge in your players, so they can grow.

In my Coach Training sessions, I like to suggest that on Saturdays there are three teams at work: Team A and Team B are the players on the field. Team C is our dedicated volunteers, our Coaches and Referees, working together to create a fun, family environment in which our kids can learn the game the best way - by playing.

What we do, we do for our kids in our community. Saturdays are all about the kids on the field. All of them. That's why AYSO promotes our activities under the Kids Zone program. Everyone, parents, spectators, and volunteers, are expected to observe the Kids Zone Guidelines:

  1. Kids are No. 1
  2. Fun – not winning – is everything
  3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach
  4. No yelling in anger
  5. Respect the volunteer referees (emphasis added by me)
  6. No swearing or abusive behavior
  7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs
  8. No weapons
  9. Leave no trash behind
  10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship

It is my opinion that those guidelines could be better ordered. Setting a proper example of sportsmanship should be right up there after Kids are No. 1, since everything else follows, especially numbers 4, 5, and 6. Especially number 5. Sad to say, but I've had a few comments already this year about a few (very few!) coaches talking to referees about calls - mostly after the game. Our referees are all volunteers, just like you, and they can make mistakes. If you have an issue with a referee, let me know, or let Chris Jordan, our Referee Administrator, know. Do not try to resolve it in the game, or even on the field after the game, and certainly not in front of the players.

Soccer is a game, and our Saturdays are a place for our kids to have fun while learning the game. We're here to enrich children's lives. It's a tough job, and I appreciate all you're doing to help us meet that Vision.

I'll be in Lebanon for my daughter's game most of the morning tomorrow, so I'll only get see some of you on the fields when I get back.

With thanks,
Eric Gleske
AYSO Region 149 Coach Administrator


Picture day - Remainder
Fri 9/21/2018 1:35 AM

Dear Team Managers

Picture day is coming up!

Picture day for each team is either next Saturday 9/22 or Saturday 9/29. The Schedule for each team appears in the team page in Blue Sombrero as a "practice remainder" or you can check here for the 22nf and the 29th. If your week is this Saturday 9/22, make sure your team is aware of the schedule. Photos will be taken near the trees by field 101. You should ask team members to arrive 20 minutes ahead of time with the complete uniform on. The team needs to be absolutely ready 10 min prior to your scheduled photo time. This is a tight schedule!

The team photo will need someone working to input names in order after the picture. Team managers should help with this so the coaches can get to the game on time.

Make sure that each player has Order form IN HAND with minimum of first name, last name, and team name written on it. Some additional order packets will be at the event.



[CorvallisAYSO] Picture Days Sat 22 & 29
Wed 9/19/2018 12:02 AM

Hello All 6U-19U Families & All Volunteers,

Pictures are the next few Saturdays 9/22 & 9/29. You should see a "practice reminder" with the location as picture day. That is the time of your photos. Arrive 20min before your picture time.

Additional Details:

  • Players need the order form IN HAND with minimum of first name, last name, and team name written on it. Some additional order packets will be at the event.
  • Photos will be taken near the trees by field 101.
  • Please be ready as a team 10 min prior to your scheduled photo time. This is a tight schedule.
  • If your team is late or we get behind, we will do our best to get your team in before your game or reschedule you for September 29th.
  • The team photo will need someone working to input names in order after the picture. Coaches, please ask team managers to help with this so you can get to your game on time.
  • You can go online afterword and order: 4nsp.com > Teams > Search Group "AYSO" > Select Region 149.

NOTE: Games should be shortened to ensure they are done before the next game.

Luke Cotton - Acting Picture Day Coordinator


Surprise event this Saturday - youth soccer matches to ref!
Tue 9/18/2018 10:29 AM

Region 149 referees,
4 days until our next opportunity to ref! How are you going to pass the time, make the day come sooner? I know, sign-up for matches this week and the next and the next and the next...

40 openings for this week.

Some confusion last week since there were multiple Saturdays showing in the schedule - make sure you check which Saturday you are signing up for. We had the problem last week, albeit a good problem to have, that too many refs (4 or 5) showed up for some matches since you were not tracking which week you were assigned to that time-slot. Don't panic and avoid signing up! One thing that I would like everyone to do is to check-in at the ref shed when you first get to the fields. Look at the printed schedule, confirm your assignment (position, time, filed, rest of your team), and put a check mark by your name so we know that you're at the fields.

Keep the comments coming on the game cards - yes, I do read them all. But, please print your name neatly at the bottom so I know who was on each match. Also, fill out the game cards - just takes a minute - complete the back (field, time, date, behavior of players/spectators/coaches), and make sure that the coaches have filled in the front.

Thank you for volunteering with AYSO!


{CorvallisAYSO} Core ... Team Roster
Fri 9/14/2018 10:10 PM

Hello Team Volunteers,

Please review your allocated team volunteers & players as of 9/14 @ 5pm, you could also have new players added after Saturday 9/15.

Saturday 9/15: This is the first official game day, look at the bottom of this email to see if you are tasked with setting up or cleaning up a field Saturday. Many of you have been asking about specific forms or uniform requests, take a look at the Info Center (here) for relevant documents or request forms.

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

Training Notes: Some folks have conditionally been signed off, that does not show here. Intermediate coach certifications have not been input, and some referee trainings are pending final pieces to get signed off. Please email me if you are missing a training that you took.

(Volunteers: Youth cannot be added, Adults can only show one role with a team)

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

If not a Volunteer, they are a helper. Remind families to sign up online to help on game day (CorvallisAYSO Homepage > Helpers button).

Need Uniform? Please fill out the request form (here).
Uniforms Note: We placed the order from Saturday, we hope they will be delivered before the 22nd, if not we will reschedule some team photos to the 29th.

Need Insurance Form? If it was not in your team folder (brown shed), please ask the parent to print off the form and provide it to the coach. Parents login and click the View/Print form link next to the players name.

(Players: You cannot update roster contact details, but parents can)

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SATURDAY TASKS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

No field setup or take down needed this Saturday.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GAME SCHEDULE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
-Not a volunteer for the team? Email me to be removed.-


[CorvallisAYSO] Game Day 9/15
Fri 9/14/2018 9:50 PM

All 6U-19U Families,

9/15 Game Day Reminders...

  • Arrive Early (schedule)
  • Wear Team Uniform (or team colors) & Shin Guards
  • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods) (equipment)
  • Field/Location (map) (15U Teams Travel)
  • Sit just off the Spectator sideline (conduct) (rules)

See you on the pitch,

Team Managers: Remember to hand out the Picture Day packets from your team folder.
10U+ Coaches: Remember to fill out your Game Card.


Hey Coach - Week 2 - Ready for Game Day? (8U VERSION)
Thu 9/13/2018 11:18 PM

Hey Coach -

Game Day approaches - thank you for your hard work getting your team ready for the first match of the season. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you head into match play.

This week:

  • Planning for the Game
  • The 8U Match
  • Planning Practice Sessions


When you arrive at your field on Saturday, you and your team know what you're doing, right? It may seem obvious, but make sure your team and families know what field and what time they need to be at Adams on Saturday. You should have your team arrive early enough to warm up and go over positions and substitutions. Don't forget you will need a bit of time right before your match for the referees to inspect your team's equipment and briefly go over the major rules.

It is important to be prepared, because your match needs to start on time. Saturdays are a complicated, interwoven schedule that combine teams and fields and volunteers to make a match happen. WIth many families having multiple players - and thank you doubly and trebly to our coaches who coach multiple teams! - there are a lot of moving parts to the Saturday schedule. If games start late, they will be cut short to end on time so there is no downstream impact on the next games for that field, or for referees scheduled elsewhere, etc.

I like to plan out my game the night before. Knowing who will be there (because we've talked with our players) makes it easy to plan out your quarters. Know who will be playing where on the field, and who will be sitting as a substitute for each quarter. If you have it all written out the night before, it makes it that much easier to focus on getting the players warmed up and ready to take the field after the referees do their inspection.


Instead of playing your entire roster in a 5v5 match on one field, you will split your roster into two smaller teams, as will the other team. Team 1 will have an A and B squad, and Team 2 will, too. A plays A and B plays B in 4v4 matches - and it is worth noting that "A" or "B" don't mean one team is "better" than the other - you can balance your squads evenly. From week to week, you can mix them up to keep adjusting the balance, too.

The advantage of the 4v4 matches is that more players will get more touches in a match setting, building their ball handling and kicking skills. At the 8U level, our Coach/Ref volunteers manage the game, and can be on field with their squad. Between the two rosters, there should be a combined total of 4 Coach/Ref volunteers, which should provide proper coverage on each field.

At 8U we do not use lineup cards. With the changes to the match setting, and with the squads changing week to week, it's not necessary to collect these cards from each match. With no lineup card in use, it is important that each coach pay attention to playing time for each player. All players must play at least half a match, and no player can play a full match unless all others have played at least three-quarters. You might consider keeping your own lineup card, with extra space to make a note or two about each player, and even to keep track of score to avoid lopsided games. This will be helpful at the end of the season when we ask for player evaluations/ratings, which will be useful when building teams for next year to help with our Balanced Teams philosophy.


What happens at your match on Saturday will inform what you will be working on next week at practice. To that end, it may be useful to take a few notes. At the very least, you can keep track of who played where or for how long. Maybe your team needs to work on passing, or just spreading out. Use your Coaching Eye to evaluate where to start tuning up your team.

And don't forgot to pay attention to what works, too. Obviously, if someone scores a goal, something worked - and probably two or three plays before your player kicked it into their net something else worked first, making it all possible. Who made that penetrating pass? How many deserve an assist? Even without goals being scored, there will be much that works - be sure to note all forms of success, not just the final score.

During the match, the best thing you can do is involve your players who are waiting as substitutes in watching the game as it happens. When it's their turn to go in, they will already have found something to work on, and put it to immediate use.

Finally, when the match is done, don't forget to demonstrate good sportsmanship. Thank the other team - and thank the referees, who are volunteers, just like you. It is important to remember that this is a new thing for everyone involved. Players are on a new team. Many coaches are new at this, or new to this age group. Remember the goal you set for the season (Have fun playing soccer!) and your philosophy of coaching. Your role is to provide a fun environment for players to play and to learn the game while they play.

I will never be able to thank you enough for taking the time to be an AYSO Coach. I hope your matches all go well, and everyone has a great time.

Eric Gleske

AYSO Region 149 Coach Administrator


Hey Coach - Week 2 - Ready for Game Day? (10U VERSION)
Thu 9/13/2018 11:29 PM

Hey Coach -

Our first full Game Day approaches - thank you for your hard work getting your team ready for the first match of the season. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you head into match play.

Week 2:
Planning for the Game
Build Out Line
Planning Practice Sessions


It may seem obvious, but make sure your team and families know what field and what time they need to be at Adams on Saturday. Have your team arrive early enough to warm up, perhaps go over how you want your keeper to distribute the ball, how to play/cover a goal kick or a corner kick, and go over positions and substitutions. For many teams, 20-30 minutes seems to work. Don't forget you will need a bit of time right before your match for the referees to inspect your team's equipment and briefly go over the major rules.

Saturdays are a complicated, interwoven schedule that combine teams and fields and volunteers to make a match happen. With many families having multiple players - and thank you doubly and trebly to our coaches who coach multiple teams! - there are a lot of moving parts to the Saturday schedule. If games start late, they will be cut short to end on time so there is no downstream impact on the next games for that field, or for referees scheduled elsewhere, etc.

Knowing who will be there (because we've talked with our players) makes it easy to plan out your quarters. Know who will be playing where on the field, and who will be sitting as a substitute for each quarter. Fill out your game card the night before. (Note: When filling out your game card, list your players by uniform number, not by name. This helps the ARs quickly mark off your substitutes each quarter.) If you have it all written out the night before, it makes it that much easier to focus on getting the players warmed up and ready to take the field after the referees do their inspection.


One thing to remind your players before the match is how the Build Out Line works. The Build Out Line was developed as a Player Development Initiative under US Soccer, and only introduced in spring 2017. Many players, coaches, and referees are still getting used to it. You can review the guidance we've offered using this link: Build Out Lines

The purpose of the build out line is to offer players for whom keeper is a new position at 10U the opportunity to develop the skill of distributing the ball, putting it into play, without as much immediate pressure.

The question I've been asked the most frequently is: "Does my keeper need to wait for the other team to get past the BOL before putting the ball in play?" The answer is no, they don't. Ideally your keeper will play the ball out to the side, and their teammates will learn to create a target for their keeper towards the side of the field instead of in the middle, in front of the goal. If a keeper can play the ball to a teammate before the other team is past the BOL, that is fine. Once another teammate touches the ball from the keeper, play is "On" and the opposing team can move to play the ball.


What happens at your match on Saturday will inform what you will be working on next week at practice. To that end, it may be useful to take a few notes. At the very least, you can keep track of who played where or for how long. Maybe your team needs to work on throw-ins, or goal kicks, or just spreading out. Use your Coaching Eye to evaluate where to start tuning up your team.

And don't forgot to pay attention to what works, too. Obviously, if someone scores a goal, something worked - and probably two or three plays before your player kicked it into their net something else worked first, making it all possible. Who made that penetrating pass? How many deserve an assist? Even without goals being scored, there will be much that works - be sure to note all forms of success, not just the final score.

During the match, the best thing you can do is involve your players who are waiting as substitutes in watching the game as it happens. When it's their turn to go in, they will already have found something to work on, and put it to immediate use.

Finally, when the match is done, don't forget to demonstrate good sportsmanship. Thank the other team - and thank the referees, who are volunteers, just like you. It is important to remember that this is a new thing for everyone involved. Players are on a new team. Many coaches are new at this, or new to this age group. Remember the goal you set for the season (Have fun playing soccer!) and your philosophy of coaching. Your role is to provide a fun environment for players to play and to learn the game while they play.

I will never be able to thank you enough for taking the time to be an AYSO Coach. I hope your matches all go well, and everyone has a great time.

Eric Gleske

AYSO Region 149 Coach Administrator


Hey Coach - Week 2 - Ready for Game Day? (12U+ VERSION)
Thu 9/13/2018 11:39 PM

Hey Coach -

Game Day approaches - thank you for your hard work getting your team ready for the first match of the season. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you head into match play.

This week:
Planning for the Game
Planing Practice Sessions


It may seem obvious, but make sure your team and families know what field and what time they need to be at Adams on Saturday. Have your team arrive early enough to warm up, perhaps go over how you want your keeper to distribute the ball, how to play/cover a goal kick or a corner kick, and go over positions and substitutions. For many teams, 20-30 minutes seems to work. Don't forget you will need a bit of time right before your match for the referees to inspect your team's equipment and briefly go over the major rules.

Saturdays are a complicated, interwoven schedule that combine teams and fields and volunteers to make a match happen. With many families having multiple players - and thank you doubly and trebly to our coaches who coach multiple teams! - there are a lot of moving parts to the Saturday schedule. If games start late, they will be cut short to end on time so there is no downstream impact on the next games for that field, or for referees scheduled elsewhere, etc.

Knowing who will be there (because we've talked with our players) makes it easy to plan out your quarters. Know who will be playing where on the field, and who will be sitting as a substitute for each quarter. Fill out your game card the night before. (Note: When filling out your game card, list your players by uniform number, not by name. This helps the ARs quickly mark off your substitutes each quarter.) If you have it all written out the night before, it makes it that much easier to focus on getting the players warmed up and ready to take the field after the referees do their inspection.

What happens at your match on Saturday will inform what you will be working on next week at practice. To that end, it may be useful to take a few notes. At the very least, you can keep track of who played where or for how long. Maybe your team needs to work on throw-ins, or goal kicks, or just spreading out. Use your Coaching Eye to evaluate where to start tuning up your team.

And don't forgot to pay attention to what works, too. Obviously, if someone scores a goal, something worked - and probably two or three plays before your player kicked it into their net something else worked first, making it all possible. Who made that penetrating pass? How many deserve an assist? Even without goals being score, there will be much that works - be sure to note all forms of success, not just the final score.

During the match, the best thing you can do is involve your players who are waiting as substitutes in watching the game as it happens. When it's their turn to go in, they will already have found something to work on, and put it to immediate use.

Finally, when the match is done, don't forget to demonstrate good sportsmanship. Thank the other team - and thank the referees, who are volunteers, just like you. It is important to remember that this is a new thing for everyone involved. Players are on a new team. Many coaches are new at this, or new to this age group. Remember the goal you set for the season (Have fun playing soccer!) and your philosophy of coaching. Your role is to provide a fun environment for players to play and to learn the game while they play.

I will never be able to thank you enough for taking the time to be an AYSO Coach. I hope your matches all go well, and everyone has a great time.

Eric Gleske

AYSO Region 149 Coach Administrator


Urgent-Help_need_volunteering positions
Wed 9/12/2018 9:57 PM

Hi Managers

Please read and communicate to you teams information about:

DAY GAME SIGN UP – We need your help!

We are struggling filling up all the volunteering positions. We have missing volunteers in concessions and the safety stand this Saturday. If we can't find volunteers we won't be able to offer these to the community. Please remain non-volunteer families (those that are not coaches, referees, or team managers) that it is expected for them to volunteer at least once per season (they can sign up here). You can check whether or not parents from your team have signed up (here) and either thank your team for contributing or encourage them to sign up. Consider identifying those non-volunteer families in your team that have not yet signed up and contact them directly. Remember this is a volunteering run organization.


September 22 or 29 will be a picture day. Make sure your team is aware that pictures will happen on this date.

All the best,



[CorvallisAYSO] Picture Day Schedule
Sat 9/8/2018 4:52 AM

Hi Team Managers & Head Coaches,

Below are the times for picture day, it will look like a practice time in your Blue Sombrero calendar. We will have two days as options, if you need to move to another day, reply to this email with either the 22nd or 29th and a requested time. We only have 3 photographers for each day so things will be tight and players will need to be ready in advance.

Managers: Please pickup the picture day packets in your team folder today 9/8 (AYSO Brown Shed), and write your picture day time on it (if the time is agreeable for the coach).

Start Time



[CorvallisAYSO] Opening Reminders
Sat 9/8/2018 5:32 AM

6U-19U Families,

Quick Reminders...

  • Arrive Early (20-30min before start time)(schedule)
  • No Jewelry (equipment)
  • Wear Uniform (if you have it yet)
  • Wear Shin Guards
  • Find Field (map)
  • Sit at Spectator side of field (conduct)
  • Have Fun!

* Used Equipment Donations/Sales will be by the AYSO Sheds 8-1pm. *

Have a great Saturday,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

P.S. Happy Birthday AYSO Region 149, 40 Years in Benton County!


[CorvallisAYSO] Volunteers Today & Saturday 9/8
Fri 9/7/2018 7:01 AM

Hello Volunteers,

Thank you for volunteering this school year! The team meeting, trainings, and late drops or adds are tough over summer. I appreciate your flexibility and the investment of your time to help the 1,056 players this fall.

Now that the majority of you are in Blue Sombrero, here are further details for opening day. See the section that pertains to you...

Team Managers

(or coaches on teams w/o Team Managers)

NOTE: Team Manager training, for new folks, is on Monday, 9/10, from 06:00pm to 07:00pm at First Christian Church - 602 SW Madison Ave

Your Saturday Tasks:

  1. Arrive 30min early.
  2. Check team folder by Brown Shed for player legal forms (8U+)(handed to coach), game cards (10U+)(you could fill it out for the coach), & Picture Day Packets (Pic day time will assigned in BS, either 9/22 or 29).
  3. If uniforms were not retrieved earlier, pick them up at the info shed and distribute.
  4. If you have any missing uniforms or need to swap uniform sizes, talk to the folks at the info shed (it could be 2 weeks to receive an order, get them in this Saturday).
  5. Check if the coach needs anything or needs any help.
  6. Talk to the non-volunteer families about signups (Game Day & Fields Help), and inform them that they could signup for a slot at the info shed on Saturday or online.
  7. If you are doing any other items that need helpers, talk to the parents Saturday. It is your best day to actually have them present.
  8. Again, all uniform orders need to be done Saturday at the Info Shed.


Friday: Coaches that did not take job training this year, please try to attend the coach refresher on Friday:

  • Coach Refresher 6U-8U | Friday 9/7 from 05:30pm to 06:30pm at First Christian Church - 602 SW Madison Ave
  • Coach Refresher 10U-12U | Friday 9/7 from 06:45pm to 07:45pm at First Christian Church - 602 SW Madison Ave
  • Coach Refresher 15U | Friday 9/7 from 08:00pm to 09:00pm at First Christian Church - 602 SW Madison Ave

Your Saturday Tasks:

  1. See Team Manager tasks 1-4, if no team manager, you are asked to do this.
  2. Gather and warm up / stretch players & check player equipment/uniform. FIFA 11+ can be a good method for a game day (here).
  3. Meet with the other coach to decide on areas for the practices & discuss any other items (short players, missing jerseys = pinnies, etc.).
  4. Take the field when the other teams are done. Should be 15min buffer between games.
  5. Run your training plan stage 1 and stage 3. Blank training plan sheet (here).
  6. Meet with the referee and setup your players in your formation.
    NOTE: referees might be rotating positions at quarters, this is to provide them with the experience of being a center referee (we need more people willing to center referee).
  7. Quick substitutions @ ref whistle, 10sec, no time to chat.
  8. Quick 2 min half, players get water, minor formation adjustments, little time to chat.
  9. Quick substitutions @ ref whistle, 10sec, no time to chat.
  10. Thank referees and recap with the players, compliment on completed goals or positive progress.
  11. Inform parents and players of next event.
  12. Again, ANY uniform or team equipment issues need to be taken care of / reported Saturday.

6U & 8U Referees

Your Saturday Tasks:

  1. Get whistle, if needed, from referee station by blue referee shed.
  2. YOUTH: get in touch with a referee in Blue by the blue referee shed.
  3. Arrive at field 10min after start (during team practice).
  4. While teams practice, identify all the other referees on that field.
  5. Ideally, all referees (especially new refs) will referee on Saturday. Work out a rotation with all the other referees present.
  6. Do an equipment check 5min before scrimmage time.
  7. Quickly meet coaches and just decide who is kicking and on what side each team sets. Not much time for a coin toss.
  8. Start on time so you can run 7min quarters, starting late could shorten that.
  9. Quick substitutions at the 7min mark.
  10. Quick half time, teams swap halves, you could swap with another referee if present.
  11. Quick substitutions after 7min from the start of half.
  12. End the match.

10U+ Referees

Friday: Referees that did not take job training this year, or just wish to attend, please attend the refresher on Friday:

  • 10U+ Referee Refresher | Friday 9/7 from 07:00pm to 09:00pm at Western View Center - 1435 SW 35th St

Your Saturday Tasks:

  1. Add your name to the board on Saturday or signup in Horizon Web Ref.
    NOTE: All new referees should be refereeing on Saturday.
  2. Place a check by your name on the referee schedule by blue referee shed.
  3. YOUTH: get in touch with a referee in Blue, Red, or Green by the blue referee shed.
  4. Get additional equipment, if needed, from referee station by blue referee shed.
  5. Arrive at field at least 20min before game/scrimmage time (during team practice).
  6. While teams practice, meet all the other referees on that field and gather game cards from Team Managers or coaches.
  7. Ideally, all referees (especially new refs) will referee on Saturday. Work out a rotation with all the other referees present.
    YES, you can rotate the center referee and multiple people should be encouraged to try it.
  8. Ask for an equipment check 5min before scrimmage time.
  9. Quickly chat w/ coaches and just decide who is kicking and go with the sides already set. Not much time for a coin toss.
  10. Start on time so you can run 7min quarters, starting late could shorten that.
  11. Quick substitutions at the 7min mark.
  12. Quick half time, teams swap halves, you could swap with another referee if present.
  13. Quick substitutions after 7min from the start of half.
  14. End the match.
  15. Fill out the game cards and return them to the white box by the referee shed schedule.


Hey Coach - Week 1, Getting Started
Thu 9/6/2018 10:49 PM

Hey Coach -

Here we are close to the end of Week 1, getting ready for our new Opening Day on Saturday, and this early in the season can still be a bit confusing for many. So I will keep it fairly brief and share a few resources that may answer a few questions.

First, though, let me thank you for stepping up to coach this year. It is not possible for AYSO to work without volunteers, so, well, thanks. By now you should have registered as a volunteer and completed your Safe Haven and CDC Concussion courses, along with your Coach certification. You should have been getting e-mails if you are missing parts of your training. Yes, we can figure it out…

A Few Resources

At AYSO, we want all players, coaches, families and volunteers to have fun. Kids Zone encourages fans on the sidelines, and anyone else nearby, to use positive language, show good sportsmanship in their attitude and behavior, and to create a great experience for every player. Kids Zone is a reminder that the AYSO soccer fields are a safe, friendly, happy, place for children to play. Here's a handy link you can share with your team families to help them understand the role they play on Saturdays: Kids Zone


Warm-ups are an important part of the practice session and game day preparation, as they prepare the body for the workout it will receive in practice and games. A number of soccer programs have been adopting the FIFA-11 exercises. You can learn more from these links:

Players First overview video https://youtu.be/4HYcUd2L7FU

FIFA-11 kids program poster: https://footballmed.net/cdn/footballmednet/11+kids-poster.pdf
FIFA-11 manual: https://footballmed.net/cdn/footballmednet/11+kids-manual.pdf


In AYSO, we introduce technical skills gradually, at age-appropriate times. AYSO has a series of videos demonstrating each skill and at what age we introduce those skills; I've collected all the links for you on one handy document:
This also includes an overview of the Build-Out line for 10U matches.


Balanced Teams is AYSO's second Philosophy. We try, but too often truly balanced teams do not happen. The worst example of this is when a game turns into a rout, a blowout, a lopsided unfair, un-fun activity. This doesn't have to happen. Here are some ideas to think about if you see it happening:


You can't understand the game of soccer without knowing the Laws of the Game. Except where modified for our age-appropriate games, the Laws apply (for example, no heading 12U and younger; use of the Build-Out line in 10U, our small-sided matches, etc.) Fortunately, they are written out, so everyone can study them. Here's the latest edition, for 2018-19: https://ayso1ref.com/lib1/pdf/133314_290518_LotG_18_19_EN_SinglePage_150dpi.pdf


As we head into the season, it's important to remember why we are here: so kids can have a fun, safe environment to learn the game of soccer. Our focus is on player development - not on the letters "W" and "L" each week. In AYSO, players should be encouraged to try every position, to discover what their strengths are and likes are, and where they overlap. As a coach, you are their guide to more than just the game itself.

Earlier today I watched a man I admire retire from his game. OSU's Pat Casey is hanging ‘em up after 24 years in the Beaver dugout. Yes, he's a baseball coach, not soccer coach, but my work brought me a bit inside his orbit for the past twelve seasons, and I can tell you from my observation over these years that he's a coach's coach. Over the years, I heard many great bits of wisdom from Pat that I've applied in my life and in my coaching. For all his success as a coach, his focus was, is, and always will on his players' development. Today, even on his way out, he didn't fail me, as one thing he said stood out: "Game day is for the players; practices are for the coaches."

What's the best teacher of the game? The game itself. Let them play, and have fun. (And you should have fun, too!)

I'll see you around the fields.

With thanks,



Eric Gleske

AYSO Region 149 Coach Administrator


{CorvallisAYSO} Week 1
Thu 9/6/2018 7:55 AM

Dear Team,

This Weekend: Opening Day, Game Day Helpers, Field Helpers, Equipment Donations/Sale, Your Opening Day Tasks, & Your Complete Fall Schedule.

Opening Day Saturday 9/8
+ Soccer Equipment Donations / Sale 8:15am by the Concessions Shed
+ Team Uniform Bundle Pickup/Orders All Day @ Info/Safety Shed
+ Team Training Session at "game" start time (30min) on half of the field.
+ Scrimmage/Game in last 30min on scheduled field vs team on other half. 7min quarters w/ referees.

Game Day Helpers: If you are not volunteering, please remember to signup to help on Game Day (here).

Concessions Helper: helps on game day at the concession stand for a two hour shift. On-the-job training will be provided. You will be paired with another helper.

Safety Helper: helps operate the Safety/Information station on game day, answer questions about game day, general operations, and keep first aid supplies and forms in order for a two hour shift. On-the-job training will be provided. You will be paired with another helper.

Field Helpers: Please remember to volunteer for a spot (here).
A Special Thank You to the field helpers that went above and beyond to get the game fields setup/repaired: Brian Dolan, Doug Conrad, Shilo Anway, & Bob Vingelen.

Shoe & Soccer Equipment Donations/Sale/Swap: Saturday from 8:15am-1:00pm in front of the concessions shed.
Deliveries: We will begin accepting shoes and equipment at 8:00 Sales will start at 8:15. Please collect unsold items or money by the end of the sale (1pm) or consider them a donation to AYSO. We cannot be responsible for returning equipment or cash.
AYSO will keep 50% of the total items sold as consignment for the scholarship fund. If you want to sell shoes or equipment, use this form (here). If you want to donate the items to AYSO, just give them to a helper at the sale. No preparation is necessary.

Your Team's Field Setup or Take Down Tasks This Week:

8U Field Equipment: Please return the field 82 small goals, trashcan, recycle bin, field signs, and the corner flags to the AYSO Brown Shed. [Remember to pickup trash around the field.]

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SCHEDULE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


And so it begins, again.
Tue 9/4/2018 8:24 PM

Saturday is the first match day of the 2018 AYSO Fall season.

Matches will be only 30 minutes.

Teams will have time to practice before their scheduled matches.

Please sign up for these short, warm-up, matches to help everyone ease out of summer and into our 40th year of AYSO in Corvallis.

Thank you for volunteering with AYSO.

The Referee Admin Team


{CorvallisAYSO} Assistant Coach MISSING CERTS
Tue 9/4/2018 10:10 AM

Hi Coach ,

Here is your certification record, please be sure you address anything that is missing before practices start.



Role: Assistant Coach


+ Coach Training: No - Unknown

+ Safe Haven Training: Unknown

+ Concussion Training: Unknown

# Your Coach Certifications: 6U=N 8U=N 10U=N 12U=N Intermediate(15U)=N Advanced(19U)=N


NOTICE: State Law requires the concussion cert (yearly) and we require Safe Haven cert before working with players. Practices should be canceled if you cannot get two trained* and approved volunteers.

*Coach training makeup or issues with online training can be discussed with the Coach Admin. Conditional approvals, regarding training, can be provided by the Coach Admin to allow practices to proceed.

Missing Safe Haven or Concussion Training: https://aysou.org, login with your Blue Sombrero account. Each volunteer needs an account to do trainings (including youth). KEEP A COPY of your certification, I recommend that you use Chrome or Firefox w/o shockwave or flash plug ins. You can contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have issues with the training site if you already took the certification but it is not recorded.

Missing Job Training: Please plan to show to the appropriate Coach refresher this Friday and contact Eric (CCd) to plan for any additional makeup items.

Coach Refresher 6U-8U | Friday 9/7 from 05:30pm to 06:30pm at First Christian Church - 602 SW Madison Ave Coach Refresher 10U-12U | Friday 9/7 from 06:45pm to 07:45pm at First Christian Church - 602 SW Madison Ave Coach Refresher 15U | Friday 9/7 from 08:00pm to 09:00pm at First Christian Church - 602 SW Madison Ave

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Data updated on 9/4/18 @ 5am


[CorvallisAYSO] Opening Day & Game Days
Mon 9/3/2018 6:14 PM

Hello 6U-19U Families,

Opening Day
This day is designed to help teams get started. Here is a common rundown for most teams on Saturday.

  • All arrive 30min before your scheduled time (here).
  • Players stretch and warm up.
  • Parents & volunteers discuss any outstanding items.
    • Team Manager checks with non-volunteering parents on helper signups.
    • Coach communicates any additional expectations or needed help.
  • Team coaches will run 30min practice on half the field. Coach mentors will be moving around to help as needed.
  • Team referees will run 30min of scrimmage/game (3min setup, 6min quarters, and 3min half). Referee mentors will be moving around to help as needed.
  • Day closes with discussing any further items and upcoming events.

Saturday Shoe & Soccer Equipment Sale/Swap
When: Saturday from 8:15am - 1:00pm
Where: In front of concessions by the AYSO sheds
Deliveries: We will begin accepting shoes and equipment at 8:00 Sales will start at 8:15. Please collect unsold items or money by the end of the sale (1pm) or consider them a donation to AYSO. We cannot be responsible for returning equipment or cash.
AYSO will keep 50% of the total items sold as consignment for the scholarship fund. If you want to sell shoes or equipment, use this form (here). If you want to donate the items to AYSO, just give them to a helper at the sale. No preparation is necessary.

AYSO Game Days

  • Arrive 30min early (Schedule here).
  • Carpool, Bike, or CTS Route 8.
  • No dogs/pets.
  • Player needs shin guards and covering socks.
  • No metal on or in the player (Details here).
  • Do not park on the grass.
  • Where is the field (Details here).

Coach Game Days (here)

Referee Game Days (here)

See you Saturday!
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Volunteers & Practices
Mon 9/3/2018 5:15 PM

Hi Team Volunteers,

Please review your allocated team volunteers & trainings as of 9/3 @ 7am.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Approved VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

Team Volunteers: Missing Volunteer? Confirm with them that they registered & email me. Youth volunteers cannot be added to a team or have access to player data, and adult volunteers can only be assigned/allocated under one role with a team.

Trainings: This training status does not account for referee training sign ups. All rosters from completed job trainings have been inputed (15U trainings need the final piece from 9/8). Coaches: If you are missing job training, plan to show to the coach refresher on Friday (here) and see below about contacting the Coach Admin. Managers: If you are missing job training, show to the training on Mon 9/10 6-7pm at First Christian Church.

Team Practices: Hopefully you have reserved your practice location & posted the schedule in the Blue Sombrero calendar. If not, you can find details on how to reserve locations (here) and add calendar items in Blue Sombrero (here).

NOTICE: If an adult is expected to work with players, and they are not on the team roster, they are not allowed to work with players. Check your team roster in Blue Sombrero before practice to verify they are background checked & approved. State Law requires the concussion cert and we require Safe Haven cert before working with players. Practices should be canceled if you cannot get two trained* and allocated/rostered volunteers.
*Coach training makeup or issues with online training can be discussed with the Coach Admin (here). Conditional approvals, regarding training, can be provided by the Coach Admin to allow practices to proceed.

Team Worksheet & Uniform Bundle: If you are struggling to get required team volunteers, send someone on Wednesday to the uniform pickup event noted below. We'll chat and see what can be done.

Uniform Bundle, Gear Replacements, Game Cards, Late Add Uniforms, & Player Legal Forms Pickup:
Wednesday 9/5 5:30-6:30 @ Adams School Sheds
Saturday 9/8 7:30-1:00 @ Adams School Sheds

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Team Details
Mon 9/3/2018 7:30 AM


Below are the team details as of 9/1/18 5am.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Registered VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

Team Worksheets: Many team worksheets have been entered, but volunteers are not registered in those roles. Please remind volunteers to register for the role in that division. Use this form to have us allocate them to the team (here). NOTE: Youth volunteers cannot be added to a team, or have access to player data, and Adult volunteers can only be assigned/allocated under one role with a team.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Allocated PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

Dropping: Players that are no longer interested or are not planning to play in fall. Please fill out this form (here). Dropped players can sign up for winter indoor in October or spring season in February. NOTE: Players that do not show or communicate with team volunteers, could be dropped after 9/8. We have many players on wait lists.

Roster Changes: You can indicate volunteer changes by filling out this form (here).

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Scheduled GAMES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

NOTICE: This does not list your opening day practice/scrimmage on Saturday 9/8, See Blue Sombrero.

Game Schedule: See email with the subject "[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Game Schedule Posted". You should have received the email, check your spam, some have unsubscribed from Blue Sombrero emails. Again, this does not list your opening day practice/scrimmage on 9/8.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton

This email was sent to all team email addresses. Note, you can see all season emails (here).



[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Game Schedule Posted
Sat 9/1/2018 6:00 AM

Hello All AYSO Parents & Volunteers 6U-19U,

We have posted the game schedule online...

Game Schedule Online - We have posted revision 2 of the game schedule in Blue Sombrero (here) & on the region website (here). Please review your game schedule carefully. Due to the complexity of game schedules, it is usually impossible to accommodate change requests. However, errors will be corrected whenever possible. You can find the fields map (here). Below are the notable items for the schedule:

  1. Opening Day on 9/8 is a unique schedule where the start time indicated is the start of your team practice on half of the field, the last 30min is intended to be your scrimmage/game time. Most teams have a 30min practice, then a 30min game (15U has a 45min practice to allow for coach mentoring).
  2. In general, game day could start at 8:30 and end at 3pm each Saturday through October.
  3. 10UB, 15UG, 15UB, & 19UC some teams could be doubled up on Saturday, please be sure you look to see if you are playing two games on one day.
  4. 8UG has a team called SELF, for now that is where a team would be playing themselves for a game. A new 8UG team is probable and could replace SELF in the schedule.
  5. Games must start on time, especially in 10U, 12U, 15U, & 19U! If your game starts late, the referee may need to shorten your match to prevent conflict with the next scheduled game.
  6. Game Day field setup or take down assignments fall to the teams that are either first or last on that field that Saturday.
  7. Always plan to arrive 30min before your match, keep in mind that parking and other factors could delay your arrival.
  8. Referees: 6U & 8U each team is expected to provide a referee for one of the two fields. The schedule for signups for 10U+ will be online soon, if you are not in Horizon Web Ref, contact us (here) or talk to your trainer at referee training.

Signups for Game Day Helpers - If you are not a team volunteer, you are a Game Day Helper for your team, and each family is asked to step up. The signup slots for game day helpers is online (here). We have signups for Shoe Swap Equipment Sale helpers, Opening helpers, Closing helpers, Concession Sale helpers, & Safety/Information helpers.

Signups for Field Helpers
- We ask that each team have a helper for fields and field related work. Along with helping to setup if you are first, or take down if you are last, we ask that you signup (here) for one or more field work tasks.

Saturday Shoe Swap
/ Equipment Sale - Bring your old sports equipment to sell, donate, or swap. Shoe and equipment swap event this Saturday, Sept 8 from 8:15am - 1:00pm in front of concessions. It is simple: Fill out the form beforehand (here), write your name and the price for each item on a piece of masking tape and attach it to the item, and bring the items to the event. AYSO will keep 50% of the total items sold as consignment for the scholarship fund. No forms are required if donating items.

Uniforms - Saturday 9/8 is the last day for uniform pickup or special ordering (here). We will have folks at the information shed helping to handout uniforms, recording needed uniforms, or providing replacement equipment to teams. If you are missing a team volunteer, we will have PCs for volunteer registration, and board members available to help sort out issues.

See You Saturday,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Unplaced/Wait List Players
Mon 8/27/2018 12:36 PM

Hi |User First Name|,

We are continuing to work on player placements and finding places for volunteers. This will continue up to September 15, after that day, we will close registration for core recreational.

= For Unallocated players we will refund what we can.
= For Wait List players we will cancel the registration.

On September 8 we will have an opening day for teams, we will be doing a player check and looking for team openings.

If you are able to volunteer as or provide a coach or referee, please contact your division coordinator (here). Include what you are able to volunteer for in your communication with the division coordinator.

Login to Blue Sombrero (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

P.S. We have registration for Indoor Soccer starting in October and registration for the spring part of our school year in February.


[CorvallisAYSO] Items in your Cart
Sun 8/26/2018 9:42 AM

Hello |User First Name|,

We currently see an item in your cart in Blue Sombrero. Please login ( https://corvallisayso.org/login ) to take care of the pending registration. Look for the little cart icon in the top of the dashboard, if you do not wish to register, please delete the item from your cart.

Issues or to have us clear the cart... email

Many core recreational divisions have limited openings in specific areas, you can contact a division coordinator (here) to see about an opening, before finishing the registration. Our FAQ (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Webmaster


[CorvallisAYSO] Open Order
Sun 8/26/2018 9:08 AM

Hello |User First Name|,

We currently see an open balance on your account in Blue Sombrero. Please login ( https://corvallisayso.org/login ) to pay the open balance and finish the player registration. Look for the open balance box in your Blue Sombrero dashboard and click View/Pay.

Questions or Issues?

Thank You,
Luke Cotton & Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar


[CorvallisAYSO] Upcoming Events - Week 0
Fri 8/24/2018 1:16 PM

Hello AYSO Families,

Upcoming Events:
Coach Training Events (signup)
Field Work Days (signup)
Practices Could Start After Labor Day.
Uniform Pickup Event 9/5 5:30pm @ AYSO Sheds
Referee Training Events (signup)
Coach & Referee Refreshers (Returning Volunteers)
+ Coach Refresher 6U & 8U - Fri Sep 7, 5:30pm - 6:30pm @ First Christian Church
+ Coach Refresher 10U & 12U - Fri Sep 7, 6:45pm - 7:45pm @ First Christian Church
+ Referee Refresher 10U+ - Fri Sep 7, 7:00pm - 9:00pm @ 509J Western View Center
+ Coach Refresher 15U - Fri Sep 7, 8:00pm - 9:00pm @ First Christian Church

Opening Day:
+ Field Lining Training 8am
+ Shoe Swap Equipment Sale - Sell/Donate or Buy Soccer Equipment
+ Uniform Pickup All Day
+ Scheduled Training Session & Scrimmage
+ Start time will be the start of your 30min training session (stage 1 & 3) on half of the field.
+ You will then have a 30min scrimmage/game, including referees, with the team on the other half of the field.
+ Coaches & Referees are encouraged to observe other veteran coaches & we will be looking for mentors to help.
More details will be sent out later.

Questions: Use the contact page (here) to contact the board member in the area of your question. Our region website has a lot of information about the program and details about each division. This page (here) is a great start and includes many items about our program. You can always look at all the emails we are sending (here).

Team Formation Notes: We are working to get late registrations added, and focusing on placements of players with volunteers. Most divisions are full and in some divisions, we are looking at adding teams. Changes to the rosters/teams will be ongoing up to September 15th.

Schedule: We are working on the game schedule now, you will get a notification when it is posted.

Luke Cotton - Regional Commissioner

Contact Us (here)


Thu 8/23/2018 6:02 PM

Hi Referees!

If you are a NEW REFEREE that is NOT with a 6U or 8U, you need to take the Basic Regional Referee Training. PLEASE READ ON. If you are not a new referee but want to come listen in, you are welcome to join these sessions.

There will be 3 classes offered for the Basic Regional Referee Training. The dates are shown below. The first class is this Saturday, August 25 at the Western View Center, adjacent to the Adam's School soccer fields, from 9 - 3.

The Saturday class coming up requires no pre-work. The next 2 classes being offered will also need you to go on-line and do the On-Line portion prior to those classes. The process to get vouchers for this, so you do not have to pay, will be sent in a different email.

  • Referee Training Part 1 & 2 (Full Class): Saturday, August 25, 2018 from 09:00am to 03:00pm at Western View Center
  • Referee Training Part 2: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at Western View Center
    (part 1 is online, sign up to get access)
  • Referee Training Part 2: Thursday, September 06, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at Western View Center
    (part 1 is online, sign up to get access)

Please try to register for this class using the process below. If you have trouble or do not register, please come to the class and we will work to get you registered during that time.

Also, PLEASE REPLY (and please do not Reply All) to me if you plan to come this Saturday class so we can plan for materials, snacks, etc.

Class Registration

You can Register for the classes at: https://aysou.org/


Choose Live Courses from the banner just below the AYSO U logo.

For the OnLine Companion courses

on the Calendar choose Sept 5 or Sept 6.

Click on Sessions for the Regional Referee OnLine Companion Course

There you should see the Companion classes listed as:

Companion Regional Referee Training - 2/S/0149 Corvallis OR

Click on Register


For the 1 day class

on the Calendar choose August 25.

Click on Sessions for the Regional Referee Course

There you should see the class listed as:

Regional Referee Course- 2/S/0149 Corvallis OR

Click on Register

Also, attached is the Outline of the material that will be covered.

We will work with you to make sure that you know the basics so that you can support our kids playing soccer.

Thanks for supporting AYSO. I hope to see you soon.

Vince Waterhous
Director of Referee Instruction
AYSO Region 149


Welcome to the Fall 2018 Corvallis AYSO season!
Thu 8/23/2018 11:49 AM

Welcome back from a relaxing summer!


If you will be a referee with AYSO this Fall, read on!

Fall season starts on September 8th.

Annual Ref Refresher session will be the evening of September 8th - please plan on attending.

Remember that you need to register as a Volunteer with AYSO through Blue Sombrero every year (AYSO year is August 1st to July 31st). You also must take the Concussion Awareness training every AYSO year. Go to AYSOU to find the on-line course. You no longer need to take the Safe Haven training every year, so your signup task list just got one step shorter.

Remind yourself how to get into HorizonWebRef to check the schedule.

Watch for more messages and the schedule as we get closer to opening day.

Thank you for volunteering with AYSO


AYSO Soccer Referee Training
Mon 8/20/2018 10:58 PM

Hello Referees,

First, thanks for stepping up and volunteering in support of AYSO. It's all about providing kids the opportunity to play soccer in a Safe, Fair, and Fun environment.

Second, let me apologize for the length of this email but hopefully you can readily find the information that you need.

I am reaching out to you because you have either recently volunteered to be a Referee or have been a Referee in past. Below is the information that you need to fulfill the required training to be a Referee, for new Referees, and also information about the Referee Refresher

1)You must complete the AYSO Volunteer Training, as listed below:

Volunteer Registration

  1. Register in Blue Sombrero
  2. Complete AYSO's Safe Haven Training Online at AYSOU.
  3. Complete Concussion Training Online at AYSOU every school year.

Youth Volunteer Registration

AYSO Region 149 appreciates and is proud to support our many Youth Referee volunteers, thank you. Please see the attached process for registration of Youth Volunteers.

2) You need to attend referee training

AYSO Referee Training

Location: Referee training will take place at the Western View Center at Adam's School,

(1435 SW 35th St) and a session of U6/U8 Coach Referees at First Christian Church

Referee Training: 6U/8U

U6 or U8 team - Referee or Coach/Referee

  • Take the training offered below for a Coach/Referee.
  • Even if you do not plan to also Coach, if you attend this training, it will fulfill your Referee Training requirement.
  • 6U & 8U Coach & Referee Training: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at Western View Center
  • 6U & 8U Coach & Referee Training: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at First Christian Church

Referee Training: 10U+

U10+ team - New Referee to AYSO Region 149

If you are a Referee for an 10U+ team, you need to take the Basic/Regional Referee classes being offered. This training will be offered in 2 different formats. There is either a single day 'Full' class offered Saturday, August 25 from 9 - 3 or there are 2 evening 'Companion' classes offered. The single day/fill class requires no prior work. The Companion class requires that you sign on and take the first part of this class on-line, at your convenience. The remainder, Part 2, will be offered the evenings of September 5 or 6 as shown below The On-Line portion of the Companion class has a fee. The region is in the process of getting a voucher to cover that cost, as we have no expectation for our volunteers to cover this cost. Although you can now sign-up for the Companion Class, please wait to take the On-Line portion of the training until after we can provide information on using a voucher to cover the cost. This will be provided to you by the end of the week, allowing you time to take care of this before Part 2 is offer.

  • Referee Training Part 1 & 2 (Full Class): Saturday, August 25, 2018 from 09:00am to 03:00pm at Western View Center
  • Referee Training Part 2: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at Western View Center
    (part 1 is online, sign up to get access)
  • Referee Training Part 2: Thursday, September 06, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at Western View Center
    (part 1 is online, sign up to get access)

Class Registration

You can Register for the classes at: https://aysou.org/


Choose Live Courses from the banner just below the AYSO U logo.

For the OnLine Companion courses

on the Calendar choose Sept 5 or Sept 6.

Click on Sessions for the Regional Referee OnLine Companion Course

There you should see the Companion classes listed as:

Companion Regional Referee Training - 2/S/0149 Corvallis OR

Click on Register


For the 1 day class

on the Calendar choose August 25.

Click on Sessions for the Regional Referee Course

There you should see the class listed as:

Regional Referee Course- 2/S/0149 Corvallis OR

Click on Register

AYSO Referee Refresher

If you are a prior Referee that has completed the Basic/Regional Referee training, no additional immediate training is required. However, you are welcome to come sit and listen in at any class being offered. Additionally, we encourage all Referees, new or experienced, to come to the Referee Refresher on Friday, Sept 7 at the Western View Center from 7 - 9. There we will provide Referees with updates to the Laws of the Game and talk about mentoring and game day.

Referee Refresher: Friday, September 07, 2018 from 07:00pm to 09:00pm at Western View Center

Opening Day - Sept 8

In addition, there will be a mentoring opportunity available Saturday, Sept 8. I would like all new referees to plan to be at the game area the full time scheduled but the first half of the time we will practice off the field and the second half of the time will be on the field practice.

Referee Practical Training/Mentoring: Saturday, September 08, 2018 from (during game time) at Adams School Soccer Fields

If you have questions regarding this training, please don't hesitate to ask.

I look forward to Refereeing with you this year.
Vince Waterhous
Director of Referee instruction
AYSO Region 149


{CorvallisAYSO} Assistant Coach Certifications
Sun 8/19/2018 1:50 PM


Here is your local certification record, please be sure you address anything that is missing before games(referees) or practices(coaches) start.

Role: Assistant Coach
Team: ...

+ Coach Training: Good
+ Safe Haven Training: Missing
+ Concussion Training: Missing

# Your Coach Certifications: 6U=Y 8U=Y 10U=N 12U=N Intermediate(15U)=N Advanced(19U)=N

# Your Referee Certifications: 6U=Y 8U=Y Regional(10U+)=N Intermediate(12U+)=N Advanced(15U+)=N National=N

# Your Manager Certification: Manager=N


Safe Haven or Concussion Training Notes: https://aysou.org, login with your Blue Sombrero account. Each volunteer needs an account to do trainings (including youth). Your AYSO ID is on your volunteer registration. KEEP A COPY of your certification, I recommend that you use Chrome or Firefox w/o shockwave or flash plug ins. You can contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have issues with the training site.

Job/Role Training Notes: Please review the job trainings listed here https://corvallisayso.org/training . Click on the event to sign up for the training and to be sent training details/requirements. Some trainings have an online prerequisite aka part 1, so you might only see part 2. If you took the job training last year, and it shows as missing, email me.

Team Connection/Role Notes: We can only connect adults that have completed all registration requirements (eSign and BG Consent) and passed a background check to a team (we cannot connect youth). We can also only allocate one volunteer with one role to the team, if you fill multiple roles, please still register for each role you're filling so you do not miss communications.
Wrong team role? We cannot modify your volunteer role... In your Blue Sombrero volunteer page, find the correct role by clicking "Find Volunteer Roles", sign up for that role, and eSign the form. Once you are done, fill this out: https://corvallisayso.org/form/roster-change.html

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Data updated on 2018-08-19 07:34:09

>> Unable to make a class? Contact your role admin to work out a plan to get the training. <<


{CorvallisAYSO} ... Team
Sat 8/18/2018 11:40 PM

Dear Team Volunteers,

Please review your players & volunteers as of 8/18 @ 8AM.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#


Primary Contact

Team Jobs Indicated


Dropping Player? Have the parent use the refund request form (here).

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#






Safe Haven



Team Worksheets: We have not entered all the team worksheets yet. If you wish, you can submit this form to correct the data (here). Remember: Youth volunteers cannot be added to a team (we cannot do a background check on a minor) and Adult volunteers can only be assigned/allocated under one role with a team.
Contact Issues: Unfortunately you cannot update roster contact details, but parents/volunteers can update the details in Blue Sombrero ( https://corvallisayso.org/login ) by clicking on the edit or details button next to the registration.
Certification Issues: We will be sending an email to the volunteers missing training this weekend. For missing job trainings from last year, please email me. For missing safe haven or concussion, please email the certificate to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your volunteer AYSO ID.

Other Questions?: See email archive for all prior emails sent to date (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

NOTE: if the webmaster email is in the TO line, you are missing a head coach and team manager. I would like to get those folks allocated/added to your team as soon as possible, reply all once they are registered so I can get them added to the team.


Volunteer training for Coaches and Referees begins next week
Fri 8/17/2018 11:46 AM

Greetings to all our AYSO volunteers and families,

August is always an exciting time, as we get ready for the beginning of a new season of soccer. This week we had our team meetings where parents and many players got to meet their teammates. Next week, our training begins for coaches and referees - which is why I am writing to you. I am the Coach Administrator for our Region, and a Coach Instructor, and I want to make sure that those who had questions these past few evenings know where the answers are (most of them, at least).

If you volunteered - or were planning to volunteer - as a Coach or a Referee, please be sure to complete your registration with Blue Sombrero. Registrations for players are different than volunteers, so if you have a child registered, you will still need to log in for yourself to be a volunteer. You can do this via our site, www.ayso149.org. Click on the "Register Now" link.

For information about Coach training sessions, click on the "Coaches" tab. For Referees, click the "Referees" tab. Classes begin next week, and will continue into September. Also, remember that these volunteer positions also need to complete the Safe Haven and CDC Concussion training modules at AYSOU.org.

It was very gratifying to see so many teams come together with volunteers this week.Ours is an all-volunteer organization, and it is your support as a volunteer that helps one thousand kids have an enriching soccer experience every year. Take the time now to make sure you are registered, and begin your training, because practices and Opening Day are closer than you think...

With thanks,
Eric Gleske
AYSO Region 149 Coach Administrator
AYSO Certified Coach Instructor
AYSO Advanced Coach
Soccer Dad


Reminder: Team Meeting Today 8/16 5:30pm @ Adams School
Tue 8/16/2018 3:15 AM

To all 15U parents,
About your team meeting today 8/16 5:30pm @ Adams School...

The team meeting will cover the following items:

  • Opening Day Saturday 9/8.
  • Wait list & team placement.
  • Typical game days and parent expectations.
  • Team equipment handout (balls, cones, & pinnies).
  • Potential practice locations and practice expectations.
  • Team jobs and team worksheet (here).

Team Worksheet

This worksheet (here) must have all required positions filled out and all volunteers must be registered before you can get/choose team uniforms. Most teams will not have everything done yet, so we have uniform pickup days on 9/5 & 9/8 to turn in the completed sheet.

Team Uniforms & Equipment

The team worksheet is required to get uniforms, we will take the original, and you will get a copy. We will have uniform pickup days 9/5 5:30pm @ Adams School and on opening day. Some uniforms have not arrived yet, so you can choose the design/colors at the meeting and pickup later. Note: this year we will be handing out the number of uniforms for the number of players on the team, and keeping the surplus. Added players can get the uniforms at the AYSO sheds. You can use the equipment request form (here) for special orders or to schedule a pickup.

Team equipment will be provide to the team volunteers at the meeting. This equipment is for the team, and is often held by the head coach. It will include some size 5 soccer balls, cones, ball bag, and pinnies. Pinnies need to be returned at the end of the school year, and we ask for all of the other items back so we can reuse the equipment.

Frequent Team Meeting Questions

I am not able to make the team meeting, what should I do?
If you are able to volunteer or know someone who can fill a spot, email others on the team. The prior email to teams included all contact information for the team.

My kid is not assigned a team yet, should I come?
Yes, team meetings are the best times to get questions answered and potentially get placed on a team.

Can I bring my kids?
Yes, but this meeting will be for parents to sort out team details (we will have a play area to the side).

Where and when can the team practice?
Full details are on this page (here), but here is the quick version. You can practice twice a week for an hour & a half, the coaches choose the time and place that could be a school or a park. You should reserve the practice location for a 509j school, for city parks & Philomath, it is often first come first serve.

How do I know if a volunteer completed registration?
We will confirm if all the volunteers are registered at the meeting and will have a list for checking. If they are not, have them show up and we can do the registration on site (at any team meeting time). Volunteers allocated to the team are registered.

What if we don't have all the volunteers registered?
You will need to come at a uniform pickup event either 9/5 5:30-6:30pm or 9/8 8am-2pm @ Adams School sheds.

What if we are missing volunteers?
Confirm what positions you are missing, and work on recruiting. Your team will need coaches, referees, and a manager. Youth, college students, grandparents, friends, and family could all be volunteers. Some common scenarios, co-head coaches, volunteer parents that have their volunteer high schooler run practices/games, youth referees, referees also being team manager, etc. We provide training for all volunteer positions. Without these volunteers, your team could be disbanded or dissolved, we will do everything we can to help, but at the end of the day, we are powered by volunteers.

See you at 5:30pm today,
Luke Cotton


Reminder: Team Meeting Today 8/15 #pm @ Adams School
Tue 8/15/2018 5:15 AM

To all 10U parents,
About your team meeting today 8/15 5:30pm @ Adams School...

To all 12U parents,
About your team meeting today 8/15 7pm @ Adams School...

The team meeting will cover the following items:

  • Opening Day Saturday 9/8.
  • Open team spots (5U-8U born 2014, 2013, 2012, & 2011).
  • Wait list & team placement.
  • Typical game days and parent expectations.
  • Team equipment handout (balls, cones, & pinnies).
  • Potential practice locations and practice expectations.
  • Team jobs and team worksheet (here).

Team Worksheet

This worksheet (here) must have all required positions filled out and all volunteers must be registered before you can get/choose team uniforms. Most teams will not have everything done yet, so we have uniform pickup days on 9/5 & 9/8 to turn in the completed sheet. You could also show at any of the other team meeting days to turn in the worksheet or get folks help with registration.

Team Uniforms & Equipment

The team worksheet is required to get uniforms, we will take the original, and you will get a copy. We will have uniform pickup days 9/5 5:30pm @ Adams School and on opening day. Some uniforms have not arrived yet, so you can choose the design/colors at the meeting and pickup later. Note: this year we will be handing out the number of uniforms for the number of players on the team, and keeping the surplus. Added players can get the uniforms at the AYSO sheds. You can use the equipment request form (here) for special orders or to schedule a pickup.

Team equipment will be provide to the team volunteers at the meeting. This equipment is for the team, and is often held by the head coach. It will include some size 4 soccer balls, cones, ball bag, and pinnies. Pinnies need to be returned at the end of the school year, and we ask for all of the other items back so we can reuse the equipment.

Frequent Team Meeting Questions

I am not able to make the team meeting, what should I do?
If you are able to volunteer or know someone who can fill a spot, email others on the team. The prior email to teams included all contact information for the team.

My kid is not assigned a team yet, should I come?
Yes, team meetings are the best times to get questions answered and potentially get placed on a team.

Can I bring my kids?
Yes, but this meeting will be for parents to sort out team details (we will have a play area to the side).

Where and when can the team practice?
Full details are on this page (here), but here is the quick version. You can practice twice a week for an hour, the coaches choose the time and place that could be a school or a park. You should reserve the practice location for a 509j school, for city parks & Philomath, it is often first come first serve.

How do I know if a volunteer completed registration?
We will confirm if all the volunteers are registered at the meeting and will have a list for checking. If they are not, have them show up and we can do the registration on site (at any team meeting time). Volunteers allocated to the team are registered.

What if we don't have all the volunteers registered?
You will need to come at a uniform pickup event either 9/5 5:30-6:30pm or 9/8 8am-2pm @ Adams School sheds. You could also come to one of the other team formation events.

What if we are missing volunteers?
Confirm what positions you are missing, and work on recruiting. Your team will need coaches, referees, and a manager. Youth, college students, grandparents, friends, and family could all be volunteers. Some common scenarios, co-head coaches, volunteer parents that have their volunteer high schooler run practices/games, youth referees, referees also being team manager, etc. We provide training for all volunteer positions. Without these volunteers, your team could be disbanded or dissolved, we will do everything we can to help, but at the end of the day, we are powered by volunteers.

See you at 5:30pm today,
Luke Cotton


Reminder: Team Meeting Today 8/14 7pm @ Adams School
Tue 8/14/2018 11:45 AM

To all 8U parents,
About your team meeting today 8/14 7pm @ Adams School...

The team meeting will cover the following items:

  • Opening Day Saturday 9/8.
  • Open team spots (born 2014, 2013, 2012, & 2011).
  • Typical game days and parent expectations.
  • Team equipment handout (balls, cones, & pinnies).
  • Potential practice locations and practice expectations.
  • Team jobs and team worksheet (here).

Team Worksheet

This worksheet (here) must have all required positions filled out and all volunteers must be registered before you can get/choose team uniforms. Most teams will not have everything done yet, so we have uniform pickup days on 9/5 & 9/8 to turn in the completed sheet. You could also show at any of the other team meeting days to turn in the worksheet or get folks help with registration.

Team Uniforms & Equipment

The team worksheet is required to get uniforms, we will take the original, and you will get a copy. We will have uniform pickup days 9/5 05:30 @ Adams School and on opening day. Some uniforms have not arrived yet, so you can choose the design/colors at the meeting and pickup later. Note: this year we will be handing out the number of uniforms for the number of players on the team, and keeping the surplus. Added players can get the uniforms at the AYSO sheds. You can use the equipment request form (here) for special orders or to schedule a pickup.

Team equipment will be provide to the team volunteers at the meeting. This equipment is for the team, and is often held by the head coach. It will include some size 3 soccer balls, cones, ball bag, and pinnies. Pinnies need to be returned at the end of the school year, and we ask for all of the other items back so we can reuse the equipment.

Frequent Team Meeting Questions

I am not able to make the team meeting, what should I do?
If you are able to volunteer or know someone who can fill a spot, email others on the team. The prior email to teams included all contact information for the team.

My kid is not assigned a team yet, should I come?
Yes, team meetings are the best times to get questions answered and potentially get placed on a team.

Can I bring my kids?
Yes, but this meeting will be for parents to sort out team details (we will have a play area to the side).

Where and when can the team practice?
Full details are on this page (here), but here is the quick version. You can practice once a week for an hour, the coaches choose the time and place that could be a school or a park. You should reserve the practice location for a school, and for parks, it is first come first serve.

How do I know if a volunteer completed registration?
We will confirm if all the volunteers are registered at the meeting and will have a list for checking. If they are not, have them show up and we can do the registration on site (at any team meeting time). Volunteers allocated to the team are registered.

What if we don't have all the volunteers registered?
You will need to come at a uniform pickup event either 9/5 5:30-6:30pm or 9/8 8am-2pm @ Adams School sheds.

What if we are missing volunteers?
Confirm what positions you are missing, and work on recruiting. Your team will need coaches, referees, and a manager. Youth, college students, grandparents, friends, and family could all be volunteers. Some common scenarios, co-head coaches, volunteer parents that have their volunteer high schooler run practices/games, youth referees, referees also being team manager, etc. We provide training for all volunteer positions. Without these volunteers, your team could be disbanded or dissolved, we will do everything we can to help, but at the end of the day, we are powered by volunteers.

See you at 7pm today,
Luke Cotton


Reminder: Team Meeting Today 8/14 5:30pm @ Adams School
Tue 8/14/2018 10:55 AM

To all 6U parents,
About your team meeting today 8/14 5:30pm @ Adams School...

Team meetings will cover the following items:

  • Opening Day Saturday 9/8.
  • Open team spots (born 2014, 2013, 2012, & 2011).
  • Typical game days and parent expectations.
  • Team jobs and team worksheet (here).

Team Worksheet

This worksheet (here) must have all required positions filled out and all volunteers must be registered before you can get/choose team uniforms. Most teams will not have everything done yet, so we have uniform pickup days on 9/5 & 9/8 to turn in the completed sheet.

Team Uniforms

The team worksheet is required to get uniforms, we will take the original, and you will get a copy. We will have uniform pickup days 9/5 05:30 @ Adams School and on opening day. Some uniforms have not arrived yet, so you can choose the design/colors at the meeting and pickup later.

Note: this year we will be handing out the number of uniforms for the number of players on the team, and keeping the surplus. Added players can get the uniforms at the AYSO sheds, you can use the equipment request form (here) for special orders or to schedule a pickup.

Frequent Team Meeting Questions

I am not able to make the team meeting, what should I do?
If you are able to volunteer or know someone who can fill a spot, email others on the team. The prior email to teams included all contact information for the team.

My kid is not assigned a team yet, should I come?
Yes, team meetings are the best times to get questions answered and potentially get placed on a team.

Can I bring my kids?
Yes, but this meeting will be for parents to sort out team details (we will have a play area to the side).

How do I know if a volunteer completed registration?
We will confirm if all the volunteers are registered at the meeting. If they are not, have them show up and we can do the registration on site. Volunteers allocated to the team are registered.

What if we don't have all the volunteers registered?
You will need to come at a uniform pickup event either 9/5 5:30-6:30pm or 9/8 8am-2pm @ Adams School sheds.

What if we are missing volunteers?
Confirm what positions you are missing, and work on recruiting. Your team will need coaches, referees, and a manager. Youth, college students, grandparents, friends, and family could all be volunteers. Some common scenarios, co-head coaches, volunteer parents that have their volunteer high schooler run practices/games, youth referees, referees also being team manager, etc. We provide training for all volunteer positions. Without these volunteers, your team could be disbanded or dissolved, we will do everything we can to help, but at the end of the day, we are powered by volunteers.

See you at 5:30 today,
Luke Cotton


[CorvallisAYSO] Volunteer Training
Mon 8/13/2018 05:55 AM

Hello Volunteers or Potential Volunteers,

Below are the planned classes for volunteer training, please review the classes and sign up by using the form here Job Training Sign Up. All locations and some times are subject to change, be sure you sign up using the form to get notifications about class changes.

NOTE: Game Day Helpers & Field Helpers do not need to do the following and are trained on the job or at a training time. You can sign up to help at the following links. Game Day Helper | Fields Helper

AYSO Volunteer Training

  1. Register in Blue Sombrero (here) (this is needed for uniforms)

  2. Complete AYSO's Safe Haven Training Online at AYSOU.
    (You now only need to complete this once or as required)

  3. Complete Concussion Training Online at AYSOU every school year.

  4. Complete job training from an instructor, you can signup for the class (here).
    (You only need to complete the job training once for the position.)


(Signup Here) You only need to complete the job training once for the division. Mix and match is okay, but you need all parts done.

  • 6U & 8U Coach & Referee Training: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at Western View Center
  • 6U & 8U Coach & Referee Training: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at First Christian Church
  • Coach 10U - Part 1 Classroom: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at OSU Kidder Hall Room 202
  • Coach 10U - Part 2 Field Training: Saturday, September 01, 2018 from 08:30am to 11:00am at Adams School Soccer Fields
  • Coach 10U - Part 1 Classroom: Thursday, August 30, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at OSU Kidder Hall Room 202
  • Coach 10U - Part 2 Field Training: Saturday, August 25, 2018 from 08:30am to 11:00am at Adams School Soccer Fields
  • Coach 12U - Part 1 Classroom: Thursday, August 23, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at OSU Kidder Hall Room 202
  • Coach 12U - Part 2 Field Training: Saturday, August 25, 2018 from 08:30am to 12:00pm at Adams School Soccer Fields
  • Coach 12U - Part 1 Classroom: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at OSU Kidder Hall Room 202
  • Coach 12U - Part 2 Field Training: Saturday, September 01, 2018 from 08:30am to 12:00pm at Adams School Soccer Fields
  • Coach 15U - Part 2 Classroom: Friday, August 24, 2018 from 06:00pm to 09:00pm at First Christian Church
    (part 1 is online, sign up to get access)
  • Coach 15U - Part 3 Field Training: Saturday, August 25, 2018 from 08:30am to 01:00pm at Adams School Soccer Fields
  • Coach 15U - Part 2 Classroom: Friday, August 31, 2018 from 06:00pm to 09:00pm at First Christian Church
    (part 1 is online, sign up to get access)
  • Coach 15U - Part 3 Field Training: Saturday, September 01, 2018 from 08:30am to 01:00pm at Adams School Soccer Fields
  • Coach Refresher 6U-8U: Friday, September 07, 2018 from 05:30pm to 06:30pm at First Christian Church
  • Coach Refresher 10U-12U: Friday, September 07, 2018 from 06:45pm to 07:45pm at First Christian Church
  • Coach Refresher 15U: Friday, September 07, 2018 from 08:00pm to 09:00pm at First Christian Church
  • Coach Practical Training/Mentoring: Saturday, September 08, 2018 from (during game time) at Adams School Soccer Fields


(Signup Here) You only need to complete the job training once for the division, referee training covers 10U+.

  • 6U & 8U Coach & Referee Training: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at Western View Center
  • 6U & 8U Coach & Referee Training: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at First Christian Church
  • Referee Training Part 1 & 2 (Full Class): Saturday, August 25, 2018 from 09:00am to 03:00pm at Western View Center
  • Referee Training Part 2: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at Western View Center
    (part 1 is online, sign up to get access)
  • Referee Training Part 2: Thursday, September 06, 2018 from 05:30pm to 08:30pm at Western View Center
    (part 1 is online, sign up to get access)
  • Referee Refresher: Friday, September 07, 2018 from 07:00pm to 09:00pm at Western View Center (Location Could Change)
  • Referee Practical Training/Mentoring: Saturday, September 08, 2018 from (during game time) at Adams School Soccer Fields

Board Members & Team Managers

(Signup Here) You only need to complete the job training once.

  • Team Manager Training: Monday, August 13, 2018 from 05:30pm to 06:30pm at First Christian Church
  • Team Manager Training: Friday, August 17, 2018 from 05:30pm to 06:30pm at First Christian Church
  • Team Manager Training: Early September TBA



  • First Christian Church - 602 SW Madison Ave
  • OSU Kidder Hall Room 202 - 2000 SW Campus Way
  • Adams School Soccer Field 122 - 1615 SW 35th St
  • Western View Center - 1435 SW 35th St

Luke Cotton


{CorvallisAYSO} Team Roster
Thu 8/9/2018 11:15 PM


Below is the team roster as of 8/9/18 7pm.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#




#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#


Primary Contact

Team Jobs Indicated

At the team meeting, you are tasked with filling volunteer spots, here are some basic items for parents about volunteering. (Can't make the team meeting, use this email to tell others.)

Powered by Volunteers

  • Each volunteer must register: https://corvallisayso.org/apply
  • Volunteers allocated to teams have passed a background check.
  • Volunteers can be age 12 - 70+. Youth, college students, parents, and grandparents.
  • Age 12-17: Youth can volunteer as coach helpers and referees. Youth cannot be solely responsible for players.
  • We provide the training and have mentors available for each position.


Teams can have one head coach & assistant coach(s) or co/tag team head coaches. Practices & games must have two registered adult volunteers. Referees & Team Managers can fill in for the second volunteer, but a coach must always be present. All events must have an adult that is the same gender as the players. https://corvallisayso.org/coaches

Simply, Coaches...

  • Follow AYSO's Vision, Mission, & Philosophies.
  • Run Training Sessions with AYSO provided instruction & training plans.
  • Run Game Days for their team.

Head Coach: This is an individual willing to take the responsibility for organizing the team, running training sessions, coaching during games, and assuring that AYSO philosophies are followed during practices & games.

Assistant Coach: Individual willing to take responsibility for assisting the head coach during training sessions & games. The assistant coach is the backup for the head coach, and is required to take the same training.

Youth Coach Helper: Individual willing to take responsibility for assisting the head coach during training sessions & games. Can also be tasked with running training sessions, and is required to take the same training as the head coach.


Teams can have as many referees as they want, with a minimum of two per team. Your commitment to a team involves 1 game per week in the fall and spring, or an equivalent number of games per season for each team you are representing (you can ref your child's game). 6U & 8U, each team will designate a referee for each week. https://corvallisayso.org/referees

Simply, Referees...

  • Follow AYSO's Vision, Mission, & Philosophies.
  • Run Matches/Games following AYSO's provided instruction w/ other volunteers.

10U+ Center Referee: Center referees run the match. They make decisions to the best of their ability and are charged with fostering the spirit of the game. For younger ages, referees also help guide/teach players the game.

10U+ Assistant Referee: New referees often start as Assistant Referees (AR). ARs are tasked with helping the center referee and indicating, in their opinion, offside & ball leaving the field. ARs also track players and score on the game cards.

6U & 8U Center Referee: The coach of the game. 6U & 8U referees can also be coaches for the playing teams, in other words, one 8U coach can fill the team worksheet as a coach and a referee. 6U & 8U referees take the same training as 6U & 8U coaches.

Youth Referee: Same as above, but youth will get a mentor to help guide, and will often be on games with more senior referees.


Each team needs a manager. You can be the head coach and the manager, but it is advised that you have a different manager. This adult is tasked with managing all team organizational matters, confirming rosters, and closely supervising the performance of the team's volunteer/helper service. https://corvallisayso.org/managers

Simply, Managers...:

  • Help other volunteers focus on their role & the AYSO mission.
  • Help recruit or confirm team volunteers and oversee team roster.
  • Facilitate team communication & distribute items or information to the team.
  • Ensure non-volunteer families sign up to help with fields or game day tasks.

Roster Changes

Dropping: Players that are no longer interested or are not planning to play in fall. Please fill out this form (here). Dropped players can sign up for winter indoor in October or spring season in February.

Roster Changes: You can indicate volunteer changes early by filling out this form (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton

This email was sent to all team email addresses. Note, you can see all season emails (here).



[CorvallisAYSO] Team Meetings 8/14-16
Wed 8/8/2018 5:33 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

The team meetings are next week, here is the quick summary and some frequently asked questions.

  • 6U Team Meetings Tue, Aug 14th from 05:30pm to 06:30pm at Adams School East AYSO Sheds
  • 8U Team Meetings Tue, Aug 14th from 07:00pm to 08:00pm at Adams School East AYSO Sheds
  • 10U Team Meetings Wed, Aug 15th from 05:30pm to 06:30pm at Adams School East AYSO Sheds
  • 12U Team Meetings Wed, Aug 15th from 07:00pm to 08:00pm at Adams School East AYSO Sheds
  • 15U-19U Team Meetings Thur, Aug 16th from 05:30pm to 06:30pm at Adams School East AYSO Sheds

Team Meeting Overview: The event will start with a quick introduction. After that, you and the other families on the team will be working to fill out the Team Worksheet (here). This worksheet is needed to get your team uniforms at the meeting. If your team is not able to fill all the required roles with registered volunteers at the meeting, you can bring the completed sheet to a uniform pickup day in September. Please take this opportunity to discuss any other team items like practices and family expectations. The team worksheet includes details about each volunteer role. Every family is expected to volunteer and help deliver quality youth soccer to promote a fun, family environment.

Team Formation

Divisions In Progress: We are still working on 12UG, 15UG, & 15UB, those divisions will be posted soon. All other divisions continue to get slightly adjusted to fit volunteer need. We have many openings for players born in 2014-2011 and we continue to add players/volunteers daily as registrations get finalized.

Team Volunteer Roles: Division Coordinators have assembled teams and proposed volunteer roles based on registrations, in many cases they had a volunteer in mind for a specific or different role, but the registration was incomplete or was not done in that role. The team worksheet submitted at the team meeting will help us gather the final team volunteers. We can only allocate one volunteer with one role to the team roster, if you fill multiple roles please still register for each role you're filling so you do not miss communications about that role. NOTE: Blue Sombrero does not allow allocation of youth volunteers to teams, we will use the team worksheet to track their connections to teams.

Player Special Requests: Every year we get special requests for placement. We make every effort to fill these requests, but sometimes we are not able to fulfill the request. Some of the common reasons are below.

  • Play Up: This is often allowed in lower divisions, if the player evaluation was strong. Moving up from 12U to 15U needs to have strong indicators that the player can handle that jump. In other words, physical size and power differences warrant caution as 15U players are going through growth spurts.
  • VIP / Play Down: We only allow this in unique circumstances that relate to a medical cause.
  • Team Buddy: If we were able to balance the teams with these requests, we worked to fit them in. We focused on volunteer related requests first, then tried to fit in all others.

Blue Sombrero

Summary: Just this month 8/3, Blue Sombrero changed a lot in the team websites and removed some key features. Below are the changes and some remedies I am working on.

GameChanger Team Manager App: Blue Sombrero wants volunteers and parents to use the new app for team communication and events. You could do that, but it will cause double entry and likely missing player communication. The app does a one time import of team data (roster & calendar), then you must update and add everything else from that point. Once you try to use the app, it will email everyone currently on the team to add the app, so be careful, and be sure that you want to use that tool. I doubt everyone can or will use the app. You can use the team meeting to discuss communication methods and tools.

Team Discussion Board: Blue Sombrero removed this in favor of a new app. Email is the workaround for this, I am planning to send an email to the team with better roster information soon.

Team Email: Only volunteers see the Email option. This is new and Blue Sombrero believes it will replace the discussion board. Unfortunately, only registered volunteers can use it, and the emails are not straight forward.

Team Rosters: The rosters do not show last name by default, volunteers can change this setting for the roster. Parents can also edit their profiles to show more information about their player.

Printing Team Rosters: Team volunteers can print the full team roster and contact information for the team. NOTE: rosters include the data provided on the player registration and the account, if the parent left information blank, it will show blank in the roster. The parent can update the data by clicking on the edit icon next to the players name or clicking the gear to edit account settings.

Editing Team Rosters: You can add some basic information like jersey numbers, player position, and player notes. This is shown to all team volunteers, and it seems that some data is shared across teams (if another team has the jersey number set, it might show in your team roster).

Team Files: Volunteers can upload files to the team site to share.

Team News: This is only for a system admin to post news. I am not sure if this adds value yet, but I might place the weekly newsletters as news items.

RSVP Feature: This feature is gone, I have no alternative right now. I am pressing to get it back, but I keep hitting a wall... :(

Volunteer Registration: Blue Sombrero is still having some issues with this. Next year we will try a more reliable approach to get this sorted, but for now I am working through as many emails as I can, but one approach seems to be working... Doing it two-three times.

  1. Register for the role(s) in the selected division to the red error that says it had an issue.
  2. Go back to the dashboard and get back to the volunteer page.
    • If your registration shows up after a refresh of the volunteer page, click the details button to continue the registration.
    • If it does not, do the registration again for the same role and division to the red error that says you already did it.
  3. Go back to the dashboard and get to the volunteer page again, refresh the page, and click details for the role, complete the process, hopefully no error.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner
Region Webmaster
Acting Fields Coordinator

American Youth Soccer Organization - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333
W corvallisayso.org


{CorvallisAYSO} Welcome to the ##UX Division
Sat 8/4/2018 6:05 AM

Regarding Player,

Welcome to AYSO Region 149's 40th Year in Benton County

Our 2018-2019 Core Soccer Program will be kicking off soon. We are still working on team formation to try to deliver the best mix of team balance, player grouping, and volunteer support. After we complete confirmations with key team volunteers, we expect to have most team notifications going out early next week. Right now, there are some items to add to your calendar/radar.

Team Meetings: Please save the date for your division orientation & Team Meeting ... at Adams School East AYSO Sheds. When teams are posted, use your team site to communicate with the other families before the meeting.

Opening Day: New this year, we are having an opening day that will include your first scrimmage/game on Saturday September 8th and will be at Adams School for all teams. This will help get everyone oriented, and will be setup for a 30min practice then a 30min game. This will help parents and volunteers get ready for the season. This will also allow new coaches and referees to finish their training with a mentor.

Frequent Questions

About your division (here) | Region calendar (here).

Blue Sombrero: This website will have your team site, current team roster, and all volunteers that are checked/confirmed (youth volunteers will not show). You can also edit your player information, edit your volunteer information, add profile information for the team, communicate with the team, and see your team game/practice calendar.
Login to our Blue Sombrero site with this URL (https://corvallisayso.org/login).

Updating Blue Sombrero: Please help your coach and team manager by checking and updating your player, volunteer, or account information. Hit the pencil w/ paper icon next to the participant to update the player information. For volunteers, go to the volunteer page by clicking the person icon in the side bar, and update your volunteer information by hitting the details button. You can edit your account (or invite another parent) by clicking the gear icon in the top corner.

Help With Blue Sombrero: If you have issues with Blue Sombrero, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call M-F 866-264-2048 8am-3pm.

Communication: We send out information through our region website and emails. Mass emails or notifications come from Blue Sombrero. Customized emails come from our email system. We add [CorvallisAYSO] or {CorvallisAYSO} in the subject of all region emails. You can find information about the current season and a log of all emails (here).

Training Sessions: For 8U+, the coaches determine weekday practice time(s) and location. Once coaches are confirmed at the team meeting, they will plan the training sessions that could start after Labor Day.

Volunteer Training: We are still working to finalize some trainings, but you can sign up for job training (here). All volunteers are asked to get the online Safe Haven certification at least once in AYSOU and complete the Concussion certification every year in AYSOU. You can get started with your Blue Sombrero login at (https://aysou.org). Each volunteer needs to login using their own account, and remember to keep a copy/picture of the final certificate, just in case. You can contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have issues with the online training site.

Helper Signups: We ask that each player have someone contribute by volunteering, if that is not possible, or we have all the volunteers for a team (coach, ref, team manager), we ask for helpers that can help with a variety of jobs (here). The sign ups will be available online later; you will be sent a reminder to sign up when the game schedule is online.

Dropping/Refunding Registrations: For Players that are no longer planning to play in fall, please fill out this form (here) so we can remove them and fill the team spot. Dropped players can sign up for Winter Indoor in October or Spring Season in February.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner



Tue 7/24/2018 1:32 PM
[CorvallisAYSO] 15UB Coaches

Hi Everyone in 15UB,

This is the time of the year when we start picking up the intensity in the team formation process. Almost every year we notice at this time that we are short on volunteers so we start making contact with potential volunteers and work diligently to close the gaps and form the teams for the upcoming season.

We are experiencing a very challenging and unusual situation for the 15U boys division this year. Due to a combination of factors we have a very large gap between players registered for the division and volunteers registered to coach these players.

The main reasons for this are the following:
= Six volunteers who have been coaching for many years have seen their children either aged-out of the division or have children who are no longer involved in AYSO (playing club, etc.)
= None of the volunteers who coached 12U players last year have seen their children move up to 15U this season. This is unusual but not impossible as evident by our current predicament.

This unlikely combination of factors has created a the following context:
We have one registered volunteer for the head coach role and two volunteers for assistant coach for all of Corvallis volunteers. On the other hand we have more than 60 players registered to date, enough players for at least 4 teams. Fortunately, we have enough volunteers to cover two teams in Philomath so we should be doing well in that practice zone.

I'd like to encourage parents to consider volunteering to coach teams this season. Without volunteer coaches we cannot form teams. For those of you who are not particularly confident about your abilities or experience as a coach, let me remind you that quality training will be provided ahead of the season.

Juan Fernandez
Boys Teams Coordinator
AYSO region149


Mon 7/23/2018 4:30 PM
{CorvallisAYSO} DIV Volunteers Needed

Regarding PLAYER, we need your help recruiting.
DIV will need 2 Coaches, 11 Referees, & 4 Team Managers.

Can you help?
Signup online or contact 10UG Division Coord. Leanne Henriques

Remember: Volunteers can be family, friends, or youth 12+. Youth can be referees or coach helpers (youth coaches need to be accompanied by a registered adult).

Register as a Volunteer

Login or create an account in Blue Sombrero at (https://corvallisayso.org/login) and select the volunteer/person icon in the menu. In the top is the button to register for the 2018-2019 Core Recreational Program. You can also start the process for a family member or you can complete the process for yourself. Volunteers need their own account. Inviting someone to volunteer will send them an email to get started; this will also connect them to your account and your player(s). Note: we cannot connect accounts if the volunteer creates the account independently, you can use the request form below to ensure they are connected with the player or another volunteer.

The Special Request Form is (here). Types of requests include Volunteer Buddy (want to volunteer with this person), & Player w/ Family Volunteer (family volunteer has independent account and is not associated to the player).

Unexpected Error - Red Bar of Death? This is more common than we would like, and the root cause has not been solved yet. A common workaround is to go back to the volunteer/person icon page and click the edit button to finish the process. If you still have issues This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or M-F 866-264-2048 8am-3pm.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner