Spring Registration Limited

Spring Outdoor Rec Registration

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Board Minutes/Notes Archive - MY2020

June 2021


PRESENT: Luke Cotton, John Sweet, Nicole Chapman, Dan Herford, Mary Cotton, Brad Whitcomb, Andy Ungerer, Juan Fernandez, Chris Jordan, Mike Ransdell.

NEXT MEETING: July 15, 2021, 7:15pm

CALENDAR: Luke reviewed each date in our calendar. Each one was discussed with a brief explanation and discussion if needed. The list on the website calendar is printed below.

Other Dates noted in the meeting are listed here:
Mid July - One live training for Team Mgrs & Division Coordinators which will be recorded by Luke and offered online.
Aug. 1 - Volunteer registration will be open
Aug. 17 - Begin Team mtgs & Equip. Distribution. Invite volunteers to Register for team positions.
Aug. 14 & 21 - Coach Training – also offered on weekdays, especially for 9U which is high volume.
August 23 - practices can start which is a little earlier than in the past – allow team volunteer recruitment and time to get organized.
Week of August 30 - (or on Sept. 11) 5U-6U Developmental Parent Orientation
Sept. 18 & 25, 2021 - Picture Days
Early Nov. - Area Tournament most likely

REVIEW of BOARD MEMBERS: Each position in the included list was reviewed and if the person was in attendance, they were introduced. If the member was new to the position, we held a vote and all were unanimously elected. New members are highlighted in grey below. It was noted that Sara Kaye doesn’t really want to be alone in managing 5-A-Side. Luke noted that she would not be. She would have plenty of guidance and help. NICOLE will send an email to her 11U team to see if any of those parents would be an 11UG coordinator. BOARD, please contact people you know to try and fill these division coordinator roles.
Sara Kaye, 541-740 -0284 – 5-A-Side-Coordinator
Jeffrey VanEpps, 503-949-4385 – 6UB Division Coordinator
Jessica Davis, 541-231-7435 - 13UB Division Coordinator
Mike Ransdell, 508-353-1991 – 11UB Division Coordinator

School District Liaison (509J & 17J): A discussion about the concern with the middle schools starting a soccer program brought about a suggestion from Juan Fernandez that we create a new position of School District Liaison. He volunteered to take this position especially as he is working with high school students. There was some question if the Athletic Director who is creating the program realized that AYSO has been providing soccer for the community for 41 years. Everyone was assured that Elaine Markley had discussed the program with him after hearing the news. She is often in communication with school athletics regarding AYSO or school athletic plans.

A new email has recently come out to parents of Corvallis middle schoolers. It said they will have a girls’ and boys’ team each for 7th and 8th grade at each middle school. We will still have Philomath and other area middle schoolers. We currently play with Lebanon, Albany, Brownsville and Sweet Home in our middle school program.

Since Juan is also on the committee that will be working with the School District Facilities for investment in the Adams fields, this was a good fit. It was noted that our current relationship is with facilities and some athletics. Juan’s goal is to be in touch with the school district in general when communication is needed or issues arise. Mike R. volunteered to send that email to Luke.

Social Media Specialist: OPEN POSITION - A general discussion about marketing and all the different ways we can communicate to help people and especially volunteers to get back into our program, it was decided that we need to emphasize social media as a Board position. This would involve local Facebook groups, our Facebook page, Instagram, and others as needed. It was requested that we all talk to people to hopefully find a person to fill this position, or even better to share it. It was commented that shared positions can be easier to fill, and that this one in particular had monitoring responsibilities and would need that back-up anyway. Target is for volunteers, parents and retirees looking for volunteer opportunity.

Dan Herford volunteered to take a look at our Facebook page and post information for now such as registration being open. Luke will add him as an Administrator.

SUMMER CAMP: It was noted that it started the next day and Luke reported there were 127 registrants which is the highest we have ever had. Luke was setting up canopies, last year’s hand washing stations and a sprinkler to help keep kids cool. He said he was setting up Sunday morning and would appreciate help. One person volunteered.


Registration: It was noted that the numbers are very low. We discussed how it was low because we did not have a registration event during a game day and that some people were out of the habit perhaps. There is concern on how to get the volunteers, particularly referees, to come back again next year. Luke will be sending another email with a deadline and that often pulls in a lot more people. Player evaluations so far were about 600. Our registration flyer has been approved by the school district and will be posted Friday, June 18.

Equipment: For equipment there will be 4 different uniform styles. Easier and less expensive. It is being considered that we will distribute the uniforms at the parent meetings for exactly the number of players they have at that time. New kids can come to the shed to get their uniform. The reversible pinnies will be used and have worked well. No shorts. Socks colors will be easier. We will offer 6U Recreational to have a couple practices prior to the first Saturday in order to recruit volunteers and get organized the same as other age groups. We would not pressure teams to have volunteer names down in order to get jersys. It has been a problem that names are just put down there, and they don’t follow through.

Training: Certification records in Sports Connect have failed. There are problems with knowing what people have already accomplished. This will be difficult. We’ll offer coach training the last two weeks of August. Luke will offer Team Manager and Division Coordinator training online. It was noted the AYSO room we furnished is now open again for our use. It is room 14 at First Christian Church on Madison in the basement. See Mary or Luke for reservations.

Adult Summer Program: We have 90 so far responding positively for the adult program. Registration will probably open on June 30. We will offer 3 fields with 3 different skill levels. They will all play at the same time, and people can move. Most people want to have fun and don’t want to be injured. Our communication will be that this is recreational and not cutthroat competition. $30 for the whole summer for this first year. There is hope that these are AYSO people that are also volunteers and that coaches in particular can develop a cooperative relationship that will carry into the Fall. With people new to AYSO, we hope to develop new volunteers.

Goals at New Elementary Schools: We are supplying 12U goals. We’re paying for the metal. David Gifford will be helping with the design. The District decided the risk assessment concluded that the goals will be fixed against the advice of AYSO. It is hoped that the new middle school program might involve the district improving the soccer fields and goals at those sites. This will be a plus for us as well. It is still unclear how many goals. But there is some indication they may change it to lower the total available fields in town.

Major Field Improvement Project: This team has had one meeting with district facilities that went well and another one is scheduled soon to continue the planning. This is currently a very good relationship.

Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Cotton, substitute Clerk, AYSO Region 149 Board

May 2021


PRESENT:  Elaine Markley, Luke Cotton, Brad Whitcomb, Duston Denver, Juan Fernandez, Nicole Chapman, Brian Dolan, Sarah Childs, Chris Jordan, Andy Ungerer, Mary Cotton, Dan Herford, Arianne Custer, Catalina Sequra

EXTRA: Brian will be in charge of the boys Extra program but we need to find a girls coordinator. John Williams is stepping down after many years of service. He will be missed. Brian is looking for a league to compete in. Brian has found a league for the girls teams. Nicole is interested in learning more about this program. Duston will do the player cards again for Region 149. Brian is asking Luke to email a letter requesting coaches and team managers. The three steps we need to do are: 1) get coaches 2) get players 3) divide the teams.

TEAM FORMATION: The structure of the teams at the youngest level was discussed. 5U and 6U will be a developmental approach with focus on new players that need skills and could also include those who are old enough to qualify for 6U. As the players gain skills and confidence, it is possible they could move up within this concept. Those that are not ready for typical 6U games can remain in the developmental focus groups. High school will remain the same (recreational). A uniform fee will be assessed when they register.

REGISTRATATION: Elaine will submit flyers to the Corvallis School District E-Folder in both English and Spanish. She will ask Juan and Catalina to help with the Spanish version. To be eligible players must be born between 2003-2017. Cost is $90 for fall/spring and $40 for those who qualify for free/reduced lunch program.

UNIFORMS: There will be only a set numbers of colors per division so it is possible in the larger divisions there could be a duplicate. Pinnies would be worn on game day if that is the case. By having many different sizes of the same uniform, it is hoped to cut down the cost of waste of uniforms.  Each team will be issued 2 full sets of different colored pinnies with their equipment bag. The cost for the MY 2021-22 will be $90 for full payment and $40 for those who qualify for the free/reduced lunch program.

BOARD MEMBER SUMMER CAMPS: Golden Gate costs between $500-$600 per person and we have budgeted for 4 participants. EXPO costs between $800-$1000 per person and we budgeted for 4 for that training as well. Anyone wanting to attend needs to contact Luke.

SUMMER CAMPS FOR PLAYERS: The June camp is full! There are 120 players signed up. There are spaces available for the July and August camps. Brad asked if we could run our own camps and charge using our own certified volunteers. He wants to explore that possibility.

BOARD OPENINGS:  There are a lot of open Board positions for next membership year. The biggest gap is at the Division Coordinator position. Brian said he could help with the girls EXTRA program this summer if no one steps up for that position. Everyone is asked to see if you can recruit any new, dedicated volunteers to take the next step in helping our region.

COMPLIMENT SHARED: Andy shared he receive an email from Flagstaff, AZ complementing our region for the detail and information found on our website. They are asking if we could mentor them in helping them develop one like ours. Way to go Luke.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be in person at the field for a “work” party. Equipment will need to be secured for the summer. Meet at the shed at 7:15pm on June 17.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

April 2021


PRESENT: Elaine Markley, Luke Cotton, Dustin Denver, Brad Whitcomb, Juan Fernandez, Nicole Chapman, Aaron Falotico, Vince Waterhous, Hannah Stevens, Chris Jordan, Mary Cotton, Dan Herford, Andy Ungerer

REFEREE REPORT: Chris reported that we need to cover a total 10 games each Saturday  played on fields 131, 132 and 151. Vince said he would love to mentor the referees. Referees were asked if they are planning to continue to referee this spring and all that replied said “yes.” Some have not replied. Everyone needs to complete their Safe Haven (one and done) and Concussion training (every year). Chris will check for electronic whistles and batteries to be sure we have enough. They will be used and then returned to the referee tent after each referee finishes their game(s). Game cards will not be used this spring. Any issues should be reported directly to Chris.

SCHEDULE: Luke is working with John to identify coaches who have more than one team and if they are playing “away” in another town to give them time to get from Adams to their next game.19U will be splitting their teams in half and play a 5 v 5 format. Albany Region 870 ends their season on May 22 and Corvallis Region 149 ends their spring season on June 12. Luke and Aaron will meet to decide how the travel schedule will look.

SPRING SEASON ODD & ENDS: Elaine will order one “oversided” Port-a-Pot and a single unit from April 23-June 14. The oversized unit will be picked up on June 14 and the single unit will remain on the field by the bone yard for the summer camps, work parties and EXTRA practices. April 24 the fields will be marked. It will be a “connect the dots” since the corners are identified. Anyone who can help is welcome to come to the fields. Also on April 24 there will be a 5U parent meeting by the shed at 10:00am. Brad, Nicole and Mary will conduct the meeting.

~ Player fee: Everyone must bring $20 to the Safety/Information Station starting May 1. Andy will look for and install a mail slot on the outside of the Safety/Information Station so if parents forget to bring payment on Saturday they can drop it off 24/7 and we don’t have to be there.

~ Game day protocol: The team managers should receive a list of how to do contact  tracing and reinforce game day regulations each week. Luke will send out the check list.

~ Issues with background check: Luke will communicate with Duston and will talk to National about the problem.

~ Long range field use plan: Luke and Nicole will meet with Kim Patton at the Corvallis School District office to discuss the future of the land at Adams and AYSO’s ability to form a long range plan for continued use.

~ Mary would like to have a box in Sports Connect for donations for the fields. We can not ask for money for the property but could call it Field Maintenance.

~ Spring Clinics: Each Friday from April 23-June 11 there will clinics offered. Players can pay when they arrive and not have to come to all of them. Cost is $10 per session.

~ Sunday pick up games: Nicole will advertise for anyone who wants to play on Sunday starting in early May.

NEXT MEETING:  Our next meeting will be scheduled for May 27 (the 4th Thursday in the month) at 7:15pm via Zoom meeting.

Respectfully submitted:
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

March 2021


PRESENT: Elaine Markley, Luke Cotton, John Sweet, Nicole Chapman, John Williams, Dan Herford, Arianne Custer, Mary Cotton, Vince Waterhous, Brad Witcomb, Sarah Child, Andy Ungerer, Juan Fernandez, Aaron Falotico, Chris Jordan

MINUTES: It was moved by Mary and seconded by Dan that the minutes from the February 27, 2021 be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

FIELDS: Luke discussed the possibility of the City of Corvallis wanting to increase their inventory of land for outdoor activities and perhaps could partner with the Corvallis School District. Region 870 has a good working relationship with the City of Albany Park and Rec so they can be used as a resource and model of how to work together for a common goal. A long range plan/contract with Corvallis School District is Region 149’s desire rather than having to go year by year for approval of fields at Adams. The subcommittee that was exploring the fields situation for Region 149 and whether or not to loan money to Region 870 laid out their ideas.

The proposal  of the $40K loan to Region 870 for field improvement projects that the subcommittee submitted to the Board is shown:

AYSO Region 2/S/149 Will…

  1. Loan AYSO 2/S/870 a sum of $40,000 on or before April 30th 2021.

    AYSO Region 2/S/870 Will…

  2. Over 10 years, pay a yearly sum of $4,363.08 on or before April 30 each year to AYSO Region 2/S/149
    a.    $4,363.08 due 4/30/2022
    b.    $4,363.08 due 4/30/2023
    c.    $4,363.08 due 4/30/2024
    d.    $4,363.08 due 4/30/2025
    e.    $4,363.08 due 4/30/2026
    f.    $4,363.08 due 4/30/2027
    g.    $4,363.08 due 4/30/2028
    h.    $4,363.08 due 4/30/2029
    i.    $4,363.08 due 4/30/2030
    j.    $4,363.08 due 4/30/2031
  3. Agree to potential penalties if a payment is missed, from a fixed amount to a change in ongoing payments. Terms of this would be negotiated between the region commissioners.
  4. Only use the funds in the pursuit of phase 2 & 3 at Albany Timber Linn Fields.
  5. Return the funds if the monies can no longer be used for the primary purpose or are not utilized within one year of this agreement.
  6. Understand that this money is expected to earn an APR of %1.75 and that AYSO Region 2/S/149 is expecting to get that out of the funds. One option is the early repayment, if payment is paid/completed early, we expect the APR to that point.

    AYSO Area 2/S Will…

  7. Agree that if AYSO Region 2/S/870 dissolves, AYSO Region 2/S/149 would get first consideration for all available AYSO Region 2/S/870 assets or monies that would become available to AYSO Area 2/S.

    AYSO Section 2 Will…

  8. Agree that if AYSO Region 2/S/870 dissolves, AYSO Region 2/S/149 would get first consideration for all available AYSO Region 2/S/870 assets or monies that would become available to AYSO Section 2.

After a lengthy discussion, it was moved by Mary and seconded by Toby that Region 149 accept the proposal of the subcommittee to loan Region 870 $40,000 for field projects for their region and appoint a steering committee for phases 1, 2 and 3 for field use in our region. The vote was 12 in favor, 3 against and 1 abstaining vote. The motion carried. Luke will finalize plans with Aaron Falotico, Region 870 Commissioner. Members of the steering committee are: Luke, Nicole, Chris and Juan. If anyone else would like to join, contact Luke.

SPRING SEASON: Practices will begin the first of April. Because there is a lot of construction at elementary fields that are typically reserved for practice, Luke thought more teams will be using Adams. Saturday practices can be help and a Google doc could be set up to allow coaches to fill in a 1.0-1.5 hour for a field at Adams. We will reserve the entire area, and self assign open fields. There are still some divisions that need coaches. 19U will travel to Region 870 for games this spring. It is not clear if there will be any other divisions going to travel based on the numbers per upper division. Games will begin May 1 and conclude June 12. Players will be issued pinnies for the spring season rather than uniforms.

REFEREE REPORT: Coaches will act as referees in the lower divisions. Experienced referees will be assigned to 13U and older. Luke will get a list of how many games need to be staffed to Chris to help in assigning volunteers.

BOARD MEMBERS SIGN UP AS VOLUNTEER: Board members need to sign up as a volunteer. Go to the website and follow the prompts on the Volunteer button.

VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP AWARD: Elaine sent out the Region 149 Volunteer Scholarship application to the career centers at Philomath, Crescent Valley, Corvallis and Santiam Christian High School last month. At this time there are no applicants. Deadline for the requirements is by May 15.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, April 15 at 7:15pm. Luke will set up the Zoom meeting link.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

February 2021


Present: Elaine Markley, Luke Cotton, Mary Cotton, Brad Witcomb, Nicole Chapman, Juan Fernandez, Duston Denver, Aaron Falotico, Andy Ungerer, John Williams, Vince Waterhous, Chris Jordan, Sarah Childs, Hannah Stevens

Minutes: It was moved by Andy and seconded by Chris that the minutes from our last meeting held on November 19, 2020 be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer Report: New signers are needed for the accounts at Willamette Community Bank. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Juan that a resolution be passed to update the signature card at Willamette Community Bank where  AYSO Region 149 has a Money Market account and Certificate of Deposit account to include the following: Luke Cotton, Regional Commissioner (current signer) Elaine Markley, Regional Secretary (current signer) Nicole Chapman, Assistant Regional Commissioner (new signer) Sarah Child, Regional Treasurer (new signer) and Duston Denver, Area 2S Commissioner (new signer). The motion passed unanimously. Sarah will let the signers know when documents are prepared and ready for signatures. Sarah reviewed the accounts at the banks where we have our money.

Willamette Community Bank

  • CD = Oct. 2020 = $66,043.36 = Auto Renew in Dec = Interest %1.7386
  • MM = Oct. 2020 = $41,990.41 = Interest ~%0.15

 Citizens Bank

  • Checking = Jan. 2021 = $9,835.43 = Interest ~%0.
  • No Outstanding Checks or Bills

Financial changes were discussed by Sarah and Luke. Noted changes from National are:

  • Zip Books in March
  • Divvy P-Card in March
  • Card Holders: Luke Cotton and Elaine Markley when they become available for Regional expenses. The card will be used rather than having to be reimbursed.
  • Online Banking Allowed Now. Alerts can be set when there is activity on card and accounts

Request from Region 870: Duston and Aaron shared information about the current status of their field improvement project which has been broken down into three different phases. Below is a summary of what has happened and what they are proposing, along with how Region 149 can help out.

Region 870 - Finishing Timber Linn Field Updates Phase 2 & 3

  • Currently the SW area is unplayable... looks like a duck pond!
  • Irrigation Equipment & Contractor Work- 90% to this work is completed
  • City grading, leveling, seeding, maintenance & water of fields has 0 cost to Region 870
  • City partnership w/ AYSO including long term use agreement before moving forward with phase 2 & 3.
  • Current non-expiring agreement includes AYSO priority after city, damage recoup to return to prior state, and 3rd party cannot use AYSO equipment.
  • Total for phase 2 & 3 is $60k, & $60k already done with phase 1.

Proposed Investment  from AYSO Region 149 as a “Field Investment"

  • A $40,000 loan to AYSO Region 870 to be paid back over 10 years at APR 1.75% interest equaling yearly payments of $4,363.08.
  • Section 2 & Area 2S would agree that if AYSO Region 870 dissolves, AYSO Region 149 would get first consideration for all AYSO area/section available assets or monies from Region 870.
  • Missed Payment: Set a Penalty in the Terms could include interest hike.
  • RCs handle terms and work through issues or changes.
  • Long Term plan to pay back, current average is $6,000 in fundraising per year, Sports Connect donations, outreach to business sponsors, current budget has over $4,400 if no fund raising is done.
  • Debt could be paid earlier, with terms discussed by both RCs. For example, if AYSO 149 can get a CD at the same or better rate, it would be beneficial to do early repayment.

Moving Forward:

No decisions were made about using Region 149 funds as requested by Region 870. Questions were raised about the status of the fields used by Region 149 and the need for keeping funds available for our own program, not knowing what 509-J will be asking from outside groups to use the fields. John W. pointed out that use of Philomath fields was limited last year.  A subcommittee will be meeting to discuss terms and review long range plan options. The subcommittee will report back to the Board at the March meeting. Mary asked any Board members who wanted to be part of the brainstorming session to feel free to offer ideas.

Team Members: Mary, Luke, Nicole, Andy, Chris, Duston

REGISTRAR REPORT:  Andy reported that there have been problems with discrepancies on the report of who has paid and who still owes for the fall registration. There have been a positive number of donations to the scholarship fund this year J Out of 351 players from 281 completed orders, 100 players are new this school year. 107 players of the 251 from this MY (membership year) paid duplicate memberships totaling $2,140 and paying a Stack Sports fee around $290.

There have been about 38 scholarship requests for this season. After the most recent information blast to families, a lot of new registrations have been coming in. Elaine asked if there was an automated program that could be used to send thank you notes to those who donated to the scholarship program, acknowledging our appreciation of their support. Aaron said he would look into that and report back. He thought there was such a way to do that with email.

Andy reported that 48 families did not complete their payment for the fall portion of our season. If these families sign up for the spring, a Board member will call them and discuss the need to pay the fall fee in addition to the spring fee.

FALL REGISTRATION FOR MY 2021-2022: If we are able to go back to a “normal” soccer experience, the cost would go back to full price which includes the full uniform ($90 for 14 weeks of soccer). The registration will open in mid-May for next season. By then we will have a better idea of where we are with regards to the pandemic.

COACH INSTRUCTION PLAN: The focus this spring will be on skill building and training in April. Scrimmages will be included in May and games at the end of the season in June. John W wants to give coaches more tools on how to run “fun” practices where skills are presented and not just have players show up and scrimmage. (He observed a lot of this in the fall at the fields).  Dan will work on activities to share with coaches. It is uncertain at this time how the teams will be formed, based on the numbers, the Covid restriction rules and the availability of fields. Hopefully this will be resolved by the next Board meeting.

REFEREE INSTRUCTION PLAN:  Vince and Chris said they will not be training new referees for the spring season, but encourage those who are experienced to take the online training as a refresher. Only 13U and older will have assigned referees this spring. The referee administrators are confident they will have enough referees to cover all games. The games would begin in May and run through mid-June. All other divisions will have coaches act as referees and monitor the game.

19U REPORT: Juan is asking what the game status would be for the high school aged player. Region 870 is running a 5 v 5 program for that age group and welcomed Region 149 to participate in that structure. There are a limited number of 19U players signed up at this time so that may be the only option for games.

OUT OF TOWN TEAMS: John W will reach out to Newport to see if they are having any teams for the spring. This would be a 15U girls team. The team from Monmouth didn’t work out in the 15U grouping. If they have a team it will be a 19U coed team, but our region does not currently have enough players for competition. Luke will offer then the 5 v 5 option in Region 870 and see if they are interested in that option.

4U, 5U AND 6U CHANGES: There was a brief discussion about meeting the needs of players in the 4U, 5U and 6U beginning soccer experience. It was felt that some are ready to move forward and not be with their parent and receive instruction from a coach in the 6U group. There are some 6U players that would be better served by working on skill building and have parents on the field with them like the 5U model. The thought for the future, not this spring, was to combine the two/three age groups and players are placed in the appropriate skill set they are ready for. Mary, Brad, Nicole  will have a discussion about a change in offering coaching/skill building and competition with some skill building and report back to the Board next month.

COVID OVERVIEW: We will continue to monitor the State guidelines provided by the OHA. Luke asked Nicole to be the contact for the school district about field use in Corvallis.

PICKUP GAMES/MINI CAMPS (SPRING CLINICS): Luke reported 190 players are interested in participating in pickup games on Sundays this spring. Luke suggested that we offer goalkeeper clinics and striker clinics as a form of a fund raiser perhaps this spring on Friday evenings. There is a possibility that coaches from UK could lead coach instruction since there are two assigned to the Willamette Valley for this purpose. We have coaches that are trained to also do this and we will utilize them as well. This is likely to begin in mid-April.

REGION 149 VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP: Elaine reported that she will edit the scholarship form that is sent to Corvallis High, Crescent Valley, Philomath High and Santiam Christian career center to post for any graduating senior to apply. She will email to the high schools and to Luke to post on the website. Due to the pandemic, we will have the volunteer year to be eligible for the scholarship be 2019-2020 rather than 2020-2021. Seniors should not be penalized for not having the opportunity to volunteer this past fall or current spring season. Deadline for scholarship applications is May 15, 2021. The scholarship award is valued at $500 and can be used at any higher education institution or trade school.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, March 18 at 7:15. It will most likely be set up as a Zoom meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

January 2021


December 2020


November 2020


PRESENT: Elaine Markley, Luke Cotton, Andy Ungerer, Nicole Chapman, Duston Denver, Sarah Child, Brad Whitcomb, Aaron Falotico, Leanne Henriques, John Williams, Chris Jordan, Brian Dolan, Mary Cotton, Toby Westberry, Juan Fernandez, Hannah Stevens

FALL RECAP: Luke reported that there were many positive comments about what we did in the fall for a soccer experience. It was a good thing we started later in September due to the smoke from the wildfires. Players showed up with masks on and wore them at the appropriate times. The younger players had a harder time keeping their masks on, especially on the hotter days. It was felt that the 15U scrimmages were fine. The 19U was a mixed bag. There were about 6-7 players who showed up every time. The team from Monmouth seemed to cause some issues due to team balancing. They had about 14 players on their roster. Mary reported that the 5U seemed to have more parent involvement because of the field set-up with field grids. Brian reviewed points from the referee standpoint. A "kick-in" was used for a restart rather than a “throw-in” but the ball had to travel on the ground. Electronic whistles were used since the referees were also wearing masks.

COACH REPORT:  One negative was mentioned by John was scrimmages were occurring during practice sessions during the week. He said there were far too many teams just scrimmaging rather than working on specific skill building. This spring he would like to go around to teams and teach coaches how to break down the skills to have more touches on the ball and still have fun doing this. This way coaches are learning on the spot with their team. He covers these ideas at the end of the training sessions, but many coaches leave early and do not get this part of the training. Next spring he will try to incorporate this in the earlier part of the training to make sure everyone gets these important lessons. It was also mentioned that masks must be soft for the safety of the player if they were hit in the face with a ball.

TREASURER REPORT: Sarah reported that our CD is up for renewal, expiring on December 11, 2020. She said the interest rate is 9.73% if we were going to renew it for 13 months. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Andy that we renew the $64K CD for 13 months. After some discussion about other funds being available if we needed the money, the motion was carried unanimously. We still have money in the regular checking account and the Money Market as money we can access if necessary. We will not be ordering uniforms so that will be a saved expense for spring. Region 870 is still looking for donations for their fields funds and is working with National AYSO on the logistics of how other regions might be able to assist.

CVPA REPORT:  Hannah reported that there were 10 out of 96 volunteers that we could not reach a reference that was listed on their registration.  She will continue to reach out to those listed. Elaine and Nicole helped with the background checks at the beginning of the season. It was refreshing to hear the positive things the references had to say about those who were stepping up to volunteer as a coach or assistant coach.

REGISTRATION REPORT: Andy provided the following summary of where are numbers are for MY20-21
Players with active registrations:

  • Core - 437 players
  • HS - 14
  • Cancelled registrations for fall - 132 players

Season Fees delivered to Treasurer for Deposit:

  • 10/15  $3300 - 165 players
  • 11/17 $2615 - 130 players (includes one partial payment and $25 in donations)

Scholarship players - 41

May have a few additional scholarship players and a few players that did not participate.
Some payment are in mail (per e-mail), have ~ 75 players that have not paid. A list of those players will be generated to reach out to them again to collect their $20. It was a common response when trying to collect that families thought they paid the fee already, but they actually only paid the membership dues which was also $20. It was suggested we have two different amounts that will equal $40 (perhaps $25 and $15 to play so there is less confusion).

As Andy talked with families he heard a lot of positive comments about trying to have activity for the kids.

WINTER PROGRAM: Due to the pandemic among other things going on, we will not pursue either an indoor season or any outdoor training sessions.

SPRING 2021: Since the school calendar extends later, if we are able to offer a program, it will begin the first of May and run through June. The rules of the game will be reviewed and the progression will start slow if players have not been active for months. The format will look a lot like what was done in the fall. The location will be determined based on where the Corvallis School District stands with CDC guidelines and the pandemic to open the fields. Philomath is an option for Saturday games. OSAA seasons are different this year so perhaps the weekly availability will not be the same as it was in the fall.

THANK YOU NOTES: Elaine will write thank you notes to Two Towns for the donation of hand sanitizer in the summer and the fall for players, coaches and fans. She will receive addresses for the volunteers who helped roof the referee shed from Toby and sent notes to them as well.

RETREAT: At this time the annual retreat will be held on Saturday, February 27. If we can meet in person, a location will need to be secured, otherwise we will have our retreat virtually. If that is the case, everyone is on their own for treats.

NEXT MEETING: Because we are not doing any winter programs, we will not have a December or January meeting. The next official meeting will be February 27. Stay tuned for specific information.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

October 2020


September 2020


PRESENT: Luke Cotton, Nicole Chapman, Leanne Henriques, John Williams, Duston Denver, Brad Whitcomb, Chris Jordan, Dan Herford, John Sweet, Andy Ungerer, Elaine Markley, Vince Waterhous, Aaron Falotico, Brian Dolan, Hannah Stevens

MINUTES FOR AUGUST MEETING: It was moved by John W. and seconded by Andy that the minutes for the August 20, 2020 be approved as submitted. The motion carried unanimously.

REGISTRAR REPORT: Andy reported that there are 436 registered players to date. Of these registered players only 246 have completed the player release form that is required before participation. There have been 79 drops recently, mainly due to the pandemic public health issue and personal safety. Many hope to return in the spring if things are back to “normal.” Registration will remain open until September 27, 2020.

TEAM FORMATION AND THE FALL SEASON: Since the numbers are low, Luke used the automated team formation program based on practice zones. The balance is not perfect so some zones will have to merge. He plans to build groups of 10-12 when possible. Some areas will have up to 14 such as Philomath. Coach shortage is a problem at this time. The suggestion will be for coaches to gather their group of assigned players either once or twice a week for one hour. Masks must be worn from the parking lot to the training area and remain on when players cannot be 6’ apart.  Modified field configuration was discussed. Since we are being allowed to use the Philomath School District property, we will not have easy access to our equipment and goals. John W. suggested we place corner flags at goal line for goals and the referee will determine if the goal was too high or not. Since this is a training session, it may look more like a soccer camp or PE class where game day equipment is not available. All coaches will be given ample supply of cones to create individual spaces for players to distance themselves. For Saturday activity, players can sign up during the week to play “pick up” games at Philomath fields. The group may not be the same training session group. Cones will be used to identify the fields rather than paint. The first scheduled player/coach interaction would be September 28 at the earliest with pick up games beginning on October 3, 2020 and run through the first Saturday in November if the weather allows. The Philomath fields do not drain well and we need to be respectful of their property for damage when too wet. Players will wear reversible pinnies for their uniform this fall. We have 400 available. The youngest divisions might wear the standard pinnie for their practice sessions if they scrimmage.

COST TO REGION 149 FOR PHILOMATH USE: Luke has been working with the Physical Plant/ Grounds supervisor to secure the Philomath fields. Region 149 will be responsible for ordering and paying for a port-a-pot unit or two at the Philomath fields. Rather than a per hour contract, it has been decided that Region 149 will provide the following to the Philomath School District in lieu of the general public usage fee:

Long Green 25-0-15 50lb
25 bags = 1 pallet

1 pallet = $549.75
5x$549.75 = $2,748.75
400 players = about $7 per player.

Grass Seed:
Retail is about $3,500 for 1,200lb

Duston volunteered to look into a supplier for the grass seed. It was suggested that Mary C. check with the seed company she had worked with before to see if there is a discount price for non-profit groups.

COACH TRAINING: Coach training will be offered September 26 to all interested coaches. The Region 149 coaching staff will meet at the Philomath field space next to the tennis courts on Saturday, September 19 at 10:00am to map out strategies for the training sessions and check out the layout of the land available for training sessions and modified games.

BALL CHECK OUT: We will offer a soccer ball to each registered player who wants to come and pick it up so they can start working on individual skills with their family members and take with them to each training session. They will return the ball in the spring at the end of the season. Exact dates when families can drive by Adams fields to pick up a ball that is checked out to the registered player are yet to be determined. On thought is September 26 when coaches will have their training session. Luke also thought a day in the middle of the week might work.

VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION:  DON’T FORGET! All Board members must register as a volunteer and the background check will be a part of that process. Go to www.ayso149.org to get started.

THANK YOU LUKE: It was acknowledge by the Board again this month that we appreciate all the work Luke has put into trying to make the fall season a reality. If and when we can begin to participate, Region 149 will be ready because of his efforts.

NEXT MEETING: Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, October 15, 2020. It is most likely going to be a Zoom meeting again.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

August 2020


PRESENT: Luke Cotton, Nicole Chapman, Leanne Henriques, Toby Westberry, John Williams, Duston Denver, Juan Fernandez, Brad Whitcomb, Chris Jordan, Dan Herford, John Sweet, Andy Ungerer, Elaine Markley

MINUTES FOR JULY MEETING: The minutes for July 22 had one correction that was a typo, but they were sent to Board members shortly after they were received. It was moved by Chris  and seconded by the Board that the minutes be approved as corrected. The motion carried unanimously.

NATIONAL AYSO: Luke reported that National AYSO is in need of funds to help maintain the level of business they have been operating. They are recommending to all regions across the nation that 10% of their bank funds be send to the national organization. Because we have nearly 500 registered players who have paid their dues of $20 to national, Region 149 has contributed our share of the request already. Duston reported national needs about $2,000,000 each year to operate.

FALL SEASON SURVEY: Luke created and sent out a short survey to see where families were about playing this fall due to the COVID-19 pandemic and rules that we must adhere to. There were 490 surveys emailed and at this date, there were 106 responses. The results are as follows:
Question #1: Is your family willing to participate in AYSO this fall?
Undecided: 19
No: 21
Yes: 66

Question #2: Would you wear a mask/face covering while playing? *Answers from only the 66 who said “YES” to question #1 (66 families) for question #2 and #3 are noted below..
Undecided: 5
No: 7
Yes: 54

Question #3: Would you play in activities if no masks/face coverings were required?
Undecided: 16
No: 10
Yes: 40

Conclusion: Families are across the board on what feels right for their own situation.
Luke received word for the Corvallis School District that the fields are CLOSED to any organized youth groups until further notice. Without fields, training would not be possible. If events were scheduled at Ashbrook or Crystal Lake Park, there would be fees for the use of those fields. Currently we are short coaches to add to the dilemma of how to move forward. Duston reported that OYSA will begin practices in mid-September and masks will be required at all times. They plan on having 6 games. At this time AYSO Region 149 WILL NOT be doing any organized activities until at least the end of September and if the school district is still not allowing use of the fields it is likely that the season will shift to the spring. Even though 5U has their own parents with them as their coaches, as a Board, it was decided everyone will start at the same time…whenever that will be, no one knows for sure.

BALL CHECK OUT: Luke suggested that we offer a soccer ball to each registered player who wants to come and pick it up so they can start working on individual skills with their family members. They will return the ball in the spring at the end of the season. There will be two Saturdays in September where families can drive by Adams fields to pick up a ball that is checked out to the registered player. No dates were mentioned, but Luke will send out an email announcing the dates and time. Elaine suggested tutorials/videos be given to players so they can have ideas of how to self train. Luke mentioned that there are some good ones available. Someone needs to find links to share with players. (Dan or Abe or Luke?)

COACH TRAINING: Coach training will be pushed back until mid-September at the earliest. Dan will contact Abe about organizing the training sessions.

VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION: All Board members must register as a volunteer and the background check will be a part of that process. Go to www.ayso149.org to get started.

NEW BOARD MEMBER: Brian Dolan submitted an application for the position of Boys EXTRA COORDINATOR. Brian has worked with the EXTRA program and is very familiar with how to make this successful. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Chris that we accept Brian Dolan as the Boys EXTRA Coordinator. The motion carried unanimously. Thanks Brian for stepping up to the next level and being an official Board member!

THANK YOU LUKE: It was acknowledge by the Board that we appreciate all the work Luke has put into trying to make the fall season a reality. If and when we can begin to participate, Region 149 will be ready because of his efforts.

NEXT MEETING: Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, September 17, 2020. It is most likely going to be a Zoom meeting again.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

July 2020


PRESENT*: Luke Cotton, Brian Dolan, Dan Herford, Chris Jordan, Nicole Chapman, John Williams, John Sweet, Andy Ungerer, Aaron Falotico (Region 870), Mary Cotton, Catalina Segura, Abe Drabkin, Hannah Stevens, Vince Waterhous, Brad Whitcomb, Toby Westberry, Laura Shield, Nicole Belyeu, Elaine Markley
    *Disclaimer…This roll call may not be accurate due to the on-line meeting and faces or real names do not always appear!

MINUTES: The minutes from June 18, 2020 were reviewed. It was removed by Chris and seconded by the group that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously.

BOARD MEMBER APPLICATION: Nicole Chapman submitted an application for the position of Assistant Commissioner. Nicole expressed her desire to be involved in a variety of roles and by selecting this position, she can help Luke in many aspects. She will continue to help coach and train coaches as well as take on “other duties as assigned!” It was moved by Elaine and seconded by the group that Nicole would be the perfect fit for this Board position. The motion carried unanimously. Congratulations Nicole She and Luke will outline specific jobs they will each oversee to balance the load of responsibilities of the Commissioner.

SUMMER CAMPS: The first and second of three camps were held at Ashbrook Independent School since the Corvallis fields were not available. Arrangements are being made for the remaining camp to also be held there if the situation does not change. The cost is $600 per week to use Ashbrook. The cost of the field rental was being split by Region 149 and AYSO Soccer Camp for the second week.

TEAM FORMATION: There are still a lot of unknowns for team formation. The concept of rebuilding teams after fall season is most likely going to happen when the numbers are more stable. It is still the hope that all games will be played on Saturday. Travel to Albany, Lebanon and Sweet Home are still up in the air since they are in a different county and we will be following the state guidelines for safe practices.

PRACTICES/GAMES: Practices will be allowed to begin the week of August 31, assuming the school districts are allowing outside groups access to the property. The first game is scheduled for September 12, 2020.

BACKGROUND CHECKS: Background checks will begin in mid August. Registration will be officially closed on September 19. All key volunteers must have submitted the proper documents before assuming their volunteer role.

TRAINING SESSIONS: Coach training will take place the last 3 weeks of August. August 22 and 29 will be on the field and the other training will be on-line. Nicole B. will email Luke about the Team Manager training and pool ideas on how to go about that. Chris did not have any specific plans for the referee training at this time.

LIMITED CONTACT RULE: Players will not be expected to wear masks when playing on the field. When a player is on the sideline, they must be wearing a mask. Because of the social distancing and proper protocol for safety, the following are changes from previous seasons:
+No concessions in the fall
+No pictures in the fall
+No team meetings in August
+Shoe/Equipment Sale will have early drop-off for new donations. Catalina will come up with a plan for actually purchasing the equipment and report back to the group.
+No volunteers will be assigned to the Safety Station for the first two weeks. Board members will sign up to be in the station to field questions and monitor COVID-19 guidelines as spectators and players arrive.
+Schedule is still a work in progress. John will work his magic to come up with a schedule that will match the maximum number of people who can be on the field at any one time.

PAYING BALANCE DUE FOR PLAYERS: Each player was ask to pay the membership dues of $20 and a service change of $2.75 when they registered. The balance was to be paid prior to the season beginning. How will we collect the balance? Sarah will investigate the best way to receive the remaining balance and report back to the group.

FIELD LAYOUT: Luke wants to move all fields off the Adams play area in case the new fence/gate is locked. The layout of the fields would likely remain the same since there will be less teams and the day will most likely run longer to accommodate the reduced number of people at the field at any one time.

PLAYER EQUIPMENT ISSUED: Luke ordered 400 new youth pinnies. We will check out the pinnies and they are to be returned at the end of the membership year. Each player will receive a pair of black socks. A soccer ball will be offered to each player with the idea they return it at the end of the season. The 9U and 11U pinnies are a higher quality garment. The 19U jersey will be the same as in the past with a reversible style.

BEST POTS REPORT: Elaine was asked to investigate possibility of purchasing a portable bathroom for the field from Best Pots. A new unit would cost $1100. Used units run from $400-$600 depending on the condition of the unit. There is a wait list that AYSO Region 149 is now on. We are not obligated to act on this, but the list is long so we have a spot in line when one comes available. There would be a service charge of $40 each time the unit is cleaned and sanitized. AYSO would provide a lock to keep the unit locked when games are not in session.

CHANGES AND EXPECTATIONS: Luke summarized the following laundry list of changes that are being considered for the MY20-21. There are so many moving parts to the situation but for now, this is what we will follow:

Game Days
#1> All persons within 24ft of AYSO activities must wear a mask, face shield, or face covering, when not actively participating in the sport. Outside of playing, face coverings are required if a 6ft distance cannot be guaranteed, for example near parking areas or other areas of likely congestion. If you or a family member or player is sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.
#2> Willful violators of these player protection policies will be banned from the property for the day and could incur further action per the property owners policies &/or AYSO’s policies.
A> All divisions will do free flowing substitutions like indoor soccer, player must be off the field before the new player can go on. Coaches will be asked to only yell to call players and use the free flowing sub opportunities to provide distanced instruction when needed.
B> No throw-ins will be used, all will do kick-ins (indirect free kicks), opponent distance required would vary.
C> No handshakes, touching should be limited.
D> Face coverings required while off field if 6ft cannot be maintained.
E> Coaches required to use face coverings. Yelling should be kept only to substitutions and should only be done when all others are 10ft away.
F> Spectators must keep 6ft distance between family units. Face coverings are required for all persons within 24ft of the field, individuals unable to follow this, must be 24ft away from the field.
G> Spectators and non-team members, must be 18ft away from team areas and should never go near the team.
H> Home team should provide three clean and pumped game balls to the referee.
I> Referees & players are not required to wear coverings while in game.
J> No food, snack, or eating allowed within 24ft of a soccer field.
K> Red field paint will be used to denote distances or boundaries, like the game area & team area (a 7ft red boundary will be added parallel to each touchline).
L> Home team will wear red or orange color (excludes 6U & 7U).
M> Port-a-pots are sanitized before the start of the game day.
N> A parent, guardian, or releasor(person bringing the player to the activity) must attest, before joining the activity, to a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell.
O> Coaches must record attendance and check off item N with the parent each day.
P> Each player must have a completed AYSO Player General Release Form https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/release.
Q> 3 Up Rule: Teams that are down 3 points, should add a player (from their team or the other team), and then remove the player when they back to being down 2 points.
R> 5 Up Rule: Coaches will immediately shuffle multiple players to attain a better balance and allow all players to play at their desired playing level. Teams are expected to be off balance and a balance should be obtained between the two teams assigned to the activity time.
S> Lead coaches will record and submit an electronic Game Cards after each game.
Training Sessions
#1> All persons within 24ft of AYSO activities must wear a mask, face shield, or face covering, when not actively participating in the sport. Outside of playing, face coverings are required if a 6ft distance cannot be guaranteed, for example near parking areas or other areas of likely congestion. If you or a family member or player is sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.
#2> Willful violators of these player protection policies will be banned from the property for the day and could incur further action per the property owners policies &/or AYSO’s policies.
C> No handshakes, touching should be limited.
D> Face coverings required while off field if 6ft cannot be maintained.
E> Coaches required to use face coverings. Yelling or whistling should be kept to a minimum and should only be done when all others are 10ft away.
F> Spectators must keep 6ft distance between family units. Face coverings are required for all persons within 24ft of the field, individuals unable to follow this, must be 24ft away from the field.
G> Spectators and non-team members, must be 18ft away from team areas and should never go near the team.
J> No food, snack, or eating allowed within 24ft of an activity area.
N> A parent, guardian, or releasor(person bringing the player to the activity) must attest, before joining the activity, to a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell.
O> Coaches must record attendance and check off item N with the parent each day.
P> Each player must have a completed AYSO Player General Release Form.
T> No trainings should include throw-in or heading training.
U> Keeper trainings should be severely limited / rare and should only be done if hand sanitizer is available (remind players to not touch their face).
Face Coverings: we will follow the states guidance on face coverings, including its exceptions. On rainy days, hats or umbrellas are recommended to help keep coverings dry (referees, team managers, and coaches can get a hat from us). See OHA guidance on face coverings for more.
Program Payment Form: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/program-payment.html
This form should be completed by guardians of AYSO participants for the designated program.
Program Information
Season Changes & Refunds: If at any time the Governor of Oregon, Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Corvallis School District (509J), or the Benton County Health Department determines that a change is needed, like moving to phase one or additional group size restrictions, the season could be adjusted or terminated. Since 90% of the expenses occur before the season starts, no refunds would be issued if the season is terminated after the first game. Your payment includes the fall & spring seasons for this school year, we will try again later in fall or expect to continue in spring.
Provided Equipment: We will offer a checkout ball to each player to hold and use for the entire school year. To minimize the sharing of equipment, each player will need to bring their own ball to practice.
•    5U: Players will be provided a ball, socks, and a shirt to keep. Players will also be issued a checkout pinnie for the school year, to be returned at the end of the spring season.
•    6U & 7U: Players will be provided socks and a jersey to keep. Players will also be issued a checkout pinnie for the school year, to be returned at the end of the spring season.
•    9U & 11U: Players will be provided socks to keep and a checkout reversible pinnie for the school year, to be returned at the end of the spring season.
•    13U & 15U: Players will be provided socks to keep and two checkout pinnies for the school year, to be returned at the end of the spring season.
•    19U: Players will be provided socks to keep, and can purchase a reversible jersey if they do not have one.
Parent or Guardian General Waiver and Assumption of Risk
We, the undersigned, in consideration for my voluntary participation in organized soccer, do hereby willfully acknowledge that my signature below attests to my understanding and agreement that:
Soccer is a physical contact sport that involves the risk of injury. We assume all risks and hazards associated with participation in the sport. We consent to have no illness, disease or existing injury or physical defect that would be aggravated by participation. We will inform the coach if this status changes. Participation in the sport requires to wear shin guards, properly fitted and appropriate shoes, and other protective equipment (e.g., mouth-pieces), as provided by soccer rules, to all events.
We are responsible for any and all medical expenses arising from participation, both in practices and games and while traveling to and from these events. If we believe that anything may be unsafe, we will advise the coach or supervisor of the condition and may refuse to participate. Participation assumes consent. I authorize my photograph, picture or likeness, and voice to appear in any documentary, promotion (including advertising), television, video, or radio coverage, without compensation.
I hereby release, waive liability, discharge, hold harmless, indemnify, and covenant not to sue, the coaches, trainers, volunteers, sponsors and advertisers, from any and all liability incurred in the conduct of, and participation in, their soccer programs. This includes owners, lessors, and lessees of premises, municipalities, government agencies, successors, heirs, and assigns.
I have completely read this document and fully understand its contents. I acknowledge that I have given up substantial rights by accepting this document and that I do so voluntarily. My signature attests to this on behalf of myself and my executors, personal representatives, administrators, heirs, next-of-kin, successors, and assigns.
As the parent and natural guardian or legal guardian of the participant(s), I hereby agree to the foregoing Waiver of Liability and Release for, and on behalf of, the participant(s) (player/minor) named below. I hereby bind myself, the minor(s), and all other assigns to the terms of the Waiver of Liability and Release. I represent and certify that I have the legal capacity and the authority to act for, and on behalf of, the minor(s) in the execution of this Waiver of Liability and Release.
SARS-CoV-2 Addendum
Inherent in participation in sporting activities such as soccer, whether as an athlete, a volunteer or a spectator, are certain hazards and dangers, including, but not limited to, those risks, inherent or otherwise, detailed in the Disclaimer, Assumption of Risk and Waiver agreement, which you signed during the registration process for this membership year.
In addition to those risks set out in the Disclaimer, Assumption of Risk and Waiver agreement, which you have willingly and voluntarily assumed, we are all now grappling with the effects of the ongoing pandemic brought about by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, and COVID-19, the highly contagious infectious disease caused by this newly identified virus.
In the majority of people who become infected, COVID-19 causes a mild respiratory illness similar to influenza. In some individuals, including those who may have asthma, diabetes or other underlying health problems, it can lead to a severe respiratory condition that requires hospitalization. In the United States alone, the current pandemic has resulted in millions of confirmed coronavirus cases and, sadly, hundreds of thousands of deaths.
Notably, people can be without symptoms (asymptomatic) despite having a SARS-CoV-2 infection. This means that they can still spread the virus to others even though they do not feel unwell. This makes COVID-19 potentially dangerous, as it is highly infectious. Moreover, there currently are no vaccines or drugs approved to treat or prevent COVID-19.
Please understand that despite all the precautions that you, other participants, AYSO as a whole and/or your AYSO Region may take to combat novel coronavirus or COVID-19 (collectively, "COVID-19") such as, for example, hand cleaning, social distancing, equipment cleaning, minimizing the use of shared objects between individuals, and other acts of vigilance against COVID-19, AYSO and this AYSO Region cannot guarantee your health or safety, and you may still be exposed to COVID-19, including, without limitation, through touching soccer balls and other equipment, utilizing field space for training and/or matches, participating in training and/or matches, and through direct and/or indirect interactions with other players, coaches, referees, volunteers, or individuals who have COVID-19, have been exposed to COVID-19 or individuals who may be carrying the COVID-19 virus, but do not exhibit any symptoms of that disease.
Consequently, guarantees cannot be made about your health or safety relative to COVID-19, notwithstanding any precautions taken. By submitting an application to play or volunteer, and accessing the programming in your AYSO Region, you, on behalf of yourself and your participating child, and on behalf of all persons who reside with you and with your child, as well as your heirs, beneficiaries, representatives, successors and assigns:
1.    Knowingly and voluntarily assume all risks and dangers, known and unknown, that are associated with any exposure to COVID-19, including, but not limited to, suffering any type of medical condition, illness and, potentially, death;
2.    Acknowledge that your use of and/or participation in the programming of AYSO and this AYSO Region could result in you contracting COVID-19, respiratory failure, death, and/or the transmission of COVID-19 to family or household members and others who may also suffer these effects;
3.    Knowingly and voluntarily waive, release, covenant not to sue, and forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless, AYSO and this AYSO Region, its players, parents, volunteers, subsidiaries and other affiliates, and its and their respective officers, directors, members, employees, contractors, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (the “AYSO Parties”) from any and all liability, damages, losses, suits, demands, causes of action (including, without limitation, negligence), or any other claims of any nature whatsoever, arising out of, or relating in any way to, your use of and/or participation in the programming of AYSO and this AYSO Region and any potential or actual exposure to COVID-19, to the maximum extent permitted by law; and
4.    Agree to abide by the directives and guidelines in effect in Oregon, Benton County, and the community where play is occurring to disrupt the spread of COVID-19.
Player Release Form: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/release.html
AYSO Player General Release
Dear AYSO Parents or Guardians,
Once the team coach has assumed charge of the children on his/her team, the coach remains responsible until a duly designated adult has taken charge of each child after a practice or game.
No child shall be left unsupervised after a game or practice. Parents who are unreasonably late or consistently tardy may be reported to the Regional Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA) for action. Each coach may establish a standing policy of where children may be picked up by late parents.
AYSO does not encourage children to walk, bike, or drive home or to a friend or relative's house. However, we recognize that it may be necessary in some cases. Neither AYSO nor the coach can be responsible for a players safety if they do walk, ride, or drive home. A parent or guardian assumes full responsibility for the safety of the child once he or she is released from a practice or game.
Pets: Pets are not allowed at any AYSO activities.
Earrings: No earrings can be worn by players or referees during AYSO activities.
We need one form completed for each player, the coaches email is included so they receive a copy of your wishes and know that you have read and agree to the waiver below. If you do not have a coach at this time, you can fill out this form and email it to them at a later time.
SARS-CoV-2 Informed Consent and Waiver
In consideration of my child's participation this school year, I hereby release American Youth Soccer Organization, AYSO Region 149 and their agents from any claims, demands, and causes of action as a result of my voluntary enrollment of my child in the program. I fully understand that the world is in the midst of a pandemic and that there is a risk of exposure to disease, including, but not limited to, COVID-19, and I hereby release American Youth Soccer Organization, AYSO Region 149 and their agents from any liability now or in the future for conditions that I, my child, or my family may develop or obtain as a result of participation. I further understand that wearing a mask while running or other physical activity may cause difficulty breathing or other physical complications. If I choose to have my child wear a mask while participating in any AYSO Region 149 activity I hereby release American Youth Soccer Organization, AYSO Region 149 and their agents from any liability now or in the future for conditions that may result to my child as a result of him/her wearing a mask. I understand that the following policies and procedures are required as a condition of participation and agree that I and my child will abide by them.
IMPORTANT: If you or a family member or player is sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY. A parent, guardian, or releasor(person bringing the player to the activity) must attest to the coach, before joining the activity, to a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell.
Food: There will be no food, snacks, or eating allowed within 24ft of an AYSO activity space. Each player shall bring their own water; drinks are not to be shared.
Cleaning: Hand washing or use of hand sanitizer will be encouraged before and after activities. You will need to supply your own hand sanitizer and bring it to all AYSO activities. It is recommended that you clean your ball and other equipment after each activity session.
Face Coverings: All persons within 24ft of AYSO activities must wear a mask, face shield, or face covering, when not actively participating in the sport. Outside of playing, face coverings are required if a 6ft distance cannot be guaranteed, for example near parking areas or other areas of likely congestion.
Distance: Only two spectators per participant are allowed within 24ft of the playing field. Older relatives or people with immune deficiencies should not attend games or practices. All persons shall leave the property as soon as possible after the end of the activity. Spectators must be 18ft away from teams and team areas, allowing team members & volunteers to distance when needed.

THANK YOU: John Williams thanked Luke for all the research, time, effort, energy and frustrations that have gone into making a safe situation for the players in Region 149. Our hands are tied for now, but if we get the green light to move forward, we are in a good position to keep everyone safe and within the Oregon guidelines. We are lucky to have such a dedicated Commissioner.

Next meeting: Our next meeting will be on-line on August 27, 202 at 7:15pm unless changed with a “doodle poll.”

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149



Season Email Archive

SPRING 2021 ##############################

[CorvallisAYSO] Final Spring Saturday 6/12 Reminders
Sat 6/12/2021 6:49 AM

Hello AYSO Spring Families,

Equipment: Place all the borrowed equipment (balls, pinnies, etc.) in the car & make sure it gets to your coach (to turn in) or goes directly to the AYSO Sheds to be turned in. Fields Map (here) with sheds marked.

Thank You: Remember to thank your Coach & Referee. We also have a thank you card for 509J Facilities Staff at the information shed for all the help with mowing and maintenance work over the past year. Also, if you run into John Williams, thank him for 30+ years of volunteering/coaching with AYSO.

Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field today, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game.

End of Season Cleanup: If you are on these fields at these times, please help with the goals (see note at end): 61 @ 2:20 | 71 @ 3:50 | 91 @ 11:20 | 92 @ 12:50 | 93 leave/keep | 111 leave/keep | 112 leave/keep | 113 @ 2:20 | 131 @ 2:20 | 132 @ 11:20 | 151 @ 3:50

Face Coverings: We have extras in the information shed if your covering gets wet. You are still required to wear them while playing, within 7ft of an active playing field, & within 7ft of the sheds on Saturday.

Register for Fall Soccer: (login here) > select the program next to the players name & fill out the prompts > then if desired > Submit your special (request here). Team Meetings for 2021-2022 start in mid-August, Practices can start soon after, Games start after Labor Day.

  • Wear your face covering, if you need a replacement, the safety shed has them.
  • Bring your pinnie / scrimmage vest, if you have one, remember to return it at the end.
  • If you borrowed a ball, bring it to return to the info shed.
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts and, ideally, dark shirt.
  • Wear Shin Guards under your soccer socks.
  • No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Arrive early (20min before start time) (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map) (no pets/dogs) (do not park on the grass).
  • Sit on spectator side of the field, after the prior team leaves (conduct).
  • If you are within 7ft of a soccer field or an AYSO shed, please wear your face covering.
  • If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, please wear your face covering.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


P.S. Packing away soccer goals for summer...

(92 & 151): These should move to the old track along with the sandbag and have the net removed, placed in the empty trash can for the field, and then return it all to the brown shed (so we know what goal the net goes to).

(91 & 131): These should move to the north tree line along with the sandbag and have the net removed, placed in the empty trash can for the field, and then return it all to the brown shed (so we know what goal the net goes to). Field 131 does not have any games scheduled on it, it is setup as a swap field if 13UG wants it. It can be moved at 2:30.

(113 & 132): These should move to the nearest perimeter fence, and then have the net removed and returned to the brown shed on the related hook for the field.

(61 & 71): If the field has smaller metal goals, all of those need to be returned to the brown shed and placed outside the shed.


[CorvallisAYSO] Open Board & Team Formation Positions
Sat 6/12/2021 7:15 AM

Hello AYSO Families,


Did you know we have MANY jobs that do not require soccer knowledge? AYSO Region 149 is currently in desperate need of volunteers willing to put additional time into managing this program to support our local families annually. Please consider these options seriously and contact friends and family members that may be interested.

Open Board Positions...

  • Team Manager Admin
  • Fields Coord.
  • Summer Camp Coord.
  • Indoor Soccer Coord.
  • Girls EXTRA Coord.
  • Director of Youth (volunteer) Engagement
  • 6U Boys Rec Division Coord.
  • 6U Girls Rec Division Coord.
  • 7U Boys Rec Division Coord.
  • 7U Girls Rec Division Coord.
  • 9U Boys Rec Division Coord.
  • 9U Girls Rec Division Coord.
  • 11U Boys Rec Division Coord.
  • 11U Girls Rec Division Coord.
  • 13U Boys Rec Division Coord.
  • 15U Girls Rec Division Coord.

Learn more (here), reply to this email, or talk to a board member at the information shed (Saturday 6/12) in-person if you have questions.

Apply for an open position:


Division Coordinators: The Division Coordinators shall be responsible for the formation and operation of their respective divisions, by assisting the Boys and Girls Coordinators with the placement of the players into balanced teams, placing of late-registering players on teams, coordinating such placements with coaches and parents, notifying such players and parents and the Registrar that no more openings exist within the division. The job is mostly email and spreadsheet work. Time commitment varies with more time forming teams in Late-July (MS Excel), about 20 emails per week, moving players and volunteers in Sports Connect, then additional emails closer to the start in Sept. This position does not need to attend the monthly board meetings.

Team Manager Administrator: The duties of the Team Manager Admin may include distributing information to the coaches, players, and families of AYSO players through the individual Team Managers, and assisting Regional Board and staff members distribute team and individual photos, fundraising materials and awards or certificates to the players.

Girls EXTRA Coordinator: The Girls EXTRA Coordinator serves as the liaison between the Regional Board and Girls Progressive Play participants, overseeing the Girls Progressive Play program, including: advertising, the recruitment of coaches and referees, registration of players, girls Progressive Play team formation as per AYSO Guidelines, collection of Regional team fees, and other duties as needed to provide a Progressive Play (EXTRA) venue for the players. The Coordinator also ensures that each Girls Progressive Play team coach provides a complete list of all players, volunteers, and team assignments that must be verified by the Registrar and CVPA prior to the first practice or game. This position rarely needs to attend board meetings.

5-A-Side Coordinator: The 5-A-Side Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the registration of players, the scheduling of games, the collecting of fees, the recruitment of coaches and referees, and other duties as needed to provide a venue for the players. The Registrar and CVPA must verify a complete list of all players, volunteers, and team assignments prior to the event. This position does not need to attend the monthly board meetings.

Fields Coordinator: The Fields Coordinator shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the playing fields. He/she shall ensure that goalposts, nets, and corner flags are provided for each game, that they are put up before the first game of any day and taken down after the end of the last game of such day and properly secured at all times. He/she shall also ensure that the fields are properly lined. He/she shall also assist the Regional Risk Management/Safety Director in maintaining the playing fields in a safe condition. This position does not need to attend the monthly board meetings.


Apply for an open position:


Thank You,
Nicole Chapman - Assistant Regional Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Spring Program Fee Due for Henry
Fri 6/11/2021 9:52 AM


We did not record or receive your payment of the program fee for spring soccer. Each non-scholarship player is expected to pay $20 per player for the spring season program. We have not recorded a payment for Henry totaling $20 still outstanding.

You can pay the amount due on Saturday 6/12 at the information shed by check (to AYSO) or cash. If you have any questions or need another accommodation, please reply to this email.

Thank You,
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar


[CorvallisAYSO] Equipment Return - Sat 6/12
Fri 6/11/2021 8:26 AM

Hello All 6U-19U Fall & Spring Players,

If you have equipment to return, please plan to return the equipment on Saturday to the AYSO Concessions shed at the soccer fields (by the safety and information shed). Please sign one of the return sheet clipboards and sign the Thank You card to the 509J Facilities Maintenance Staff.

  • Return Pinnies
  • Return Borrowed Soccer Balls
  • Return Team Equipment Like (Cones, Ball Bag, unopened first aid kits, and any other team equipment)

All should be returned before 4pm Saturday 6/12 at the AYSO sheds east of Adams School, the shed once used for concessions.

Donations: we also accept soccer equipment donations, as they can help us save on purchases for next year or help us earn money for our scholarship program next year.

If you are moving up a division and no longer need a soccer ball size, you can donate the ball on 6/12.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Arianne Custer - Equipment Manager


[CorvallisAYSO] After Game Cleanup - Saturday 6/12
Thu 6/10/2021 8:04 PM

Hello Teams (listed below),

You are on a field that needs to be taken down after your game Saturday 6/12. Please work together to get the field equipment packed up for the summer.

Last fields of the day: 61 @ 2:20 | 71 @ 3:50 | 91 @ 11:20 | 92 @ 12:50 | 93 leave/keep | 111 leave/keep | 112 leave/keep | 113 @ 2:20 | 131 @ 2:20 | 132 @ 11:20 | 151 @ 3:50

(92 & 151): These should move to the old track along with the sandbag and have the net removed, placed in the empty trash can for the field, then return it all to the brown shed (so we know what goal the net goes to).

(91 & 131): These should move to the north tree line along with the sandbag and have the net removed, placed in the empty trash can for the field, then return it all to the brown shed (so we know what goal the net goes to). Field 131 does not have any games scheduled on it, it is setup as a swap field if 13UG wants it. It can be moved at 2:30.

(113 & 132): These should move to the nearest perimeter fence, then have the net removed and returned to the brown shed on the related hook for the field.

(61 & 71): If the field has smaller metal goals, all of those need to be returned to the brown shed and placed outside the shed.

Last teams of the day:
Feisty Koalas

Thanks for your help,
Luke Cotton - Acting Fields Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] Player Special Requests
Thu 6/10/2021 2:00 PM

Hello All AYSO Families,

During the fall player registration process in Sports Connect (register here), we do not have a set of questions for some placement request types. To accommodate these, we use a separate form (request here). Below are each of the types or requests.

The Special Request Form - Types of Requests
(submit multiple when needed, for example if you wish to play in a higher division with a friend, please fill out one form for each request.)

Playing Up a Division Request:
Sports Connect will only allow you to register in the divisions available to you based on your DOB. You register in that division, and then submit a request to play up a division (here). I review the request, confirm it is a good fit based on the player evaluation, and transfer the player into the new division in Sports Connect (before team formation happens).
Common Reasons to Play Up...
1> The player is outmatched in the division. For some players, they need to play up to improve, without it, they would dominate a division and end up in games where they would need to be restricted / held back to allow others to play/develop.
2> To play up with a friend. This is not recommended if the player is not a top player in the division. With each player having two years in a division, they have one year when they are likely weaker in a division (developmental year), and the next year when they are likely stronger (confidence boosting year). It is good to allow a player to get both of these in a division.

Player Buddy/Friend Request:
Division Coordinators will work on these requests during team formation, but these tend to be the hardest to accommodate. To simplify things, we focus on your most recent buddy request for a player, in other words, one request per player. When considering requests, we look to team balance. Therefore, the directive is to focus on Head Coach & Center Referee requests first, second the other volunteers, and then the remaining requests are prioritized by the date of the request. Family / relative requests are separate and should be submitted separately from this type of request. Volunteers, wishing to volunteer together, please use this request and indicate the other volunteer's player.

Play Down / Medical / Developmental / VIP Placement:
To accommodate all players, we have an option to place players as it is appropriate for them. This request will involve the review of a player's evaluation and could include additional evaluation before final placement. Sports Connect will only allow you to register in the divisions available to you based on your DOB. You register in that division, and then submit a request to play down a division (here). I review the request along with any player evaluation and move the player, if appropriate, or reach out to gather more data & confirm.

Not Placed With (volunteer or player):
This request helps to reduce the likelihood of a known issue between players/families or help parents indicate coaches that are not a good fit for the player. We prioritize these requests.

Related/Family Player or Volunteer:
This request is to help team formation with ensuring we group players in the same family together. It is not always easy to identify family or relatives, so we have this request to help us with getting the family on the same team. You can submit this request along with a player buddy/friend request.

Volunteer w/ Player:
In the player registration form we have you indicate helpers or volunteers that we could expect to help on behalf of that player. You can use the player registration to associate a volunteer with a specific player, if cannot indicate it on the player registration, please submit a volunteer interest form (here), and I will add you to the player's registration.

NOTICE: In Late-July, after teams are built, we are unlikely to honor buddy requests, if you are not a head coach or center referee. If the request references a person that is not registered by the time we form teams, we delete the request.

Submit your request...
(register here) > then > (request here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Coaches Desired - AYSO EXTRA
Mon 6/7/2021 8:10 AM

Greetings Coaches,

Interested (coach EXTRA)

We are excited to announce the return of EXTRA soccer to our region. The EXTRA program is for players who would like to play more competitive soccer against other teams in mid-Willamette region beyond the AYSO program. While we are still waiting for the official league to form, it is likely that games will be played anywhere from Silverton to Springfield. However, we would like to get the ball rolling now and gauge interest to try and determine how many teams we can form. Our teams often form at the beginning of summer and can hold practices during the summer break, so we are up against a clock.

Successful EXTRA coaches have a strong commitment to coaching and will often hold 2-3 practice for their EXTRA team each week (and often times, they are coaching an AYSO CORE team as well). There will also be the need to travel and coach in a more competitive environment than is usually observed on a Saturday morning. Players that join EXTRA tend to be more committed to soccer and will crave increased coaching to better their game. The level of knowledge for coaches in EXTRA tends to be greater than what is required for CORE teams. While this me seem like a lot to ask, every coach I have worked with in the EXTRA program has loved the experience.

It is likely, though not definitive, that we will be playing in age groups based on grade, so 7-8 graders, 5-6 graders, and perhaps even 3-4 graders, in both boys and girls divisions. However this may change to U14, U12, and U10 based upon the final decisions of the league. If you have children in these age brackets and would like to coach an EXTRA team, please let us know soon, so we can try and determine how many teams can form. There is limited roster space and if player interest is high, we may need to do more coach recruitment.

Interested in Coaching EXTRA (form here)

We look forward to hearing from you!
Brian Dolan
EXTRA Coordinator
AYSO Region 149

P.S. If you are no longer in the area or wish to stop getting emails from AYSO, use the unsubscribe link below.


[CorvallisAYSO] Fields Help & Needed Materials
Sun 6/6/2021 6:00 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

I could use some help with a handful of odd field needs, if you can help, have ideas or contacts, please reply to this email. Feel free to forward this, I can use all the help I can get on these items.
Side Notes: Player Registration is open (here), Adult Soccer interest (here), & Division Coordinators needed (here).


Saturday 6/12 Goal Moving: If you are the last team on fields 151, 132, 131, 113, 91, & 92, I could use your help moving the soccer goals on to the old track or to the nearest chain link fence, and removing the soccer nets. If you are on field 71, we would be storing the metal goals in the shed for the summer.

Summer Watering: If you live in the Adams school area, have a car with a tow hookup, and can wheel 200 pounds 30ft, have I got a job for you! In June-August the watering is one night per week and focused on fields 111, 112, & 93. In late-August the watering is every other night with a lot of shuffling.

Brown Shed Decking: If you are able to help at any time this summer and have experience with installing decking, I could use your help. Take a look at the brown shed on Saturday and see if you can help with replacing the boards that are at the entry of the shed.

Concessions Shed Siding Repair: If you are able to help any time this summer and have experience with siding, I could use your help. The back of the concessions shed has not weathered well, and could use some help/repairs from particle board getting wet.

Brown Shed & Referee Shed Painting: If you are able to help any time this summer and have experience prepping & painting , I could use your help. Both of these sheds could use some touch-up in weathered/damaged areas, either with a repaint of just spot fixes.


Grass Seed: In fall we often overseed & fertilize, if you have contacts that can donate or provide a reduced price for grass seed that is good for sports fields, please reply.

Soccer Goals / Metal Fabrication: As the Corvallis school district is working on schools, we (AYSO) will be helping with acquiring and potentially installing soccer goals, the district has requested fixed metal goals |---------| . These are expected to be like what most schools have now, sleeved or sunk metal post with welded top bar as they are the safest and easiest to maintain. The specifics could vary (square vs round, 2" or 4", likely steel), but we would be supplying 6 goals that are 6.5’x18.5’ at Garfield, Lincoln, & Husky. If you know of a local group/company/person that could help, please reply.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Fields Coordinator


[CorvallisAYSO] Saturday Reminders 6/5
Sat 6/5/2021 4:45 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

Teams on fields 113 & 132: It looks like the school district might have had a mower break and they were unable to get the fields mowed at Adams. Teams scheduled for 132, you can choose to play on 131 instead. Field 131 is all setup, except for the corner flags, and field 91 is done at 10am so no excess congestion. Teams on 113, not much can be done at this point, sorry.

Equipment Return 6/12: Just a heads up, all pinnies, borrowed soccer balls, and team equipment should be returned before 4pm Saturday 6/12 at the AYSO sheds east of Adams School. If you are moving up a division and no longer need a soccer ball size, you can donate the ball on 6/12. You can also return the equipment today 6/4.

Player Registration is open for fall 2021 (Login to Sports Connect).

Summer Camps in July 19-July 23 & Aug 9-Aug 13 have openings (here).

Adult Soccer interest for summer (here).

We need Division Coordinator volunteers that can help with team building in July, Aug, & Sep (here). The job is mostly email and spreadsheet work, time commitment varies, a bunch upfront in July then about 20 emails per week with more emails closer to the start in Sep.

Face coverings are still required by players & referees in the games/scrimmages, especially when within 6ft of other people. Take your breaks / breathers away from others when you need them, and if you need a replacement covering, we have many at the information/safety shed for free.

  • Wear your face covering, if you need a replacement, the safety shed has them.
  • Bring your pinnie / scrimmage vest, if you have one.
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts and, ideally, dark shirt.
  • Wear Shin Guards under your soccer socks.
  • No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Arrive early (20min before start time) (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map) (no pets/dogs) (do not park on the grass).
  • Sit on spectator side of the field, after the prior team leaves (conduct).
  • If you are within 7ft of a soccer field or an AYSO shed, please wear your face covering.
  • If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, please wear your face covering.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[AYSOAdult] Summer Adult Soccer Program
Fri 6/4/2021 9:30 AM

Hello Adults (born before 2003),

It's your turn to PLAY Soccer! We plan to offer an AYSO Adult Coed program this summer but would like some feedback from you first!

Indicate your interest and signup (here).

We will most likely start the program as a Pickup/Open Play League with one activity per week outside. If we have enough interest, we could potentially have two leagues: one for beginner/recreational and one for intermediate/competitive players.

The cost would be $30 per player + the $2.75 Sports Connect fee. The $30 includes your registration costs for U.S. Soccer, United States Adult Soccer Organization (USASA), and your player accident insurance (PAI), which will cover you, in case of an accident, for up to $25,000. We will notify you when and how to register after we confirm numbers and set a schedule.

Learn more about the concept and proposed summer program (here).

Thank You,
Nicole Chapman - Adult Soccer Program Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Player Registration Open
Fri 6/4/2021 5:10 AM

Hello |User First Name|,

You can register players online (here) for Fall 2021 soccer.
All families will need to complete the entire registration online.


Development Core for Players Born 2017 & 2016 (Signup Here)
The development program is for children who need additional help to get started. You can choose for Saturday morning or an available evening activity day, in August you will choose what day in the week best suits you. Players in the Recreational 6U program can choose to do both programs. (more)

6U - 15U Recreational Core for Players Born 2016 - 2007 (Signup Here)
AYSO core program offers recreational soccer for multiple levels of players.

  • 6U (4 vs 4, size 3 ball) players play on Saturday with first a practice, then a game. More advanced players born in 2017 can also signup.
  • 7U (4 vs 4, size 3 ball) with a practice in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 9U (7 vs 7, size 4 ball) includes some adjustments to the game as we add goal keepers with two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 11U (9 vs 9, size 4 ball) has two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 13U & 15U (11 vs 11, size 5 ball) will be like a regular soccer game with two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.

High School Recreational Core for Players Born 2007-2003 (Signup Here)
To give players more variety, we schedule games with other recreational groups in Albany and Lebanon giving teenage athletes another choice for competitive play. (more)

13U & 15U Competitive EXTRA (Signup Details Pending)
EXTRA is a program that offers organized soccer for players who want to play at a more competitive level than what is offered in the core program. After formation of groups, based on open and fair evaluations, the teams play tournaments, soccer leagues, and inter-regional matches. With a season from late spring through the next school year, players going into 8th grade and below are eligible to participate.
(Signup Details Pending)

Summer Camps (Signup Here)
[July 19-July 23] & [Aug 9-Aug 13] have openings.

Core Program Costs

Here is the full breakdown that covers activities for fall 2021 & spring 2022. Our costs are primarily player uniforms, team equipment, fields, and volunteer background checks. If you signup and only want to play in fall, the price is the same. If you signup for spring in Feb, the price is the same with the costs covering the added volunteers, added players, and replacement or new team equipment.

  • Regular Player Full:
    • $20 for AYSO Membership.
    • $70 for Program Cost.
    • $2.75 for Sports Connect Transaction.
  • Regular Player Deposit: (a new option for a lower upfront cost)
    1. Amount Due Today:
      • $20 for AYSO Membership.
      • $20 for Program Cost.
      • $2.75 for Sports Connect Transaction.
    2. Amount Due by 09/01/21:
      • $50 for Program Cost.
      • $2.75 for Sports Connect Transaction.
  • Scholarship Player:
    • $20 for AYSO Membership.
    • $20 for Program Cost.
    • $2.75 for Sports Connect Transaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Special Placement Request?
Fill out this form (here); use the categories to select what you are requesting. Types of requests include Team Friend/Buddy (want to be placed with this one other player), Play Up a Division, Not Placed With (volunteer or player), Volunteer Buddy (want to volunteer with this person), Player w/ Family Volunteer (family volunteer has independent account and is not associated to the player), & Medical / Developmental / VIP Placement. We cannot guarantee requests will be honored. Please fill out two forms when needed, for example if you wish to play in a higher division with a friend, please fill out one form for each request.

Cash or Check?
Everything can be paid by Credit Card online in Sports Connect, they charge $2.75 per transaction. In rare circumstances we can accept payment by cash or check, please email the registrar if you need that accommodation (contact).

Registration Event?
We are not holding a registration event for registering. If you are able to access a safe device for registering, you can type in https://www.ayso149.org to get to our registration portal.

Those desiring a refund must submit the request (here). We cannot refund the membership or the Sports Connect fees, of the program fees we look to cover our costs and that can be 3% for the credit card.

COVID-19 & Player Masks?
Currently, we do not expect to require masks for players in Fall while they play in practices or games.

Per Player Scholarship?
You register/apply the same as everyone else, when asked about eligibility for a scholarship during registration, check yes. You should see a question... "My family and this player is approved for free and reduced meals, SNAP, or TANF. My family can provide proof when requested and authorize AYSO to verify my approval/enrollment. If I cannot provide proof when requested, I understand I will be charged the full player registration fee." after checking yes, your fee would be reduced by $50 and you can finish the application online.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar (email)

P.S. - Details regarding our EXTRA Competitive Play and Adult Soccer Programs will be coming out later in specific emails.


[CorvallisAYSO] Saturday Reminders 5/29
Sat 5/29/2021 6:15 AM

Hello All AYSO Families,

If you have a game today or not, looks like great weather. Most teams will have low numbers, so today might include a lot of shuffling of players to get a scrimmage going. Coaches remember that if you need equipment/pinnies, check the old concessions stand shed. If your game was canceled for today, feel free to use the empty field space, you can ask to borrow one or more soccer balls from the safety / information shed (pumped up soccer balls are in the old concessions shed).

Face Coverings: These are still required in the games, especially when you get within 6ft of another individual. If you need a quick breather make sure you have distance and take one. If you need a break, please feel free to sub/step off the field at any time. Some have indicated that coverings can get hazardous (by sweat/water or poor design), if you need a replacement covering, we have many at the information/safety shed for free.

  • Bring your pinnie / scrimmage vest, if you have one.
  • Bring water and a spare face covering.
  • Wear your face covering, if you need a replacement, the safety shed has them.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts and shirt.
  • Wear Shin Guards under your black soccer socks.
  • No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Arrive early (20min before start time) (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map) (no pets/dogs) (do not park on grass).
  • Sit on spectator side of the field, after the prior team leaves (conduct).
  • If you are within 7ft of a soccer field or an AYSO shed, please wear your face covering.
  • If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, please wear your face covering.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Re Face Coverings
Tue 5/25/2021 10:30 AM

Hello All AYSO Families,

  1. Players, Coaches, & Referees need to continue to wear face coverings while participating in AYSO activities with the following items now allowed...
    1. Referees & Coaches that are 6ft away from players can remove a face covering while an activity is going on.
    2. If the coach allows, players can go without face coverings when the practice activity forces players to keep a 4-6ft distance at all times. For example: players warming up (dribbling exercise, ball mastery exercise,...) in their own space, working on moves in a designated space while able to keep control, etc.
  2. This will be reviewed again on Monday 5/30, as guidance changes weekly.


Adding a burden on coaches while only an average of 60% of parents are okay without coverings, is not desirable with only three weeks remaining. Based on comments, many are passionate in either direction, with some indicating that if the masks come off for everyone, they could not participate. Many others indicated a concern regarding the health of players while active with masks, we will continue to allow for more breaks and keep an eye out for issues. Some folks reiterated that the risk is incredibly low, while some highlighted the impact remains significant, potentially uprooting the remainder of the school year for a player. I hope that we can get clear information from the OHA or the CDC about what unvaccinated / kids are safe to do without a face covering. The plan is to continue monitoring the guidance changes and update accordingly.

Survey Data: ##% indicated that they were okay with activities without face coverings.

  • 05U: 51% (18 of 35, w/ 57 total players)
  • 06U: 55% (30 of 55, w/ 56 total players)
  • 07U: 74% (31 of 42, w/ 86 total players)
  • 09U: 54% (59 of 110, w/ 128 total players)
  • 11U: 56% (48 of 85, w/ 135 total players)
  • 13U: 62% (49 of 79, w/ 122 total players)
  • 15U: 68% (36 of 53, w/ 80 total players)

Background Research:

  • The CDC has not yet updated the guidance related to playing sports (link), but they did update things for K-12 and in doing so, retained the prior guidance (link). The CDC's page for safer activities indicates unvaccinated should be wearing face coverings while with others outdoors (link).
  • The OHA removed the requirement, but includes a strong recommendation for wearing face coverings for individuals that are not fully vaccinated while in crowded areas outside (link). No clear definition of crowded has been provided by the OHA.
  • The Corvallis School District updated it's FAQ (link) and continues to require coverings for outdoor recess & P.E. In regards to outdoor sports, the statement from CSD mimics that of OSAA that serves players in high school.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] 5/22 Reminders - Masks Required
Sat 5/22/2021 5:51 AM

Hello All AYSO Spring Families,

Face Coverings
For Saturday 5/22, we will continue to follow recommendations & have face coverings required for players, coaches, referees, and all persons within 7ft of an active AYSO field. The prior requirement of all persons/spectators within 24ft of the field not eating and needing a face covering has been changed from 24ft to 7ft. The red painted line on the spectator side denotes 7ft, and on Saturday, all spectators need to be behind the red line.

On Monday we will be providing updated guidance for face coverings to everyone. The guidance is expected to differ slightly by division and if the activity is only with the team or on a Saturday with a larger crowd. Coaches, it would be proactive to reach out to parents this Saturday and ask if the player would be required to wear a face covering.

Spectators should follow OHA (guidance below), and all spectators still need to keep the 6ft spacing/distancing. No spectators should be within 7ft of an active playing field (behind the red line).

  • Bring your pinnie / scrimmage vest, if you have one.
  • Bring water and a spare face covering.
  • Wear your face covering.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts and shirt.
  • Wear Shin Guards under your black soccer socks.
  • No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Arrive early (20min before start time) (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map) (no pets/dogs) (do not park on grass).
  • Sit on spectator side of the field, after the prior team leaves (conduct).
  • If you are within 7ft of a soccer field or an AYSO shed, please wear your face covering.
  • If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, please wear your face covering.

Safe, Fair, & Fun, have all players leave with a desire to play again.

  • Coaches: Game reports continue to indicate we have some significantly unbalanced activities, please continue to work to balance the activity. Talk to your players and the other coach ahead of the activity.
    1. Limit each player to 3 goals scored (the restart for a player scoring over the three is a goal kick).
    2. Rotate players between positions within a team to balance opportunities.
    3. Rotate players between teams to balance skill levels.
    4. Give strong players extra work (play w/ weak foot only, all shots need to be from outside the penalty area).
    5. Give strong team extra work or added objectives (every forward touches the ball before the next shot).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

OHA: Statewide Reopening Guidance - Masks, Face Coverings, Face Shields
"Statewide, masks, face coverings or face shields are required to be worn by all individuals at all times unless the individual:... Is outdoors.
OHA strongly recommends that individuals who are unvaccinated or who are at risk for severe COVID-19 disease continue to wear a mask, face covering or face shield when in outdoor crowded areas and in outdoor large gatherings of individuals and maintain physical distancing. Crowded areas and large gatherings of individuals include but are not limited to venues, event areas, sports events, fairs, festivals, parades, graduation ceremonies or wedding receptions." -OHA2288K05182021


[CorvallisAYSO] ACTION REQ - Face Covering Survey
Fri 5/21/2021 7:45 AM

Hello All AYSO Families,

Player face covering survey, do we continue to require them (assumed) or no longer require them?

Please fill out the survey and confirm if you do or do not accept the added risk of having unvaccinated soccer players outside without face coverings. Without significant feedback/acceptance of the added risk in this survey, we will continue to require face coverings on all players, coaches, & referees.

Please fill out the survey: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/survey


OHA: Statewide Reopening Guidance - Masks, Face Coverings, Face Shields
"Statewide, masks, face coverings or face shields are required to be worn by all individuals at all times unless the individual:... Is outdoors.
OHA strongly recommends that individuals who are unvaccinated or who are at risk for severe COVID-19 disease continue to wear a mask, face covering or face shield when in outdoor crowded areas and in outdoor large gatherings of individuals and maintain physical distancing. Crowded areas and large gatherings of individuals include but are not limited to venues, event areas, sports events, fairs, festivals, parades, graduation ceremonies or wedding receptions." -OHA2288K05182021

General Concerns: No player could be fully vaccinated yet & most AYSO players are not eligible for the vaccine. Per the OHA, "fully vaccinated" means an individual has received both doses of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine or one dose of a single-dose vaccine and at least 14 days have passed since the individual’s final dose of COVID-19 vaccine. If a player is infected, the impact could be great for the player. While the infection risk is incredibly low, the impact is significant and could derail/quarantine a family for two weeks. If we remove the mask requirement, I'm concerned about the increased potential for bullying of those that continue to wear them.

Expected Action: Without understanding the level of risk families are willing to accept, we would follow recommendations & continue to have face coverings required for players, coaches, referees, and all persons within 7ft of an active AYSO activity area. The prior requirement of all persons within 24ft not eating and needing a face covering has been changed from 24ft to 7ft. Physical distancing for spectators/families stays the same at 6ft. The red painted line on the spectator side denotes 7ft, and on Saturday, all spectators need to be behind the red line.

OHA: Sector Guidance - Outdoor Recreation and Outdoor Fitness Establishments
"Note: The Statewide Masks, Face Covering, Face Shields Guidance was revised on May 18, 2021, loosening some mask requirements. Outdoor Recreation and Outdoor Fitness Establishment operators are not required to comply with mask, face covering, or face shield restrictions in this Sector Guidance to the extent they are more restrictive than the requirements in the revised Statewide Masks, Face Covering, Face Shields Guidance. For example, if this Sector Guidance refers to a requirement to wear a mask outdoors, the requirement has been superseded by the Statewide Masks, Face Covering, Face Shields Guidance and is no longer effective." -OHA2351E05202021

OHA: Oregon adjusts guidelines for wearing masks and physical distancing indoors and outdoors
"In addition to exempting people who are fully vaccinated from mask requirements in most indoor settings, OHA health experts announced that mask requirements no longer apply to anyone who is outdoors. However, OHA recommends that individuals continue to wear a mask or face covering in crowded areas and large gatherings (such as sporting events), and to maintain physical distance as much as possible. OHA urges unvaccinated individuals and those at risk for complications to wear masks in these settings."
"In addition, state health experts announced that face coverings are no longer required outdoors (regardless of vaccination status). OHA strongly recommends that people who are not vaccinated and people who are at high risk of severe COVID-19 disease continue to wear face coverings and physically distance in outdoor crowded areas and large gatherings."

Benton County: Guidance for Face Coverings
"Masks are no longer required in outdoor settings open to the public.
'Outdoor spaces open to the public' means outdoor spaces, whether publicly owned or privately owned, where the public has access by right or invitation, express or implied, whether by payment of money or not, and include but are not limited to shared or common spaces, outdoor sports fields, parks, rooftop terraces, sidewalks or spaces where people may gather for social, civic, cultural or religious purposes.
Oregon Health Authority strongly recommends that individuals who are unvaccinated or who are at risk for severe COVID-19 disease continue to maintain physical distancing and wear face coverings when in outdoor crowded areas and in outdoor large gatherings of individuals and maintain physical distancing."

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Thunder & Lightning Policy FYI
Thu 5/20/2021 7:45 AM

Hello All Volunteers,

If you hear it, clear it. If you see it, flee it. Keep the field clear until you have at least 30 minutes with no thunder or visible lightning.??

Each year, about 400 children and adults in the U.S. are struck by lightning while working outside, at sports events, on the beach, mountain climbing, mowing the lawn or during other outdoor activities. About 80 people are killed and several hundred more are left to cope with permanent disabilities. Many of these tragedies can be avoided. Finishing the game, getting a tan, or completing a work shift aren't worth death or crippling injury.

The AYSO National Referee Commission position regarding severe weather states: "It is said that lightning can strike from a clear blue sky that is within a ten mile radius of a storm. It is therefore strongly recommended that practices and games be terminated immediately upon hearing thunder or seeing lightning."

In view of the above, the following is the position of AYSO Region 149 regarding severe weather and is to be instituted by coaches and referees at all practices, games and other AYSO sponsored events.

AYSO 149 will not cancel entire days or all remaining games due to active thunderstorms in our area as these storms usually pass through quickly. Regardless of the weather overhead, when thunder is heard and/or lightning is seen, suspend play and direct participants to a safe area by following the guidelines below. Play may resume 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard, or lightning seen.

Areas considered safe

  • Inside a fully enclosed metal vehicle with windows up
  • Inside a substantial building (roof and four walls)

Unsafe Areas

  • Small buildings including picnic shelters and the open area of a concession stand
  • Anywhere near metallic objects like flagpoles, antennas, towers, underground watering systems, soccer goals, metal bleachers, electric equipment
  • Open fields, trees and water

Open area without shelter

  • Avoid standing in groups
  • Spread out to reduce risk
  • Crouch on your feet, keep your head low
  • Avoid being the tallest object
  • Avoid lying on the ground

If a strike occurs to an individual

  • Call 911
  • If you are qualified to do so, apply First Aid or CPR immediately
  • People struck by lightning do not carry an electrical charge and are safe to touch

Restarting after the All-Clear (30 minutes after the last boom is heard or strike is seen)

  • Games which have completed the first half will be considered finished and the score at the time play was suspended shall be the final score.
  • Games which have completed less than one half; the referee will resume by starting the second half, reducing the remaining time if necessary so that the match ends at the scheduled time.



[CorvallisAYSO] Free Friday Clinics 4 Players of Volunteers
Wed 5/19/2021 3:00 PM

Hello Volunteers,

Thank You for all your help this season... I was thinking, why not make the remaining clinics free for players of volunteers. Normally we give you something at the concessions shed, without that, I figure a night or two where your kid is coached by someone else for 1.5h might be nice for some of you.

Below are the remaining clinics, if you are a registered volunteer for spring, your player can participate in the remaining clinics for no cost. Please be sure you signup for the same division or higher for the player (7U player can join a 9U striker clinic, or 9U player can join with an 11U clinic). The clinics build, so the lesson for 11U on 5/22 will be different from 11U on 6/11.

Signup: https://www.corvallisayso.org/event

Date Start-End Event Location
Striker Clinic - 11U Coed Field 092
Adams Elementary School Area
Keeper Clinic - 11U Coed Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area
Striker Clinic - 09U Coed Field 092
Adams Elementary School Area
Keeper Clinic - 09U Coed Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area
Keeper Clinic - 13U+ Coed Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area
Striker Clinic - 13U+ Coed Field 092
Adams Elementary School Area
Keeper Clinic - 11U Coed Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area
Striker Clinic - 11U Coed Field 092
Adams Elementary School Area
Keeper Clinic - 09U Coed Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area
Striker Clinic - 09U Coed Field 092
Adams Elementary School Area

Notes: We would want at least 12 players per Friday, after a clinic is full it will remove from the webpage.

Signup: https://www.corvallisayso.org/event

Again, your help this season has been huge, and I can't thank you enough.



[CorvallisAYSO] 11UG Schedule Changes
Wed 5/19/2021 8:06 AM

Hello 11UG Teams,

Some time back it was pointed out by a coach of two teams, that the schedule never had his teams play each other. I have made some adjustments to the game schedule. I hope that this does not cause a significant impact, if it does, please contact me.















































































Notes: On Memorial Day weekend, most teams will have fewer players and mixing of players is highly likely. We are looking to get center referees back in 11U for June, I'll give you a heads up if we start to assign center referees.



[CorvallisAYSO] 15U to 35min Halves
Wed 5/19/2021 7:49 AM

Hello All 15U Families,

Starting 5/22, we will be moving to 35min halves for all 15U scrimmages/games.

This should help get things ending on time and allow for more breaks if needed.



[CorvallisAYSO] Saturday 5/15 Reminders
Sat 5/15/2021 5:58 AM

To All Spring AYSO Families,

Today's Quick Read Me List

  1. Soccer Equipment Yard Sale 8:30am-1pm, at the AYSO Sheds south of field 93. Bring cash or check, many unused jerseys & hundreds of black soccer shorts.
  2. Focus on sporting play and curbing overly aggressive/physical activities.
  3. Still Mask Up if within 24ft of field. We have free masks at the information shed if your mask keeps falling down or you forgot one.
  4. Spring season $20 per player is due at the information shed or you can mail it to AYSO 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333 (include the player names on the envelope &/or check).

More Reminders...

  1. Everyone: Send individuals without face coverings or coverings that keep failing to cover the nose and mouth to the information/safety shed, we have some free face coverings that should fit.
  2. Everyone: No Snacks handed out to the team around game/scrimmage times. Even in non-COVID time, this was getting out of control (trash on fields, teams not leaving on time, parents upping each other, $$$, etc.). If you have some specific celebration, save it for a practice or plan for another location on Saturday, away from the game/scrimmage fields.

  3. Coaches & Referees: Safe, Fair, & Fun, have the conversation early with the other volunteers to help ensure the activity has all players leave with a desire to play again.

  4. Coaches & Referees: Stoppages for fouls should include added education about what the foul was for and expectations for the level of play. This will lead to a sacrifice in playing time and keeping play going, but we need to correct this before things get worse. It is common for siblings & competitive/club players to use overly aggressive tactics, these are not appropriate for recreational soccer.
  5. Coaches: Unbalanced activities often lead to more physical players, please work to balance the activity. Talk to your players and the other coach ahead of the activity.
    1. Limit each player to 3 goals scored (the restart for a player scoring over the three is a goal kick).
    2. Rotate players between positions within a team to balance opportunities.
    3. Rotate players between teams to balance skill levels.
    4. Give strong players extra work (play w/ weak foot only).
    5. Give strong team extra work (every forward touches the ball before the next shot).
    6. Strong team plays down a player or two (this is problematic where there are lots of subs, because AYSO also says EVERYONE PLAYS, so don't short playing time).
    7. Weak team plays up a player or two (this is problematic because too many players tends to clog the field).
  6. Coaches: Please check player equipment, secured shoes, wearing shin guards correctly, no jewelry, etc. If you need equipment, the old concessions shed has the gear. If a player needs more socks, we will have some at the yard sale.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Mask Up... Still
Fri 5/14/2021 4:01 PM

To All Spring AYSO Families,

Quick Note... the following requirements are still in effect, recent changes have not altered these.

  1. Everyone within 24ft of AYSO activities must wear a face covering (covering the nose and mouth).
  2. No eating within 24ft of an AYSO activity (drinking is okay, but is expected to be a limited time).

I appreciate everyone keeping to this and setting a good example for the over 680 youth players that are running around with face coverings. As soon as something changes, I'll keep you posted.

You can find our current COVID-19 operational plan (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Safe, Fair, & Fun - Correcting Unsporting Behavior
Fri 5/14/2021 6:27 AM

Hello all 6U-19U Families, Coaches, & Referees,

In your scrimmages this Saturday, your practices, and at home with your player next week, let's focus on education about fouls and unsporting behavior. I'm asking all parents, coaches, & referees to please spend more time educating players about unsporting behavior and what is considered a foul in youth recreational soccer.

Players foul for a variety of reasons, like getting frustrated, trying to gain an advantage through force, compensating for something, and playing the game in a non-recreational manner. I have seen all of this from 6U-19U. Like with most things, please provide guidance appropriately to the age group and the type of activity (recreational soccer). Again, the objective Saturday and next week is to educate the players about fouls and unsporting behavior, feel free to stop the activity and provide the instruction directly to the player(s). Below are the basics, and what a potential result could be...



  • Generally given for unfair/unsafe contact between opponents.
  • Careless kick, strike, trip, push, charge, jump, tackle/challenge.
  • Careless attempt to kick, strike, or trip.
  • Spits, holds, impedes with contact, handles the ball deliberately.


  • Generally given for a non-contact offense between opponents.
  • By anyone:
    • Dangerous play, impeding opponent without contact, preventing keeper from releasing ball.
  • By 9U+ goalkeeper:
    • Takes more than six seconds to release the ball into play from hands (this is rarely enforced).
    • Touches ball a second time with hands after releasing without it touching other player.
    • Deliberately handles ball after receiving it directly from a teammate’s throw-in.
    • Deliberately handles ball after a deliberate kick to the goalkeeper from a teammate.


  • Unsporting behavior.
  • Dissent by word or action.
  • Persistent infringement of the Laws.
  • Fails to respect the required distance on a TI, FK, or CK.
  • Delaying the restart of play.


  • Serious foul play.
  • Violent conduct.
  • Spitting at anyone.
  • Second caution in the same match.
  • Abusive, insulting, or offensive language or gestures.
  • Denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (except goalkeeper in own penalty area).
  • Denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by an offense punishable by FK or PK (unless it was an attempt to play the ball and a PK was awarded).

This double sided sheet has a quick summary of the basics:

Coaches, please remember that the electronic whistles can be checked out by the referee shed on Saturday.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Soccer Equipment Sale Saturday
Thu 5/13/2021 3:04 PM

Hello All Soccer Families,

This Saturday (5/15) from 8:30am-1pm we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like...

  • Soccer Balls
  • Soccer Jerseys
  • Soccer Shorts (we have hundreds)
  • Keeper Jerseys
  • Keeper Gloves
  • Soccer Shoes
  • Shin Guards
  • Coaching Equipment (flags, pinnies, & cones)

The funds will help cover the increased equipment costs and scholarships next school year. We accept cash, check (to AYSO), and in some cases equipment swaps of a like value (your old fair shoes swapped for bigger fair shoes, etc.). You can also donate soccer equipment.


Other Items:
> Fall 2021 Season Registration will open in June.
> Summer Camp Registration is (here), the June camp is currently full.
> Friday striker & keeper clinics are open for registration (here).


[CorvallisAYSO] Volunteer Reminders for 5/8
Sat 5/8/2021 6:50 AM

I'll make this quick
Overall, great job last week, the first game day is always a bit of a whirlwind.

  • Player Pushing: Be sure you watch for pushing and basketball like shielding (w/o ball) in game. Please work to correct the behavior.
  • Teams will be unbalanced; Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance an unbalanced scrimmage by...
    • 3 Goals: If a single player on a team scores 3 goals, place a restriction on that player. Soccer should be a team sport and it would be good to develop more strikers.
    • 3 Up Rule: Teams that are down 3 points should add a player. The added player is removed when the score is back within 2 points
    • 6 Up Rule: If over 20 minutes remain in the game, Coaches should shuffle multiple players to attain a better balance and allow all players to play at their desired playing level. For example, take a player that has scored 3 goals and move them to the other team, allowing them to score another 3 goals without restrictions.
  • No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
  • No eating within 24ft of the field, drinking is okay, but is expected to be a limited mask down time.
  • If a spectator has no mask, send them 24ft away from the field.
  • 9U+Feel free to use a Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required). The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.

9U+ Game Reports: Head Coaches, please submit the game reports you get each week by email. This is an easy way to help us course correct and craft recommendations. A copy is sent to the coach admin for review. Items from reports that we follow up on... a player with a broken wrist (incident report form), PK spots need better marking (done), players are pushing before they get/have the ball (this email), and we should consider shortening 15U games to 35min halves (will take a look today).

Thanks for making spring soccer happen,


[CorvallisAYSO] Saturday 5/8
Fri 5/7/2021 9:00 AM

Hello AYSO 6U-19U Families,

Quick Tips for Saturday...

  1. Players, drink plenty of water before Saturday. Avoid sugary drinks, and avoid eating high-fiber/fat foods before your game.
    • I have had multiple players complain of Side Stitch / Side Cramps, I am assuming with face coverings, you are more likely to experience this. If you experience a side cramp, we have free flowing substitutions, leave the field, get a deep breath, and stretch the side/area.
  2. Players/Parents, double tie/knot your shoes!
    • At each practice & game for teams 9U and under, I often need to re-tie 2 out of 10 players shoes. Save your coaches and double knot.
  3. Players, your shin guards go under your soccer socks.
    • Here is my soccer foot assembly order: low cut thin sock, shin guard with sleeve/holder/tape, & soccer sock. Yep I double sock, not necessary, just a preference. If the field is looking specifically bumpy or if I have a previous injury, I add in a sport ankle brace/sleeve before the shin guard.
  4. Parents on fields 113 & 132...
    • In the south east corner of Adams is a path to Knollbrook Pl/Ave. I recommend you use the available street parking, I often find it is closer to those fields.

Reminders w/ Explanations for Saturday Games...

  1. Bring your pinnie / scrimmage vest, if you have one and wear dark athletic shorts and shirt.
    • Follow what your team coach requests you wear for a shirt and bring (pinnie or extra shirt color). Default is a dark color shirt and your issued pinnie.
    • Why? Most teams have a reversible pinnie that is black and red, we are out of spares, but the information shed has plenty of red pinnies (so black shirt and red pinnie). If the game is unbalanced, players might need to be shuffled, this creates options for the coaches to balance the game if they do not have the same pinnies/colors.
  2. Bring water and a spare face covering.
    • Why? Water in Moderation = Good, and you cannot play without a cover.
  3. Wear your face covering.
    • Why? Until OHA & Benton County changes guidance/requirements, this is what we need to do. You cannot play without a cover that meets OHA requirements (here).
  4. Wear Shin Guards under your soccer socks.
    • Why? You are not allowed to play without shin guards, we have spares in the referee shed, ask folks at the information shed, a board member, or a referee in blue.
  5. No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
    • Why? This rule starts at the top of the soccer food chain and injuries resulting from disallowed equipment is not necessarily covered by your soccer accident insurance (like torn earlobe, earring studs hit into your head, or any other injury resulting from jewelry). You cannot cover it or tape it like some other sports, in soccer it is not allowed. Medical alert items supersede this, but need to be secured.
  6. Arrive early (20min before start time) (schedule) and find the best parking area for your field (map).
    • Why? It will likely take 5-8min to park and get to the field. You player needs to warm up and allow for time to resolve any equipment issues. We have about 200 folks in the space during one time slot, and it will be tough to find a spot for a 10am or 11:30am game.
  7. Do not park on grass or park in entrances to fenced parking areas.
    • Why? The school district has designated spots, please use those and not the grass. It is rare that district staff work on weekends, but maintenance trucks might be needed on a Saturday, so they will need to get out of the lot.
  8. No Pets
    • Why? School District Property = No Pets. Even at another location, we would designate an area where pets are not allowed. Folks with the ADA's definition of a service animal are allowed, but keep in mind that without a visual queue, you might be asked multiple times if the service animal is required because of a disability.
  9. Sit on spectator side of the field (conduct).
    • Why? We do not allow anyone around the goals and we set aside a side for teams to spread out, warm up, among other things.
  10. If you are within 24ft of a soccer field or an AYSO shed, please wear your face covering.
    • Why? 24ft was the decided distance for all fields where the largest concentration of spectators often reside. As you cheer on your player, we ask you wear a mask if within that 24ft where most spectators are sitting.
  11. If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, please wear your face covering.
    • Why? Follows in the spirit of OHA and Benton County Health guidance (here).
  12. The spring season has a program cost of $20 per player (scholarship players it is $0). You can drop off the payment with a labeled envelope, noting the player(s), or a check at the AYSO Info Shed from 8am-2pm.
    • Why? This year has been approached cautiously in a way to try to avoid any added fees or losses if we could not run a season. We also decided to run lean to allow for more scholarship players (20% of players), when all is said and done, we are operating at a loss this year. It is not all gloomy, the expected team equipment returns will lower our future costs and we will be able to catch-up in this coming school year.

++COACHES, you can pickup/drop off team equipment at the concessions shed from 8am-1pm.

See You Saturday,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

Team Dashboard (here).
Game/Scrimmage Schedule (here).


Game Day #2 Coming up!!
Thu 5/6/2021 11:16 PM


Thanks for all the effort and time you put in. It's not always fun, or easy, but you are making an impact.

A few things before we hit the pitch on Saturday:

First, look back for the email from Luke that has the contact information for the other coaches in your division and consider whether you might want to shoot the other coach an email to alert them to any issues. If you are 11U or under, you'll want to make the effort to coordinate who is going to reffing the game.

Second, there was some confusion on how the free-subbing is supposed to work. Talk with your ref before the game if you are able, but the basic scheme is this:

  1. Have your subs ready at the mid-line. Let the sideline ref know you want to sub.
  2. At the next stoppage of play the sideline ref (or you, if there is no sideline ref) will let the center ref know you have subs.
  3. When the center ref indicates it's OK, call your players off. When they are in motion off the field, send your subs on.

Third, after your games last week you should have received an email requesting you to provide a game report. Please fill these out - it only takes a couple of minutes. This is an opportunity to alert us to any issues you had, and also an opportunity to let us know who you saw doing a great job. You'll want to fill these out as soon as possible after the game.

Thanks again for all you do!


Thank You,
Dan Herford
Coach Administrator

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Saturday 5/1
Fri 4/30/2021 5:00 PM

Hello AYSO 6U-15U Families,

The weather is looking okay for Saturday and the fields are looking great!
BIG thank you to our field helpers that worked to get the fields ready last week.

Quick Items for Saturday...

  • Please read the emails "[CorvallisAYSO] Saturday Scrimmages" & "[CorvallisAYSO] Saturdays Update 1" found (here).
  • Bring your pinnie / scrimmage vest, if you have one.
  • Bring water and a spare face covering.
  • Wear your face covering.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts and shirt.
  • Wear Shin Guards under your black soccer socks.
  • No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Arrive early (20min before start time) (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map) (no pets/dogs) (do not park on grass).
  • Sit on spectator side of the field, after the prior team leaves (conduct).
  • If you are within 24ft of a soccer field or an AYSO shed, please wear your face covering (24ft = length of a full size soccer goal).
  • If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, please wear your face covering.
  • The spring season has a program cost of $20 per player (scholarship players it is $0). You can drop off the payment with a labeled envelope, noting the player(s), or check at the AYSO Info Shed 5/1 or 5/8 from 8am-2pm.

++COACHES, you can pickup/drop off team equipment at the concessions shed from 8am-2pm.

See You Saturday,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

Team Dashboard (here).
Game/Scrimmage Schedule (here).


Spring Season Fee payment
Fri 4/30/2021 1:32 PM

We are ready for the Season to start tomorrow!

Hopefully all of you remember that the $20 Spring Season Fee should be paid tomorrow at the Safety Shed. The On-line fee that you have paid goes to National. The Season Fee is to cover our local costs. Please place the cash or check payment in an envelope (unsealed is fine) and write the player name and division on the outside of envelope. There is a drop box at the Safety shed. The volunteer at the Safety Shed can check off the name on the list and will ask if its cash or check.

The fee is $0 for players that requested a scholarship.

For those that had to pay the membership a second time, that charge should have been refunded to your Credit Card

Have a Good Season!

Andy Ungerer
Region 149 Registrar


[CorvallisAYSO] Saturdays Update 1
Thu 4/29/2021 10:00 AM

Hello All 6U - 15U Teams,

Hopefully everyone has had time to review the email "[CorvallisAYSO] Saturday Scrimmages" or (here), below are some answers to common questions.

Team Dashboard (here).
Team Website in Sports Connect (here).
Game/Scrimmage Schedule (here).

  1. No Referee? If your game does not have a center referee (6U-11U), coaches are encouraged to lead a scrimmage. (13U+ Signup To Referee)
  2. Arrival Time: Players can arrive 20min early, if the prior game is still underway, your team needs to gather at a space away from the field. Spectators should wait for the prior team to clear out before finding space at the field.
  3. Spectator Limits: Each field has between 50-70 family spaces (w/ only 15% capacity) available on the spectator side of the field. To frame it another way, feel free to bring your healthy family, but avoid inviting non-family.
  4. Lead Scrimmage Coach like a Center Referee (for 6U-11U) (training for coaching or refereeing is required)
    1. Pre-Game
      • Remember... your time slot is what you have, a late start can mean the game needs to be shortened.
      • Confirm assumptions with coaches...
        • Subs Process (free flowing, but who is managing subs).
        • Rules & Gameplay (Any specific areas to focus or tighten rules and any player concerns).
        • During Game: more focus on coaching or more focus on refereeing (is the coach okay if you provide advice to players).
      • Find sideline support to call in and out of play aka a Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (see job definition below).
      • If needed, checkout an Electronic Whistle from the Referee Shed (Blue Shed).
      • Field Safety/Setup Check (Corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand from the Brown Shed).
      • Player Equipment Check (No Jewelry, No Watches, and Socks Covering Shin Guards (more here)).
      • Collect Game Balls (One to kick off, and one by each goal).
      • Pick a side to do the kick-off or you can do a coin toss.
    2. Starting Game
      • Count Players (6U=4v4,7U=4v4,9U=7v7,11U=9v9,13UG=9v9,13UB=11v11,&15U=11v11).
      • Goalkeepers in different color from team (9U+).
      • Remember subs are free flowing at any time, kid needs a breather, they can sub off.
      • Keep Time & Stop at Quarters (helpful for 6U-11U) or Just Stop at Half.
        • Quarters (6U=7.5m,7U=10m,9U=12.5m,11U=15m,13U=17.5m,15U=20m)
        • Half (6U=15m,7U=20m,9U=25m,11U=30m,13U=35m,15U=40m)
      • Ready for Kick-Off.
    3. Quarter Stoppage (often 6U - 11U)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    4. Half-Time Stoppage
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches and club linespeople to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-Off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    5. End of Game
      • Games need to end on time, shorten the game to meet this requirement.
      • No handshakes.
      • Return game balls.
      • Return Electronic Whistle to Referee Shed (Blue Shed).
      • The game feedback box will be by the referee shed if you want to submit any comments or questions.
  5. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Scrimmage Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-7U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Saturday Scrimmages
Mon 4/26/2021 12:15 PM

Hello All 6U - 15U Teams,

Parents / Spectators, Helpers, Coaches, Managers, & Referees, please read the Saturday plan below. Since most of you have players in multiple divisions and many of you will be helping on Saturdays, I decided to package everything in one email for 6U-15U, parents and volunteers. The team dashboard (here) lists your games, helpers, players, volunteers, and a way to contact any team volunteer. The full game schedule is (here).

AYSO Spring Saturdays...

  1. COVID Requirements...
    1. All persons within 24ft of AYSO fields/activities must wear a face covering. Face coverings are required if a 6ft distance cannot be maintained, for example near parking areas, sheds, or other areas of congestion.
    2. No food, snacks, or eating is allowed within 24ft of a soccer field.
    3. A parent, guardian, or person bringing the player to the activity must attest, before joining the activity, to a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell. If you, a family member, or player are sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.
    4. Managers & Coaches are tasked with educating parents on game day and informing individuals within 24ft of a field about the face covering requirements.
    5. Managers & Coaches will, if necessary, work with fellow volunteers to suspend the activities until the requirements are met.
  2. Fields...
    1. The field map can be found (here). Each field will have a spectator side and a team sides, noted on the map. Spectators should be 7ft away from the playing field on all sides. Out on the field, you will see a painted red line to help show that 7ft buffer.
      • 06U: Field 061 W & E: spectators are on south side of the fields near the fence.
      • 07U: Field 071 W & E: spectators are on the north side of the fields by the playground.
      • 09U: Field 091: spectators are on the south side of the field.
      • 09U: Field 092: spectators are on the west side of the field.
      • 09U: Field 093: spectators are on the west side of the field.
      • 11U & 13UG: Field 111: spectators are on the west side of the field.
      • 11U & 13UG: Field 112: spectators are on the north side of the field by the old track.
      • 11U: Field 113: spectators are on the west side of the field, by the Adams wood chip path.
      • 13UB: Field 132: spectators are on the west side of the field, between field 113 and 132.
      • 15U: Field 151: spectators are on the west side of the field on the old track.
    2. Fields will have the following equipment taken out and brought back each Saturday. You can signup to do the task (here).
      • 06U: Field 061: will only need a garbage can, eight corner flags, spectator/team signs, field # sign, and two field soccer bags w/ 12 balls & 30 cones. The goals should stay out on the field.
      • 07U: Field 071: will only need a garbage can, eight corner flags, spectator/team signs, & field # sign. The goals should stay out on the field.
      • 09U: Field 091-093: will only need a garbage can, four corner flags, & spectator/team signs.
      • 11U & 13UG: Field 111 & 112: will only need a garbage can, four corner flags, & spectator/team signs.
      • 11U: Field 113: will only need a garbage can, red field nets (strung up and taken down each Saturday), four corner flags, & spectator/team signs.
      • 13UB: Field 132: will only need a garbage can, orange field nets (strung up and taken down each Saturday), six corner flags, two referee flags, & spectator/team signs.
      • 15U: Field 151: will only need a garbage can, six corner flags, two referee flags, & spectator/team signs.
  3. Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a space on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Coaches check-in players using the arrival sheet (here).
    3. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here), no jerseys this spring, all players should have received black soccer socks for this school year.
      • 2 Face Coverings, a primary and a backup.
      • Wear a dark shirt and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with soccer socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
      • Pinnies / Scrimmage Vests, if you were asked to bring them, on some teams, your coach will have them.
    4. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO Sheds, open from 8-1:30. We have pinnies available for goalkeepers.
    5. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO Sheds.
    6. Coaches will confirm team colors; home team often wears the lighter color.
    7. Coaches and Referees can go to the referee shed to checkout an electronic whistle if desired.
    8. 6U-11U: Head Coaches will work out who will be managing the scrimmage, any specific modifications, and any other expectations. The scrimmage coach needs to be a Coach or Referee and have the online training completed (state law requires concussion training yearly).
    9. 13U+: Head Coaches need to meet with the center referee to confirm the rules along with any modifications.
    10. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    11. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time. The schedule has each time slot set for an hour and a half, the normal game times are below...
      • 06U: 30min practice, 30min game.
      • 07U: 40min game.
      • 09U: 50min game.
      • 11U: 60min game.
      • 13U: 70min game.
      • 15U: 80min game.
    12. No handshakes at the end of the scrimmage.
    13. Coaches & Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    14. Coaches return any excess equipment to the concessions shed.
    15. Coaches & Referees can use feedback box by referee shed to report any issues or areas of confusion.
  4. Scrimmage Rules...
    1. Scrimmages are expected to operate under the same rules for the division (here) with the modifications below.
    2. 13U Girls will play games 9 vs 9 instead of 11 vs 11.
    3. Teams will be unbalanced; Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the scrimmage by...
      • 3 Goals: If a single player on a team scores 3 goals, place a restriction on that player. The objective is to get soccer back to a team sport.
      • 3 Up Rule: Teams that are down 3 points should add a player. The added player is removed when the score is back within 2 points. I have seen this backfire, so it is recommended that you place the added player at midfield or forward.
      • 6 Up Rule: If over 20 minutes remain in the game, Coaches should immediately shuffle multiple players to attain a better balance and allow all players to play at their desired playing level. For example, take a player that has scored 3 goals and move them to the other team, allowing them to shoot on goal without a restriction.
    4. Substitutions are free flowing at any time, but the player needs to come off the field, before the new player goes on. Goalkeeper changes should be at stoppages, and communicated with the referee.
    5. 09U-13UG: Offside should not be relied on. Without sideline referees, it will be hard to call accurately.
  5. Help, Information, & Equipment...
    1. The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1:30pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions. You can drop off your spring season player payment of $20 at the shed.
    2. The Concessions Shed (Saturday 5/1 & 5/8 from 8am - 1:30pm) will be used for handing out or collecting coach/team equipment. If you need pinnies, soccer balls, please go to the concessions shed. We are out of the reversible pinnies, but still have plenty of the single color pinnies.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, Fields, 13UB Coord., & 9UB Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


{CorvallisAYSO} Helping with Soccer Game Days
Thu 4/22/2021 3:00 AM

Hi X,

We need some help with game day tasks, and you were indicated on the player registration as someone that could help. You can use the signup link below to select a time for helping at the safety/information shed, field equipment setup/takedown, or other game day tasks. Most game day jobs will have on the job training/direction. You can learn more about the job and the tasks from the link in the signup page.

Saturday Helper Signups:


Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Helper Coordinator

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[CorvallisAYSO] Game/Scrimmage Schedule Posted
Wed 4/21/2021 10:50 PM

Hi 6U-15U Teams,

The schedule v1 has been posted in Sports Connect (here) or you can find it (here). I will be sending specific emails to coaches and managers on Sunday with more details about tasks and how games/scrimmages will work in each division.

Schedule v1 Notes:
1 > Referees will only be signing up for 13U+ games. All other games will work like a scrimmage with two head coaches working out the details and running a game like activity.
2 > This was one of the most complex schedules (fewer teams, reducing multi-team coach double booking, adding buffer time between games, etc.). Due to the complexity of game schedules, it is usually impossible to accommodate requests. Errors will be corrected whenever possible.
3 > 6U Boys have an odd number of teams, so one team will be doing a self game / practice.
4 > 11U Girls has an odd number of teams, so a team will be playing twice each week.
5 > 13U Girls will be playing 9 vs 9 on the 11U fields.
6 > 15U Girls has an odd number of teams, so a team will be playing twice each week.
7> 15U could have added or changed games in June to incorporate teams from other divisions or neighboring regions.

Shows the Western View / 509J / Adams School complex with the spectator areas marked and the 24ft masks required buffers added to the outside of each field. A field number of 071G is the same as Field 71.

Everything about your team, roster, helpers, volunteers, games, and signups.

View the schedule for an entire division or just your team, you can also download the entire schedule CSV file.

Signup for open game slots as Center Ref or an AR.

Game Day Helpers can signup to help at the information shed, setup a field for the day, or take down a field for the day. You will get an email beforehand with some directions, and the remainder will be on the job training.

Field Helpers can signup for field relining, opening on game day, closing on game day, or setting up the fields. More information about the job (here).

Outlines expectations on game days for coaches, referees, managers, players, and all spectators.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, Fields, 13UB Coord., & 9UB Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


AYSO referees for Spring 2021
Tue 4/20/2021 10:36 AM

Hello referees!

Yes, we are sort of in business for a Spring 2021 season.

We will only be providing match officials for U13 and up.

We expect about 10 matches per game day (starting Saturday May 1 - ack, less than two weeks out).

There will be only 3 matches at any one time, so our need for referees is limited, but still critical.

Most of you are already registered as a volunteer for the Spring, great, thank you! Make sure you do the Concussion Awareness training, if you've not since 8/1/2020.

If you feel rusty, check out the Regional Ref class online through AYSOU.

I'll run a refresher on 4/30 to get us (me!) on track - more details to follow.

Differences between these matches and pre-pandemic times will be small, but important.

Face coverings are required for all participants (players, refs, coaches). Make sure you have an adequate supply, Perhaps folks who have been doing club and HS matches can weigh in on what works / doesn't work for you.

Whistles - we will be using e-whistles. I will have a supply at the ref shed, but if you have your own, please feel free to use.

Game cards - none, but we will have comment cards if you or the coaches want to share any notes about the matches.

All for now.

Thank you for volunteering.
Remember to register (if you haven't)
Remember to get through the Concussion Awareness training.



[CorvallisAYSO] Soccer Clinic Fridays - 9U-15U
Mon 4/19/2021 12:12 PM

Hi |User First Name|,

To all players 9U and up, that want additional training as goal strikers and/or goal keepers... We have an opportunity for additional soccer clinics/training focused on Goal Keeping and Goal Striking/Attacking.

The clinics have a cost of $10 per clinic, paid at the field, and would be on a Friday from 5:30-7pm. The clinics are coached by coaches with UK International (same as our summer camps here). Each clinic will be different and will cover different items of focus related to the positions.

Signup: https://corvallisayso.org/event

Date Start-End Clinic
Striker Clinic - 13U+ Coed
Keeper Clinic - 13U+ Coed
Striker Clinic - 11U Coed
Keeper Clinic - 11U Coed
Striker Clinic - 09U Coed
Keeper Clinic - 09U Coed
Striker Clinic - 13U+ Coed
Keeper Clinic - 13U+ Coed
Keeper Clinic - 11U Coed
Striker Clinic - 11U Coed
Striker Clinic - 09U Coed
Keeper Clinic - 09U Coed
Striker Clinic - 13U+ Coed
Keeper Clinic - 13U+ Coed
Striker Clinic - 11U Coed
Keeper Clinic - 11U Coed
Keeper Clinic - 09U Coed
Striker Clinic - 09U Coed

We need a minimum of 8 players at each clinic and can have a maximum of 12 players per clinic. You should bring a ball, face covering, and a learning attitude. KEEPERS: If you have keeper gloves, sport pants, and long sleeve shirts, please bring them. You can find updated information about the events on the page linked below, you will get email reminders about the events.
Event Info & Signup Page: https://corvallisayso.org/event

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Acting Summer Camp & Clinic Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


{CorvallisAYSO} Helping with Fields for Soccer Games
Mon 4/19/2021 10:42 AM

Hi X,

We need some help with field tasks, and you were indicated on the player registration as someone that could help. You can use the signup link below to select a time for helping with fields lining/setup(this Saturday), field relining(Thu or Fri in the week), or helping on game day (getting equipment ready). You can learn more about the job and the tasks from the link at the top of the signup page that is linked below.

Field Helper Signups:



Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Fields Coordinator

>> Unsubscribe from region emails? https://corvallisayso.org/form/unsubscribe <<


{CorvallisAYSO} Goal Keeper Clinics
Sat 4/17/2021 8:31 AM

Hi Everyone,

You indicated on the player registration that you might be interested in some additional goal keeper clinics during the spring season. They have a cost of $10 per clinic, paid at the field, and would be on a Friday from 5:30-7pm.

Signup: https://www.corvallisayso.org/event?event=Keeper

The clinics are co-ed and run by coaches with UK International. Each clinic will be different and will cover different items.

Below are the Goal Keeper Clinics we are planning to offer this season that apply to 13U & 15U players…







Keeper Clinic - 13U+ Coed

Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area



Keeper Clinic - 11U Coed

Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area



Keeper Clinic - 09U Coed

Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area



Keeper Clinic - 13U+ Coed

Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area



Keeper Clinic - 11U Coed

Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area



Keeper Clinic - 09U Coed

Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area



Keeper Clinic - 13U+ Coed

Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area



Keeper Clinic - 11U Coed

Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area



Keeper Clinic - 09U Coed

Field 091
Adams Elementary School Area


We need a minimum of 8 players and can have a maximum of 12.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, Fields, 13UB Coord., & 9UB Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] Coach/Team Equipment Pickup - Sat 9a-11a
Fri 4/9/2021 2:24 PM

Hello All AYSO Coach & Manager Volunteers,

Still Need Team Equipment?

I will be at the Adams School - East AYSO Sheds Saturday (4/10) from 9am-11am. You might need to hunt me down as I help with the coach field trainings (here).

Player Equipment: This spring we are providing each player a reversible pinnie to checkout (15U we offer two adult size pinnies), black socks, and if needed, a checkout practice quality soccer ball. You can pick up the player equipment for distributing at your practice.

Coach Spring Season Equipment (what the coach manages):
>> 1 spare reversible pinnie,
>> 2 game balls,
>> 1 ball bag,
>> 30 cones minimum, &
>> 1 first aid kit.

Coaches needing to swap, donate, or return equipment can also show up.

Please keep in mind, a practice quality ball costs $10, a game quality ball $20, a single disc cone $0.40, a pair of socks $3.25, a reversible pinnie $9, a ball bag $4, & a first aid kit $4. Everything you return in good order, helps us lower costs.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton


{CorvallisAYSO} 19UC Feisty Koalas Team Roster v3
Wed 4/7/2021 2:25 PM

Hello Core 19UC Feisty Koalas Team,

Please check your roster below for any updates, as we are continuing to make adjustments. Please feel free to use this email to communicate with everyone; team volunteers can also use the team website in Sports Connect.

NOTE: All families and volunteers are included in the TO of this email, so reply all will send to the entire team.

View your team dashboard online (here).

+ Status +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Players: 10
Head Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Asst Coach: 0 of 1 Required
Referee: 1 of 2 Required
Team Manager: 0 of 1 Required
Team Helpers: 10 of 4 Required

This section lists team summary counts and the needed volunteers.

COACH: Each team needs a Head Coach and Assistant Coach, one to backup the other.
REFEREE: For 13U+ we need experienced referees to signup, new referees might not be on games until additional practical training is done. Younger divisions (6U-11U) will be playing scrimmages with coaches running activities, if you want to help, please signup as an assistant coach and reach out to the head coach about how you can help.
MANAGER: Each team needs a manager, this person can fill two roles, unfortunately Sports Connect only allows one volunteer allocation per team. We send all team manager communications to all team coaches.

+ Players +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+



+ Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+



Head Coach




The individuals above, if any, have completed the Sports Connect volunteer registration and have been allocated to the team. Sports Connect only allows one volunteer allocation per team, so some might fill multiple roles. Keep in mind that background checks could still be in process for some newer volunteers as it takes time for Sterling Volunteers to gather the records.

+ Helpers and Potential Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+







POTENTIAL VOLUNTEERS: If the team is missing someone in your listed role, please register as a volunteer online using the volunteer registration guide (https://corvallisayso.org/docs/RegVolunteer.pdf).
NOTE: The data above is from the player registration, to be removed from this list, you can edit the player registration form.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
AND Your 19UC Division Coordinator



[CorvallisAYSO] Finding a Head Coach & Practices
Tue 4/6/2021 7:30 AM

Hello All Teams without Head Coaches,

Hard Time Finding a Coach?

I have seen many combinations that have worked for coaching. Ideally, you have one head coach, but the job can be split up...

  • One coach running practices, another on games, having parents signup for staying for practices as the second adult;
  • One coach on separate practice days, one parent helper at each practice, and both on games;
  • One adult coach at each practice, coordinating High School players that run the practice;
  • Recruiting grandparents, other coaches, or college students to help run practices & games, with the team manager coordinating.

Your first step should be to setup a team meeting where you plan to have the kids play a scrimmage with one adult running that, and another adult meeting with parents to work on solutions. Teams unable to get a head coach by May will be disbanded, non-volunteering families will be refunded the program fee and volunteering families will be moved to another team.

Practice Details Webpage:

Base Coverage Requirements for Practices/Activities:

  1. Practices require one adult lead/head coach that is trained to do the job for the age level*, trained in AYSO's Safe Haven online, trained in Concussions yearly online (Oregon law), and cleared with a background check yearly**.
  2. Practices must have of two adults in the vicinity.
  3. One adult near the practice must be the same gender as the players.

If you do not meet the following requirements, the practice should be canceled. Keep in mind, if you schedule your practice at the same time as another team (like at Adams where many teams practice at once), you can potentially meet this requirement across the two teams in the area.

*This school year, you can start practices while only having the online job training done, but you eventually need to take the final in-person parts to get the certification. Signup for the in-person training here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/training
**You need to start the background check process with Sterling Volunteers, and within 7 days have a Green status showing in your Sports Connect >> Volunteer page. You can see the list of disqualifying reasons (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, Fields, 13UB Coord., & 9UB Coord.

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


{CorvallisAYSO} 11UG Tide - Coaches Roster v3
Mon 4/5/2021 12:16 PM

Core 11UG Tide Leaders,

This email has your player roster, including release and emergency information.

Head Coach:

Asst Coach: !!! This team is missing an assistant coach, please reach out to the team and try to recruit someone.

View the team dashboard online (here).

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYER RELEASE FORMS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

NOTES: This data shows the most recent submission of the form matched with the legal name. Some parents did not understand the go home (on their own) by walking or biking question, so please confirm.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

NOTE: The parent can update the contact details after logging into Sports Connect and selecting the edit/pencil icon by the player name.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
You can contact your division coordinator by replying to this email.


[CorvallisAYSO] Coach Training Signup
Mon 4/5/2021 8:48 AM

Hello Coaches,

With the upgrade to the new online training system still underway, it is tough to see who has taken what training, so please be sure you have the required trainings complete for the age you are coaching. After you finish the online portions of the trainings in AYSOU, you are allowed to coach. The in person practical training class is required to finalize your online part 1 of the training.

AYSO uses an online training portal ( https://aysou.org/ ) that you can login to using your same login as Sports Connect / Blue Sombrero. Login to take the Online Courses in the Coaching Courses area.

Each coach needs to take the following trainings:

  • Safe Haven Certification Required Once (online)
  • Concussion Training Each School Year Required (online)
  • Job Trainings (you only need to take the trainings once per level)
    • 6U Coach
      • Part 1: Coach Online 6U Training (Go to AYSOU)
      • Part 2: 06U Coach Practical Field Training (signup here)
    • 7U Coach
      • Part 1: Coach Online 8U Training (Go to AYSOU)
      • Part 2: 07U Coach Practical Field Training (signup here)
    • 9U Coach
      • Part 1: Coach Online 10U Training (Go to AYSOU)
      • Part 2: 09U Coach Practical Field Training (signup here)
    • 11U Coach
      • Part 1: Coach Online 12U Training (Go to AYSOU)
      • Part 2: 11U Coach Virtual Training (signup here)
      • Part 3: 11U Coach Practical Field Training (signup here)
    • 13U & 15U Coach
      • Part 1: Coach Online Intermediate Training (Go to AYSOU)
      • Part 2: 13U Coach Virtual Training (signup here)
      • Part 3: 13U Coach Practical Field Training (signup here)

Thank You,
Luke Cotton

Region Commissioner, Webmaster, Fields, 13UB Coord., & 9UB Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] Coach Equipment Pickup - Sat 9am-noon
Fri 4/2/2021 3:24 PM

Hello Spring Volunteers,

This email is only for 6U - 15U coaches or equipment pickup designates…

Need Team Equipment?
I will be at the Adams School - East AYSO Sheds Saturday (4/3) from 9am-12pm and Saturday (4/10) from 8am-1pm at the coach field trainings (here).

Player Equipment: This spring we are providing each player a reversible pinnie to checkout (15U we offer two adult size pinnies), black socks, and if needed, a checkout practice quality soccer ball. You can pick up the player equipment for distribution at a practice, when you get your equipment.

Coach Spring Season Equipment (what the coach manages):
>> 1 spare reversible pinnie,
>> 2 game balls,
>> 1 ball bag,
>> 30 cones minimum, &
>> 1 first aid kit.

Coaches needing to swap, donate, or return equipment can also show up for either event.

Please keep in mind, a practice quality ball costs $10, a game quality ball $20, a single disc cone $0.40, a pair of socks $3.25, a reversible pinnie $9, a ball bag $4, & a first aid kit $4. Everything you return in good order, helps us lower costs.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, Fields, 13UB Coord., & 9UB Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] Summer Camp Signups
Tue 3/30/2021 8:42 PM

Hello All AYSO Families,

If you have not already signed up for one of the three summer camps, I would get it done by the end of 3/31.
March Only: Take $25 off when you register using code 1-188-188 (Signup Here) on the UK International website.

  1. Summer Camp Weeks
    • Camp 1: June 21-June 25
    • Camp 2: July 19-July 23
    • Camp 3: Aug 9-Aug 13
  2. Summer Camp Times & Costs
    • 9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) = $126
    • 9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $178

-=-(Signup here)-=- at uksoccer.com

Learn More: https://www.corvallisayso.org/programs/camps.html

All camps are run at Adams Elementary School Fields in Corvallis Oregon.

Luke Cotton - Acting Camp Coord.


{CorvallisAYSO} 09UB Titans Team Roster v2
Tue 3/30/2021 7:21 AM

Dear Core 09UB Titans Team,

Again, welcome to the spring soccer season! Please check your roster below for any updates, we are continuing to add volunteers and players. COACHES: please feel free to use this email to communicate with everyone, you can also use your team website in Sports Connect.

NOTE: All families and volunteers are included in the TO of this email, so reply all will send to the entire team.

View your team dashboard online (here).

+ Status +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Players: 11
Head Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Asst Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Referee: 0 of 1 Experienced Center Desired
Team Manager: 0 of 1 Required
Team Helpers: 9 of 4 Required

This section lists team summary counts and the needed volunteers.

COACH: Each team needs a Head Coach and Assistant Coach; two registered volunteers are always required at each activity.
REFEREE: For 13U+ we need experienced referees to signup, new referees might not be on games until additional practical training is done. Younger divisions (6U-11U) will be playing scrimmages with coaches running activities, if you want to help, please signup as an assistant coach and reach out to the head coach about how you can help.
MANAGER: Each team needs a manager, this person can be a coach and a manager, unfortunately Sports Connect only allows one volunteer allocation per team. We send all team manager communications to team coaches.

+ Players +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+


We do our best to honor player special requests, but we cannot always accommodate the request. If we missed something important, please reply to this email to contact the division coordinator.

+ Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+



Head Coach


Assistant Coach


Some volunteers still need to finish registering, if no one is stepping up, please reach out to the team and the division coordinator to schedule a team meeting. Volunteers do not need to be parents from the team, an adult accompanying a high school player, OSU students, and grandparents, have all filled team volunteer roles in the past. The Helpers section lists potential volunteers.

The individuals above, if any, have completed the Sports Connect volunteer registration and have been allocated to the team. Please keep in mind that Sports Connect only allows one volunteer allocation per team, so some might fill multiple roles. Keep in mind that background checks could still be in process for some newer volunteers as it takes time to gather records about the volunteer from all the agencies.

+ Helpers and Potential Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+







Team Manager


Fields Helper


Fields Helper


Game Day Helper


Game Day Helper


POTENTIAL VOLUNTEERS: If the team is missing someone in your listed role, and you are the only one in that role, you are likely it. Please register as a volunteer online using the volunteer registration guide (https://corvallisayso.org/docs/RegVolunteer.pdf).
NOTE: The data above is from the player registration, to be removed, you can edit the player registration form.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
AND Your 09UB Division Coordinator



{CorvallisAYSO} 09UB Titans - Coaches Roster v2
Tue 3/30/2021 6:36 AM

Core 09UB Titans Leaders,

This email has your player roster, including release and emergency information. If a player is missing a release form, please have the parent fill out the form online ( https://corvallisayso.org/form/release ).

Head Coach:

Asst Coach:

View the team dashboard online (here).

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYER RELEASE FORMS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#


Emergency #1

Emergency #2

Authorized Release Details

Player Notes


Release On Own?:No | Allowed People:

Release Note:None | Medical Note:No

NOTES: This data shows the most recent submission of the form matched with the legal name. Some parents did not understand the go home (on their own) by walking or biking question, so please confirm.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#


Primary Contact


NOTE: The parent can update the contact details after logging into Sports Connect and selecting the edit/pencil icon by the player name.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
You can contact your division coordinator by replying to this email.


{CorvallisAYSO} 09UB Titans - Coaches Roster v1
Sun 3/28/2021 4:10 AM

Core 09UB Titans Leaders,

This email has your player roster, including release and emergency information. If a player is missing a release form, please have the parent fill out the form online ( https://corvallisayso.org/form/release ).

View your full team dashboard online (here)

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYER RELEASE FORMS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#


Emergency #1

Emergency #2

Authorized Release Details

Player Notes


NOTES: This data shows the most recent submission of the form matched with the legal name, some did not understand the go home (on their own) by walking or biking question, so please confirm.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

NOTES: The parent can update the contact details after logging into Sports Connect and selecting the edit/pencil icon by the player name.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
You can contact your division coordinator by replying to this email.


{CorvallisAYSO} Coach/Team Equipment
Sat 3/27/2021 5:42 AM

Hello Spring Volunteers,

This email is only for 6U - 15U coaches for this spring season…

Need Team Equipment?
I will be at the Adams School AYSO Sheds Saturday (3/27) from 9am-12pm, Sunday (3/28) 9am-12pm, and Saturday (4/3) from 9am-12pm. You can also get equipment at the coach field training events we are likely to have on 4/10.

Coach Spring Season Equipment (what the coach manages):
>> 1 spare reversible pinnie,
>> 2 game balls,
>> 1 ball bag,
>> 30 cones minimum, &
>> 1 first aid kit.

Player Equipment: This spring we are offering players a checkout reversible pinnie (15U we offer two adult pinnies), black socks, and if needed, a checkout practice quality soccer ball. You can pick up the player equipment for distribution at a practice when you get your equipment.

Note: We have ordered additional reversible pinnies, but they have not arrived yet. You might just get single sided pinnies to start.

Please keep in mind, a practice quality ball costs $10, a game quality ball $20, a single disc cone $0.40, a pair of socks $3.25, a reversible pinnie $9, a ball bag $4, & a first aid kit $4.

Everything you return in good order, helps us lower costs.


{CorvallisAYSO} Coach/Team Equipment
Sat 3/27/2021 5:42 AM

Hello Volunteers From Fall 2020,

This email is only for 6U - 15U coaches from the fall season…

If you are not coaching this spring, and if you have not already, please return all team/coach equipment you still have from fall soccer. I will be at the Adams School AYSO Sheds Saturday (3/27) from 9am-12pm, Sunday (3/28) 9am-12pm, and Saturday (4/3) from 9am-12pm.

If you are continuing as a coach for spring
Excess Equipment? We will need it returned so we can provide enough equipment to new teams and coaches.
Need More Equipment? I will be at the Adams School AYSO Sheds Saturday (3/27) from 9am-12pm, Sunday (3/28) 9am-12pm, and Saturday (4/3) from 9am-12pm. You can also get equipment at the coach field training events we are likely to have on 4/10.

If you were provided special equipment for practices like pop up goals or corner flags, please return the equipment before May 1st. We will need the corner flags & pop up goals for games. I expect to have an equipment return/pickup day on 4/24.

Coach Spring Season Equipment (what the coach manages):
>> 1 spare reversible pinnie,
>> 2 game balls,
>> 1 ball bag,
>> 30 cones minimum, &
>> 1 first aid kit.

Player Equipment: This spring we will continue to offer players a checkout reversible pinnie (15U we offer two adult pinnies), black socks, and if needed, a checkout practice quality soccer ball. You can pick up the player equipment for distribution at a practice when you get your equipment.

Note: We have ordered additional reversible pinnies, but they have not arrived yet. You might just get single sided pinnies to start.

Please keep in mind, a practice quality ball costs $10, a game quality ball $20, a single disc cone $0.40, a pair of socks $3.25, a reversible pinnie $9, a ball bag $4, & a first aid kit $4.

Everything you return in good order, helps us lower costs.


[CorvallisAYSO] Spring Volunteer & Helper Updates
Fri 3/26/2021 5:52 PM

Hello All AYSO 6U+ Families,

This email is primarily for Helpers and Volunteers, everyone else, feel free to discard.

Field Helpers
Sit tight, we have your email from the player registration (helpers do not need to register as volunteers). Later, you will get an email with more information and you will be asked to signup. I have some of the early field signup slots ready here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/teams/fields-signup.html

Game Day Helpers
Sit tight, we have your email from the player registration (helpers do not need to register as volunteers). Once the game schedule is out, you will get an email with more information and you will be asked to signup. At that time, I will email you to signup here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/teams/helper-signup.html

Please check your team roster email sent on Wednesday. The odds are good we will need your help as a head or asst. coach. Please login to Sports Connect here https://www.corvallisayso.org/login.html and finish your volunteer registration needed for spring. If you volunteered in fall, that should be it, no need to go to Sterling Volunteers. For new volunteers this school year, remember to follow the email from Sterling Volunteers to finish your background check paperwork. Volunteer registration guide here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/docs/RegVolunteer.pdf

Coach Practices
You could start practices/activities after spring break for all divisions, including 6U. You are not expected to get everything organized right away; we understand it could take a few weeks to get off the ground. Everything you need to know about practices is in the following link, including details on how to reserve a 509j field space. Please review the practice guide online here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/coaches/practices.html

6U Coaches: It is not normal to have practices in the week for 6U, but please feel free to schedule them for April at a time and location of your choosing, if you need soccer balls, we have many size 3s available.

Coach Equipment
All of you will likely need more equipment... I will be at the fields Saturday (3/27) from 9am-12pm, and again Sunday (3/28) 9am-12pm to hand out what I can to get you started (I plan to setup more pickup/dropoff times after our pinnie order arrives). If you have equipment to return, you can do it at those times.
(Please keep in mind, a practice quality ball costs $10, game quality ball $20, cone $0.50, socks $3.25, reversible pinnie $9, ball bag $4, & first aid kit $4. Everything you keep in good order and remember to return, helps us lower costs.)

We will be focusing on recruiting returning center referees for 13U, 15U, & 19U games this spring. If you are a returning referee willing to volunteer for a 13U and up game, please sign up as a referee volunteer online. New referee volunteers are encouraged to sign up as coaches instead as we will likely need your help with assisting in running games, practices and scrimmages. At this point, current referee volunteer numbers do not provide us enough volunteers to staff games for 6U-11U. Coaches will be asked to help cover games and run them like they would scrimmages. As the season progresses, we hope to bring on enough currently trained referees to cover more games. Thank you for volunteering to help get our AYSO players back out on the fields this spring.

We sent out the team roster email on Wednesday, if you can fill the manager role, let everyone know in that email and please signup as a volunteer. The guide is here: https://www.corvallisayso.org/docs/RegVolunteer.pdf

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, Fields, 13UB Coord., & 9UB Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


{CorvallisAYSO} Team Roster v1
Wed 3/24/2021 12:40 PM

Dear Core 09UB Titans Team,

Welcome to the spring soccer season! With this email, teams can start coordinating activities and planning practices at available green spaces. April is a time to catch up with a focus on getting players active. May will be the start of games/scrimmages with a game scheduled each Saturday.
NOTE: All families and volunteers are included in the TO of this email, so reply all will send to the entire team.

+ Status +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Players: 11
Head Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Asst Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Referee: 0 of 1 Experienced Center Desired
Team Manager: 0 of 1 Required
Team Helpers: 9 of 4 Required

This section lists team summary counts and the needed volunteers.

COACH: Each team needs a Head Coach and Assistant Coach; two registered volunteers are always required at each activity.
REFEREE: For 13U+ we need experienced referees to signup, new referees might not be on games until additional practical training is done. Younger divisions (6U-11U) will be playing scrimmages with coaches running activities, if you want to help, please signup as an assistant coach and reach out to the head coach about how you can help.
MANAGER: Each team needs a manager, this person can be a coach and a manager, unfortunately Sports Connect only allows one volunteer allocation per team. We send all team manager communications to team coaches.

+ Players +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

We do our best to honor player special requests, but we cannot always accommodate the request. If we missed something important, please reply to this email to contact the division coordinator.

+ Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Some volunteers still need to finish registering, if no one is stepping up after this week, we need someone to schedule a team meeting to get the needed volunteers. Volunteers do not need to be parents from the team, an adult accompanying a high school player, OSU students, and grandparents, have all filled team volunteer roles in the past. The Helpers section lists potential volunteers.

The individuals above, if any, have completed the Sports Connect volunteer registration and have been allocated to the team. Please keep in mind that Sports Connect only allows one volunteer allocation per team, so some might fill multiple roles. Note that background checks could still be in process for some newer volunteers.

+ Helpers and Potential Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

POTENTIAL VOLUNTEERS: If the team is missing someone in your listed role, and you are the only one in that role, you are likely it. Please register as a volunteer online using the volunteer registration guide (here).
NOTE: The data above is from the player registration, to be removed, you can edit the player registration form.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
AND Your 09UB Division Coordinator



[CorvallisAYSO] Spring Season Update
Fri 3/19/2021 4:03 PM

Hello All 6U+ AYSO Spring Families,

|User First Name|, I am excited for this season!

Spring will look a bit different as we: build teams primarily based on area, start games in May to allow for player catch-up in April, and work to keep players safe this spring soccer season.

I expect to post team rosters early next week and provide additional information soon after. Some teams are missing coaches and guidance will be included about next steps in that case. One big item to keep in mind is that we gained over 300 new players for spring; teams as they were formed in fall are unlikely. We plan to continue to use the same player equipment for spring (a checkout ball offered to each player, a checkout pinnie provided to each player for use in practices & games, and each player will get black socks). No jerseys are planned at this time (cost, supply chain, and distribution would make this difficult).

Practices (including 6U) could start after spring break, coaches decide times and locations. Saturday games are planned for May.

Spring Activity Rundown v4

MARCH: Mostly team formation and recruiting needed volunteers. Some field setup will take place, to get field spaces ready as we can get helpers to contribute. We will be publishing information about clinic signups and pick soccer scrimmages after spring break.

APRIL: The focus will be on fundamentals and player development; many players have had little physical activity, so we will be working to get players back on track and active. April will have some continued team formation and volunteer training to help everyone find his or her stride. Practices: April also has historically poor weather and swampy fields, so practices might be sporadic. Coaches determine practice times and locations. Clinics: Additional player clinics are expected to start in mid-April and will offer players more focused trainings. I expect to have a goalkeeper clinic and goal striker clinic. This will be a new concept with a separate signup, and selectively picked coaches. Pickup Soccer: Pickup group free play would be planned to include assembled groups of players that would organize to play a scrimmage and become familiar with how a future games would be setup with COVID modifications. A player would signup, indicate a buddy, and each set of players would be added to a group of about 20 players for a session at a time and field.

MAY: Scrimmages / Games will be scheduled for almost every weekend, depending on field and volunteer availability; we will schedule for Saturdays and look to have a referee for the older divisions. Team practices and clinics are expected to continue through May.

JUNE: We expect to continue scrimmages / games up to potentially Saturday June 19.

You can find the volunteer registration guide here: https://corvallisayso.org/docs/RegVolunteer.pdf
Please Note: Sports Connect might mention missing certifications; you can ignore those for now. Once you complete the registration in Sports Connect and Sterling Volunteers, you will be informed about any missing items. Volunteers from fall 2020, if you get an email about needing to do the Sterling Volunteers background again, please email me.

Division Coordinators should be reaching out, but the odds are good we will need your help as a head or asst. coach. Please login to Sports Connect here https://corvallisayso.org/login and finish your volunteer registration. For new volunteers this school year, remember to follow the email from Sterling Volunteers to finish your background check paperwork.

COVID Operations, Health, & Safety Plan: The board will be finalizing the COVID plan for all individuals at activities. Coaches can take a look as I make most of the updates here: https://corvallisayso.org/coaches/practices The arrival check-in link has the current version of the plan.

Practices: You could start practices/activities after spring break for all divisions, including 6U. You are not expected to get everything organized right away, with school schedules changing and everyone getting a bunch of emails, we understand it could take a few weeks to get started. Note: Corvallis School District practice locations are now available this spring.

Equipment: You will likely need more equipment; we plan to distribute equipment Saturday March 27th 9am-noon. If you have equipment to return, you would do it at that time. More details to come. Jerseys are not expected unless a division has enough interest to buy them at an additional $15 per player. FYI: A practice quality ball costs $10, game quality ball $20, cone $0.50, socks $3.25, reversible pinnie $9, ball bag $4, & first aid kit $4. Everything you return helps us lower costs.

Training: We will be sending out information regarding coach training for spring, after rosters are posted.

We will be focusing on recruiting returning center referees for 13U, 15U, & 19U games this spring. If you are a returning referee willing to volunteer for a 13U and up game, please sign up as a referee volunteer online. New referee volunteers are encouraged to sign up as coaches instead as we will likely need your help with assisting in running games, practices and scrimmages. At this point, current referee volunteer numbers do not provide us enough volunteers to staff games for 6U-11U. Coaches will be asked to help cover games and run them like they would scrimmages. As the season progresses, we hope to bring on enough currently trained referees to cover more games. Thank you for volunteering to help get our AYSO players back out on the fields this spring.

Over spring break the team will get an email showing the roster and what positions are missing, if you can fill the role let everyone know in that email and signup as a volunteer. In the COVID Check-In & Operations Plan v2 https://corvallisayso.org/docs/COVID_Plan.pdf you will be asked to help with spectators and keeping everyone following the requirements. This would be on top of helping coaches with communication and organization.

Region Communication Note
Every mass email from Sports Connect, like this, will include [CorvallisAYSO]... in the subject, mass emails customized/targeted for a team or family will have {CorvallisAYSO}... in the subject and come from an email with corvallisayso.org or philomathayso.org.
You can view a copy of all mass emails here: https://corvallisayso.org/about/seasons#email

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, Fields, 13UB Coord., & 9UB Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


{CorvallisAYSO} Players's Activity Release Form Needed
Sun 3/7/2021 1:51 PM


We are still building teams for spring, and we need you to fill out an additional release for your future coach. The link below includes a waiver and gathers additional details for your coach to have on activity days.

Release Form:

NOTES: We only record your most recent form per player, if you have updates, submit the form again. If you have an issue with the form, please reply to this email.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

>> Unsubscribe from region emails? https://corvallisayso.org/form/unsubscribe <<


{CorvallisAYSO} Player's Registration Checkup
Sat 3/6/2021 5:21 PM

Hi X,

As we are currently working on team formation, please confirm details recorded for X (Last, First). Please update any information online as soon as possible in Sports Connect: https://corvallisayso.org/login (Hit the edit/pencil icon next to the player to edit player or helper details. Hit the gear icon in the top to edit your user account details).


+ Your Primary User Account Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Name:
| Primary Email:
| Secondary Email:
| Associated Email:
| Primary Cellphone:
| Alternate Phone:

+ Player Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Division & Placement: 13UG Unallocated -CR
| Player ID:
| Legal Name:
| Nickname:
| Year of Birth:
| School:
| School Grade:
| Current Shirt Size:
| Registration Date: 2/27/2021 1:57:43 PM
| Recorded Special Request Types(s)? None found matching player legal name.
| Medical Note For Coach: None

+ Player Formation Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Practice Zone 1: Philomath Area (97370)
| Practice Zone 2: Corvallis South (Washington Ave-97333)
| Years Playing Organized Athletics:
| Years Playing Soccer:

+ Helper or Volunteer 1 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Legal Name:
| Email:
| Potential Job(s):

+ Helper or Volunteer 2 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Legal Name: No, No
| Email: No
| Potential Job(s): No

+ Helper or Volunteer 3 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Legal Name: No, No
| Email: No
| Potential Job(s): No

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar

>> Unsubscribe from Region Emails? https://corvallisayso.org/form/unsubscribe <<


{CorvallisAYSO} Player's Spring Signup - MISSING
Sat 3/6/2021 2:07 PM

Hi X,

Looking at our data, we do not see a spring player registration for X. If you wish to have X play this spring, please login to Sports Connect https://corvallisayso.org/login and complete the spring program registration. If this was sent in error and you believe your player is signed up for spring, please reply and we will double check our records.

! This is the only/final notice about X's missing spring registration !

NOTICE: some returning players from fall 2020 are being charged the membership fee again. We will either apply that to the spring season fee of $20 or refund that to your card after the issue is fixed by Sports Connect.

Thank You,
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

>> Unsubscribe from region emails? https://corvallisayso.org/form/unsubscribe <<


[CorvallisAYSO] Spring Season & Registration
Thu 2/25/2021 1:44 PM

Hello All AYSO Families,

If you are interested in Spring Soccer, please finish up your registration online this month (Feb), if you have not already done it. We will start building groups and reaching out to coaches starting next week, registration will still be open, but some divisions might be limited.

Register for Spring 2021: https://corvallisayso.org/login
If you have any special requests like playing up a division or playing with a buddy, please submit the request here: https://corvallisayso.org/form/special-request

NOTICE of Returning Player (FROM FALL 2020) Registration Issues
About 30% of you are being charged again by Sports Connect for the AYSO membership fee again. It is unclear if a fix will be applied quickly, so we are pushing forward with the following... Either Sports Connect will refund your credit card (fingers crossed) or we will apply the payment to the spring program fee of $20 for that player. Unfortunately, this issue can lead to the loss of $2.75 from the Sports Connect service fee. I do not have a solution for that, so please consider it as an added cost at this time. I am regularly checking in with AYSO National for a status update on the fix/solution.

Spring Season Proposal v2
This weekend the AYSO board will be going over some of the finer details, but we are expecting to keep things flexible as we want to easily adopt Oregon Health Authority guidance changes. It is unclear if Benton County will be at Extreme risk in April-June, but we are building a few frameworks for each scenario. Fields are also in flux as we work with the Corvallis School District in the hope of using school green spaces this spring.

MARCH: Mostly team formation and recruiting needed volunteers. Some field setup will take place, to get field spaces ready as we can get helpers to contribute. Some groups could do team meetings starting over spring break. We will also be publishing information about clinic signups and pick soccer scrimmages.

APRIL: The focus will be on fundamentals and player development; many players have had little physical activity, so we will be working to get players back on track and active. April will have some continued team formation and volunteer training to help everyone find his or her stride. Practices: April also has historically poor weather and swampy fields, so practices might be sporadic. Coaches determine practice times and locations. Clinics: Additional player clinics are expected to start in mid-April and will offer players more focused trainings. I expect to have a goalkeeper clinic and goal striker clinic. This will be a new concept with a separate signup, and selectively picked coaches. Pickup Soccer: Pickup group free play would be planned to include assembled groups of players that would organize to play a scrimmage and become familiar with how a future games would be setup with COVID modifications. A player would signup, indicate a buddy, and each set of players would be added to a group of about 20 players for a session at a time and field.

MAY: Scrimmages / Games will be scheduled for almost every weekend, depending on field and volunteer availability; we will schedule for Saturdays and look to have a referee for the older divisions. Team practices and clinics are expected to continue through May.

JUNE: We expect to continue scrimmages / games up to Saturday June 19, if possible we would look to run division tournaments.

Player Registration Guide can be found here: https://corvallisayso.org/docs/RegPlayer.pdf

Adult Volunteer Registration Guide can be found here: https://corvallisayso.org/docs/RegVolunteer.pdf

Youth Volunteers are not setup in the new system yet, please wait to register youth volunteers.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Summer Camp Weeks 6/21, 7/19, & 8/9
Sun 2/21/2021 12:07 AM

Hello All AYSO Families,

Quick reminder that the summer camp discount ends on 2/25...

Summer Camp Registration: $25 off w/ code 1-100-100
This summer we are offing 3 camps, June 21-25, July 19-23, & Aug 9-13. 9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) = $126 & 9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $178, remember to use the $25 off code 1-100-100 that is valid through 2/25.
Register for Summer 2021: https://corvallisayso.org/programs/camps.html

Camp 1: Jun 21 - Jun 25
Camp 2: Jul 19 - Jul 23
Camp 3: Aug 9 - Aug 13

9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) $126
9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) $178

Adams Elementary School North East Fields Area
1555 SW 35th Street, Corvallis, OR 97333

Register for Summer 2021: https://corvallisayso.org/programs/camps.html

Summer Camp Registration Support / Contacts:
Our summer camps are primarily run by UK International, questions or issues with registration should be directed to them
General Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 1-855-857-6223

Host a Coach
We would like to extend this invitation to all families, and allow you the opportunity to be a part of a fantastic cultural experience. Hosting one of our Soccer Coaches allows you and your family to learn all about another culture, whilst also having a live-in specialist to enhance your soccer education. And for the Coach, they get to enjoy and appreciate a real American lifestyle. It is a fantastic cultural exchange program and the differences of our language and backgrounds, combined with the love of soccer, ensure a memorable time with long lasting friendships.

In terms of the current climate, we want to assure you that all of our Coaches have been in the US for a number of months and have had a clean bill of health throughout. For the duration of the COVID-19 situation, they have always followed the strictest of Social Distancing procedures, for both their own safety and also, for the families they have been staying with.

For more information please visit: https://uksoccer.com/host-a-coach/

Luke Cotton - Acting Summer Camp Coordinator

P.S. Spring Soccer Registration is still open, we are in need of volunteer coaches, please feel free to register your player or register as a volunteer coach online...

Spring Soccer Registration:
All who want to participate in spring soccer, need to register online.
Register for Spring 2021: https://corvallisayso.org/login
For new players, the cost is $22.75 for the player membership, and in mid-April, $20 per player for the spring program.
For returning players that played in fall, Sports Connect should show a $0 cost for the membership, and in mid-April, $20 for spring. If Sports Connect erroneously charges you a membership fee, we will count it toward your $20 spring program fee. (~Sorry about this, we are in the middle an IT overhaul, so you might notice a few bugs)


[CorvallisAYSO] Spring & Summer Soccer
Sun 2/14/2021 11:23 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

Spring Soccer Registration:
All who want to participate in spring soccer, need to register online.
Register for Spring 2021: https://corvallisayso.org/login
For new players, the cost is $22.75 for the player membership, and in mid-April, $20 per player for the spring program.
For returning players that played in fall, Sports Connect should show a $0 cost for the membership, and in mid-April, $20 for spring. If Sports Connect erroneously charges you a membership fee, we will count it toward your $20 spring program fee.

Summer Camp Registration: $25 off w/ code 1-100-100
This summer we are offing 3 camps, June 21-25, July 19-23, & Aug 9-13. 9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) = $126 & 9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $178, remember to use the $25 off code 1-100-100 that is valid through 2/25.
Register for Summer 2021: https://corvallisayso.org/programs/camps.html

What will the spring season cost?
If you played in fall, just the program fee of $20 per player due is in mid-April. New players this school year will have the program fee of $20 due in mid-April + the AYSO membership fee of $22.75 per player due during registration. Uniforms are not expected for this spring (as of writing), but each player will get soccer socks and will be loaned a reversible pinnie for the season.

What will the spring soccer season look like?
Team placements will be mid-March, with practices/activities possibly starting after spring break. The first few weeks of April will still have some player and volunteer movements as we work to get teams situated. Depending on player numbers and field availability, scrimmages/games are expected for each Saturday starting May 1 - June 12. All players would need to be wearing face coverings, unless state guidance changes. The scheduled games will look more like scrimmages as coaches will need to move players to balance out the game and work within some modified rules.

Special Requests like playing buddy, play up a division, etc. here:

Player Registration Guide can be found here:
Player Registration Questions:

Adult Volunteer Registration Guide can be found here:
Volunteer Registration and Online Training Questions:

Youth Volunteers are not setup in the new system yet, please wait to register youth volunteers.

Volunteer Training Online is not setup yet, please wait for an email regarding online training like concussion or safe haven.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Spring Soccer Registration
Mon 2/8/2021 7:05 AM

Hello Families from Fall Soccer,

All who want to participate in spring soccer, need to register online, even if you registered for fall. If you played in fall, the registration should show as a $0 cost as you already payed your yearly membership.

Register for Spring 2021: https://corvallisayso.org/login
You will also need to re-submit any special requests (playing buddy, play up a division, etc.):

What will the spring season cost?
If you played in fall, just the program fee of $20 per player due is in mid-April. New players this school year will have the program fee of $20 due in mid-April + the AYSO membership fee of $22.75 per player due during registration. Uniforms are not expected for this spring (as of writing), but each player will get soccer socks and will be loaned a reversible pinnie for the season.

What will the spring soccer season look like?
Team placements will be mid-March, with practices/activities possibly starting after spring break. The first few weeks of April will still have some player and volunteer movements as we work to get teams situated. Depending on player numbers and field availability, scrimmages/games are expected for each Saturday starting May 1 - June 12. All players would need to be wearing face coverings, unless state guidance changes. The scheduled games will look more like scrimmages as coaches will need to move players to balance out the game and work within some modified rules.

Why do I need to register specifically for spring?
In the past, you would not need to, but a few key pieces make this year unique. 1. AYSO is moving to a new registration website and a new volunteer training website. 2. We will need to reform teams in most areas and this will ensure we are forming teams based on individuals interested in playing.

Player Registration Guide can be found here:
Player Registration Questions:

Adult Volunteer Registration Guide can be found here:
Volunteer Registration and Online Training Questions:

Youth Volunteers are not setup in the new system yet, please wait to register youth volunteers.

Volunteer Training Online is not setup yet, please wait for an email regarding online training like concussion or safe haven.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner


Equipment: Coaches & Players, please keep the equipment safe and dry over the winter, you will need it for spring. I would prefer you hold onto the equipment, hopefully you can get some use out of it this winter. If you cannot store it or do not plan to join us in spring, please email me and I can arrange for you to drop off the equipment at the AYSO brown shed at Adams School.

Parent & Coach: Should we return equipment? No, please help us with safely storing the equipment for the winter. If you do not plan to join us in spring, please return the equipment by emailing me to setup a time.

FALL 2020 ##############################

Updated 11/14/20

Fall Activity Plan

Practices can be any days from 9/28-11/14 in an activity/training group of about 6-12 players. Volunteer coaches could run distanced activities 1-3 times a week for an hour (here). The activities would be designed to maintain a distance and would not require face coverings while participating. Each player could choose to get a checkout ball and checkout pinnie for the fall. The cost is $20 (scholarship players = $0) for fall, covering team equipment and coach background checks.

9U, 11U, 13U, 15U, & 19U: Coaches in the group can choose the practice location, time, and if they want to do 1, 2, or 3 sessions in a week. It is expected that the first hour of a practice will be an optional face covering series of distanced activities, if the group desires, an additional 30min or more can be used for more soccer like activities with face coverings on. To frame things another way, the coach can choose a grass space (Philomath Middle School Area is available for everyone), the time & duration of the activities (coaches can choose Saturdays for practices), and if they want to offer an additional set of masked activities near the end.

Philomath Middle School Area: AYSO will be placing Port-a-Pots out and has setup an area map (here) that can accommodate 8 or more groups at one time. Any and all groups can use this space, fields A - C will be reserved on Saturday for 5U-7U, 1-6 are first come, first serve.


[CorvallisAYSO] Thank You for Fall
Sat 11/14/2020 6:33 AM

Hi All AYSO Families,

These are the last days of our fall season, some of you wrapped up earlier, and some have some plans to wrap up in the next few weeks. Again thank you for all your help and flexibility with this fall season.

Equipment: Coaches & Players, please keep the equipment safe and dry over the winter, you will need it for spring. I would prefer you hold onto the equipment, hopefully you can get some use out of it this winter. If you cannot store it or do not plan to join us in spring, please email me and I can arrange for you to drop off the equipment at the AYSO brown shed at Adams School.

Winter Play: We are working on ideas for playing this winter (Mid-January), but continue to fall short in finding covered open spaces (safer than enclosed facilities). If you know of a location that is covered, has enough space for a basketball court, and has a relatively level surface, please email me. Ideas include Fairgrounds, Parking Garages, and Warehouses, all of those can provide futsal options with significant airflow.

Spring Play: Spring will look a lot like fall to start. With groups allowed to get started in mid-March, running activities as they are able. Once we get to May, the plan is to have scheduled scrimmages each week. Locations and times will depend on what the School Districts allow and what spaces other groups take over (soccer, baseball, football all having some overlap this spring). June will hopefully open up for game, tournament, or jamboree options, but time will tell.

The region website (here) will be updated with winter and spring proposals by 11/23.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Last Few Weeks of Fall 2020
Sat 10/31/2020 6:27 AM

Hi All AYSO Families,

The plan is to end the fall season on 11/14. That said, for many groups, the rain or change in time (getting darker earlier) could mean things end or scale back earlier (normally we do not go into November).

I appreciate all of your help with getting youth in our area active this October; I hope that you can help again in spring.


Coach: Can we have practices or scrimmages after 11/14? You are not obligated to keep anything going, but if you want to run an event following our requirements, I'm okay with that. AYSO membership / insurance / coverage is for the entire school year. Please provide me with a heads up if you are planning to hold AYSO activities after 11/14 (the port-a-pots at Philomath will be picked up 11/16).

All: What is happening in spring? We will likely have practices starting just before spring break in March and scheduled scrimmages starting in late April. All players signed up today are expected to continue into the spring season. The spring season will have a specific fee, if we do uniforms, it could be $40 for returning players, without uniforms $20.

Parent & Coach: Should we return equipment? No, please help us with safely storing the equipment for the winter. If you do not plan to join us in spring, please return the equipment on Saturday 11/14 at the Philomath Middle School fields from 10am-12pm. If that date does not work, please email me to setup a time.

I'm likely missing something, so please email me with your questions.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


Indoor Turf Soccer League - Register Online
Thu 10/15/2020 1:45 PM

All AYSO Families & Luke,
We, AYSO, will not be running an indoor turf soccer season. The Corvallis Sports Park is offering a league, see below to signup.

Corvallis Sports Park Youth Recreation Indoor Soccer League

Corvallis Sports Park is excited to offer a Youth Recreational Indoor Soccer League this Winter for our local youth players.

Indoor Soccer is a fantastic way to play with friends, get some good exercise and enjoy the beautiful game. Indoor soccer is a great developmental tool by creating small-sided opportunities for players to get a very high number of repetitions on the ball in a short amount of time.

We will staff all games with a referee and a coach, so that the players have positive guidance and a great experience. We will do our best to balance teams and will follow the AYSO age groups to organize teams.

Youth players born between 2012-2002

Games will be on Saturdays and Tuesday & Friday early evenings

Dates: November 7th through December 19th
Cost: $50.00 for 6 games

Every parent will need to sign a CSP liability form prior to playing.
Registration closes 10/30!!!

To register online:

or call Corvallis Sports Park at 541-757-0776


Season Fee Payment
Mon 10/12/2020 11:26 PM

If you have only made an on-line payment, then you have not paid the $20 Season Fee.
If you have paid the $20 the last week or so by check or cash (for most of you an envelope in the collection box at the fields), you can skip the rest of this e-mail.
For Scholarship players the fee is $0, so you can also skip the rest of this e-mail.

On Wednesday, I will be at Cloverland Park 4:15-5:45. Look for me on the East Side near 27th and Garfield. Please put your check or cash in an envelope and write the Division and player name on the outside. Call out the Division and Player Name and I will check the name off my list.

This Saturday 9-12:30, I will be at Philomath Middle School, North side of the school.

You can also mail your payment to:

AYSO Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193
Corvallis, OR 97333

Please write player name and Division on back of envelope.

Andy Ungerer
AYSO Region 149 Registrar


[CorvallisAYSO] Pickup Game Today 11am
Sat 10/10/2020 5:59 AM

Hi 15U-ish Scrimmagers,

We will start Saturday 10/10 11am Philomath Middle School (2021 Chapel Dr, Philomath, OR 97370) Field 4 (here). This Saturday will be a no-cost test/trial to see if this concept can work safely. If this works out, you can expect more pickup scrimmages/games. Since this group could have a wide range of playing ability, we will need to be flexible to allow for balancing and to evaluate players for future games.

Check In: At arrival, I will split players up by age or ability and send them to fields. The field leader will build teams and adjust as needed.

Players Attire: Athletic Shorts, Athletic Shirt, Shin Guards, Long Socks, Shoes or Cleats, Face Covering, & Optional Rain Coat (w/ little to no zippers or hard plastic/metal). As always, no jewelry (to avoid snags/tears, punctures, & injury from swelling).
Players Bag: Pinnie, Extra Face Covering, & Hand Sanitizer.

I created the following webpage for the full concept and the proposed rules for this Saturday:


  • I expect 36 players.
  • I will have 2 fields marked and setup for 165' x 105' with full size goals 24' x 8' (Fields 3 and 4).
  • I'll need another field setup, we have the goals in the area, just not a lined field, so we might need to go with cones. (Field 2)
  • I am planning to have games be 7 vs 7, including goal keepers.
  • I am expecting have 3 coaches / field leaders, potentially David Woodruff, Sean Grapoli, & Michael Chung. I will have electronic whistles for field leaders or a designate of the field leader (like a referee or another coach).
  • Each field will initially be split up by skill level / age.
  • Scrimmages can go for an hour 30min, or longer.

After games, I would like to talk to field leaders to debrief and work on any adjustments for next time.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] Face Coverings and Rain
Sat 10/10/2020 4:36 AM

Hi All AYSO Families,

As we start to venture into cooler weather and rainy days, it will be difficult to do activities with face coverings. A simple solution is to wear a hat and bring multiple face coverings.

Players Attire: Athletic Shorts, Shirt, Shin Guards, Long Socks, Shoes or Cleats, Face Covering, Optional Hat, & Optional Rain Coat (w/ little to no zippers or hard plastic/metal). As always, no jewelry (to avoid snags/tears, punctures, & injury from swelling).

Players Practice Bag: Ball*, AYSO Pinnie*, Hat, Extra Face Covering, & Hand Sanitizer.
*coaches are provided this equipment to checkout to players for the year.

Hats can be worn by players, when not scrimmaging, as a tool to help keep the face covering dry. Normally this is not allowed, but this year is all about weighing risk, and having the covering on & dry as much as possible, is more important. Check with your coach to confirm if the activity is okay with a hat on.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


Season Fee Payment
Fri 10/9/2020 11:15 PM

Quick Reminder that I will be at the Philomath Middle School fields tomorrow (Saturday) from 9-12:30 for those of you that have not paid the S20 Season Fee. ($0 for scholarship players). Note that this is in addition to the Registration fee that you paid on-line. You normally are able to pay the Total fee ($90 last year) at Registration. We wanted to keep our fee as low as possible and therefore planned on a separate fee upon placement. (Hopefully we will never have to do that again)

I'll be on the North Side of Philomath Middle School from 9-12:30, probably under cover to keep the payment box dry. Please put your check or cash in an envelope with the Division and player name on the outside. Call out the Division and player name and I will check the name off my list.

If you can't make tomorrow, I will be at Cloverland Park on Wednesday if the weather cooperates - can't have collection box sitting out in the rain. Look for me on the East Side, near 27th and Garfield. Check corvallisayso.org for updates (see upper corner of home for events).

You can also mail your payment to

5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193
Corvallis, OR 97333

Please add player name and Division on back of envelope


Andy Ungerer
Region 149 Registrar


Pickup Scrimmage - School Yard Soccer

 Updated 10/8

Saturday 10/10 will be experimental and the first larger attempt at this concept. Please be flexible as we sort out how we can move forward and create more opportunities like these. This will be a no cost event on 10/10.

Why "Scrimmage" and not Game?
Referees will act more like coaches then referees. This is necessary for rule modifications and playing adjustments that allow the "referee" to create the lowest risk and safest possible experience. This will be experimental, and approaching this like a regular soccer game would be a mistake and create an unsafe playing space.

Allow players to participate in an activity that is as safe as possible, while attempting to run and feel like a normal soccer game.

Arrival Procedure
You will check-in with the lead volunteer and be assigned a field. Each field will be setup for a 7 vs 7 game using a full size goal. Teams will be created by the field leader / coach / referee. Games will be run at the discretion of the field leader and will be adjusted as needed.

Field Leader / Field Coach / Field Referee
This volunteer is in charge of everything at the field. The field will be laid out, but this person chooses how it is used and by who. They organize the teams/groups, setup the time limits (quarters of 10-20min), start & stop play, make needed rule adjustments, force substitutions, and work to balance the activity in any way to create a challenge for the players.

Players Bring
Bring a ball with your name on it, shin guards, cleats or athletic shoes, dark soccer socks, dark athletic shorts, athletic shirt, all/any pinnies issued, water bottle, face covering(s), and hand sanitizer. Multiple face coverings are recommended when rain is expected, remember to bring all items in something waterproof.

Scrimmage Rules

  1. A parent, guardian, or person bringing the player to the activity must attest, before joining the activity, to a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell. If you, a family member, or player are sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.
  2. All persons within 24ft of AYSO activities must wear a mask, face shield, or face covering. Face coverings are required if a 6ft distance cannot be maintained, for example near parking areas or other areas of likely congestion.
  3. Free Flowing Substitutions; player must be off the field before the new player can go on. Coaches will be asked to only yell to call players and use the free flowing sub opportunities to provide distanced instruction when needed. Players can sub themselves off as needed.
  4. No Throw-Ins; all will do kick-ins (indirect free kicks), 12ft distance required.
  5. Goal Keeper; no opposing players may enter the goal area, gloves are recommended. Keepers cannot punt, drop kick, or throw the ball over the half line, restart is a kick at the half.
  6. Face Coverings Required; when playing and 6ft cannot be maintained. Coaches & Referees are required to use face coverings
  7. Spectators must keep 6ft distance between family units. Face coverings are required for all persons within 24ft of the field, individuals unable to follow this, must be 24ft away from the field. Spectators and non-team members, must be 18ft away from team areas and should never go near the team, this allows them to find space and remove face coverings safely.
  8. No food, snack, or eating allowed within 24ft of a soccer field.
  9. Cones will be used to denote distances or boundaries, like the game area & team area (a 7ft boundary will be added parallel to each touchline).
  10. 3 Up Rule: Teams that are down 3 points, should add a player (from their team or the other team), and then remove the player when they back to being down 2 points.
  11. 5 Up Rule: Coaches will immediately shuffle multiple players to attain a better balance and allow all players to play at their desired playing level. Teams are expected to be off balance and a balance should be obtained among the players assigned to the activity time.
  12. Willful violators of these player protection policies could be banned from the property and could incur further action per the property owners policies &/or AYSO's policies.

Note: 24ft = length of a full size soccer goal.


[CorvallisAYSO] Team Schedule / Calendar
Mon 10/5/2020 1:02 AM

All AYSO Volunteers,

Quick Item
Feel free to use the Sports Connect team website to setup your schedule (Picture Guide: here). This does not reserve a park or the Philomath area, but can help you to see what other groups might be in the area and provide parents with a calendar & practice reminders.

Get to your team webpage...
Login Here: https://corvallisayso.org/login
You can go to the team website from Volunteer > Visit Team Page

Post a practice, game, or other event...
Login Here: https://corvallisayso.org/login
You can go to the team website calendar from Volunteer > Visit Team Page > Calendar > Picture Guide: here
> Practice will use a set location for a set practice.
> Game will allow you to schedule with another team at a set location.
> Other event will allow you to designate any location for an event.

Location not in the list? Email me to get it added.

Connect your web calendar...
Login Here: https://corvallisayso.org/login
You can go to your account calendar from Calendar > Export this Calendar Feed



AYSO Season fee payment
Fri 10/2/2020 10:57 PM

AYSO Families,

Andy Ungerer, AYSO Region 149 Registrar here.

Many changes this year. Now that we are starting play, I'm sending some instructions for submitting your Season Fee. At Registration you paid the AYSO membership fee, but we held off on charging the Season Fee until "team" placement. In this abnormal season we did not have a process for you to make this payment until now. Starting tomorrow (Saturday 10/3), you can drop off the $20 per player Season Fee with me. I will be at the Philomath fields - between the City Park and the Middle School, for payment drop off.
To keep it safe, I will have a box for you to drop off the payment. We prefer a check made out to AYSO but will accept cash as long as it's the exact amount. Please place payment in an envelope and write the Division and Player Name(s) on the envelope. I will have a list with player names, so call out the Division and name for me to mark you off.
Tomorrow, I will be there 9-12 and 1:30-3.

This is going out much later than I had hoped so some of you may not see this in time. I'll send another e-mail with additional
time slots and possibly alternative locations on Sunday.

You can also mail your payment to:

AYSO Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd
Corvallis, OR 97333

Andy Ungerer, Registrar


[CorvallisAYSO] Coach FAQ r2
Fri 10/2/2020 6:28 AM

Hello Fall Coaches,

This email is for coaches, since some are still not registered (get it done) or are pending background checks, I'm sending to everyone...

Equipment Pickup
9U, 11U, 13U, & 15U Coaches: You can stop by or send a rep to come by and get equipment today at the Adams School sheds (east truck parking area), Fri 10/2 6pm-7pm. If you are missing anything, wrong sizes, or have a new player, you can get that gear during this time. Another option is to request the equipment ahead and I can move it to a combination locked shed for you to get.

6U & 7U Coaches: You will be provided the equipment at the field on Saturday during your scheduled practice time.

Frequently Asked Questions

My Team Manager cannot register?
Team Managers are a valuable position, but this fall going through the added steps of training and background checks seems excessive if they are just communicating and coordinating remotely.

My Referee cannot register?
Referees are a valuable position, but this fall we will not need many folks in this position. In many cases having a coach with referee training can create a safer environment for a friendly game. Coaches would feel comfortable making rule changes and player rotations to create/ensure a safe environment.

Can we get corner flags?
Yes, we have a limited supply, feel free to show up to an equipment pickup event or email me to coordinate a pickup.

Can we run non-AYSO activities?
Yes, you need to be sure everyone knows it is not AYSO related and not covered with the various releases and insurance. This would be your own independent activity, just be sure everyone is aware. The AYSO equipment is checked out to you or the player, you can feel free to use it.

EDIT: This is a "technically yes" to this question. No restrictions from us if you want to do something on your own on your own time with equipment you have had checked out to you.

We can't use 509j school fields?
509J is not approving AYSO for field reservations. As individuals, it looks like you can use the fields/playgrounds, barring any posted signs to the contrary. The Western Center View property (by Adams School) has a few soccer goals setup with nets for independent activity/practice.

Air Quality, when do we cancel? (see AQI status here or here)
Each day and practice will be different, you will need to make the decision at the time of practice. This weekend might get into the 100-150 range for some places, indicating that strenuous activity should be restricted. An adjustment should be made to do fewer heavy breathing activities. Most coverings do not address pollution, you would need a N95 or KN95, for many that is not feasible.

Helpful Links & Guides

Online Coach training is in AYSOU (here). You login to AYSOU using the same account you used to register as a volunteer (register).

Coach practice webpage (here). Soccer ball mastery (here). Distanced activity ideas (here). Player check-in sheet (here).

Team Roster Webpage and Certification Lookup Tool (here).

All emails sent this season (here).

10/1: OHA Rec Sports, OHA K-12 Sports & OHA Masks

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Season Update 6U
Thu 10/1/2020 7:41 PM

Hello Fall 6U Families,

A big thank you to everyone who is helping to create opportunities for youth to participate in outdoor physical activities with peers. Just a month ago, we were unsure if we could get anything going. To all the volunteer coaches / P.E. facilitators, I appreciate your help, your flexibility, and willingness to take on an additional challenge.

Your opening day / first practice has been setup for Saturday out at Philomath Middle School. Each player will check-in, and get equipment to use for the season. Coaches will get some brief instruction and be able to use the painted player spaces and pop up goals. Please keep in mind that this season will not look like, nor should it be approached like, a regular soccer season.

Coaches... Practices can be what you choose to make them, my plan is to reserve a space for your group every Saturday at Philomath Middle School.

Player Brings: Ball*, Shin Guards, Long Socks, Shoes or Cleats, Pinnie*, Face Covering, & Hand Sanitizer.
*coaches are provided equipment to checkout to players if desired.

Player Check-in: A guardian needs to be present for the check-in* or needs to communicate a confirmation of the requirements (no fever, no sick family members, etc.) prior to the player participating that day.
*coach check-in / contact tracing sheet (here).

Frequently Asked Questions

Parent: Our team is missing a coach, what happens next? ~We will have a meeting on Saturday, this Saturday will be run by a sub coach.

Coach: Are we allowed to scrimmage? ~Yes, but keep it short and near the end, remember masks would be required (note the weather/rain). Younger ages will struggle to keep distance, and will have a harder time with masks; I recommend that you stick with distanced activities.

Coach: I missed training, now what? ~Online training will be sufficient for this fall. You need to take the division coach training, the safe haven training, and the new CDC concussion training. We are planning to offer some in-person Q&A / activity demos later.

Coach: We can't use school fields? ~509J is not approving organized youth sport reservations (here). For the most part, it looks like they still allow individuals to use the fields/playgrounds. As individuals, it looks like you can use the fields, barring any posted signs to the contrary.


Coach practice webpage (here). Soccer ball mastery (here). Distanced activity ideas (here). Player check-in sheet (here).

All emails sent this season (here).

9/28: OHA Rec Sports, OHA K-12 Sports & OHA Masks

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} 11UB Corvallis South Group Update
Thu 10/1/2020 5:06 AM

Dear Core 11UB Corvallis South Activity Group,

We have a handful of group changes, so I am re-sending this. Everyone in the group, to date, is included in this email.

Reply to this email if you have a question, hit Reply All to communicate with the entire activity group.

+ Status +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Players: 10
Head Coach: 0 of 1 Required
Asst Coach: 1 of 1 Required

NOTE: Activity groups, minimum, need a head coach and an assistant coach. When it comes to practices, the more asst. coaches, the better.

+ Players +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

+ Team Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

The individuals above have completed the volunteer registration, passed the background check, and have been allocated to the group. Some applicants might still be pending background checks. Volunteer Registration Guide (here).

+ Group Helpers and Potential Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

NOTES: Please reach out to the coach or group if you can help. Helpers, Managers, & Referees, we are only doing volunteer registration for coaches right now. The data in the table above is from the player registration, to be removed, you can edit the helper area of the registration.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} 07UB Corvallis South Coach Roster v2
Wed 9/30/2020 10:24 PM

Core 07UB Corvallis South Leaders,

Thi email has your full roster, including release / waiver information. If a player is missing the release, you can ask parents to email you the confirmation from the form (here).

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= STATUS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

Players: 9
Head Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Asst Coach: 1 of 1 Required

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= RELEASE FORMS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

NOTES: I am regularly emailing parents that are missing forms, the data is not perfect, I attempt to match records on exact legal name matches, so a bunch of player waivers are mismatched.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

NOTES: The parent can update the contact details after logging into Sports Connect ( http://corvallisayso.org/login ) and selecting the edit button/icon by the player.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

! NOTICE !: I have not added trainings from this weekend. This report does not include those that only got the online job training done. If you are missing training that you completed from before this season, email me. Remember the online concussion training is needed each year.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Contact your division coordinator here:


{CorvallisAYSO} 15UG Coaches v1
Wed 9/30/2020 9:36 PM

Hello 15UG Coaches,

This email includes all coaches in the division. I am writing the code for this email on the fly, we can call this version 1.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= REGISTERED COACH VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

Note: Some teams are still waiting on confirmed coaches, the next email will include more folks.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Core 09UB Corvallis South 2 Release Forms
Tue 9/29/2020 11:38 PM

Core 09UB Corvallis South 2 Leaders,

Here is a quick email with your roster including release / waiver information. The data is not perfect, I attempt to match records on exact legal name matches, so a bunch of player waivers are mismatched. We can call this email version 1.

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= STATUS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

Players: 8
Head Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Asst Coach: 0 of 1 Required

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= RELEASE FORMS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

NOTES: This data is from the player release and COVID waiver form. I am regularly emailing parents that are missing forms.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

! NOTICE !: I have not added trainings from this weekend. This report does not include those that only got the online job training done. If you are missing training that you completed from before this season, email me. Remember the online concussion training is needed each year.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Contact your division coordinator here:


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Season Update 7U
Mon 9/28/2020 10:23 PM

Hello Fall 7U Families,

A big thank you to everyone who is helping to create opportunities for youth to participate in outdoor physical activities with peers. Just a month ago, we were unsure if we could get anything going. To all the volunteer coaches / P.E. facilitators, I appreciate your help, your flexibility, and willingness to take on an additional challenge.

Your opening day / first practice has been setup for Saturday out at Philomath Middle School. Each player will check-in, and get equipment to use for the season. Coaches will get some brief instruction and be able to use the painted player spaces and pop up goals. Please keep in mind that this season will not look like, nor should it be approached like, a regular soccer season.

Coaches... Practices can be what you choose to make them, my plan is to reserve a space for your group every Saturday at Philomath Middle School, you can use that space or use the space near you. You can also do practices in the week.

Player Brings: Ball*, Shin Guards, Long Socks, Shoes or Cleats, Pinnie*, Face Covering, & Hand Sanitizer.
*coaches are provided equipment to checkout to players if desired.

Player Check-in: A guardian needs to be present for the check-in* or needs to communicate a confirmation of the requirements (no fever, no sick family members, etc.) prior to the player participating that day.
*coach check-in / contact tracing sheet (here).

Frequently Asked Questions

Parent: Our team is missing a coach, what happens next? ~About three coach volunteers are working through registration and background checks. We have one team that is struggling to get volunteers. The ideal situation is a coach runs activities in an area near you, worst case; we setup a series of Saturday clinics (~2h) for the group with a coach.

Coach: Can I get the emails of the other coaches in the division? ~Yes, some coaches are still pending, but the plan is to send that out Tuesday.

Coach: Can I take a player's temperature? ~Yes, but you need to get permission from the parent. Keep in mind that temperature checks are not guaranteed, you should still operate presuming each player could have COVID.

Coach: Are we allowed to scrimmage? ~Yes, but keep it short and near the end, remember masks would be required (note the weather/rain). Younger ages will struggle to keep distance, and will have a harder time with masks; I recommend that you stick with distanced activities.

Coach: I missed training, now what? ~~Online training will be sufficient for this fall. You need to take the online division coach training, the safe haven training, and the new CDC concussion training (here w/ your volunteer Sports Connect login). We are planning to offer some in-person Q&A / activity demos later.

Coach: We can't use school fields? ~509J is not approving organized youth sport reservations (here). For the most part, it looks like they still allow individuals to use the fields/playgrounds. As individuals, it looks like you can use the fields, barring any posted signs to the contrary.


Coach practice webpage (here). Soccer ball mastery (here). Distanced activity ideas (here). Player check-in sheet (here).

All emails sent this season (here).

9/28: OHA Rec Sports, OHA K-12 Sports & OHA Masks

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Season Update 9U+
Mon 9/28/2020 10:04 PM

Hello Fall 9U-19U Families,

A big thank you to everyone who is helping to create opportunities for youth to participate in outdoor physical activities with peers. Just a month ago, we were unsure if we could get anything going. To all the volunteer coaches / P.E. facilitators, I appreciate your help, your flexibility, and willingness to take on an additional challenge.

This week is when groups can choose to start and below are a few notes/reminders for the week. Please keep in mind that this season will not look like, nor should it be approached like, a regular soccer season.

Player Brings: Ball*, Shin Guards, Long Socks, Shoes or Cleats, Pinnie*, Face Covering, & Hand Sanitizer.
*coaches are provided equipment to checkout to players if desired.

Player Check-in: A guardian needs to be present for the check-in* or needs to communicate a confirmation of the requirements (no fever, no sick family members, etc.) prior to the player participating that day.
*coach check-in / contact tracing sheet (here).

Frequently Asked Questions

Parent: Our team is missing a coach, what happens next? ~About ten coach volunteers are working through registration and background checks, hopefully they have reached out. We have about four teams that are struggling to get volunteers. The ideal situation is a coach runs activities in an area near you, worst case; we setup a series of Saturday clinics (~2h) for the group with a coach.

Coach: Can I get the emails of the other coaches in the division? ~Yes, some coaches are still pending, but the plan is to send that out Tuesday.

Coach: I'm missing, need, or have the wrong equipment, how can I get it/more? ~I will be at the Adams School sheds (east truck parking area), Wed 9/30 6pm-7pm & Fri 10/2 6pm-7pm.

Coach: Can I take a player's temperature? ~Yes, but you need to get permission from the parent. Keep in mind that temperature checks are not guaranteed, you should still operate presuming each player could have COVID.

Coach: Are we allowed to scrimmage? ~Yes, but keep it short and near the end, remember masks would be required (note the weather/rain). Younger ages will struggle to keep distance, and will have a harder time with masks; I recommend that you stick with distanced activities.

Coach: I missed training, now what? ~Online training will be sufficient for this fall. You need to take the online division coach training, the safe haven training, and the new CDC concussion training (here w/ your volunteer Sports Connect login). We are planning to offer some in-person Q&A / activity demos later.

Coach: We can't use school fields? ~509J is not approving organized youth sport reservations (here). For the most part, it looks like they still allow individuals to use the fields/playgrounds. As individuals, it looks like you can use the fields, barring any posted signs to the contrary.


Coach practice webpage (here). Soccer ball mastery (here). Distanced activity ideas (here). Player check-in sheet (here).

All emails sent this season (here).

9/20: OHA Rec Sports, OHA K-12 Sports & OHA Masks

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Core 15UB Philomath Area Roster
Mon 9/28/2020 12:52 PM

Dear Core 15UB Philomath Area Activity Group,

Everyone in the group, to date, is included in this email. I am still working on a mass email to everyone with a FAQ, should be done with that late today.

Reply to this email if you have a question, hit Reply All to communicate with the entire activity group.

Fall Activity / Practice Approach

Practices can be any days from 9/28-11/14 in an activity/training group of about 6-12 players. Volunteer coaches could run distanced activities 1-3 times a week for an hour (here). The activities would be designed to maintain a distance and would not require face coverings while participating. Each player could choose to get a checkout ball and checkout pinnie for the fall (coaches will pick up and distribute this). The cost is $20 (scholarship players = $0) covering team equipment and coach background checks (still working on logistics for collection of $$).

5U, 6U, & 7U: Your first scheduled activity/practice time will be early Saturday 10/3 at Philomath Middle School Area. Your scheduled time will be posted and emailed to you today.

9U, 11U, 13U, 15U, & 19U: Coaches in the group can choose the practice location, time, and if they want to do 1, 2 of 3 sessions in a week. It is expected that the first hour of a practice will be an optional face covering series of distanced activities, if the group desires, an additional 30min can be used for more soccer like activities with face coverings on. To frame things another way, the coach can choose a grass space (Philomath Middle School Area is available for everyone), the time & duration of the activities (coaches can choose Saturdays for practices), and if they want to offer an additional set of masked activities near the end.

Philomath Middle School Area: AYSO will be placing Port-a-Pots out and has setup an area map (here) that can accommodate 8 or more groups at one time. All groups can use this space, fields A & B will be reserved on Saturday for 5U-7U, fields 1-6 are first come, first serve.

+ Status +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Players: 9
Head Coach: 1 of 1 Required
Asst Coach: 0 of 1 Required

NOTE: Activity groups, minimum, need a head coach and an assistant coach. When it comes to practices, the more asst. coaches, the better.

+ Players +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

+ Team Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

The individuals above have completed the volunteer registration and are allocated to the group. Need Coaches? Volunteer Registration Guide (here).

+ Group Helpers and Potential Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

NOTES: Please reach out to the coach or group if you can help. Helpers, Managers, & Referees, we are only doing volunteer registration for coaches right now. The data in the table above is from the player registration, to be removed, you can edit the helper area of the registration.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Game Day & Field Helpers
Wed 9/23/2020 1:14 AM

Hello Game Day & Field Helpers,

This fall will require little from game day and field helpers. No lines to paint, no concessions to run, etc. If you can help coach, we need your help (signup), especially in the boys divisions and older girls divisions. If you cannot coach…

We still need your help, coaches are being asked to do a large job this year, and in many situations, they are looking to use green spaces that are first come first serve. You can help with securing a location and setting up the boundary to the space for each activity day.

Please offer your help to your coach:

  1. You can offer to arrive early to practice and mark off a space or setup cones. (12 kids, a space of 42’ x 30’ would be required, try to get a 24’ buffer beyond that)
  2. You can help by scouting locations. (Who is at the park at the desired time? Would the team have enough space? Does the location have restrooms, is that an issue? Any field hazards?)
  3. You can help to remind parents and others to wear a face covering when within 24’ of the activity area or within 6’ of others. We want a buffer of about 24’ around activities; everyone not actively playing with a proper distance, should have a face covering.

Soon enough, the normal chaos of team formation and volunteer recruitment will settle. When your coaches are identified, please reach out.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Coaching Info and Needed Help
Tue 9/22/2020 7:06 AM

Hello All Adult Soccer Players, Physical Education Teachers, Gym Instructors, Personal Trainers, Referees, and Coaches...

We need your help to lead a group of players in physical activities.
We have built a webpage (here) to walk you through what is involved. You are not being asked to coach a team for a competitive soccer game, this is only for physical activities, like a P.E. class.

We Need Coaches: Registration Guide (here)
Know a college student that is knows soccer? Sounds like a Coach.
Have a high school player that can help coach / run a PE class? Sounds like a Youth Coach Helper.
Have a bossy teenager? Sounds like a Youth Coach Helper (likely 6U-11U).

Fall Activity Days / Practice Plan
Practices can be any days from 9/28-11/14 in an activity/training group of about 6-12 players. Volunteer coaches could run distanced activities 1-3 times a week for an hour (here). The activities would be designed to maintain a distance and would not require face coverings while participating. Each player could choose to get a checkout ball and checkout pinnie for the fall. The cost is $20 (scholarship players = $0) covering team equipment and coach background checks.

5U, 6U, & 7U: Your first scheduled activity/practice time will be Saturday 10/3 at Philomath Middle School Area. More details later.

9U, 11U, 13U, 15U, & 19U: Coaches in the group can choose the practice location, time, and if they want to do 1, 2, or 3 sessions in a week. It is expected that the first hour of a practice will be an optional face covering series of distanced activities (here), if the group desires, an additional 30min can be used for more soccer like activities with face coverings on. To frame things another way, the coach can choose a grass space / park (Philomath Middle School Area is available, including Saturdays), the time & duration of the activities (they can choose Saturdays), and if they want to offer an additional set of masked activities (scrimmage) near the end.

Philomath Middle School Area: AYSO will be placing Port-a-Pots out and has setup an area map (here) that can accommodate 8 or more groups at one time. Any and all groups can use this space, fields A & B will be reserved on Saturday for 5U-7U, 1-6 are always first come, first serve.

Coach Training
Please signup for trainings (6U here) (7U here) (9U here) (11U here) (13U+ here) (training requirements here), at the start of the field trainings, we will walk through a Fall 2020 practice session and hand out activities that maintain player distances for the exercises like these (here).

Date Start-End Course Location  
9:00 AM-
10:00 AM
Coach 06U Part 2 - Field Philomath Middle School Signup Here
10:30 AM-
12:00 PM
Coach 07U Part 2 - Field Philomath Middle School Signup Here
8:30 AM-
11:00 AM
Coach 09U Part 2 - Field Philomath Middle School Signup Here
6:00 PM-
8:30 PM
Coach 09U Part 2 - Field Philomath Middle School Signup Here
7:00 PM-
9:00 PM
Coach 11U Part 2 - Class Online Virtual Meeting Signup Here
8:30 AM-
12:00 PM
Coach 11U Part 3 - Field Philomath Middle School Signup Here
6:00 PM-
9:00 PM
Coach 13U+ Part 2 - Class Online Virtual Meeting Signup Here
8:30 AM-
1:00 PM
Coach 13U+ Part 3 - Field Philomath Middle School Signup Here

The first hour of each field training will walk through how a COVID practice can run.

Coach Equipment - 9U-15U
You will be provided equipment for about 10 players, pinnies and soccer balls should be checked out to players (if they need the ball), the remainder is for you for the season. Coach Equipment hand-off will be Saturday 9/26 at Philomath Middle School East parking lot. We will also hand-off equipment on Sunday 9/27 between 9am - Noon at Adams Elementary School - AYSO Sheds.

Equipment Breakdown / Info:

5U-7U will get equipment on 10/3, more later.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Core 11UB Corvallis Central 2 Group
Sun 9/20/2020 8:15 AM

Dear Core 11UB Corvallis Central 2 Activity Group,

The purpose of this email is to help this group fill the required volunteer roles and coordinate before activities could start on 9/28. This email includes everyone currently on or associated with the group. The group can change, and if the group cannot find a head coach to lead activities, the group could be dissolved or reformed.
Reply to this email if you see an issue or have questions, hit Reply All to communicate with the group.

Fall Activity / Practice Plan

Practices are from 9/28-11/14 in an activity/training group (10-12 players). Volunteer coaches would run distanced activities 1-2 times a week for an hour. The activities would be designed to maintain a distance and would not require masks while participating/playing. Each player would get a checkout ball and checkout pinnie for the fall. The cost is $20 (scholarship players = $0) covering team equipment and coach background checks.

5U, 6U, & 7U: Your first scheduled activity/practice time will be Saturday 10/3 at Philomath Middle School Area. More details later.

9U, 11U, 13U, 15U, & 19U: Coaches in the group can choose the practice location, time, and if they want to do 1 or 2 sessions in a week. It is expected that the first hour of a practice will be an optional face covering series of distanced activities, if the group desires, an additional 30min can be used for more soccer like activities with face coverings on. To frame things another way, the coach can choose a grass space (Philomath Middle School Area is available for everyone), the time & duration of the activities (coaches can choose Saturdays for practices), and if they want to offer an additional set of masked activities near the end.

+ Status +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Players: 10
Head Coach: 0 of 1 Required
Asst Coach: 0 of 1 Required

+ Players +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

+ Allocated Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

( No Volunteers Verified Yet )

Adult Volunteer Registration (here).

+ Group Helpers and Potential Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+


Head Coach




NOTES: This data is from the player application, to be removed, you can edit the helper area of the player application. Activity groups only need a head coach and one or more asst. coaches.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Season Update 9/15
Wed 9/16/2020 3:45 AM

Hello Registered AYSO Families,

If you have not already filled out the additional waiver and player release, please do so (here), the form also includes some of the requirements for the season. You can also choose to drop (here) and plan to join us in spring.

We Need Coaches: Registration Guide (here)
Coaches: Please signup for trainings (signup here)(training requirements here), at the start of the field trainings, we will walk through a Fall 2020 practice session and hand out activities that maintain player distances for the exercises like these USYS examples (here) and a selection of AYSO activities found (here).

Expected Fall Plan Updates

Join Us For Practices: Participate as a practice player from 9/28-11/13 in a localized activity/training group (10-12 players). Volunteer coaches would run distanced activities 1-2 times a week for an hour. The activities would be designed to maintain a distance and would not require masks while participating. Each player would get a checkout ball and checkout pinnie for the fall. The cost is $20 (scholarship players = $0) covering team equipment and coach background checks.

Update: Proposed training / activity groups will be sent out this weekend. Coaches in the group can choose the practice location, time, and if they want to do 1 or 2 sessions. It is expected that the first hour of a practice will be an optional face covering series of distanced activities (USYS examples here), if the group desires, an additional 30min can be used for more soccer like activities with face coverings on. To frame things another way, the coach can choose a park / green space, the time & duration of the activities, and if they want to do an additional set of masked activities near the end.

Signup For Games: An additional signup would be at the end of September and will be an à la carte offering of games, options available will differ by division. Some ongoing work is focusing on a few different types of games and sets of rules. We would indicate what games would require coverings during signup. The available fields will be a big factor in game times & costs. Each player would get a checkout pinnie for the fall.

Update: The Philomath School District has indicated we can use some of the green space they have for Saturday games. I'm still working out the details, as the smoke has slowed the conversation, but I expect to share more details next week. A few mentioned Crystal Lake, and yes it is open, but it is expensive and would actually result in more volunteer time, so more $,$$$ & more problems.

Coaches: Join us for field training Saturday 26th (signup here) where we will run through how to do a practice in Fall 2020 at the start of the training.

Oregon Health Authority:
9/15: OHA K-12 Sports & OHA Masks

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Regional Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Release Form
Sun 9/13/2020 10:24 PM


We are assembling groups, expecting to start training activities after 9/28, and we need you to sign an additional release. The link below includes a required waiver and gathers additional details for your coach.

Release Form:

Not joining us this fall?
Drop Here: https://corvallisayso.org/form/drop

Below are the details recorded for (Last, First). You can update your information in Sports Connect: https://corvallisayso.org/login (Hit the edit/pencil icon next to the player to edit player or helper details. Hit the gear icon in the top corner to edit your user account details).

+ Your Primary User Account Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Name:
| Primary Email: (Gets Region [including mass & team specific emails] & Sports Connect [including mass, team, & event reminder emails])
| Alternate Email: (Gets all emails)
| Additional Account User Email: (Gets all emails)
| Primary User Cellphone: (Coach/Manager/Formation would call this number)
| User Alt Phone:

+ Player Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Program & Placement: 2020-2021 - Core Recreational - 09UB Corvallis -CR
| Legal Name:
| Player Related Email: (Team Coach/Manager see this email in roster)
| School:
| Practice Zone 1:
| Practice Zone 2:
| Current Shirt Size:
| Registration Date:
| Special Request(s)? No matching requests based on legal name.

+ Details for Your Coach +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Emergency Contact:
| Emergency Contact Phone: (phone called if emergency at practice or game)
| Medical Note For Coach:

+ Helper or Volunteer 1 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Legal Name:
| Email:
| Potential Job(s):

+ Helper or Volunteer 2 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Legal Name:
| Email:
| Potential Job(s):

+ Helper or Volunteer 3 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Legal Name:
| Email:
| Potential Job(s):

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

>> Unsubscribe from Region Emails? https://corvallisayso.org/form/unsubscribe <<


{CorvallisAYSO} X's Volunteer Registration for X
Sat 9/12/2020 11:38 AM


Please register as a volunteer on behalf of X. Registration Guide: https://corvallisayso.org/docs/RegVolunteer.pdf

+ Player Signup Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Indicating User: (Last, First)
| Represented Player: (Last, First)
| Program and Division: 2020-2021 - Core Recreational - 09UB Corvallis -CR

+ Indicated Volunteer Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Legal Name: (Legal Last, Legal First)
| Best Email:
| Indicated Job(s): Asst. Coach,Head Coach

AYSO ID: | Registered? =Pending
Assigned Role: Head Coach

+ Coach Training: Unknown
+ Safe Haven Training: Unknown
+ Concussion Training: Unknown

# Coach Certifications: 6U=N 8U(7U)=N 10U(9U)=N 12U(11U)=N Intermediate(13U+)=N Advanced=N

You are Missing Safe Haven or Concussion Training. After you are registered as a volunteer, go to https://aysou.org , login with your Sports Connect account. Each volunteer needs an independent volunteer account to do trainings (including youth). KEEP A COPY of your certification. Note: Concussion training is needed each school year.

You are missing Job Training. All job trainings have an online component ( https://aysou.org ) with the final part(s) being virtual or on the field. Signup for training here: https://corvallisayso.org/training

Took the Training? Email me if you already took the training and it is not in your record.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Data updated/loaded on 2020-09-12 13:22:35

>> Unsubscribe from region emails? https://corvallisayso.org/form/unsubscribe <<

If you need to update the indicated volunteer name, email, or job(s), please contact the indicating user so they can update the player registration in Sports Connect: https://corvallisayso.org/login (They would login and click the edit/pencil icon next to the player).


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Season Update 9/1
Tue 9/1/2020 1:10 PM

Hello Registered AYSO Families,

We will be pushing the fall season out 4 weeks, to late September. This allows us time to work through the following challenges...

Challenge 1: Coverings.
Required face coverings when a distance cannot be maintained, means soccer games must include a covering. The survey results indicate a majority are okay with coverings for a limited time of activity, but this is not a simple item in fall weather. Along with a bunch of new rules, rain will further complicate things. So we are rethinking how we would do a season, the bottom of this email has some details on the proposed plan.

Challenge 2: Coaches.
We are short coach volunteers in a few divisions, and most coaches are unsure of how to run activities safely with the restrictions (here). After school starts and families are able to adjust, coach field training will be setup to go through the activities that are designed to help maintain physical distances between players.

Challenge 3: Fields.
The Corvallis School District has stated "Community-use activities will not be approved until further notice"(here) this means "At this point we (509j) are not approving any organized youth sports on school grounds." No word yet from the Philomath School District. We are actively looking at other locations for training sessions and games.

Proposed Fall Plan

Join Us For Practices: Participate as a practice player from 9/28-11/13 in a localized activity/training group (10-12 players). Volunteer coaches would run distanced activities 1-2 times a week for an hour. The activities would be designed to maintain a distance and would not require masks while participating. Each player would get a checkout ball and checkout pinnie for the fall. The cost is $20 (scholarship players = $0) covering team equipment and coach background checks.

Signup For Games: An additional signup would be in late September and will be an à la carte offering of games, options available will differ by division. Some ongoing work is focusing on a few different types of games and sets of rules. We would indicate what games would require coverings during signup. The available fields will be a big factor in game times & costs.

Skip Fall? To drop this fall season and plan to join us in spring, use this form (here).

Oregon Health Authority:
8/29: OHA K-12 Sports & OHA Masks

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Regional Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Season Survey
Tue 8/18/2020 6:20 PM

Hello Registered AYSO Families,

I am looking for your input: https://www.corvallisayso.org/form/survey

Going into fall, we have many hurdles to work through to deliver a season of activities. I can think of many ways we can continue to play, but each approach has the same hurdles to overcome (from pickup/ad-hoc training activities, to team training sessions only, to a season of team training and a few soccer games).

Hurdle 1: Masks / Face Coverings.
It looks like the current requirement from the Oregon Health Authority might be around for some time... "Wear a mask, face shield, or face covering, when actively participating in an indoor sport or an outdoor sport when six (6) feet of physical distance cannot be maintained in accordance with Statewide Mask, Face Shield, Face Covering Guidance." That requirement means that a soccer games, scrimmages, or close 1v1 activities would require a mask.

Hurdle 2: Head Coaches.
Each division is short on head coaches. Once we have a path forward, hopefully we can get some volunteer head coaches. We have coach field trainings the next two weekends, where we will review training plans built for physical distancing (signup).

Hurdle 3: Fields.
Ideally, we can use the Corvallis School District fields. It is unclear if they will allow access to their properties this fall. I have reached out for clarification. I have also reached out to the Philomath School District and I am working on plans for other green spaces.

We have structured the fall season to be dynamic, allowing us to adjust when needed. All items are subject to change, and your input will help us decide on a path forward.

Oregon Health Authority:
8/14: OHA K-12 Sports & OHA Masks

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Regional Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Season Update 7/26
Sun 7/26/2020 7:31 PM

Hello AYSO Families,

Quick Items: Fall limited registration is open and you can register online (here) for $22.75 today, then $60 when we start. Our August Summer Camp is August 10 - 14 and you can register (here). You can find a copy of all emails sent (here), if changes are made, you would find them (here).

Fall Season Plan v4

Disclaimers: Like most things today, this is subject to change. We are still working on adjustments to incorporate state changes started on 7/24 and will update the plan when further clarifications are provided. We are structuring the fall season to be dynamic allowing us to adjust quickly when needed; adjustment is inevitable.

Season Start: Practices Could Start 8/31, First Opening Game/Activity Day 9/12, Last Game/Activity Day 10/24, & Makeup / Added Game/Activity Day 10/31.

Team Formation: Teams will be formed based on zones/schools. It is important that we get a head coach and an assistant for each team, as both volunteers will be critical to help maintain the added player protection policies. No team size changes are expected, we will be creating teams / activity groups the same size as we did last year (Region Rules).

Face Masks: All persons within 24ft of AYSO activities must wear a mask, face shield, or face covering, when not actively participating in the sport. Outside of playing, face coverings are required if a 6ft distance cannot be guaranteed, for example near parking areas or other areas of likely congestion. 7/24 Note: Additional modifications are expected as we work to create activities and rules to maintain 6ft distances during play.

Player Drop Off: A parent, guardian, or person bringing the player to the activity must attest to a team volunteer, before joining the activity, to a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell. If you or a family member or player is sick, DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.

Canceled Items: Concessions will be closed, Safety/Info Shed will be run most of a game day by Board Members, No team picture day, and No preseason large group meeting.

Food & Water: There will be no food, snacks, or eating allowed within 24ft of an AYSO activity. Each player shall bring their own water; drinks are not to be shared.

Cleaning: Hand washing or use of hand sanitizer will be encouraged before and after activities. You will need to supply your own hand sanitizer and bring it to all AYSO activities. It is recommended that you clean your ball and other equipment after each activity session.

Distance: Only one family spectator space is allowed near the activity area per player and can only consist of three or fewer members of the same immediate family. Any person, at risk for severe illness or with serious underlying medical conditions should not attend games or practices. All persons shall leave the property as soon as possible after the end of the activity. Spectators must be 18ft away from teams and team areas, allowing team members & volunteers to distance when needed.

Season Changes & Refunds: If at any time the Governor of Oregon, Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Corvallis School District (509J), or the Benton County Health Department determines that a change is needed, like moving to phase one or additional restrictions, the season could be adjusted or terminated. Since 90% of the expenses occur before the season starts, no refunds would be issued if the season were terminated after the first game. Your payment includes the fall & spring seasons for this school year, we will try again later in fall or expect to continue in spring. Refund Request Form (here).

Equipment: We will offer a checkout ball to each player to hold and use for the entire season. Players will need to bring their own ball to each practice; coaches cannot hold this equipment for you. Players will need to bring their checked out pinnie(s) to each game and practice...

  • 5U: Players will be provided a ball, socks, and a shirt to keep. Players will also be issued a checkout pinnie, to be returned at the end of the season.
  • 6U & 7U: Players will be provided socks and a jersey to keep. Players will also be issued a checkout pinnie, to be returned at the end of the season.
  • 9U & 11U: Players will be provided socks to keep and a checkout reversible pinnie, to be returned at the end of the season.
  • 13U & 15U: Players will be provided socks to keep and two checkout pinnies, to be returned at the end of the season.
  • 19U: Players will be provided socks to keep, and can purchase a reversible jersey if they do not have one. (19U has a different payment structure, more of an a la cart)

Season Payment: Regular (non-scholarship) players will see a discount of $10 for fall. For 9U+ divisions, if spring looks good, you could be asked for the $10 to buy a team jersey for spring.

AYSO EXTRA: Still expecting to have an EXTRA program. No leagues are for certain. Pickup games with other area programs/teams are likely. Practices would start in September. More later.

Below are main the modifications to the norm, these have undergone many changes, and some pieces are vague for now...

Note: 24ft = length of a full size soccer goal.

Game Day Modifications v6
#1> All persons within 24ft of AYSO activities must wear a mask, face shield, or face covering, when not actively participating in the sport. Outside of playing, face coverings are required if a 6ft distance cannot be maintained, for example near parking areas or other areas of likely congestion. If you or a family member or player is sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.
#2> Willful violators of these player protection policies could be banned from the property for the day and could incur further action per the property owners policies &/or AYSO's policies.

A> All divisions will do free flowing substitutions; player must be off the field before the new player can go on. Coaches will be asked to only yell to call players and use the free flowing sub opportunities to provide distanced instruction when needed.
B> No throw-ins will be used, all will do kick-ins (indirect free kicks), opponent distance required would vary.
C> No handshakes, touching should be limited.
D> Face coverings required for everyone when not playing and 6ft cannot be maintained. 7/24 Note: Additional modifications are expected as we work to create situations where distance can be maintained during play (no offside, keeper zone, player lanes, defensive bubble, etc.).
E> Coaches required to use face coverings. Yelling should be kept only to substitutions and should only be done when all others are 10ft away.
F> Spectators must keep 6ft distance between family units. Face coverings are required for all persons within 24ft of the field, individuals unable to follow this, must be 24ft away from the field.
G> Spectators and non-team members, must be 18ft away from team areas and should never go near the team.
H> Home team should provide three clean and pumped game balls to the referee.
I> Referees & players are not required to wear coverings while in game. Referees, we will have electronic whistles available if desired. Again, waiting on state clarifications from the 7/24 changes
J> No food, snack, or eating allowed within 24ft of a soccer field.
K> Red field paint will be used to denote distances or boundaries, like the game area & team area (a 7ft red boundary will be added parallel to each touchline).
L> Home team will wear red or orange color (excludes 5U-7U).
M> Port-a-pots are sanitized before the start of the game day.
N> A parent, guardian, or person bringing the player to the activity must attest, before joining the activity, to a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell.
O> Coaches must record attendance and check off item N with the parent each day.
P> Each player must have a completed Program Payment/Waiver Form and Player Release Form. ! You will be sent a custom link for both later !
Q> 3 Up Rule: Teams that are down 3 points, should add a player (from their team or the other team), and then remove the player when they back to being down 2 points.
R> 5 Up Rule: Coaches will immediately shuffle multiple players to attain a better balance and allow all players to play at their desired playing level. Teams are expected to be off balance and a balance should be obtained between the two teams assigned to the activity time.
S> A team volunteer will record and submit an electronic Game Card after each game.

Training Session Modifications v6
#1> All persons within 24ft of AYSO activities must wear a mask, face shield, or face covering, when not actively participating in the sport. Outside of playing, face coverings are required if a 6ft distance cannot be maintained, for example near parking areas or other areas of likely congestion. If you or a family member or player is sick, DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.
#2> Willful violators of these player protection policies could be banned from the area and could incur further action per the property owners policies &/or AYSO's policies.

C> No handshakes, touching should be limited.
D> Face coverings required for everyone when not playing and 6ft cannot be maintained. 7/24 Note: Additional modifications are expected as we work to create situations where distance can be maintained during play (play corridors, give & go, building from the back, skill circles, etc.).
E> Coaches required to use face coverings. Yelling or whistling should be kept to a minimum and should only be done when all others are 10ft away.
F> Spectators must keep 6ft distance between family units. Face coverings are required for all persons within 24ft of the activity, individuals unable to follow this, must be 24ft away from the field.
G> Spectators and non-team members, must be 18ft away from team areas and should never go near the team.
J> No food, snack, or eating allowed within 24ft of an activity area.
N> A parent, guardian, or person bringing the player to the activity must attest, before joining the activity, to a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell.
O> Coaches must record attendance and check off item N with the parent each day.
P> Each player must have a completed Program Payment, Waiver, and Player Release Forms. ! You will be sent a custom link for both later !
T> No trainings should include throw-ins or heading.
U> Keeper trainings should be severely limited / rare and should only be done if hand sanitizer is available (remind players to not touch their face).

Face Coverings Note: We will follow the states guidance on face coverings, including its exceptions. On rainy days, hats or umbrellas are recommended to help keep coverings dry (referees, team managers, and coaches can get a hat from us).

Below are simplistic examples that attempt to demonstrate the proposed procedures...

A Game Day Story: Before leaving the house the player has no jewelry, wearing shin guards with covering black socks, wearing dark athletic shorts, wearing an athletic shirt (or team shirt for 5U-7U), wearing soccer cleats or athletic shoes, has water bottle, has team pinnie(s), and has face mask. When entering Adams Elementary School the family sees a masks required and distance reminder sign. Noticing that others are nearby, the family puts on their masks before exiting the car. As walking out to the field, the family sees a marked line about 24ft from the field that indicates masks are required to be on beyond that point. The parent looks for the team assistant coach near the field, going to the assistant coach, while keeping a distance, the assistant coach asks "NO illness in the family, NO fever, and NO other notable symptoms today?", you reply "none of the above". Your player goes to join the team with the head coach and you look for a space on the spectators side of the field for you and your non-playing child. You look to setup a chair that is 6ft distance from all others, behind the painted red line parallel to the field. You remember that you brought snacks for your youngest, so you look for a spectating space that is outside the 24ft.

A Practice Story: Before leaving the house the player has no jewelry, wearing shin guards with covering black socks, wearing dark athletic shorts, wearing an athletic shirt (or team shirt for 5U-7U), wearing soccer cleats or athletic shoes, has water bottle, has team pinnie(s), has a pumped soccer ball, and has face mask. The parent looks for the team assistant coach near the field. The family puts on their masks, going to the assistant coach, while keeping a distance, the assistant coach asks "NO illness in the family, NO fever, and NO other notable symptoms today?", you reply "none". You tell the assistant coach that your player will carpool home with Eric's family. Your player goes to join the team with the head coach and you look for a space that is 24ft away from the practice cones setup by the coach. Seeing that no others are nearby, you take off your mask and wait for practice to start. Once practice starts, you leave.

More to Come: We are working on guidance for each volunteer role, and continue to adjust plans as we can. Please feel free to reply with any questions. 7/24: OHA Gatherings, OHA Rec Sports, OHA Masks, & OHA Outdoor Rec Guide.

Thank You & I'll see you on the pitch,
Luke Cotton - Regional Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Players's Registration Checkup
Fri 7/24/2020 6:06 PM

Hi Parent,

Our fall season plan email will be sent Sunday, for now we want to confirm details recorded for Last, First. Please update any information online as soon as possible in Sports Connect: https://corvallisayso.org/login (Hit the edit/pencil icon next to the player to edit player or helper details. Hit the gear icon in the top to edit your user account details).

+ Your Primary User Account Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Name: Last, First
| Primary Email: XX (Gets Region [including mass & team specific emails] & Sports Connect [including mass, team, & event reminder emails])
| Alternate Email: (Gets all emails)
| Additional Account User Email: (Gets all emails)
| Primary User Cellphone: ## (Coach/Manager/Formation would call this number)
| User Alt Phone: ##

+ Player Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Program & Placement: 2020-2021 - Core Recreational - 09UB Unallocated -CR
| AYSO ID: ########
| Legal Name: Last, First
| Nickname:
| Year of Birth: ####
| Player Related Email: XX (Team Coach/Manager see this email in roster)
| School: Jefferson Elem
| Practice Zone 1: Corvallis Central (Circle Blvd-Washington Ave)
| Practice Zone 2: Corvallis North (Adair/Albany-Circle Blvd)
| Current Shirt Size: Youth Small 2020
| Registration Date: 5/22/2020 5:22:10 PM
| Special Request(s)? No matching requests based on legal name.
|!| Missing your placement request?

+ Details for Your Coach +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Emergency Contact: Last, First
| Emergency Contact Phone: ## (phone called if emergency at practice or game)
| Medical Note For Coach: No

+ Player Balance Help +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| School Grade: 1
| Years Playing Organized Athletics: 1
| Years Playing Soccer: 1
| Planning to Play Other Sports in Fall? No

+ Program Cost +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Amount to be Paid: $60
|!| We will contact you about payment (by card, check, or cash) later. It would be due on or before the first game day.
|!| Qualify for reduced lunch? Please edit the player registration to review the scholarship box.

+ Helper or Volunteer 1 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Legal Name: Last, First
| Email: XX
| Potential Job(s): Game Day Helper

+ Helper or Volunteer 2 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Legal Name: No, No
| Email: No
| Potential Job(s): No

+ Helper or Volunteer 3 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
| Legal Name: No, No
| Email: No
| Potential Job(s): No

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar

>> Unsubscribe from Region Emails? https://corvallisayso.org/form/unsubscribe <<


[CorvallisAYSO] Summer Camp Updates
Sun 6/21/2020 10:35 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

June Camp starts Monday 6/22 8:45am @ Ashbrook Independent School, & we need coach hosts see below! Summer Camps Signups are open for July(20-24) and August(10-14) (here).

Free Summer Camp: If you host a coach for the camp week, the half or full day summer camp is free. If you, or anyone you know would be interested in hosting (or has a spare guest room they do not mind lending to one of the coaches) then please email: uksoccerpacnw 4t gmail.com or call: 520-230-0939

:: FYI :: Fall Registration: Still open and still just $22.75 to save a spot for a player for fall (here). If you have a specific placement request (here). Any other questions (here) or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Host a Coach for a Summer Camp...
We are looking for host families for the camp week. Host families benefit by learning about the British way of life and its cultural differences, whilst enhancing their soccer education. The differences of our language and backgrounds, combined with the love of soccer, ensure a memorable stay and long lasting friendships for everyone. Each host family will receive 1 free full day scholarship to the camp for each coach they host.

What do you receive?
-- Camp scholarship! (free place on camp)
-- UK Goodies, including shirts & balls.
-- A very fun, educational and rewarding experience for your children!
Key Points:
-- UK coaches work in the mornings and some weekends.
-- There is no expectation to entertain the coaches - you'll find the coaches quite entertaining themselves!
-- They will have their own rental car transportation, therefore transportation is not required.
-- UK coaches are professionally qualified coaches, experienced in working with children and with multiple background checks.
-- Hosting lasts one week, and is during the week of Camp.
-- Suitable sleeping arrangements - coaches cannot share rooms with family members.
-- Some family meals if appropriate - you can set your own rules with regard to mealtimes.
-- Access to laundry and showering facilities.
-- Any house rules or routines that you wish the coach to adhere to.

For more information please visit: https://uksoccer.com/host-a-coach/

If you, or anyone you know would be interested in hosting (or has a spare guest room they do not mind lending to one of the coaches) then please contact Alex Hockborn (Assistant Regional Director) from UK International Soccer. You can also indicate interest during registration.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Acting Camp Coordinator


Sports Connect Service Fee
Tue 5/26/2020 1:09 AM

AYSO families,

Thank you to those that have already completed registration. Registration for fall is still open. The new Sports Connect Service Fee of $2.75 per transaction went active about a week ago. I recently saw two registration orders from the same user account that included the Service Fee with each order. Since the fee is per transaction, you should ideally sign up all of your players in the same order (but don't hold off while one of your players can't decide).

Please go to https://www.corvallisayso.org/ for Registration or send me an e-mail if you have questions.

Andy Ungerer
AYSO Region 149 Registrar
13UG Division Coordinator


[CorvallisAYSO] Summer Camps & Virtual Training
Sat 5/23/2020 10:51 PM

Dear Parents w/ Players Age 4-14,
Here are some updates about AYSO's Summer Camps and UK International's Virtual Academy.

Summer Camps

Learn More & Signup

  1. Camp 1: Jun 22 - Jun 26 (limited openings)
  2. Camp 2: Jul 20 - Jul 24
  3. Camp 3: Aug 10 - Aug 14
  • Session: 9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) $126
  • Session: 9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) $178

UK International Soccer have taken the following precautions to ensure our region's summer camps are running safely this summer. The following link provides an update on our plans for summer camps: https://uksoccer.com/summer-camps-2020-update/. In addition, please find attached a PDF, stating the extra precautions we are taking for the camps.

Virtual Skill Academies

Learn More & Signup

With spring soccer activities being canceled, we are delighted to be able to present you with a new alternative, brought to you by the fantastic coaches at UK International Soccer. Their new Virtual Soccer Academy sessions are starting next week, and will be running all throughout June. These sessions will provide an engaging and developmental soccer outlet for your players, with the key points of the Academy being as follows:

  • 3 x 35 minute sessions - Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Countless moves to master
  • Social interaction, with Coaches providing real-time feedback
  • 7-8 and 9-11 age-specific curriculums
  • Small groups - max 40 players
  • Only $20 per week

To learn more about the Virtual Soccer Programs and to Sign Up for the Soccer Academy, please visit https://virtual.uksoccer.com.

NOTE: After you signup, if you need soccer gear (cones & balls), contact me to get a bag of gear to checkout.

Best Regards,
Luke Cotton
Acting Camp Coordinator


P.S. - Fall Soccer: If you or a friend have not registered for fall already... Player registration for Fall 2020 is open through June, register players online in Sports Connect (here), see the player registration guide (here).


[CorvallisAYSO] Uniform Survey
Mon 5/18/2020 2:15 PM

Hello 9U+ Region Families,

Uniform Changes Survey:
We want your feedback as we work to lower costs, improve sustainability, & reduce waste....

Survey: https://corvallisayso.org/form/survey

For years we have been purchasing jerseys that are used about 14 times and discarded or recycled. In early March, the region board voted to move to a new approach. After some research, we found a few options that could save money and allow for reusability... reversibles.

Current Uniform Issues:
Each year a full uniform kit (jersey, shorts, socks) costs about $18 per potential player (if a max team size is 12, we pay $216 per team, even if we only get 10 players). Sometimes the jerseys are miss-sized or additional players are added, causing a number of higher price special orders. All in all, we actually end up paying an average of $20 per player per year. The price is one of many issues, others include short sizes not matching preference and players not using them, logistical issues for volunteers, and difficulties in timeliness of later orders.

Pros for the reversibles:

  1. Lower cost, if the pinnie option.
  2. Reusable from year to year, recyclable/returnable if moving on, and hand-me-down ready.
  3. Stronger material.
  4. Logistically easier to manage and would reduce waste.

Cons for the reversibles:

  1. Sizes won't be precise [pinnies likely oversized][jerseys would likely need to change each year as players grow].
  2. Heavier and often multiple layers required.
  3. Only comes with two colors, for everyone.
  4. Single color socks for all players.

Luke Cotton - AYSO 149 Region Commissioner

If you or a friend have not registered already...
Player registration for Fall 2020 is open through June, register players online in Sports Connect (here), see the player registration guide (here).


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Registration - Special Requests
Sat 5/16/2020 5:00 PM

Hello |User First Name| and family,

If you or a friend have not registered already...
Player registration for Fall 2020 is open through June, register players online in Sports Connect (here), see the player registration guide (here).

Player Special Requests:
The Special Request Form is (here). Types of requests include Team Friend/Buddy (requests to be placed with a specific player), Play Up a Division, Not Placed With (player or volunteer), & Medical / Play Down / Developmental / VIP Placement. Fill out two forms when needed, for example if you wish to play in a higher division with a friend, please fill out one form for each request.

We make every effort to fill requests, but sometimes we are not able to fulfill the request. Some of the common reasons are below...

  • Play Up: This is often allowed if a player evaluation is strong. Moving up from 11U to 13U needs to have strong indicators that the player can handle that jump. In other words, physical size and power differences warrant caution as 13U players are going through growth spurts.
  • VIP / Play Down: We only allow this in unique circumstances and look for supporting evaluation/recommendation that justifies the move.
  • Team Buddy: If we are able to balance the teams with these requests, we try to fit them in. We focus on requests from head coaches & center referees first, then try to fit in all others.

Playing Costs:
We are asking for the Membership Fee ($20 per player) up front. we would charge the program fees in August after team placement. You can unregister or drop in August and only be out the $20 2020-2021 membership per player.

Regular Core Player Costs
Membership Cost: $20 per player
Program fee added in August: $70 per player
Total Cost for 2020-2021 = $90 per player

Scholarship Core Player Costs
Membership Cost: $20 per player
Program fee added in August: $20 per player
Total Cost for 2020-2021 = $40 per player

NOTICE: the regular player total could be reduced by $10 or more, depending on program changes and player uniform savings. High School would be a lower fee amount. Currently, Sports Connect is not charging the transaction fee, but $2.75 could be an added fee per transaction.

Volunteer Registration / Interest:
To avoid unnecessary background check costs and before we know if your help is needed, we ask that you indicate interest on the player application, we will follow up in late July with volunteer registration directions.

Volunteers, unable to add their job interest to a player registration form, can fill out the volunteer interest form (here).

COVID-19 Potential Fall Modifications & FAQ:
What if games are not possible? Competitions are our primary engine, but competitions are not the only part of our pursuit of player development and the desire to enrich children's lives. If appropriate, we would adjust our entire fall program approach to focus on small group activities and match with the phase at the time. The program cost would be adjusted to match the new model.

Games: Modified soccer rules are likely. Players could be required to have or wear a face covering, depending on circumstances. Spectators might be restricted in number, only allowing a player to have one or two spectators per game. Game days could go beyond 3pm on Saturday, as we will look to spread out the numbers at the fields at one time.

Face covering for games? We will follow the guidance at the time. Multiple situations arise surrounding a game where the coverings would be appropriate, like while walking to the field, on the sideline, and, if appropriate, while playing.

Practices: Training sessions could include a requirement to have and wear a face covering. Allowed training exercises might be restricted and activities might be dictated by best practices at the time.

Referees: Might be required to have and wear face coverings, and referees might need to utilize electronic whistles (we would provide the whistle for the field and the cleaning supplies to be used between uses). Volunteer training will likely be split up to use online, GoToMeeting, & on field training.

Coaches: Might be required to have and wear face coverings, especially when a distance cannot be maintained. Coaches or team managers might be requested to wash pinnies or keeper equipment after practices or games. Volunteer training will likely be split up to use online, GoToMeeting, & on field training.

Formation: We will favor placement by schools & zones, this will lead to balance issues, but will help with keeping peers together for training sessions. If a school or an area has a specific restriction, only that team might be impacted.

Uniform: In a move to meet sustainability goals and reduce player costs, we are looking at uniform options that are simpler, and reusable. You will be informed about any reductions in program costs or changes to uniforms in August.

Luke Cotton
AYSO Region 149 Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Player Registration Open
Wed 5/6/2020 4:17 AM

Hello |User First Name| and family,

Player registration for Fall 2020 core recreational is now open, register players online in Sports Connect (here), see the registration guide (here). Learn more about our core divisions (here).

Open Core Player Registration - Fall 2020 (includes Spring 2021)

School year 2020-2021 we are doing a different way of registering (here). Asking for just the Membership Fee ($20 per player) up front then charging the final fees in August after team placement and requiring them before you play a game. You can drop in August and potentially only be out the $20 per player (refunds from the national organization are possible if we cancel the fall season).

Regular Core Player Costs
Cost Today: $20 per player (+ possible Sports Connect per transaction fee of $2.75)
Fee added in August: $70* per player
Total Cost for 2020-2021 = $90* per player
*This amount could be reduced by $10 or more, depending on equipment returns and player uniform savings. High School would be a lower fee amount (details).

Scholarship Core Player Costs
Cost Today: $20 per player (+ possible Sports Connect per transaction fee of $2.75)
Fee added in August: $20 per player
Total Cost for 2020-2021 = $40 per player

Volunteers: Indicate interest on the player application, we will follow up in late July with volunteer registration directions. Volunteers, unable to add their job interest to a player registration form, can fill out the volunteer interest form (here).

COVID-19: Possible Fall 2020 Core Program Modifications

Games: Modified soccer rules and restrictions to game customs are possible. Players could be required to wear a face covering while playing. Spectators might be restricted in number, only allowing a player to have one or two spectators per game. Game days could go beyond 3pm on Saturday, as we will look to spread out the numbers in the parking areas at a time.

Practices: Training sessions could include a requirement to have and wear a face covering. Allowed training exercises might be restricted and reducing exercises where players' pickup soccer balls is highly likely.

Referees: Might be required to have and wear face coverings, and referees might need to utilize electronic whistles (we would provide the whistle for the field and the cleaning supplies to be used between uses). Volunteer training will likely be split up to use online, GoToMeeting, & on field training.

Coaches: Might be required to have and wear face coverings, especially when a distance cannot be maintained. Coaches or team managers might be requested to wash pinnies or keeper equipment after practices or games. Volunteer training will likely be split up to use online, GoToMeeting, & on field training.

Team Formation: We will favor placement by schools & zones, this might lead to balance issues, but will keep players with school peers for training sessions. If a school or an area has a specific restriction, only that team might be impacted.

Player Uniform: In a move to meet sustainability goals and reduce player costs, we are looking at uniform options that are simpler, and reusable. The leading uniform plan is to move to heavy reversible pinnies /w numbers, providing socks, and not providing shorts. When you are charged in August for the program fee, you would be informed about the new uniform plan and the lowered program price. I would love feedback on this plan, and I can send you more details as we continue to discuss options.

An additional idea to lower costs further, is to have the pinnies returned at the end of the season, allowing us to spread the cost over a few years. If we have pinnies checked out, this could reduce the fee this year and next year by about $10 per regular player.

Luke Cotton
AYSO Region 149 Commissioner

P.S. Currently Sports Connect is not charging the transaction fee, but the $2.75 could be an added in the future. We would not use Sports Connect for the program fee in August, unfortunately we need to use it for the membership fee.
